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MELAMPITTIDAE - Melampittas1 (2:2)
MELAMPITTA Schlegel, 1871 F - Melampitta lugubris Schlegel, 1871; type by monotypy   2
Melampitta lugubris Lesser Melampitta
lugubris Schlegel, 1871 vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
rostrata (Ogilvie-Grant, 1913) vMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. to W Maoke Mts.)
longicauda Mayr & Gilliard, 1952 iMontane WC, EC, NE and SE New Guinea (central cordillera east from E Maoke Mts.; mountains of Huon Pen.)
MEGALAMPITTA Schodde & Christidis, 2014 F - Mellopitta gigantea Rothschild, 1899; type by original designation
Megalampitta gigantea   (Rothschild, 1899) Greater Melampitta
vLocally in lower montane New Guinea4

1 For proposal of family name see Schodde & Christidis (2014) [Schodde, 2014 #15669].
2 For correct date see Pieters & Dickinson (2005) [Pieters, 2005 #3077].
3 For correct date see Pieters & Dickinson (2005) [Pieters, 2005 #3077].
4 Expanded distribution based on Diamond (1983) [Diamond, 1983 #15476].