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TROGLODYTIDAE - Wrens1 (20:82)
SALPINCTES Cabanis, 1847 M - Troglodytes obsoletus Say, 1823; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 31).   
Salpinctes obsoletus Boulder Wren
obsoletus (Say, 1822)2 αvSW Canada, SW USA (W California, Oklahoma, W Texas), N and C Mexico (south to Oaxaca)
pulverius G.B. Grinnell, 18983 vSW USA (San Clemente and San Nicolas Is., California) [Grinnell, 1898 #1823]
proximus Swarth, 1914 vIsla San Martín (off W Baja California, NW Mexico) [Swarth, 1914 #3793]
tenuirostris van Rossem, 1943 vIslas Benito, off W Baja California, Mexico
guadeloupensis Ridgway, 1876 vGuadalupe I., off W Baja California, Mexico
†? exsul Ridgway, 1903 iIsla San Benedicto, off W Mexico
neglectus Nelson, 1897 vS Mexico (Chiapas) to C Honduras
guttatus Salvin & Godman, 1891 vVolcanoes of El Salvador
fasciatus Salvin & Godman, 18914 vMountains of NW Nicaragua
costaricensis van Rossem, 19415 vNW Costa Rica (Guanacaste)
MICROCERCULUS P.L. Sclater, 1862 M - Turdus bambla Boddaert; type by subsequent designation (Baird, 1864, Rev. Amer. Birds, 1, p. 113). = Formicarius bambla Boddaert, 1783  
Microcerculus philomela 6  (Salvin, 1861) Nightingale Wren
iLowlands of S Mexico (N Chiapas), N Guatemala, S Belize; Caribbean lowlands of Honduras to N Costa Rica
Microcerculus marginatus7 Scaly-breasted Wren
1 luscinia Salvin, 18668 iC Costa Rica and Panama (east to Darién) [Salvin, 1866 #3553]
2 corrasus Bangs, 1902 vN Colombia (Santa Marta Mts.)
2 squamulatus P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1875 vNE Colombia (Norte de Santander), mountains of N Venezuela
2 occidentalis Hellmayr, 19069 W Colombia and NW Ecuador
2 taeniatus Salvin, 1881 vLowlands of W Ecuador
3 marginatus (P.L. Sclater, 1855) vE Ecuador to S Venezuela, south to E Peru, Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to Maranhão), NE Bolivia
Microcerculus ustulatus Flutist Wren
duidae Chapman, 1929 iS Venezuela (W Bolívar, Amazonas)
lunatipectus J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1946 iS Venezuela (C Bolívar)
obscurus J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1946 vSE Venezuela (E Bolívar)
ustulatus Salvin & Godman, 1883 vMt. Roraima region of SE Venezuela, W Guyana, N Brazil
Microcerculus bambla Wing-banded Wren
albigularis (P.L. Sclater, 1858) vNE Ecuador (Sucumbíos, Napo, Pastaza), NE Peru, NW Brazil (N Amazonas)
caurensis von Berlepsch & E. Hartert, 1902 vS and SE Venezuela (S Bolívar, Amazonas)
bambla (Boddaert, 1783) iE Venezuela (E Bolívar), the Guianas, N Brazil (Roraima to Amapá)
CATHERPES S.F. Baird, 1858 M - Thryothorus mexicanus Swainson, 1829; type by original designation   10
Catherpes mexicanus Canyon Wren
griseus Aldrich, 194611 vSW Canada to Oregon, N Utah and W Idaho
pallidior A.R. Phillips, 198612 vSE Montana south to Utah and NW Colorado [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
conspersus Ridgway, 1873 vSW USA (N Nevada to C Colorado) south to N Mexico (Baja California to Nuevo León)
punctulatus Ridgway, 188213 vCalifornia (west of Sierra Nevada)
croizati A.R. Phillips, 198614 iW Mexico (S Baja California) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
mexicanus (Swainson, 1829)15 vC and S Mexico (Durango and Jalisco south to Chiapas)
meliphonus Oberholser, 193016 vNW Mexico (C Sonora to Sinaloa and Durango)
cantator A.R. Phillips, 196617 iSW Mexico (W Nayarit to W Michoacán)[Phillips, 1966 #3067]
HYLORCHILUS Nelson, 1897 M - Catherpes sumichrasti Lawrence, 1871; type by original designation   
Hylorchilus sumichrasti   (Lawrence, 1871) Sumichrast's Wren
iS Mexico (WC Veracruz, NC Oaxaca)
Hylorchilus navai 18  Crossin & Ely, 1973 Nava's Wren
iS Mexico (SE Veracruz, W Chiapas) [Crossin, 1973 #1097]
ODONTORCHILUS Richmond, 1915 M - Odontorhynchus cinereus von Pelzeln, 1868; type by monotypy
Odontorchilus branickii19 Gray-mantled Wren
branickii (Taczanowski & von Berlepsch, 1885) iE Andes of S Colombia (S Huila) to Ecuador (Tungurahua), both slopes in Peru to W Bolivia (La Paz)
minor (E. Hartert, 1900) vW Andes of S Colombia (Nariño), N Ecuador (Carchi)
Odontorchilus cinereus 20  (von Pelzeln, 1868) Tooth-billed Wren
vC Brazil south of R. Amazon (E Amazonas, Pará) to E Bolivia (NE Santa Cruz)
FERMINIA Barbour, 1926 F - Ferminia cerverai Barbour, 1926; type by original designation   
Ferminia cerverai   Barbour, 1926 Zapata Wren
iW Cuba (Zapata Swamp)
TROGLODYTES Vieillot, 1809 M - Troglodytes aedon Vieillot, 1809; type by subsequent designation (S.F. Baird, 1858, in Rep. Explor. & Surv. Railroad M. Pac., 9, p. 367).   21
Troglodytes troglodytes22 Eurasian Wren
islandicus E. Hartert, 1907 vIceland
borealis J.C.H. Fischer, 1861 vFaroe Is.
zetlandicus E. Hartert, 1910 vShetland Is. (Scotland)
fridariensis Williamson, 1951 vFair Isle (Scotland)
hebridensis R. Meinertzhagen, 1924 vOuter Hebrides (Scotland)
hirtensis Seebohm, 1884 vSt. Kilda I. (Scotland)
indigenus Clancey, 1937 iIreland, Scotland, England
troglodytes (Linnaeus, 1758) iEurope south to C Spain, Sicily and C Greece
koenigi Schiebel, 1910 iCorsica, Sardinia
kabylorum E. Hartert, 1910 iS Spain, Balearic Is., NW Africa
juniperi E. Hartert, 1922 iNE Libya
cypriotes (Bate, 1903) iAegean Is., W and S Turkey, Cyprus, Levant
hyrcanus Sarudny & von Loudon, 190523 vCaucasus area, N and SW Iran, N Turkey, Crimea
subpallidus Sarudny & von Loudon, 190524 vNE Iran, NW Afghanistan, C Asia in NW Turkmenistan and S Uzbekistan
tianschanicus Sharpe, 188225 αvC Asia from Pamir range to Tien Shan, north to ?Altai, and NW China in Xinjiang to Tarim basin
neglectus W.E. Brooks, 1872 vNE Afghanistan, Himalayas from N Pakistan to Uttarakhand
magrathi (C.H.T. Whitehead, 1907) iSE Afghanistan and W Pakistan
nipalensis Blyth, 1845 vS Xizang, Himalayas east from W Nepal
talifuensis (Sharpe, 1902) vS Sichuan, W Yunnan, NE Myanmar
szetschuanus E. Hartert, 1910 vE Xizang, NC and WC to C China from SE Qinghai and S Gansu to W Sichuan and Hubei
idius (Richmond, 1907) vN and NE China from NE Qinghai to Hebei and Shandong
dauricus Dybowski & Taczanowski, 1884 vSE Siberia east from Baikal, Russian Far East, Tsushima I. (SW Japan), Korea, far-NE China
pallescens (Ridgway, 1883) iCommander Is., ?Kamchatka
kurilensis Stejneger, 1889 vN Kuril Is.
fumigatus Temminck, 183526 vSakhalin, S Kuril Is., Japan south to N Izu Is.
mosukei Momiyama, 1923 iS Izu Is. and Daito Is. (Japan)
ogawae E. Hartert, 1910 iTanega-shima and Yaku-shima (Osumi Is.)
taivanus E. Hartert, 1910 vTaiwan
Troglodytes pacificus27 Pacific Wren
alascensis S.F. Baird, 1869 vPribilof Is. (off W Alaska)
meligerus (Oberholser, 1900) vAttu, Agattu (Aleutian Is.)
