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MALACONOTIDAE - Bush-shrikes, Puffbacks and Tchagras1 (9:46)
MALACONOTUS Swainson, 1824 M - Lanius olivaceus Vieillot, 1818; type by original designation = Malaconotus blanchoti Stephens, 1826  
Malaconotus cruentus 2,3  (Lesson, 1832) Fiery-breasted Bush-shrike
vSW Sierra Leone to W Togo; SW Nigeria to S PR Congo, east to N and E DR Congo and W Uganda
Malaconotus blanchoti4 Grey-headed Bush-shrike
approximans (Cabanis, 1869) iE and S Ethiopia, Somalia, C and E Kenya to N Tanzania
blanchoti Stephens, 1826 iSenegal to N Cameroon
catharoxanthus Neumann, 1899 vCentral African Republic to N and W Ethiopia, Uganda and W Kenya
hypopyrrhus Hartlaub, 1844 vRwanda, C and S Tanzania, Zambia (except W) and Mozambique to N and E Botswana and NE and E South Africa
interpositus E. Hartert, 19115 vSE DR Congo, Angola, W Zambia
extremus Clancey, 1957 vSE South Africa (coastal Eastern Cape)
Malaconotus monteiri6 Monteiro's Bush-shrike
perspicillatus (Reichenow, 1894) vSW Cameroon (Mont Cameroun and Mont Koupé)
monteiri (Sharpe, 1870) iNW Angola
Malaconotus lagdeni Lagden's Bush-shrike
lagdeni (Sharpe, 1884) iSierra Leone to Togo
centralis Neumann, 1920 vE DR Congo, Rwanda, W Uganda
Malaconotus gladiator   (Reichenow, 1892) Green-breasted Bush-shrike
iSE Nigeria, W Cameroon
Malaconotus alius 7  Friedmann, 1927 Uluguru Bush-shrike
vE Tanzania (Uluguru Mts.)
DRYOSCOPUS Boie, 1826 M - Lanius cubla Latham, 1801; type by monotypy   
Dryoscopus sabini Sabine's Puffback
sabini (J.E. Gray, 1831) iSierra Leone to S Nigeria
melanoleucus (J. & E. Verreaux, 1851) vCameroon to NE DR Congo and NE Angola
Dryoscopus angolensis Pink-footed Puffback
boydi Bannerman, 19388 αiSE Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea (Mbini)
angolensis Hartlaub, 1860 vS Gabon, PR Congo, SW DR Congo, N Angola
nandensis Sharpe, 1900 vE DR Congo to W Uganda, S South Sudan, W Kenya
kungwensis Moreau, 1941 vW Tanzania (Kungwe-Mahari Mts.)
Dryoscopus senegalensis   (Hartlaub, 1857) Red-eyed Puffback
vSW Nigeria to W Uganda and N Angola
Dryoscopus cubla Black-backed Puffback
affinis (G.R. Gray, 1837) vE Kenya, Zanzibar
nairobiensis Rand, 1958 vS Kenya, N Tanzania
hamatus Hartlaub, 18639 vSW Kenya, W and S Tanzania to N Angola, N Zambia, E Zimbabwe, Mozambique and NE and E South Africa
okavangensis Roberts, 1932 vS Angola, S Zambia to N Namibia, N and E Botswana and N South Africa
cubla (Latham, 1801)10,11 αiE and S South Africa (S Mpumalanga, C and S KwaZulu-Natal to SE Western Cape)
Dryoscopus gambensis Northern Puffback
gambensis (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823) vSenegal to Cameroon and Gabon
congicus Sharpe, 1901 vSW PR Congo, W DR Congo and NW Angola (Cabinda)
malzacii (von Heuglin, 1870)12 αiChad, Central African Republic and N DR Congo to W and S South Sudan and W Kenya
erythreae Neumann, 1899 iSE Sudan, E South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea
erwini Sassi, 1923 E DR Congo to SW Uganda and NW Tanzania
Dryoscopus pringlii   F.J. Jackson, 1893 Pringle's Puffback
iS Ethiopia and S Somalia to NE Tanzania
BOCAGIA Shelley, 1894 F - Telephonus minutus Hartlaub, 1858; type by subsequent designation (Shelley, 1896, Birds Afr., 1, p. 55).   13,14
Bocagia minuta15 Blackcap Bush-shrike/Marsh Tchagra
1 minuta (Hartlaub, 1858) vSierra Leone to Nigeria and lower R. Congo, east to N and E DR Congo, NW Tanzania, W Kenya and Ethiopia
