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MALURIDAE - Fairywrens and Grasswrens1 (6:32)
SIPODOTUS Mathews, 1928 M - Todopsis wallacii G.R. Gray, 1862; type by original designation   2
Sipodotus wallacii Wallace's Fairywren
wallacii (G.R. Gray, 1862) iMisool, Yapen I., lowland NW, N and NE New Guinea
coronatus (Gould, 1878)3 vAru Is., lowland SW, SC and SE New Guinea, D'Entrecasteaux Arch. (Goodenough I.)
CLYTOMYIAS Sharpe, 1879 M - Clytomyias insignis Sharpe, 1879; type by original designation   4
Clytomyias insignis Orange-crowned Fairywren
insignis Sharpe, 1879 vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
oorti Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1907 iMontane WC, EC, NE and SE New Guinea
CHENORHAMPHUS Oustalet, 1878 M - Chenorhamphus cyanopectus Oustalet, 1878; type by monotypy = Todopsis grayi Wallace, 18625
Chenorhamphus grayi 6  (Wallace, 1862) Broad-billed Fairywren
Salawati, Rumberpon I., lowland to lower montane NW and N New Guinea (east to North Coast Ranges)
Chenorhamphus campbelli 7,8  (Schodde, 1982) Campbell's Fairywren
Montane SC New Guinea (Mt. Bosavi)
MALURUS Vieillot, 1816 M - Motacilla cyanea Ellis, 1782; type by monotypy   9
Malurus cyanocephalus Emperor Fairywren
mysorensis (A.B. Meyer, 1874) vBiak I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
cyanocephalus (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) vSalawati, lowland NW and N New Guinea (Vogelkop to Astrolabe Bay), Yapen I.
bonapartii (G.R. Gray, 1859) iLowland SW, SC and SE New Guinea (neck of Vogelkop to Cloudy Bay), Aru Is.
Malurus coronatus Purple-crowned Fairywren
coronatus Gould, 1858 vNE Western Australia (Kimberley Division), NW Northern Territory
macgillivrayi Mathews, 1913 iNE Northern Territory, NW Queensland
Malurus elegans   Gould, 1837 Red-winged Fairywren
iSW Western Australia
Malurus pulcherrimus   Gould, 1844 Blue-breasted Fairywren
vS Western Australia and SW South Australia (Eyre Pen.)
Malurus amabilis 10  Gould, 1852 Lovely Fairywren
vNE Australia (Cape York Pen. and NE Queensland)
Malurus lamberti11 Variegated Fairywren
dulcis Mathews, 1908 vNC Australia (Arnhem Land)
rogersi Mathews, 1912 iNW Australia (Kimberley Division)
bernieri Ogilvie-Grant, 190912 iBernier I. (off Western Australia)
assimilis North, 1901 vW, C, SC and inland E Australia
lamberti Vigors & Horsfield, 1827 iSE Queensland, E New South Wales
Malurus cyaneus13,14 Superb Fairywren
1 cyaneus (Ellis, 1782)15,16 vTasmania [Ellis, 1782 #15309]
1 samueli Mathews, 1912 iFlinders I. (off NE Tasmania)
1 elizabethae A.J. Campbell, 1901 iKing I. (off NW Tasmania)
2 cyanochlamys Sharpe, 1881 iSE Queensland to C Victoria
2 leggei Mathews, 1912 iSC and SE South Australia, SW Victoria
2 ashbyi Mathews, 1912 iKangaroo I. (off South Australia)
Malurus splendens17 Splendid Fairywren
1 splendens (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830)18 iSW Western Australia
2 callainus Gould, 186719,20 vC and SC Australia
3 melanotus Gould, 1841 vSC Queensland, C New South Wales, NW Victoria, EC South Australia
3 emmottorum Schodde & Mason, 1999 iC Queensland [Schodde, 1999 #3524]
Malurus alboscapulatus21 White-shouldered Fairywren
alboscapulatus A.B. Meyer, 1874 vLowland to montane NW New Guinea (Vogelkop)
aida E. Hartert, 1930 iLowland N New Guinea (east to Yos Sudarso Bay)
lorentzi van Oort, 1909 iLowland SW to SC New Guinea (east to R. Fly)
kutubu Schodde & Hitchcock, 1968 iMontane EC New Guinea (east to Mt. Giluwe and Lake Kutubu)
moretoni De Vis, 1892 iLowland to montane NE and SE New Guinea (west to Huon Pen. and Port Moresby)
naimii D'Albertis, 187622,23 αiLowland to montane N, EC and SE New Guinea (upper R. Sepik to Astrolabe Bay south-east to E Gulf of Papua and Port Moresby)
Malurus melanocephalus24 Red-backed Fairywren
cruentatus Gould, 1840 vNE and NC Australia, Cape York Pen. (?)
