Sericornis citreogularis Yellow-throated Scrubwren
cairnsi Mathews, 1912 iNE Queensland
intermedius Mathews, 191252 vSE Queensland, NE New South Wales citreogularis Gould, 1838 vEC and SE New South Wales
Sericornis spilodera Pale-billed Sericornis
ferrugineus Stresemann & Paludan, 1932 vWaigeo (Western Papuan Is.)
batantae Mayr, 1986 iBatanta (Western Papuan Is.)
spilodera (G.R. Gray, 1859) iYapen I., lowland to lower montane NW and N New Guinea
guttatus (Sharpe, 1882) vLower montane NE and SE New Guinea
wuroi Mayr, 1937 iLowland SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region)
granti (E. Hartert, 1930) iLower montane WC New Guinea (S slopes of Maoke Mts.)
aruensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1911 vAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
Sericornis papuensis53 Papuan Sericornis meeki Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1913 iMontane WC New Guinea (S slopes of Maoke Mts.)
buergersi Stresemann, 1921 iMontane N, WC and EC New Guinea (N slopes of Maoke Mts., Central Highlands and (?) Foya Mts.)
papuensis (De Vis, 1894) vMontane SE New Guinea
Sericornis frontalis56,57 White-browed Scrubwren 1 laevigaster Gould, 184758 iE Queensland 1 tweedi Mathews, 192259 iNE New South Wales 2 frontalis (Vigors & Horsfield, 1827)60,61 vSE Australia, Kent Group 2 harterti Mathews, 191262 iSC Victoria (Otway Range, Strzelecki Ranges) 2 flindersi S.A. White & Mellor, 1913 iFurneaux Group (off NE Tasmania)
3 humilis Gould, 183863 vTasmania 3 tregellasi (Mathews, 1914) King I. (Bass Strait)
4 rosinae Mathews, 191264 iSC South Australia (Mount Lofty Range) 4 ashbyi Mathews, 191265 iKangaroo I. (off South Australia) 4 mellori Mathews, 191266 iSC and SE Western Australia, SW and SC South Australia 4 maculatus Gould, 184767 vSW Western Australia 4 balstoni Ogilvie-Grant, 1909 iCoastal C Western Australia
Sericornis magnirostra68,69 Large-billed Scrubwren imitator Mayr, 1937 iLower montane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
wondiwoi Mayr, 1937 iLower montane NW New Guinea (Wondiwoi Mts.)
weylandi Mayr, 1937 iLower montane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts.)
jobiensis Stresemann & Paludan, 1932 vYapen I. (in Cenderawasih Bay)
idenburgi Rand, 1941 iLower montane WC New Guinea (N slopes of Maoke Mts.)
cyclopum E. Hartert, 1930 iLower montane N New Guinea (Cyclops Mts.)
boreonesioticus Diamond, 1969 vLower montane N New Guinea (North Coast Ranges)
virgatus (Reichenow, 1915) vLower montane N New Guinea (N slopes of C central cordillera)
pontifex Stresemann, 1921 iLower montane N New Guinea (N slopes of EC central cordillera)
randi Mayr, 1937 iLowland SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region)
beccarii Salvadori, 1874 iAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
minimus Gould, 1875 vNE Australia (N Cape York Pen.)
dubius Mayr, 193770 vNE Australia (EC to SE Cape York Pen.) viridior Mathews, 1912 vNE Queensland
magnirostra (Gould, 1838) iEC Queensland to SE New South Wales
howei Mathews, 191271 iSE Victoria Sericornis nouhuysi72 Large Scrubwren cantans Mayr, 1930 iMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
nouhuysi van Oort, 190973 iMontane WC and (?) N New Guinea (Maoke Mts., (?) Foya Mts.) stresemanni Mayr, 1930 iMontane EC New Guinea (Hindenburg Range to Bismarck Range and Karimui)
adelberti T.K. Pratt, 1982 iMontane N New Guinea (Adelbert Range)
oorti Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1913 iMontane NE, EC and SE New Guinea (mountains of Huon Pen., Kratke Range, Herzog Range)
monticola Mayr & Rand, 1936 iAlpine SE New Guinea (Wharton Range to Owen Stanley Range)