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ALAUDIDAE - Larks1 (21:93)
ALAEMON Keyserling & J.H. Blasius, 1840 M - Alauda desertorum Stanley, 1814; type by monotypy   
Alaemon alaudipes Greater Hoopoe Lark
boavistae E. Hartert, 1917 iE Cape Verde Is.
alaudipes (Desfontaines, 1789) iN Africa (south to Mauritania, Niger and C Sudan); Sinai
desertorum (Stanley, 1814) iNE Sudan to N Somalia, W Arabian Pen.
doriae (Salvadori, 1868) iE Arabian Pen. and Iraq to S Afghanistan, Pakistan and NW India
Alaemon hamertoni Lesser Hoopoe Lark
alter Witherby, 19052 δvNE Somalia
tertius Stephenson Clarke, 19193 δvN Somalia
hamertoni Witherby, 1905 iE Somalia
CHERSOMANES Cabanis, 1851 F - Certhilauda garrula A. Smith, 1846; type by subsequent designation (Bianchi, 1907, Bull. l'Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersb., ser. 5, 25 (1906), p. 15).
Chersomanes albofasciata4 Spike-heeled Lark
obscurata (E. Hartert, 1907)5 vSW, C and E Angola
erikssoni (E. Hartert, 1907) iN Namibia
kalahariae (Ogilvie-Grant, 1912)6 iW and S Botswana
boweni (Meyer de Schauensee, 1931) iNW Namibia
arenaria (Reichenow, 1904)7 vC and S Namibia, adjacent NW Northern Cape
barlowi C.M.N. White, 19618 iNE Botswana [White, 1961 #4186]
alticola Roberts, 19329 iN South Africa (North West Province, Gauteng and Mpumalanga)
albofasciata (Lafresnaye, 1836)10 vC South Africa (N Northern Cape to Free State, NE Eastern Cape and NW KwaZulu-Natal)
garrula (A. Smith, 1846)11 vW South Africa (W and S Northern Cape, N Western Cape)
macdonaldi (Winterbottom, 1958) iS South Africa (S Western Cape, S Eastern Cape) [Winterbottom, 1958 #4249]
Chersomanes beesleyi 12  Benson, 1966 Beesley's Lark
N Tanzania (30-50 km north of Arusha) [Benson, 1966 #268]
AMMOMANOPSIS Bianchi, 1905 F - Alauda grayi Wahlberg, 1855; type by original designation
Ammomanopsis grayi Gray's Lark
hoeschi (Niethammer, 1955) iNW Namibia, SW Angola
grayi (Wahlberg, 1855)13 iW Namibia
CERTHILAUDA Swainson, 1827 F - L'Alouette Sirli Levaillant; type by original designation = Alauda curvirostris Hermann, 1783  14,15
Certhilauda chuana   (A. Smith, 1836) Short-clawed Lark
iSE Botswana to N South Africa (E Northern Cape, C Limpopo)
Certhilauda benguelensis Benguela Long-billed Lark
benguelensis (Sharpe, 1904)16 vCoastal SW Angola and NW Namibia
kaokoensis Bradfield, 194417 δvNW Namibia (Kaokoveld, south to Brandberg)
Certhilauda subcoronata Karoo Long-billed Lark
damarensis (Sharpe, 1904) vW and C Namibia
bradshawi (Sharpe, 1904) iS Namibia, adjacent South Africa (NW Northern Cape)
subcoronata A. Smith, 1843 vW South Africa (W Northern Cape)
gilli Roberts, 1936 iS South Africa (Western Cape, W Eastern Cape)
Certhilauda curvirostris18 Cape Long-billed Lark
curvirostris (Hermann, 1783) vSW South Africa (SW Western Cape)
falcirostris Reichenow, 1916 vW South Africa (NW Western Cape, W Northern Cape)
Certhilauda brevirostris   Roberts, 1941 Agulhas Long-billed Lark
vSW South Africa (coastal SW Western Cape)
Certhilauda semitorquata Eastern Long-billed Lark
semitorquata A. Smith, 1836 vE South Africa (N Eastern Cape to S Free State and W KwaZulu-Natal), Lesotho
transvaalensis Roberts, 193619 vNE South Africa (E North West Province and N Free State to Mpumalanga)
algida Quickelberge, 1967 vSE South Africa (S Eastern Cape) [Quickelberge, 1967 #3175]
PINAROCORYS Shelley, 1902 F - Alauda nigricans Sundevall, 1850; type by subsequent designation (Bianchi, 1907, Bull. l'Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersb., ser. 5, 25 (1906), p. 12).   
Pinarocorys nigricans20 Dusky Lark
nigricans (Sundevall, 1850)21 δiSE DR Congo, N Zambia, W Tanzania >> south to South Africa
occidentis Clancey, 196822 iAngola, SW DR Congo >> south to Namibia [Clancey, 1968 #835]
Pinarocorys erythropygia   (Strickland, 1852) Rufous-rumped Lark
vSierra Leone to South Sudan and N Uganda >> Senegal to S and C Sudan
RAMPHOCORIS Bonaparte, 1850 M - Melanocorypha clotbey Bonaparte, 1850; type by monotypy   
Ramphocoris clotbey   (Bonaparte, 1850) Thick-billed Lark
iN Africa, N and C Arabian Pen., E Jordan, S Syria
AMMOMANES Cabanis, 1851 F - Ammomanes pallida Cabanis, 1851; type by original designation = Alauda arenicolor Sundevall, 1851  
Ammomanes cinctura Bar-tailed Lark
cinctura (Gould, 1839)23 αiCape Verde Is.
arenicolor (Sundevall, 1850)24,25 iN Africa (south to Mauritania, N Niger and N Sudan) east to Jordan, Iraq and Arabian Pen.
zarudnyi E. Hartert, 1902 iC Iran to S Afghanistan and SW Pakistan
Ammomanes phoenicura Rufous-tailed Lark
phoenicura (Franklin, 1831) vN, C and E India
testacea Koelz, 195126 vS India
Ammomanes deserti Desert Lark
isabellina (Temminck, 1823)27 vNC and E Egypt, SC Turkey, Syria, N and SW Iraq, N Saudi Arabia
cheesmani R. Meinertzhagen, 1923 iE Iraq, SW Iran
parvirostris E. Hartert, 1890 vW Turkmenistan, NE Iran
iranica Sarudny, 1911 vC, S and E Iran, S Afghanistan
orientalis Sarudny & von Loudon, 1904 vE Turkmenistan to E Uzbekistan, S Tajikistan and N Afghanistan
phoenicuroides (Blyth, 1853) iE Afghanistan, Pakistan, NW India
annae R. Meinertzhagen, 1923 iE Jordan
azizi Ticehurst & Cheesman, 1924 iNE Saudi Arabia
insularis Ripley, 1951 vBahrain
taimuri Meyer de Schauensee & Ripley, 1953 iE United Arab Emirates and N Oman
saturata Ogilvie-Grant, 1900 vW Yemen
whitakeri E. Hartert, 1911 iSW Libya
algeriensis Sharpe, 189028 vC Algeria, Tunisia and W Libya to NW Chad (Tibesti Mts.)