melanocephalus (Latham, 1801)25 αvNE Queensland to NE New South Wales
Malurus leucopterus26 White-winged Fairywren
leucopterus C. Dumont, 1824 vDirk Hartog I. (off Western Australia)
leuconotus Gould, 186527 vW, C and inland S and E Australia
edouardi A.J. Campbell, 1901 iBarrow I. (off Western Australia)
STIPITURUS Lesson, 1831 M - Muscicapa malachura Shaw, 1798; type by monotypy   
Stipiturus malachurus28,29 Southern Emu-wren
malachurus (Shaw, 1798) vSE Queensland, E New South Wales, S Victoria
littleri Mathews, 1912 iTasmania
polionotum Schodde & Mason, 199930 SE South Australia, SW Victoria [Schodde, 1999 #3524]
intermedius Ashby, 1920 vSC South Australia (Mount Lofty Range)
halmaturinus F.E. Parsons, 1920 vKangaroo I. (off South Australia)
parimeda Schodde & Weatherly, 1981 iSC South Australia (S Eyre Pen.)
westernensis A.J. Campbell, 1912 vSW Western Australia
hartogi T. Carter, 1916 iDirk Hartog I. (off Western Australia)
Stipiturus mallee 31  A.J. Campbell, 1908 Mallee Emu-wren
iSE South Australia, NW Victoria
Stipiturus ruficeps   A.J. Campbell, 1899 Rufous-crowned Emu-wren
iWC and C Australia
AMYTORNIS Stejneger, 1885 M - Malurus textilis C. Dumont, 1824; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1841, A List of the Genera of Birds, ed. 2, p. 27).   32
Amytornis barbatus Grey Grasswren
barbatus Favaloro & McEvey, 1968 vSW Queensland, NW New South Wales (R. Bulloo system)
diamantina Schodde & Christidis, 1987 iEC Australia (R. Diamantina system) [Schodde, 1987 #3516]
Amytornis woodwardi   E. Hartert, 1905 White-throated Grasswren
iNC Australia (Arnhem Land)
Amytornis dorotheae 33  (Mathews, 1914) Carpentarian Grasswren
iNE Northern Territory, NW Queensland
Amytornis striatus   (Gould, 1840) Striated Grasswren
vSC and SE South Australia, W New South Wales, NW Victoria
Amytornis oweni 34  Mathews, 1911 Sandhill Grasswren
EC Western Australia, SW Northern Territory, NW South Australia
Amytornis rowleyi 35  Schodde & Mason, 1999 Rusty Grasswren
C Queensland [Schodde, 1999 #3524]
Amytornis whitei 36  Mathews, 1910 Pilbara Grasswren
WC Australia (Pilbara region)
Amytornis merrotsyi37 Short-tailed Grasswren
pedleri Christidis, Horton & J.A. Norman, 2008 SC South Australia (Gawler Ranges) [Christidis, 2008 #11704]
merrotsyi Mellor, 1913 EC South Australia (Flinders Ranges)
Amytornis housei   (Milligan, 1902) Black Grasswren
iNW Australia (Kimberley Division)
Amytornis goyderi   (Gould, 1875) Eyrean Grasswren
iEC Australia (Simpson Desert to Strzelecki Desert)
Amytornis ballarae   Condon, 1969 Kalkadoon Grasswren
iNW Queensland
Amytornis purnelli 38  (Mathews, 1914) Dusky Grasswren
iC Australia
Amytornis textilis39 Western Grasswren
textilis (C. Dumont, 1824)40,41 vWC and SC Western Australia
myall (Mathews, 1916) iSW South Australia
Amytornis modestus42,43 Thick-billed Grasswren
modestus (North, 1902)44 vSC Northern Territory to C South Australia (W Lake Eyre basin) including MacDonnell Ranges
inexpectatus (Mathews, 1912)45 vE South Australia, NW and C New South Wales (W and C Murray-Darling basin)

1 Based on Schodde (1982) [Schodde, 1982 #3513], modified by the molecular phylogenies of Christidis et al. (2010) [Christidis, 2010 #12508] and Driskell et al. (2011) [Driskell, 2011 #12853]; see Gardner et al. (2010) [Gardner, 2010 #12103] and Lee et al. (2012) [Lee, 2012 #13652] for other molecular phylogenies.
2 For recognition see Schodde (1982) [Schodde, 1982 #3513].
3 The name coronatus is preoccupied in Malurus but not in Sipodotus and is restored under Art. 59.4 of the Code (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059]. Mayr (1986) [Mayr, 1986 #2569] provided the substitute name capillatus.
4 Sister to Chenorhamphus see Driskell et al. (2011) [Driskell, 2011 #12853] and Lee et al. (2012) [Lee, 2012 #13652].
5 For recognition see Driskell et al. (2011) [Driskell, 2011 #12853] and Lee et al. (2012) [Lee, 2012 #13652].
6 Considered to form a superspecies with C. campbelli; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
7 For corroboration of status see Driskell et al. (2011) [Driskell, 2011 #12853]; but see also LeCroy & Diamond (1995) [LeCroy, 1995 #2352].
