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PETROICIDAE - Australasian Robins1,2 (19:49)
AMALOCICHLA De Vis, 1892 F - Amalocichla sclateriana De Vis, 1892; type by monotypy   4,5
Amalocichla sclateriana Greater Ground Robin
occidentalis Rand, 1940 vUpper montane WC New Guinea (Maoke Mts.)
sclateriana De Vis, 1892 vUpper montane NE and SE New Guinea (Wharton Range, Owen Stanley Range; ? mountains of Huon Pen.)
Amalocichla incerta Lesser Ground Robin
incerta (Salvadori, 1876)6 αvMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
olivascentior E. Hartert, 1930 vMontane NW, N, WC and EC New Guinea (Wondiwoi Mts., Foya Mts., North Coast Ranges, Kobowre Mts., central cordillera east to Kratke Range)
brevicauda (De Vis, 1894) iMontane NE and SE New Guinea (mountains of Huon Pen., central cordillera west to Herzog Range)
PACHYCEPHALOPSIS Salvadori, 1879 F - Pachycephala hattamensis A.B. Meyer, 1874; type by monotypy   7
Pachycephalopsis hattamensis Green-backed Robin
hattamensis (A.B. Meyer, 1874) vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
insularis Diamond, 1985 vYapen I. (in Cenderawasih Bay) [Diamond, 1985 #1321]
ernesti E. Hartert, 1930 iMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Wondiwoi Pen.)
axillaris Mayr, 1931 vMontane WC and N New Guinea (Maoke Mts.; ? Foya Mts.)
lecroyae Boles, 1989 iMontane SC New Guinea (Mt. Bosavi region) [Boles, 1989 #404]
Pachycephalopsis poliosoma White-eyed Robin
albigularis (Rothschild, 1931) vMontane WC and EC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. and Victor Emanuel Range to Karimui)
approximans (Ogilvie-Grant, 1911) iMontane WC New Guinea (S watershed of Maoke Mts.)
idenburgi Rand, 1940 iMontane WC New Guinea (N watershed of Maoke Mts.)
balim Rand, 1940 iMontane WC New Guinea (C Maoke Mts.)
hunsteini (Neumann, 1922) iMontane N New Guinea (Hunstein Mts., ? North Coast Ranges)
hypopolia Salvadori, 1899 vMontane N and NE New Guinea (Adelbert Range; mountains of Huon Pen.)
poliosoma Sharpe, 1882 iMontane SE New Guinea
EUGERYGONE Finsch, 1901 F - Pseudogerygone rubra Sharpe, 1879; type by original designation and monotypy   
Eugerygone rubra Garnet Robin
rubra (Sharpe, 1879) vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
saturatior Mayr, 1931 vMontane WC, EC, N, NE and SE New Guinea (including Foya Mts.)
PETROICA Swainson, 1830 F - Muscicapa multicolor J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by monotypy   9,10
Petroica bivittata Cloud-forest Robin
caudata Rand, 1940 vUpper montane WC New Guinea (Maoke Mts.)
bivittata De Vis, 1897 vUpper montane EC and SE New Guinea
Petroica archboldi   Rand, 1940 Snow Mountain Robin
iAlpine WC New Guinea (W and C Maoke Mts.)
Petroica rosea   Gould, 1840 Rose Robin
vCoastal SE Australia >> coastal EC Australia
Petroica rodinogaster11 Pink Robin
inexpectata Mathews, 191212 vS Victoria to SE New South Wales
rodinogaster (Drapiez, 1819)13 αiTasmania, Bass Strait Is.
Petroica phoenicea   Gould, 1837 Flame Robin
vSE Australia, Tasmania, Bass Strait Is. >> SC Australia
Petroica boodang14 Scarlet Robin
campbelli Sharpe, 1898 iSW Western Australia
boodang (Lesson, 1837)15 αiSC to SE Australia, Kangaroo I.
leggii Sharpe, 187916 iE Tasmania, Flinders I.