1 reichenowi (Neumann, 1900)16 iE Tanzania to Mozambique and E Zimbabwe; formerly coastal Kenya
2 anchietae (Bocage, 1869)17 αiAngola to SW Tanzania, N Zambia and N Malawi
TCHAGRA Lesson, 1831 M - le Tchagra Levaillant; type by tautonymy = Thamnophilus tchagra Vieillot, 1816  
Tchagra australis Brown-crowned Tchagra
ussheri (Sharpe, 1882) iSierra Leone to SW Nigeria
emini (Reichenow, 1893)18 iSE Nigeria to lower R. Congo, east to South Sudan, C Kenya and NW Tanzania
minor (Reichenow, 1887)19 vSE Kenya, E and S Tanzania to NE Zimbabwe and C Mozambique
ansorgei (Neumann, 1909) iW Angola
bocagei da Rosa Pinto, 1968 iSE Angola (C Cuando Cubango) [da Rosa Pinto, 1968 #1111]
souzae (Bocage, 1892) iC Angola, S DR Congo, N Zambia
rhodesiensis (Roberts, 1932) vNE Namibia, NW Botswana, SE Angola (S Cuando Cubango), SW Zambia
australis (A. Smith, 1836) vSE Zimbabwe, S Mozambique, NE South Africa (E Limpopo to KwaZulu-Natal)
damarensis (Reichenow, 1915) vSW Angola, NW and C Namibia, Botswana, W and C Zimbabwe, N and C South Africa
Tchagra jamesi Three-streaked Tchagra
jamesi (Shelley, 1885) iSomalia, S Ethiopia, N and E Kenya, NE Tanzania
mandanus (Neumann, 1903) vCoastal Kenya (including Manda I. and Lamu I.)
Tchagra tchagra Southern Tchagra
tchagra (Vieillot, 1816) iSW South Africa (Western Cape)
natalensis (Reichenow, 1903) vE South Africa (S Limpopo to KwaZulu-Natal), W Swaziland
caffrariae Quickelberge, 196720 iSE South Africa (Eastern Cape) [Quickelberge, 1967 #3174]
Tchagra senegalus Black-crowned Tchagra
cucullatus (Temminck, 1840) vMorocco to Tunisia
percivali (Ogilvie-Grant, 1900) iS Arabian Pen.
remigialis (Hartlaub & Finsch, 1870) vC Chad to C and S Sudan
nothus (Reichenow, 1920)21 vMali to W Chad
senegalus (Linnaeus, 1766)22 vS Mauritania, Senegal and Sierra Leone to S Chad and N Central African Republic
habessinicus (Ehrenberg, 1833)23 vE Sudan, E South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, N Somalia, Yemen
armenus (Oberholser, 1906)24 vS Cameroon to W and C South Sudan and C Kenya, south to C Angola, Zambia (except SW) and Malawi
orientalis (Cabanis, 1869)25 vS Somalia to E Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe (except N and W) and E South Africa (E Limpopo to E Eastern Cape)
kalahari (Roberts, 1932) iS Angola, SW Zambia and NW Zimbabwe to N Namibia, Botswana and N South Africa
NILAUS Swainson, 1827 M - Lanius capensis Shaw, 1809; type by original designation = Lanius brubru Latham, 1801  
Nilaus afer Brubru/Brubru Bush-shrike
afer (Latham, 1801)26 αvS Mauritania and Senegal to N and C Ethiopia, South Sudan and N Uganda
camerunensis Neumann, 1907 vCameroon, Central African Republic, NE DR Congo
hilgerti Neumann, 190727 iC and E Ethiopia
minor Sharpe, 1895 vE and S Ethiopia, Somalia, N and E Kenya, NE Tanzania
massaicus Neumann, 1907 vE DR Congo to S Uganda, N Tanzania and W and C Kenya
nigritemporalis Reichenow, 1892 vSC DR Congo to C Tanzania, south to Zambia and C Mozambique
brubru (Latham, 1801)28 αiS Angola, SW Zambia and W Zimbabwe to Namibia and N South Africa (Northern Cape, North West Province)
solivagus Clancey, 1958 vC Zimbabwe, SW Mozambique, NE South Africa (Limpopo to N Free State and W KwaZulu-Natal)
affinis Bocage, 1878 vN and C Angola
miombensis Clancey, 197129 vS Mozambique, E South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal) [Clancey, 1971 #860]