semidiensis (W.P. Brooks, 1915) vSemidi Is. (off Alaska Pen.)
kiskensis (Oberholser, 1919)28 vAleutian Is. (west to Kiska), W Alaska Pen.
helleri (Osgood, 1901) Kodiak, Afognak, and Raspberry Is., S Alaska
pacificus S.F. Baird, 186429 vIslands off SE Alaska, W USA (Oregon to California) >> British Columbia, California
salebrosus T.D. Burleigh, 195930 vBritish Columbia to Oregon, NE California >> S California, SW Arizona [Burleigh, 1959 #576]
Troglodytes hiemalis31 Winter Wren
hiemalis Vieillot, 1819 vC and E Canada (Ontario to Newfoundland), NE USA (Wisconsin to New York) >> south to Texas and Florida
pullus (T.D. Burleigh, 1935) vE USA (Appalachian Mts.) >> S USA
Troglodytes tanneri 32  C.H. Townsend, 1890 Clarion Wren
iIsla Clarión, off W Mexico
Troglodytes aedon33,34,35 House Wren
1 aedon Vieillot, 180936 iSE Canada (Ontario to S Québec) south in USA to NE Tennessee to South Carolina >> SE USA, NE Mexico
1 parkmanii Audubon, 1839 iSW Canada (British Columbia to W Ontario) south in USA to NW Mexico (Baja California) >> to S Mexico
2 cahooni Brewster, 1888 iN Mexico (NE Sonora and Chihuahua to Durango and W Zacatecas; N Coahuila)
2 brunneicollis P.L. Sclater, 185837 vC and S Mexico (San Luis Potosí to Oaxaca)
5 peninsularis Nelson, 190138 vSE Mexico (coasts of Yucatan Pen.)
5 intermedius Cabanis, 186139,40 αvS Mexico (Chiapas to Yucatán) to Costa Rica
5 inquietus S.F. Baird, 1864 vSW Costa Rica to Panama (E to Darién)
5 carychrous Wetmore, 1957 vIsla de Coiba, off SW Panama
5 pallidipes A.R. Phillips, 1986 iArch. de las Perlas, off SE Panama [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
3 beani Ridgway, 1885 iIsla de Cozumel, off Yucatan Pen.
4†? guadelupensis (Cory, 1886) vGuadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)
4 rufescens (Lawrence, 1877) iDominica (Lesser Antilles)
4†? martinicensis (P.L. Sclater, 1866) vMartinique (Lesser Antilles)
4 mesoleucus (P.L. Sclater, 1876) vSt. Lucia (Lesser Antilles)
4 musicus (Lawrence, 1878) vSt. Vincent (Lesser Antilles)
4 grenadensis (Lawrence, 1878) vGrenada (Lesser Antilles) [Lawrence, 1878 #2339]
5 atopus Oberholser, 1904 vCaribbean lowlands of N Colombia
5 striatulus (Lafresnaye, 1845) vColombia (W and C Andes), W Venezuela (Trujillo, Mérida, Táchira)
5 columbae Stone, 1899 iE Andes of Colombia
5 effutitus Wetmore, 1958 vNE Colombia (Guajira, NE Magdalena) [Wetmore, 1958 #4142]
5 albicans von Berlepsch & Taczanowski, 188441 iTrinidad, Colombia, Venezuela, W Ecuador, N Peru, the Guianas, Brazil (Amazonas, Pará, Maranhão)
5 tobagensis Lawrence, 1888 vTobago
5 audax von Tschudi, 1844 iCoast of W Peru (Cajamarca to N Ica)
5 puna von Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1896 iN Peru (Cajamarca) to NW Bolivia (La Paz)
5 carabayae Chapman & Griscom, 1924 iW slope of Andes of C and S Peru (Junín to Puno)
5 tecellatus d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837 vSW Peru (Arequipa, Moquegua, Tacna), N Chile (Tarapacá)
5 rex von Berlepsch & Leverkühn, 1890 iC and E Bolivia (E La Paz to W Santa Cruz) to W Paraguay and Argentina (south to Córdoba)
5 atacamensis Hellmayr, 1924 vN Chile (Antofagasta, Atacama, N Coquimbo)
5 musculus J.F. Naumann, 1823 iC and S Brazil (south from Mato Grosso, Goiás), E Paraguay, N Argentina (Misiones)
5 bonariae Hellmayr, 1919 iS Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina), Uruguay, NE Argentina (Corrientes to Buenos Aires)
5 chilensis Lesson, 1830 vC Chile (south of Valparaíso) to S Argentina, Tierra del Fuego
Troglodytes cobbi 42  C. Chubb, 1909 Cobb's Wren
Falkland Is.
Troglodytes rufociliatus43 Rufous-browed Wren
rehni Stone, 193244 iMountains of S Mexico (Chiapas), Honduras, NW Nicaragua
rufociliatus Sharpe, 188245 αvS Guatemala
nannoides Dickey & van Rossem, 1929 iSW El Salvador
Troglodytes ochraceus46 Ochraceous Wren
ochraceus Ridgway, 188247 vHighlands of Costa Rica and W Panama
festinus Nelson, 1912 vE Panama (Cerro Pirre)
Troglodytes solstitialis Mountain Wren
solitarius Todd, 1912 vSierra de Perijá, Andes of Venezuela and Colombia (except extreme south)
solstitialis P.L. Sclater, 1859 vAndes of S Colombia (Cauca, Huila) to N Peru (Cajamarca)
macrourus von Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1902 vE slope of Andes of Peru (SE Amazonas to Cuzco)
frater Sharpe, 188248 αiE slope of Andes of SE Peru (Puno) and Bolivia
auricularis Cabanis, 1883 vAndes of NW Argentina (Jujuy, Tucumán)
Troglodytes monticola 49  Bangs, 1899 Santa Marta Wren
iN Colombia (Santa Marta Mts.)
Troglodytes rufulus50 Tepui Wren
rufulus Cabanis, 184951 αvSE Venezuela (Mt. Roraima, Uei-tepui)
fulvigularis J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1945 vSE Venezuela (Ptari-tepui to Auyan Tepui)
yavii W.H. Phelps & W.H. Phelps, Jr., 1949 iS Venezuela (tepuis of N Amazonas)
duidae Chapman, 1929 iS Venezuela (tepuis of C Amazonas and S Bolívar)
wetmorei W.H. Phelps & W.H. Phelps, Jr., 1955 iS Venezuela (Serranía de la Neblina)
marahuacae W.H. Phelps, Jr. & Aveledo, 1984 iS Venezuela (Cerro Marahuaca) [Phelps, 1984 #3053]
Troglodytes sissonii 52  (Grayson, 1868) Socorro Wren
Isla Socorro (off W Mexico)
THRYORCHILUS Oberholser, 1904 M - Troglodytes browni Bangs, 1902; type by original designation   53
Thryorchilus browni 54  (Bangs, 1902) Timberline Wren
iMountains of Costa Rica and W Panama
CISTOTHORUS Cabanis, 1851 M - Troglodytes stellaris J.F. Naumann, 1823 ; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 31).   55
Cistothorus platensis56,57 Sedge Wren
1 stellaris (J.F. Naumann, 1823) vSE Canada (E Saskatchewan to S Québec), E USA (south to Pennsylvania) >> NE Mexico
1 tinnulus R.T. Moore, 1941 vWC Mexico (Nayarit to Michoacán and México)
1 potosinus Dickerman, 197558 vC Mexico (San Luis Potosí) [Dickerman, 1975 #1330]
1 jalapensis Dickerman, 1975 vSE Mexico (C Veracruz) [Dickerman, 1975 #1330]
1 warneri Dickerman, 1975 iE Mexico (S Veracruz, NE Chiapas) [Dickerman, 1975 #1330]
1 russelli Dickerman, 1975 iBelize [Dickerman, 1975 #1330]
1 elegans P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1859 iS Mexico (Veracruz, Chiapas), Guatemala
1 graberi Dickerman, 1975 iC and E Honduras, NE Nicaragua [Dickerman, 1975 #1330]
1 lucidus Ridgway, 1903 vCosta Rica, W Panama
2 aequatorialis Lawrence, 187159 vC Andes of Colombia and SW Venezuela (Táchira) to C Peru (south to Junín)
2 graminicola Taczanowski, 1874 iSC Peru (Junín, Cuzco)
2 tucumanus E. Hartert, 190960,61 vNW Argentina (Jujuy to Catamarca and Tucumán)
2 platensis (Latham, 1790) vC and E Argentina (Córdoba, Mendoza)
2 hornensis (Lesson, 1834) vC Chile, S Argentina
2 falklandicus Chapman, 1934 vFalkland Is.
