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MONARCHIDAE - Monarchs1,2 (16:96)
MYIAGRA Vigors & Horsfield, 1827 F - Myiagra rubeculoides Vigors & Horsfield, 1827; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 32). = Todus rubecula Latham, 1801  
Myiagra oceanica Oceanic Myiagra/Oceanic Flycatcher
†? freycineti Oustalet, 1881 iGuam
oceanica Pucheran, 1853 vChuuk (Caroline Is.)
erythrops Hartlaub & Finsch, 1868 Babeldaob to Peleliu (Palau)
pluto Finsch, 1876 Pohnpei (Caroline Is.)
Myiagra galeata Moluccan Myiagra/Moluccan Flycatcher
galeata G.R. Gray, 18613 αvN Moluccas
goramensis Sharpe, 18794 vS and SE Moluccas (except Buru)
buruensis E. Hartert, 1903 vBuru (S Moluccas)
Myiagra atra   A.B. Meyer, 1874 Biak Myiagra/Biak Flycatcher
vNumfoor I., Biak I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
Myiagra rubecula Leaden Myiagra/Leaden Flycatcher
sciurorum Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1918 iD'Entrecasteaux Arch. and Louisiade Arch.
papuana Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1918 vCoastal SW, SC and SE New Guinea, N Torres Strait Is.
concinna Gould, 1848 vNW to NC Australia (east to W Gulf of Carpentaria)
okyri Schodde & Mason, 1999 iNE Australia (Cape York Pen.), Torres Strait Is. [Schodde, 1999 #3524]
yorki Mathews, 1912 iNE to EC Australia >> NE Australia (Cape York Pen.)
rubecula (Latham, 1801)5 αiSE Australia >> NE and E Australia (E Queensland to Cape York Pen.), SC New Guinea
Myiagra ferrocyanea Steel-blue Myiagra/Steel-blue Flycatcher
cinerea (Mathews, 1928) vBougainville (N Solomons)
ferrocyanea E.P. Ramsay, 18796 vChoiseul, Santa Isabel, Guadalcanal (C and SE Solomons)
malaitae Mayr, 1931 iMalaita (SE Solomons)
feminina Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1901 vNew Georgia Is. (C Solomons)
Myiagra cervinicauda   Tristram, 1879 Makira Myiagra/Makira Flycatcher
iSan Cristobal (SE Solomons)
Myiagra caledonica Melanesian Myiagra/Melanesian Flycatcher
occidentalis Mayr, 1931 vRennell (S Solomons)
marinae Salomonsen, 1934 iTorres Is. to Efaté (Vanuatu)
melanura G.R. Gray, 1860 vErromango, Tanna, Anatom (Vanuatu); Maré (Loyalty Is.)
viridinitens G.R. Gray, 1859 iLifou, Ouvéa (Loyalty Is.)
caledonica Bonaparte, 1857 vNew Caledonia
Myiagra vanikorensis7 Vanikoro Myiagra/Vanikoro Flycatcher
vanikorensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) vVanikoro (Santa Cruz Is.)
rufiventris Elliot, 1859 vNW and C Fiji
kandavensis Mayr, 1933 vKadavu and offshore islands (Fiji)
dorsalis Mayr, 1933 vN Lau Group, Moala Group (Fiji)
townsendi Wetmore, 1919 iS Lau Group (Fiji)
Myiagra albiventris   (Peale, 1848) Samoan Myiagra/Samoan Flycatcher
Myiagra azureocapilla Blue-crested Myiagra/Blue-crested Flycatcher
castaneigularis E.L. Layard, 1876 vVanua Levu (Fiji)
whitneyi Mayr, 1933 iViti Levu (Fiji)
azureocapilla E.L. Layard, 1875 iTaveuni (Fiji)
Myiagra ruficollis Broad-billed Myiagra/Broad-billed Flycatcher
ruficollis (Vieillot, 1818) vFlores Sea islands, Lesser Sundas (Lomblen to Damar)
fulviventris P.L. Sclater, 18838 vTanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
mimikae Ogilvie-Grant, 1911 iCoastal SW to SC New Guinea, Torres Strait Is., coastal NW to EC Australia
Myiagra cyanoleuca   (Vieillot, 1818) Satin Myiagra/Satin Flycatcher
vSE Australia, Tasmania, Bass Strait Is. >> NE Australia, Torres Strait Is., New Guinea and nearby islands including Tagula
Myiagra alecto Shining Myiagra/Shining Flycatcher
alecto (Temminck, 1827) iN Moluccas
longirostris (Mathews, 1928) vTanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
rufolateralis (G.R. Gray, 1858) vAru Is. (off SE New Guinea)
chalybeocephala (Lesson & Garnot, 1828)9,10 vWaigeo, Batanta, Salawati, Kafiau, Misool, lowland New Guinea, Bismarck Arch. (except St. Matthias Group and Lihir I.)
manumudari (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1915) iManam I. (off N New Guinea)
lucida G.R. Gray, 1858 vTrobriand Is., D'Entrecasteaux Arch., Louisiade Arch.
melvillensis (Mathews, 1912)11 vCoastal NW and NC Australia (Kimberley Division to W Gulf of Carpentaria, Melville I.)
wardelli (Mathews, 1911) iCoastal SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region), Torres Strait Is., coastal NE and E Australia (Cape York Pen. to SE Queensland)
Myiagra hebetior Velvet Myiagra/Velvet Flycatcher
hebetior (E. Hartert, 1924) vMussau (St. Matthias Group)
eichhorni (E. Hartert, 1924) iNew Hanover, New Ireland, New Britain (Bismarck Arch.)
cervinicolor (Salomonsen, 1964) iDjaul I. (Bismarck Arch.)