8 For recognition and relationships see Driskell et al. (2011) [Driskell, 2011 #12853] and Lee et al. (2012) [Lee, 2012 #13652].
9 Sequence follows Schodde (1982) [Schodde, 1982 #3513] and Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524], modified by the molecular data of Driskell et al. (2011) [Driskell, 2011 #12853], Lee et al. (2012) [Lee, 2012 #13652] and McLean et al. (2012) [McLean, 2012 #14686].
10 Includes barroni; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
11 Forms a superspecies with M. amabilis (Schodde & Mason, 1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]. Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] suggested this might include M. elegans and M. pulcherrimus.
12 For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
13 For recognition of samueli, elizabethae, leggei and ashbyi see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]. Subspecies groups follow Schodde in Schodde & Weatherly (1982) [Schodde, 1982 #3513].
14 Forms a superspecies with M. splendens; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
15 Considered to form a superspecies with M. splendens; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
16 For authorship, see Schodde (1982) [Schodde, 1982 #3513].
17 For comments on the name whitei see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
18 Includes aridus, see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
19 Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] and Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] recognised musgravi; but see Mees (2003) [Mees, 2003 #7091] and LeCroy (2008) [LeCroy, 2008 #10760].
20 Mees (2003) [Mees, 2003 #7091] questioned arguments by Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] for rejecting the familiar name callainus for this form, and a review of the type shows intergradient traits to be insignificant.
21 Treatment follows Schodde (1982) [Schodde, 1982 #3513], which see for placement of synonyms tappenbecki, randi, balim, dogwa and mafulu.
22 Salvadori did not associate his name with the introduction of this name.
23 Conservatively dated 1876 due to circumstances mentioned by Poggi (2010) [Poggi, 2010 #12656] although he accepted 1875.
24 Circumscription of subspecies follows Schodde (1982) [Schodde, 1982 #3513], but molecular data in Lee & Edwards (2008) [Edwards, 2008 #12071] incongruous, suggesting Cape York Pen. population, cruentatus, is closer to nominate.
25 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
26 Sequence of subspecies now reflects evidence that black male plumage in leucopterus and edouardi is separately derived from blue ancestors; see Driskell et al. (2010) [Driskell, 2010 #13366]. See also Schodde (1982) [Schodde, 1982 #3513].
27 May comprise two recognisable forms; see Driskell et al. (2002) [Driskell, 2002 #13367].
28 Subspecies follow Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]. For molecular review see Donnellan et al. (2009) [Donnellan, 2009 #11842].
29 Forms a superspecies with S. mallee and S. ruficeps; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
30 Dual original spellings; see Schodde (2008) [Schodde, 2008 #10395] for selection.
31 Sister to S. ruficeps see Ford (1974) [Ford, 1974 #15202], Christidis & Schodde (1997) [Christidis, 1997 #15203], Donnellan et al. (2009) [Donnellan, 2009 #11842] and Lee et al. (2012) [Lee, 2012 #13652].
32 Sequence of species follows the molecular phylogeny of Christidis et al. (2013) [Christidis, 2013 #15105].
33 Considered to form a superspecies with A. woodwardi; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] and Christidis et al. (2010) [Christidis, 2010 #12508].
34 For recognition see Christidis et al. (2010) [Christidis, 2010 #12508]; and for elevation to species rank see Christidis et al. (2013) [Christidis, 2013 #15105].
35 For elevation to species rank see Christidis et al. (2013) [Christidis, 2013 #15105].
36 For elevation to species status see Christidis et al. (2013) [Christidis, 2013 #15105].
37 For reasons to elevate this from a race of A. striatus to a species see Christidis (1999) [Christidis, 1999 #15204] and Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
38 Considered to form a superspecies with A. ballarae; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
39 Subspecies follow Christidis et al. (2013) [Christidis, 2013 #15105]; but see Black (2011) [Black, 2011 #14492].
40 Includes macrourus, carteri and giganturus following Christidis et al. (2013) [Christidis, 2013 #15105]; but see Black (2011) [Black, 2011 #14492].
41 For questions of authorship see Black et al. (2013) [Black, 2013 #14444], Dickinson et al. (2013) [Dickinson, 2013 #15208] and Black & Schodde (2013) [Schodde, 2013 #15209].
42 For recognition at species rank see Black (2004) [Black, 2004 #15205], Black et al. (2010) [Black, 2010 #12503], and Christidis et al. (2010) [Christidis, 2010 #12508].
43 Subspecies follow Christidis et al. (2013) [Christidis, 2013 #15105]; but see Black (2011) [Black, 2011 #13254].
44 Includes indulkanna following Christidis et al. (2013); but see Black (2011) [Black, 2011 #13254].
45 Includes raglessi, curnamona and obscurior following Christidis et al. (2013) [Christidis, 2013 #15105]; but see Black (2011) [Black, 2011 #13254].