payni E. Hartert, 1924 iS Morocco, W Algeria
geyri E. Hartert, 192429 iMauritania to N Nigeria and SE Algeria
mya E. Hartert, 1912 iW and C Sahara
kollmannspergeri Niethammer, 195530 δiNE Chad, W Sudan
deserti (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823)31 iS Egypt, N Sudan
erythrochroa Reichenow, 1904 iC Sudan
samharensis Shelley, 1902 vNE Sudan, N Eritrea, W Saudi Arabia
assabensis Salvadori, 1902 vSE Eritrea, Djibouti, NW Somalia
akeleyi Elliot, 1897 iN Somalia
EREMOPTERIX Kaup, 1836 M - Fringilla otoleuca Temminck, 1824; type by subsequent designation (Bianchi, 1907, Bull. l'Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersb., ser. 5, 25 (1906), p. 29). = Alauda melanocephala M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823   32
Eremopterix australis   (A. Smith, 1836) Black-eared Sparrow Lark
vS Namibia, W South Africa
Eremopterix leucotis33 Chestnut-backed Sparrow Lark
melanocephalus (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823) vSenegal and Gambia to Nile valley
leucotis (Stanley, 1814) vE and S Sudan to Ethiopia
madaraszi (Reichenow, 1902) iS Somalia, Kenya, NE and C Tanzania, N Malawi, N Mozambique
hoeschi C.M.N. White, 1959 iS Angola, SW Zambia, NW Zimbabwe, N Namibia, N Botswana [White, 1959 #4179]
smithi (Bonaparte, 1850)34 αiS Zambia and S Malawi to SE Botswana and NE and C South Africa
Eremopterix nigriceps Black-crowned Sparrow Lark
nigriceps (Gould, 1839)35 αiCape Verde Is.
albifrons (Sundevall, 1850) iMauritania to C Sudan (Nile valley)
melanauchen (Cabanis, 1851)36 iE Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Socotra, Arabian Pen., S Iraq, S Iran
affinis (Blyth, 1867) vPakistan, NW India
Eremopterix griseus   (Scopoli, 1786) Ashy-crowned Sparrow Lark
vPakistan, India, S Nepal, SW Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
Eremopterix signatus Chestnut-headed Sparrow Lark
harrisoni (Ogilvie-Grant, 1900)37 αiSE South Sudan, NW Kenya [Ogilvie-Grant, 1900 #11200]
signatus (Oustalet, 1886) vS and E Ethiopia, Somalia, N and E Kenya
Eremopterix leucopareia   (G.A. Fischer & Reichenow, 1884) Fischer's Sparrow Lark
iNE Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, NE Zambia, N Malawi
Eremopterix verticalis38 Grey-backed Sparrow Lark
khama Irwin, 1957 iNE Botswana and W Zimbabwe >> north to W Zambia
harti Benson & Irwin, 1965 iSW Zambia [Benson, 1965 #266]
damarensis Roberts, 1931 vW Angola, W Botswana, Namibia and adjacent NW South Africa >> north to SW Zambia
verticalis (A. Smith, 1836) vS Botswana and SW Zimbabwe to N and W South Africa
Eremopterix hova 39  (Hartlaub, 1860) Madagascar Sparrow Lark
CALENDULAUDA Blyth, 1855 F - Alauda albescens Lafresnaye, 1839; type by monotypy40
Calendulauda sabota41 Sabota Lark
plebeja (Cabanis, 1875) vCoastal NW Angola (Cabinda)
ansorgei (W.L. Sclater, 1926) iSW Angola
naevia (Strickland, 1853)42,43 αvNW and W Namibia
waibeli (Grote, 1922)44 iNE Namibia, W Botswana
herero (Roberts, 1936) iC, E and S Namibia, adjacent NW South Africa
sabota (A. Smith, 1836) iS Botswana, N and C South Africa (C Limpopo to North West Province and N Free State)
sabotoides (Roberts, 1932) iC Botswana, W Zimbabwe, W Limpopo (South Africa)
suffusca (Clancey, 1958)45 vSE Zimbabwe, S Mozambique, E Limpopo to NE KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) [Clancey, 1958 #795]
bradfieldi (Roberts, 1928) iNW, C and S South Africa (Northern Cape and W Free State to W Eastern Cape)
Calendulauda poecilosterna 46,47  (Reichenow, 1879) Pink-breasted Lark
vSW Ethiopia and S Somalia to E Uganda, Kenya and N Tanzania
Calendulauda africanoides48 Fawn-coloured Lark
1 intercedens (Reichenow, 1895)49 iS and SE Ethiopia to SW Somalia, Kenya and NE Tanzania
1 alopex (Sharpe, 1890)50 iE Ethiopia, NW Somalia
1 macdonaldi (C.M.N. White, 1953)51 iS Ethiopia
2 trapnelli (C.M.N. White, 1943) iE Angola, W Zambia
2 harei (Roberts, 1917)52,53 iE Namibia to SW Botswana and adjacent NW South Africa
2 makarikari (Roberts, 1932) iSE Angola, SW Zambia to N Namibia, N Botswana and NW Zimbabwe
2 sarwensis (Roberts, 1932) vNE Namibia, W Botswana
2 vincenti (Roberts, 1938) iC Zimbabwe to S Mozambique
2 africanoides (A. Smith, 1836)54 iSE Botswana, SW Zimbabwe, N and C South Africa
Calendulauda albescens55 Karoo Lark
codea (A. Smith, 1843) iCoastal W South Africa
albescens (Lafresnaye, 1839)56 iSW South Africa (lower R. Groot Berg to Cape Town)
guttata (Lafresnaye, 1839) vW South Africa (NW Western Cape, W Northern Cape)
karruensis Roberts, 193657 vS South Africa (E Western Cape, W Eastern Cape)
Calendulauda burra   (Bangs, 1930) Red Lark
vW South Africa (W Northern Cape)
Calendulauda erythrochlamys 58,59  (Strickland, 1853) Dune Lark
W Namibia
Calendulauda barlowi60 Barlow's Lark
cavei (J.D. Macdonald, 1953) Coastal extreme SW Namibia to NW South Africa (Port Nolloth)
patae (J.D. Macdonald, 1953)61 Subcoastal SW Namibia (south of Aus) to NW South Africa (R. Holgat)
barlowi (Roberts, 1937) SW Namibia (around Aus)
HETEROMIRAFRA C.H.B. Grant, 1913 F - Heteronyx ruddi C.H.B. Grant, 1908; type by original designation and monotypy   
Heteromirafra ruddi 62  (C.H.B. Grant, 1908) Rudd's Lark
iE South Africa (Mpumalanga to E Eastern Cape)
Heteromirafra archeri63 Archer's Lark
archeri Stephenson Clarke, 1920 NW Somalia
sidamoensis (Érard, 1975)64 vS Ethiopia [Érard, 1975 #1523]
MIRAFRA Horsfield, 1821 F - Mirafra javanica Horsfield, 1821; type by monotypy   65
Mirafra apiata Cape Clapper Lark
apiata (Vieillot, 1816)66 iW and S South Africa
marjoriae Winterbottom, 1956 iExtreme SW South Africa (Cape Peninsula to Knysna) [Winterbottom, 1956 #4248]
Mirafra fasciolata67 Eastern Clapper Lark
reynoldsi Benson & Irwin, 1965 SW Zambia, N Botswana
jappi Traylor, 1962 W Zambia [Traylor, 1962 #3861]
nata Smithers, 1955 NE Botswana
damarensis Sharpe, 187568 vN and C Namibia, W and C Botswana
fasciolata (Sundevall, 1850)69 vSE Botswana, N and C South Africa
Mirafra collaris   Sharpe, 1896 Collared Lark
vSE Ethiopia, Somalia, NE and E Kenya
Mirafra africana70 Rufous-naped Lark
henrici Bates, G.L., 1930 iGuinea, Liberia
batesi Bannerman, 1923 iNiger, Nigeria