Petroica multicolor Pacific Robin
multicolor (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) iNorfolk I.
septentrionalis Mayr, 1934 vBougainville (N Solomons)
kulambangrae Mayr, 1934 iKolombangara (C Solomons)
dennisi Cain & I.C.J. Galbraith, 1955 iGuadalcanal (SE Solomons)
polymorpha Mayr, 1934 vSan Cristobal (SE Solomons)
soror Mayr, 1934 iVanua Lava (Banks Is.)
ambrynensis Sharpe, 1900 vGaua, Mere Lava (Banks Is.) to Tongoa (Vanuatu)
feminina Mayr, 1934 vEmaé, Nguna, Emau, Efaté (Vanuatu)
cognata Mayr, 1938 vErromango (Vanuatu)
similis G.R. Gray, 1860 vTanna, Anatom (Vanuatu)
kleinschmidti Finsch, 1876 iVanua Levu, Viti Levu (Fiji)
taveunensis Holyoak, 1979 vTaveuni (Fiji)
becki Mayr, 1934 iKadavu (Fiji)
pusilla Peale, 1848 vSamoa
Petroica goodenovii   (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827) Red-capped Robin
iInland W, C, S and E Australia
Petroica macrocephala Tomtit
toitoi (Lesson & Garnot, 1828)17 iNorth Island (New Zealand)
macrocephala (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vSouth Island (New Zealand)
chathamensis C.A. Fleming, 1950 vChatham Is.
dannefaerdi (Rothschild, 1894) iSnares Is.
marrineri (Mathews & Iredale, 1913) iAuckland Is.
Petroica traversi   (Buller, 1872) Black Robin/Chatham Island Robin
iChatham Is.
Petroica longipes 18,19  (Lesson & Garnot, 1827) North Island Robin
North Island (New Zealand)
Petroica australis South Island Robin
australis (Sparrman, 1788) vSouth Island (New Zealand)
rakiura C.A. Fleming, 1950 Stewart I. (New Zealand)
KEMPIELLA Mathews, 1913 F - Kempiella kempi Mathews, 1913; type by original designation and monotypy21
Kempiella griseoceps Yellow-legged Robin
occidentalis (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1903) vLower montane NW, N, WC and EC New Guinea (east to Adelbert Range, Victor Emanuel Range and N Central Highlands)
griseoceps (De Vis, 1894) iLower montane SE New Guinea (west to Herzog Range)
kempi Mathews, 191322 iNE Australia (NE Cape York Pen.); ? lowland SC New Guinea
Kempiella flavovirescens Olive-yellow Robin
cuicui (De Vis, 1897) iWaigeo, Batanta, Misool, all lowland New Guinea (except range of flavovirescens), Yapen I.
flavovirescens (G.R. Gray, 1858) iLowland SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region), Aru Is.
DEVIOECA Mathews, 1925 F - Microeca papuana A.B. Meyer, 1875; type by original designation23
Devioeca papuana   (A.B. Meyer, 1875) Canary Robin
vMontane New Guinea (all ranges except on Bomberai Pen.)
CRYPTOMICROECA Christidis, Irestedt, Rowe, Boles & J.A. Norman, 2012 F - Eopsaltria flaviventris Sharpe, 1903; type by original designation24
Cryptomicroeca flaviventris   (Sharpe, 1903) Yellow-bellied Robin
vNew Caledonia, Ile des Pins
MONACHELLA Salvadori, 1874 F - Monachella saxicolina Salvadori, 1874; type by monotypy = Muscicapa muelleriana Schlegel, 1871  
Monachella muelleriana Torrent Robin
muelleriana (Schlegel, 1871) vLowland to lower montane New Guinea
coultasi Mayr, 1934 iNew Britain (Bismarck Arch.)
