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CLIMACTERIDAE - Australian Treecreepers1 (2:7) CORMOBATES Mathews, 1922 F - Certhia leucophaea Latham, 1801; type by original designation 2 Cormobates leucophaea3 White-throated Treecreeper/White-throated Barkcreeper minor (E.P. Ramsay, 1891) vNE Queensland
intermedia (Boles & Longmore, 1984)4 αvEC Queensland [Boles, 1984 #402] metastasis Schodde, 1989 iSE Queensland, NE New South Wales [Schodde, 1989 #3517]
leucophaea (Latham, 1801)5 αvSE Australia grisescens (Mathews, 1912) iSC South Australia (Mount Lofty Range)
Cormobates placens Papuan Treecreeper/Papuan Barkcreeper
placens (P.L. Sclater, 1874) iMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
steini (Mayr, 1936) iMontane WC to EC New Guinea (central cordillera from Kobowre Mts. to Tari)
inexpectata (Rand, 1940)6 vMontane WC New Guinea (N slopes of Maoke Mts.) meridionalis (E. Hartert, 1907) vMontane SE New Guinea
CLIMACTERIS Temminck, 1820 M - Climacteris picumnus Temminck, 1824; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 18). 7 Climacteris erythrops 8,9 Gould, 1841 Red-browed Treecreeper/Red-browed Barkcreeper iSE Queensland, E New South Wales, E Victoria
Climacteris affinis White-browed Treecreeper/White-browed Barkcreeper
superciliosus North, 189510 vWC Australia affinis Blyth, 186311 αvEC Australia Climacteris rufus Gould, 1841 Rufous Treecreeper/Rufous Barkcreeperδ
vSW to SC Australia (east to Eyre Pen.)
Climacteris picumnus12 Brown Treecreeper/Brown Barkcreeper melanotus Gould, 1847 vNE Australia (Cape York Pen.)
picumnus Temminck, 182413 iNE to inland E Australia victoriae Mathews, 191214 iSE Queensland, E New South Wales to E and S Victoria Climacteris melanurus Black-tailed Treecreeper/Black-tailed Barkcreeper
melanurus Gould, 1843 vNW to NC Australia
wellsi Ogilvie-Grant, 1909 iWC Australia (Pilbara region)