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REMIZIDAE - Penduline Tits (3:10)
REMIZ Jarocki, 1819 M - Remiz pendulinus Cuvier; type by monotypy = Motacilla pendulinus Linnaeus, 1758 
Remiz pendulinus1 European Penduline Tit pendulinus (Linnaeus, 1758) vW and S Europe east to C Russia and W Asia Minor >> S Europe, SW Asia
menzbieri (Sarudny, 1913)2 iC Asia Minor and Levant to Transcaucasia and SW Iran caspius (Poelzam, 1870)3 vSE Russia, N and W Caspian Sea >> SW Asia jaxarticus (Severtsov, 1873)4,5 αvSW Siberia and N Kazakhstan (east to foot of Altai Mts.) >> WC and SW Asia [Severtsov, 1873 #3576] Remiz macronyx6 Black-headed Penduline Tit macronyx (Severtsov, 1873) Lower R. Ural, SW and SC Kazakhstan (to foot of Tien Shan Mts.) >> SW Asia
neglectus (Sarudny, 1908)7 vNE Iran, SW and S Turkmenistan †? nigricans (Sarudny, 1908) SE Iran, SW Afghanistan
ssaposhnikowi (H.E. Johansen, 1907)8 SE Kazakhstan (around Lake Balkhash) Remiz consobrinus 9 Eastern Penduline Tit coronatus (Severtsov, 1873) vE Turkmenistan and N Afghanistan to SC and SE Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan >> SW Asia
stoliczkae (Hume, 1874) S Siberia (from the Yenisey valley to Baikal), NE Kazakhstan, Mongolia, NW and NE China (Xinjiang to NW Heilongjiang) >> S Japan, S Korea, E China
consobrinus (Swinhoe, 1870) Extreme NE China (NE Heilongjiang) >> ?
ANTHOSCOPUS Cabanis, 1851 M - Sylvia minuta Shaw, 1812; type by monotypy 10 Anthoscopus punctifrons (Sundevall, 1850) Sennar Penduline Tit
iMauritania to C and S Sudan and Eritrea
Anthoscopus parvulus (von Heuglin, 1864) Yellow Penduline Tit
vSenegal to S Chad and W South Sudan
Anthoscopus musculus (Hartlaub, 1882) Mouse-coloured Penduline Tit
iSouth Sudan to Somalia, south to NE Tanzania
Anthoscopus flavifrons Forest Penduline Tit
waldronae Bannerman, 193511 δiLiberia to Ghana flavifrons (Cassin, 1855) iSE Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, N DR Congo
ruthae Chapin, 1958 iE DR Congo
Anthoscopus caroli12 Grey Penduline Tit/African Penduline Tit roccatii Salvadori, 190613 δiS Uganda to W Kenya, E Burundi and NW Tanzania pallescens Ulfstrand, 1960 iW Tanzania
ansorgei E. Hartert, 1905 iW DR Congo, W and C Angola
rhodesiae W.L. Sclater, 1932 iSE DR Congo, NE Zambia, SW Tanzania
robertsi Haagner, 190914 iSE Kenya to NE Zambia and N and C Mozambique caroli (Sharpe, 1871) iS Angola, SW Zambia, N Namibia, N Botswana, W and C Zimbabwe
winterbottomi C.M.N. White, 194615 iNW Zambia, adjacent SE DR Congo rankinei Irwin, 196316 iNE Zimbabwe (middle R. Zambezi and lower R. Mazowe) hellmayri Roberts, 1914 iE and S Zimbabwe, S Mozambique, NE and E South Africa
sylviella Reichenow, 1904 iSC Kenya to NE and C Tanzania
sharpei E. Hartert, 190517 iSW Kenya to C Tanzania Anthoscopus minutus Cape Penduline Tit
damarensis Reichenow, 1905 vN Namibia, N and E Botswana, W Zimbabwe, N South Africa (North West Province to C Limpopo)
gigi Winterbottom, 1959 iS South Africa (Western Cape, Eastern Cape)
minutus (Shaw, 1812)18 vC and S Namibia, SW Botswana, NW and C South Africa (Northern Cape, Free State) AURIPARUS S.F. Baird, 1864 M - Aegithalus flaviceps Sundevall, 1850; type by original designation  
Auriparus flaviceps Verdin
acaciarum G.B. Grinnell, 1931 iSW USA (SW Utah to SE California and NW Arizona) and NW Mexico (N Baja California to WC Chihuahua and C Durango)
ornatus (Lawrence, 1851)19 αvS USA (SE Arizona to Texas and SW Oklahoma) and N Mexico (NE Sonora to SC Tamaulipas) flaviceps (Sundevall, 1850) iNW Mexico (C Baja California, S Sonora, N Sinaloa)
lamprocephalus Oberholser, 189720 vNW Mexico (S Baja California) [Oberholser, 1897 #2805] sinaloae A.R. Phillips, 198621 iNW Mexico (NW Sinaloa) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] hidalgensis A.R. Phillips, 198622 vNC Mexico (NE Jalisco, SC Guanajuato, S San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, C Hidalgo) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]