3 polyglottus (Vieillot, 1819) vSE Brazil (north to Goiás and Minas Gerais), Paraguay
3 alticola Salvin & Godman, 1883 iN Colombia (Santa Marta Mts.), N Venezuela (Andes of Mérida and Lara, SE Bolívar), N Guyana
3 minimus Carriker, 1935 vS Peru (Puno) to S Bolivia (Tarija)
Cistothorus meridae   Hellmayr, 1907 Paramo Wren/Merida Wren
iW Venezuela (Andes of S Trujillo and N Táchira)
Cistothorus apolinari Apolinar's Wren
apolinari Chapman, 1914 Andes of C Colombia (Cundinamarca, Boyacá)
hernandezi Stiles & Caycedo, 200262 WC Colombia (Sumapaz massif, south of Bogotá, Cundinamarca) [Stiles, 2002 #3740]
Cistothorus palustris63,64 Marsh Wren
1 browningi Rea, 198665 iSW Canada (SW British Columbia), W USA (W Washington) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
1 laingi (Harper, 1926) iSC Canada (N Alberta to SE Manitoba), N USA (NE Montana) >> S USA (S Texas), Mexico (Oaxaca)
1 plesius Oberholser, 1897 vW USA (SE Idaho to New Mexico) >> C California to Kansas south to C Mexico
1 pulverius (Aldrich, 1946)66 vW Canada (C British Columbia), W USA (C Idaho to SE California and NW Nevada) >> south to C Mexico
1 paludicola S.F. Baird, 1864 iW USA (SW Washington, NW Oregon)
1 aestuarinus (Swarth, 1917) vW USA (C California from Sacramento to R. San Joaquin) >> west to California coast
1 clarkae Unitt, Messer & Théry, 199667 iSW USA (coastal SW California) [Unitt, 1996 #3896]
1 deserticola Rea, 198668 iSW USA (SE California) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
2 iliacus (Ridgway, 1903)69 vC Canada (Manitoba, SW Ontario) south to NC USA (E Kansas, Missouri) >> S USA (east of Texas), Mexico
2 dissaeptus Bangs, 190270 vE USA (south to West Virginia) >> to S Florida and E Mexico (Veracruz)
2 palustris (A. Wilson, 1810)71 vCoastal E USA (Rhode Island to Virginia) >> New Jersey to South Carolina
2 waynei (Dingle & Sprunt, 1932) iCoastal SE USA (S Virginia, North Carolina)
2 griseus Brewster, 1893 vCoastal SE USA (South Carolina to NE Florida)
2 marianae W.E.D. Scott, 188872 iSE USA (Gulf coast)
2 tolucensis (Nelson, 1904) vC Mexico (Hidalgo, México, Puebla)
THRYOTHORUS Vieillot, 1816 M - Troglodyte des roseaux Vieillot; type by monotypy = Sylvia ludoviciana Latham, 1790  73
Thryothorus ludovicianus74 Carolina Wren
1 ludovicianus (Latham, 1790) vSE Canada (S Ontario), C and E USA (from S Wisconsin to New England south to Texas and N Florida)
1 burleighi Lowery, 1940 iCat, Ship, Horn Is. (off S Mississippi)
1 nesophilus H.M. Stevenson, 197375 vDog I. (off NW Florida) [Stevenson, 1973 #3732]
1 miamensis Ridgway, 1875 vSE USA (Florida Pen.)
1 lomitensis Sennett, 1890 vS Texas, NE Mexico (N Tamaulipas)
1 oberholseri Lowery, 194076 iSW Texas, N Mexico (NE Coahuila to N Nuevo León)
1 berlandieri S.F. Baird, 1858 iN Mexico (NE Coahuila, Nuevo León)
1 tropicalis Lowery & R.J. Newman, 1949 vNE Mexico (E San Luis Potosí, S Tamaulipas)
2 albinucha (S. Cabot, 1847)77 iSE Mexico (Yucatan Pen.), N Belize, N Guatemala (Petén)
2 subfulvus W. deW. Miller & Griscom, 1925 vC Guatemala, W Nicaragua
THRYOMANES P.L. Sclater, 1862 M - Troglodytes bewickii Audubon, 1827; type by monotypy   
Thryomanes bewickii Bewick's Wren
calophonus Oberholser, 1898 vSW Canada (SW British Columbia), W USA (W Washington, W Oregon) >> N California
marinensis G.B. Grinnell, 1910 vW USA (NW California from Del Norte to Marin County)
spilurus (Vigors, 1839) W USA (coastal C California)
drymoecus Oberholser, 189878 vW USA (S Oregon, California, WC Nevada)
charienturus Oberholser, 189879 vSW USA (SW California), NW Mexico (N Baja California)
cerroensis (Anthony, 1897) vNW Mexico (Isla Cedros and C Baja California)
magdalenensis Huey, 1942 vNW Mexico (SW Baja California)
†? leucophrys (Anthony, 1895)80 iSan Clemente I. (off S California)
†? brevicauda Ridgway, 187681 δiGuadalupe I., off Baja California
bewickii (Audubon, 1827)82 iEC USA (from Nebraska east to Virginia)
pulichi (A.R. Phillips, 1986)83 iC USA (Kansas, Oklahoma) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
cryptus Oberholser, 1898 vC USA (east of Rocky Mts. in SE Colorado, W Oklahoma) >> N Mexico (south to Durango)
eremophilus Oberholser, 1898 vSW USA (E California to W Texas) south to C Mexico (south to Zacatecas)
sadai (A.R. Phillips, 1986)84 iS USA (coastal S Texas), NE Mexico (Tamaulipas) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
mexicanus (Deppe, 1830)85 vS Mexico (Jalisco to Oaxaca and W Veracruz)
CAMPYLORHYNCHUS von Spix, 1824 M - Opetiorhynchus turdinus zu Wied-Neuwied, 1821; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 25).86
Campylorhynchus nuchalis Stripe-backed Wren
pardus P.L. Sclater, 1858 iN Colombia (south to Córdoba, Bolívar, Norte de Santander)
brevipennis Lawrence, 1866 vCoastal N Venezuela (Carabobo to Miranda south to Guárico)
nuchalis Cabanis, 1847 vC Venezuela (Barinas to Delta Amacuro and Apure to N Bolívar)
Campylorhynchus fasciatus Fasciated Wren
pallescens Lafresnaye, 1846 iSW Ecuador (Guayas, including Isla Puná), NW Peru (Tumbes, N Piura, Lambayeque)
fasciatus (Swainson, 1838)87 αvCoastal W Peru (from C Piura to N Lima, and east of R. Marañón from Amazonas to Huánuco)
Campylorhynchus zonatus88,89 Band-backed Wren
zonatus (Lesson, 1832)90 vEC Mexico (E San Luis Potosí and N Veracruz to N Puebla and C Veracruz)
restrictus (Nelson, 1901) vS Mexico (S Veracruz, N Oaxaca) to Guatemala, Belize, N Honduras
vulcanius (Brodkorb, 1940) vS Mexico (Chiapas), Guatemala, Honduras, NW El Salvador, Nicaragua
costaricensis von Berlepsch, 188891 vCaribbean slope of Costa Rica, W Panama (Bocas del Toro)
brevirostris Lafresnaye, 1845 vN Colombia (Atlántico, Bolívar) south to NW Ecuador (Esmeraldas, Manabí)
curvirostris Ridgway, 1888 vLowlands of Santa Marta region, N Colombia
imparilis Borrero & Hernández-Camacho, 195892 vN Colombia (Atlántico, Bolívar, ?Sucre, Córdoba) [Borrero, 1958 #444]
Campylorhynchus megalopterus Gray-barred Wren
megalopterus Lafresnaye, 1845 vMexican plateau of C Mexico (Michoacán, México, Morelos, W Puebla)
nelsoni (Ridgway, 1903) iSC Mexico (W Veracruz, N Oaxaca)
Campylorhynchus albobrunneus93,94 White-headed Wren
albobrunneus (Lawrence, 1862) vPanama (Canal to W Darién)
harterti (von Berlepsch, 1907) iE Panama (E Darién), Pacific slope of W Colombia (Chocó, W Antioquia, W Valle)
Campylorhynchus turdinus Thrush-like Wren
aenigmaticus Meyer de Schauensee, 194895 vSW Colombia (SW Nariño), ?NW Ecuador (Esmeraldas)
hypostictus Gould, 1855 vSE Colombia, E Ecuador, N Brazil (east to R. Tocantins), E Peru, N Bolivia