stresemanni Bannerman, 1923 iNC Cameroon
bamendae Serle, 1959 iW Cameroon [Serle, 1959 #3574]
kurrae Lynes, 1923 iSW Sudan
tropicalis E. Hartert, 1900 vSC Uganda, W Kenya, N and NW Tanzania
sharpii Elliot, 189771 iNW Somalia
ruwenzoria Kinnear, 1921 vSW Uganda, E DR Congo
athi E. Hartert, 1900 iC Kenya, NE Tanzania
harterti Neumann, 1908 iE Kenya
malbranti Chapin, 194672 iC and S PR Congo
chapini C.H.B. Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1939 iSE DR Congo, N Zambia
occidentalis (Hartlaub, 1857) vW Angola
kabalii C.M.N. White, 1943 iNW Zambia, NE Angola
gomesi C.M.N. White, 1944 iSW Zambia, E Angola
grisescens Sharpe, 1902 iExtreme SW Zambia, NW Zimbabwe, N Botswana
pallida Sharpe, 190273 vSW Angola, NW Namibia
ghansiensis (Roberts, 1932) vE Namibia, W Botswana
nigrescens Reichenow, 1900 iS Tanzania
isolata Clancey, 195674 vSE Malawi
nyikae Benson, 1939 iNE Zambia, N Malawi
transvaalensis E. Hartert, 1900 vSE Botswana, interior NE and E South Africa and Zimbabwe to S Zambia, S Malawi, N Mozambique and E Tanzania
africana A. Smith, 183675 vS Mozambique, E South Africa (E Limpopo to Eastern Cape)
Mirafra hypermetra76 Red-winged Lark
kathangorensis Cave, 1940 vSE South Sudan
kidepoensis J.D. Macdonald, 1940 vExtreme SE South Sudan, NE Uganda
gallarum E. Hartert, 1907 iC and S Ethiopia
hypermetra (Reichenow, 1879) vS Somalia, Kenya, NE Tanzania
Mirafra somalica Somali Lark
somalica (Witherby, 1903) vN Somalia
rochei Colston, 1982 iC and S Somalia [Colston, 1982 #1027]
Mirafra ashi   Colston, 1982 Ash's Lark
iS Somalia [Colston, 1982 #1027]
Mirafra angolensis Angolan Lark
marungensis B.P. Hall, 1958 vSE DR Congo [Hall, 1958 #1883]
angolensis Bocage, 1880 vWC and N Angola
antonii B.P. Hall, 195877,78 iE Angola, S DR Congo, NW Zambia [Hall, 1958 #1883]
Mirafra rufocinnamomea Flappet Lark
buckleyi (Shelley, 1873) iSenegal and Gambia to Ghana, N Nigeria and N Cameroon
serlei C.M.N. White, 1960 iSE Nigeria [White, 1960 #4184]
tigrina Oustalet, 1892 vW Cameroon to N DR Congo and W South Sudan
schoutedeni C.M.N. White, 195679 iGabon and W DR Congo to Central African Republic and NE Angola
furensis Lynes, 1923 vSW Sudan
sobatensis Lynes, 1914 vNE South Sudan
rufocinnamomea (Salvadori, 1865) vNW and C Ethiopia
omoensis Neumann, 1928 vSW Ethiopia
torrida Shelley, 1882 vSE South Sudan, S Ethiopia, N and C Uganda, C and S Kenya, NE and C Tanzania
kawirondensis van Someren, 1921 vE DR Congo, W and S Uganda, NW Tanzania, W Kenya
fischeri (Reichenow, 1878) iS Somalia to N Mozambique, Malawi, N Zambia and C Angola
lwenarum C.M.N. White, 194580 iNW Zambia
zombae Ogilvie-Grant, 190281 Malawi, NW Mozambique
mababiensis (Roberts, 1932) vSE Angola, W Zambia, NE Namibia, N Botswana
smithersi C.M.N. White, 1956 iS Zambia, Zimbabwe, E Botswana, upland NE South Africa
pintoi C.M.N. White, 1956 iSE Zimbabwe, S Mozambique, lowland NE South Africa (E Limpopo to N KwaZulu-Natal)
Mirafra williamsi   J.D. Macdonald, 1956 Williams's Lark
iN Kenya
Mirafra pulpa 82  Friedmann, 1930 Friedmann's Lark
iS Ethiopia, C and SE Kenya
Mirafra cordofanica 83,84  Strickland, 1852 Kordofan Lark
vMauritania to Niger; E Chad to S Sudan and N South Sudan
Mirafra passerina   Gyldenstolpe, 1926 Monotonous Lark
vSW Angola, N and C Namibia, S Zambia, Botswana, W and S Zimbabwe, N and NE South Africa
Mirafra albicauda 85  Reichenow, 1891 White-tailed Lark
iNE Nigeria, W Chad, E South Sudan, SW Ethiopia, N and W Uganda, W and S Kenya to C and SW Tanzania
Mirafra cheniana   A. Smith, 1843 Melodious Lark
iC and SW Zimbabwe, S Botswana, N and E South Africa
Mirafra cantillans86 Singing Bush Lark
marginata Hawker, 1898 vS South Sudan to Somalia, Kenya and NE Tanzania
chadensis Alexander, 1908 vS Mauritania and Senegal to SW and C Sudan and W Ethiopia
simplex (von Heuglin, 1868) iW and S Arabian Pen.
cantillans Blyth, 184587 iPakistan, NW, N and C India, SW Nepal
Mirafra javanica88 Horsfield's Lark
williamsoni E.C.S. Baker, 191589 iS China, C, E and SE Myanmar (south to N Tenasserim), C and SC Thailand, Cambodia, C and extreme S Vietnam
philippinensis Wardlaw Ramsay, 1886 vLuzon, Mindoro (Philippines)
mindanensis Hachisuka, 1931 vMindanao (Philippines)
javanica Horsfield, 1821 vS Borneo, Java, Bali
parva Swinhoe, 1871 vLombok to Flores and Sumba (Lesser Sundas)
timorensis Mayr, 1944 vSavu, Timor (Lesser Sundas)
aliena Greenway, 193590 vLocally in lowland to mid-montane N, NE, EC, SC and SE New Guinea (west to Sepik basin, Central Highlands and Trans-Fly region)
woodwardi Milligan, 1901 iWC Western Australia
halli Bianchi, 190791 αiNW Western Australia
forresti Mayr & McEvey, 1960 iN Western Australia [Mayr, 1960 #2559]
melvillensis Mathews, 1912 vMelville I. and Bathurst I. (Northern Territory)
soderbergi Mathews, 1921 iNC Australia (Arnhem Land)
rufescens C. Ingram, 190692 iE Northern Territory, W Queensland, NE South Australia
athertonensis Schodde & Mason, 1999 vNE Queensland [Schodde, 1999 #3524]
horsfieldii Gould, 1847 iC and S Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, SE South Australia
secunda Sharpe, 1890 vSC South Australia
Mirafra microptera   Hume, 1873 Burmese Lark
vC Myanmar
Mirafra assamica   Horsfield, 1840 Bengal Lark
vNepal, N and E India, Bangladesh, SW Myanmar
Mirafra erythrocephala 93,94  Salvadori & Giglioli, 1885 Indochinese Lark
vContinental SE Asia (except NW and NE) [Salvadori, 1885 #3462]
Mirafra erythroptera 95  Blyth, 1845 Indian Bush Lark
vPakistan, India (except NE and extreme S)
Mirafra affinis 96,97  Blyth, 1845 Jerdon's Lark
vS India, Sri Lanka
Mirafra rufa98 Rusty Lark
nigriticola Bates, G.L., 1932 iMali, Niger
rufa Lynes, 1920 vChad, SW Sudan
lynesi C.H.B. Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1933 iS Sudan
Mirafra gilletti Gillett's Lark
gilletti Sharpe, 1895 iE and SE Ethiopia, NW Somalia
arorihensis Érard, 197699 αvC Somalia to NE Kenya [Érard, 1976 #1522]
degodiensis Érard, 1976100,101 αvS Ethiopia [Érard, 1976 #1522]
CHERSOPHILUS Sharpe, 1890 M - Alauda duponti Vieillot, 1824; type by subsequent designation (Hartert & Steinbacher, 1933, Vögel Pal. Fauna Ergänzungsband, Heft 2, p. 129).   
