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SYLVIIDAE - Sylvia warblers, Parrotbills and allies1,2 (19:62) SYLVIA Scopoli, 1769 F - Motacilla atricapilla Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (Bonaparte, 1828, Amer. Ornith., 2, p. 17). 3 Sylvia atricapilla Eurasian Blackcap
gularis Alexander, 18984 vCape Verde Is., Azores heineken (Jardine, 1830) iMadeira and Canary Is., Morocco, NW Algeria, Portugal, W Spain
pauluccii Arrigoni, 19025 iNE Algeria, Tunisia, E Spain, Balearic Is., Corsica, Sardinia, S and C Italy atricapilla (Linnaeus, 1758) iEurope (except SW) to SW Siberia and W Asia Minor W Europe, W Russia >> W and S Europe, W and E Africa
dammholzi Stresemann, 1928 iCaucasus area, E Asia Minor, N Iran >> E Africa
Sylvia borin 6 (Boddaert, 1783) Garden Warbler Europe, SW Siberia and Caucasus area >> sub-Saharan Africa
Sylvia dohrni 7 (Hartlaub, 1866) Dohrn's Warbler Príncipe
Sylvia abyssinica8 African Hill Babbler monachus (Reichenow, 1892) iSW Cameroon (Mont Cameroun)
claudei (Alexander, 1903) δiBioko
atriceps (Sharpe, 1902)9 iSE Nigeria, Cameroon; E DR Congo to Rwanda and W Uganda ansorgei (Rothschild, 1918) WC Angola, SE DR Congo, W Tanzania
stierlingi (Reichenow, 1898) iE and S Tanzania
abyssinica (Rüppell, 1840)10 vEthiopia, S South Sudan to W and C Kenya, NE Tanzania stictigula (Shelley, 1903)11 iNE Zambia, Malawi, NW Mozambique LIOPTILUS Bonaparte, 1850 M - Turdus nigricapillus Vieillot, 1818; type by monotypy 12,13 Lioptilus nigricapillus (Vieillot, 1818) Bush Blackcap
E South Africa
CURRUCA Bechstein, 1802 F - Motacilla curruca Linnaeus, 1758; type by tautonymy14,15 Curruca nana Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833 Asian Desert Warbler
Caspian, Iran, N Afghanistan, northern C Asia, W and S Mongolia, NW to NC China from Xinjiang to W Nei Mongol >> NE Africa, SW Asia to Pakistan, NW India
Curruca deserti 16 (Loche, 1858) African Desert Warbler Sahara (S Morocco and Mauritania to S Tunisia)
Curruca nisoria Barred Warbler
nisoria (Bechstein, 1792)17 vC and E Europe, Turkey, Caucasus area >> E Africa [Bechstein, 1792 #9491] merzbacheri (Schalow, 1907) iNE Iran and N Kazakhstan to Tien Shan, Mongolia and SW Siberia >> E Africa
Curruca layardi Layard's Warbler
aridicola (Winterbottom, 1958) iW and S Namibia, adjacent NW South Africa.
