Pitohui kirhocephalus Variable Pitohui
cerviniventris (G.R. Gray, 1862) vWaigeo and fringing islands (Western Papuan Is.)
pallidus van Oort, 1907 vBatanta and fringing islands to Sagewin (Western Papuan Is.)
uropygialis (G.R. Gray, 1862)5 vMisool, Salawati, lowland NW New Guinea (W Doberai Pen.) kirhocephalus (Lesson & Garnot, 1827)6 vLowland NW New Guinea (E Doberai Pen.) decipiens (Salvadori, 1878) iLowland NW New Guinea (Bomberai Pen.)
adiensis Mees, 1964 vAdi I. (NW New Guinea)
dohertyi Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1903 iLowland NW New Guinea (W neck of Vogelkop, including Wondiwoi Pen.)
rubiensis (A.B. Meyer, 1884)7 vLowland NW New Guinea (SW neck of Vogelkop) carolinae Junge, 1952 iLowland NW New Guinea (S neck of Vogelkop)
brunneivertex Rothschild, 1931 iLowland N New Guinea (E neck of Vogelkop)
jobiensis (A.B. Meyer, 1874) vYapen I. and Kurudu I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
meyeri Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1903 iLowland N New Guinea (R. Mamberamo drainage and N coast east to R. Sepik divide)
senex Stresemann, 1922 iLowland N New Guinea (W R. Sepik drainage and adjacent N coast)
brunneicaudus (A.B. Meyer, 1891) iLowland N and NE New Guinea (C and E R. Sepik drainage to Astrolabe Bay and upper R. Ramu)
nigripectus van Oort, 1909 iLowland SW New Guinea
aruensis (Sharpe, 1877) vAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
brunneiceps (D'Albertis & Salvadori, 1879) iLowland SC New Guinea (east to head of Gulf of Papua)
meridionalis (Sharpe, 1888) vLowland SE New Guinea (west to Goodenough Bay and E Gulf of Papua)