Chersophilus duponti DuPont's Lark
duponti (Vieillot, 1824)102 αiSpain, NE Morocco, NW Algeria, NW Tunisia
margaritae (A.F. Koenig, 1888) iNC Algeria, SE Tunisia, N Libya, NW Egypt
EREMALAUDA W.L. Sclater, 1926 F - Calendula dunni Shelley, 1904; type by original designation   
Eremalauda dunni Dunn's Lark
dunni (Shelley, 1904) iS Sahara (Mauritania to C Sudan)
eremodites (R. Meinertzhagen, 1923) iJordan, Israel, N and C Saudi Arabia, SW Oman
ALAUDALA Horsfield & F. Moore, 1856 F - Alauda raytal Blyth, 1844; type by monotypy103
Alaudala somalica Somali Short-toed Lark
perconfusa (C.M.N. White, 1960) vNW Somalia [White, 1960 #4182]
somalica Sharpe, 1895104 vE Ethiopia, N Somalia
megaensis (Benson, 1946) vS Ethiopia, N Kenya
athensis (Sharpe, 1900) vS Kenya, NE Tanzania
Alaudala cheleensis105 Asian Short-toed Lark
leucophaea (Severtsov, 1873)106 αvW and S Kazakhstan to NW China (NW Xinjiang)
seebohmi Sharpe, 1890 iTarim Basin (NW China)
tuvinica (Stepanyan, 1975) vTuva Republic and NW Mongolia [Stepanyan, 1975 #3716]
cheleensis Swinhoe, 1871 vTransbaikalia, C and E Mongolia, NE to C and E China
kukunoorensis Przevalski, 1876107 vSW Mongolia to E Xizang and N Qinghai
beicki (Meise, 1933)108 iS Mongolia, N China (NE Qinghai to N Gansu and W Nei Mongol)
Alaudala rufescens109 Lesser Short-toed Lark
rufescens (Vieillot, 1819)110 αiTenerife (Canary Is.) [Vieillot, 1819 #4010]
polatzeki (E. Hartert, 1904) iGran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote (Canary Is.)
apetzii (A.E. Brehm, 1857) iS Portugal, S Spain
minor (Cabanis, 1851) vMorocco and N Algeria to NW Egypt; Sinai to SW Turkey, SW Iran and N Arabian Pen.
nicolli (E. Hartert, 1909) iNile delta (Egypt)
heinei (von Homeyer, 1873) iS Ukraine to E Kazakhstan and NW Altai Mts. >> SW Asia
pseudobaetica (Stegmann, 1932) vE Turkey, Transcaucasia, NW and N Iran
aharonii (E. Hartert, 1910)111 C Asia Minor
persica Sharpe, 1890 vC and E Iran to W and S Afghanistan >> Pakistan
Alaudala raytal Sand Lark
adamsi (Hume, 1871) iS Iran, E Afghanistan, Pakistan, NW India
raytal (Blyth, 1845)112 αiS Nepal, NC and NE India, W Bangladesh, C and S Myanmar
krishnakumarsinhji (Vaurie & Dharmakumarsinhji, 1954)113 δiW India (Kathiawar Pen. in Gujarat)
MELANOCORYPHA Boie, 1828 F - Alauda tatarica Pallas, 1773; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 48). = Alauda yeltoniensis J.R. Forster, 1768  114
Melanocorypha bimaculata 115  (Ménétries, 1832) Bimaculated Lark
vWC Turkey to S Kazakhstan, south to N Israel, N Iraq, SW and NE Iran and N Afghanistan >> NE Africa, N Arabian Pen., Pakistan and NW India
Melanocorypha calandra Calandra Lark
calandra (Linnaeus, 1766)116 iS Europe and NW Africa to Turkey (except SC and SE), Caucasus area, NW Kazakhstan
psammochroa E. Hartert, 1904 iNE Iran and C Kazakhstan to SW Mongolia and SC Siberia >> Arabian Pen. and SW Asia
gaza R. Meinertzhagen, 1919117 iSE Turkey, E Syria, Iraq, SW Iran
hebraica R. Meinertzhagen, 1920118 vSC Turkey and W Syria to Israel and W Jordan
Melanocorypha yeltoniensis 119,120  (J.R. Forster, 1768) Black Larkα
vSE Russia and N Kazakhstan to SW Siberia and E Kazakhstan >> SE Europe and SW Asia
Melanocorypha maxima 121  Blyth, 1867 Tibetan Lark
vXizang, NC and WC China (Qinghai and SW Gansu to W Sichuan and S Shaanxi), NW and C Himalayas (Ladakh; Sikkim)
Melanocorypha mongolica   (Pallas, 1776) Mongolian Lark
vTransbaikalia and Mongolia to N China (N Qinghai to Hebei) >> N China
CALANDRELLA Kaup, 1829 F - Alauda brachydactyla Leisler, 1814; type by monotypy   122
Calandrella acutirostris Hume's Short-toed Lark
acutirostris Hume, 1873 vNE Iran, SW Pakistan and Afghanistan to Tien Shan Mts., NW China (W and N Xinjiang) and W Himalayas (east to Ladakh) >> SW Asia to N India
tibetana W.E. Brooks, 1880 vXizang, W and C Himalayas (east of acutirostris to Sikkim) >> N India, Bangladesh
Calandrella cinerea123,124 Red-capped Lark
saturatior Reichenow, 1904125 vNigeria; Uganda and W Kenya to Angola, Zambia, NE Namibia and N Botswana
williamsi Clancey, 1952 iC Kenya
spleniata (Strickland, 1853)126 αvSW Angola, NW Namibia
cinerea (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)127,128 vC and S Namibia, C and S Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa
Calandrella blanfordi129 Blanford's Short-toed Lark
eremica (Reichenow & N. Peters, 1932)130 αvSW Saudi Arabia, W Yemen
blanfordi (Shelley, 1902) iEritrea
erlangeri (Neumann, 1906)131 iC Ethiopia
daaroodensis C.M.N. White, 1960132 δvN Somalia [White, 1960 #4181]
Calandrella brachydactyla Greater Short-toed Lark
brachydactyla (Leisler, 1814) vS Europe, W Asia Minor, Cyprus >> N Africa and Mauritania to Somalia
hungarica Horváth, 1956133 vS Slovakia, Hungary, N Serbia, W Romania
rubiginosa Fromholz, 1913 vMorocco, N Algeria, Tunisia, NW Libya
hermonensis Tristram, 1865134 αvNE Sinai to W Syria and W Iraq
woltersi Kumerloeve, 1969 iSC Turkey [Kumerloeve, 1969 #2295]
artemisiana Bankovski, 1913 vC and E Turkey, Transcaucasia, NE Iraq, SW and N Iran >> SW Asia
longipennis (Eversmann, 1848) vUkraine, N Caucasus area and Iran to SC Siberia, W Mongolia, and Tien Shan >> Arabia and S Asia
orientalis Sushkin, 1925 vC Asia, Mongolia, Heilongjiang
dukhunensis (Sykes, 1832) vTibetan Plateau, Nei Mongol, C and E Mongolia, Transbaikalia >> SW S and E Asia
EREMOPHILA Boie, 1828 F - Alauda alpestris Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 47).   