Myiagra nana 12  (Gould, 1870) Paperbark Myiagra/Paperbark Flycatcher
iLowland SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region); N Australia (east to W Cape York Pen.)
Myiagra inquieta 13  (Latham, 1801) Restless Myiagra/Restless Flycatcherα
vSW, S and E Australia
ARSES Lesson, 1831 M - Muscicapa telescophthalmus Lesson & Garnot, 1827; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 31).   14
Arses insularis 15  (A.B. Meyer, 1874) Rufous-collared Monarch/Ochre-collared Monarch
vYapen I. (in Cenderawasih Bay), lowland N New Guinea (R. Mamberamo to Astrolabe Bay and upper R. Ramu)
Arses telescopthalmus16 Frilled Monarch
batantae Sharpe, 1879 iWaigeo, Batanta (Western Papuan Is.)
telescopthalmus (Lesson & Garnot, 1827)17 δvMisool, Salawati, lowland NW New Guinea (Vogelkop and neck)
aruensis Sharpe, 1879 vAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
harterti van Oort, 1909 iLowland SW to SE New Guinea (east to E Gulf of Papua), Torres Strait Is.
lauterbachi Reichenow, 189718 iLowland SE New Guinea (west to Huon Pen. in N and Cloudy Bay in S)
Arses lorealis 19  De Vis, 1895 Frill-necked Monarch
vNE Australia (N and E Cape York Pen.)
Arses kaupi Pied Monarch
terraereginae A.J. Campbell, 189520 iNE Queensland (Cooktown to R. Daintree) [Campbell, 1895 #652]
kaupi Gould, 1851 iNE Queensland (R. Daintree to Townsville)
GRALLINA Vieillot, 1816 F - Grallina melanoleuca Vieillot, 1816; type by monotypy = Corvus cyanoleucus Latham, 1801.21
Grallina cyanoleuca Magpie-lark
neglecta Mathews, 191222 vN Australia
cyanoleuca (Latham, 1801)23,24 αvW, C, S and E Australia
Grallina bruijnii 25,26  Salvadori, 1876 Torrent-lark&alphaδ
iMontane New Guinea
SYMPOSIACHRUS Bonaparte, 1854 M - Drymophila trivirgata Temminck, 1826; type by original designation27,28
Symposiachrus axillaris Black Monarch
axillaris (Salvadori, 1876)29 vMontane NW, N and WC New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop to Kobowre Mts.; North Coast Ranges; ? Foya Mts.)
fallax (E.P. Ramsay, 1885) iMontane WC, EC, N, NE and SE New Guinea (Maoke Mts. to Owen Stanley Range; Adelbert Range; mountains of Huon Pen.)
Symposiachrus rubiensis   (A.B. Meyer, 1874) Rufous Monarch
vLowland NW, N, SW and SC New Guinea (east to Astrolabe Bay and upper R. Fly drainage)
Symposiachrus guttula 30  (Lesson & Garnot, 1828) Spot-winged Monarch
Western Papuan Is., lowland New Guinea, islands in Cenderawasih Bay, Aru Is., D'Entrecasteaux Arch. and Louisiade Arch.
Symposiachrus mundus   (P.L. Sclater, 1883) Black-bibbed Monarch
vDamar, Babar, Tanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
Symposiachrus sacerdotum   (Mees, 1973) Flores Monarch
Flores (Lesser Sundas)
Symposiachrus boanensis 31  (van Bemmel, 1939) Black-chinned Monarch
vBoano (S Moluccas)
Symposiachrus trivirgatus Spectacled Monarch
trivirgatus (Temminck, 1826) vSumba and Flores to Damar (Lesser Sundas)
bimaculatus (G.R. Gray, 1861)32,33 αvMorotai, Halmahera, Bacan (N Moluccas)
diadematus (Salvadori, 1878) vObi (N Moluccas)
nigrimentum (G.R. Gray, 1861)34,35 αiS and SE Moluccas
bernsteinii (Salvadori, 1878)36 δiSalawati (Western Papuan Is.)
melanopterus (G.R. Gray, 1858) vAlcester I. and Louisiade Arch. (off SE New Guinea)
albiventris (Gould, 1866)37 vNE Australia (NE Cape York Pen.), ? Torres Strait Is.
melanorrhous (Schodde & Mason, 1999) vNE Queensland [Schodde, 1999 #3524]
gouldii (G.R. Gray, 1861)38 αiE Australia (EC and SE Queensland, NE New South Wales) >> NE Australia (Cape York Pen.) and SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region)
Symposiachrus everetti 39  (E. Hartert, 1896) White-tipped Monarch
Tanahjampea I. (Flores Sea)
Symposiachrus loricatus 40  (Wallace, 1863) Black-tipped Monarch
vBuru (S Moluccas)
Symposiachrus leucurus   (G.R. Gray, 1858) White-tailed Monarch
vKai Is. (SE Moluccas)
Symposiachrus julianae   (Ripley, 1959) Kafiau Monarch
Kafiau (Western Papuan Is.)
