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ODONTOPHORIDAE - Stone Partridge and New World Quails1 (10:33)
PTILOPACHUS Swainson, 1837 M - Ptilopachus erythrorhynchus Swainson, 1837; type by monotypy = Tetrao petrosus J.F. Gmelin, 1789  2
Ptilopachus petrosus Stone Partridge
petrosus (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)3 vC Mauritania to Guinea, east to Cameroon
brehmi Neumann, 19084 iLake Chad to W and S Sudan
major Neumann, 1908 vW Eritrea, N Ethiopia
florentiae Ogilvie-Grant, 19005 iSouth Sudan and S Ethiopia to NE DR Congo, N Uganda and C Kenya
Ptilopachus nahani 6  (A.J.C. Dubois, 1905) Nahan's Francolin
NE DR Congo, W Uganda
DENDRORTYX Gould, 1844 M - Ortyx macroura Jardine & Selby, 1828; type by monotypy  
Dendrortyx barbatus   Gould, 1846 Bearded Wood Partridge
vMountains of EC Mexico (NE Querétaro, Hidalgo, W Veracruz and N Oaxaca)
Dendrortyx macroura Long-tailed Wood Partridge
diversus Friedmann, 1943 vWC Mexico (NW Jalisco) [Friedmann, 1943 #1602]
striatus Nelson, 18977 vWC Mexico (S Jalisco to Guerrero)
griseipectus Nelson, 1897 iC Mexico (Distrito Federal, México and Morelos)
inesperatus A.R. Phillips, 19668 vS Mexico (Chilpancingo in C Guerrero and Sierra de Miahuatlán in S Oaxaca) [Phillips, 1966 #3064]
macroura (Jardine & Selby, 1828) iEC Mexico (México and Veracruz)
oaxacae Nelson, 1897 iS Mexico (C Oaxaca)
Dendrortyx leucophrys Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge
leucophrys (Gould, 1844)9 iS Mexico (SE Chiapas) to W Nicaragua
hypospodius Salvin, 1896 vCosta Rica
OREORTYX S.F. Baird, 1858 M - Ortyx picta Douglas, 1829; type by monotypy  
Oreortyx pictus Mountain Quail
pictus (Douglas, 1829)10 vMountains of W USA (Coast Ranges from Washington to C California)
plumifer (Gould, 1837)11,12 vMountains of W USA (interior ranges from S Washington to W Nevada and S California)
russelli A.H. Miller, 1946 iS California (Little San Bernardino Mts.) [Miller, 1946 #2683]
confinis Anthony, 1889 vNW Mexico (Sierra de Juárez and Sierra de San Pedro Martir in N Baja California)
CALLIPEPLA Wagler, 1832 F - Callipepla strenua Wagler, 1832; type by monotypy = Ortyx squamatus Vigors, 1830  13
Callipepla squamata14 Scaled Quail
hargravei Rea, 1973 iWC USA (SE Colorado, SW Kansas, N New Mexico, W Oklahoma and NW Texas) [Rea, 1973 #3226]
pallida Brewster, 1881 vSW USA (S Arizona to W Texas) to NW Mexico (N Chihuahua and N Sonora)
castanogastris Brewster, 1883 vS USA (S Texas) to NE Mexico (E Coahuila)
squamata (Vigors, 1830) vN Mexico (N Sonora and N Tamaulipas south to valley of México)
Callipepla douglasii15 Elegant Quail
bensoni Ridgway, 188716 iNW Mexico (Sonora and W Chihuahua)
douglasii (Vigors, 1829) iW Mexico (S Sonora to N Nayarit)
impedita (Friedmann, 1943) vW Mexico (C and S Nayarit) [Friedmann, 1943 #1603]
teres (Friedmann, 1943) iW Mexico (NW Jalisco) [Friedmann, 1943 #1603]
vanderbilti (J. Bond & Meyer de Schauensee, 1944)17 Islas Marías (off W Mexico) [Bond, 1944 #13988]
Callipepla californica18 California Quail
brunnescens (Ridgway, 1884) iW USA (SW Oregon along coastal plain to C California)
californica (Shaw, 1798)19 vW USA (S Oregon through California) to NW Mexico (N Baja California)20
canfieldae (van Rossem, 1939) iW USA (Owens valley in EC California) [van Rossem, 1939 #3931]
catalinensis (G.B. Grinnell, 1906) vSanta Catalina I. (off S California)
decolorata (van Rossem, 1946)21 vNW Mexico (C Baja California) [van Rossem, 1946 #3936]
achrustera (J.L. Peters, 1923) vNW Mexico (S Baja California)
