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RHIPIDURIDAE - Fantails (3:46)
CHAETORHYNCHUS A.B. Meyer, 1874 M - Chaetorhynchus papuensis A.B. Meyer, 1874; type by monotypy   1
Chaetorhynchus papuensis   A.B. Meyer, 1874 Pygmy Drongo
vLower montane New Guinea
LAMPROLIA Finsch, 1874 F - Lamprolia victoriae Finsch, 1874; type by monotypy   2
Lamprolia victoriae Silktail
victoriae Finsch, 1874 iTaveuni (Fiji)
klinesmithi E.P. Ramsay, 18763 δiSE Vanua Levu (Natewa Pen.) (Fiji)
RHIPIDURA Vigors & Horsfield, 1827 F - Muscicapa flabellifera J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 32). = Muscicapa fuliginosa Sparrman, 1787  4
Rhipidura atra Black Fantail
atra Salvadori, 1876 vWaigeo, montane New Guinea (except Cyclops Mts.)
vulpes Mayr, 1931 iMontane N New Guinea (Cyclops Mts.)
Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea5 Black-and-cinnamon Fantail
hutchinsoni Mearns, 1907 iMountains of W and S Mindanao (Philippines)
nigrocinnamomea E. Hartert, 1903 vMountains of SE Mindanao (Philippines)
Rhipidura cyaniceps Blue-headed Fantail
pinicola Parkes, 1958 iNW Luzon (Philippines)
cyaniceps (Cassin, 1855) iNE, C and S Luzon (Philippines)
Rhipidura albiventris6 Visayan Fantail
sauli Bourns & Worcester, 1894 Tablas (Philippines)
albiventris (Sharpe, 1877) vMasbate, Negros, formerly (?) Guimaras (Philippines)
Rhipidura superciliaris7 Blue Fantail
1 samarensis (Steere, 1890) vBohol, Leyte, Samar (Philippines)
2 apo Hachisuka, 1930 iC and E Mindanao (Philippines)
2 superciliaris (Sharpe, 1877) vBasilan, W Mindanao (Philippines)
Rhipidura euryura 8  S. Müller, 1843 White-bellied Fantail
Rhipidura perlata   S. Müller, 1843 Spotted Fantail
vThai-Malay Pen. (except N), Sumatra, Borneo
Rhipidura fuscorufa 9  P.L. Sclater, 1883 Cinnamon-tailed Fantail
vBabar and Tanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
Rhipidura rufiventris10 Northern Fantail
tenkatei Büttikofer, 1892 iRoti (Lesser Sundas)
rufiventris (Vieillot, 1818) vTimor and satellites (Lesser Sundas)
pallidiceps E. Hartert, 1904 iWetar (Lesser Sundas)
hoedti Büttikofer, 189211 iRoma and Leti to Damar and Sermata (Lesser Sundas)
assimilis G.R. Gray, 185812 vTayandu Is. and Kai Is. (SE Moluccas)
finitima E. Hartert, 1918 vWatubela Is. (SE Moluccas)
bouruensis Wallace, 1863 vBuru (S Moluccas)
cinerea Wallace, 1865 vAmbon and Seram (S Moluccas)
obiensis Salvadori, 1876 vBisa and Obi (N Moluccas)
vidua Salvadori & E. Turati, Sr., 1874 iKafiau (Western Papuan Is.)
gularis S. Müller, 1843 vWaigeo, Batanta, Salawati, Misool, lowland New Guinea, Mios Num I., Yapen I., Manam I., D'Entrecasteaux Arch., N Torres Strait Is.
kordensis A.B. Meyer, 1874 vBiak I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
nigromentalis E. Hartert, 1898 vMisima, Tagula (Louisiade Arch.)
finschii Salvadori, 1882 iNew Britain, Duke of York I. (Bismarck Arch.)
setosa (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) vNew Hanover, New Ireland, Djaul I. (Bismarck Arch.)
gigantea Stresemann, 1933 vLihir I., Tabar Is. (Hibernian Is.)
tangensis Mayr, 1955 vTanga Is. (Hibernian Is.)
niveiventris Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1914 vAdmiralty Is. (Bismarck Arch.)
mussai Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1924 iSt. Matthias Group (Bismarck Arch.)
