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CAMPEPHAGIDAE - Minivets and Cuckooshrikes1,2 (11:85)
PERICROCOTUS Boie, 1826 M - Muscicapa miniata Temminck, 1822; type by original designation and monotypy   3
Pericrocotus erythropygius White-bellied Minivet
erythropygius (Jerdon, 1840) vW and C India
albifrons Jerdon, 18624 iC Myanmar
Pericrocotus igneus5 Fiery Minivet
igneus Blyth, 1846 vS Tenasserim, Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo, SW Philippines (Palawan)
trophis Oberholser, 1912 iSimeulue I. (off W Sumatra)
Pericrocotus cinnamomeus6,7 Small Minivet
1 pallidus E.C.S. Baker, 1920 vPakistan, NW India
1 peregrinus (Linnaeus, 1766)8 vHimalayan foothills, N India
1 malabaricus (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vSW India
2 cinnamomeus (Linnaeus, 1766) vC and SE India, Sri Lanka
1 vividus E.C.S. Baker, 19209,10 vE and NE India, Bangladesh, Andamans, W and SC continental SE Asia, NW Thai-Malay Pen.
1 thai Deignan, 194711 αiE Myanmar, N and NE Thailand, Laos
1 sacerdos Riley, 1940 iCambodia, S Vietnam
3 saturatus E.C.S. Baker, 1920 vJava, Bali
Pericrocotus solaris Grey-chinned Minivet
solaris Blyth, 1846 vHimalayan foothills (east from WC Nepal), NE India, Myanmar (except E)
rubrolimbatus Salvadori, 1887 vE and SE Myanmar (including N Tenasserim), W and N Thailand
montpellieri La Touche, 1922 iW China (N Yunnan)
griseogularis Gould, 1863 vSE China, Taiwan, Hainan, NE continental SE Asia
deignani Riley, 1940 iMountains of S Laos and SC and S Vietnam
nassovicus Deignan, 1938 vMountains of SE Thailand and S Cambodia
montanus Salvadori, 187912 vMountains of S Thai-Malay Pen. and Sumatra
cinereigula Sharpe, 1889 iMountains of Borneo
Pericrocotus miniatus   (Temminck, 1822) Sunda Minivet
vMountains of Sumatra and Java
Pericrocotus brevirostris Short-billed Minivet
brevirostris (Vigors, 1831) vHimalayan foothills (east from Uttarakhand), NE India
affinis (McClelland, 1840)13 vSW China, Arunachal Pradesh and NE India, N Myanmar
neglectus Hume, 1877 vSE Myanmar (N Tenasserim), W and NW Thailand
anthoides Stresemann, 1923 iS China, Laos, N Vietnam
Pericrocotus lansbergei   Büttikofer, 1886 Flores Minivet
iSumbawa, Flores (Lesser Sundas)
Pericrocotus ethologus Long-tailed Minivet
favillaceus Bangs & J.C. Phillips, 1914 δvNE Afghanistan, W Pakistan, Himalayan foothills (east to W Nepal) >> W India
laetus Mayr, 1940 vSE Xizang, Himalayan foothills (east from E Nepal), NE India (Assam)
ethologus Bangs & J.C. Phillips, 1914 iNC and C China (north-east to Hebei) >> N continental SE Asia
yvettae Bangs, 1921 iW and C Yunnan, NE Myanmar
mariae Ripley, 1952 iNE India (east of laetus), E Bangladesh, W Myanmar
ripponi E.C.S. Baker, 1924 iE Myanmar, NW Thailand
annamensis Robinson & Kloss, 1923 vSC Vietnam
Pericrocotus flammeus14 Scarlet Minivet
flammeus (J.R. Forster, 1781) vW and S India, Sri Lanka
siebersi Rensch, 1928 iJava, Bali
exul Wallace, 1864 iLombok (Lesser Sundas)
andamanensis Beavan, 1867 vAndamans
minythomelas Oberholser, 1912 iSimeulue I. (off W Sumatra)
modiglianii Salvadori, 1892 iEnggano I. (off W Sumatra)
speciosus (Latham, 1790)15,16 vSE Xizang, Himalayan foothills (east from Himachal Pradesh) >> N India
fraterculus Swinhoe, 187017 iYunnan, Hainan, NE India (hills south of R. Brahmaputra), N continental SE Asia [Swinhoe, 1870 #3798]
fohkiensis Buturlin, 1910 vS and SE China
semiruber Whistler & Kinnear, 1933 vEC India, continental SE Asia (except N and SW)
flammifer Hume, 1875 vSW continental SE Asia, N Thai-Malay Pen.
xanthogaster (Raffles, 1822) iS Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra and E satellites
insulanus Deignan, 1946 vBorneo
novus McGregor, 1904 vLuzon, Negros (Philippines)
leytensis Steere, 1890 vSamar, Leyte (Philippines)
johnstoniae Ogilvie-Grant, 1905 iMt. Apo (SC Mindanao, Philippines)
gonzalesi Ripley & Rabor, 1961 iN and E Mindanao (Philippines) [Ripley, 1961 #3311]
nigroluteus Parkes, 198118 vS Mindanao (Philippines) [Parkes, 1981 #2936]
marchesae Guillemard, 1885 iJolo (Sulu Arch.)
Pericrocotus divaricatus   (Raffles, 1822) Ashy Minivet
vRussian Far East, C Japan, Korea, NE China >> mainland SE Asia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines
Pericrocotus tegimae 19  Stejneger, 1887 Japanese Minivet/Ryukyu Minivet
S Japan and Ryukyu Is.
Pericrocotus cantonensis 20  Swinhoe, 1861 Swinhoe's Minivet
vSE and E China >> continental SE Asia (except NW and NE), N Thai-Malay Pen.