Callipepla gambelii Gambel's Quail
gambelii (Gambel, 1843)22 iSW USA (S Nevada, Utah and W Colorado south to Arizona) and NW Mexico (NE Baja California)23
ignoscens (Friedmann, 1943)24 iSW USA (S New Mexico, W Texas) [Friedmann, 1943 #1603]
fulvipectus Nelson, 189925 iNW Mexico (NC Sonora to NW Sinaloa)
stephensi (A.R. Phillips, 1959)26 iNW Mexico (S Sonora) [Phillips, 1959 #3060]
pembertoni (van Rossem, 1932)27 iNW Mexico (Isla Tiburón in Golfo de California)
PHILORTYX Gould, 1846 M - Ortyx fasciatus Gould, 1844; type by monotypy  
Philortyx fasciatus 28  (Gould, 1844) Banded Quail
vSW Mexico (S Jalisco and Colima to SW Puebla and C Guerrero)
COLINUS Goldfuss, 1820 M - Caille de la Louisiane; type by monotypy = Tetrao virginianus Linnaeus, 1758  
Colinus virginianus29,30 Northern Bobwhite
1 marilandicus (Linnaeus, 1758)31 vNE USA (S Maine to C Pennsylvania and C Virginia) [Linnaeus, 1758 #4355]
1 virginianus (Linnaeus, 1758) vE USA (S Virginia to N Florida and SE Alabama)32
1 mexicanus (Linnaeus, 1766)33 vExtreme SC Canada (SE Ontario), C USA (E South Dakota to W New York, south to E Texas, Alabama and W South Carolina) [Linnaeus, 1758 #4355]
1 floridanus (Coues, 1872)34 vSE USA (Florida Pen.)
1 taylori Lincoln, 191535 iC USA (C South Dakota to SW Missouri and N Texas)
1 texanus (Lawrence, 1853) vS USA (S Texas) and NE Mexico (Coahuila to C Tamaulipas)
1 aridus Aldrich, 1942 vNC Mexico (WC Tamaulipas to SE San Luis Potosí) [Aldrich, 1942 #39]
1 maculatus Nelson, 1899 vC Mexico (C Tamaulipas to N Veracruz, San Luis Potosí)
2 pectoralis (Gould, 1843) vE Mexico (E slope of mountains in C Veracruz)
2 godmani Nelson, 1897 iE Mexico (lowlands of S Veracruz)
2 minor Nelson, 1901 vS Mexico (NE Chiapas and SE Tabasco)
2 atriceps (Ogilvie-Grant, 1893) iS Mexico (interior W Oaxaca)
2 thayeri Bangs & J.L. Peters, 1928 iS Mexico (NE Oaxaca)
2 cubanensis (G.R. Gray, 1846) vCuba and Isla de la Juventud
3 graysoni (Lawrence, 1867) iWC Mexico (SE Nayarit east to SC San Luis Potosí then south to Hidalgo)
3 nigripectus Nelson, 1897 iSC Mexico (Puebla, Morelos and México)
4 ridgwayi Brewster, 1885 iNW Mexico (NC Sonora)
4 harrisoni Orr & Webster, 1968 iS Mexico (SW Oaxaca) [Orr, 1968 #2876]
4 coyoleos (Statius Muller, 1776)36 δiS Mexico (coastal E Oaxaca and W Chiapas)
4 salvini Nelson, 1897 iS Mexico (coastal S Chiapas)
4 insignis Nelson, 1897 vS Mexico (SE Chiapas) and adjacent W Guatemala
4 nelsoni Brodkorb, 1942 S Mexico (extreme S Chiapas) [Brodkorb, 1942 #495]
Colinus nigrogularis Black-throated Bobwhite
persiccus Van Tyne & Trautman, 1941 vSE Mexico (Progreso area of N Yucatán) [Van Tyne, 1941 #3948]
caboti Van Tyne & Trautman, 1941 iSE Mexico (N Campeche, Yucatán and N Quintana Roo) [Van Tyne, 1941 #3948]
nigrogularis (Gould, 1843)37 vBelize and N Guatemala; E Honduras and NE Nicaragua
Colinus cristatus38 Crested Bobwhite
1 incanus Friedmann, 1944 vS Guatemala [Friedmann, 1944 #1605]
1 hypoleucus (Gould, 1860) vW El Salvador and adjacent SE Guatemala
1 leucopogon (Lesson, 1842) SE El Salvador and W Honduras
1 leylandi (T.J. Moore, 1859) NW Honduras
1 sclateri (Bonaparte, 1856) C and SW Honduras, NW Nicaragua [Bonaparte, 1856 #417]
1 dickeyi Conover, 1932 NW and C Costa Rica
2 mariae Wetmore, 1962 iSW Costa Rica (Golfo Dulce region) and W Panama (Chiriquí) [Wetmore, 1962 #4144]
2 panamensis Dickey & van Rossem, 1930 vC Panama (Coclé and Veraguas)
2 decoratus (Todd, 1917) vN Colombia (N Córdoba to N Magdalena)
2 littoralis (Todd, 1917) vN Colombia (N foothills of Santa Marta Mts.)