Symposiachrus brehmii   (Schlegel, 1871) Biak Monarch
Biak I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
Symposiachrus manadensis 41  (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) Hooded Monarch
vLowland New Guinea
Symposiachrus infelix Manus Monarch
infelix (P.L. Sclater, 1877) iManus (Admiralty Is.)
coultasi (Mayr, 1955) iTong, Rambutyo (Admiralty Is.)
Symposiachrus menckei   (Heinroth, 1902) White-breasted Monarch/Mussau Monarch
St. Matthias Group (Bismarck Arch.)
Symposiachrus verticalis Black-tailed Monarch
ateralbus (Salomonsen, 1964) vDjaul I. (Bismarck Arch.)
verticalis (P.L. Sclater, 1877) vUmboi, New Britain, New Ireland, New Hanover (Bismarck Arch.)
Symposiachrus barbatus   (E.P. Ramsay, 1879) Solomon Islands Monarch
vBougainville, Choiseul, Santa Isabel, Guadalcanal (Solomons)
Symposiachrus malaitae 42  (Mayr, 1931) White-cheeked Monarch
Malaita (SE Solomons)
Symposiachrus browni Kolombangara Monarch
nigrotectus (E. Hartert, 1908) vVella Lavella, Mbava (New Georgia Is., C Solomons)
ganongae (Mayr, 1935) iRanongga (New Georgia Is., C Solomons)
browni (E.P. Ramsay, 1883) iKolombangara, New Georgia, Vangunu, Nggatokae (New Georgia Is., C Solomons)
meeki (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1905) iRendova, Tetepare (New Georgia Is., C Solomons)
Symposiachrus vidua White-collared Monarch
vidua (Tristram, 1879)43 δiSan Cristobal (SE Solomons)
squamulatus (Tristram, 1882) vUki (SE Solomons)
CARTERORNIS Mathews, 1912 M - Monarcha leucotis Gould, 1850; type by original designation44
Carterornis chrysomela Golden Monarch
melanonotus (P.L. Sclater, 1877) vWaigeo, Batanta, Salawati, Misool, lowland NW Guinea (Vogelkop and neck)
kordensis (A.B. Meyer, 1874) vBiak I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
aruensis (Salvadori, 1874) vLowland SW New Guinea, Aru Is.
aurantiacus (A.B. Meyer, 1891) vLowland N New Guinea (head of Cenderawasih Bay to Astrolabe Bay and R. Ramu)
nitidus (De Vis, 1897) vLowland SC, SE and NE New Guinea (west to Huon Pen. and R. Fly drainage), D'Entrecasteaux Arch.
pulcherrimus (Salomonsen, 1964) δvDjaul I. (Bismarck Arch.)
chrysomela (Lesson & Garnot, 1827)45 iNew Hanover, New Ireland (Bismarck Arch.)
whitneyorum (Mayr, 1955) iLihir I. (Hibernian Is.)
tabarensis (Mayr, 1955) vTabar (Tabar Is., Bismarck Arch.)
Carterornis leucotis 46  (Gould, 1850) White-eared Monarchα
vE Queensland, NE New South Wales
Carterornis pileatus47 White-naped Monarch
pileatus (Salvadori, 1878) vHalmahera (N Moluccas)
buruensis (A.B. Meyer, 1884)48 αvBuru (S Moluccas)
castus (P.L. Sclater, 1883) vTayandu Is. (SE Moluccas), Tanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
CHASIEMPIS Cabanis, 1847 F - Muscicapa sandwichensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by monotypy   49,50
Chasiempis sclateri   Ridgway, 1882 Kauai Elepaio
Kauai (Hawaiian Is.)
Chasiempis ibidis   Stejneger , 1887 Oahu Elepaio
Oahu (Hawaiian Is.)
Chasiempis sandwichensis Hawaii Elepaio
sandwichensis (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vW and S Hawaii (Hawaiian Is.)
ridgwayi Stejneger, 188751 αiE Hawaii (Hawaiian Is.)
bryani H.D. Pratt, 1979 iW slope of Mauna Kea on Hawaii (Hawaiian Is.)
POMAREA Bonaparte, 1854 F - Muscicapa nigra Sparrman, 1786; type by monotypy   52
Pomarea nigra 53  (Sparrman, 1786) Tahiti Monarch
vTahiti (Society Is.)
Pomarea pomarea 54,55  (Lesson & Garnot, 1828) Maupiti Monarch
vMaupiti (Society Is.)
Pomarea dimidiata   (Hartlaub & Finsch, 1871) Rarotonga Monarch
vRarotonga, translocated Atiu (Cook Is.)