Eremophila bilopha   (Temminck, 1823) Temminck's Lark
iN Africa (south to NW Mauritania and C Libya), Jordan, S Syria, W Iraq, N Saudi Arabia
Eremophila alpestris135 Horned Lark/Shore Lark
arcticola (Oberholser, 1902) iAlaska and NW Canada (Yukon to mountains of British Columbia) >> W USA
hoyti (Bishop, 1896) iN Canada (Banks I. to NW Baffin I., south to N Alberta and NW Ontario) >> N USA
alpestris (Linnaeus, 1758) vE Canada (NE Ontario to SE Baffin I. and Newfoundland) >> E USA
merrilli (Dwight, 1890) iSW Canada (SC British Columbia) and W USA (E Washington, C Oregon, N California)
strigata (Henshaw, 1884) vCoastal W Canada (SW British Columbia) to NW USA (W Oregon)
alpina (Jewett, 1943) vMountains of NW USA (Olympic Mts. and Cascade Range in W Washington)
lamprochroma (Oberholser, 1932) iW USA (SE Oregon, SW Idaho, NE California and W Nevada) >> south to SW USA (S California, Arizona)
leucolaema Coues, 1874 vSW Canada (S Alberta) and WC USA (W Montana to E New Mexico and NW Texas)
enthymia (Oberholser, 1902) vSC Canada (S Saskatchewan, S Manitoba) and C USA (E Montana and North Dakota to W Oklahoma and N Texas)
praticola (Henshaw, 1884) iSE Canada (S Ontario to Nova Scotia) and E USA (Minnesota to Maine, Kansas and North Carolina) >> south to SE USA
sierrae (Oberholser, 1920) iMountains of W USA (N end of Sierra Nevada in E California)
rubea (Henshaw, 1884) vSW USA (Sacramento valley in C California)
utahensis (Behle, 1938) vWC USA (SC Idaho to C Nevada and C Utah)
actia (Oberholser, 1902) vMountains of SW USA (Coast Ranges in W California) to NW Mexico (N Baja California)
insularis (Dwight, 1890) vChannel Is. (off S California)
ammophila (Oberholser, 1902) vSW USA (Amargosa and Mojave Deserts in SW Nevada and SE California) >> south to NW Mexico
leucansiptila (Oberholser, 1902) vSW USA (S Nevada, W Arizona) and NW Mexico (NE Baja California, NW Sonora)
occidentalis (McCall, 1851) vSW USA (N and C Arizona to C New Mexico) >> south to N Mexico
adusta (Dwight, 1890) vSW USA (SE Arizona, SW New Mexico) and NW Mexico (NE Sonora)
enertera (Oberholser, 1907) vNW Mexico (C Baja California)
giraudi (Henshaw, 1884) iCoastal S USA (S Texas, W Louisiana) and NE Mexico (NE Tamaulipas)
aphrasta (Oberholser, 1902) vHighlands of NC Mexico (Chihuahua, Durango)
lactea A.R. Phillips, 1970136 vMountains of NE Mexico (SE Coahuila) [Phillips, 1970 #3069]
diaphora (Oberholser, 1902) vMountains of EC Mexico (Extreme SE Coahuila and SW Nuevo León to Hidalgo and NE Puebla)
chrysolaema (Wagler, 1831) vHighlands of SC Mexico (Zacatecas to Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos and SW Veracruz)
oaxacae (Nelson, 1897) iMountains of SW Mexico (Oaxaca)
peregrina (P.L. Sclater, 1855) vE Andes of NC Colombia (Boyacá, Cundinamarca)
atlas (Whitaker, 1898) iAtlas Mts. of Morocco
flava (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vN Fenno-Scandia and N Russia to NE Siberia (NW Chukotka); mountains of SE Siberia (N end of Lake Baikal to Stanovoi Mts.) >> W and C Europe to Kazakhstan, Mongolia and N China
brandti (Dresser, 1874) iSE Russia to Transbaikalia and N Mongolia, south to Turkmenistan, Tien Shan Mts., NW, extreme N and extreme NE China >> C China
przewalskii (Bianchi, 1904) iTsaidam Basin (N Qinghai, China)
balcanica (Reichenow, 1895) vMountains of Croatia to Bulgaria and Greece
bicornis (C.L. Brehm, 1842) vMountains of Lebanon
kumerloevei Roselaar, 1995 iW and C Asia Minor [Roselaar, 1995 #3385]
penicillata (Gould, 1838) vE Turkey, Caucasus area, SW and N Iran
albigula (Bonaparte, 1850) iSW Turkmenistan, NE Iran and Afghanistan to Tien Shan Mts., W Xinjiang and NW Pakistan
longirostris (F. Moore, 1856) vW Himalayas (NE Pakistan to Himachal Pradesh)
teleschowi (Przevalski, 1887)137 iN Xizang and NW China (C Kunlun Shan to NW Qinghai)
argalea (Oberholser, 1902) vW Xizang, NW China (W Kunlun Shan), NW Himalayas (N Ladakh)
elwesi (Blanford, 1872) iS and E Xizang, WC China (NW Sichuan), Himalayas (east of argalea and longirostris)
khamensis (Bianchi, 1904) vSE Xizang and WC China (W Sichuan)
nigrifrons (Przevalski, 1876) iN China (NE Qinghai and W Gansu)
LULLULA Kaup, 1829 F - Alauda arborea Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 80).   
Lullula arborea Wood Lark
arborea (Linnaeus, 1758) vS England, S Fenno-Scandia and C Russia to N Iberia, N Italy, NW Romania and Ukraine
pallida Sarudny, 1902 vS Europe, NW Africa, Caucasus area, Turkey, W Levant, Iran, SW Turkmenistan
SPIZOCORYS Sundevall, 1872 F - Alauda conirostris Sundevall, 1850; type by original designation   138
Spizocorys sclateri 139  (Shelley, 1902) Sclater's Lark
iSW Angola, W and S Namibia and adjacent SW Botswana and W South Africa
Spizocorys starki 140  (Shelley, 1902) Stark's Lark
SW Angola, W and S Namibia, S Botswana, W South Africa (W Northern Cape)
Spizocorys fremantlii Short-tailed Lark
fremantlii (Lort Phillips, 1897) iSE Ethiopia, Somalia
megaensis (Benson, 1946) vS Ethiopia, N Kenya
delamerei (Sharpe, 1900) iS Kenya, N Tanzania
Spizocorys personata Masked Lark
personata Sharpe, 1895 vE Ethiopia
yavelloensis (Benson, 1947) vS Ethiopia to N Kenya (Dida Galgalu Desert)
mcchesneyi (J.G. Williams, 1957) iN Kenya (Marsabit)
intensa (Rothschild, 1931) vNC Kenya
Spizocorys fringillaris 141  (Sundevall, 1850) Botha's Lark
vEC South Africa (Mpumalanga, E Free State)
Spizocorys conirostris Pink-billed Lark
damarensis Roberts, 1922 vN Namibia, NW Botswana
crypta (Irwin, 1957) vNE Botswana [Irwin, 1957 #2077]
makawai (Traylor, 1962) iW Zambia [Traylor, 1962 #3861]
harti (Benson, 1964) iSW Zambia [Benson, 1964 #264]
barlowi Roberts, 1942 iW and S Botswana, S Namibia, adjacent South Africa (NW Northern Cape)
conirostris (Sundevall, 1850)142 vInterior South Africa (except W and NE)
Spizocorys obbiensis   Witherby, 1905 Obbia Lark
vCoastal Somalia (Hobyo to Halhambe)
ALAUDA Linnaeus, 1758 F - Alauda arvensis Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (Selby, 1825, Illustrations of British Ornithology, 1, p. xxix).   143
Alauda leucoptera 144  Pallas, 1811 White-winged Lark
vSE Russia and N Kazakhstan to SC Siberia and SW Mongolia >> S Russia, Transcaspia, Iran
Alauda razae 145  (Alexander, 1898) Raso Island Lark
iRaso (Cape Verde Is.)