MICROECA Gould, 1841 F - Microeca assimilis Gould, 1841; type by monotypy   
Microeca flavigaster25 Lemon-bellied Robin
laeta Salvadori, 1878 vLocally in lowland and lower montane NW, N, EC and NE New Guinea (Wondiwoi Pen. to Huon Gulf)
tarara Rand, 1940 iLowland SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region)
flavissima Schodde & Mason, 199926,27 vLocally in lowland SE New Guinea; NE Australia (Cape York Pen. to NE Queensland) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]
laetissima Rothschild, 1916 vCoastal EC Queensland (Halifax Bay to Broad Sound)
flavigaster Gould, 1843 iNC Australia (Arnhem Land)
tormenti Mathews, 1916 iN Western Australia (Kimberley Dvision)
Microeca hemixantha   P.L. Sclater, 1883 Golden-bellied Robin
vTanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas)
Microeca fascinans28 Jackywinter
zimmeri Mayr & Rand, 1935 iLowland SE New Guinea (savannas of south coast)
pallida De Vis, 1884 αvN Western Australia to C Queensland
fascinans (Latham, 1801)29,30 αiE and SE Australia
assimilis Gould, 1841 vSW to SC Australia
DRYMODES Gould, 1841 F - Drymodes brunneopygia Gould, 1841; type by monotypy   32,33
Drymodes beccarii34 Papuan Scrub Robin
beccarii Salvadori, 187635 αLower montane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop and Wondiwoi Pen.)
nigriceps Rand, 1940 Lower montane N, WC and EC New Guinea (Foya Mts., North Coast Ranges, Adelbert Range, N watershed of central cordillera)
brevirostris De Vis, 1897 vAru Is., lowland SW, SC and SE New Guinea
Drymodes superciliaris 36  Gould, 1850 Northern Scrub Robin
vNE Australia (N Cape York Pen.)
Drymodes brunneopygia 37,38  Gould, 1841 Southern Scrub Robinα
vSW Western Australia, S South Australia, NW Victoria, SW and SC New South Wales
PLESIODRYAS Mathews, 1920 F - Megalestes albonotatus Salvadori, 1875; type by original designation40
Plesiodryas albonotata Black-bibbed Robin
albonotata (Salvadori, 1875) vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
griseiventris (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1913) vMontane WC and EC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. and Maoke Mts. to Central Highlands)
correcta (E. Hartert, 1930) vMontane NE and SE New Guinea (mountains of Huon Pen. and central cordillera)
POECILODRYAS Gould, 1865 F - Petroica cerviniventris Gould, 1858; type by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1879, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 4, p. 240).   41
Poecilodryas brachyura Black-chinned Robin
brachyura (P.L. Sclater, 1874) vLower montane NW and WC New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop and Wondiwoi Pen., Kobowre Mts.)
albotaeniata (A.B. Meyer, 1874) vYapen I., lower montane N New Guinea (Van Rees Mts., Foya Mts.)
dumasi Ogilvie-Grant, 1915 iLower montane N New Guinea (North Coast Ranges and hills on south edge of R. Sepik)
Poecilodryas hypoleuca Black-sided Robin
steini Stresemann & Paludan, 1932 iWaigeo (Western Papuan Is.)
hypoleuca (G.R. Gray, 1859) vSalawati, Misool, lowland NW, SW, SC and SE New Guinea (to E Gulf of Papua)
hermani von Madarász, 1894 iLowland N and NE New Guinea (R. Mamberamo to Huon Gulf)
Poecilodryas superciliosa 42  (Gould, 1847) White-browed Robin
vNE Australia (Cape York Pen. to NE Queensland)
Poecilodryas cerviniventris 43  (Gould, 1858) Buff-sided Robin
vN Western Australia, N Northern Territory (Arnhem Land), NW Queensland
HETEROMYIAS Sharpe, 1879 M - Poecilodryas cinereifrons E.P. Ramsay, 1876; type by monotypy44
Heteromyias albispecularis45 Ashy Robin
albispecularis (Salvadori, 1876) vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen. and Bomberai Pen.)
rothschildi E. Hartert, 1930 iMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. and S slopes of Maoke Mts.)
centralis Rand, 194046 vMontane WC, EC and N New Guinea (N watershed of central cordillera east to Central Highlands; ? Foya Mts.)
atricapilla Mayr, 1931 iMontane N and NE New Guinea (Adelbert Range; mountains of Huon Pen.)