barnesi (Vincent, 1948) iLesotho, adjacent SE South Africa
subsolana (Clancey, 1963) vC South Africa
layardi (Hartlaub, 1862) iSW South Africa (W Western Cape, SW Northern Cape)
Curruca boehmi Banded Parisoma
somalica (Friedmann, 1928) vEthiopia, N Somalia
marsabit (van Someren, 1931) iNC Kenya
boehmi (Reichenow, 1882) iS Kenya, Tanzania
Curruca subcoerulea Chestnut-vented Warbler
ansorgei (von Zedlitz, 1921) iS Angola
cinerascens (Reichenow, 1902) iNamibia, Botswana and adjacent N South Africa, W Zimbabwe, SW Zambia
orpheana (Clancey, 1954) vZimbabwe plateau to NE and E South Africa
subcoerulea (Vieillot, 1817)18 αδvW, S and C South Africa Curruca leucomelaena Arabian Warbler/Red Sea Warbler
leucomelaena Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833 vW Arabian coast to S Oman
negevensis (Shirihai, 1988) vSE Israel, SW Jordan [Shirihai, 1988 #3610]
blanfordi (Seebohm, 1879) iSE Egypt, E Sudan, Eritrea
somaliensis (W.L. Sclater & Mackworth-Praed, 1918) vDjibouti, N Somalia
Curruca hortensis Western Orphean Warbler
hortensis (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vSW Europe to Italy, NW Africa to Tripolitana (NW Libya) >> SW Sahara
cyrenaicae (Svensson, 2012) N Libya (N Cyrenaica) >> ? S Sahara [Svensson, 2012 #14720]
Curruca crassirostris19 Eastern Orphean Warbler crassirostris (Cretzschmar, 1830)20,21 αvSlovenia and Balkans to Turkey and Levant, probably W Transcaucasia >> NE Africa jerdoni Blyth, 184722 Caucasus region, E Transcaucasia, Transcaspia, Iran and Afghanistan to W Tien Shan, Pakistan and NW India >> W and N India Curruca buryi (Ogilvie-Grant, 1913) Yemen Parisoma
SW Saudi Arabia, W Yemen
Curruca lugens Brown Parisoma
lugens (Rüppell, 1840)23 iW and C Ethiopia griseiventris (Érard, 1978) δvSC Ethiopia (Bale Mts.)
jacksoni (Sharpe, 1899) iSE South Sudan, Kenya, N and W Tanzania, SE DR Congo, Malawi, NE Zambia
clara (Meise, 1934)24 δvS Tanzania (Matengo Highlands) prigoginei (Schouteden, 1952) iE DR Congo (Itombwe)
Curruca curruca25 Lesser Whitethroat curruca (Linnaeus, 1758)26 iEurope east to W Siberia and south to Asia Minor, Caucasus area, SW and N Iran >> NE and E Africa, S Arabian Pen. blythi (Ticehurst & Whistler, 1933)27 Siberia east of R. Irtysh and R. Ob', N Kazakhstan (N Kirghiz steppe), N Mongolia, NE China >> S Asia halimodendri (Sushkin, 1904)28 SE Russia (lower R. Volga), Kazakhstan to NW Mongolia, south to E Uzbekistan, W Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and possibly N Iran >> E and S Arabian Pen., SW Asia, possibly NE Africa althaea (Hume, 1878)29 E Iran, Afghanistan, NW Pakistan, Kashmir and Tien Shan Mts. to Tarbagatay Mts. >> S Iran, S Pakistan, India, N Sri Lanka margelanica (Stolzmann, 1898)30 vNC China (E Qinghai, Gansu, ? N and E Xinjiang), S Mongolia >> ? minula (Hume, 1873)31 vTarim Basin, S and C Xinjiang >> S Iran to NW India Curruca deserticola Tristram's Warbler
deserticola (Tristram, 1859) iN Algeria, N Tunisia >> NW Sahara
maroccana (E. Hartert, 1917)32 vMorocco to NW Algeria >> NW Sahara Curruca melanothorax (Tristram, 1872) Cyprus Warbler
Cyprus >> E Egypt, NE Sudan
Curruca mystacea Ménétries's Warbler
mystacea (Ménétries, 1832) vNE Turkey, E Transcaucasia, N Iran, W Caspian shore to lower R. Volga >> Arabia and NE Africa
