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PSOPHODIDAE - Whipbirds and Wedgebills1 (2:5) ANDROPHOBUS E. Hartert & Paludan, 1934 M - Androphilus viridis Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1911; type by original designation and monotypy
Androphobus viridis (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1911) Papuan Whipbird
vMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. to Maoke Mts.)
PSOPHODES Vigors & Horsfield, 1827 M - Muscicapa crepitans Latham, 1801; type by monotypy = Corvus olivaceus Latham, 1801 2 Psophodes olivaceus Eastern Whipbird
lateralis North, 1897 vNE Queensland
olivaceus (Latham, 1801)3,4,5 αvEC to SE Australia Psophodes nigrogularis6 Western Whipbird oberon Schodde & Mason, 1991 SW Western Australia (mallee regions) [Schodde, 1991 #3518]
nigrogularis Gould, 1844 vSW Western Australia (far SW coast)
leucogaster F.E. Howe & Ross, 19337 SC and SE South Australia, NW Victoria lashmari Schodde & Mason, 1991 Kangaroo I. (off South Australia) [Schodde, 1991 #3518]
Psophodes cristatus (Gould, 1838) Chirruping Wedgebill
vExtreme SE Northern Territory, SW Queensland, NW New South Wales and NE South Australia
Psophodes occidentalis 8 (Mathews, 1912) Chiming Wedgebill vW Western Australia to S Northern Territory and NW South Australia