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PROCELLARIIDAE - Petrels and Shearwaters1 (16:86)
MACRONECTES Richmond, 1905 M - Procellaria gigantea J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by original designation  
Macronectes halli 2  Mathews, 1912 Northern Giant Petrel
iSouth Georgia I., Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Macquarie I., Auckland Is., Campbell I., Stewart I., Antipodes Is., Chatham Is. >> subantarctic to temperate Southern Ocean
Macronectes giganteus 3,4  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Southern Giant Petrel
vCoastal Antarctica, South Shetland Is., Islas Diego Ramirez, Isla de los Estados, Falkland Is., South Orkney Is., South Georgia I., South Sandwich Is., Gough I., Bouvetøya, Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Heard I., Macquarie I. >> antarctic to temperate Southern Ocean and subtropical Pacific Ocean
FULMARUS Stephens, 1826 M - Procellaria glacialis Linnaeus, 1761; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 129).  
Fulmarus glacialis5 Northern Fulmar
glacialis (Linnaeus, 1761)6 vNE Canada (Baffin I., Ellesmere I.), N and NE Greenland; Svalbard, Bear I., and Franz Josef Land >> N Atlantic Ocean
auduboni Bonaparte, 1857 iSE Canada (Newfoundland), W and SE Greenland; W and N Europe north to Iceland, Jan Mayen I., W Norway and Novaya Zemlya Is. >> N Atlantic Ocean
rodgersii Cassin, 1862 iCoastal E Siberia (Wrangel I. and Chukchi Pen. to Kamchatka, Kuril Is. and Commander Is.), Pribilof Is., St. Lawrence I., Aleutian Is. and S Alaska >> N Pacific Ocean
Fulmarus glacialoides   (A. Smith, 1840) Southern Fulmar
iAntarctica, Southern Ocean
THALASSOICA Reichenbach, 1853 F - Procellaria antarctica J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by original designation  
Thalassoica antarctica   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Antarctic Petrel
vAntarctica and surrounding seas
DAPTION Stephens, 1826 N - Procellaria capensis Linnaeus, 1758; type by original designation  
Daption capense Cape Petrel
capense (Linnaeus, 1758) vAntarctica and subantarctic islands
australe Mathews, 1913 vAuckland Is., Campbell I., Snares Is., Antipodes Is., Bounty Is., Chatham Is. >> temperate to antarctic seas between Australasia and Antarctica
PAGODROMA Bonaparte, 1856 F - Procellaria nivea G. Forster, 1777; type by monotypy  
Pagodroma nivea7 Snow Petrel
nivea (G. Forster, 1777) vIslands in the Scotia Arc (Antarctica) >> antarctic Southern Ocean
major Schlegel, 18638 vAdélie Land (Antarctica) >> neighbouring seas [Schlegel, 1863 #15257]
HALOBAENA Bonaparte, 1856 F - Procellaria caerulea J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by monotypy  
Halobaena caerulea   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Blue Petrel
vIslas Diego Ramirez, Islas Hermite, Islas Wollaston, South Georgia I., Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Macquarie I. >> Southern Ocean
PACHYPTILA Illiger, 1811 F - Procellaria forsteri Latham, 1790; type by subsequent designation (Selby, 1840, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Types Aves, p. 49). = Procellaria vittata G. Forster, 1777  
Pachyptila vittata   (G. Forster, 1777) Broad-billed Prion
vSouth Georgia I., Tristan da Cunha I., Inaccessible I., Gough I., Fiordland in South Island (New Zealand), Solander I., Codfish I., Stewart I., Snares Is., Chatham Is. >> local waters in S Atlantic Ocean and S Australasian and Tasman Seas
Pachyptila salvini Salvin's Prion
salvini (Mathews, 1912) iPrince Edward Is., Iles Crozet >> S Indian Ocean and S Australasian seas
macgillivrayi (Mathews, 1912)9 iIle Amsterdam, Ile St. Paul >> S Indian Ocean
Pachyptila desolata 10,11  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Antarctic Prion
vSouth Shetland Is., South Orkney Is., South Georgia I., South Sandwich Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Heard I., McDonald Is., Macquarie I., Auckland Is., (and possibly Bouvetøya, Balleny Is. and Campbell I.) >> Southern Ocean
Pachyptila belcheri   (Mathews, 1912) Slender-billed Prion
iIsla Noir (off SW Chile), Falkland Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen >> Southern Ocean
Pachyptila turtur12 Fairy Prion
turtur (Kuhl, 1820) iIslands off Victoria and Tasmania, including in Bass Strait, islands off New Zealand (Poor Knights Is. to Foveaux Strait), Snares Is., Chatham Is. >> neighbouring seas