2 cristatus (Linnaeus, 1758)39,40 vN Colombia (E foothills of Santa Marta Mts.) east to coastal NW Venezuela, Aruba and Curaçao
2 leucotis (Gould, 1844) vNC Colombia (Magdalena and Sinú valleys)
2 badius Conover, 1938 vW Colombia (Cauca valley to Pacific slope of W Andes) [Conover, 1938 #1041]
2 bogotensis Dugand, 1943 vE Andes of Colombia (Boyacá and Cundinamarca) [Dugand, 1943 #1434]
2 parvicristatus (Gould, 1843)41 vEC Colombia (Meta) east to SC Venezuela (Apure, NW Amazonas, Bolívar) [Gould, 1843 #1744]
2 horvathi (von Madarász, 1904) iAndes of NW Venezuela (Mérida)
2 barnesi Gilliard, 1940 iWC Venezuela (Portuguesa and Barinas) [Gilliard, 1940 #1702]
2 sonnini (Temminck, 1815) iNC Venezuela (Carabobo south-east through Orinoco basin), the Guianas and extreme N Brazil (NE Roraima)
2 mocquerysi (E. Hartert, 1894) iNE Venezuela (Sucre, N Monagas, N Anzoátegui and Isla de Margarita)
ODONTOPHORUS Vieillot, 1816 M - Tocro Buffon; type by monotypy = Tetrao gujanensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789  42
Odontophorus gujanensis Marbled Wood Quail
castigatus Bangs, 1901 vSW Costa Rica and W Panama (W Chiriquí)
marmoratus (Gould, 1843) vE Panama, N Colombia, NW Venezuela
medius Chapman, 1929 vS Venezuela (W Bolívar, Amazonas) and extreme NW Brazil (NW Amazonas)
gujanensis (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vSE Venezuela (E Bolívar), the Guianas and Amazonian Brazil (east of R. Negro and R. Madeira south to Rondônia and N Mato Grosso)
buckleyi C. Chubb, 1919 iW Amazonia from S Colombia to N Peru (to R. Marañón)
rufogularis Blake, 1959 vNE Peru (upper R. Yavari in NE Loreto) [Blake, 1959 #318]
pachyrhynchus von Tschudi, 1844 vE Peru (Junín and Ayacucho)
simonsi C. Chubb, 1919 iE Bolivia (La Paz, Beni, Santa Cruz)
Odontophorus capueira Spot-winged Wood Quail
plumbeicollis Cory, 191543 vNE Brazil (Ceará, Pernambuco)
capueira (von Spix, 1825) E Brazil (Bahia to SE Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul), E Paraguay, NE Argentina (Misiones)
Odontophorus melanotis44 Black-eared Wood Quail
verecundus J.L. Peters, 1929 vCaribbean slope of Honduras
melanotis Salvin, 186545 vSE Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama
Odontophorus erythrops46 Rufous-fronted Wood Quail
parambae Rothschild, 189747 iPacific slope of W Colombia and NW Ecuador (south to Guayas); NC Colombia (Magdalena valley from S Bolívar to N Caldas)
erythrops Gould, 185948 iSW Ecuador (W Chimborazo to W Loja)
Odontophorus atrifrons Black-fronted Wood Quail
atrifrons J.A. Allen, 1900 iSanta Marta Mts. (N Colombia)
navai Aveledo & A.R. Pons, 1952 iSierra de Perijá (Colombian-Venezuelan border) [Aveledo, 1952 #114]
variegatus Todd, 1919 vE Andes in NE Colombia (Norte de Santander, E Santander)
Odontophorus hyperythrus   Gould, 1857 Chestnut Wood Quailα
vC and W Andes in Colombia
Odontophorus melanonotus   Gould, 1861 Dark-backed Wood Quailα
vW Andes in SW Colombia (Nariño) and NW Ecuador (south to Cotopaxi)
Odontophorus speciosus49 Rufous-breasted Wood Quail
soderstromii Lönnberg & Rendahl, 192250 iE Ecuador
