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TIMALIIDAE - Scimitar Babblers and allies1 (11:46)
SPELAEORNIS David & Oustalet, 1877 M - Pnoepyga troglodytoides J. Verreaux, 1871; type by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1882, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 6, p. 264).   
Spelaeornis caudatus 2  (Blyth, 1845) Rufous-throated Wren Babbler
vHimalayan foothills east from E Nepal
Spelaeornis badeigularis 3  Ripley, 1948 Rusty-throated Wren Babbler
vExtreme NE India in Mishmi hills
Spelaeornis troglodytoides Bar-winged Wren Babbler
sherriffi Kinnear, 1934 iHimalayan foothills east from E Bhutan
indiraji Ripley, Saha & Beehler, 1991 iNE India in SE Arunachal Pradesh [Ripley, 1991 #3340]
souliei Oustalet, 1898 iW Yunnan, NE India in WC Arunachal Pradesh, NE Myanmar
rocki Riley, 1929 iNW Yunnan (Mekong valley)
troglodytoides (J. Verreaux, 1871)4 δiW Sichuan
nanchuanensis Li Gui-yuan, Yang Qing-mao & Yu Zhi-wei, 1992 vWC to C China in C Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei [Li Gui-yuan, 1992 #2379]
halsueti (David, 1875) iNC China in Shaanxi
Spelaeornis chocolatinus   (Godwin-Austen & Walden, 1875) Naga Wren Babbler
vNE India (Nagaland and Manipur)
Spelaeornis oatesi 5  (Rippon, 1904) Chin Hills Wren Babbler
NE India in Mizoram, W Myanmar
Spelaeornis reptatus 6  (Bingham, 1903) Grey-bellied Wren Babbler
vN and SW Yunnan, SW Sichuan, NE India in SE Arunachal Pradesh, NE and E Myanmar
Spelaeornis kinneari 7  Delacour & Jabouille, 1930 Pale-throated Wren Babbler
NW Vietnam
Spelaeornis longicaudatus   (F. Moore, 1854) Tawny-breasted Wren Babbler
vNE India in E Meghalaya
ELACHURA E.W. Oates, 1889 F - Troglodytes punctatus Blyth, 1845; type by monotypy = Troglodytes formosus Walden, 18748,9
Elachura formosa   (Walden, 1874) Elachura
vSE Yunnan and NW Fujian, Himalayan foothills east from E Nepal, NE India, NE Bangladesh, N and EC continental SE Asia
POMATORHINUS Horsfield, 1821 M - Pomatorhinus montanus Horsfield, 1821; type by monotypy   10,11
Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps Red-billed Scimitar Babbler
stenorhynchus Godwin-Austen, 1877 vSW Yunnan, E Arunachal Pradesh, N Myanmar
austeni Hume, 1881 iNE India, SE Bangladesh, NW Myanmar
ochraceiceps Walden, 1873 iN and EC continental SE Asia east from E Myanmar
alius Riley, 1940 vEC Thailand, S Laos (Bolovens plateau), SC Vietnam (Langbian mountains)
Pomatorhinus ferruginosus Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler
ferruginosus Blyth, 1845 vHimalayan foothills east from E Nepal
formosus Koelz, 1952 vNE India from Meghalaya to Nagaland and Manipur
phayrei Blyth, 1847 iNE India in Mizoram, SW Myanmar
stanfordi Ticehurst, 193512 iHimalayan foothills in E Arunachal Pradesh, NE Myanmar
albogularis Blyth, 1855 vE Myanmar, NW Thailand
orientalis Delacour, 1927 vS Yunnan, NE continental SE Asia
dickinsoni J.C. Eames, 2002 iC Vietnam [Eames, 2002 #1465]
Pomatorhinus superciliaris Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler
superciliaris (Blyth, 1842) vHimalayan foothills east from WC Nepal
intextus (Ripley, 1948)13 vNE India, W Myanmar