armiti (De Vis, 1894) iMontane SE New Guinea (west to Herzog Range)
Heteromyias cinereifrons 47  (E.P. Ramsay, 1876) Grey-headed Robin
NE Queensland
GENNAEODRYAS Mathews, 1920 F - Eopsaltria placens E.P. Ramsay, 1879; type by original designation48
Gennaeodryas placens   (E.P. Ramsay, 1879) Banded Yellow Robin
Batanta, locally in lower montane New Guinea
EOPSALTRIA Swainson, 1832 F - Motacilla australis Shaw, 1790; type by original designation   49
Eopsaltria australis Eastern Yellow Robin
chrysorrhos Gould, 186950 iEC to NE Australia
australis (Shaw, 1790)51,52 vSE Australia
Eopsaltria griseogularis53 Western Yellow Robin
griseogularis Gould, 1838 vExtreme SW Western Australia
rosinae (Mathews, 1912) iMid SW Western Australia, SC South Australia (Eyre Pen.)
QUOYORNIS Mathews , 1912 M - Muscicapa georgiana Quoy & Gaimard, 1830; type by original designation54
Quoyornis georgianus   (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) White-breasted Robin
vSW Western Australia
TREGELLASIA Mathews, 1912 F - Eopsaltria capito Gould, 1854; type by original designation   55
Tregellasia leucops56 White-faced Robin
1 leucops (Salvadori, 1875)57 αiLower montane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
1 mayri (E. Hartert, 1930) iLower montane NW and WC New Guinea (mountains of Wondiwoi Pen. to Kobowre Mts.)
1 nigroorbitalis (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1913) vLower montane WC New Guinea (S watershed of Maoke Mts.)
2 heurni (E. Hartert, 1932) iLower montane WC New Guinea (N watershed of Maoke Mts.)
2 melanogenys (A.B. Meyer, 1893)58 αiLower montane N and NE New Guinea (Cyclops Mts., North Coast Ranges, Adelbert Range, mountains of Huon Pen.; ? Foya Mts., ? Yapen I.)
2 nigriceps (Neumann, 1922) iLower montane EC New Guinea (N watershed of Central Highlands)
3 auricularis (Mayr & Rand, 1935) vLowland SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region)
3 wahgiensis Mayr & Gilliard, 1952 vLower montane EC and SE New Guinea (S watershed of Central Highlands to Herzog Range and S Wharton Range)
4 albifacies (Sharpe, 1882) iLower montane SE New Guinea (west to R. Mambare and Port Moresby)
5 albigularis (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1907)59 vNE Australia (NE Cape York Pen.)
Tregellasia capito Pale-yellow Robin
nana (E.P. Ramsay, 1878) iNE Queensland
capito (Gould, 1854)60 αiSE Queensland, NE New South Wales
MELANODRYAS Gould, 1865 F - Muscicapa cucullata Latham, 1801; type by monotypy   61
Melanodryas westralensis 62  (Mathews, 1912) Western Hooded Robin
vSW and WC to SC Australia (east to Eyre Pen.)
Melanodryas cucullata Eastern Hooded Robin
melvillensis (F.R. Zietz, 1914)63 vMelville I. (Northern Territory)
picata Gould, 1865 vN to EC Australia
cucullata (Latham, 1801)64 αvSE Australia (west to South Australian gulfs)
Melanodryas vittata Dusky Robin
vittata (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) vTasmania, Flinders I.
kingi (Mathews, 1914)65 iKing I. (off NW Tasmania)
PENEOTHELLO Mathews, 1920 F - Poecilodryas sigillata De Vis, 1890; type by original designation   66,67,68
Peneothello sigillata White-winged Robin
quadrimaculata (van Oort, 1910) vUpper montane WC New Guinea (Maoke Mts.)
hagenensis Mayr & Gilliard, 1952 vUpper montane WC and EC New Guinea (Star Mts. to W Central Highlands)
saruwagedi (Mayr, 1931) iUpper montane NE New Guinea (mountains of Huon Pen.)
sigillata (De Vis, 1890) vUpper montane EC and SE New Guinea (west to E Central Highlands)
Peneothello cryptoleuca Smoky Robin
cryptoleuca (E. Hartert, 1930)69 vMontane NW and N New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen., Foya Mts.)
maxima Diamond, 1985 vMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Bomberai Pen.) [Diamond, 1985 #1321]
albidior (Rothschild, 1931) vMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. to Maoke Mts.)