isura Gould, 1841 vN Australia
Rhipidura cockerelli White-winged Fantail/Cockerell's Fantail
septentrionalis Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1916 vBougainville (N Solomons)
interposita Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1916 vSanta Isabel and Choiseul (C Solomons)
lavellae Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1916 iN New Georgia Is. (C Solomons)
albina Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1901 vC and S New Georgia Is. (C Solomons)
floridana Mayr, 1931 vFlorida Is. (SE Solomons)
coultasi Mayr, 1931 iMalaita (SE Solomons)
cockerelli (E.P. Ramsay, 1879)13 iGuadalcanal (SE Solomons)
Rhipidura diluta14,15 Brown-capped Fantail
sumbawensis Büttikofer, 1892 vSumbawa (Lesser Sundas)
diluta Wallace, 1864 vFlores and Lomblen (Lesser Sundas)
Rhipidura threnothorax Sooty Thicket Fantail
threnothorax S. Müller, 1843 iWaigeo, Salawati, Misool, lowland New Guinea (except lower Trans-Fly region), Aru Is.
fumosa Schlegel, 1871 vYapen I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
Rhipidura maculipectus   G.R. Gray, 1858 Black Thicket Fantail
iBatanta, Salawati, lowland NW, SW, SC and SE New Guinea (east to E Gulf of Papua), Aru Is.
Rhipidura leucothorax White-bellied Thicket Fantail
leucothorax Salvadori, 1874 iLowland to lower montane New Guinea (east to Astrolabe Bay and E Gulf of Papua)
clamosa Diamond, 1967 vLower montane EC New Guinea (Karimui region)
episcopalis E.P. Ramsay, 1878 vLowland to lower montane NE and SE New Guinea (west to Astrolabe Bay and E Gulf of Papua)
Rhipidura leucophrys Willie-wagtail
melaleuca (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) vMoluccas, lowland New Guinea and satellite islands, N Torres Strait Is., Bismarck Arch., Solomons
picata Gould, 1848 vN Australia
leucophrys (Latham, 1801)16 αiAustralia (except N)
Rhipidura javanica Pied Fantail
longicauda Wallace, 1865 iS continental SE Asia, Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra and E satellites, Borneo
javanica (Sparrman, 1788) vJava, Bali, W Lesser Sundas (Lombok)
Rhipidura nigritorquis 17  Vigors, 1831 Philippine Fantail
Rhipidura aureola White-browed Fantail
aureola Lesson, 183118 αvHimalayan foothills (from NE Pakistan to West Bengal), India (south to Gujarat and Orissa)
compressirostris (Blyth, 1849) vS India, Sri Lanka
burmanica (Hume, 1880) vW Yunnan, Myanmar, SW, EC and SE continental SE Asia
Rhipidura albicollis19 White-throated Fantail
1 vernayi (Whistler, 1931) SE India
1 albogularis (Lesson, 1832)20 αvSW India
2 canescens (Koelz, 1939) iHimalayan foothills from NE Pakistan to W Nepal
2 albicollis (Vieillot, 1818) vHimalayan foothills from W Nepal east to Sikkim
2 stanleyi E.C.S. Baker, 191621 αiHimalayan foothills (east from Bhutan), NE India, N and W Myanmar
2 orissae Ripley, 1955 EC India
2 celsa Riley, 1929 vE Xizang, S China, N and W continental SE Asia (except NW), W and S Myanmar
2 cinerascens Delacour, 1927 iMountains of SE continental SE Asia
2 atrata Salvadori, 1879 vMountains of Thai-Malay Pen. and Sumatra
2 sarawacensis Chasen, 1941 vMountains of W Borneo (Poi Range in extreme W Sarawak)
2 kinabalu Chasen, 1941 iMountains of Borneo (except Poi Range)
Rhipidura phoenicura   S. Müller, 1843 Rufous-tailed Fantail
vMountains of Java
Rhipidura rufidorsa Rufous-backed Fantail
rufidorsa A.B. Meyer, 1874 iMisool, lowland NW, N, SW and SC New Guinea (east to Astrolabe Bay and R. Fly drainage), Yapen I.
kumusi Mathews, 1928 iLowland SE New Guinea (N coast)
kubuna Rand, 1938 iLowland SE New Guinea (S coast)
Rhipidura brachyrhyncha Dimorphic Fantail
brachyrhyncha Schlegel, 1871 vUpper montane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
devisi North, 189822 αiUpper montane N, WC, EC, NE and SE New Guinea (mountains of central cordillera and Huon Pen.; ? Foya Mts.)