speciosus von Tschudi, 1843 vN and C Peru (Amazonas to Ayacucho)
loricatus Todd, 1932 vS Peru (Cuzco) to C Bolivia (Santa Cruz)
Odontophorus dialeucos   Wetmore, 1963 Tacarcuna Wood Quail
iSerranía del Darién (Cerro Tacarcuna and Cerro Malí) on Panama-Colombia border [Wetmore, 1963 #4146]
Odontophorus strophium 51  (Gould, 1844) Gorgeted Wood Quail
iW slope of E Andes in C Colombia (Santander to Cundinamarca)
Odontophorus columbianus   Gould, 1850 Venezuelan Wood Quail
vAndes of W Venezuela (SW Táchira); Coastal Range of Venezuela (Carabobo to Miranda)
Odontophorus leucolaemus   Salvin, 1867 Black-breasted Wood Quail
vMountains of Costa Rica to W Panama
Odontophorus balliviani   Gould, 1846 Stripe-faced Wood Quail
iE slope of Andes from S Peru (Cuzco) to C Bolivia (Cochabamba)
Odontophorus stellatus   (Gould, 1843) Starred Wood Quail
vW Amazonia (S Ecuador to N Bolivia)
Odontophorus guttatus 52  (Gould, 1838) Spotted Wood Quail
vMountains from S Mexico (Puebla) to W Panama (Chiriquí)
DACTYLORTYX Ogilvie-Grant, 1893 M - Ortyx thoracicus Gambel, 1848; type by monotypy  
Dactylortyx thoracicus Singing Quail
devius Nelson, 1898 vWC Mexico (Jalisco)
pettingilli Warner & Harrell, 1957 iNE Mexico (SE San Luis Potosí and SW Tamaulipas) [Warner, 1957 #4087]
thoracicus (Gambel, 1848)53 vEC Mexico (NE Puebla and C Veracruz)
melodus Warner & Harrell, 1957 vSC Mexico (C Guerrero) [Warner, 1957 #4087]
chiapensis Nelson, 189854 vS Mexico (SE Oaxaca to C Chiapas)
sharpei Nelson, 1903 iSE Mexico (Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo) and N Guatemala (Petén)
paynteri Warner & Harrell, 1955 iSE Mexico (SC Quintana Roo) [Warner, 1955 #4086]
dolichonyx Warner & Harrell, 195755 iS Mexico (Sierra Madre in Chiapas) and W Guatemala [Warner, 1957 #4087]
salvadoranus Dickey & van Rossem, 192856 vEl Salvador (Volcán San Miguel and Cerro Cacaguatique)
fuscus Conover, 193757 vC Honduras (highlands of Francisco Morazán) [Conover, 1937 #1039]
conoveri Warner & Harrell, 1957 iEC Honduras (Sierra de Agalta) [Warner, 1957 #4087]
CYRTONYX Gould, 1844 M - Ortyx massena Lesson, 1835; type by monotypy = Ortyx montezumae Vigors, 1830  
Cyrtonyx montezumae58 Montezuma Quail
1 mearnsi Nelson, 1900 iSW USA (WC Texas, C New Mexico, C Arizona) and NW Mexico (Sonora, Chihuahua, N Coahuila)
1 montezumae (Vigors, 1830)59 iNE and C Mexico (Tamaulipas to Puebla)
2 sallei J. Verreaux, 185960 iSW Mexico (S Michoacán, Guerrero and W Oaxaca)
2 rowleyi A.R. Phillips, 196661 iS Mexico (Sierra de Miahuatlán in SC Oaxaca) [Phillips, 1966 #3064]
Cyrtonyx ocellatus 62  (Gould, 1837) Ocellated Quail
vS Mexico (E Oaxaca) to N Nicaragua
RHYNCHORTYX Ogilvie-Grant, 1893 M - Odontophorus cinctus Salvin, 1876; type by monotypy  
Rhynchortyx cinctus Tawny-faced Quail
pudibundus J.L. Peters, 1929 vNE Honduras to E Nicaragua
cinctus (Salvin, 1876)63 vCosta Rica to Panama
australis Chapman, 1915 vW Colombia to NW Ecuador (Esmeraldas)

1 For treatment as separate from Phasianidae, see Holman (1964) [Holman, 1964 #13737], Sibley & Ahlquist (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Cox et al. (2007) [Cox, 2007 #10598].
