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PARADISAEIDAE - Birds-of-paradise1,2,3 (13:41)
LYCOCORAX Bonaparte, 1853 M - Corvus pyrrhopterus Bonaparte, 1850; type by original designation   
Lycocorax pyrrhopterus Paradise-crow
morotensis Schlegel, 1863 vRau, Morotai (N Moluccas)
pyrrhopterus (Bonaparte, 1850)4 vHalmahera, Kasiruta, Bacan (N Moluccas)
obiensis Bernstein, 18655 αvBisa, Obi (N Moluccas)
PHONYGAMMUS Lesson & Garnot, 1826 M - Barita keraudrenii Lesson & Garnot, 1826; type by monotypy   6,7
Phonygammus keraudrenii8 Trumpet Manucode
keraudrenii (Lesson & Garnot, 1826) iLowland and lower montane NW New Guinea (Vogelkop east to Kobowre Mts.)
neumanni Reichenow, 1918 iLowland and lower montane N and EC New Guinea (North Coast Ranges, N watershed of central cordillera; ? Van Rees Mts., Foya Mts.)
adelberti Gilliard & LeCroy, 1967 iLower montane N New Guinea (Adelbert Range) [Gilliard, 1967 #1706]
diamondi Cracraft, 1992 iLower montane EC New Guinea (S watershed of Central Highlands) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074]
purpureoviolaceus A.B. Meyer, 18859 vLower montane NE (Huon Pen.) and SE New Guinea
jamesii Sharpe, 1877 iLowland SW to SE New Guinea, N Torres Strait Is.
hunsteini Sharpe, 1882 iD'Entrecasteaux Arch.
aruensis Cracraft, 1992 vAru Is. [Cracraft, 1992 #1074]
gouldii (G.R. Gray, 1859) iNE Australia (N and E Cape York Pen.)
MANUCODIA Boddaert, 1783 M - Manucodia chalybea Boddaert, 1783; type by monotypy = Paradisea chalybata J.R. Forster, 1781  10,11
Manucodia ater 12  (Lesson, 1830) Glossy-mantled Manucode
vGebe (N Moluccas), Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati, Misool, lowland New Guinea, Aru Is., Louisiade Arch. (Tagula)
Manucodia jobiensis 13  Salvadori, 1876 Jobi Manucode
vLowland SW and N New Guinea (neck of Vogelkop to R. Utakwa and Astrolabe Bay), Yapen I.
Manucodia chalybatus 14,15  (J.R. Forster, 1781) Crinkle-collared Manucode
vMisool, lowland and lower montane New Guinea
Manucodia comrii Curl-crested Manucode
comrii P.L. Sclater, 1876 iD'Entrecasteaux Arch.
trobriandi Mayr, 1936 iTrobriand Is.
PTERIDOPHORA A.B. Meyer, 1894 F - Pteridophora alberti A.B. Meyer, 1894; type by monotypy   16
Pteridophora alberti 17  A.B. Meyer, 1894 King of Saxony Bird-of-paradise
Upper montane WC and EC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. to C Central Highlands)
PAROTIA Vieillot, 1816 F - Sifilet Buffon; type by monotypy = Paradisea sefilata J.R. Forster, 1781  
Parotia carolae Queen Carola's Parotia
carolae A.B. Meyer, 1894 iMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. to Wissel Lakes)
chalcothorax Stresemann, 1934 iMontane WC New Guinea (Angemuk Range)
clelandiorum Gilliard, 196118 δiMontane EC New Guinea (S watershed of Central Highlands)
meeki Rothschild, 1910 iMontane WC New Guinea (Maoke Mts.)
chrysenia Stresemann, 1934 vMontane EC New Guinea (N watershed of Central Highlands)
Parotia berlepschi 19  O. Kleinschmidt, 1897 Bronze Parotia
Montane N New Guinea (Foya Mts.)
Parotia sefilata 20  (J.R. Forster, 1781) Western Parotia
vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen. and Wondiwoi Pen.)
Parotia wahnesi   Rothschild, 1906 Wahnes's Parotia
iMontane N and NE New Guinea (Adelbert Range, mountains of Huon Pen.)