Rhipidura dahli Bismarck Fantail
dahli Reichenow, 1897 iNew Britain, Umboi (Bismarck Arch.)
antonii E. Hartert, 1926 iNew Ireland (Bismarck Arch.)
Rhipidura matthiae   Heinroth, 1902 Mussau Fantail
iSt. Matthias Group (Bismarck Arch.)
Rhipidura malaitae   Mayr, 1931 Malaita Fantail
iMalaita (SE Solomons)
Rhipidura lepida 23  Hartlaub & Finsch, 1868 Palau Fantail
vBabeldaob to Peleliu (Palau)
Rhipidura teysmanni Rusty-bellied Fantail
teysmanni Büttikofer, 1892 iSW Sulawesi
toradja Stresemann, 193124 iSulawesi (except SW)
sulaensis Neumann, 1939 vSula Is.
Rhipidura superflua   E. Hartert, 1899 Tawny-backed Fantail
vMountains of Buru (S Moluccas)
Rhipidura dedemi   van Oort, 1911 Streaky-breasted Fantail
iMountains of Seram (S Moluccas)
Rhipidura opistherythra   P.L. Sclater, 1883 Long-tailed Fantail
vTanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
Rhipidura rufifrons Rufous Fantail
1 torrida Wallace, 1865 vN Moluccas
2†? uraniae Oustalet, 1881 iGuam
2 saipanensis E. Hartert, 1898 vSaipan, Tinian, Aguijan (Northern Mariana Is.)
2 mariae R.H. Baker, 1946 iRota (Northern Mariana Is.)
2 versicolor Hartlaub & Finsch, 1872 iYap (Caroline Is.)
3 kubaryi Finsch, 187625 iPohnpei (Caroline Is.)
4 agilis Mayr, 1931 vNdeni (Santa Cruz Is.)
4 utupuae Mayr, 1931 iUtupua (Santa Cruz Is.)
4 melanolaema Sharpe, 187926 δvVanikoro (Santa Cruz Is.)
5 ugiensis Mayr, 1931 vUki (SE Solomons)
6 russata Tristram, 1879 vSan Cristobal (SE Solomons)
6 kuperi Mayr, 1931 iSanta Ana (SE Solomons)
7 commoda E. Hartert, 1918 vBougainville (N Solomons)
7 granti E. Hartert, 1918 iRendova (New Georgia Is., C Solomons)
7 brunnea Mayr, 1931 vMalaita (SE Solomons)
7 rufofronta E.P. Ramsay, 1879 iGuadalcanal (SE Solomons)
7 louisiadensis E. Hartert, 1899 vLouisiade Arch. (off SE New Guinea)
7 intermedia North, 1902 vE Queensland
7 rufifrons (Latham, 1801)27 αiSE Australia >> E Queensland
Rhipidura semirubra 28  P.L. Sclater, 1877 Manus Fantail
vAdmiralty Is. (Bismarck Arch.)
Rhipidura dryas29 Arafura Fantail
celebensis Büttikofer, 1892 vTanahjampea I. and Kalao I. (Flores Sea)
mimosae Meise, 1929 iKalaotoa I. (Flores Sea)
sumbensis E. Hartert, 1896 vSumba (Lesser Sundas)
semicollaris S. Müller, 1843 vFlores to Wetar and Timor (Lesser Sundas)
elegantula Sharpe, 1879 vRoma, Leti, Moa and Damar (Lesser Sundas)
reichenowi Finsch, 1901 iBabar (Lesser Sundas)
hamadryas P.L. Sclater, 1883 iTanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
squamata S. Müller, 1843 vBanda Is. (S Moluccas), Waigeo, Salawati, Misool (Western Papuan Is.)
henrici E. Hartert, 191830 Seram Laut, Tayandu Is., Kai Is. (SE Moluccas), Aru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
streptophora Ogilvie-Grant, 1911 vCoastal SW, SC and SE New Guinea (R. Mimika to Gulf of Papua)
dryas Gould, 1843 iCoastal N Australia (Kimberley Division to W Cape York Pen.)