Pomarea fluxa   Murphy & Mathews, 1928 Eiao Monarch
vEiao (Iles Marquises)
Pomarea nukuhivae   Murphy & Mathews, 1928 Nuku Hiva Monarch
Nuku Hiva (Iles Marquises)
Pomarea iphis   Murphy & Mathews, 1928 Iphis Monarch
Ua Huka (Iles Marquises)
Pomarea whitneyi   Murphy & Mathews, 1928 Fatu Hiva Monarch
iFatu Hiva (Iles Marquises)
Pomarea mira   Murphy & Mathews, 1928 Ua Pou Monarch
vUa Pou (Iles Marquises)
Pomarea mendozae Marquesas Monarch
†? mendozae (Hartlaub, 1854) iHiva Oa, Tahuata (Iles Marquises)
motanensis Murphy & Mathews, 1928 vMotane (Iles Marquises)
NEOLALAGE Mathews, 1928 F - Lalage banksiana G.R. Gray, 1870; type by original designation   56
Neolalage banksiana   (G.R. Gray, 1870) Buff-bellied Monarch
vBanks Is. to Efaté (Vanuatu)
MAYRORNIS Wetmore, 1932 M - Rhipidura lessoni G.R. Gray, 1846; type by original designation   57
Mayrornis schistaceus   Mayr, 1933 Vanikoro Monarch
vVanikoro (Santa Cruz Is.)
Mayrornis versicolor   Mayr, 1933 Ogea Monarch/Versicolored Monarch
iOgea Levu, Dakuiyanuya, Ogea Driki (S Lau Group, Fiji)
Mayrornis lessoni Slaty Monarch
lessoni (G.R. Gray, 1846) iFiji (except N Lau Group, S Lau Group and Rotuma)
orientalis Mayr, 1933 vN Lau Group, S Lau Group (Fiji)
CLYTORHYNCHUS Elliot, 1870 M - Clytorhynchus pachycephaloides Elliot, 1870; type by monotypy   58
Clytorhynchus pachycephaloides Southern Shrikebill
pachycephaloides Elliot, 1870 iNew Caledonia
grisescens Sharpe, 1899 iTorres Is., Banks Is. to Erromango (Vanuatu)
Clytorhynchus vitiensis59 Fiji Shrikebill
wiglesworthi Mayr, 1933 iRotuma (Fiji)
vitiensis (Hartlaub, 1866) vViti Levu, Lomaiviti Group (Fiji)
buensis (E.L. Layard, 1876) vVanua Levu, Kioa (Fiji)
layardi Mayr, 1933 iTaveuni (Fiji)
pontifex Mayr, 1933 iRabi, Qamea (Fiji)
brunneus (E.P. Ramsay, 1875)60 vKadavu and offshore islands (Fiji)
vatuanus Mayr, 1933 vN Lau Group (Fiji)
nesiotes (Wetmore, 1919) iS Lau Group (Fiji)
fortunae (E.L. Layard, 1876) iFutuna, Alofi (Wallis and Futuna Is.)
keppeli Mayr, 1933 iTafahi, Niuatoputapu (Tonga)
heinei (Finsch & Hartlaub, 1870) iHa'apai Group, Nomuka Group, 'Eue'iki (Tonga)
powelli (Salvin, 1879) iManu'a Is. (American Samoa)
Clytorhynchus nigrogularis   (E.L. Layard, 1875) Black-throated Shrikebill
vViti Levu, Vanua Levu, Taveuni, Kadavu, Ovalau (Fiji)
Clytorhynchus sanctaecrucis 61  Mayr, 1933 Santa Cruz Shrikebill
Ndeni (Santa Cruz Is.)
Clytorhynchus hamlini   (Mayr, 1931) Rennell Shrikebill
iRennell (S Solomons)
MONARCHA Vigors & Horsfield, 1827 M - Muscipeta carinata Swainson, 1823; type by monotypy = Muscicapa melanopsis Vieillot, 1818  62
Monarcha cinerascens63 Island Monarch
cinerascens (Temminck, 1827)64 iSatellites of Sulawesi (south from Talaud Is.), Flores Sea islands, Moluccas, Lesser Sundas (east from Sumbawa)
inornatus (Lesson & Garnot, 1828)65 vWaigeo, Misool, lowland NW New Guinea (N coast of Vogelkop), Aru Is.
steini Stresemann & Paludan, 1932 iNumfoor I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
geelvinkianus A.B. Meyer, 188466 αvYapen I., Biak I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
fuscescens A.B. Meyer, 188467 αiIslands off N New Guinea (R. Mamberamo to Yos Sudarso Bay)
nigrirostris Neumann, 1929 vN and NE New Guinea (islands off N Papua New Guinea east to N coast of Huon Pen.)
rosselianus Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1916 vTrobriand Is., D'Entrecasteaux Arch. and Louisiade Arch.
fulviventris Hartlaub, 1868 vNinigo Group, Hermit Is., Kaniet Is. and Admiralty Is. (NW Bismarck Arch.)
perpallidus Neumann, 1924 vSt. Matthias Group, New Hanover, New Ireland, N Hibernian Is. (Bismarck Arch.)