forresti (Rothschild, 1926) iW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
rothschildi (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) iSE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
Pomatorhinus horsfieldii14,15 Indian Scimitar Babbler
1 obscurus Hume, 1872 vNW India
1 horsfieldii Sykes, 1832 iW to E India
1 maderaspatensis Whistler, 1936 vSE India in E Ghats
1 travancoreensis Harington, 1914 vSW India
2 melanurus Blyth, 1847 vW and SW Sri Lanka
2 holdsworthi Whistler, 194216 iN and E Sri Lanka
Pomatorhinus schisticeps White-browed Scimitar Babbler
leucogaster Gould, 1838 iHimalayan foothills from Himachal Pradesh to W Uttarakhand
schisticeps Hodgson, 1836 iHimalayan foothills east from E Uttarakhand, NW Myanmar
salimalii Ripley, 1948 iFar-NE India in Mishmi hills
cryptanthus E. Hartert, 1915 iNE India in Meghalaya, Nagaland, SE Assam
mearsi Ogilvie-Grant, 1905 iW Myanmar
ripponi Harington, 1910 iE Myanmar, NW Thailand, N Laos
Pomatorhinus montanus17 Chestnut-backed Scimitar Babbler
nuchalis Wardlaw Ramsay, 1877 vC, S and E Myanmar
difficilis Deignan, 1956 vSE Myanmar in N Tenasserim, W Thailand
klossi E.C.S. Baker, 1917 SE Thailand, SW Cambodia
fastidiosus E. Hartert, 191618 vN Thai-Malay Pen.
occidentalis Robinson & Kloss, 192319 vS Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra
montanus Horsfield, 1821 vW and C Java
ottolanderi Robinson, 1918 iE Java, Bali
bornensis Cabanis, 1851 vBangka, Borneo
Pomatorhinus ruficollis20,21 Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler
1 ruficollis Hodgson, 1836 vHimalayan foothills from Uttarakhand to E Nepal
1 godwini Kinnear, 1944 iHimalayan foothills east from E Nepal
1 bakeri Harington, 1914 iNE India, SE Bangladesh, W Myanmar
1 similis Rothschild, 192622 vNW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
1 albipectus La Touche, 1923 iSC Yunnan, N Laos
1 beaulieui Delacour & Greenway, 1940 iNE and C Laos
1 saturatus Delacour, 192723 vNW Vietnam
2 reconditus Bangs & J.C. Phillips, 191424 vEC and SE Yunnan, N Vietnam
2 styani Seebohm, 188425 C China
2 hunanensis Cheng Tso-hsin, 197426 vSC China [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1974 #731]
2 eidos Bangs, 1930 iWC China in S Sichuan
3 stridulus Swinhoe, 1861 vNC and E China
3 nigrostellatus Swinhoe, 1870 vHainan
3 musicus Swinhoe, 1859 vTaiwan
4 olivaceus Blyth, 1847 vSW continental SE Asia
4 humilis Delacour, 1932 vNE and E Thailand, S Laos, C Vietnam
4 annamensis Robinson & Kloss, 1919 vS Vietnam
ERYTHROGENYS E.C.S. Baker, 1930 F - Pomatorhinus erythrogenys Vigors, 1831; type by original designation and tautonymy27,28,29
Erythrogenys hypoleucos Large Scimitar Babbler
hypoleucos (Blyth, 1844) iHimalayan foothills in Arunachal Pradesh, NE India, Bangladesh, W and N Myanmar
tickelli (Hume, 1877) iSW China, continental SE Asia (Thailand eastwards) except SE
brevirostris (Robinson & Kloss, 1919) vSE continental SE Asia
wrayi (Sharpe, 1887)30 iMountains of S Thai-Malay Pen. [Sharpe, 1887 #3587]
hainana (Rothschild, 1903) vHainan
Erythrogenys erythrogenys31,32 Rusty-cheeked Scimitar Babbler
erythrogenys (Vigors, 1831)33 αiHimalayan foothills from N Pakistan to NW India
ferrugilatus (Hodgson, 1836) Himalayan foothills in W and C Nepal