Pericrocotus roseus 21,22  (Vieillot, 1818) Rosy Minivet
vE Afghanistan, Himalayan foothills (east from N Pakistan), NE India, Myanmar, S China, NE Vietnam >> continental SE Asia (except NW and NE), N Thai-Malay Pen.
CORACINA Vieillot, 1816 F - Choucari Buffon; type by subsequent designation (Cabanis, 1851, Museum Heineanum, 1, p. 62). = Corvus papuensis J.F. Gmelin, 1788  24
Coracina caeruleogrisea Stout-billed Cuckooshrike
strenua (Schlegel, 1871) vMontane NW, N, WC and EC New Guinea (Vogelkop, North Coast Ranges, Maoke Mts., Central Highlands), Yapen I.
caeruleogrisea (G.R. Gray, 1858) vLowland SC and SE New Guinea, Aru Is.
adamsoni Mayr & Rand, 1936 iMontane NE and SE New Guinea
Coracina longicauda Hooded Cuckooshrike
grisea Junge, 1939 vMontane WC and EC New Guinea25
longicauda (De Vis, 1890) iMontane NE and SE New Guinea26
Coracina temminckii Caerulean Cuckooshrike
temminckii (S. Müller, 1843) iUplands of N Sulawesi
rileyi Meise, 193127 iUplands of C and SE Sulawesi
tonkeana (A.B. Meyer, 1903) vUplands of E Sulawesi
Coracina bicolor   (Temminck, 1824) Pied Cuckooshrike
iSulawesi and satellites
Coracina maxima 28  (Rüppell, 1839) Ground Cuckooshrike
vInland Australia
Coracina lineata29 Barred Cuckooshrike
axillaris (Salvadori, 1876) vWaigeo, montane NW, N, NE and SE New Guinea
maforensis (A.B. Meyer, 1874) vNumfoor I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
sublineata (P.L. Sclater, 1879) vNew Ireland, New Britain (Bismarck Arch.)
nigrifrons (Tristram, 1892) iBougainville, Choiseul, Santa Isabel (N and C Solomons)
ombriosa (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1905) vVella Lavella, Kolombangara, New Georgia, Rendova, Vangunu (C Solomons)
pusilla (E.P. Ramsay, 1879) vGuadalcanal (SE Solomons)
malaitae Mayr, 1931 iMalaita (SE Solomons)
makirae Mayr, 1935 iSan Cristobal (SE Solomons)
gracilis Mayr, 1931 vRennell, Bellona (S Solomons)
lineata (Swainson, 1825) vCoastal NE and EC Australia (E Queensland, NE New South Wales)
Coracina boyeri Boyer's Cuckooshrike
boyeri (G.R. Gray, 1846) iMisool, lowland NW, N, NE and north coast of SE New Guinea, Yapen I.
subalaris (Sharpe, 1878) vLowland SW, SC and south coast of SE New Guinea
Coracina novaehollandiae30 Black-faced Cuckooshrike
subpallida Mathews, 1912 vWC Western Australia (Pilbara region)
melanops (Latham, 1801)31,32 αiAustralia >> Lesser Sundas (west to Komodo), Banggai Is., Sula Is., S Moluccas, New Guinea, W Solomons
novaehollandiae (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) iTasmania, Flinders I. >> E Australia
Coracina fortis   (Salvadori, 1878) Buru Cuckooshrike
vBuru (S Moluccas)
Coracina personata33,34 Wallacean Cuckooshrike
floris (Sharpe, 1878)35 αiSumbawa, Flores (Lesser Sundas) [Sharpe, 1878 #5405]
sumbensis (A.B. Meyer, 1881)36 αvSumba (Lesser Sundas)
alfrediana (E. Hartert, 1898) vLomblen, Alor (Lesser Sundas)
personata (S. Müller, 1843)37 vRoti to Roma and Sermata (Lesser Sundas)
unimoda (P.L. Sclater, 1883) vTanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
pollens (Salvadori, 1874) iKai Is. (SE Moluccas)
Coracina welchmani38 Solomon Islands Cuckooshrike
bougainvillei (Mathews, 1928) Bougainville (N Solomons)
kulambangrae Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1916 Kolombangara (C Solomons)
welchmani (Tristram, 1892) Santa Isabel (C Solomons)
amadonis Cain & I.C.J. Galbraith, 1955 Guadalcanal (SE Solomons)
Coracina caledonica39 Melanesian Cuckooshrike
thilenii (Neumann, 1915) iEspíritu Santo, Malo, Malakula (Vanuatu)
seiuncta Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vErromango (Vanuatu)
lifuensis (Tristram, 1879) vLifou (Loyalty Is.)
caledonica (J.F. Gmelin, 1788) vNew Caledonia, Ile des Pins
Coracina striata Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike
sumatrensis (S. Müller, 1843) vC and S Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra and satellites (Mentawai Is., Riau Arch.), Borneo
simalurensis (Richmond, 1903) vSimeulue I. (off W Sumatra)
babiensis (Richmond, 1903) vBanyak Is. (off W Sumatra)
kannegieteri (Büttikofer, 1896)40 αiNias I. (off W Sumatra)
enganensis (Salvadori, 1892) vEnggano I. (off W Sumatra)
bungurensis (E. Hartert, 1894) vAnamba Is. and Natuna Is. (Indonesia)
vordermani (E. Hartert, 1901)41 iKangean Is. (Java Sea)
difficilis (E. Hartert, 1895) vPalawan, Balabac (Philippines)
striata (Boddaert, 1783) vLuzon, Lubang (Philippines)
mindorensis (Steere, 1890) vMindoro (Philippines)
panayensis (Steere, 1890) vMasbate, Panay, Negros (Philippines)
boholensis Rand & Rabor, 1959 vSamar, Leyte, Bohol (Philippines) [Rand, 1959 #3192]
†? cebuensis (Ogilvie-Grant, 1896) vCebu (Philippines)
kochii (Kutter, 1882) iMindanao, Basilan (Philippines)
guillemardi (Salvadori, 1886) iSulu Arch. (Philippines)
Coracina javensis42,43 Large Cuckooshrike
1 nipalensis (Hodgson, 1836)44 vHimalayan foothills, NE India, Bangladesh
2 macei (Lesson, 1831)45 C and S India
2 layardi (Blyth, 1866) Sri Lanka
1 andamana (Neumann, 1915) vAndamans
1 rexpineti (Swinhoe, 1863) SE China, Taiwan, N Laos, N Vietnam
1 larvivora (E. Hartert, 1910) vHainan
1 siamensis (E.C.S. Baker, 1918) vYunnan, continental SE Asia (except NE)
1 larutensis (Sharpe, 1887) vMountains of S Thai-Malay Pen.