turdinus (zu Wied-Neuwied, 1821) vE Brazil (Maranhão; Bahia to Espírito Santo)
unicolor Lafresnaye, 1846 iE Bolivia, W Brazil (W Mato Grosso), N and C Paraguay, N Argentina (Formosa)
Campylorhynchus gularis 96  P.L. Sclater, 1861 Spotted Wrenα
vMexico (Pacific slope from NC Sonora to N Michoacán; Atlantic slope from SW Tamaulipas to Hidalgo)
Campylorhynchus rufinucha97 Rufous-naped Wren
1 humilis P.L. Sclater, 185798 αvW Mexico (Colima to W Chiapas)
2 rufinucha (Lesson, 1838) iE Mexico (Veracruz, N Oaxaca)
3 nigricaudatus (Nelson, 1897) vS Mexico (SE Chiapas), SW Guatemala
3 xerophilus (Griscom, 1930)99 vEC Guatemala (upper Motagua valley) [Griscom, 1930 #1825]
3 castaneus Ridgway, 1888 vInterior Guatemala and Honduras
3 nicaraguae (W. deW. Miller & Griscom, 1925)100 iInterior Nicaragua [Miller, 1925 #2682]
3 capistratus (Lesson, 1842) vPacific coast of El Salvador and Nicaragua, NW Costa Rica
3 nicoyae A.R. Phillips, 1986101 iNW Costa Rica (Nicoya Pen.) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
Campylorhynchus griseus102 Bicolored Wren
albicilius (Bonaparte, 1854) iN Colombia, NW Venezuela (Maracaibo basin)
bicolor (von Pelzeln, 1875) iW slope of E Andes of Colombia (Santander and Boyacá)
zimmeri Borrero & Hernández-Camacho, 1958103 iC Colombia (upper Magdalena valley in Tolima and Huila) [Borrero, 1958 #444]
minor (Cabanis, 1851) vE Colombia (Meta), N Venezuela (Cojedes to Monagas, south to N Bolívar)
pallidus W.H. Phelps & W.H. Phelps, Jr., 1947 vS Venezuela (N Amazonas)
griseus (Swainson, 1838)104 αvE Venezuela (NW Amazonas, NW Bolívar), SW Guyana, N Brazil (Roraima)
Campylorhynchus chiapensis 105  Salvin & Godman, 1891 Giant Wren
vPacific slope of Chiapas (S Mexico)
Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus106 Cactus Wren
sandiegensis Rea, 1986107 vSW USA (SW California), NW Mexico (NW Baja California) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
bryanti (Anthony, 1894)108 iNW Mexico (Baja California) [Mearns, 1902 #2593]
affinis Xántus de Vesey, 1860109,110 αvNW Mexico (S Baja California)
seri (van Rossem, 1932) iNW Mexico (Isla Tiburón, in Golfo de California)
anthonyi (Mearns, 1902) iSW USA (north to S Nevada, SW Utah), NW Mexico (south to N Coahuila) [Mearns, 1902 #2593]
brunneicapillus (Lafresnaye, 1835) iNW Mexico (Sonora to N Sinaloa)
guttatus (Gould, 1837)111 vC Mexican plateau (Nuevo León to Michoacán)
Campylorhynchus yucatanicus   (Hellmayr, 1934) Yucatán Wren
vSE Mexico (N Yucatan Pen.)
Campylorhynchus jocosus 112  P.L. Sclater, 1860 Boucard's Wrenα
vMountains of SC Mexico (S Morelos, S Puebla, Guerrero, Oaxaca)
PHEUGOPEDIUS Cabanis, 1851 M - Pheugopedius genibarbis Cabanis, 1851; type by monotypy = Thryothorus genibarbis Swainson, 1837113
Pheugopedius fasciatoventris Black-bellied Wren
melanogaster (Sharpe, 1882)114 αiSW Costa Rica, W Panama (east to C Panamá)
albigularis (P.L. Sclater, 1855) vE Panama (east from C Panamá), NW Colombia (Chocó)
fasciatoventris (Lafresnaye, 1845) vN Colombia (east to Santa Marta Mts., south to lower Cauca valley, middle Magdalena valley)
Pheugopedius euophrys115 Plain-tailed Wren
euophrys (P.L. Sclater, 1860) iSW Colombia (W Andes of Nariño), W Ecuador (Esmeraldas)
longipes (J.A. Allen, 1889) iE Andes of E Ecuador
atriceps Chapman, 1924 iNW Peru (Piura, Cajamarca)
schulenbergi (Parker & T.A. O'Neill, 1985) iN Peru south of R. Marañón (Amazonas, San Martín) [Parker, 1985 #2906]
Pheugopedius eisenmanni   (Parker & T.A. O'Neill, 1985) Inca Wren
S Peru (Cuzco) [Parker, 1985 #2906]
Pheugopedius mystacalis116 Whiskered Wren
macrurus (J.A. Allen, 1889) vW slope of E Andes of Colombia
amaurogaster Chapman, 1914 E slope of E Andes of Colombia
saltuensis Bangs, 1910 vW and C Andes of Colombia
yananchae (Meyer de Schauensee, 1951) SW Colombia (E Nariño)
consobrinus (von Madarász, 1904) NE Colombia (Sierra de Perijá), Andes of W Venezuela (S Lara, Trujillo, Mérida)
ruficaudatus (von Berlepsch, 1883) vN Venezuela (Falcón to Miranda)
tachirensis (W.H. Phelps, Sr. & Gilliard, 1941) vW Venezuela (S Táchira)
mystacalis (P.L. Sclater, 1860) vAndes of Ecuador
Pheugopedius coraya117 Coraya Wren
obscurus (J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1947) vE Venezuela (E Bolívar)
caurensis (von Berlepsch & E. Hartert, 1902) vE and SE Colombia, S Venezuela (Amazonas, Bolívar), N Brazil (N Amazonas)
barrowcloughianus (Aveledo & L.A. Pérez, 1994)118,119 δvSE Venezuela (Mt. Roraima, Cerro Cuquenán) [Aveledo, 1994 #119]
ridgwayi (von Berlepsch, 1889)120 iE Venezuela (S Delta Amacuro, E Bolívar), W Guyana
coraya (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) iThe Guianas, N Brazil (north of R. Amazon, west of Manaus)
herberti (Ridgway, 1888) iE Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, R. Tapajós to R. Tocantins, W Maranhão)
griseipectus (Sharpe, 1882)121 αiColombia (Putumayo, Amazonas), Ecuador (Napo, Pastaza), Peru (north of R. Marañón), extreme W Brazil
amazonicus (Sharpe, 1882)122 αvE Peru (S Loreto to Huánuco)
albiventris (Taczanowski, 1882) vE slopes of Andes in N Peru (San Martín)
cantator (Taczanowski, 1874) iC Peru (E Junín)
Pheugopedius genibarbis Moustached Wren
genibarbis (Swainson, 1838)123 αvNC Brazil (east of R. Madeira to coastal Maranhão, south to Espírito Santo)
juruanus (H. von Ihering, 1905) vE Peru (south of R. Amazon, east of R. Ucayali in Loreto and N Ucayali), W Brazil (east to R. Madeira and upper R. Purus), N Bolivia (N Beni)
intercedens (Hellmayr, 1908) iC Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goiás)
bolivianus Todd, 1913 vSE Peru (S Ucayali to N Puno), N and E Bolivia
Pheugopedius atrogularis 124,125  (Salvin, 1865) Black-throated Wrenα
vCaribbean lowlands of SE Nicaragua, Costa Rica, W Panama (W Bocas del Toro)
Pheugopedius spadix 126,127  Bangs, 1910 Sooty-headed Wren
E Panama (Darién), NW Colombia (from Chocó south to Nariño; Magdalena valley in Santander)
Pheugopedius felix Happy Wren
sonorae van Rossem, 1930 iNW Mexico (S Sonora, N Sinaloa)
pallidus (Nelson, 1899) vW Mexico (C Sinaloa and W Durango to NW Michoacán)
lawrencii (Ridgway, 1878) iIsla María Madre (off W Mexico)
magdalenae (Nelson, 1898) iIsla María Magdalena (off W Mexico)
grandis (Nelson, 1900) vC Mexico (S México, Morelos, SW Puebla, N Guerrero)
felix (P.L. Sclater, 1860)128 αiW Mexico (SE Jalisco to W Oaxaca)
Pheugopedius sclateri129 Speckle-breasted Wren
columbianus Chapman, 1924 vW Colombia (W slope of C Andes in Valle, W slope of E Andes in Cundinamarca)
paucimaculatus (Sharpe, 1882)130 αvW Ecuador (Manabí) to NW Peru (Tumbes)