Peneothello cyanus Slaty Robin
cyanus (Salvadori, 1874) iMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
atricapilla (E. Hartert & Paludan, 1934) iMontane NW, N, WC and EC New Guinea (mountains of Wondiwoi Pen.; Van Rees Mts. and Foya Mts. to W North Coast Ranges; Kobowre Mts. to Victor Emanuel Range)
subcyanea (De Vis, 1897) vMontane EC, N, NE and SE New Guinea (west to Central Highlands and Adelbert Range)
Peneothello bimaculata White-rumped Robin
bimaculata (Salvadori, 1874) vLower montane NW, N and SE New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop; Van Rees Mts., Foya Mts.; locally on S watershed of central cordillera), Yapen I.
vicaria (De Vis, 1892) vLower montane N, NE and SE New Guinea (Adelbert Range; mountains of Huon Pen.; locally on N watershed of central cordillera)
Peneothello pulverulenta Mangrove Robin
pulverulenta (Bonaparte, 1850) vCoastal SW, SC, SE and N New Guinea (along south coast; ? R. Sepik)
leucura (Gould, 1869)70 vAru Is.; coastal NE Australia (S Gulf of Carpentaria to EC Queensland)
alligator (Mathews, 1912) iCoastal NC Australia (Arnhem Land)
cinereiceps (E. Hartert, 1905) iCoastal N Western Australia (west to North West Cape Pen.)

1 Previously Eopsaltriidae but Petroicidae is senior see Bock (1994) [Bock, 1994 #398].
2 Genera and their sequence follow Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848], substantially supported by Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871].
3 Recognition and circumscription follow Christidis et al. (2012) [Christidis, 2012 #14692] based on the DNA findings of Christidis et al. 2011 [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
4 Transfer from the Turdinae to the Petroicidae suggested by Schodde & Christidis in Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and confirmed by Norman et al. (2009) [Norman, 2009 #11985] and Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
5 For a proposal to give this subfamily rank see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848] and Christidis et al. (2012) [Christidis, 2012 #14692].
6 For date correction see Poggi (1996) [Poggi, 1996 #10153].
7 For a proposal to give this subfamily rank see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848] and Christidis et al. (2012) [Christidis, 2012 #14692].
8 Revised circumscription follows Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
9 Sequence of species derived from Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848] and Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871]. Unsampled P. bivittata and P. archboldi begin the sequence following Mayr (1986) [Mayr, 1986 #2571].
10 For date of publication see Sherborn (1922: cxx) [Sherborn, 1922 #15557]; but see also Sherborn (1929) [Sherborn, 1929 #15749].
11 Considered to form a superspecies with P. rosea; see Mayr (1986) [Mayr, 1986 #2571].
12 For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
13 For correct date see Sherborn (1930) [Sherborn, 1930 #14154].
14 For treatment as a separate species from P. multicolor see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
15 For date correction see Sherborn (1924) [Sherborn, 1924 #15561].
16 For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
17 Name first introduced in Lesson's Manuel d'Ornithologie in 1828 five months before the plate in the Voyage; for addition of Garnot as a co-author of this name see Dickinson et al. (2015) [Dickinson, 2015 #15882].
18 For treatment as a separate species from P. australis see Miller & Lambert (2006) [Miller, 2006 #9976] and Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348]; the two are thus allospecies.
19 First published in the caption to pl. 19 of the Voyage de la Coquille in April 1827; citation from Garnot's text in 1829 by Mayr (1986) [Mayr, 1986 #2571] was mistaken.
20 Circumscription follows Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871], Loynes et al. (2011) [Loynes, 2011 #13228] and Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
21 Recognition follows Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848]; for circumscription, see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
22 For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
23 Recognition follows Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848]; for circumscription, see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
24 Placement in Microecinae follows Boles (2007) [Boles, 2007 #12232] and Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871].