CHLOROPHONEUS Cabanis, 1851 M - Lanius rubiginosus Sundevall, 1850; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 61). = Lanius olivaceus Shaw, 1809  30
Chlorophoneus kupeensis   Serle, 1951 Mount Kupé Bush-shrike
vSE Nigeria, SW Cameroon
Chlorophoneus multicolor31 Many-coloured Bush-shrike
multicolor (G.R. Gray, 1845)32 αiSierra Leone to W Togo; S Nigeria to W Cameroon (Mont Cameroun)
batesi Sharpe, 1908 iS Cameroon and Central African Republic to NW Angola, NE DR Congo and W Uganda
graueri (E. Hartert, 1908) iE DR Congo
Chlorophoneus nigrifrons Black-fronted Bush-shrike
nigrifrons (Reichenow, 1896) iW and C Kenya, Tanzania, NE Zambia, N Malawi
manningi (Shelley, 1899) iNE Angola, SE DR Congo, N Zambia
sandgroundi Bangs, 1931 iS Malawi, Mozambique, E Zimbabwe, NE South Africa (Limpopo)
Chlorophoneus olivaceus Olive Bush-shrike
makawa Benson, 1945 iSW Malawi
bertrandi (Shelley, 1894) iSE Malawi
vitorum (Clancey, 1967) iS Mozambique and adjacent NE South Africa [Clancey, 1967 #833]
interfluvius (Clancey, 1969) vE Zimbabwe, C Mozambique [Clancey, 1969 #838]
olivaceus (Shaw, 1809) vE and S South Africa
Chlorophoneus bocagei Grey-green Bush-shrike/Bocage's Bush-shrike
bocagei (Reichenow, 1894) iS Cameroon to NW Angola
jacksoni (Sharpe, 1901) iC and NE DR Congo, Uganda, W Kenya
Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus Orange-breasted Bush-shrike
sulfureopectus (Lesson, 1831) iSenegal and Guinea to NE DR Congo and W Uganda
similis (A. Smith, 1836)33 vEthiopia to SE South Africa (Eastern Cape), west to SE DR Congo and Angola
LANIARIUS Vieillot, 1816 M - Gonolek Buffon; type by monotypy = Lanius barbarus Linnaeus, 1766  
Laniarius leucorhynchus 34  (Hartlaub, 1848) Lowland Sooty Boubou
vSierra Leone to SW Togo; SE Nigeria east to SW South Sudan and Uganda, south to PR Congo and C DR Congo; formerly W Kenya
Laniarius poensis35 Mountain Sooty Boubou
camerunensis Eisentraut, 1968 vSE Nigeria, W Cameroon [Eisentraut, 1968 #1495]
poensis (Alexander, 1903) vBioko
willardi Voelker & Gnoske, 201036,37 SW Uganda (Nteko in Kisoro District) [Voelker, 2010 #12471]
Laniarius holomelas 38  (F.J. Jackson, 1906) Albertine Sooty Boubou
Highlands of E DR Congo, W Uganda and W Rwanda
Laniarius fuelleborni Fülleborn's Boubou
usambaricus Rand, 195739 vE Tanzania
fuelleborni (Reichenow, 1900) iS Tanzania, N Malawi, NE Zambia
Laniarius funebris 40  (Hartlaub, 1863) Slate-coloured Boubou
vSE South Sudan, S and E Ethiopia and Somalia to Rwanda and C and SW Tanzania
Laniarius luehderi41 Lühder's Bush-shrike
luehderi Reichenow, 187442 iSE Nigeria and Cameroon to PR Congo, east to S South Sudan, S Uganda and W Kenya
brauni Bannerman, 1939 iNW Angola
amboimensis Moltoni, 1932 vW Angola (Amboim)
Laniarius ruficeps Red-naped Bush-shrike
ruficeps (Shelley, 1885) iNW Somalia
rufinuchalis (Sharpe, 1895) vE and S Ethiopia, S Somalia, E and SE Kenya
kismayensis (von Erlanger, 1901) vCoastal S Somalia and E Kenya (Kiunga)
Laniarius nigerrimus 43  (Reichenow, 1879) Coastal Boubou
vS Somalia to coastal E Kenya
Laniarius aethiopicus44 Tropical Boubou/Ethiopian Boubou
major (Hartlaub, 1848) vSierra Leone to South Sudan and W Kenya, south to N Zambia and N Malawi
aethiopicus (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)45 αvEritrea, Ethiopia, NW Somalia
ambiguus von Madarász, 1904 vC and E Kenya, NE Tanzania
limpopoensis Roberts, 1922 vSE Botswana, S Zimbabwe, NE South Africa (N Limpopo)
mossambicus (G.A. Fischer & Reichenow, 1880) vS Zambia and E Botswana to N and C Mozambique