Rhipidura albolimbata Friendly Fantail
albolimbata Salvadori, 1874 vMid-montane New Guinea
lorentzi van Oort, 1909 iUpper montane and alpine WC and EC New Guinea (Maoke Mts., Central Highlands)
Rhipidura hyperythra Chestnut-bellied Fantail
hyperythra G.R. Gray, 1858 vAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
muelleri A.B. Meyer, 187431 δiLowland NW, N, SW and SC New Guinea (east to Astrolabe Bay and W Gulf of Papua), Yapen I.
castaneothorax E.P. Ramsay, 1879 iLowland NE and SE New Guinea (west to Huon Pen. and E Gulf of Papua)
Rhipidura drownei Brown Fantail/Mountain Fantail
drownei Mayr, 1931 iBougainville (N Solomons)
ocularis Mayr, 1931 vGuadalcanal (SE Solomons)
Rhipidura verreauxi32 Streaked Fantail
spilodera G.R. Gray, 1870 iBanks Is. to Efaté (Vanuatu)
verreauxi Marié, 1870 iNew Caledonia, Ile des Pins, Loyalty Is. (Lifou, Maré)
layardi Salvadori, 1877 iViti Levu, Ovalau (Fiji)
erythronota Sharpe, 1879 vYaqanga, Vanua Levu, Kioa (Fiji)
rufilateralis Sharpe, 1879 vTaveuni (Fiji)
Rhipidura tenebrosa   E.P. Ramsay, 1882 Dusky Fantail/Makira Fantail
vSan Cristobal (SE Solomons)
Rhipidura rennelliana   Mayr, 1931 Rennell Fantail
vRennell (S Solomons)
Rhipidura nebulosa33 Samoan Fantail
altera Mayr, 1931 vSavai'i (Samoa)
nebulosa Peale, 1848 vUpolu (Samoa)
Rhipidura personata 34  E.P. Ramsay, 1875 Kadavu Fantailα
vKadavu, Ono (Fiji)
Rhipidura phasiana 35,36  De Vis, 1885 Mangrove Fantail
vAru Is., coastal SE New Guinea (S coast from R. Biaru to Redscar Bay), coastal WC to NC Australia (east to SE Gulf of Carpentaria)
Rhipidura albiscapa37,38 Grey Fantail
brenchleyi Sharpe, 1879 iSan Cristobal (SE Solomons), Vanuatu
bulgeri E.L. Layard, 1877 iNew Caledonia, Loyalty Is. (Lifou)
keasti Ford, 1981 iNE to EC Queensland [Ford, 1981 #6219]
pelzelni G.R. Gray, 1862 iNorfolk I.
alisteri Mathews, 1911 iEC to SC and SE Australia >> N Australia
albiscapa Gould, 1840 iTasmania, Bass Strait Is. >> SE Australia
preissi Cabanis, 185139 iSW Western Australia
albicauda North, 1895 iWC to C Australia
Rhipidura fuliginosa40 New Zealand Fantail
fuliginosa (Sparrman, 1787) vSouth Island, Stewart I. (New Zealand)
placabilis Bangs, 1921 vNorth Island (New Zealand)
penita Bangs, 191141 δvChatham Is.
†? cervina E.P. Ramsay, 1879 vLord Howe I.

1 For transfer from the Dicruridae to this family and for its relationships, see Barker et al. (2004) [Barker, 2004 #218], Irestedt et al. (2008) [Irestedt, 2008 #11001], and Nyári et al. (2009) [Nyári, 2009 #12480].
2 For transfer from the Monarchidae to placement in this family with a sister relationship to Chaetorhynchus see Irestedt et al. (2008) [Irestedt, 2008 #11001] and Jønsson et al. (2011) [Jønsson, 2011 #12727].
3 Original spelling; no internal information permits emendation to kleinschmidti.
4 Arrangement of species and their sequence follows the schematic consensus tree of Nyári et al. (2009) [Nyári, 2009 #12480], into which the 13 species not screened by them have been inserted according to relationships suggested by Watson & Mayr (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4786] and Boles (2006) [Boles, 2006 #12219].
