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PARDALOTIDAE - Pardalotes1 (1:4)
PARDALOTUS Vieillot, 1816 M - Pipra punctata Latham; type by monotypy = Pipra punctata Shaw, 1792  
Pardalotus punctatus2 Spotted Pardalote
millitaris Mathews, 1912 vNE Queensland
punctatus (Shaw, 1792) vSW, E and SE Australia, Tasmania
xanthopyge McCoy, 18663 δiInland SW Western Australia to NW Victoria
Pardalotus quadragintus 4  Gould, 1838 Forty-spotted Pardalote
iTasmania, Furneaux Group
Pardalotus rubricatus Red-browed Pardalote
rubricatus Gould, 18385 vNW and C Australia to EC Queensland
yorki Mathews, 19136 iNE Australia (Cape York Pen.)
Pardalotus striatus7 Striated Pardalote
uropygialis Gould, 18408 vN Australia (Kimberley Division to Cape York Pen.)
melvillensis Mathews, 1912 vMelville I. (Northern Territory)
melanocephalus Gould, 18389 vEC to SE Queensland
ornatus Temminck, 1826 vCoastal SE Australia
substriatus Mathews, 1912 vW, C and S to inland SE Australia
striatus (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vTasmania, Flinders I., King I. >> SE Australia

1 For reasons to treat this group as close to the acanthizids, see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]. Treatment here based on that work and Christidis & Boles (1994, 2008) [Christidis, 1994 #757], [Christidis, 2008 #11602]. See also Gardner et al. (2010) [Gardner, 2010 #12103] for the sequence of genera.
2 For polytypic treatment see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
3 While spelled xanthopygus in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History the earlier newspaper account used the spelling xanthopyge.
4 For dismissal of rex see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
5 Implicitly includes parryi; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
6 Intergradient carpentariae not recognised by Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524], but zone mapped.
7 The populations treated by Salomonsen (1967) [Salomonsen, 1967 #3454] as species (P. striatus, P. ornatus, P. substriatus and P. melanocephalus) were united by Schodde (1975) [Schodde, 1975 #3503]; followed by subsequent authors.
8 Implicitly includes restrictus; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
9 Implicitly includes barroni and bowensis; see map in Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].