Alauda arvensis146 Eurasian Sky Lark
arvensis Linnaeus, 1758147 vN and C Europe (south to C France, NW Hungary, C Ukraine and C Russia)148
sierrae Weigold, 1913149 iPortugal, NW, C and S Spain
harterti Whitaker, 1904 iNW Africa
cantarella Bonaparte, 1850 iNE Spain and S France to S Ukraine, S Russia and N and C Turkey
armenica Bogdanov, 1879150 vSE Turkey, Transcaucasia, SW and N Iran
dulcivox Hume, 1872151 iSE Russia, W and SW Siberia, Kazakhstan, SW Mongolia, NW China (N Xinjiang) >> SW Asia to NW India
kiborti Zaliesski, 1917 iC Siberia (R. Yenisey to R. Lena), Transbaikalia, NE and E Mongolia, extreme N China (Nei Mongol to W Heilongjiang) >> China
intermedia Swinhoe, 1863 vNE Siberia (R. Lena to R. Kolyma, south to W Russian Far East), extreme NE China, Korea >> China
pekinensis Swinhoe, 1863 vNE Siberia (Koryakland to Kamchatka), N Kuril Is. >> Japan, E China
lonnbergi Hachisuka, 1926 iE Russian Far East, N Sakhalin >> Japan, Korea, E China
japonica Temminck & Schlegel, 1848152 vS Sakhalin, S Kuril Is., Japan >> S Japan, Ryukyu Is.
Alauda gulgula Oriental Sky Lark
lhamarum R. & A. Meinertzhagen, 1926 iPamir Mts., W Xizang, W and C Himalayas (Kashmir to Nepal)
inopinata Bianchi, 1905153 αvN, E and SE Xizang, N and WC China (Qinghai and Gansu to N Yunnan) >> N India, N Myanmar
vernayi Mayr, 1941 iExtreme SE Xizang, W Yunnan, N Bhutan, N Myanmar
inconspicua Severtsov, 1873 vW Turkmenistan and E Iran to S Kazakhstan, SW Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Pakistan and NW India >> SW Asia
gulgula Franklin, 1831 iNC and E India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar (except N), ? N Laos
dharmakumarsinhjii Abdulali, 1976154 iW India (Kathiawar Pen. in Gujarat) [Abdulali, 1976 #20]
australis W.E. Brooks, 1873155 vSW India
weigoldi E. Hartert, 1922 iWC to E China (S Sichuan and S Shaanxi eastward in the Yangtze valley)
coelivox Swinhoe, 1859 δiSE China, N Vietnam
sala Swinhoe, 1870156 iHainan
herberti E. Hartert, 1923157 iC and SE Thailand to Cambodia and S Vietnam
wattersi Swinhoe, 1871 iTaiwan
wolfei Hachisuka, 1930158 iLuzon (Philippines)
GALERIDA Boie, 1828 F - Alauda cristata Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 47).   159
Galerida modesta Sun Lark
modesta von Heuglin, 1864160 vBurkina Faso to SW Sudan, South Sudan and NW Uganda
nigrita (Grote, 1920) iSenegal, Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Mali
struempelli (Reichenow, 1910)161 αiCameroon
bucolica (Hartlaub, 1887) vN DR Congo, extreme SW South Sudan
Galerida magnirostris Large-billed Lark
magnirostris (Stephens, 1826) vCoastal W and SW South Africa
sedentaria Clancey, 1993 vW and S South Africa [Clancey, 1993 #961]
harei (Roberts, 1924)162 iSE South Africa (W Free State to Eastern Cape), Lesotho
Galerida theklae163 Thekla Lark
theklae A.E. Brehm, 1857164 iPortugal, Spain, Balearic Is. [Brehm, 1857 #477]
erlangeri E. Hartert, 1904 iN Morocco
ruficolor Whitaker, 1898165 iC and coastal NE Morocco, N Algeria and N Tunisia
theresae R. Meinertzhagen, 1939 iSW Morocco to NW Mauritania
superflua E. Hartert, 1897 vAtlas Mts. of E Morocco and N Algeria, N Tunisia
carolinae von Erlanger, 1897166 iN Algerian Sahara to N Libya and NW Egypt
harrarensis Érard & Jarry, 1973 vE Ethiopia (Harar and Jijiga), NW Somalia [Érard, 1973 #1519]
huei Érard & Naurois, 1973 iEC Ethiopia (Bale Mts.) [Érard, 1973 #1520]
praetermissa (Blanford, 1869) vHighlands of Eritrea to C Ethiopia
ellioti E. Hartert, 1897 iN and C Somalia
mallablensis Colston, 1982 vCoastal S Somalia [Colston, 1982 #1027]
huriensis Benson, 1947 vS Ethiopia, N Kenya
Galerida cristata167 Crested Lark
pallida C.L. Brehm, 1858 vPortugal, Spain
cristata (Linnaeus, 1758) vFrance to Belarus, N Ukraine, N Hungary, N Croatia and NE Italy
neumanni Hilgert, 1907 iW Italy (Tuscany to Rome area)
apuliae von Jordans, 1935 iS and SE Italy, Sicily
meridionalis C.L. Brehm, 1841 vW Croatia to S Bulgaria and C Greece
cypriaca Bianchi, 1907 vKarpathos, Rhodes, Cyprus
tenuirostris C.L. Brehm, 1858168 αvE Hungary and E Croatia to SW Ural Mts., N Caucasus and Crimea [Brehm, 1858 #4500]
caucasica Taczanowski, 1888 vCaucasus, N Asia Minor, E Aegean Is.
kleinschmidti von Erlanger, 1899 iN Morocco
riggenbachi E. Hartert, 1902 iW Morocco
carthaginis O. Kleinschmidt & Hilgert, 1905 iCoastal NE Morocco to N Tunisia
randonii Loche, 1860169 iHigh plateaux of Atlas Mts. from E Morocco to NC Algeria
macrorhyncha Tristram, 1859170 vSE Morocco and N Algerian Sahara
arenicola Tristram, 1859 iS Tunisia, NW Libya
festae E. Hartert, 1922 iCoastal NE Libya
brachyura Tristram, 1865171 αvNE Egypt, Sinai, Israel, Jordan, N Saudi Arabia and Iraq
helenae Lavauden, 1926 iSE Algeria, SW Libya
jordansi Niethammer, 1955 iAïr Massif (C Niger)
nigricans C.L. Brehm, 1855 iNile delta (N Egypt)
maculata C.L. Brehm, 1858 vN and C Egypt (except Nile delta)
halfae Nicoll, 1921 iS Egypt, N Sudan
altirostris C.L. Brehm, 1855 vNC and NE Sudan, Eritrea
somaliensis Reichenow, 1907 vN Somalia, SE Ethiopia, N Kenya
balsaci Dekeyser & Villiers, 1950 iCoastal Mauritania
senegallensis (Statius Muller, 1776) vSenegal and Gambia to Sierra Leone and Niger
alexanderi Neumann, 1908172 iNigeria to SW Sudan
isabellina Bonaparte, 1850 vC and S Sudan
cinnamomina E. Hartert, 1904 vW Lebanon, NW Israel
zion R. Meinertzhagen, 1920 iS Turkey, Syria, E Lebanon, NE Israel
subtaurica (Kollibay, 1912) vC Turkey to SW and N Iran and SW Turkmenistan
magna Hume, 1871 vNE Arabian Pen., N and E Iran and Afghanistan to Kazakhstan, Mongolia, NW and N China (east to Nei Mongol)
leautungensis (Swinhoe, 1861) vNE and E China (E Gansu to S Heilongjiang and Shandong)
coreensis Taczanowski, 1888 vKorea
lynesi Whistler, 1928 iN Pakistan (Gilgit valley)
chendoola (Franklin, 1831) iE and NE Pakistan, N and C India, S Nepal
Galerida malabarica   (Scopoli, 1786) Malabar Lark
vW and SW India
Galerida deva   (Sykes, 1832) Sykes's Lark
iWC and SC India

1 Sequence of genera follows Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633] with the following genus group names resurrected to deal with non-monophyly: Ammomanopsis, Calendulauda, Alaudala and Calandrella.