Parotia lawesii 21,22  E.P. Ramsay, 1885 Lawes's Parotia
iMontane EC and SE New Guinea (NW and S watersheds)
Parotia helenae 23,24  De Vis, 1897 Eastern Parotiaα
iMontane SE New Guinea (N and SE watersheds)
SELEUCIDIS Lesson, 1835 M - Seleucides acanthilis Lesson, 1835; type by monotypy = Paradisea melanoleuca Daudin, 1800  25,26,27
Seleucidis melanoleucus Twelve-wired Bird-of-paradise
melanoleucus (Daudin, 1800)28 vSalawati, lowland NW, SW, SC, SE New Guinea
auripennis Schlüter, 1911 vLowland N New Guinea (Cenderawasih Bay to Astrolabe Bay)
DREPANORNIS P.L. Sclater, 1873 M - Drepanephorus albertisi P.L. Sclater, 1873; type by original designation   29
Drepanornis albertisi Black-billed Sicklebill
albertisi P.L. Sclater, 187330 iMontane NW, WC, EC, N and NE New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop, Wondiwoi Pen. and Huon Pen.; Kobowre Mts. to Central Highlands; ? Foya Mts.)
cervinicauda P.L. Sclater, 188431 αiMontane SE New Guinea (west to Herzog Range)
Drepanornis bruijnii   Oustalet, 1880 Pale-billed Sicklebill
iLowland N New Guinea (E side of Cenderawasih Bay to upper R. Sepik)
SEMIOPTERA G.R. Gray, 1859 F - Paradisea wallacii G.R. Gray, 1859; type by monotypy   32
Semioptera wallacii Standardwing
halmaherae Salvadori, 1881 iHalmahera (N Moluccas)
wallacii (G.R. Gray, 1859)33 iKasiruta, Bacan (N Moluccas) [Gray, 1859 #1798]
LOPHORINA Vieillot, 1816 F - Le Superbe Buffon; type by monotypy = Paradisea superba J.R. Forster, 1781  34
Lophorina paradisea 35  (Swainson, 1825) Paradise Riflebird
vSE Queensland, NE New South Wales
Lophorina victoriae   (Gould, 1850) Victoria's Riflebird
NE Queensland (R. Endeavour to Halifax Bay)
Lophorina superba36,37 Superb Bird-of-paradise
1 superba (J.R. Forster, 1781)38 vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
1 niedda Mayr, 1930 iMontane NW New Guinea (Wondiwoi Mts., neck of Vogelkop)
2 feminina Ogilvie-Grant, 191539 vMontane WC and EC New Guinea (east to Victor Emanuel Range)40
2 latipennis Rothschild, 190741 vMontane EC, NE and SE New Guinea (Central Highlands east to Herzog Range; mountains of Huon Pen.; ? Adelbert Range)
2 minor E.P. Ramsay, 1885 vMontane SE New Guinea (west to Wharton Range)
Lophorina magnifica Magnificent Riflebird
magnifica (Vieillot, 1819) vLowland and lower montane NW, N, SW, SC and, locally, NE New Guinea
alberti (Elliot, 1871) iNE Australia (N and E Cape York Pen.)
Lophorina intercedens 42  (Sharpe, 1882) Growling Riflebird
Lowland and lower montane SE and NE New Guinea (west locally to Huon Pen. and R. Purari)
EPIMACHUS Cuvier, 1816 M - Upupa magna J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by monotypy = Promerops fastosus Hermann, 1783  43
Epimachus fastosus Black Sicklebill
fastosus (Hermann, 1783)44 δvMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
atratus (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1911)45 vMontane NW, WC and EC New Guinea (Wondiwoi Mts. and central cordillera east to Central Highlands)
ultimus Diamond, 1969 vMontane N New Guinea (Bewani Mts., Torricelli Mts.) [Diamond, 1969 #1317]
Epimachus meyeri Brown Sicklebill
albicans (van Oort, 1915)46 iUpper montane WC and EC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. to Victor Emanuel Range)
bloodi Mayr & Gilliard, 1951 iUpper montane EC New Guinea (west to R. Strickland)
meyeri Finsch & A.B. Meyer, 188547 iUpper montane SE New Guinea
ASTRAPIA Vieillot, 1816 F - Paradisea nigra J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by monotypy   48
Astrapia carunculata 49  (Lesson, 1835) Long-tailed Paradigalla
vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
Astrapia brevicauda 50,51  (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1911) Short-tailed Paradigalla
Montane WC to EC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. to C Central Highlands)
Astrapia nigra 52  (J.F. Gmelin, 1788) Arfak Astrapia
vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
Astrapia splendidissima53 Splendid Astrapia
splendidissima Rothschild, 1895 vMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre and Tiyo Mts. to Wissel Lakes)
helios Mayr, 193654 Montane WC and EC New Guinea (C and E Maoke Mts. to Victor Emanuel Range)
Astrapia rothschildi   Foerster, 1906 Huon Astrapia
iMontane NE New Guinea (mountains of Huon Pen.)