2 Crowe et al. (2006) [Crowe, 2006 #9517] and Kimball et al. (2011) [Kimball, 2011 #12785] considered this close to the Odontophoridae; for further evidence see Cohen et al. (2012) [Cohen, 2012 #14060].
3 Includes saturatior; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
4 Includes butleri; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
5 Includes emini; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
6 The genus name Acentrortyx is available for this as a monotypic genus if should this prove to be needed.
7 Includes dilutus; see Friedmann et al. (1950) [Friedmann, 1950 #10178].
8 For recognition see Binford (1989) [Binford, 1989 #303].
9 Includes nicaraguae; see Monroe (1968) [Monroe, 1968 #2706].
10 Browning (1977) [Browning, 1977 #535] showed that pictus applies to the dark coastal populations, which were named palmeri in Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007], which is thus treated as a subjective synonym.
11 As pictus applies to coastal populations, pale interior populations, named pictus in Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007], take this, the next available name; see Browning (1977) [Browning, 1977 #535].
12 Includes eremophilus, which is widely recognised, but see Ridgway & Friedmann (1946) [Ridgway, 1946 #13733] and Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
13 Includes Lophortyx; see Johnsgard (1973) [Johnsgard, 1973 #13734].
14 Subspecies recognition follows Rea (1973) [Rea, 1973 #3226].
15 Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007] listed leucoprosopon, aviary birds, as probable hybrids (with C. gambelii).
16 Includes languens Friedmann, 1943 [Friedmann, 1943 #1603], evidently still known only from type locality; see Carroll (1994) [Carroll, 1994 #669].
17 Overlooked or omitted by all recent classifications. Stager (1957) [Stager, 1957 #13901] assumed that the population there was introduced and was unaware of the description of this subspecies, which took into account the possibility of introduction.
18 Forms a superspecies with C. gambelii; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566]. Extent of hybridization between them (Gee 2003, 2004) [Gee, 2003 #1694] [Gee, 2004 #13633] suggests conspecific treatment may be warranted.
19 Includes plumbea; see Calkins et al. (1999) [Calkins, 1999 #12938]. Includes orecta; see Miller (1941) [Miller, 1941 #13735] and Calkins et al. (1999) [Calkins, 1999 #12938].
20 Introduced to Corsica, Australia (islands in Bass Strait), Norfolk I., New Zealand, Chatham Is., Hawaiian Islands, SW Canada (Vancouver I. and S British Columbia), W USA (Washington, W and S Idaho, N Nevada, Utah), Chile and W Argentina (Neuquén, Mendoza, San Juan).
21 Perhaps undiagnosable; see Calkins et al. (1999) [Calkins, 1999 #12938].
22 Includes sana and pembertoni; see Phillips (1959) [Phillips, 1959 #3060].
23 Introduced to Hawaiian Is. (Hawaii, Lanai).
24 For recognition see Brown et al. (1998) [Brown, 1998 #12923].
25 Includes friedmanni R.T. Moore, 1947 [Moore, 1947 #2717]; see Pitelka (1948) [Pitelka, 1948 #13736] and Phillips (1959) [Phillips, 1959 #3060], but see also Hardy & Webber (1975) [Hardy, 1975 #14275].