1 javensis (Horsfield, 1821) vJava, Bali
Coracina dobsoni 46  (Ball, 1872) Andaman Cuckooshrike
Coracina schistacea 47,48  (Sharpe, 1878) Slaty Cuckooshrikeα
vBanggai Is., Sula Is. [Sharpe, 1878 #5405]
Coracina leucopygia 49  (Bonaparte, 1850) White-rumped Cuckooshrike
vSulawesi and satellites
Coracina larvata Sunda Cuckooshrike
melanocephala (Salvadori, 1879) vMountains of Sumatra
larvata (S. Müller, 1843) vMountains of Java
normani (Sharpe, 1887) iMountains of Borneo
Coracina papuensis50 White-bellied Cuckooshrike
timorlaoensis (A.B. Meyer, 1884)51 vTanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
papuensis (J.F. Gmelin, 1788)52 vN and C Moluccas, Western Papuan Is., lowland NW, SW, N and NE New Guinea, Yapen I.
angustifrons (Sharpe, 1876)53 αiLowland SE New Guinea
oriomo Mayr & Rand, 193654 iLowland SC New Guinea, NE Australia (Cape York Pen.)
hypoleuca (Gould, 1848) vSE Moluccas (Kai Is.), E Lesser Sundas (Kisar to Tanimbar Is.), N Australia (Kimberley Division to S Gulf of Carpentaria), ? Aru Is.
apsleyi Mathews, 191255 iMelville I. (Northern Territory)
artamoides Schodde & Mason, 1999 iNE to SE Queensland, NE New South Wales [Schodde, 1999 #3524]
robusta (Latham, 1801)56,57 αvSE Australia
louisiadensis (E. Hartert, 1898) vLouisiade Arch.
sclaterii (Salvadori, 1878) iBismarck Arch.
perpallida Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1916 vBougainville, Choiseul, Santa Isabel, Florida Is. (C and SE Solomons)
elegans (E.P. Ramsay, 1881) iNew Georgia, Rendova, Guadalcanal (C and SE Solomons)
eyerdami Mayr, 1931 iMalaita (SE Solomons)
Coracina ingens 58  (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1914) Manus Cuckooshrike
iAdmiralty Is.
Coracina atriceps59 Moluccan Cuckooshrike
atriceps (S. Müller, 1843) iSeram (S Moluccas)
magnirostris (Bonaparte, 1850)60 vN Moluccas
CEBLEPYRIS Cuvier, 1816 M - Muscicapa cana J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1879, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 4, p. 23). = Muscicapa cinerea Statius Muller, 177661
Ceblepyris cinereus Ashy Cuckooshrike/Madagascar Cuckooshrike
cucullatus (A. Milne-Edwards & Oustalet, 1885) vGrande Comore (Comoros)
moheliensis (Benson, 1960) vMohéli (Comoros) [Benson, 1960 #261]
cinereus (Statius Muller, 1776) vN and E Madagascar
pallidus (Delacour, 1931)62 vW and S Madagascar
Ceblepyris graueri   (Neumann, 1908) Grauer's Cuckooshrike
E DR Congo
Ceblepyris pectoralis   (Jardine & Selby, 1828) White-breasted Cuckooshrike
vS Senegal and Guinea to South Sudan, W Ethiopia, N Uganda and NW Kenya; E DR Congo, W and S Tanzania to Angola, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and NE South Africa
Ceblepyris caesius Grey Cuckooshrike
purus (Sharpe, 1891)63,64 vSE Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Bioko; C Ethiopia to E DR Congo; S Malawi and N Mozambique
caesius M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823 vZimbabwe and C Mozambique to E and S South Africa
CAMPEPHAGA Vieillot, 1816 F - Echenilleur noir Levaillant; type by monotypy = Campephaga flava Vieillot, 1817  
Campephaga flava 65,66  Vieillot, 1817 Black Cuckooshrike
vS South Sudan and S Ethiopia to Angola, N and E Botswana and NE, E and S South Africa
Campephaga petiti 67  Oustalet, 1884 Petit's Cuckooshrike
iSE Nigeria to NW Angola; NE DR Congo, SW Uganda, W Kenya
Campephaga phoenicea   (Latham, 1790) Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike
vSenegal to Ethiopia and W Kenya, south to C DR Congo
Campephaga quiscalina Purple-throated Cuckooshrike
quiscalina Finsch, 1869 vGuinea and Sierra Leone to NW Angola
martini F.J. Jackson, 1912 iNE DR Congo to C Kenya and NW Tanzania; SE DR Congo to N Zambia
muenzneri Reichenow, 191568 iE Tanzania
LOBOTOS Reichenbach, 1850 M - Lobotos temminckii Hartlaub, 1854; type by subsequent monotypy (Hartlaub, 1854, Journ. f. Ornith., 2, p. 31). = Ceblepyris lobatus Temminck, 1824  69
Lobotos lobatus 70  (Temminck, 1824) Western Wattled Cuckooshrike
vE Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana
