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MELANOCHARITIDAE - Berrypeckers1,2,3 (4:10) MELANOCHARIS P.L. Sclater, 1858 F - Dicaeum niger Lesson, 1830; type by monotypy  
Melanocharis arfakiana (Finsch, 1900) Obscure Berrypecker
vLower and mid montane NW, N, EC, NE and SE New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop and Huon Pen., Central Highlands, Adelbert Range, Wharton Range)
Melanocharis nigra Black Berrypecker
pallida Stresemann & Paludan, 1932 vWaigeo (Western Papuan Is.)
nigra (Lesson, 1830) vMisool, Salawati, lowland NW New Guinea (Vogelkop and neck)
unicolor Salvadori, 1878 iLowland to lower montane N, NE and SE New Guinea, Yapen I., Mios Num I.
chloroptera Salvadori, 1876 vLowland SW and SC New Guinea, Aru Is.
Melanocharis longicauda Lemon-breasted Berrypecker/Mid-mountain Berrypecker
longicauda Salvadori, 1876 iMid montane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop and Wondiwoi Pen.)
chloris Stresemann & Paludan, 1934 iMid montane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. and S slopes of Maoke Mts.)
umbrosa Rand, 19414 vMid montane WC and N New Guinea (outer N slopes of Maoke Mts.; (?) Foya Mts. and North Coast Ranges) captata Mayr, 1931 vMid montane EC, NE and SE New Guinea (Central Highlands to Herzog Range; mountains of Huon Pen.)
orientalis Mayr, 1931 vMid montane SE New Guinea (except Herzog Range)
Melanocharis versteri Fan-tailed Berrypecker
versteri (Finsch, 1876) iUpper montane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
meeki (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1911) iUpper montane WC and EC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. and Maoke Mts. to Star Mts. and Hindenburg Range)
virago (Stresemann, 1923)5 iUpper montane EC, N and NE New Guinea (Central Highlands from Victor Emanuel Range to Kratke Range, North Coast Ranges, mountains of Huon Pen.; ? Foya Mts. and Cyclops Mts.) maculiceps (De Vis, 1898) iUpper montane SE New Guinea (west to Herzog Range)
Melanocharis striativentris Streaked Berrypecker
axillaris (Mayr, 1931) vMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. and Maoke Mts.)
chrysocome (Mayr, 1931) iMontane NE New Guinea (mountains of Huon Pen.)
striativentris Salvadori, 18946 vMontane EC and SE New Guinea (west to Central Highlands) RHAMPHOCHARIS Salvadori, 1876 F - Rhamphocharis crassirostris Salvadori, 1876; type by monotypy 7 Rhamphocharis crassirostris Spotted Berrypecker
crassirostris Salvadori, 1876 vMontane NW, WC and EC New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.; Foya Mts.; Kobowre Mts. and Maoke Mts. to Hindenburg Range)
viridescens Mayr, 1931 iMontane SE New Guinea (Herzog Range)
piperata (De Vis, 1898) vMontane EC, NE and SE New Guinea (Central Highlands to Owen Stanley Range, excluding Herzog Range; mountains of Huon Pen.)
OEDISTOMA Salvadori, 1876 N - Oedistoma pygmaeum Salvadori, 1876; type by original designation   8 Oedistoma iliolophus Plumed Longbill
cinerascens (Stresemann & Paludan, 1932) iWaigeo (Western Papuan Is.)
affine (Salvadori, 1876) vLower montane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
iliolophus (Salvadori, 1876)9 δLowland to lower montane N, WC, EC and NE New Guinea (Cenderawasih Bay and N slopes of central cordillera to Huon Gulf), Yapen I., Mios Num I. flavum (Mayr & Rand, 1935) vLowland to lower montane SW, SC and SE New Guinea
fergussonis (E. Hartert, 1896)10 δD'Entrecasteaux Arch. (off SE New Guinea) Oedistoma pygmaeum Pygmy Longbill
waigeuense Salomonsen, 1966 vWaigeo (Western Papuan Is.)
pygmaeum Salvadori, 187611 vMisool, lowland New Guinea meeki (E. Hartert, 1896) iD'Entrecasteaux Arch. (off SE New Guinea)
TOXORHAMPHUS Stresemann, 1914 M - Cinnyris novaeguineae Lesson, 1827; type by original designation   12 Toxorhamphus novaeguineae Yellow-bellied Longbill
novaeguineae (Lesson, 1827) iWaigeo, Batanta, Salawati, Misool, lowland to lower montane NW and N New Guinea (east to Astrolabe Bay), Yapen I.
flaviventris (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1911) vLowland to lower montane SW and SC New Guinea (east to Gulf of Papua), Aru Is.
Toxorhamphus poliopterus Slaty-headed Longbill
maximus Rand, 1941 vMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. and Maoke Mts.)
poliopterus (Sharpe, 1882)13,14 vMontane EC, N, NE and SE New Guinea (Central Highlands to Owen Stanley Range; Adelbert Range; mountains of Huon Pen.)