impediens E. Hartert, 1926 iS Hibernian Is. (Bismarck Arch.) to C Solomons (small islands only) and Ontong Java Atoll
Monarcha castaneiventris68 Chestnut-bellied Monarch
castaneiventris J. Verreaux, 1858 vChoiseul, Santa Isabel, Malaita, Guadalcanal (C and SE Solomons)
obscurior Mayr, 1935 vRussell Is. (SE Solomons)
erythrostictus (Sharpe, 1888) vBougainville, Shortland Is. (N Solomons)
Monarcha richardsii   (E.P. Ramsay, 1881) White-caped Monarch
iNew Georgia Is. (C Solomons)
Monarcha ugiensis69 Makira Monarch
megarhynchus Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1908 vSan Cristobal (SE Solomons)
ugiensis (E.P. Ramsay, 1882) vUki (SE Solomons)
Monarcha frater Black-winged Monarch
frater P.L. Sclater, 1874 iLower montane NW, WC and N New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop, N watershed of Maoke Mts.; ? Foya Mts.)
kunupi E. Hartert & Paludan, 1934 iLower montane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts.)
periophthalmicus Sharpe, 1882 vLower montane WC, EC, N, NE and SE New Guinea (S watershed of Maoke Mts., Central Highlands to Owen Stanley Range; North Coast Ranges, Adelbert Range; mountains of Huon Pen.)
canescens Salvadori, 1876 iNE Australia (NE Cape York Pen.) >> Torres Strait Is., SC New Guinea
Monarcha melanopsis 70  (Vieillot, 1818) Black-faced Monarch
iE Australia >> NE Australia (E Cape York Pen.), lowland SC to SE New Guinea, Trobriand Is., D'Entrecasteaux Arch. and Louisiade Arch.
METABOLUS Bonaparte, 1854 M - Muscicapa rugensis Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841; type by original designation   71
Metabolus takatsukasae   (Yamashina, 1931) Tinian Monarch
Tinian (Northern Mariana Is.)
Metabolus godeffroyi   (Hartlaub, 1868) Yap Monarch
Yap (Caroline Is.)
Metabolus rugensis   (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1841) Chuuk Monarch
vChuuk (Caroline Is.)
TROCHOCERCUS Cabanis, 1851 M - Muscicapa cyanomelas Vieillot, 1818; type by monotypy   72,73
Trochocercus cyanomelas Blue-mantled Paradise-flycatcher
vivax Neave, 1909 iUganda to S DR Congo and Zambia
bivittatus Reichenow, 1879 vSomalia to E Tanzania and Zanzibar
megalolophus Swynnerton, 1907 vMalawi and Mozambique to E Zimbabwe and lowland NE South Africa
segregus Clancey, 1975 vNE and E South Africa (Limpopo to KwaZulu-Natal)
cyanomelas (Vieillot, 1818) iS South Africa
Trochocercus nitens Blue-headed Paradise-flycatcher
reichenowi Sharpe, 1904 iSierra Leone to Togo
nitens Cassin, 1859 iSW Nigeria and Cameroon to W Uganda, south to NW Angola
HYPOTHYMIS Boie, 1826 F - Muscicapa caerulea J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by monotypy = Muscicapa azurea Boddaert, 1783  
Hypothymis azurea74 Black-naped Monarch
1 ceylonensis Sharpe, 1879 vSri Lanka
1 styani (Hartlaub, 1899)75 αiS China, Himalayan foothills (east from Uttarakhand), S Asia (except Sri Lanka), Myanmar, E continental SE Asia
1 tytleri (Beavan, 1867) iCoco Is. (off Myanmar) and Andamans
1 idiochroa Oberholser, 1911 iCar Nicobar (Nicobars)
1 nicobarica Bianchi, 1907 vS Nicobars
1 oberholseri Stresemann, 1913 iTaiwan
1 montana Riley, 1929 vN and C Thailand
1 galerita (Deignan, 1956) vSW and SE Thailand
1 forrestia Oberholser, 1911 vMergui Arch. (off SE Myanmar)
1 prophata Oberholser, 1911 vS Tenasserim, Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo
1 consobrina Richmond, 1902 iSimeulue I. (off W Sumatra)
1 abbotti Richmond, 1902 iBanyak Is. (off W Sumatra)
1 leucophila Oberholser, 1911 vSiberut I. (off W Sumatra)
1 richmondi Oberholser, 1911 iEnggano I. (off W Sumatra)
1 opisthocyanea Oberholser, 1911 vAnamba Is. (Indonesia)
1 gigantoptera Oberholser, 1911 vN Natuna Is. (Indonesia)
1 karimatensis Chasen & Kloss, 1932 vKarimata Is. (off W Borneo)
1 aeria Bangs & J.L. Peters, 1927 vMaratua I. (off E Borneo)
1 symmixta Stresemann, 191376 vJava, Bali, Penida I., Lesser Sundas (east to Alor)
1 azurea (Boddaert, 1783) vPhilippines (except Camiguin Sur)
1 catarmanensis Rand & Rabor, 196977 δvCamiguin Sur (Philippines)
2 puella (Wallace, 1863) Sulawesi and satellites (except range of blasii)
2 blasii E. Hartert, 1898 Banggai Is. and Sula Is.