Lobotos oriolinus 71  Bates, G.L., 1909 Eastern Wattled Cuckooshrike
vSE Nigeria to S Gabon and SW Central African Republic; E and C DR Congo
CAMPOCHAERA Sharpe, 1878 F - Campephaga sloetii Schlegel, 1866; type by monotypy   
Campochaera sloetii Golden Cuckooshrike
sloetii (Schlegel, 1866) iLowland to lower montane NW New Guinea (Vogelkop)
flaviceps Salvadori, 187972 αiLowland to lower montane SW, SC and SE New Guinea
MALINDANGIA Mearns, 1907 F - Malindangia mcgregori Mearns, 1907; type by original designation73,74
Malindangia mcgregori 75  Mearns, 1907 McGregor's Cuckooshrike
Mountains of Mindanao (Philippines)
EDOLISOMA Jacquinot & Pucheran, 1853 N - Campephaga marescotii G.R. Gray, 1846; type by original designation = Lanius melas Lesson, 182876
Edolisoma anale   (J. Verreaux & Des Murs, 1860) New Caledonian Cicadabird
vNew Caledonia, Ile des Pins
Edolisoma ostentum 77  (Ripley, 1952) White-winged Cicadabird
vPanay, Negros; formerly Guimaras (Philippines)
Edolisoma coerulescens Blackish Cicadabird
coerulescens (Blyth, 1842) δiLuzon, Catanduanes (Philippines)
deschauenseei (duPont, 1972) iMarinduque (Philippines) [duPont, 1972 #1445]
†? alterum Wardlaw Ramsay, 1881 vCebu (Philippines)
Edolisoma montanum78 Black-bellied Cicadabird
montanum (A.B. Meyer, 1874) δvMontane NW, WC, EC and SE New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop, central cordillera)
bicinia (Diamond, 1969) iMontane N New Guinea (North Coast Ranges) [Diamond, 1969 #1317]
Edolisoma dohertyi 79  E. Hartert, 1896 Sumba Cicadabird
Sumbawa, Sumba, Flores (Lesser Sundas)
Edolisoma dispar 80  Salvadori, 1878 Kai Islands Cicadabird
Banda Is., Gorong Is. to Kai Is. (S and SE Moluccas), Tanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
Edolisoma schisticeps Grey-headed Cicadabird
schisticeps (G.R. Gray, 1846) iMisool, lowland NW Guinea (head and neck of Vogelkop)
reichenowi Neumann, 1917 iLowland N New Guinea (Cenderawasih Bay to Astrolabe Bay)
poliopsa Sharpe, 1882 iLowland SW, SC and south coast of SE New Guinea
vittatum Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1914 vD'Entrecasteaux Arch.
Edolisoma ceramense81 Pale Cicadabird
ceramense (Bonaparte, 1850)82 vS Moluccas
hoogerwerfi Jany, 195583 iObi (N Moluccas)
Edolisoma mindanense84 Black-bibbed Cicadabird
lecroyae (Parkes, 1971) iLuzon (Philippines) [Parkes, 1971 #2925]
elusum McGregor, 1905 vMindoro (Philippines)
ripleyi (Parkes, 1971) iSamar, Biliran, Leyte, Bohol (Philippines) [Parkes, 1971 #2925]
mindanense (Tweeddale, 1879)85 vMindanao, Basilan (Philippines)
everetti Sharpe, 1893 iSulu Arch.
Edolisoma admiralitatis 86  Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1914 Admiralty Islands Cicadabird
iAdmiralty Is.
Edolisoma salomonis 87  Tristram, 1879 Makira Cicadabird
San Cristobal (SE Solomons)
Edolisoma holopolium Solomon Islands Cicadabird
holopolium (Sharpe, 1888) vBougainville, Choiseul, Santa Isabel, Guadalcanal (Solomons)
tricolor Mayr, 1931 iMalaita (SE Solomons)
pygmaeum Mayr, 1931 vKolombangara, New Georgia, Vangunu, Nggatokae (C Solomons)
Edolisoma morio88,89 Sulawesi Cicadabird
morio (S. Müller, 1843)90 iSulawesi and SE satellites
salvadorii Sharpe, 1878 iSangir (Sangir Is.)
talautense A.B. Meyer & Wiglesworth, 1895 vTalaud Is.
Edolisoma incertum   (A.B. Meyer, 1874) Black-shouldered Cicadabird
vMontane New Guinea, Waigeo, Mios Num I., Yapen I.
Edolisoma remotum91 Melanesian Cicadabird/Grey-capped Cicadabird
matthiae Sibley, 1946 Mussau, Emirau (St. Matthias Group, Bismarck Arch.)
remotum Sharpe, 1878 vNew Hanover, New Ireland (Bismarck Arch.)
ultimum (Mayr, 1955)92 vLihir I., Tanga Is. (Hibernian Is.) [Mayr, 1955 #2556]
heinrothi Stresemann, 1922 New Britain (Bismarck Arch.)
rooki Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1914 Umboi (Bismarck Arch.)
saturatius Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1902 vN and C Solomons
nisorium Mayr, 1950 vRussell Is. (SE Solomons)
erythropygium Sharpe, 1888 vMalaita, Guadalcanal (SE Solomons)
Edolisoma sula 93,94  E. Hartert, 1917 Sula Islands Cicadabird
Sula Is.