haringtoni (E.C.S. Baker, 1914)34 Himalayan foothills from E Nepal to E Bhutan
imberbis (Salvadori, 1889) vEC Myanmar (Karenni)
celata (Deignan, 1941) vE Myanmar, NW Thailand
Erythrogenys erythrocnemis35 Spot-breasted Scimitar Babbler
1 mcclellandi (Godwin-Austen, 1870) Himalayan foothills in EC Arunachal Pradesh, NE India, Bangladesh, W and N Myanmar
2 odica (Bangs & J.C. Phillips, 1914) vSW China in S Yunnan and Guizhou, N continental SE Asia east from NE Myanmar
2 decarlei (Deignan, 1952) SE Xizang and SW China in NE Yunnan and SW Sichuan
2 dedekensi (Oustalet, 1892)36 δE Xizang and SW China in NW Yunnan and W Sichuan
2 gravivox (David, 1873)37 WC and C China in S Gansu, N Sichuan and Shaanxi
2 cowensae (Deignan, 1952) WC and C China in E Sichuan and SW Hubei
3 swinhoei (David, 1874)38 S and SE China
4 erythrocnemis (Gould, 1863) Taiwan
STACHYRIS Hodgson, 1844 F - Stachyris nigriceps Blyth, 1844; type by original designation   39
Stachyris grammiceps 40  (Temminck, 1828) White-breasted Babbler
iW Java
Stachyris nigricollis   (Temminck, 1836) Black-throated Babbler
vThai-Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo
Stachyris maculata Chestnut-rumped Babbler
maculata (Temminck, 1836)41 vThai-Malay Pen., Sumatra including Riau Arch., Borneo
banjakensis Richmond, 1902 vBanyak Is. (NW Sumatra)
hypopyrrha Oberholser, 1912 vBatu Is. (NW Sumatra)
Stachyris nigriceps Grey-throated Babbler
nigriceps Blyth, 184442,43 iSE Xizang, Himalayan foothills east from WC Nepal
coltarti Harington, 191344 iSW Yunnan, NE India (Meghalaya, SE Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland), W and N Myanmar, NW Thailand
yunnanensis La Touche, 1921 vSE Yunnan, N and EC continental SE Asia east from far-E Myanmar
rileyi Chasen, 1936 iBolovens plateau (S Laos)?, Langbian mountains (SC Vietnam)
dipora Oberholser, 1922 vN Thai-Malay Pen.
davisoni Sharpe, 1892 iC and S Thai-Malay Pen.
larvata (Bonaparte, 1850) vSumatra including Lingga Arch.
natunensis E. Hartert, 1894 vN Natuna Is. (Indonesia)
tionis Robinson & Kloss, 1927 iTioman I. (far-SE Thai-Malay Pen.)
hartleyi Chasen, 1935 iNW Borneo
borneensis Sharpe, 1887 vBorneo except NW
Stachyris humei45 Wedge-billed Babbler
1 humei (Mandelli, 1873) iHimalayan foothills east from E Nepal
2 roberti (Godwin-Austen & Walden, 1875) iNW Yunnan, NE India to SE Arunachal Pradesh, N Myanmar
Stachyris poliocephala   (Temminck, 1836) Grey-headed Babbler
vThai-Malay Pen. (except far-N), Sumatra, Borneo
Stachyris leucotis White-necked Babbler
leucotis (Strickland, 1848) vC and S Thai-Malay Pen.
sumatrensis Chasen, 1939 vSumatra
obscurata Mayr, 1942 vBorneo
Stachyris herberti   (E.C.S. Baker, 1920) Sooty Babbler
iC Laos, C Vietnam
Stachyris nonggangensis   Zhou Fang & Jiang Ai-wu, 2008 Nonggang Babbler
vSW Guangxi [Zhou Fang, 2008 #10961]
Stachyris strialata46 Spot-necked Babbler
helenae Delacour & Greenway, 1939 iS Yunnan, N Thailand, N Laos
guttata (Blyth, 1859) vSE Myanmar in N Tenasserim, W Thailand
tonkinensis Kinnear, 193847 αvSE Yunnan and Guangxi, Laos (except S), Vietnam
swinhoei Rothschild, 1903 iHainan
nigrescentior Deignan, 1947 vN Thai-Malay Pen.