rubescens (Blanford, 1874)33 iSE Turkey, Syria and E Jordan to Iraq and SW Iran >> Arabia and NE Africa turcmenica (Sarudny & Bilkevitch, 1918)34 vNE Iran, Turkmenistan and W Pakistan to SC Kazakhstan, E Uzbekistan and W Tajikistan >> Arabia and NE Africa Curruca ruppeli 35 (Temminck, 1823) Rüppell's Warblerδ Greece, W and S Turkey, NW Syria >> Chad, Sudan
Curruca cantillans36 Eastern Subalpine Warbler cantillans (Pallas, 1764)37 iSicily, mainland Italy north to Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna >> NW and W African Sahel albistriata C.L. Brehm, 1855 vTrieste and Balkans to W Asia Minor >> W and C Africa reaching Nigeria, Niger and Chad, possibly also NE Africa
Curruca inornata Western Subalpine Warbler
inornata (von Tschusi, 1906) vNW Africa >> Senegal to W Niger
iberiae (Svensson, 2013) Iberia, S France, extreme NW Italy >> NW and W African Sahel [Svensson, 2013 #15210]
Curruca subalpina 38,39,40 (Temminck, 1820) Moltoni's Subalpine Warblerα vMallorca, Cabrera, Corsica, Sardinia, E Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Lombardy >> W Africa [Temminck, 1820 #11086]
Curruca melanocephala Sardinian Warbler
melanocephala (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)41,42 vCanary Is., S Europe, NW Africa to Libya, Asia Minor >> S Sahara †? norrisae (Nicoll, 1917) iFaiyum (Egypt)
momus Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833 iSyria, Lebanon, Israel, W Jordan, NE Sinai
Curruca communis Common Whitethroat
communis (Latham, 1787) vEurope to Ukraine, N and C Russia, N Africa and N Asia Minor >> N tropical Africa
volgensis (Domaniewski, 1915)43 vSE Russia, W Siberia, N Kazakhstan >> NC, E and S Africa icterops (Ménétries, 1832)44 iS and SE Turkey and Levant to Caucasus, Iran and SW Turkmenistan >> E and S Africa rubicola (Stresemann, 1928) iMts. of WC Asia from Pamir-Alai and Tien Shan to Altai, Mongolia and S Transbaikalia >> E and S Africa
Curruca conspicillata Spectacled Warbler
conspicillata (Temminck, 1820)45,46 αvSW Europe, NW Africa, Crete, Cyprus, Levant >> W Sahara, Egypt [Temminck, 1820 #11086] orbitalis (Wahlberg, 1854)47 vMadeira, Canary and Cape Verde Is. Curruca sarda (Temminck, 1820) Marmora's Warbler
vCorsica, Sardinia, Montecristo, Pantelleria, Zembra, and Kuriate Is. (W Mediterranean) >> rarely Menorca, Sicily, NW Africa
Curruca balearica 48 (von Jordans, 1913) Balearic Warbler vBalearic Is. (except Menorca)
Curruca undata Dartford Warbler
dartfordiensis (Latham, 1787) vS England, W France, NW Spain
undata (Boddaert, 1783) vNE Spain, S France, Menorca, Italy
toni (E. Hartert, 1909) iS Portugal, C and S Spain, NW Africa
PAROPHASMA Reichenow, 1905 N - Parisoma galinieri Guérin-Méneville, 1843; type by original designation and monotypy 49 Parophasma galinieri (Guérin-Méneville, 1843) Abyssinian Catbird/Juniper Babbler
iC and S Ethiopia
MYZORNIS Blyth, 1843 M - Myzornis pyrrhoura Blyth, 1843; type by original designation and monotypy 50 Myzornis pyrrhoura Blyth, 1843 Fire-tailed Myzornis
iSE Xizang and W Yunnan, Himalayan foothills east from WC Nepal, N Myanmar
MOUPINIA David & Oustalet, 1877 F - Alcippe poecilotis J. Verreaux, 1871; type by original designation and monotypy 51 Moupinia poecilotis 52 (J. Verreaux, 1871) Rufous-tailed Babblerα vWC China from N Yunnan to N and E Sichuan
LIOPARUS E.W. Oates, 1889 M - Proparus chrysotis Blyth, 1845; type by original designation and monotypy53 Lioparus chrysotis Golden-breasted Fulvetta
chrysotis (Blyth, 1845) vHimalayan foothills east from WC Nepal