Edolisoma tenuirostre95,96 Common Cicadabird
monacha (Hartlaub & Finsch, 1872)97 iBabeldaob to Peleliu (Palau)
nesiotis (Hartlaub & Finsch, 1872) iYap (Caroline Is.)
insperatum (Finsch, 1876)98 αvPohnpei (Caroline Is.)
edithae Stresemann, 1932 iSW Sulawesi
pererratum E. Hartert, 191799 vTukangbesi Is. (off SE Sulawesi)
kalaotuae Meise, 1929 iKalaotoa I. (Flores Sea)
emancipatum E. Hartert, 1896 vTanahjampea I. (Flores Sea)
timoriense Sharpe, 1878 vLomblen, Timor (Lesser Sundas)
pelingi E. Hartert, 1917100,101 iBanggai Is., Sula Is. [Sharpe, 1878 #5405]
grayi Salvadori, 1879 iN Moluccas
obiense Salvadori, 1878 vBisa, Obi (N Moluccas)
amboinense (Hartlaub, 1865) vAmbon, Seram (S Moluccas)
nehrkorni Salvadori, 1890 iWaigeo (Western Papuan Is.)
meyerii Salvadori, 1878 iBiak I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
numforanum (J.L. Peters & Mayr, 1960)102 vNumfoor I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
muellerii Salvadori, 1876103,104 αiKafiau, Misool, lowland New Guinea (except range of aruense), D'Entrecasteaux Arch.
aruense Sharpe, 1878105 vLowland SW to SC (and SE?) New Guinea, Aru Is.
tagulanum E. Hartert, 1898 vMisima, Tagula (Louisiade Arch.)
rostratum E. Hartert, 1898 vRossel (Louisiade Arch.)
melvillense (Mathews, 1912) vN Australia, including Melville I.
tenuirostre (Jardine, 1831) vE Australia >> New Guinea
Edolisoma melas New Guinea Cicadabird
waigeuense Stresemann & Paludan, 1932 vWaigeo (Western Papuan Is.)
batantae Gyldenstolpe & Mayr, 1955106 iBatanta, Salawati (Western Papuan Is.) [Gyldenstolpe, 1955 #1848]
tommasonis Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1903 iYapen I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
melas (Lesson, 1828) iLowland NW, N and SW New Guinea
meeki Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1903 iLowland NE, SC and SE New Guinea
goodsoni Mathews, 1928 iAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
Edolisoma parvulum   (Salvadori, 1878) Halmahera Cicadabird
vHalmahera (N Moluccas)
CELEBESICA Strand, 1928 F - Celebesia abbotti Riley, 1918; type by original designation
Celebesica abbotti 107  (Riley, 1918) Pygmy Cuckooshrike
Mountains of Sulawesi (except SW)
CYANOGRAUCALUS Hartlaub, 1861 M - Graucalus azureus Cassin, 1852; type by monotypy
Cyanograucalus azureus 108  (Cassin, 1852) Blue Cuckooshrike
vSierra Leone to W Togo; SW Nigeria to E DR Congo and NW Angola (Cabinda)
LALAGE Boie, 1826 F - Turdus orientalis J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by monotypy = Turdus niger J.R. Forster, 1781  109
Lalage maculosa Polynesian Triller
melanopygia Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vNdeni, Utupua (Santa Cruz Is.)
vanikorensis Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vVanikoro (Santa Cruz Is.)
modesta Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vEspíritu Santo, Malo, Malakula, Paama, Epi, Tongoa, Emaé (Vanuatu)
ultima Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vEfaté and offshore islands (Vanuatu)
rotumae Neumann, 1927 iRotuma (Fiji)
mixta Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vYasawa Group, Macuata, Yadua, Ovalau (Fiji)
pumila Neumann, 1927 vViti Levu (Fiji)
woodi Wetmore, 1925 iVanua Levu, Taveuni and offshore islands (Fiji)
soror Mayr & Ripley, 1941 iKadavu (Fiji)
nesophila Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vN Lau Group, S Lau Group (Fiji)
futunae Mayr & Ripley, 1941 iFutuna, Alofi (Wallis and Futuna Is.)
keppeli Mayr & Ripley, 1941 iTafahi, Niuatoputapu (Tonga)
vauana Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vVava'u Group (Tonga)
tabuensis Mayr & Ripley, 1941110 vHa'apai Group, Nomuka Group, Tongatapu Group (Tonga)
maculosa (Peale, 1848) vSamoa
whitmeei Sharpe, 1878 iNiue
Lalage sharpei Samoan Triller
tenebrosa Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vSavai'i (Samoa)
sharpei Rothschild, 1900 iUpolu (Samoa)
Lalage sueurii 111,112  (Vieillot, 1818) White-shouldered Triller
iE Java, Sulawesi (except N and E), Flores Sea islands, Lesser Sundas (east to Babar)
Lalage leucopyga Long-tailed Triller
affinis (Tristram, 1879) vSan Cristobal (SE Solomons)
deficiens Mayr & Ripley, 1941 iTorres Is., Banks Is. (Vanuatu)
albiloris Mayr & Ripley, 1941 vEspíritu Santo to Efaté (Vanuatu)
simillima (F. Sarasin, 1913) vErromango, Tanna, Anatom (Vanuatu), Loyalty Is.
montrosieri J. Verreaux & Des Murs, 1860 iNew Caledonia
†? leucopyga (Gould, 1838) vNorfolk I.
Lalage tricolor 113  (Swainson, 1825) White-winged Triller
iLowland SE New Guinea (savannas of south coast), Australia including Melville I.