Hypothymis helenae Short-crested Monarch
personata (McGregor, 1907) vCamiguin Norte (Philippines)
helenae (Steere, 1890) iLuzon, Polillo, Samar (Philippines)
agusanae Rand, 1970 iDinagat, NE Mindanao (Philippines)
Hypothymis coelestis Celestial Monarch
coelestis Tweeddale, 1877 αvLuzon, Samar, Mindanao, Basilan (Philippines)
rabori Rand, 197078 iSibuyan, Negros (Philippines)
EUTRICHOMYIAS Meise, 1939 M - Zeocephus rowleyi A.B. Meyer, 1878; type by original designation   
Eutrichomyias rowleyi   (A.B. Meyer, 1878) Cerulean Paradise-flycatcher
iSangir (Sangir Is.)
TERPSIPHONE Gloger, 1827 F - Corvus paradisi Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 15 (1826), p. 25).   
Terpsiphone cinnamomea79 Rufous Paradise-flycatcher
unirufa Salomonsen, 1937 vLuzon to Catanduanes and Cebu (Philippines)
cinnamomea (Sharpe, 1877) vSamar, Dinagat, Mindanao and satellites, Sulu Arch. (Philippines)
talautensis (A.B. Meyer & Wiglesworth, 1894) vTalaud Is.
Terpsiphone cyanescens   (Sharpe, 1877) Blue Paradise-flycatcher
iPalawan (Philippines)
Terpsiphone atrocaudata Japanese Paradise-flycatcher
atrocaudata (Eyton, 1839) vJapan (except Hokkaido), S Korea >> E continental SE Asia, Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra, N Borneo
illex Bangs, 1901 iRyukyu Is.
periophthalmica (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895) vLanyu I. (off S Taiwan), Batan Is. (Philippines) >> C Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan (Philippines)
Terpsiphone incei   (Gould, 1852) Amur Paradise-flycatcher
Russian Far East, N Korea, C, NE and E China >> mainland SE Asia, Sumatra
Terpsiphone affinis Blyth's Paradise-flycatcher
nicobarica E.W. Oates, 1890 vCoco Is. (off Myanmar), Andamans, Nicobars
burmae (Salomonsen, 1933) C Myanmar
indochinensis (Salomonsen, 1933) vS China, continental SE Asia (east and south from E Myanmar)
affinis (Blyth, 1846)80 vThai-Malay Pen., Sumatra, Bangka I., Belitung I.
procera (Richmond, 1903) vSimeulue I. (off W Sumatra)
insularis Salvadori, 1887 vNias I. (off W Sumatra)
borneensis (E. Hartert, 1916) vBorneo
sumbaensis A.B. Meyer, 1894 vSumba (Lesser Sundas)
floris Büttikofer, 1894 Sumbawa to Alor (Lesser Sundas)
Terpsiphone corvina   (E. Newton, 1867) Seychelles Paradise-flycatcher
vLa Digue; occasionally on Praslin, Marianne and Félicité (Seychelles)
Terpsiphone bourbonnensis Mascarene Paradise-flycatcher
desolata (Salomonsen, 1933) vMauritius
bourbonnensis (Statius Muller, 1776) vRéunion
Terpsiphone paradisi Indian Paradise-flycatcher
leucogaster (Swainson, 1838) iAfghanistan to W Tien Shan Mts., Himalayan foothills (from N Pakistan to Nepal) and N India (Ganges Plain) >> S India
saturatior (Salomonsen, 1933) vYunnan, Himalayan foothills (east from Sikkim), NE India, E Bangladesh, W and N Myanmar >> SW continental SE Asia, N Thai-Malay Pen.
paradisi (Linnaeus, 1758) iC and S India, C Bangladesh, SW Myanmar >> Sri Lanka
ceylonensis (Sarudny & Härms, 1912) vSri Lanka
Terpsiphone mutata Madagascar Paradise-flycatcher
comorensis Milne-Edwards & Oustalet, 188581 δvGrande Comore (Comoros)
voeltzkowiana Stresemann, 1924 vMohéli (Comoros)
vulpina (E. Newton, 1877) vAnjouan (Comoros)
pretiosa (Lesson, 1847) vMayotte (Comoros)
mutata (Linnaeus, 1766)82 vMadagascar
Terpsiphone atrochalybeia 83  (T.R.H. Thomson, 1842) São Tomé Paradise-flycatcherδ
vSão Tomé
Terpsiphone viridis African Paradise-flycatcher
harterti (R. Meinertzhagen, 1923) iSW Saudi Arabia, W and S Yemen, SW Oman
viridis (Statius Muller, 1776) vSenegal and Gambia to Sierra Leone
speciosa (Cassin, 1859) vS Cameroon to DR Congo (except SW, NE and E) and NE Angola
ferreti (Guérin-Méneville, 1843) iMali and Ivory Coast to N Cameroon, NE DR Congo, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and NE Tanzania
restricta (Salomonsen, 1933) vS Uganda
kivuensis Salomonsen, 1949 vSW Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, E DR Congo (Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu), NW Tanzania
suahelica Reichenow, 1898 vW Kenya, N Tanzania
ungujaensis (C.H.B. Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1947) vE Tanzania, Pemba I., Zanzibar, Mafia I.