umbrosa (Kloss, 1921) vN Sumatra
strialata (S. Müller, 1836)48,49 αδC and S Sumatra
Stachyris oglei   (Godwin-Austen, 1877) Snowy-throated Babbler
iNE India in E Assam and SE Arunachal Pradesh, N Myanmar
Stachyris thoracica White-bibbed Babbler
thoracica (Temminck, 1821) vW and C Java
orientalis Robinson, 1918 vE Java
DUMETIA Blyth, 1852 F - Timalia hyperythra Franklin, 1831; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 45).   50
Dumetia hyperythra Tawny-bellied Babbler
hyperythra (Franklin, 1831)51 vHimalayan foothills from Himachal Pradesh to SE Nepal, NC, W and E India
albogularis (Blyth, 1847) vS India
phillipsi Whistler, 1941 iSri Lanka
RHOPOCICHLA E.W. Oates, 1889 F - Brachypteryx atriceps Jerdon, 1839; type by original designation   
Rhopocichla atriceps Dark-fronted Babbler
atriceps (Jerdon, 1839) iSW India from N Karnataka to Nilgiri hills
bourdilloni (Hume, 1876) iSW India in S Kerala
siccata Whistler, 1941 vN and E Sri Lanka
nigrifrons (Blyth, 1849) iSW Sri Lanka
TIMALIA Horsfield, 1821 F - Timalia pileata Horsfield, 1821; type by monotypy   
Timalia pileata Chestnut-capped Babbler
bengalensis Godwin-Austen, 1872 vHimalayan foothills east from E Uttarakhand, NE India, E Bangladesh, W Myanmar
smithi Deignan, 1955 iS China, N and EC continental SE Asia
intermedia Kinnear, 1924 vC, S and SE (N Tenasserim) Myanmar, W Thailand
patriciae Deignan, 1955 iSW continental SE Asia
dictator Kinnear, 1930 iSE continental SE Asia
pileata Horsfield, 1821 vJava
MIXORNIS Blyth, 1842 M - Timalia chloris Blyth, 1842; type by original designation = Motacilla rubicapilla Tickell, 183352
Mixornis gularis53 Striped Tit Babbler
1 rubicapilla (Tickell, 1833)54,55 iHimalayan foothills east from E Uttarakhand, NE India, Bangladesh
1 ticehursti Stresemann, 194056 iW and SW Myanmar
1 sulphureus (Rippon, 1900) vSW Yunnan, NE, E and SE (N Tenasserim) Myanmar, W and NW Thailand
1 lutescens Delacour, 1926 iSE Yunnan, N and E Thailand, Laos, N Vietnam
1 kinneari Delacour & Jabouille, 1924 iC Vietnam
1 versuricola Oberholser, 1922 iE Cambodia, S Vietnam
1 saraburiensis (Deignan, 1956) vEC Thailand, W Cambodia
1 connectens Kloss, 191857,58 iS continental SE Asia east to coastal Cambodia, N Thai-Malay Pen.