Lalage aurea 114,115  (Temminck, 1825) Rufous-bellied Triller
vN and C Moluccas
Lalage atrovirens Black-browed Triller
atrovirens (G.R. Gray, 1862) iWaigeo, Salawati, Misool, lowland NW and N New Guinea (east to Astrolabe Bay)
leucoptera (Schlegel, 1871) vBiak I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
Lalage moesta 116  P.L. Sclater, 1883 White-browed Triller
vTanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
Lalage leucomela Varied Triller
keyensis Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1917 vKai Is. (SE Moluccas)
polygrammica (G.R. Gray, 1858) vAru Is., lowland SW, SC and SE New Guinea
obscurior Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1917 vD'Entrecasteaux Arch.
trobriandi Mayr, 1936 iTrobriand Is.
pallescens Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1917 iLouisiade Arch.
falsa E. Hartert, 1925 vUmboi, New Britain (Bismarck Arch.)
karu (Lesson & Garnot, 1827) iNew Ireland (Bismarck Arch.)
albidior E. Hartert, 1924 vNew Hanover (Bismarck Arch.)
ottomeyeri Stresemann, 1933 iLihir I. (Hibernian Is.)
tabarensis Mayr, 1955 vTabar Is. (Hibernian Is.)
conjuncta Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1924117 vMussau (St. Matthias Group, Bismarck Arch.)
sumunae Salomonsen, 1964 iDjaul I. (Bismarck Arch.) [Salomonsen, 1964 #3453]
macrura Schodde, 1989 vNW Australia (Kimberley Division) [Schodde, 1989 #3517]
rufiventris (G.R. Gray, 1846) vN Australia (Arnhem Land, Melville I.)
yorki Mathews, 1912 iNE Australia (Torres Strait Is., Cape York Pen.)
leucomela (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827) iE Queensland, NE New South Wales
Lalage melanoleuca Black-and-white Triller
melanoleuca (Blyth, 1861) vLuzon, Mindoro, Semirara (Philippines)
minor (Steere, 1890) vSamar, Leyte, Mindanao (Philippines)
Lalage nigra118 Pied Triller
davisoni Kloss, 1926 iNicobars
striga (Horsfield, 1821) iExtreme SW continental SE Asia, Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra (including E satellites and Nias I.), Java (except E) [Horsfield, 1821 #2008]
nigra (J.R. Forster, 1781)119 vPhilippines, Borneo
Lalage leucopygialis 120  Walden, 1872 White-rumped Triller
vSulawesi and satellites, including Sula Is
Lalage melaschistos Black-winged Cuckooshrike
melaschistos (Hodgson, 1836) iHimalayan foothills (east from N Pakistan), NE India, SE Bangladesh, W Yunnan, W and N Myanmar >> NW Thailand
avensis (Blyth, 1852) vSW China (excluding Yunnan), N continental SE Asia (east from E Myanmar, but excluding NE Vietnam) >> continental SE Asia, N Thai-Malay Pen.
intermedia (Hume, 1877) vC and S China, Taiwan >> S continental SE Asia, N Thai-Malay Pen.
saturata (Swinhoe, 1870)121 vHainan, NE and C Vietnam >> C continental SE Asia
Lalage melanoptera Black-headed Cuckooshrike
melanoptera (Rüppell, 1839) vHimalayan foothills (Himachal Pradesh to West Bengal) >> Bangladesh, S India
sykesi Strickland, 1844 iIndia (except NW), Sri Lanka >> W and SW Myanmar
Lalage polioptera Indochinese Cuckooshrike
jabouillei (Delacour, 1951) iNC Vietnam
indochinensis Kloss, 1925 vW, C and E Myanmar, NW and E Thailand, C and S Laos, SC Vietnam
polioptera (Sharpe, 1878)122 αvS continental SE Asia [Sharpe, 1878 #5405]
Lalage fimbriata Lesser Cuckooshrike
neglecta (Hume, 1877) vS Tenasserim, N Thai-Malay Pen.
culminata (A. Hay, 1845) vS Thai-Malay Pen.
schierbrandi (von Pelzeln, 1865)123 δiSumatra, Borneo
compta (Richmond, 1903) vSimeulue I. and Mentawai Is. (off W Sumatra)
fimbriata (Temminck, 1824) vJava, Bali
Lalage typica 124  (Hartlaub, 1865) Mauritius Cuckooshrike
Lalage newtoni   (F.P.L. Pollen, 1866) Reunion Cuckooshrike

1 Changes made in this family stem from Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387], except that more of the long branches shown in their work are recognized as genera to which we apply available names.
2 Superspecies suggestions, e.g. in Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], are referred to except where recent molecular studies contradict those hypotheses.
3 Species sequence based on Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12158]; however, two specimens (a Burmese solaris and Indian cinnamomeus) conflict with monophyly at species level and may have been misidentified.
4 Treated as a separate species by Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749]; but see Collar & Pilgrim (2007) [Collar, 2007 #10384].
5 Contact in S Tenasserim and NW Thai-Malay Peninsula with no sign of hybridization supports separation of P. igneus and P. cinnamomeus at species level; see Wells (2007) [Wells, 2007 #10194]. Zoogeography suggests the present arrangement is not ideal; perhaps saturatus is a third species.
6 Considered to form a superspecies with P. igneus and P. lansbergei by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]; however, Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] found no support for including the latter.
7 For mainland subspecies groups; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204].
8 Deignan in Peters et al. (1960: 209) [Peters, 1960 #3018] acted as First Reviser in assigning precedence to the name cinnamomeus over peregrinus.
9 The name osmastoni Roselaar & Prins, 2000 [Roselaar, 2000 #3386], was put forward as a new name for Andamans birds, a review of their affinities has not yet been provided, and see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
10 Includes separatus; see Wells (2007) [Wells, 2007 #10194].
11 Date given as 1948 in Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018], but correctly 1947: in same paper as race separatus.
12 For suggestion this may be a separate species see Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204].
13 Doubtfully distinct from nominate brevirostris, see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
14 May comprise two or more species; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
15 Treated as a species separate from P. flammeus by Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
16 We previously listed both elegans and fraterculus, however Deignan (1946) [Deignan, 1946 #1183] placed fraterculus in the synonymy of elegans. Ripley (1961) [Ripley, 1961 #3310] modified this, placing Sadiya birds (and thus the name elegans) within the range and synonymy of speciosus. This was reviewed by Dickinson & Dekker (2002) [Dickinson, 2002 #1376] a
17 Whether Hainan birds are distinct or not requires fresh evaluation. If not then the name bakeri La Touche, 1922 is available for mainland birds.