plumbeiceps Reichenow, 1898 iSW Tanzania, N Zambia, Angola and N Namibia to Zimbabwe, N South Africa and Mozambique >> Gabon, Cameroon, N Tanzania, SE Kenya
granti (Roberts, 1948) iSE and S South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal to S Western Cape) >> Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, S Tanzania
violacea (C.H.B. Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1940)84 vZambia (except N), Malawi
Terpsiphone rufocinerea   Cabanis, 1875 Rufous-vented Paradise-flycatcher
vS Cameroon to W DR Congo and N Angola
Terpsiphone batesi85 Bates's Paradise-flycatcher
batesi Chapin, 1921 iS Cameroon and Gabon to E DR Congo
bannermani Chapin, 1948 iPR Congo, SW DR Congo, N Angola
Terpsiphone rufiventer Red-bellied Paradise-flycatcher
rufiventer (Swainson, 1837) iSenegal and Gambia to W Guinea
nigriceps (Hartlaub, 1855) iGuinea (except W) and Sierra Leone to Togo
fagani (Bannerman, 1921) iBenin and SW Nigeria
tricolor (Fraser, 1843) iBioko
smithii (Fraser, 1843) iAnnobón
neumanni Stresemann, 1924 iSE Nigeria, Cameroon (except SE), Gabon, S PR Congo, NW Angola (Cabinda)
schubotzi (Reichenow, 1911) iSE Cameroon, SW Central African Republic
mayombe (Chapin, 1932) iSE PR Congo, W DR Congo
somereni Chapin, 1948 iW and S Uganda
emini Reichenow, 1893 iSE Uganda, W Kenya, NW Tanzania
ignea (Reichenow, 1901) vE Central African Republic, E and S DR Congo to NE Angola and NW Zambia
Terpsiphone bedfordi   (Ogilvie-Grant, 1907) Bedford's Paradise-flycatcher
iNE and E DR Congo

1 The family name Myiagridae may be senior, see Boles (1981) [Boles, 1981 #400], but Bock (1994) [Bock, 1994 #398] argued for the preservation of Monarchidae based on prevailing usage.
2 Sequence of genera based on Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844] and Filardi & Smith (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9845].
3 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
4 Includes seranensis; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
5 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
6 Dual original spellings. The author later elected this spelling as allowed under Art. 24.2.4 of the Code (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059].
7 Considered to form a superspecies with M. caledonica and M. albiventris; see Mayr (1933) [Mayr, 1933 #15657].
8 For recognition, see Ford (1983) [Ford, 1983 #1580] and White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
9 For taxon differentiation in New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago complex and may involve cryptic speciation, see Mayr (1955) [Mayr, 1955 #2556] and Ford (1983) [Ford, 1983 #1580].
10 Name introduced in the Manuel d'Ornithologie by Lesson in June 1828 citing the plate from the Voyage de la Coquille, but the publication of the plate dates from November. However, see Dickinson et al. (2015) [Dickinson, 2015 #15882] for adding Garnot to the authorship.
11 For selection of this name see Schodde & Dickinson (2005) [Schodde, 2005 #7783] who, acting as First Revisers, assigned priority to this name over Myiagra rubecula melvillensis Mathews, 1912. For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524], who made tormenti a junior synonym.
12 For treatment as a separate species from M. inquieta; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
13 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
14 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
15 For treatment as a separate species from A. telescopthalmus see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
16 Considered to form a superspecies with A. insularis, A. lorealis and A. kaupi; see Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448].
17 For correct spelling and for attribution to Lesson & Garnot see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]; in this specific case publication in the Atlas (attributed to the two authors) preceded publication of a description usually attributed to Garnot alone.
18 The form henkei is an intergradient population between harterti and lauterbachi and so not recognised here; see Schoode & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
19 For treatment as a separate species from A. telescopthalmus see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
20 For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
21 Placement between Arses and Myiagra follows Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] and Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844]. Treatment at family rank unfounded, see Olson (1989) [Olson, 1989 #2850] and Baverstock et al. (1992) [Baverstock, 1992 #240].
22 For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
23 Name conserved; see Opinion 2240 (I.C.Z.N., 2009) [I.C.Z.N., 2009 #12281].
24 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
25 Correct original spelling. Spelling bruijni in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
26 For date correction see Poggi (1996) [Poggi, 1996 #10153].
27 Recognition follows Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602], based on Filardi & Smith (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9845] and Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844] who suggested that this genus may still not be monophyletic.
28 Revision of species sequence awaits more complete taxon sampling and so unchanged.
29 For best date of publication see Poggi (2010) [Poggi, 2010 #12656].
30 First published by Lesson in his Manuel d'Ornithologie in June 1828; citation from Garnot's text in 1829 by Mayr (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448] was mistaken. However, Garnot is a co-author in this text within the Manuel see Dickinson et al. (2015) [Dickinson, 2015 #15882].
31 For treatment as a species separate from S. trivirgatus see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
32 Implicitly includes morotensis; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
33 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
34 Implicitly includes wellsi; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194]. But see Mees (2006) [Mees, 2006 #7094].