26 For recognition see Brown et al. (1998) [Brown, 1998 #12923].
27 Doubtfully diagnosable from nominate subspecies, see Phillips (1959) [Philips, 1958 #3060].
28 Not 1843, as sometimes given; see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
29 Forms a superspecies with C. nigrogularis; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566].
30 Subspecies classification and groups follow Brennan (1999) [Brennan, 1999 #12921] except as noted in footnotes. The taxon castaneus Gould, 1843, is known only from the type specimen from an unknown locality (Hellmayr & Conover 1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946], Friedmann et al. (1950) [Friedmann, 1950 #10178]; it may represent an erythristic individual (Aldrich 1946) [Aldrich, 1946 #1383] and is not included here.
31 For recognition see Aldrich (1946) [Aldrich, 1946 #13836] but see also Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
32 Introduced to NW Italy, NW USA (SE Washington, E Oregon, W Idaho), Bahamas and Hispaniola.
33 For recognition see Aldrich (1946) [Aldrich, 1946 #13836] but see also Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
34 Includes † insulanus; see Aldrich (1946) [Aldrich, 1946 #13836].
35 Not considered diagnosable by Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
36 Correct original spelling. No internal evidence permitting emendation.
37 Includes coffini and segoviensis; see Van Tyne & Trautman (1941) [Van Tyne, 1941 #3948].
38 The subspecies incanus through dickeyi are treated as a separate species, C. leucopogon by Blake (1977) [Blake, 1977 #326], Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], and Carroll (1994) [Carroll, 1994 #669].
39 Includes continentis; see Carroll (1994) [Carroll, 1994 #669].
40 Here corrected from 1766; based on Tetrao cristatus not Meleagris cristatus; see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
41 For recognition see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
42 Species limits in genus controversial; see Carroll (1994) [Carroll, 1994 #669].
43 May not be diagnosable see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946], Carroll (1994) [Carroll, 1994 #669].
44 Formerly treated as conspecific with O. erythrops but see A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9].
45 Includes coloratus; see Wetmore (1965) [Wetmore, 1965 #4149].
46 Forms a superspecies with O. melanotis; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
47 Treated as a separate species by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007] but see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
48 Includes canescens; see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
49 Forms a superspecies with O. hyperythrus and O. melanonotus; see Blake (1977) [Blake, 1977 #326] and Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
50 The emendation to oe (i.e. soederstromi) that has been suggested, based on the ö in the name Söderström, should not be applied to a Swedish name; see Art. (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059].
51 Forms a superspecies with O. dialeucos; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
52 Thought to include matudae Brodkorb, 1939 [Brodkorb, 1939 #492], but see Storer (1988) [Storer, 1988 #3750].
53 Includes lineolatus; see Banks (1987) [Banks, 1987 #193].
54 Includes 3 names proposed by Warner & Harrell (1957) [Warner, 1957 #4087]: ginetensis, edwardsi and moorei; see Banks (1987) [Banks, 1987 #193].
55 Includes calophonus Warner & Harrell, 1957 [Warner, 1957 #4087]; see Banks (1987) [Banks, 1987 #193].
56 Includes taylori; see Banks (1987) [Banks, 1987 #193].
57 Includes rufescens Warner & Harrell, 1957 [Warner, 1957 #4087]; see Banks (1987) [Banks, 1987 #193].
58 Forms a superspecies with C. ocellatus; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566]. Subspecies groups follow Stromberg (2000) [Stromberg, 2000 #13159]; for treatment of the two groups as conspecific, see Ridgway & Friedmann (1946) [Ridgway, 1946 #13733] and Leopold & McCabe (1957) [Leopold, 1957 #13738].
59 Includes meleagris; see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946]. Includes morio van Rossem, 1942 [van Rossem, 1942 #3935]; see Ridgway & Friedmann (1946) [Ridgway, 1946 #13733].
60 Includes merriami; see Leopold & McCabe (1957) [Leopold, 1957 #13738].
61 For recognition see Binford (1989) [Binford, 1989 #303].
62 Includes differens; see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
63 Includes hypopius; see Wetmore (1965) [Wetmore, 1965 #4149].