Astrapia stephaniae Princess Stephanie's Astrapia
feminina Neumann, 1922 vMontane EC New Guinea (Schrader Range, Bismarck Range)
stephaniae (Finsch & A.B. Meyer, 1885)55,56 iMontane EC and SE New Guinea (Tari to Owen Stanley Range)
Astrapia mayeri   Stonor, 1939 Ribbon-tailed Astrapia
iUpper montane EC New Guinea (R. Strickland to Mt. Hagen)
CICINNURUS Vieillot, 1816 M - Manucode Buffon; type by monotypy = Paradisaea regia Linnaeus, 1758  57
Cicinnurus regius58 King Bird-of-paradise
1 rex (Scopoli, 1786)59 Batanta, Salawati, Misool, lowland NW, SW, SC and SE New Guinea
1 regius (Linnaeus, 1758) vAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
1 gymnorhynchus Stresemann, 1922 vLowland NE New Guinea (N coast of Huon Pen.)
2 coccineifrons Rothschild, 1896 iYapen I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
2 cryptorhynchus Stresemann, 1922 vLowland N New Guinea (coast between Cenderawasih Bay and Cyclops Mts.)
2 similis Stresemann, 1922 vLowland N New Guinea (Tariku, Taritatu, Sepik and Ramu basins to adjacent N coast of Papua New Guinea)
Cicinnurus magnificus60 Magnificent Bird-of-paradise
magnificus (J.R. Forster, 1781)61 vSalawati, lower montane NW New Guinea (Vogelkop and neck)
chrysopterus (Elliot, 1873)62 vYapen I., lower montane N, WC and EC New Guinea (Cenderawasih Bay to Adelbert Range and N watershed of central cordillera in north and S watershed of Maoke Mts. in south)
hunsteini (A.B. Meyer, 1885) iLower montane EC, NE and SE New Guinea (west to Huon Pen. in north, to C Central Highlands and to upper R. Fly on S watershed of central cordillera)
Cicinnurus respublica   (Bonaparte, 1850) Wilson's Bird-of-paradise
Waigeo, Batanta (Western Papuan Is.)
PARADISAEA Linnaeus, 1758 F - Paradisaea apoda Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 39).   63,64
Paradisaea rudolphi Blue Bird-of-paradise
margaritae Mayr & Gilliard, 1951 iMontane EC New Guinea (Central Highlands between Tari and Wahgi valley)
rudolphi (Finsch & A.B. Meyer, 1885)65,66 iMontane EC and SE New Guinea (west to Herzog Range and Kratke Range)
Paradisaea guilielmi   Cabanis, 1888 Emperor Bird-of-paradise
iMontane NE New Guinea (mountains of Huon Pen.)
Paradisaea rubra   Daudin, 1800 Red Bird-of-paradise
vWaigeo, Batanta (Western Papuan Is.)
Paradisaea decora   Salvin & Godman, 1883 Goldie's Bird-of-paradise
vFergusson I., Normanby I. (D'Entrecasteaux Arch.)
Paradisaea minor Lesser Bird-of-paradise
minor Shaw, 180967 vMisool, lowland NW and N New Guinea (east to Yos Sudarso Bay and upper Taritatu basin)
jobiensis Rothschild, 1897 vYapen I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
finschi A.B. Meyer, 1885 iLowland N New Guinea (Sepik basin and adjacent N coast east to Astrolabe Bay and upper R. Ramu)
Paradisaea apoda68 Greater Bird-of-paradise
apoda Linnaeus, 1758 vAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
novaeguineae D'Albertis & Salvadori, 187969 Lowland SW and SC New Guinea (east to R. Fly)
Paradisaea raggiana70,71 Raggiana Bird-of-paradise
augustaevictoriae Cabanis, 1888 iLowland NE New Guinea
intermedia De Vis, 1894 vLowland SE New Guinea (western and central N coast)
raggiana P.L. Sclater, 187372 vLowland and lower montane EC, SC and SE New Guinea (in SE on S and extreme eastern N coast)

1 Genera and their sequences derived from Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626], using generic differentiation estimated conservatively at c. 10 MYA (fig. 2) as guide, combined with morphological and behavioural differentiation.