35 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
36 Requires revision; holotype found to match nigrimentum; see Dekker (2003) [Dekker, 2003 #1259].
37 Paraphyletic with Australian subspecies melanorrhous and gouldii according to Filardi & Smith (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9845], but confirmation needed from broader taxon sampling before status changed, see Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602].
38 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
39 For treatment as a separate species from S. leucurus, see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
40 For treatment as a separate species from S. leucurus, see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
41 Considered to form a superspecies with S. everetti, S. loricatus, S. leucurus, S. julianae, S. brehmii, S. infelix, S. menckei, S. verticalis, S. barbatus, S. malaitae, S. browni and S. viduus; see Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448]; but see molecular findings of Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844] and Filardi & Smith (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9845].
42 For recognition as a separate species from S. barbatus, see Filardi & Smith (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9845].
43 Correct original spelling, noun in apposition; see David & Gosselin (2011) [David, 2011 #13197].
44 Recognition follows Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602], based on Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844] and Filardi & Smith (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9845].
45 First published in the caption to plate 18 in the Voyage de la Coquille in October, 1827; Garnot's text was two years later.
46 First published in Jardine's Contributions to Ornithology; see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #12713].
47 For treatment as a separate species from C. leucotis see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194] and Coates et al. (2006) [Coates, 2006 #12220].
48 For date correction see Quaisser & Eck (2006) [Quaisser, 2006 #7425].
49 Recognition of this genus supported by findings of Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844].
50 Species limits follow VanderWerf et al. (2010) [VanderWerf, 2010 #12004] and Chesser et al. (2010) [Chesser, 2010 #12460].
51 For correct date see Anon. (1947) [Anon., 1947 #14610].
52 Genus recognition supported by findings of Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844]. Species limits follow Cibois et al. (2004) [Cibois, 2004 #770].
53 Considered to form a superspecies made up of all species in the genus; see Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448].
54 For treatment as a separate species from P. nigra see Holyoak & Thibault (1984) [Holyoak, 1984 #1990].
55 Name first published by Lesson in June 1828 in his Manuel d'Ornithologie just weeks before the caption to plate 17 in the Voyage de la Coquille also in June 1828. In the Manuel Garnot is evidently a co-author see Dickinson et al. (2015 [Dickinson, 2015 #15882].
56 Genus recognition supported by findings of Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844].
57 Genus recognition supported by findings of Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844].
58 Genus recognition supported by findings of Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844].
59 Considered to form a superspecies with C. pachycephaloides; see Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448].
60 The name brunneus Ramsay has precedence over compressirostris Layard see McAllan (2006) [McAllan, 2006 #7018].
61 For treatment as a separate species from C. nigrogularis; see Dutson (2006) [Dutson, 2006 #9425].
62 Revised circumscription follows Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602], based on Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844] and Filardi & Smith (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9845].
63 Subspecies follow Mees (1965) [Mees, 1965 #2608] and White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194] for Wallacean populations and Mayr in Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448] and Mayr & Diamond (2001) [Mayr, 2001 #10562] for Papuasian to Solomons populations.
64 Includes commutata, disjuncta, kisserensis, harterti, brunneus, intercedens and jacobii see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
65 First published by Lesson in his Manuel d'Ornithologie in June 1828; citation from Garnot's text in 1829 by Mayr (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448] was mistaken. However, for this taxon name Garnot must be seen as a co-author, see Dickinson et al. (2015) [Dickinson, 2015 #15882].
66 For date correction see Quaisser & Eck (2006) [Quaisser, 2006 #7425].
67 For date correction see Quaisser & Eck (2006) [Quaisser, 2006 #7425].
68 Revised circumscription, with inclusion of erythrostictus as a subspecies, based on data in Uy et al. (2009) [Uy, 2009 #11765]; but see Mayr in Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448].
69 For treatment as a species separate from M. castaneiventris; see Uy et al. (2009) [Uy, 2009 #11765].
70 Considered to form a superspecies with M. cinerascens, M. castaneiventris, M. richardsii, M. ugiensis and M. frater; see Uy et al. (2009) [Uy, 2009 #11765].
71 Revised circumscription based on findings of Filardi & Moyle (2005) [Filardi, 2005 #9844].
72 For recognition of this genus as distinct from Terpsiphone; see Érard (1997) [Érard, 1997 #1531]; for transfer of other species to the genus Elminia see Pasquet et al. (2002) [Pasquet, 2002 #2955].
73 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
74 For subspecies groups see Rand (1970) [Rand, 1970 #7463]. But see also footnote in Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448].
75 Original description and issue wrapper inspected.
76 Includes javana and penidae; see Mees (2006) [Mees, 2006 #7094].
77 Correct original spelling. Spelling catamanensis in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
78 For recognition see Dickinson (1991) [Dickinson, 1991 #1361].
79 Considered to form a superspecies with T. cyanescens; see Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4448].
80 Includes madzoedi and australis see van Marle & Voous (1988) [van Marle, 1988 #3920].
81 Correct original spelling. Spelling comoroensis in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
82 Includes singetra; see Safford & Hawkins (2013) [Safford, 2013 #14829].
83 Correct original spelling. Spelling atrochalybea in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
84 For recognition see Dowsett et al. (2008) [Dowsett, 2008 #12725].
85 For elevation to species rank see Érard (1997) [Érard, 1997 #1531].