sclateri (Taczanowski, 1879) iN Peru (R. Marañón in Cajamarca)
Pheugopedius rutilus131 Rufous-breasted Wren
hyperythrus (Salvin & Godman, 1880) vPacific slope of Costa Rica, Panama (east to Darién)
tobagensis Hellmayr, 1921 vTobago
rutilus (Vieillot, 1819) vN and W Venezuela (Falcón to Monagas, both slopes of Andes from Lara to Táchira), Trinidad
intensus Todd, 1932 vSW Venezuela (NW Táchira)
laetus (Bangs, 1898) vN Colombia (Santa Marta, Magdalena), NW Venezuela (Sierra de Perijá)
interior Todd, 1932 vC Colombia (W slope of E Andes in Santander)
hypospodius (Salvin & Godman, 1880) vC Colombia (E slope of E Andes in Boyacá and Meta)
Pheugopedius maculipectus Spot-breasted Wren
microstictus Griscom, 1930 vNE Mexico (SE Nuevo León to N Veracruz)
maculipectus (Lafresnaye, 1845) iS Mexico (Veracruz, Puebla, N Oaxaca)
canobrunneus (Ridgway, 1887) vSE Mexico (Yucatan Pen.), Belize, N Guatemala (Petén)
umbrinus (Ridgway, 1887) vS Mexico (NE Oaxaca, Tabasco, Chiapas), S Belize, S Guatemala, El Salvador, S Honduras, and Caribbean slope of Nicaragua and N Costa Rica
petersi Griscom, 1930132 iN Honduras
THRYOPHILUS S.F. Baird, 1864 M - Thryothorus rufalbus Lafresnaye, 1845; type by original designation
Thryophilus pleurostictus Banded Wren
nisorius (P.L. Sclater, 1870)133 αvC Mexico (Michoacán, Guerrero, Puebla)
oaxacae (Brodkorb, 1942) iS Mexico (Guerrero, Oaxaca)
acaciarum (Brodkorb, 1942) iS Mexico (Chiapas)
oblitus (van Rossem, 1934) vPacific lowlands of S Mexico (Chiapas), Guatemala, W El Salvador
pleurostictus (P.L. Sclater, 1860) vE Guatemala (Zacapa)
lateralis Dickey & van Rossem, 1927 vC and E coastal El Salvador, SW Honduras
ravus Ridgway, 1903 vPacific lowlands of Nicaragua, N Costa Rica
Thryophilus rufalbus134 Rufous-and-white Wren
rufalbus (Lafresnaye, 1845)135 vS Mexico (S Chiapas), Guatemala, El Salvador
sylvus (A.R. Phillips, 1986)136 iCaribbean lowlands of N Guatemala, Honduras [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
castanonotus Ridgway, 1888137 vNicaragua and Pacific slope of Costa Rica to Panama (east to C Panamá)
cumanensis (Cabanis, 1861)138 αvN Colombia, N Venezuela (Falcón to Anzoátegui)
minlosi von Berlepsch, 1884 iEC Colombia (south to Meta), NW Venezuela (W Zulia; Cojedes to S Táchira, W Apure)
Thryophilus sernai   Lara, Cuervo, Valderrama, Calderón-Franco & Cadena, 2012 Antioquia Wren
NW Colombia (Cauca valley, Antioquia) [Lara, 2012 #14517]
Thryophilus nicefori 139  (Meyer de Schauensee, 1946) Niceforo's Wren
C Colombia (Santander)
Thryophilus sinaloa Sinaloa Wren
cinereus Brewster, 1889 vNW Mexico (E Sonora, W Chihuahua, N Sinaloa)
sinaloa S.F. Baird, 1864 iWC Mexico (C Sinaloa and W Durango to Michoacán)
russeus Nelson, 1903 vS Mexico (C Guerrero to W Oaxaca)
CINNYCERTHIA Lesson, 1844 F - Cinnycerthia cinnamomea Lesson, 1844; type by monotypy = Limnornis unirufus Lafresnaye, 1840  
Cinnycerthia unirufa Rufous Wren
unirufa (Lafresnaye, 1840) vE Andes in Colombia (south to Cundinamarca), SW Venezuela (Táchira)
chakei Aveledo & Ginés, 1952 iNE Colombia (Sierra de Perijá)
unibrunnea (Lafresnaye, 1853) vS and C Colombia (W and C Andes) south to N Peru (Piura, Cajamarca)
Cinnycerthia olivascens140 Sharpe's Wren
bogotensis (Matschie, 1885) vW slope of E Andes of Colombia (Santander, to Cundinamarca)
olivascens Sharpe, 1882141 αiW and C Andes of Colombia (Antioquia) south to N Peru (Piura)
Cinnycerthia peruana 142  (Cabanis, 1873) Peruvian Wren
vAndes of C Peru (Amazonas to Ayacucho)
Cinnycerthia fulva143 Fulvous Wren
fitzpatricki Remsen & Brumfield, 1998 iS Peru (Cordillera Vilcabamba in Cuzco) [Remsen, 1998 #3248]
fulva (P.L. Sclater, 1874) vE Andes of S Peru (Cuzco)
gravesi Remsen & Brumfield, 1998 iS Peru (Puno), N Bolivia (Cochabamba) [Remsen, 1998 #3248]
CANTORCHILUS N.I. Mann, Barker, J.A. Graves, Dingess-Mann & P.J.B. Slate, 2006 M - Thryothorus longirostris Vieillot, 1819; type by original designation144
Cantorchilus leucopogon145 Stripe-throated Wren
grisescens (Griscom, 1932) iE Panama (Caribbean slope of Comarca Guna Yala, Darién), Colombia (Chocó)
leucopogon (Salvadori & Festa, 1899) iPacific slope of E Panama (Darién), E Colombia (Chocó to Nariño), W Ecuador (Esmeraldas)
Cantorchilus thoracicus 146,147  (Salvin, 1865) Stripe-breasted Wrenα
vE Nicaragua to C Panama (Coclé)
Cantorchilus superciliaris Eyebrowed Wren
superciliaris (Lawrence, 1869) vW Ecuador (Manabí, Guayas)
baroni (Hellmayr, 1902) iSW Ecuador (El Oro, Loja), NW Peru (south to Ancash)
Cantorchilus leucotis Buff-breasted Wren
galbraithii (Lawrence, 1861) iPanama, NW Colombia (Chocó, N Antioquia)
conditus (Bangs, 1903) vArch. de las Perlas, off S Panama
leucotis (Lafresnaye, 1845) vN Colombia (east to Santa Marta, Magdalena valley)
collinus (Wetmore, 1946) vN Colombia (NE Guajira)
venezuelanus (Cabanis, 1851) vN Colombia (Guajira), NW Venezuela (Zulia to Aragua, south to Barinas)
zuliensis (Hellmayr, 1934) vNE Colombia (Norte de Santander), W Venezuela (W Zulia, W Mérida, NW Táchira)
hypoleucus (von Berlepsch & E. Hartert, 1901) vNC Venezuela (S Guárico, S Anzoátegui, N Apure, N Bolívar)
bogotensis (Hellmayr, 1901) vE Colombia, C Venezuela (S Táchira to W Bolívar, Amazonas)
albipectus (Cabanis, 1849)148 αiNE Venezuela (east of Anzoátegui), the Guianas, NE Brazil (E Amazonas to N Maranhão, south to N Mato Grosso)
peruanus (Hellmayr, 1921) vSE Colombia, E Ecuador, E Peru (south to Junín), W Brazil (Amazonas)
rufiventris (P.L. Sclater, 1870) vC Brazil (Mato Grosso to Minas Gerais) south to E Paraguay (Alto Paraná)
Cantorchilus longirostris149 Long-billed Wren
bahiae (Hellmayr, 1903)150 iNE Brazil (Ceará, Piauí to N and E Minas Gerais)
longirostris (Vieillot, 1819)151 αvCoastal E Brazil (SE Bahia to Santa Catarina)
Cantorchilus guarayanus   (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) Fawn-breasted Wren
vLowland NE Bolivia, Brazil (Rondônia, SW Mato Grosso), NE Paraguay (Alto Paraguay)
Cantorchilus semibadius 152  (Salvin, 1870) Riverside Wren
vSW Costa Rica to W Panama
Cantorchilus nigricapillus153,154 Bay Wren
1 costaricensis (Sharpe, 1882)155 αvSE Nicaragua to W Panama
1 castaneus (Lawrence, 1861) vW Panama (Veraguas to C Panamá)
1 odicus (Wetmore, 1959) vIsla Escudo de Veraguas (off NW Panama) [Wetmore, 1959 #4143]
1 reditus (Griscom, 1932) vE Panama (Caribbean slope)
2 schottii (S.F. Baird, 1864) iE Panama (Darién), NW Colombia (from Chocó, Antioquia)
2 connectens (Chapman, 1912)156 iSW Colombia (Cauca, Nariño)
2 nigricapillus (P.L. Sclater, 1860) iW Ecuador (Esmeraldas to El Oro)
Cantorchilus modestus Plain Wren