1 inveteratus Oberholser, 1922 vSatellites of SE Thailand and Cambodia
1 condorensis Robinson, 192159 αvCon Son I. (S Vietnam)
1 archipelagicus Oberholser, 1922 vMergui Arch. (SE Myanmar)
1 gularis (Horsfield, 1822) vS Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra and satellites
2 zopherus Oberholser, 191760 vAnamba Is. (Indonesia)
2 zaperissus Oberholser, 1932 vN Natuna Is. except Bunguran (Indonesia)
2 everetti E. Hartert, 1894 iBunguran in N Natuna Is. (Indonesia)
2 javanicus Cabanis, 1851 vJava
2 bornensis Bonaparte, 185061 vBorneo except N
2 montanus Sharpe, 1887 vN Borneo
2 cagayanensis Guillemard, 1885 vMapun (Philippines)
2 argenteus Chasen & Kloss, 1930 vMalawali I. (N Borneo)
3 woodi Sharpe, 1877 iPalawan (Philippines)
Mixornis flavicollis Grey-cheeked Tit Babbler
flavicollis Bonaparte, 1850 vJava
prillwitzi E. Hartert, 1901 iKangean I. (Java Sea)
Mixornis kelleyi   Delacour, 1932 Grey-faced Tit Babbler
S Laos, C and SC Vietnam
MACRONUS Jardine & Selby, 1835 M - Macronus ptilosus Jardine & Selby, 1835; type by monotypy   62
Macronus striaticeps Brown Tit Babbler
mindanensis Steere, 189063 vSamar, Leyte, Bohol, Mindanao (Philippines)
alcasidi duPont & Rabor, 1973 iDinagat and Siargao (Philippines) [duPont, 1973 #1447]
striaticeps Sharpe, 1877 iBasilan, Malamaui (Philippines)
kettlewelli Guillemard, 1885 iSulu Arch.
Macronus ptilosus Fluffy-backed Tit Babbler
ptilosus Jardine & Selby, 1835 vThai-Malay Pen., Sumatra including Batu Is.
trichorrhos (Temminck, 1836)64 iBangka and Belitung Is., Borneo
CYANODERMA Salvadori, 1874 N - Timalia erythroptera Blyth, 1842; type by original designation65
Cyanoderma chrysaeum Golden Babbler
chrysaeum (Blyth, 1844) vW Yunnan, Himalayan foothills east from W Nepal, NE India, N Myanmar
binghami (Rippon, 1904) iNE India in Mizoram, W Myanmar
auratum (Meyer de Schauensee, 1938) vN and EC continental SE Asia east from E Myanmar
assimile (Walden, 1875) δvSE Myanmar in Tenasserim (except S), W Thailand
chrysops (Richmond, 1902) iMountains of S Tenasserim (SE Myanmar) and Thai-Malay Pen.
frigidum (Hartlaub, 1865) vMountains of Sumatra
Cyanoderma erythropterum Chestnut-winged Babbler
erythropterum (Blyth, 1842) vSE Myanmar in S Tenasserim, Thai-Malay Pen.; N Natuna Is. (Indonesia)
pyrrhophaeum (Hartlaub, 1844) vSumatra and satellites (Batu Is., Bangka, Belitung)
fulviventre Richmond, 1903 vBanyak Is. (NW Sumatra)
bicolor (Blyth, 1865) iW and N Borneo
rufum Chasen & Kloss, 1927 vS and E Borneo
Cyanoderma melanothorax Crescent-chested Babbler
melanothorax (Temminck, 1823)66 iW and C Java
intermedium (Robinson, 1918) vE Java
baliense E. Hartert, 1915 vBali
Cyanoderma pyrrhops   (Blyth, 1844) Black-chinned Babbler
Himalayan foothills from NE Pakistan to E Nepal
Cyanoderma ruficeps Rufous-capped Babbler
ruficeps (Blyth, 1847)67 iSE Xizang, Himalayas east from E Nepal, W and NW Myanmar
bhamoense (Harington, 1908) vW Yunnan, NE and E Myanmar
davidi (Oustalet, 1899) iC, E and S China, NE continental SE Asia
goodsoni (Rothschild, 1903) iHainan
praecognitum (Swinhoe, 1866) vTaiwan
paganum (Riley, 1940) vLangbian mountains (SC Vietnam)
Cyanoderma ambiguum68 Buff-chested Babbler
ambiguum (Harington, 1915) vHimalayan foothills east from Sikkim, E and NE India, E Bangladesh, NW Myanmar
planicola (Mayr, 1941) iNW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
adjunctum (Deignan, 1939) vN and EC continental SE Asia east from N Thailand
insuspectum (Deignan, 1939) vBolovens plateau (S Laos)
Cyanoderma rufifrons69 Rufous-fronted Babbler
pallescens (Ticehurst, 1932) iW, SW and C Myanmar
rufifrons (Hume, 1873)70 iE Myanmar, W and NW Thailand
obscurum (E.C.S. Baker, 1917) vSW continental SE Asia, N Thai-Malay Pen.