18 Originally named neglectus Parkes, 1974 [Parkes, 1974 #2927], but that name is preoccupied by Pericrocotus neglectus Hume, 1877.
19 Treatment at specific rank tentative; see limited evidence in Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12158]; also evidence of moult see Stresemann & Stresemann (1972) [Stresemann, 1972 #3769]. But see Orn. Soc. Japan (2000) [Ornithological Society of Japan, 2000 #2875].
20 Treated as a subspecies of P. roseus by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018].
21 Cheng (1987) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1987 #739] retained cantonensis in P. roseus. The name stanfordi apparently relates to birds from a narrow band of hybridization, needing further research.
22 Considered to a form a superspecies with P. divaricatus by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018] and redefined to include P. cantonensis and P. tegimae by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
23 Sequence of taxa follows Jønsson et al. (2008, 2010) [Jønsson, 2008 #10801], [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
24 Sequences of species based on Jønsson et al. (2008) [Jønsson, 2008 #10801] and Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387], with some interpolation for unscreened species.
25 Central highlands of Papua New Guinea included following Gilliard & LeCroy (1961) [Gilliard, 1961 #6246] and Diamond (1972) [Diamond, 1972 #1318].
26 Identity of Huon Peninsula population unclear, see Diamond (1972) [Diamond, 1972 #1318]; but see Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204] for inclusion in grisea.
27 Distinction from tonkeana has been queried by White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194] and Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204].
28 Treated in a monotypic genus Pteropodocys by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018]; placed in Coracina following Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], and Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] who also implicitly subsumed subspecies pallida.
29 For subspecies and their distribution in Bismarck Archipelago and Solomon Islands see Mayr & Diamond (2001) [Mayr, 2001 #10562].
30 The broad species of Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018] was substantially revised before Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533], where the outcome was four species. Of those four this reduced species is here unchanged.
31 Implicitly includes didimus; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
32 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
33 For separation of this from broad C. novaehollandiae see Mason & Mckean (1982) [Mason, 1982 #5137]. Inclusion of C. pollens, as treated by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018], derives from White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
34 Subspecies follow White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
35 Dated 1879 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018], but this appeared in 1878 (see link to reference in the range statement).
36 For date correction see Quaisser & Eck (2006) [Quaisser, 2006 #7425]. Evidence contradicting them awaits publication.
37 Includes lettiensis; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
38 Separated from C. caledonica by Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204]; this decision sustained by evidence in Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
39 Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] perceived a large superspecies including broad C. novaehollandiae, C. macei, C. javensis, C. schistacea, C. personata, C. atriceps and C. fortis. Molecular data in Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] does not support this.
40 For date correction see Dickinson et al. (2002) [Dickinson, 2002 #1378].
41 Biogeographically unlikely to be a separate species as suggested by Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204].
42 The taxa comprising this species were previously treated as part of a broad species C. novaehollandiae, e.g. by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018]. Since split as C. javensis and C. macei as in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533]. These now united following Wells (2007) [Wells, 2007 #10194].
43 Subspecies groups derived from Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
44 Includes lushaiensis; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
45 For distinctive voice and male plumage of this and layardi see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749]. We identify as two subspecies groups.
46 For separation from C. striata; see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749]. This was partly based on voice. See also Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204].
47 Includes petersi; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
48 Dated 1879 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018], but this appeared in 1878 (see link to reference in the range statement).
49 Date given as 1851 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018]; but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
50 Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] suggested a superspecies including this and C. leucopygia. Molecular evidence, see Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387], has C. ingens and C. atriceps embedded in C. papuensis. Morphology suggests otherwise. This may imply that C. papuensis comprises more than one species. The data also suggest a superspecies including both these and C. atricpes but not C. leucopygia.
51 Doubtfully distinct from hypoleuca of N Australia and may only be a seasonal vagrant therefrom.
52 Includes intermedia; see Mees (1982) [Mees, 1982 #2626], and by extension rothschildi de Kok, 2008 [de Kok, 2008 #11835]. Also includes melanolora; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
53 For correct date of publication see list of parts printed on back of title page of this volume.
54 The name stalkeri antedates both oriomo and artamoides but attaches to an intergradient population; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
55 For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
56 Once treated as a separate species, but see Galbraith (1969) [Galbraith, 1969 #1647] and Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
57 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
58 Treated as an subspecies of C. papuensis by Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018], but as an allospecies of that by Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]. Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] found this to be embedded in C. papuensis suggesting an unresolved species complex; thus we do not insert C. ingens within it.
59 Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] found this to be embedded in C. papuensis suggesting an unresolved species complex; thus we do not insert C. atriceps within it.
60 Date given as 1851 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018]; but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
61 Monophyletic and sister to Coracina with fully resolved branch according to Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
62 In a broad Coracina a subjective junior synonym of Pteropodocys maxima pallida Mathews, 1912.
63 Includes preussi; see White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188].
64 Date 1891 (not 1881) is correct, as used in 2003.
65 For treatment at specific rank see Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887]. Although treated within a broad species C. phoenicea by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018] Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] placed just this and C. petiti in a superspecies.
66 An older name sulphurata was suppressed by Opinion 407 (I.C.Z.N., 1956) [I.C.Z.N., 1956 #9627].
67 For treatment at specific rank, see Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887].
68 The spelling munzneri used by Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204] is an incorrect subsequent spelling.
69 Previously treated as part of Campephaga. We recognise this genus following Pearson & Keith (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2988]. See also Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
70 Considered to form a superspecies with L. oriolinus by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]; earlier considered conspecific.
71 For treatment at specific rank see Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887].
72 Preprint dated November 18, 1879.
73 Sister to both Lalage and Edolisoma according to Jønsson et al. (2008) [Jønsson, 2008 #10801] and Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
74 We use the available monotypic genus based on evidence in Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387]; however, sampling of further species could confound that view.