1 modestus (Cabanis, 1861)157,158 αvS Mexico (E Oaxaca, Chiapas), S Belize, C and S Guatemala, W and NE Honduras, W Nicaragua, W Costa Rica
1 vanrossemi (A.R. Phillips, 1986)159 iMountains of SE El Salvador [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
2 zeledoni (Ridgway, 1878)160 iCaribbean slope of Nicaragua, Costa Rica and NW Panama (W Bocas del Toro)
2 elutus (Bangs, 1902)161 vW and C Panama (except in extreme NW) east to E Colón and E Panamá
UROPSILA P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1873 F - Troglodytes leucogastra Gould, 1837; type by original designation   
Uropsila leucogastra White-bellied Wren
pacifica (Nelson, 1897) vW Mexico (SW Jalisco, Colima, Michoacán, Guerrero)
leucogastra (Gould, 1837)162,163 vE Mexico (SE Veracruz, N Oaxaca, Tabasco, N Chiapas)
centralis A.R. Phillips, 1986164 vSC Mexico (N Puebla to C Veracruz) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
restricta A.R. Phillips, 1986165 vSE Mexico (Mérida area, N Yucatán) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
brachyura (Lawrence, 1887)166 vSE Mexico (C and S Yucatan Pen.), Belize, N Honduras
grisescens (Griscom, 1928)167 NE Mexico (S and E Tamaulipas to E San Luis Potosí)
HENICORHINA P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1868 F - Scytalopus prostheleucus P.L. Sclater, 1857; type by original designation   168
Henicorhina leucosticta169 White-breasted Wood Wren
1 decolorata A.R. Phillips, 1986170 vC Mexico (SE San Luis Potosí to N Puebla and N Veracruz) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
1 prostheleuca (P.L. Sclater, 1857)171 vS Mexico (Veracruz to SE Oaxaca) to E Belize and NW Costa Rica (Guanacaste)
1 smithei Dickerman, 1973172 iS Mexico (S Campeche, S Quintana Roo), N Belize, N Guatemala (Petén) [Dickerman, 1973 #1328]
1 costaricensis Dickerman, 1973173 vCaribbean slope of NE Costa Rica (Cartago, Limón) [Dickerman, 1973 #1328]
1 pittieri Cherrie, 1893 iPacific slope from SW Costa Rica to C Panama
1 alexandri A.R. Phillips, 1986174 iE Panama (east from C Panamá) to NW Colombia (N Chocó) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
1 darienensis Hellmayr, 1921 vE Panama (Darién), NW Colombia (Chocó)
2 albilateralis Chapman, 1917 vC Colombia (lower and middle Cauca valley, middle Magdalena valley)
2 leucosticta (Cabanis, 1847) vS Venezuela (Amazonas, Bolívar), Guyana, Surinam, N Brazil (upper R. Negro)
2 eucharis Bangs, 1910 iW Colombia (Dagua valley, in Valle)
2 hauxwelli C. Chubb, 1920 iE slopes of Andes in S Colombia (south from Meta). E Ecuador, EC Peru (south to Huánuco)
3 inornata Hellmayr, 1903 vW Colombia (upper R. San Juan in Chocó) south to Ecuador (Pichincha)
Henicorhina leucoptera   Fitzpatrick, Terborgh & Willard, 1977 Bar-winged Wood Wren
vS Ecuador (Cordillera del Cóndor, Zamora-Chinchipe), N Peru (Cajamarca, San Martín, La Libertad) [Fitzpatrick, 1977 #1554]
Henicorhina leucophrys175 Gray-breasted Wood Wren
minuscula A.R. Phillips, 1966176 vC Mexico (SW Jalisco, Michoacán, W México) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]
festiva Nelson, 1903 vSW Mexico (mountains of Guerrero to S Oaxaca)
mexicana Nelson, 1897 vE Mexico (mountains of SE San Luis Potosí to N Oaxaca)
castanea Ridgway, 1903 vS Mexico (Caribbean slope of N Chiapas), N Guatemala
capitalis Nelson, 1897 vS Mexico (mountains of SE Chiapas), S Guatemala
composita Griscom, 1932 vHonduras, N El Salvador
collina Bangs, 1902 vCosta Rica to W Panama (Veraguas)
anachoreta Bangs, 1899 iN Colombia (Santa Marta Mts. above 2400 m)
bangsi Ridgway, 1903 iN Colombia (Santa Marta Mts. below 2100 m)
manastarae Aveledo & Ginés, 1952 iSierra de Perijá (Colombian-Venezuelan border)
sanluisensis W.H. Phelps & W.H. Phelps, Jr., 1959177 vNW Venezuela (Sierra de San Luis, C Falcón) [Phelps, 1959 #3045]
venezuelensis Hellmayr, 1903 vCoastal range of N Venezuela (Lara to Miranda)
meridana Todd, 1932 vAndes of W Venezuela (Trujillo, Mérida, Táchira)
tamae J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1944 iAndes of W Venezuela (SW Táchira), E slope of E Andes of Colombia
brunneiceps Chapman, 1914 iW slope of W Andes of Colombia (Chocó) south to N Ecuador (Imbabura)
hilaris von Berlepsch & Taczanowski, 1884 vSW Ecuador
leucophrys (von Tschudi, 1844) iW Colombia (E slope of W Andes to W slope of E Andes), Ecuador, N Peru
boliviana Todd, 1932 vC Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz)
Henicorhina negreti 178  Salaman et al., 2003 Munchique Wood Wren
Locally in W Andes of Colombia (E and SE Chocó, SW Antioquia, Valle) [Salaman, 2003 #3442]
CYPHORHINUS Cabanis, 1844 M - Cyphorhinus thoracicus von Tschudi, 1844; type by monotypy   179
Cyphorhinus thoracicus Chestnut-breasted Wren
dichrous P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1879 vW and C Andes of Colombia (from Antioquia) to N Peru (San Martín)
thoracicus von Tschudi, 1844 vC and S Peru (from Huánuco to Puno), W Bolivia (La Paz)
Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus180 Song Wren
richardsoni Salvin, 1893181 iCaribbean lowlands of SE Honduras to NW Panama
lawrencii Lawrence, 1863 iC Panama, NW Colombia (NW Chocó)
propinquus (Todd, 1919) vLowlands of N Colombia
chocoanus (Meyer de Schauensee, 1946) vPacific lowlands of W Colombia (W Chocó)
phaeocephalus P.L. Sclater, 1860 vPacific lowlands of SW Colombia (S Chocó) to SW Ecuador (El Oro)
Cyphorhinus arada182,183 Musician Wren
1 salvini Sharpe, 1882184 αiS Colombia (Putumayo), E Ecuador, NE Peru (Loreto)
1 modulator (d'Orbigny, 1838) iLowlands of E Peru, W Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to R. Madeira), N Bolivia
2 transfluvialis (Todd, 1932) vS Colombia (base of E Andes in Caquetá) to NW Brazil (east to R. Negro)
2 urbanoi (J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1946) iSE Venezuela (SE Bolívar)
2 arada (Hermann, 1783) iE Venezuela (SE Bolívar), the Guianas, NE Brazil (east from lower R. Negro, south to Amazon)
2 faroensis (J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1946) vN Brazil (Faro and Obidos region on lower R. Amazon)
2 griseolateralis Ridgway, 1888 vN Brazil (S bank of lower Amazon east of R. Tapajós, south to R. Jamanxim)
2 interpositus (Todd, 1932) vC Brazil (R. Madeira to R. Tapajós, south to N Mato Grosso)
Thryothorus griseus 185  (Todd, 1925) Gray Wren
vW Brazil (SW Amazonas, along R. Javari, upper R. Juruá, upper R. Purus)

1 Sequence of genera based on Barker (2004) [Barker, 2004 #217], Mann et al. (2006) [Mann, 2006 #9965] and Chesser et al. (2012) [Chesser, 2012 #14108].