poliogaster (Hume, 1880) iS Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra
sarawacense Chasen, 1939 vBorneo

1 Subfamilies and component genera broadly follow Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713]; however, almost half the species remain to be sampled, and quite often the type species for genera remain unscreened meaning that much here is provisional. In the circumstances it has seemed best to avoid placing small genera in synonymy when there is a sufficient reason to retain them.
2 Considered to form a superspecies with S. badeigularis by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
3 For rediscovery and support for species ranking; see King & Donahue (2006) [King, 2006 #10449].
4 For date correction see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
5 For treatment as a separate species from S. chocolatinus, see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
6 For treatment as a separate species from S. chocolatinus, see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
7 For treatment as a separate species from S. chocolatinus, see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
8 For recognition of this genus see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226]. A proposal to create a monotypic family for this taxon has appeared after our literature cut-off date; see Alström et al. (2014) [Alström, 2014 #15598].
9 New name for Spiloptera Jerdon, 1862, preoccupied by Spiloptera Zetterstedt, 1860 [Diptera]. Jerdon's type species, by monotypy, was based on a Blyth name Troglodytes punctatus that was also preoccupied.
10 Includes Xiphirhynchus, see Dong Feng et al. (2010) [Dong Feng, 2010 #12511], Reddy & Moyle (2011) [Reddy, 2011 #13235], Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713].
11 Species limits and sequence based on Reddy & Moyle (2011) [Reddy, 2011 #13235]; who applied a PSC approach.
12 Includes namdapha Ripley et al. (1980) [Ripley, 1980 #3330]; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
13 Placed in superciliaris by Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
14 For treatment as two species see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
15 Considered to form a superspecies with P. schisticeps and P. montanus by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
16 For recognition of two subspecies in Sri Lanka see Phillips (1978) [Phillips, 1978 #3070] and Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
17 Includes subspecies transferred from P. schisticeps based on molecular studies by Reddy & Moyle (2011) [Reddy, 2011 #13235] and Song Rui et al. (2011) [Song Rui, 2011 #13471].
18 Placed in the synonymy of P. schisticeps olivaceus by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226], but recognised by Wells (2007) [Wells, 2007 #10194] and placed in two different groups by Reddy & Moyle (2011) [Moyle, 2011 #13235]. Placement provisional as resolution seems to require further sampling and perhaps the screening of type specimens.
19 Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226] reported lowland and montane populations in Sumatra that may be distinct.
20 Subspecies groups based on Reddy & Moyle (2011) [Reddy, 2011 #13235] and Song et al. (2011) [Song, 2011 #13471]. Treatment tentative; greater clarity is needed regarding evaluation of voucher specimens compared to type specimens.
21 Includes subspecies transferred from P. schisticeps based on molecular studies by Reddy & Moyle (2011) [Reddy, 2011 #13235] and Song et al. (2011) [Song Rui, 2011 #13471].
22 Includes bhamoensis; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
23 Treated as a synonym of reconditus by Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1250] and implicitly by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226]; however, Reddy & Moyle (2011) [Reddy, 2011 #13235] listed these two names in distinct groups; thus provisionally accepted here.
24 Includes laurentei, see Meyer de Schauensee (1984) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1984 #4726] and Cheng (1987) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1987 #739]. But see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226] and the tree in Song Rui et al. (2011) [Song Rui, 2011 #13471] which suggests further study is needed.
25 For recognition see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
26 A new name for intermedius Cheng, 1962, which was preoccupied.
27 For recognition of a second clade of scimitar-babbler, see Dong Feng et al. (2010) [Dong Feng, 2010 #12511], Reddy & Moyle (2011) [Reddy, 2011 #13235].