albilineatus Koelz, 1954 vFar-NE India in Nagaland and Manipur
forresti (Rothschild, 1926) iNW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
amoenus (Mayr, 1941) vSE Yunnan, NE Vietnam
swinhoii (J. Verreaux, 1871)54 αiWC and NC to S China from W Sichuan and S Gansu to Guangxi and Guangdong robsoni (J.C. Eames, 2002) iC Vietnam [Eames, 2002 #1465]
CHRYSOMMA Blyth, 1843 N - Timalia hypoleuca Franklin, 1831; type by original designation 55 Chrysomma sinense Yellow-eyed Babbler
hypoleucum (Franklin, 1831) vPakistan, S Nepal, India except NE
saturatius (Ticehurst, 1922)56 vC and E Himalayas nasale (Legge, 1879) vSri Lanka
sinense (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vS China, NE India, continental SE Asia except SW
Chrysomma altirostre57 Jerdon's Babbler scindicum (Harington, 1915)58 αvPakistan griseigulare (Hume, 1877) vS Nepal, NE India, NE Myanmar
†? altirostre Jerdon, 1862 vSC Myanmar
RHOPOPHILUS Giglioli & Salvadori, 1870 M - Drymoeca pekinensis Swinhoe, 1868; type by original designation 59 Rhopophilus pekinensis Chinese Hill Warbler
albosuperciliaris (Hume, 1871)60 αvNW China (S Xinjiang) [Hume, 1871 #4983] pekinensis (Swinhoe, 1868)61 vKorea, N China (NE Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia, Shanxi and S Heilongjiang) FULVETTA David & Oustalet, 1877 F - Siva cinereiceps J. Verreaux, 1871; type by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1883, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 7, p. 628).62 Fulvetta vinipectus White-browed Fulvetta
kangrae Ticehurst & Whistler, 1924 iHimalayan foothills from W Himachal Pradesh to Uttarakhand
vinipectus (Hodgson, 1837)63 αiHimalayan foothills in W and C Nepal chumbiensis Kinnear, 1939 vSE Xizang, Himalayan foothills from E Nepal to Bhutan
austeni (Ogilvie-Grant, 1895) iFar-NE India in Nagaland and Manipur, N Myanmar
ripponi (Harington, 1913) iNW Myanmar in Chin hills
perstriata Mayr, 1941 vW Yunnan, SE Arunachal Pradesh, NE Myanmar
valentinae (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) iNW Vietnam on Fansipan Mts.
bieti (Oustalet, 1892)64 αiWC China in NW Yunnan and S Sichuan Fulvetta ludlowi 65 Kinnear, 1935 Brown-throated Fulvetta SE Xizang, Himalayan foothills east from E Bhutan, NW Myanmar
Fulvetta cinereiceps66 Streak-throated Fulvetta/Grey-hooded Fulvetta 1 manipurensis (Ogilvie-Grant, 1906) vW Yunnan, far-NE India from SE Arunachal Pradesh to Manipur, W and N Myanmar
1 tonkinensis (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) vSE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
2 fessa Bangs & J.L. Peters, 1928 vNC China in NE Qinghai, Gansu and S Shaanxi
2 cinereiceps (J. Verreaux, 1871)67 αiWC to C and SC China from SW Sichuan to W Hubei and Guizhou 2 fucata (Styan, 1899) vC China in C Hubei and Hunan
2 guttaticollis (La Touche, 1897) vSE to S China in Fujian and N Guangdong
3 formosana (Ogilvie-Grant, 1906) vTaiwan
Fulvetta striaticollis 68 (J. Verreaux, 1871) Chinese Fulvettaα vSE and E Xizang, and WC to NC China in N Yunnan to W Sichuan, and SE Qinghai to Gansu
Fulvetta ruficapilla69 Spectacled Fulvetta 1 ruficapilla (J. Verreaux, 1871)70 αiWC to NC China from S Sichuan to S Gansu and S Shaanxi 1 sordidior (Rippon, 1903) vSW to WC China in SW to NE Yunnan and S Sichuan
2 danisi (Delacour & Greenway, 1941) iSW China in SE Yunnan and W Guangxi, NE and C Laos, NW Vietnam