Laniarius sublacteus 46,47  (Cassin, 1851) East Coast Boubou
vS Somalia, coastal Kenya, NE Tanzania, Zanzibar
Laniarius ferrugineus Southern Boubou
transvaalensis Roberts, 1922 vNE and E South Africa (Limpopo to Gauteng and C KwaZulu-Natal), Swaziland
tongensis Roberts, 1931 vS Mozambique, E South Africa (NE KwaZulu-Natal)
natalensis Roberts, 1922 vInland SE South Africa (Eastern Cape, S KwaZulu-Natal)
pondoensis Roberts, 1922 vCoastal SE South Africa
savensis da Rosa Pinto, 1963 vSE Zimbabwe-Mozambique border [da Rosa Pinto, 1963 #1109]
ferrugineus (J.F. Gmelin, 1788) vSW South Africa
Laniarius bicolor48 Swamp Boubou
bicolor (Hartlaub, 1857)49 iCoastal Cameroon, Gabon
guttatus (Hartlaub, 1865) vCoastal PR Congo to W Angola
sticturus Hartlaub & Finsch, 187050 αvS Angola, N Botswana, W Zambia
Laniarius turatii 51  (J. Verreaux, 1858) Turati's Boubou
iGuinea-Bissau and Guinea to W Sierra Leone
Laniarius barbarus Yellow-crowned Gonolek
helenae Kelsall, 1913 iCoastal Sierra Leone
barbarus (Linnaeus, 1766) vS Mauritania and Senegal to S Chad
Laniarius erythrogaster 52  (Cretzschmar, 1829) Black-headed Gonolek
iN Cameroon to W Ethiopia, south to N Tanzania and S DR Congo
Laniarius atrococcineus   (Burchell, 1822) Crimson-breasted Gonolek
vS Angola to W Zimbabwe and N South Africa
Laniarius mufumbiri   Ogilvie-Grant, 1911 Papyrus Gonolek
iW Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, NW Tanzania
Laniarius atroflavus   Shelley, 1887 Yellow-breasted Boubou
vHighlands of SE Nigeria and Cameroon
RHODOPHONEUS von Heuglin, 1870 M - Lanius cruentus Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828; type by monotypy   53,54,55
Rhodophoneus cruentus56 Rosy-patched Bush-shrike
1 cruentus (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1828)57 vSE Egypt, NE Sudan, Eritrea, N Ethiopia
1 hilgerti (Neumann, 1903) iSomalia, E and S Ethiopia, N and E Kenya
2 cathemagmenus (Reichenow, 1887)58 vS Kenya, NE Tanzania
TELOPHORUS Swainson, 1832 M - Telophorus collaris Swainson, 1832; type by original designation and monotypy = Turdus zeylonus Linnaeus, 1766  
Telophorus zeylonus Bokmakierie
restrictus Irwin, 1968 vE Zimbabwe and adjacent Mozambique [Irwin, 1968 #2079]
phanus (E. Hartert, 1920) vSW Angola, NW Namibia
thermophilus Clancey, 1960 vC and S Namibia, S Botswana, NW South Africa [Clancey, 1960 #804]
zeylonus (Linnaeus, 1766) vSouth Africa (except NW)
Telophorus dohertyi 59,60  (Rothschild, 1901) Doherty's Bush-shrike
E DR Congo, W Uganda, W Rwanda, W Burundi, W and C Kenya
Telophorus viridis61,62 Gorgeous Bush-shrike
1 viridis (Vieillot, 1817) vS Gabon, S DR Congo, N Angola, NW Zambia
2 nigricauda (Stephenson Clarke, 1913) iS Somalia, SE Kenya, E Tanzania
2 quartus Clancey, 1960 vS Malawi, C Mozambique, E Zimbabwe [Clancey, 1960 #806]
2 quadricolor (Cassin, 1851) iS Mozambique, NE South Africa (Limpopo to KwaZulu-Natal)

1 Sequence of genera drawn from Fuchs et al. (2012) [Fuchs, 2012 #14689]; however, the position of Chlorophoneus needs corroboration as the genus appears not to be monophyletic and the type species was not reported on.
2 Includes gabonensis and adolfifriederici see White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188]. Harris & Franklin (2000) [Harris, 2000 #1896] accepted gabonensis but emphasised the existence of two or more colour morphs.
3 Citation in Rand (1960) correct; published slightly later in Lesson (1832) [Lesson, 1832 #15223] see Dickinson (2008) [Dickinson, 2008 #11083].
