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CNEMOPHILIDAE - Satinbirds1 (2:3)
CNEMOPHILUS De Vis, 1890 M - Cnemophilus macgregorii De Vis, 1890; type by monotypy   2
Cnemophilus loriae Loria's Satinbird
inexpectatus (Junge, 1939) δvMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. and Maoke Mts.)
amethystinus (Stresemann, 1934) δvMontane EC New Guinea (Victor Emanuel Range to Kratke Range; ? Mt. Bosavi)
loriae (Salvadori, 1894) iMontane SE New Guinea (west to Herzog Range)
Cnemophilus macgregorii Crested Satinbird
sanguineus Iredale, 19483 vUpper montane EC New Guinea
macgregorii De Vis, 1890 iUpper montane SE New Guinea
LOBOPARADISEA Rothschild, 1896 F - Loboparadisea sericea Rothschild, 1896; type by monotypy   
Loboparadisea sericea Yellow-breasted Satinbird
sericea Rothschild, 1896 vMontane WC to EC New Guinea (S watershed of Central Highlands only ?)
aurora Mayr, 1930 iMontane EC to SE New Guinea (Herzog Range; ? N watershed of Central Highlands)

1 For reasons to separate these birds from the Paradisaeidae see Cracraft & Feinstein (2000) [Cracraft, 2000 #1075] and Barker et al. (2004) [Barker, 2004 #218]. For elevation of the subfamily to family rank; see Cracraft & Barker (2009) [Cracraft, 2009 #11706].
2 Includes Loria; see Diamond (1972) [Diamond, 1972 #1318] and Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284]; but see Mayr (1962) [Mayr, 1962 #2560] and Gilliard (1969) [Gilliard, 1969 #15448].
3 Includes kuboriensis; see Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284].