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GAVIIDAE - Divers or Loons (1:5)
GAVIA J.R. Forster, 1788 F - Colymbus imber Gunnerus; type by subsequent designation (J.A. Allen, 1907, Bull. American Museum of Natural History, 24, p. 35). = Colymbus immer BrĂ¼nnich, 1764 1 Gavia stellata (Pontoppidan, 1763) Red-throated Diver/Red-throated Loon
vN Eurasia and N North America >> N Atlantic and Pacific coasts (south to E China and NW Mexico); Black and Caspian Seas
Gavia arctica Black-throated Diver/Arctic Loon
arctica (Linnaeus, 1758)2 vN Eurasia (east to R. Lena) >> coastal Europe to SW and C Asia viridigularis Dwight, 1918 vNE Siberia (west to R. Lena) to W Alaska (Seward Pen.) >> coastal E Asia and W North America
Gavia pacifica 3 (Lawrence, 1858) Pacific Loon/Pacific Diver vNE Siberia (east from R. Kolyma), Alaska, N Canada (east to Baffin I.) >> coastal NE Asia and W North America to NW Mexico (Baja California and Sonora)
Gavia immer 4 (BrĂ¼nnich, 1764) Great Northern Diver/Common Loon i(a) British Isles and France (Bretagne); (b) N North America, Iceland >> coastal SW and E Canada, USA, NW Mexico
Gavia adamsii (G.R. Gray, 1859) White-billed Diver/Yellow-billed Loon
iCoastal N Eurasia (east from Novaya Zemlya Is.), W and N Alaska, NW Canada (R. Mackenzie to W Hudson Bay) >> coastal W and N Europe; coastal N Pacific south to Japan and NW USA