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ORTHONYCHIDAE - Logrunners (1:3)
ORTHONYX Temminck, 1820 M - Orthonyx temminckii Ranzani, 1822; type by subsequent monotypy (Ranzani, 1822, Elementi di Zoologia, 3, p. 19).   1
Orthonyx temminckii   Ranzani, 1822 Australian Logrunner
iSE Queensland and E New South Wales (south to Illawarra region)
Orthonyx novaeguineae2,3 Papuan Logrunner
novaeguineae A.B. Meyer, 1874 iMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
victorianus van Oort, 19094,5 vMontane WC, EC and SE New Guinea (Maoke Mts.; Herzog Range to Owen Stanley Range; ? W Central Highlands)
Orthonyx spaldingii Chowchilla
melasmenus Schodde & Mason, 1999 iNE Queensland (Mt. Amos to Thornton Range) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]
spaldingii E.P. Ramsay, 1868 iNE Queensland (Macalister and Herberton Ranges to Seaview and Paluma Ranges)

1 Species sequence follows Norman et al. (2002) [Norman, 2002 #2782].
2 For treatment as a species separate from O. temminckii; see Joseph et al. (2001) [Joseph, 2001 #2156], and Norman et al. (2002) [Norman, 2002 #2782]. But see Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1248] and Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
3 Subspecies recognition follows Boles (2007) [Boles, 2007 #12229].
4 Subspecific identity of population in W Central Highlands uncertain, see Coates (1990) [Coates, 1990 #1003] and Boles (2007) [Boles, 2007 #12229].
5 Includes dorsalis; see Joseph et al. (2001) [Joseph, 2001 #2156]. But see also Boles (2007) [Boles, 2007 #12229].