25 For differentiation between NW and NE Australian subspecies groups suggestive of speciation, see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
26 The name terraereginae attaches to a type intermediate between flavissima and laetissima, and so is considered indeterminate, see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
27 Recognised following Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524], but see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
28 For reasons to replace the name M. leucophaea see Schodde (1992) [Schodde, 1992 #3519].
29 Includes barcoo see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
30 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
31 Circumscription follows Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524], Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871] and Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
32 For the transfer of this genus from the thrushes, as in Ripley (1964) [Ripley, 1964 #3315] to this family see Sibley & Ahlquist (1982) [Sibley, 1982 #3632].
33 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
34 Treatment at species rank follows Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848] and assumes that all New Guinea forms are conspecific.
35 For date correction see Poggi (1996) [Poggi, 1996 #10153].
36 The purported race colcloughi is of doubtful provenance see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] and the name is treated as a nomen dubium.
37 For monotypic treatment see Ford (1971) [Ford, 1971 #1576] and Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]; thus includes pallidus.
38 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
39 Circumscription follows Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524], Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871] and Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
40 For recognition as separate from Poecilodryas, see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
41 For revised circumscription see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
42 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with P. hypoleuca; this would include the now separated P. cerviniventris.
43 For treatment as a separate species from P. superciliosa see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
44 Recognition follows Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848], supported by Boles (2007) [Boles, 2007 #12232] and Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602]; but see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] and Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871].
45 Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] provisionally subsumed this genus in Poecilodryas and subsumed the species H. cinereifrons in this species. See also Boles (2007) [Boles, 2007 #12232], Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602] and Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871].
46 Birds in the Foya Mts. probably distinct; see Diamond (1985) [Diamond, 1985 #1321].
47 For renewed treatment as a separate species from H. albispecularis; see Boles (2007) [Boles, 2007 #12232] and Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848]; but see also Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
48 For recognition as a separate genus from Poecilodryas; see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
49 Revised circumscription follows Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848], but see Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871].
50 Includes coomooboolaroo and magnirostris see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
51 Includes austina and viridior, see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]; both names thought to apply to intergradient populations.
52 Authorship credited to White by Mayr (1986) [Mayr, 1986 #2571], but Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523] have shown that scientific names in this travel journal were those of Shaw.
53 For treatment as a separate species from E. australis see Schodde (1975) [Schodde, 1975 #3503], Christidis & Boles (1994) [Christidis, 1994 #757] and Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]. But see Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871].
54 For treatment as a separate genus from Eopsaltria see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848], but see Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871].
55 Conventional circumscription, as used here, supported by Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848], but see Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871].
56 Subspecies groups follow Diamond (1985) [Diamond, 1985 #1321].
57 For correct date see Poggi (1996, 2010) [Poggi, 1996 #10153], [Poggi, 2010 #12656].
58 For correct date see Quaisser & Eck (2006) [Quaisser, 2006 #7425].
59 May be part of the melanogenys subspecies group; see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
60 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
61 Formerly included in Petroica but recognised by Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]. Placement in Eopsaltriinae follows Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871] and Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
62 For recognition, as a subspecies of M. cucullata, see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]; for elevation to species rank, see Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
63 For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
64 For reasons to revert to 1801 and not use 1802 see Schodde et al. (2010) [Schodde, 2010 #12422].
65 For recognition see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
66 Circumscription including Peneoenanthe follows Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871] and Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848]. But see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
67 Sequence of species derived from combined phylogenies of Loynes et al. (2009) [Loynes, 2009 #11871] and Christidis et al. (2011) [Christidis, 2011 #12848].
68 Gender addressed by David & Gosselin (2002) [David, 2002 #1125], multiple changes occur in specific names.
69 Inclusion of Foya Mts. population follows Beehler & Prawiradilaga (2010) [Beehler, 2010 #12605], but see Diamond (1985) [Diamond, 1985 #1321].
70 Population on west coast may differ from that on east coast of Cape York Peninsula; see Nyári & Joseph (2013) [Nyári, 2013 #14878].