5 For suggestion that variation in this species may be clinal see Sánchez-González & Moyle (2011) [Sánchez-González, 2011 #12879].
6 For treatment as separate from R. cyaniceps but as two 'species' see Sánchez-González & Moyle (2011) [Sánchez-González, 2011 #12879].
7 Subspecies groups based on 'species' recommended by Sánchez-González & Moyle (2011) [Sánchez-González, 2011 #12879].
8 Relationships unclear, probably belongs with R. rufiventris and allied species or with R. leucophrys and allied species; see Boles (2006) [Boles, 2006 #12219].
9 For treatment of this as a separate species from R. rufiventris; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
10 Considered to form a superspecies with R. cockerelli by Watson & Mayr (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4786]; they included R. fuscorufa as well.
11 This name dates from Oct. 30, 1892; the name buettikoferi Sharpe, 1892 [Sharpe, 1892 #3588] dates from Dec. 31 and is a junior synonym see Mees (1975) [Mees, 1975 #2620].
12 Includes perneglecta see Schodde & Mathews (1977) [Schodde, 1977 #3506].
13 Dual original spellings; the author later used the spelling cockerelli acting as First Reviser as allowed by Art. 24.2.4 of the Code (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059].
14 For treatment of this as a separate species from R. rufiventris; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
15 Relationships unsettled; may be allied to the R. rufiventris superspecies, as in Watson & Mayr (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4786] or to R. threnothorax and its allied species, see Nyári et al. (2009) [Nyári, 2009 #12480].
16 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
17 For treatment as a separate species from R. javanica see Sánchez-González & Moyle (2011) [Sánchez-González, 2011 #12879].
18 For correct date of publication see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
19 Subspecies groups derived from treatment as two species by Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749], where 'subspecies' vernayi and orissae are suggested to reflect introgression and best seen as a hybrid swarm. See also Boles (2006) [Boles, 2006 #12219].
20 Given as 1832 by Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4786] and confirmed by Dickinson (2008) [Dickinson, 2008 #11083].
21 Date 1913 given by Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was miscopied.
22 For correct date see Anon. (1929) [Anon., 1929 #14054].
23 Considered to form a superspecies with R. dedemi, R. superflua and R. teysmanni by Watson & Mayr (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4786]. To this Boles (2006) [Boles, 2006 #12219] added R. opistherythra.
24 Includes coomansi; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194]. But see Boles (2006) [Boles, 2006 #12219].
25 For treatment as a separate species see Pratt et al. (1987) [Pratt, 1987 #3119], but see Boles (2006) [Boles, 2006 #12219] and Nyari et al. (2009) [Nyari, 2009 #12480].
26 Correct original spelling. Spelling melaenolaema in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
27 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
28 Derived from separation and circumscription of R. rufifrons and R. dryas by Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]. For recognition see Boles (2006) [Boles, 2006 #12219], but see Mayr & Diamond (2001) [Mayr, 2001 #10562].
29 Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] explained the separation of this species from R. rufifrons, and the priority accorded this name over semicollaris and squamata. See also Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602].
30 Placed in synonymy by White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194]; but for renewed recognition see Boles (2006) [Boles, 2006 #12219].
31 Correct original spelling. Spelling mulleri in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
32 For reasons to use verreauxi as the specific name, and details of prior publication, see Dickinson & Watling (2006) [Dickinson, 2006 #9416].
33 Considered to form a superspecies with R. drownei, R. tenebrosa, R. rennelliana and R. verreauxi by Watson & Mayr (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4786].
34 For change in source publication and date correction see McAllan (2006) [McAllan, 2006 #7018].
35 For treatment at species rank see Ford (1981) [Ford, 1981 #6219] and Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]. See also Boles (2006) [Boles, 2006 #12219] and Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602].
36 For date correction see Ingram (1990) [Ingram, 1990 #10761].
37 For treatment as a separate species from R. fuliginosa see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
38 Found paraphyletic with R. phasiana by Nyári et al. (2009) [Nyári, 2009 #12480] but sampling limited without strong support.
39 For recommended date of publication see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
40 Forms a superspecies with R. albiscapa; see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
41 Spelling penitus in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] not adjusted for gender agreement.