2 Species and their sequences derived from Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626], but also take account of Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074], Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268].
3 Subspecies follow Frith & Beehler (1999) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268] unless otherwise specified. Under the "BSC" the "diagnosable" taxa of Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074] generally equate with subspecies and his "species groups" with species.
4 Dated 1851 by Mayr (1962) [Mayr, 1962 #2560] but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
5 The publication of the issue of the Journal für Ornithologie containing the name was delayed; see notice on wrapper of the January 1865 issue which came out first.
6 Retention of genus follows Nunn & Cracraft (1996) [Nunn, 1996 #2789] and Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626], but see Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268].
7 Phonygama Lesson, 1830 is an emendation of Phonygammus Lesson & Garnot, 1826.
8 Subspecies follow the phylogenetic species of Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074]; and also follow Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284].
9 Includes mayri see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
10 Sequence of species consistent with branching in Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626].
11 Gender determined by I.C.Z.N. Direction 26; see David & Gosselin (2002) [David, 2002 #1125].
12 Includes subalter and altera; Gilliard (1956) [Gilliard, 1956 #10181] demonstrated chequer-board morphological variation; Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074], referred to variation in size and colouration as clinal.
13 Includes rubiensis see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074] and Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284].
14 May form a superspecies with M. comrii, see Mayr (1941) [Mayr, 1941 #2550].
15 For change of authorship from Pennant to Forster see Allen (1908) [Allen, 1908 #10905].
16 Sister to Parotia, but genus retained because molecular differentiation relatively deep and morphology and behaviour divergent, see Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626] and Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284].
17 Includes buergersi and hallstromi see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074], Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268].
18 Original spelling clelandiae, but internal evidence supports emendation to reflect the author's mention of Brigadier & Mrs. Cleland. Taxon recognised by Mayr (1962) [Mayr, 1962 #2560] and Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074]. But see Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284].
19 For treatment as a species separate from P. carolae, see Diamond (1985) [Diamond, 1985 #1321], Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268] and Beehler & Prawiradilaga (2010) [Beehler, 2010 #12605].
20 For change of authorship from Pennant to Forster see Allen (1908) [Allen, 1908 #10905].
21 Includes exhibita and fuscior; see Schodde & McKean (1973) [Schodde, 1973 #3501] and Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
22 Considered to form a superspecies with P. helenae; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
23 For treatment as a separate species from P. lawesii; see Schodde & McKean (1972, 1973) [Schodde, 1972 #3499], [Schodde, 1973 #3501], evidence of intergradation lacking. For molecular data see Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626]. But see Diamond (1985) [Diamond, 1985 #1321].
24 The date given by Myr (1962) [Mayr, 1962 #2560] is erroneous.
25 Position here in sequence of genera follows Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626], but see Nunn & Cracraft (1996) [Nunn, 1996 #2789].
26 Dual original spellings. We act as First Revisers in selecting the spelling Seleucidis over the spelling Seleucides in accordance with Art. 24.2.3 of the Code (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059].
27 Dates from the synopsis in Lesson's Histoire naturelles des oiseaux de paradis which was probably published last and not in 1834 with first part, see Gregory & Dickinson (2012) [Gregory, 2012 #14175].
28 For correction of spelling see David & Gosselin (2002) [David, 2002 #1125].
29 Separation from Epimachus supported by Nunn & Cracraft (1996) [Nunn, 1996 #2789].
30 Includes geisleri and inversus, see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074], Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268].
31 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
32 For spelling see Opinion 1606, I.C.Z.N. (1990) [I.C.Z.N., 1990 #2057].
33 Authorship attributed to Gould by Mayr (1962) [Mayr, 1962 #2560]; but see McAlpine (1979) [McAlpine, 1979 #2586] and LeCroy (1983) [LeCroy, 1983 #2350]; resolved by Opinion 1606.