4 Considered by Fry (2009) [Fry, 2009 #12256] to form a superspecies with M. monteiri and M. lagdeni.
5 Includes citrinipectus Meise, 1968 [Meise, 1968 #2651], see Dean (2000) [Dean, 2000 #14040]; but see Fry (2009) [Fry, 2009 #12256].
6 For treatment as a separate species from M. blanchoti see Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887].
7 For taxonomic status see Fuchs et al. (2005) [Fuchs, 2005 #9859].
8 Date 1915 used in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was miscopied.
9 Includes chapini see White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188].
10 For correction of authorship see Rookmaaker (1989) [Rookmaaker, 1989 #3378] and Clancey & Brooke (1990) [Clancey, 1990 #6009].
11 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422]. Rand (1960) [Rand, 1960 #3195] mistakenly cited Shaw (1809).
12 For correct date of publication see van den Elzen (2011) [van den Elzen, 2011 #12758]. The mention of this name in von Heuglin (1858) [von Heuglin, 1856 #15222] appears to include an indication but this proves to be to unpublished work.
13 The name Bocagia has been restored to use; the I.C.Z.N. (1961, 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1961 #4672], [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059] accepted one letter difference as sufficient to avert homonymy, in this case with a prior mollusc name previously considered a homonym, see Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533].
14 Often included in Tchagra, but see Harris & Franklin (2000) [Harris, 2000 #1896], and Fuchs et al. (2012) [Fuchs, 2012 #14689].
15 Subspecies groups follow Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887].
16 Includes remota Clancey, 1959 [Clancey, 1959 #798] see White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188].
17 For correct date see volume list of contents.
18 Includes frater see Rand (1960) [Rand, 1960 #3195].
19 Includes littoralis and congener; see White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188].
20 For recognition see Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
21 Includes timbuktana see Rand (1960) [Rand, 1960 #3195].
22 The name senegalus is adjectival and variable; see David & Gosselin (2011) [David, 2011 #13197]. Includes pallidus see White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188].
23 Includes warsangliensis, see Harris & Franklin (2000) [Harris, 2000 #1896].
24 Includes camerunensis and rufofuscus see Pearson (2000) [Pearson, 2000 #2992].
25 Includes confusus see Pearson (2000) [Pearson, 2000 #2992].
26 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
27 Considered to be a synonym of the nominate form by LeCroy (2003) [LeCroy, 2003 #2356].
28 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
29 For recognition see Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
30 For reasons to recognise this genus see Harris & Franklin (2000) [Harris, 2000 #1896].
31 Considered to form a superspecies with C. nigrifrons; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
32 For dates of the parts of Gray's Genera of Birds see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
33 Includes terminus Clancey, 1959 [Clancey, 1959 #800] see Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631] and suahelicus Neumann, 1899 [Neumann, 1899 #15576], see Fry (2009) [Fry, 2009 #12256].
