Dysithamnus mentalis Plain Antvireo
septentrionalis Ridgway, 1908 vCaribbean slope from SE Mexico (S Campeche, E Tabasco, NE Chiapas) to N Honduras; foothills of Costa Rica to C Panama (W Panamá)
suffusus Nelson, 1912 vFoothills of EC Panama (C Panamá) to NW Colombia (N Chocó, NW Antioquia)
extremus Todd, 1916 vW Andes and W slope of C Andes of Colombia
aequatorialis Todd, 1916 vLowlands and foothills of NW Ecuador (W Esmeraldas, Pichincha) to NW Peru (Tumbes)
viridis Aveledo & A.R. Pons, 1952 vSierra de Perijá; Andes of W Venezuela and north end of E Andes of Colombia (south to N Santander) [Aveledo, 1952 #114]
cumbreanus Hellmayr & von Seilern, 1915 vMountains of N Venezuela (Falcón and Lara to N Sucre)
oberi Ridgway, 1908 iTobago
andrei Hellmayr, 1906 iNE Venezuela (S Sucre to NE Bolívar) and Trinidad; ? W and S Guyana
ptaritepui J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1946 iTepuis of SE Venezuela (Sororopán Tepui and Cerro Ptaritepui in SE Bolívar)
spodionotus Salvin & Godman, 1883 vTepuis of S Venezuela (S Bolívar, Amazonas) and N Brazil (N Roraima)
semicinereus P.L. Sclater, 1855 vE slope of W Andes and E Andes (S Santander to W Caquetá) of Colombia
napensis Chapman, 192584 vE slope of Andes from SW Colombia (W Putumayo) to N Peru (N Amazonas) tambillanus Taczanowski, 1884 vE slope of Andes in N and C Peru (S Amazonas to Huánuco)
olivaceus (von Tschudi, 1844) vE slope of Andes in C Peru (Pasco to Cuzco and W Madre de Dios)
tavarae J.T. Zimmer, 1932 iE slope of Andes of SE Peru (S Madre de Dios) to C Bolivia (W Santa Cruz)
emiliae Hellmayr, 1912 iNE Brazil (NE Pará to Rio Grande do Norte, south to N Tocantins and Alagoas)
affinis von Pelzeln, 186885 αvNE Bolivia (NE Santa Cruz) and C Brazil (S Mato Grosso, N Mato Grosso do Sul, S Tocantins and N Goiás) mentalis (Temminck, 1823) vE Brazil (E Bahia and S Minas Gerais to SE Mato Grosso do Sul and N Rio Grande do Sul), E Paraguay and NE Argentina (Misiones)