2 For date change see Woodman (2010) [Woodman, 2010 #13512].
3 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] and Lowther et al. (2000) [Lowther, 2000 #14455]. But see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
4 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071], but see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
5 For tentative recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]; but see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
6 For treatment as a separate species from M. marginatus, see Stiles (1983) [Stiles, 1983 #14519].
7 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
8 For recognition, see Davis (1972) [Davis, 1972 #14513] and Stiles (1983) [Stiles, 1983 #14519]. Sometimes regarded as a separate species, e.g. by Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] and Stiles & Skutch (1989) [Stiles, 1989 #13786], but see e.g. Ridgely & Tudor (1989) [Ridgely, 1989 #3271].
9 For recognition, see Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) [Ridgely, 2001 #3274], Brewer (2001) [Brewer, 2001 #481] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
10 For extraction from Salpinctes, see Hardy & Delaney (1987) [Hardy, 1987 #14516].
11 For recognition, see Behle (1985) [Behle, 1985 #14466] and Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]; but see Miller (1948) [Miller, 1948 #14518] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
12 For recognition see Browning (1990) [Browning, 1990 #539].
13 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]; but see Grinnell & Behle (1935) [Grinnell, 1935 #14514] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
14 For recognition see Browning (1990) [Browning, 1990 #539].
15 Includes albifrons; see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]. But see Jones & Dieni (1995) [Jones, 1995 #14523], Brewer (2001) [Brewer, 2001 #481] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
16 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
17 Tentatively accepted; see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
18 For treatment as a separate species from H. sumichrasti; see Atkinson et al. (1993) [Atkinson, 1993 #110] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9].
19 May comprise two species; see Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) [Ridgely, 2001 #3274].
20 Forms a superspecies with O. branickii; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
21 Rice et al. (1999) [Rice, 1999 #14465], finding Troglodytes polyphyletic, suggested the use of the genus Nannus for Troglodytes troglodytes, but see Martínez-Gómez et al. (2005) [Martínez-Gómez, 2005 #2514].
22 Following recognition of T. hiemalis and T. pacificus as distinct species by Chesser et al. (2010) [Chesser, 2010 #12460], and references they gave, the three may be considered allospecies.
23 Includes zagrossiensis; see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
24 For recognition see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
25 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
26 The name orii may be based on a dark specimen of this subspecies; see Morioka (2000) [Morioka, 2000 #2730].
27 For treatment as a separate species from T. troglodytes; see Chesser et al. (2010) [Chesser, 2010 #12460] and references therein.
28 Includes tanagensis, seguamensis, petrophilus and stevensoni, see Paynter & Vaurie (1960) [Paynter, 1960 #2980], Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] and Toews & Irwin (2012) [Toews, 2012 #15317]. But see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
29 Includes three populations named by Rea, 1986 [Phillips, 1986 #3071] namely ochroleucos, obscurior and muiri; see Toews & Irwin (2012) [Toews, 2012 #15317]. But see also Browning (1990) [Browning, 1990 #539].
30 Described just too late for inclusion in Paynter & Vaurie (1960) [Paynter, 1960 #2980]. For recognition see Hejl et al. (2002) [Hejl, 2002 #14468] and Toews & Irwin (2012) [Toews, 2012 #15317].
31 For treatment as a separate species from T. troglodytes; see Chesser et al. (2010) [Chesser, 2010 #12460] and references therein.
32 Widely treated as a species until Paynter & Vaurie (1960) [Paynter, 1960 #2980] who placed this in T. aedon; for restoration to species rank see A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8] and Howell & Webb 1995 [Howell, 1995 #13863].
33 For comments on the prior name domesticus see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
34 We follow A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9] in maintaining a broad species, with subspecies groups following Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]. For recognition of four species see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
35 Considered to form a superspecies with T. tanneri and T. cobbi; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
36 Dated '1808?' by Paynter & Vaurie (1960) [Paynter, 1960 #2980], but see Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542]. However, the correct date is not yet known, see Dickinson (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #12761].
37 Includes compositus, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]. Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214] recognised nitidus from Mt Zempoaltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico, but see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] and Binford (1989) [Binford, 1989 #303].
38 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]. Treated as a synonym of intermedius by Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
39 This (and implicitly peninsularis in its synonymy) treated in T. musculus, here subspecies group 5, by Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
40 Date change derives from evidence, on original wrappers, of delayed publication.
41 For recognition of clarus; see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
42 For treatment as a separate species from T. aedon; see Woods (1993) [Woods, 1993 #4270], Campagna et al. (2012) [Campagna, 2012 #14413] and Chesser et al. (2013) [Chesser, 2013 #14902].
43 For treatment as a separate species from T. solstitialis, see A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8], Stiles & Skutch (1989) [Stiles, 1989 #13786] and Rice et al. (1999) [Rice, 1999 #14465].
44 Includes chiapensis, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]; but recognised by Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
45 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
46 For treatment as a separate species from T. solstitialis, see Stiles & Skutch (1989) [Stiles, 1989 #13786].
47 Includes ligea, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]; but recognised by Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
48 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
49 Formerly treated as subspecies of solstitialis; but see Ridgely & Tudor (1989) [Ridgely, 1989 #3271].
50 Forms a superspecies with T. rufociliatus, T. ochraceus, T. solstitialis and T. monticola; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
51 For date correction see Evenhuis (1997) [Evenhuis, 1997 #12439].
52 For transfer from Thryomanes; see Martínez-Gómez et al. (2005) [Martínez-Gómez, 2005 #2514] and Banks et al. (2006) [Banks, 2006 #5803].
53 For extraction from Troglodytes, see A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8].
54 For monotypic treatment see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]; thus includes basultoi and ridgwayi.
55 For date change see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
56 Subspecies groups and classification follows Traylor (1988) [Traylor, 1988 #3875] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9].
57 Forms a superspecies with C. meridae and C. apolinari; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566].
58 For recognition of this and jalapensis, warneri, russelli and graberi; see [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
59 Includes tolimae and tamae; see Traylor (1988) [Traylor, 1988 #3875]; but see Brewer (2001) [Brewer, 2001 #481] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
60 Includes boliviae; see Traylor (1988) [Traylor, 1988 #3875].
61 Not Hartert & Venturi; see comment by LeCroy (2003) [LeCroy, 2003 #2356].
62 May represent a separate species; see Cadena (2003) [Cadena, 2003 #647] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
63 Subspecies classification follows Browning (1978, 1990) [Browning, 1978 #536], [Browning, 1990 #539]. Two races proposed by Oberholser (1974) [Oberholser, 1974 #2809] fall into synonymy (canniphonus in dissaeptus, and cryphius in iliacus).
64 Subspecies groups based on Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
65 For recognition, see Browning (1990) [Browning, 1990 #539].
66 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
67 For recognition, see Kroodsma & Verner (1997) [Kroodsma, 1997 #14460].
68 For recognition, see Browning (1990) [Browning, 1990 #539]; but considered not identifiable by Unitt et al. (1996) [Unitt, 1996 #3896].
69 Includes cryphius Oberholser, 1974 [Oberholser, 1974 #2809]; see Browning (1978) [Browning, 1978 #536].
70 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]. Includes canniphonus Oberholser, 1974 [Oberholser, 1974 #2809]; see Browning (1978) [Browning, 1978 #536].
71 Cited as 1807 by Paynter & Vaurie (1960) [Paynter, 1960 #2980]; but see Burtt & Peterson (1995) [Burtt, 1995 #590].
72 Includes thryophilus; see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] and Kroodsma & Verner (1997) [Kroodsma, 1997 #14460], but see also Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
73 Dual original spellings; see David et al. (2009) [David, 2009 #11541] and David & Dubois (2011) [David, 2011 #13348].
74 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], these were treated as separate species by Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] and others later. But see Chesser et al. (2012) [Chesser, 2012 #14108].
75 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
76 Tentatively recognised; see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
77 Includes tabascensis Lowery & Berrett, 1963 [Lowery, 1963 #14440]; see Cardiff & Remsen (1994) [Cardiff, 1994 #14439].
78 Includes atrestus; see Rea in Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071], but see also Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
79 Includes correctus, nesophilus Oberholser, 1898, and catalinae; see Rea in Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
80 This name is preoccupied in Troglodytes and the substitute name anthonyi Rea, 1986 [Phillips, 1986 #3071], is available should the genus be submerged.