34 Thought to form a superspecies with L. poensis and L. fuelleborni; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
35 For separation from fuelleborni see Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett (1990) [Dowsett-Lemaire, 1990 #1420].
36 Treated under L. poensis in view of the similar grey eye colour to camerunensis and the relatively small molecular divergence of these two forms, see Voelker et al. (2010) [Voelker, 2010 #12471].
37 An earlier name for this may prove to be melas Reichenow 1908 [Reichenow, 1908 #15575]; molecular and vocal analysis required.
38 For treatment as a separate species from L. poensis see Voelker et al. (2010) [Voelker, 2010 #12471].
39 Includes ulugurensis see Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631].
40 Includes degener following White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188], but see Fry (2009) [Fry, 2009 #12256].
41 We retain a broad species following White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188] and Harris & Franklin (2000) [Harris, 2000 #1896]. Treated as a superspecies by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]; see also Fry, (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631].
42 Includes castaneiceps see White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188].
43 For recognition of this black Laniarius as a separate species from L. sublacteus see Turner et al. (2011) [Turner, 2011 #13295] and Turner et al. (2013) [Turner, 2013 #15574]. Tentatively includes erlangeri; also liberatus Smith et al., 1991 [Smith, 1991 #3660], shown by Nguembock et al. (2008) [Nguembock, 2008 #11246] to be a colour morph of that.
44 Thought to form a superspecies with L. ferrugineus and L. bicolor; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]. For the subdivision of the broad species used by Rand (1960) [Rand, 1960 #3195] see Hall (1954) [Hall, 1954 #15227].
45 Rand (1960) [Rand, 1960 #3195] gave 1788, but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
46 Tentatively includes the black and white form somaliensis on which vocal and genetic evidence is lacking.
47 For recognition as a separate species from L. aethiopicus see Nguembock et al. (2008) [Nguembock, 2008 #11246]. Previously included in L. ferrugineus but see Hall (1954) [Hall, 1954 #15227].
48 For treatment as a separate species from L. ferrugineus; see Hall (1954) [Hall, 1954 #15227].
49 Rand (1960) [Rand, 1960 #3195] cited the right source, but attributed this name to Verreaux, however Hartlaub implied it was a Verreaux MS name.
50 Authorship and date of publication correct by reference to the original work; Rand (1960) [Rand, 1960 #3195] used 1879 and gave alternative sequencing to the authors.
51 For treatment as a separate species from L. ferrugineus; see Hall (1954) [Hall, 1954 #15227].
52 For treatment as a species separate from L. barbarus see Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887].
53 For recognition of this genus see Zimmerman (1996) [Zimmerman, 1996 #4328]; previously treated in the genus Tchagra.
54 Shown as sister to the broader Telophorus by Fuchs et al. (2012) [Fuchs, 2012 #14689], and included in this genus by Fry (2009) [Fry, 2009 #12256].
55 For correct date see van den Elzen et al. (2011) [van den Elzen, 2011 #12758].
56 Subspecies groups are those suggested by Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887].
57 Implicitly includes kordofanicus, see Harris & Franklin (2000) [Harris, 2000 #1896].
58 For recognition see Harris & Franklin (2000) [Harris, 2000 #1896].
59 Treatment in Telophorus follows the molecular evidence of Fuchs et al. (2012) [Fuchs, 2012 #14689].
60 Considered by Fry (2009) [Fry, 2009 #12256] to form a superspecies with T. viridis.
61 Treatment in this genus rather than in Chlorophoneus is tentative pending molecular evidence.
62 Sometimes treated as two species, monotypic viridis and polytypic quadricolor, e.g. by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], but we defer to Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631] and Harris & Franklin (2000) [Harris, 2000 #1896].