2 Spelled altera in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533]; here corrected to agree in gender.
3 Spelled tertia in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533]; here corrected to agree in gender.
4 We follow Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153] in reducing the number of forms recognised.
5 Implicitly includes longispina Rudebeck, 1970 [Rudebeck, 1970 #4429]; see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
6 Includes bathoeni Winterbottom, 1958 [Winterbottom, 1958 #4249], and bathoeni Paterson, 1958 [Paterson, 1958 #2956]; see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].
7 Includes bradfieldi; see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
8 When this name was preoccupied in Certhilauda the replacement name salinicola Clancey, 1962 [Clancey, 1962 #4362] was introduced; as this was after 1961 the replacement name does not need to be retained and is also available if again needed.
9 Includes robertsi; see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
10 Includes latimerae; see White (1960) [White, 1961 #4187].
11 Includes meinertzhageni; see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
12 For treatment as a separate species from C. albofasciata, see Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633]. But see Donald & Collar (2011) [Donald, 2011 #15364].
13 Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] dated this 1856, but see Gyldenstolpe (1926) [Gyldenstolpe, 1926 #1841].
14 Of the three species included by Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] C. albescens has been transferred to Calendulauda and C. albofasciata to Chersomanes. The remaining species was split into five by Ryan & Bloomer (1999) [Ryan, 1999 #3436]. C. chuana was previously treated in Mirafra.
15 Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
16 For recognition of this as a coastal Angolan form see Ryan & Bloomer (1999) [Ryan, 1999 #3436].
17 Correct original spelling. Spelling kaokensis in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
18 The broad species C. curvirostris was considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with C. chuana but this is not supported by the findings of Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
19 The name infelix C.M.N. White, 1960 [White, 1960 #4183] was due to potential preoccupation in Mirafra by M. africana transvaalensis, but has not been needed.
20 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with P. erythropygia.
21 Correct original spelling. Spelling nigicans in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
22 For recognition; see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
23 Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] dated this 1841; but see Steinheimer et al. (2006) [Steinheimer, 2006 #4439].
24 Includes pallens; see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187] and most recent authors.
25 Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633] found deep divergences in DNA from samples of arenicolor from Morocco and Saudi Arabia and suggested that a wider sampling was needed.
26 Not recognised by Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376], but see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
27 Includes coxi see Vaurie (1959) [Vaurie, 1959 #3961]. But see Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] and de Juana et al. (2004) [de Juana, 2004 #12201].
28 Includes mirei; see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
29 Includes janeti; see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
30 Dual original spellings; for First Reviser selection see David et al. (2009) [David, 2009 #11541].
31 Includes borosi Horváth, 1958 [Horváth, 1958 #2011]; see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
32 Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
33 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with E. australis.
34 Given as 1851 by Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016], but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
35 Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] dated this 1841, but see Steinheimer et al. (2006) [Steinheimer, 2006 #4439].
36 Includes forbeswatsoni; see Kirwan (2007) [Kirwan, 2007 #10614]. For recognition see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
37 Not first described in Ibis in 1901; see citation link in range statement.
38 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with E. nigriceps, E. signatus and E. leucopareia. Findings of Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633] suggest E. griseus would belong too.
39 Treatment within Eremopterix rather than Mirafra follows Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
40 Compared to Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] comprises one species previously in Ammomanes (burra), three species from Mirafra (sabota, poecilosterna and africanoides) and from Certhilauda the species albescens divided into three species. Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
41 Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] treated this as a superspecies with C. naevia as the second species.
42 Includes uis; see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
43 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2010) [Dickinson, 2010 #12496].
44 Includes veseyfitzgeraldi, elfriedae and hoeschi; see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
45 Implicitly includes fradei da Rosa Pinto, 1963 [da Rosa Pinto, 1963 #1109]; see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
46 Formerly treated as polytypic, but generally treated as monotypic since White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187]; thus includes australoabyssinicus and massaicus.
47 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with M. rufa and M. gilletti; however, evidence that these do not belong in Mirafra is not yet published.
48 Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] treated this as a superspecies with C. alopex as its other species; here treated as two subspecies groups. See also de Juana et al. (2004) [de Juana, 2004 #12201].
49 Includes longonotensis see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].
50 For alternative treatment as a separate species; C. alopex including intercedens and macdonaldi, see Ryan et al. (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363].
51 For continued recognition; see Ash & Atkins (2009) [Ash, 2009 #12726]. For differing treatment; see de Juana et al. (2004) [de Juana, 2004 #12201].
52 Includes quaesita Clancey, 1958 [Clancey, 1958 #795]; see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
53 Includes rubidior and gobabisensis; see Dean in Hockey et al. [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
54 Includes austinrobertsi; see de Juana et al. (2004) [de Juana, 2004 #12201].
55 The findings of Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633] suggest this may form a superspecies with C. erythrochlamys, C. burra and C. barlowi.
56 Birds named saldanhae considered to be intergrades; see Ryan (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363].
57 For recognition; see Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
58 For monotypic treatment see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
59 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2010) [Dickinson, 2010 #12496].
60 For treatment as a separate species from C. erythrochlamys; see Ryan & Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
61 For recognition see Ryan & Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
62 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with H. archeri and H. sidamoensis.
63 For separation from H. ruddi; see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
64 For treatment as a subspecies of H. archeri, see Spottiswoode et al. (2013) [Spottiswoode, 2013 #14438].
65 Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633]; however, several species then unscreened are interposed or placed last based on historic treatments.
66 Includes algoensis and adendorffi; see Dean in Hockey et al. [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
67 For separation from M. apiata; see Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
68 Includes deserti and kalaharica; see Ryan & Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724], except that damarensis is a prior name to deserti.
69 White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187] considered the name rufipilea, of which hewitti was thought by Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] to be a synonym, indeterminate. Both are synonyms.
70 Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] suggested that subspecies sharpii was a separate species.
71 Suggested as potentially not belonging to this species; see Ryan (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363].
72 Suggested as potentially not belonging to this species; see Ryan (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363].
73 Includes anchietae da Rosa Pinto, 1967 [da Rosa Pinto, 1967 #1110] and irwini da Rosa Pinto, 1968 [da Rosa Pinto, 1968 #1111]; see Ryan (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363].
74 For recognition see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
75 Includes rostratus see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].
76 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with M. somalica.
77 Includes minyanyae C.M.N. White, 1958 [White, 1958 #4178], see Benson & Irwin (1965) [Benson, 1965 #15379] who acted as First Revisers in assigning precedence between two names from the same issue of the same journal.
78 Also tentatively includes niethammeri da Rosa Pinto, 1968 [da Rosa Pinto, 1968 #1111] see Ryan (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363].
79 For recognition see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].
80 For recognition see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].
81 For recognition see Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett (2006) [Dowsett-Lemaire, 2006 #13615].
82 Includes candida; see Hall (1961) [Hall, 1961 #15375] and Ryan (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363].
83 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with M. williamsi.
84 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
85 Includes rukwensis see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].
86 Treated as part of a broad species M. javanica by Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] and see Ryan (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363]; molecular support now adding support to evidence adduced in previous years.
87 Given as 1844 by Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016], but see Dickinson et al. (2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1373].
88 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with M. cantillans and M. passerina. However, the findings of Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633] do not support the inclusion of M. passerina.