81 Misspelled brevicaudus in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533].
82 Includes altus; see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
83 For recognition see Browning (1990) [Browning, 1990 #539].
84 Tentatively accepted; see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
85 Includes murinus; see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071], but see also Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
86 Sequence of species based on Barker (2007) [Barker, 2007 #9762].
87 For date correction see Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542].
88 We have been unable to examine the original description of imparilis Borrero & Hernández, 1958 [Borrero, 1958 #444] which is apparently from some part of Colombia.
89 May comprise more than one species; see Barker (2007) [Barker, 2007 #9762].
90 Includes vonbloekeri J.S. Rowley, 1968 [Rowley, 1968 #3402]; see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
91 Includes panamensis; see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214]. But see Dickerman in Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
92 For recognition, see Meyer de Schauensee (1959) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1959 #2674] and Haffer & Borrero (1965) [Haffer, 1965 #14515].
93 Includes aenigmaticus; thought likely to be a name applicable to an interspecific hybrid; see Haffer (1967) [Haffer, 1967 #14457].
94 For separation from C. turdinus see Hellmayr (1934) [Hellmayr, 1934 #1945], Selander (1964) [Selander, 1964 #14459], Hilty & Brown (1986) [Hilty, 1986 #1967] and Barker (2007) [Barker, 2007 #9762].
95 Brewer (2001) [Brewer, 2001 #481] suggested this might be based on hybrid material.
96 For date correction see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
97 For subspecies groups see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], as by A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9]. Vázquez-Miranda et al. (2009) [Vázquez-Miranda, 2009 #12044] advocated elevating them to full species. See also Sosa-López et al. (2013) [Sosa-López, 2013 #14407].
98 For date change see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
99 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
100 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
101 For recognition see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
102 Forms a superspecies with C. chiapensis; see A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8].
103 Perhaps only an intergrade between bicolor and albicilius; see Selander (1964) [Selander, 1964 #14459].
104 For date correction see Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542].
105 For treatment as a separate species from C. griseus, see e.g. Miller et al. (1957) [Miller, 1957 #13814], A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8] and Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]. But see Barker (2007) [Barker, 2007 #9762].
106 While Selander (1964) [Selander, 1964 #14459] suggested this formed a superspecies with C. jocosus and C. yucatanicus, molecular studies place C. jocosus in another clade with C. gularis, see Barker (2007) [Barker, 2007 #9762].
107 For recognition, see Browning (1990) [Browning, 1990 #539].
108 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] and Rea & Weaver (1990) [Rea, 1990 #9542]. But see Proudfoot et al. (2000) [Proudfoot, 2000 #14456] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
109 Includes purus; see Rea (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
110 For date change see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
111 Includes couesi Sharpe, 1881 [Sharpe, 1882 #3585]; see Rea (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
112 For date correction see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
113 Species sequence derived from Mann et al. (2006) [Mann, 2006 #9965].
114 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
115 Forms a superspecies with P. eisenmanni; see Parker & O'Neill (1985) [Parker, 1985 #2906].
116 For treatment as a species separate from P. genibarbis; see Ridgely & Tudor (1989) [Ridgely, 1989 #3271], Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
117 May comprise more than one species; see Hilty (2003) [Hilty, 2003 #12443].
118 Original spelling barrowcloughiana used by Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533]; however, explicitly named for George Barrowclough and now emended to reflect that.
119 For recognition, see Hilty (2003) [Hilty, 2003 #12443].
120 Evidence of receipt of this issue of the Journal für Ornithologie by the Zoological Society of London in August 1890 (see Ibis, 1891, p. 616) strongly suggests delayed publication.
121 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
122 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
123 For date correction see Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542].
124 Forms a superspecies with P. spadix; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
125 For date correction see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
126 For treatment as a separate species from P. atrogularis, see Meyer de Schauensee (1966) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1966 #2676].
127 Includes xerampelinus; see Wetmore et al. (1984) [Wetmore, 1984 #4154] and Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071], but see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
128 For date correction see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
129 For treatment as a separate species from rutilus, see A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8].
130 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
131 Forms a superspecies with P. maculipectus and P. sclateri; see A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8].
132 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]; but see also Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
133 For date correction see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
134 Forms a superspecies with T. nicefori; see A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8], to which Lara et al. (2012) [Lara, 2012 #14517] confirmed that T. sernai belonged.
135 Includes transfinis, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071], but see also Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
136 For recognition see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
137 A substitute name skutchi A.R. Phillips, 1986 [Phillips, 1986 #3071] has been proposed for castanonotus of others not of Ridgway, but appears to be unnecessary; see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
138 Date change derives from evidence, on original wrappers, of delayed publication.
139 For evidence supporting treatment as a separate species from rufalbus see Valderrama et al. (2007) [Valderrama, 2007 #10653].
140 For treatment as a separate species from C. peruana see Remsen & Brumfield (1996) [Remsen, 1996 #559].
141 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
142 Forms a superspecies with C. olivascens and C. fulva; see Brumfield & Remsen (1998) [Brumfield, 1998 #3248].
143 For treatment as a separate species from C. peruana, see Brumfield & Remsen (1996) [Brumfield, 1996 #559].
144 Species sequence follows Mann et al. (2006) [Mann, 2006 #9965].
145 For treatment as a separate species from thoracicus, see Wetmore et al. (1984) [Wetmore, 1984 #4154].
146 Forms a superspecies with C. leucopogon; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
147 For date correction see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
148 For date correction see Evenhuis (1997) [Evenhuis, 1997 #12439].
149 Considered to form a superspecies with C. modestus, leucotis, superciliaris and C. guarayanus; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
150 Perhaps a separate species; see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214], but see Ridgely & Tudor (1989) [Ridgely, 1989 #3271].
151 Date checked to the original volume. Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
152 For treatment as a separate species from nigricapillus, see Slud (1964) [Slud, 1964 #3656] and Wetmore et al. (1984) [Wetmore, 1984 #4154].
153 Subspecies groups based on Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]. See also González et al. (2003) [González, 2003 #1726].
154 Forms a superspecies with C. semibadius; see A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8].
155 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
156 Omitted in error by Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533].
157 Includes roberti A.R. Phillips, 1986 [Phillips, 1986 #3071]; see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
158 Date change derives from evidence, on original wrappers, of delayed publication.
159 Tentatively accepted; see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
160 Treated as a subspecies group by A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9]; but may deserve treatment at species rank; see Eisenmann (1955, 1957) [Eisenmann, 1955 #1490], [Eisenmann, 1957 #14461], Brewer (2001) [Brewer, 2001 #481] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
161 Attachment to group uncertain; may be a synonym of modestus, see Blake (1958) [Blake, 1958 #14464]; but see also Wetmore et al. (1984) [Wetmore, 1984 #4154].
162 Includes musica; see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071], but see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
163 See Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071] for suggested correction of type locality.
164 Not a nomen novum as Phillips said, see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
165 For recognition see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
166 Includes australis and hawkinsi Monroe, 1963 [Monroe, 1963 #2704], although possibly valid, see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214]. See also Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
167 For recognition see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071], but see Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
168 Species sequence follows Dingle et al. (2006) [Dingle, 2006 #9825].
169 Subspecies groups based on Winker et al. (1996) [Winker, 1996 #14520] and Dingle et al. (2006) [Dingle, 2006 #9825]. These may deserve species rank.
170 Tentatively accepted; see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
171 Includes tropaea; see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071]; but recognised by Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
172 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
173 For recognition, see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071].
174 Tentatively accepted; see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
175 May comprise more than one species, see Salaman et al. (2003) [Salaman, 2003 #3442] and Dingle et al. (2006) [Dingle, 2006 #9825].
176 Tentatively accepted; see Parkes in Dickerman & Parkes (1997) [Dickerman, 1997 #1353].
177 For recognition, see Phelps & Phelps (1963) [Phelps, 1963 #3050] and Hilty (2003) [Hilty, 2003 #12443].
178 First published electronically; compliance with the Code (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059] based on the distribution of printed copies to selected institutions and open to question.
179 Misspelled Cyphorinus in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533].
180 For treatment as separate species from C. arada see A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9].
181 Includes infuscatus; see Phillips (1986) [Phillips, 1986 #3071], but see also Wetmore et al. (1984) [Wetmore, 1984 #4154] and Kroodsma & Brewer (2005) [Kroodsma, 2005 #12214].
182 The name arada is based on a Cayenne Indian name and may not be changed to aradus; see David & Gosselin (2002) [David, 2002 #1124].
183 Subspecies groups based on Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
184 For date correction see Sherborn (1934) [Sherborn, 1934 #3608].
185 Taxonomic position unclear, not yet screened see Mann et al. (2006) [Mann, 2006 #9965]; see also Zimmer & Whittaker (2009) [Zimmer, 2009 #14521].