2 bidoupensis (J.C. Eames, Robson & Cu, 1995)71 vSE Laos, C and SC Vietnam [Eames, 1995 #1459] CHAMAEA Gambel, 1847 F - Parus fasciatus Gambel, 1845; type by original designation and monotypy 72 Chamaea fasciata Wrentit
phaea Osgood, 1899 vCoast of Oregon
margra Browning, 199273 iS Oregon [Browning, 1992 #543] rufula Ridgway, 1903 vCoast of N California
fasciata (Gambel, 1845) vCoast of C California
henshawi Ridgway, 188274 iInland C California and NW Baja California PARADOXORNIS Gould, 1836 M - Paradoxornis flavirostris Gould, 1836; type by original designation and monotypy 75 Paradoxornis flavirostris 76,77 Gould, 1836 Black-breasted Parrotbill vNE India, NE Bangladesh
Paradoxornis guttaticollis 78 David, 1871 Spot-breasted Parrotbill vWC to C, S and SE China, Himalayan foothills in E Arunachal Pradesh, NE India, NE Bangladesh, N continental SE Asia
Paradoxornis heudei79 Reed Parrotbill heudei David, 1872 NE and E China south to Zhejiang
mongolicus Stepanyan, 1979 vNE Mongolia, NE China in NW Heilongjiang [Stepanyan, 1979 #3717]
polivanovi Stepanyan, 197480 S Russian Far East and NE Heilongjiang at Lake Khanka [Stepanyan, 1974 #3714] PSITTIPARUS Hellmayr, 1903 M - Paradoxornis ruficeps Blyth, 1842; type by original designation
Psittiparus ruficeps81 Greater Rufous-headed Parrotbill/White-breasted Parrotbill 1 ruficeps (Blyth, 1842) iHimalayan foothills east from Sikkim
2 bakeri (E. Hartert, 1900) iSE Xizang and W Yunnan, NE India, NE Bangladesh, N continental SE Asia east to NW Vietnam
2 magnirostris Delacour, 1927 vNE Vietnam
Psittiparus gularis82 Grey-headed Parrotbill 1 gularis (G.R. Gray, 1845) vHimalayan foothills east from Sikkim
1 transfluvialis (E. Hartert, 1900) vSW China in SW Yunnan, NE India in S Assam and Manipur, N and E Myanmar, NW Thailand
1 rasus Stresemann, 1940 vW Myanmar in Chin hills
1 laotianus Delacour, 1926 vN continental SE Asia east from far-E Myanmar, south to NC Thailand and S Laos
1 fokiensis (David, 1874) vWC to SC and SE China
1 hainanus Rothschild, 1903 vHainan
2 margaritae Delacour, 1927 iS Vietnam
CONOSTOMA Hodgson, 1841 N - Conostoma aemodium Hodgson, 1841; type by original designation and monotypy 83,84 Conostoma aemodium 85,86 Hodgson, 1841 Great Parrotbill&alphaδ vWC to NC China from N Yunnan to SW Gansu and S Shaanxi, Himalayan foothills from E Uttarakhand to Bhutan, NE Myanmar
CHOLORNIS J. Verreaux, 1871 M - Cholornis paradoxa J. Verreaux, 1871; type by monotypy87 Cholornis paradoxus Three-toed Parrotbill
paradoxus J. Verreaux, 187188 αvWC to NC China from SW and E Sichuan to S Gansu taipaiensis (Cheng Tso-hsin, Lo Shih-yu & Chao Tien-ju, 1973) vNC China on Qin Ling range (S Shaanxi) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1973 #729]
Cholornis unicolor (Hodgson, 1843) Brown Parrotbill
W and N Yunnan to SW Sichuan, Himalayan foothills east from WC Nepal, NE Myanmar
NEOSUTHORA Hellmayr, 1911 F - Suthora davidiana H.H. Slater, 1897; type by original designation
Neosuthora davidiana Short-tailed Parrotbill
davidiana (H.H. Slater, 1897) vC to SE China in S Hunan, N Guangdong and Fujian
tonkinensis (Delacour, 1927) vNW Vietnam
thompsoni (Bingham, 1903) iE Myanmar, N Thailand, NW Laos
SUTHORA Hodgson, 1837 F - Suthora nipalensis Hodgson, 1837; type by original designation and monotypy
Suthora fulvifrons Fulvous-fronted Parrotbill
fulvifrons (Hodgson, 1845) iHimalayan foothills from WC Nepal to Bhutan
chayulensis Kinnear, 1940 vSE Xizang, Himalayan foothills in W and C Arunachal Pradesh