28 Baker (1930) [Baker, 1930 #163] coined this name by accident, citing Hodgson, 1836 but Hodgson had in fact used Erythrogonys, which was preoccupied. Baker's name is not preoccupied by Erythrogenys von Brandt as that was a nomen emendatum and has no standing.
29 Megapomatorhinus Moyle et al., 2012 [Moyle, 2012 #14713] is a synonym. Art. 13 of the Code (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059] applies only to names after 1930 making Baker's name available.
30 Omitted by Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1250].
31 Considered to form a superspecies with E. erythrocnemis by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
32 Ranges of erythrogenys and erythrocnemis interdigitate, with no evidence of hybridisation; see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4748].
33 For date correction see McAllan & Bruce (2002) [McAllan, 2002 #2584].
34 For recognition see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4748]. But see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
35 Subspecies groups derived from treatment as four species by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
36 Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] used Deignan's emendation dedekeni which Deignan had researched; however, the internal information is not consistent with his findings and an emendation is not justified.
37 Tentatively includes sowerbyi; see Cheng Tso-hsin (1987) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1987 #739].
38 Includes abbreviatus; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226], seen as only differing clinally.
39 Species inclusion and sequence based on Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713].
40 Pl. 448 appeared in Livr. 75 in 1828 see Dickinson (2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1369]; Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1250] mistakenly cited Livr. 74 with date 1827.
41 Implicitly includes Timalia pectoralis Blyth, 1842 [Blyth, 1842 #349], a name ommited from synonymy by Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1250].
42 Includes coei; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332]; but see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
43 No date given by Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1250].
44 Includes spadix; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332]; but see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
45 Treated as two separate species by Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749] and by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
46 Considered to form a superspecies with S. oglei by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
47 Date 1924 in Dickinson (2013) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was miscopied.
48 Correct original spelling (invariable noun phrase). The spelling striolata, used by Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1250] and Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] is an unjustified emendation.
49 For date correction see Richmond (1926) [Richmond, 1926 #3268].
50 For date correction see Dickinson (2004) [Dickinson, 2004 #1389].
51 Includes abuensis; see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749]. Tentatively also includes navarroi Abdulali, 1959 [Abdulali, 1959 #13], see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332]. But see Abdulali (1983) [Abdulali, 1983 #24].
52 Genus reinstated to accommodate paraphyly demonstrated in a broad genus Macronus, see Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713].
53 Subspecies groups derived from Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226]; they recognized two species but also noted the singularity of woodi, which is no doubt biogeographically significant.
54 Birds from S Karnataka require review.
55 For correction of spelling see David & Gosselin (2002) [David, 2002 #1124].
56 Authorship reviewed; joint authorship not accepted.
57 Dual original spellings, see David et al. (2009) [David, 2009 #11541].
58 Includes chersonesophila; see Wells (2007) [Wells, 2007 #10194]. But see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
59 Issue wrapper dated March 1921.
60 Morphologically intergradient between gularis and Bornean forms; see Smythies & Davison (1999) [Smythies, 1999 #3667].
61 Includes pontia, see Mann (2008) [Mann, 2008 #11603]; but see also Smythies (1999) [Smythies, 1999 #3667]. Also includes ruficoma; see Mees (1986) [Mees, 1986 #2631].
62 Dual original spellings; for First Reviser selection see David et al. (2009) [David, 2009 #11541].
63 Includes boholensis and cumingi; see Dickinson et al. (1991) [Dickinson, 1991 #1361].
64 Includes reclusus and sordidus; see Mees (2010) [Mees, 2010 #12721].
65 Resurrected to accommodate non-monophyly demonstrated in genus Stachyris, see Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713]; species inclusion and sequence based thereon.
66 Including albigula and mendeni; see Mees (1986, 1996) [Mees, 1986 #2631], [Mees, 1996 #2638].
67 Includes rufipectus; see Ripley (1982: 334) [Ripley, 1982 #3332]. For recognition of this see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
68 May be conspecific with C. rufifrons see Robson (2000) [Robson, 2000 #3368] and so treated by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
69 Considered to form a superspecies with C. ambiguum by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
70 Considered to include rodolphei; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].