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EULACESTOMATIDAE - Ploughbill1 (1:1)
EULACESTOMA De Vis, 1894 N - Eulacestoma nigropectus De Vis, 1894; type by monotypy
Eulacestoma nigropectus 2  De Vis, 1894 Wattled Ploughbill
Montane WC, EC and SE New Guinea (central cordillera from Kobowre Mts. to Owen Stanley Range)

1 The single species of this family has formerly been placed variously in the Pachycephalidae or the Falcunculidae; since recovered as a distinct root corvidan by Jønsson et al. (2011) [Jønsson, 2011 #12727] and Aggerbeck et al. (2014) [Aggerbeck, 2014 #15380]. New family proposed by Schodde & Christidis (2014) [Schodde, 2014 #15669].
2 Treated as monotypic, including clara, for reasons given by Mayr & Gilliard (1954) [Mayr, 1954 #7002] and Diamond (1972) [Diamond, 1972 #1318]; but see Mayr (1967) [Mayr, 1967 #2561].