75 Includes peterseni; see Dickinson et al. (1991) [Dickinson, 1991 #1361].
76 Restoration of this genus name, in synonymy in Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018], and provisional sequence of species based on Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387]. Their evidence, despite incomplete taxon sampling, suggests that E. sula, E. morio and E. incertum may be better placed in E. tenuirostre as in Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018].
77 Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018] erred in rejecting this name and using the name panayensis; see Parkes (1971) [Parkes, 1971 #2925].
78 Despite similarity found by Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] not considered closely related to E. holopolium.
79 Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204] suggested Sumbawa population might be distinct.
80 Separated from E. tenuirostre by White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194] based on evidence of sympatry of E. tenuirostre amboinense with this taxon in Maar.
81 Molecular evidence places this well apart from E. morio and not within the E. tenuirostre superspecies; see Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
82 Includes marginata; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
83 The spelling hoogerwerfei in Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204] is an incorrect subsequent spelling.
84 For support for separation from E. morio, as treated in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533], see Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
85 Date given as 1878 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018], but see Duncan, (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
86 Separation from E. tenuirostre introduced here based on paraphyletic findings of Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
87 For treatment as a separate species from E. tenuirostre see Galbraith & Galbraith (1962) [Galbraith, 1962 #1646]. Makira is an alternate name for San Cristobal.
88 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with E. mindanense, E. ceramense and E. incertum. Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204] considered only this and E. incertum formed such a superspecies. The findings of Jønsson et al. (2010) links these with E. remotum.
89 The assignment of the subspecies salvadorii and talautense was made in two steps; first by Eck (1976) [Eck, 1976 #6168] and then by White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
90 Includes wiglesworthi; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
91 Here separated from E. tenuirostre based on the molecular findings of Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387]; but this may comprise more than one species. See also Mayr & Diamond (2001) [Mayr, 2001 #10562].
92 Name omitted by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018].
93 Separated from E. morio by White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
94 Date given as 1917 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018]; although Hartert (1922) [Hartert, 1922 #1909] claimed 1918 the specified date remains Dec. 29, 1917.
95 Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] suggested a superspecies including E. dohertyi, E. sula and E. dispar. The findings of Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] place E. sula and E. morio close to E. tenuirostre, but exclude E. dohertyi and E. dispar.
96 At species level the findings of Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] provide the basis for our treatment of E. admiralitatis and E. remotum as separate species; reflecting earlier suggestions by Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
97 This taxon together with nesiotis and insperatum may comprise a separate species; see Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204].
98 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
99 Date given as 1917 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018]; although Hartert (1922) [Hartert, 1922 #1909] claimed 1918 the specified date remains Dec. 29, 1917.
100 May deserve species status; see Rheindt et al. (2020) [Rheindt, 2010 #12612].
101 Date given as 1917 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018]; although Hartert (1922) [Hartert, 1922 #1909] claimed 1918 the specified date remains Dec. 29, 1917.
102 A replacement name for Edoliosoma [sic] neglectum Salvadori, 1879; preoccupied in Coracina. See Art. 59.3 (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059].
103 Doubtfully distinct from nominate tenuirostre; see Mees (1982) [Mees, 1982 #2626] and Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204].
104 For date correction see Poggi (2010) [Poggi, 2010 #12656].
105 For recognition see Mees (1982) [Mees, 1982 #2626]. However, may be a synonym of muellerii; see identity of SE New Guinea specimens in Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
106 Name omitted by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018]. Recognised by Rand & Gilliard (1967) [Rand, 1967 #3199], but with comment needs confirmation.
107 This falls outside the Edolisoma group in Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] and the appropriate available generic name is used here.
108 This falls outside the Edolisoma group in Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] and the appropriate available generic name is used here.
109 Findings of Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] required inclusion in this genus of several species previously subsumed in Coracina, most of which had once been separated in genus Volvocivora. Sequence of species provisional due to limited taxon sampling. The position of L. aurea has not been demonstrated yet.
110 The name Lanius natka mentioned by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018] was made available by Opinion 409 (I.C.Z.N., 1956) [I.C.Z.N., 1956 #9575] but the reputed origin, Natka Sound (Alaska), does not fit with any species in the genus Lalage. It is best left as a nomen dubium.
111 Original spelling suerii; the use of the emended spelling is justified by internal evidence.
112 Considered to form a superspecies with L. tricolor; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
113 We follow White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194] and the arguments put forward by Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] in separating this species from L. sueurii. But see Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602] and Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
114 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with L. atrovirens, L. moesta and L. leucomela; two of these not screened by Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].
115 Dated 1827 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018], but pl. 382 is in livr. 64, which appeared in Dec. 1825; see Sherborn (1898) [Sherborn, 1898 #3604] and Dickinson (2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1369].
116 For treatment as a species separate from L. atrovirens (but associated with L. aurea) see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]. Molecular screening awaited with interest.
117 For treatment as a separate species see Taylor (2005) [Taylor, 2005 #12204].
118 Considered to form a superspecies with L. leucopygialis; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
119 Stresemann (1952) [Stresemann, 1952 #3767] gave reasons for determining the correct type locality of nigra to be Manila, thus making chilensis a subjective junior synonym.
120 Treated as a separate species from L. nigra by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]; findings of Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387] support this.
121 Includes quyi Dao Van Tien, 1961 [Dao Van Tien, 1961 #3836]; see Dickinson & Dekker (2002) [Dickinson, 2002 #1376], but type not re-examined.
122 Dated 1879 by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018], but this appeared in 1878 (see link to reference in the range statement).
123 Correct original spelling. Spelling schierbrandii in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
124 Placed in Coracina by Peters et al. (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3018] along with C. newtoni. For placement of both in Lalage see Jønsson et al. (2010) [Jønsson, 2010 #12387].