34 Includes Ptiloris; see Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626] presaged by data in Nunn & Cracraft (1996) [Nunn, 1996 #2789].
35 Forms a superspecies with L. victoriae; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
36 The name sphinx, has been given to a single specimen from an unknown locality; only after re-identification of the specimen can this name be allocated.
37 Subspecies groups follow Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
38 For change of authorship from Pennant to Forster see Allen (1908) [Allen, 1908 #10905].
39 The name pseudoparotia is based on a hybrid Lophorina superba minor X Parotia carolae, and is rejected; see Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284].
40 Eastern distribution limits follow Gilliard & LeCroy (1961) [Gilliard, 1961 #6246] and Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284]; but see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
41 Includes connectens see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074] and Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284].
42 For treatment as a separate species from L. magnifica, see Beehler & Swaby (1991) [Beehler, 1991 #245]; corroborated by molecular distance see Irestedt (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626]. But see Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268].
43 Given as 1817 (Dec. 1816) by Mayr (1962) [Mayr, 1962 #2560] for clarification see Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542].
44 Validly corrected original spelling. Spelling fastuosus in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] used mistakenly.
45 Includes stresemanni see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
46 Includes megarhynchus; see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
47 Plate caption includes Finsch in litt. hence his MS name, but article by both authors.
48 Includes Paradigalla following phylogeny of Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626]; but see Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284].
49 Forms a superspecies with A. brevicauda; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
50 Treatment based on Mayr (1962) [Mayr, 1962 #2560] and Frith & Frith (1997) [Frith, 1997 #1618]; but see Gilliard (1969) [Gilliard, 1969 #15448].
51 For recognition of intermedia as a valid subspecies see Gilliard (1969) [Gilliard, 1969 #15448] and Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
52 Forms a superspecies with A. splendidissima, A. rothschildi, A. stephaniae and A. mayeri; see Mayr (1941) [Mayr, 1941 #2550], although A. mayeri there treated as a synonym of A. stephaniae feminina.
53 Treated as monotypic by Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
54 Includes elliottsmithi, see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074] and Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284]. But this name should be spelled elliottsmithorum as explicitly named for Mr. & Mrs. Elliott-Smith.
55 Includes ducalis following Gilliard & LeCroy (1968) [Gilliard, 1968 #1707]; but see placement in Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
56 Plate caption includes Finsch in litt. hence his MS name, but article by both authors.
57 Includes Diphyllodes following Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268], corroborated by Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626]. But see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074] and Nunn & Cracraft (1996) [Nunn, 1996 #2789].
58 Subspecies follow Mayr (1962) [Mayr, 1962 #2560] but see Mees (1982) [Mees, 1982 #2626]. Subspecies groups follow Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074] who, with more material than Mees, supported the treatment of Mayr.
59 Only slightly differentiated from the nominate form; see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
60 This species and C. respublica previously comprised the genus Diphyllodes.
61 For change of authorship from Pennant to Forster see Allen (1908) [Allen, 1908 #10905].
62 Includes intermedius see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
63 Name introduced with dual original spellings; under Art. 24.2.4 of the Code (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059] Linnaeus acted as First Reviser in selecting the spelling Paradisea; however, this action has been overturned see Opinion 2294 (I.C.Z.N., 2012) [I.C.Z.N., 2012 #13766].
64 Sequence of species suggested by Nunn & Cracraft (1996) [Nunn, 1996 #2789] corroborated by Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626].
65 Includes ampla; see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
66 Plate caption includes Finsch in litt. hence his MS name, but article by both authors.
67 Includes pulchra see Mees (1965) [Mees, 1965 #2608] and Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284], but see also Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
68 Forms a superspecies with P. rubra, P. decora, P. minor and P. raggiana; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
69 For recognition see Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268]; but see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
70 Recognition as species follows Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074] with reservation because of weak molecular differentiation from P. apoda see Irestedt et al. (2009) [Irestedt, 2009 #12626] and as yet inadequately documented reports of introgression with P. apoda in the Fly River region, see Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284].
71 The form granti here treated as intergradient (augustaevictoriae x intermedia) following Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268]. But see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074].
72 Includes salvadorii; see Cracraft (1992) [Cracraft, 1992 #1074]. But see Frith & Beehler (1998) [Frith, 1998 #12284] and Frith & Frith (2009) [Frith, 2009 #12268].