albifacies Mayr & Birckhead, 1937 iSW and WC China in W Yunnan and SW Sichuan, NE Myanmar
cyanophrys David, 1874 iWC to C China from W Sichuan to S Shaanxi
Suthora nipalensis89,90 Black-throated Parrotbill 1 garhwalensis (R.L. Fleming Sr. & Traylor, 1964) vHimalayan foothills in Uttarakhand [Fleming, 1964 #1573]
1 nipalensis (Hodgson, 1837) vHimalayan foothills in W and C Nepal
2 humii Sharpe, 1883 iHimalayan foothills from E Nepal to C Bhutan
3 poliotis Blyth, 1851 vWC China in NW Yunnan, NE India from Meghalaya to N Manipur, W and NE Myanmar
3 feae Salvadori, 1889 iE Myanmar, W and NW Thailand
4 patriciae Koelz, 1954 iNE India in Mizoram
4 ripponi Sharpe, 1905 iW Myanmar on Mount Victoria (Chin hills)
5 beaulieui (Ripley, 1953)91 δiLaos (? except S) 5 kamoli (J.C. Eames, 2002) iC Vietnam [Eames, 2002 #1465]
Suthora verreauxi92 Golden Parrotbill craddocki Bingham, 190393 SC China in Guizhou (?) and Guangxi on Dayao Shan, far-NE Myanmar, NW Vietnam verreauxi Sharpe, 1883 iWC to C China from NE Yunnan and Sichuan to S Shaanxi and Hubei
pallida La Touche, 1922 vSE China in NW Fujian
morrisoniana Ogilvie-Grant, 1906 vTaiwan
CHLEUASICUS Blyth, 1845 M - Chleuasicus ruficeps Blyth, 1845; type by monotypy = Suthora oatesi Sharpe, 1903
Chleuasicus atrosuperciliaris Lesser Rufous-headed Parrotbill/Pale-billed Parrotbill
oatesi (Sharpe, 1903) iHimalayan foothills from West Bengal to Bhutan
atrosuperciliaris Godwin-Austen, 1877 vSW China in W Yunnan, Himalayan foothills in Arunachal Pradesh, N continental SE Asia east to N Laos
SINOSUTHORA Penhallurick & Robson, 2009 F - Suthora conspicillata A. David, 1871; type by original designation
Sinosuthora conspicillata Spectacled Parrotbill
conspicillata (David, 1871) vWC and NC China from NE Qinghai and SW Gansu to Sichuan and S Shaanxi
rocki (Bangs & J.L. Peters, 1928) iC China in W and SW Hubei
Sinosuthora webbiana94 Vinous-throated Parrotbill mantschurica (Taczanowski, 1885) vRussian Far East, NE China
fulvicauda (C.W. Campbell, 1892) iKorea and NE to EC China in NE Hebei and N Henan
suffusa (Swinhoe, 1871) vNC to S and SE China from S Gansu and S Shanxi to Guangdong and Fujian
webbiana (Gould, 1852) vCoastal E China in S Jiangsu and N Zhejiang95 elisabethae (La Touche, 1922) SE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
bulomacha (Swinhoe, 1866) vTaiwan
Sinosuthora brunnea Brown-winged Parrotbill
brunnea (Anderson, 1871) vWC China in W Yunnan, NE Myanmar
ricketti (Rothschild, 1922) iWC China in NE Yunnan, SW Sichuan
styani (Rippon, 1903) iWC China in NW Yunnan [Rippon, 1903 #7603]
Sinosuthora alphonsiana Ashy-throated Parrotbill
ganluoensis (Li Gui-yuan & Zhang Qing-mao, 1980) vWC China in Ganluo region (SW Sichuan) [Li Gui-yuan, 1980 #2378]
alphonsiana (J. Verreaux, 1871)96 αvWC China in Sichuan97 stresemanni (Yen Kwok Yung, 1934)98 SC China in far-SE Yunnan, Guizhou yunnanensis (La Touche, 1921) vS and SE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
Sinosuthora zappeyi Grey-hooded Parrotbill
zappeyi (Thayer & Bangs, 1912) iWC and SC China in S Sichuan and NW Guizhou
erlangshanica (Cheng Tso-hsin, Li Gui-yuan & Zhang Qing-mao, 1983) vWC China on Erlang range (SW Sichuan) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1983 #737]
Sinosuthora przewalskii (Berezovski & Bianchi, 1891) Rusty-throated Parrotbill/Przewalski's Parrotbill
NC China in SW and S Gansu