89 Includes beaulieui; see Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376].
90 Includes sepikiana; see Mees (1982) [Mees, 1982 #2626].
91 Includes subrufescens; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
92 Includes normantoni Mayr & McEvey, 1960 [Mayr, 1960 #2559]; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
93 For separation from M. assamica; see Alström (1998) [Alström, 1998 #63].
94 Includes marionae and subsessor; see Dickinson et al. (2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1373].
95 Includes furva and sindiana; see Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376]. The latter is recognised by Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
96 Treated as a broad species M. assamica by Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016]; but see Alström (1998) [Alström, 1998 #63] and Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
97 Subspecies ceylonensis is recognised by Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
98 This species and M. gilletti may belong in Calendulauda if superspecies concept of Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] is supported by molecular evidence.
99 Date derived from date de dépôt légal on journal cover.
100 For treatment as a subspecies of M. gilletti, see Collar et al. (2009) [Collar, 2009 #11435]. But see de Juana et al. (2004) [de Juana, 2004 #12201].
101 Date derived from date de dépôt légal on journal cover.
102 For correct date see Sherborn & Woodward (1901) [Sherborn, 1901 #7878].
103 Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633]; all previously in genus Calandrella.
104 Includes vulpecula; see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].
105 Probably, but not certainly, separate from A. rufescens; see Stepanyan (2003) [Stepanyan, 2003 #4769] and Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633]. But see also Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087]. The attribution of subspecies between the two is tentative. See Dickinson et al. (2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1373].
106 For related comments on date see Dickinson (2008) [Dickinson, 2008 #10694].
107 Includes tangutica; see Vaurie (1959) [Vaurie, 1959 #3961].
108 Includes stegmanni; see Vaurie (1959) [Vaurie, 1959 #3961].
109 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies comprising all species now in Alaudala.
110 Vieillot first described this in the Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle.
111 Includes niethammeri Kumerloeve, 1963 [Kumerloeve, 1963 #2294]; see Kirwan et al. (2008) [Kirwan, 2008 #13632].
112 For correct date see Dickinson & Pittie (2006) [Dickinson, 2006 #9467].
113 Correct original spelling. Spelling krishnarkumarsinhji in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
114 Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
115 Includes rufescens and torquata; see Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376].
116 Includes hollomi Kumerloeve, 1969 [Kumerloeve, 1969 #2296], see Kirwan et al. (2008) [Kirwan, 2008 #13632].
117 Includes dathei Kumerloeve, 1970 [Kumerloeve, 1970 #2297]; see Roselaar (1995) [Roselaar, 1995 #3385].
118 For recognition see Roselaar (1995) [Roselaar, 1995 #3385].
119 Correct original spelling. Name conserved by Opinion 403 (I.C.Z.N., 1956) [I.C.Z.N., 1956 #9623] although spelling mistakenly listed as yeltonensis by I.C.Z.N. (1987) [I.C.Z.N., 1987 #4674].
120 For date correction see Sherborn (1902) [Sherborn, 1902 #10576].
121 Includes flavescens and holdereri; see Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376].
122 Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
123 We follow White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187] except that we treat blanfordi and its allies as separate species.
124 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with C. blanfordi and C. brachydactyla.
125 Includes alluvia Clancey, 1971 [Clancey, 1971 #859]; see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
126 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2010) [Dickinson, 2010 #12496].
127 Includes millardi Paterson, 1958 [Paterson, 1958 #2956] and anderssoni, and implicitly vagilans Clancey, 1977 [Clancey, 1977 #885], see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
128 Includes nivenae (named for Mrs. Niven) and fulvida Clancey, 1978 [Clancey, 1978 #889]; see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
129 Treated as a monotypic species by Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016], but see Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887] and Ash & Atkins (2009) [Ash, 2009 #12726].
130 Volume examined.
131 For treatment as a separate species see Ryan (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363]. But see also Ash & Atkins (2009) [Ash, 2009 #12726].
132 Correct original spelling. Spelling daroodensis in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
133 For recognition see Roselaar in Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087].
134 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
135 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with E. bilopha.
136 For recognition see Donald (2004) [Donald, 2004 #15378].
137 Has been considered a separate species; see Donald (2004) [Donald, 2004 #15378].
138 Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633]; who found the monotypic Pseudalaemon nested in Spizocorys.
139 Includes theresae; see Ryan (2004) [Ryan, 2004 #15363].
140 Includes gregaria Clancey, 1959 [Clancey, 1959 #798]; see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].
141 For treatment in Spizocorys see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
142 Includes transiens Clancey, 1959 [Clancey, 1959 #798], see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724]; and implicitly also griseovinacea Clancey, 1972 [Clancey, 1972 #862], see Dean et al. (1992) [Dean, 1992 #1153].
143 Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
144 Mlíkovský (2013) proposed adopting the authorship of Hablizl (1785); however, this name is attributed to Pallas in the Official List (I.C.Z.N., 1987) [I.C.Z.N., 1987 #4674]; such a change requires approval under Art. 80.4 of the Code, see Schodde et al. (2014) [Schodde, 2014 #15608].
145 For notes supporting treatment in Alauda see Hazevoet (1989) [Hazevoet, 1989 #1922] and Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
146 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies made up of A. arvensis and A. japonica. Donald (2004) [Donald, 2004 #15378] suggested this may include A. gulgula.
147 For recognition of scotica; see Donald (2004) [Donald, 2004 #15378].
148 Introduced to SE Australia, New Zealand, Hawaiian Is. and SW Canada (SW British Columbia).
149 For recognition of guillelmi; see Donald (2004) [Donald, 2004 #15378].
150 For recognition see Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087].
151 For a discussion of the various authors of this name see Dickinson et al. (2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1373], Hume was the first to use the name with a description. Includes dementievi Korelov, 1953 [Korelov, 1953 #2264]; see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
152 Some authors believe that lonnbergi and japonica breed sympatrically in Sakhalin and that japonica must either be placed in A. gulgula or treated as a third species. Orn. Soc. Japan (2000) [Ornithological Society of Japan, 2000 #2875] considered both forms part of A. arvensis.
153 The cover date for this issue of Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences,(St. Pétersbourg), is August 1905.
154 Not recognised by Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376], but see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
155 Not recognised by Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376], but see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
156 Not recognised by Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376].
157 Not recognised by Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376].
158 Not recognised by Alström (2004) [Alström, 2004 #15376].
159 Sequence of species based on Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
160 Includes giffardi see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].
161 Incorrectly dated 1901 in Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016]; original examined.
162 Includes montivaga; see Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
163 May comprise more than one species; see Guillaumet et al. (2008a, b) [Guillaumet, 2008 #10795], [Guillaumet, 2008 #10796].
164 Citation in Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] incorrect, described one year earlier not by C.L. Brehm but by A.E. Brehm.
165 Includes aguirrei; see de Juana & Suárez (2004) [de Juana, 2004 #15377]; but see Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] and Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087].
166 Includes deichleri; see Roselaar in Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087].
167 European and Mediterranean races revised based on Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087] and similarly grouped. For recognition of kleinschmidti, neumanni, apuliae, cypriaca, tenuirostris, helenae, brachyura and halfae; see Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087], all in synonymy in Peters (1960). De Juana & Suarez (2004) [de Juana, 2004 #15377] recognise iwanowi; but see Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016].
168 Citation given by Peters (1960) [Peters, 1960 #3016] incorrect as to date; the name appears in volume 8 on the page mentioned.
169 Dual original spellings; for First Reviser selection see David et al. (2009) [David, 2009 #11541].
170 For proposed recognition of some taxa including this as a separate species see Guillaumet et al. (2005) [Guillaumet, 2005 #9883] and Alström et al. (2013) [Alström, 2013 #14633].
171 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
172 Includes zalingei see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187].