eatoni Mathews, 191213 Falkland Is., Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Macquarie I., Campbell I., Antipodes Is. >> neighbouring seas
Pachyptila crassirostris14 Fulmar Prion
flemingi Tennyson & Bartle, 200515 iHeard I., Auckland Is. >> neighbouring seas [Tennyson, 2005 #3823]
crassirostris (Mathews, 1912) vSnares Is., Bounty Is. >> neighbouring seas
pyramidalis C.A. Fleming, 193916 vChatham Is. >> neighbouring seas
APHRODROMA Olson, 2000 F - Oestrelata kidderi Coues, 1875; type by original designation = Procellaria brevirostris Lesson, 1831  17
Aphrodroma brevirostris   (Lesson, 1831) Kerguelen Petrel
vGough I., Marion I., Iles Kerguelen, Iles Crozet >> Southern Ocean
PTERODROMA Bonaparte, 1856 F - Procellaria macroptera A. Smith, 1840; type by subsequent designation (Coues, 1866, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 137).  18
Pterodroma leucoptera19 Gould's Petrel
leucoptera (Gould, 1844) vIslands of C New South Wales coast >> SW and C Pacific Ocean
caledonica Imber & Jenkins, 198120 vNew Caledonia >> tropical E Pacific Ocean [Imber, 1981 #11891]
Pterodroma brevipes 21  (Peale, 1848) Collared Petrel
Gau, Kadavu, formerly Viti Levu (Fiji); Tanna (Vanuatu), Vanua Lava (Banks Is.); possibly Solomons, Cook Is. and elsewhere in Polynesia >> SW and C Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma defilippiana 22  (Giglioli & Salvadori, 1869) Masatierra Petrel
vJuan Fernández Arch. and Islas de los Desventurados (off Chile) >> EC Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma longirostris 23  (Stejneger, 1893) Stejneger's Petrel
vIsla Alejandro Selkirk (Juan Fernández Arch., off Chile) >> NC Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma cookii 24  (G.R. Gray, 1843) Cook's Petrel
i(a) Little Barrier I., Great Barrier I. (New Zealand) >> N subtropical C and E. Pacific Ocean; (b) Codfish I. (New Zealand) >> tropical E. Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma pycrofti 25  Falla, 1933 Pycroft's Petrel
iIslets off NE North Island (New Zealand) >> N Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma hypoleuca   (Salvin, 1888) Bonin Petrel
vOgasawara Is. and Iwo Is. (Japan), W Hawaiian Is. >> NW Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma nigripennis   (Rothschild, 1893) Black-winged Petrel
vLord Howe I., Norfolk I., Kermadec Is., islets off New Caledonia and New Zealand, Chatham Is., Tonga, Cook Is. (Rarotonga), Iles Australes >> N Tasman Sea to tropical SW and C Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma axillaris   (Salvin, 1893) Chatham Petrel
vChatham Is. >> neighbouring seas
Pterodroma ultima   Murphy, 1949 Murphy's Petrel
vTuamotu Arch., Pitcairn Is., Iles Australes >> SC Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma solandri 26  (Gould, 1844) Providence Petrel
iLord Howe I., Philip I. (off Norfolk I.) >> NW Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma neglecta Kermadec Petrel
neglecta (Schlegel, 1863) v(a) Lord Howe I., Philip I. (off Norfolk I.), Kermadec Is., Tonga ('Ata), Iles Australes (Rapa), Iles Gambier (Morane, Mangareva), Pitcairn Is., Easter I. >> subtropical Pacific Ocean; (b) Round I. (Mauritius) >> ?
juana Mathews, 1936 αvJuan Fernández Arch. and Islas de los Desventurados (off Chile) >> N Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma arminjoniana Herald Petrel
arminjoniana (Giglioli & Salvadori, 1869) vIlha da Trindade, Ilhas Martin Vaz (Atlantic Ocean); Round I. (Mauritius) >> neighbouring seas
heraldica (Salvin, 1888)27,28 vRaine I. (off NE Queensland), Iles Chesterfield (New Caledonia), Ta'u (American Samoa), Hunga Group (Tonga), Ua Pou, Tahuata (Iles Marquises), Iles Gambier, Henderson, Ducie (Pitcairn Is.) >> tropical Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma atrata 29  (Mathews, 1912) Henderson Petrel
vHenderson (Pitcairn Is.) >> ?
Pterodroma alba 30  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Phoenix Petrel
vKermadec Is. (formerly), Tonga, Phoenix Is. (Kanton), Line Is. (Kiritimati), Iles Marquises, Tuamotu Arch., Pitcairn Is. (Oeno) >> WC and C Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma baraui 31,32  (Jouanin, 1964) Barau's Petrel
iRéunion >> neighbouring seas [Jouanin, 1964 #15840]
Pterodroma inexpectata 33  (J.R. Forster, 1844) Mottled Petrel
vS New Zealand, Stewart I., Snares Is. >> subarctic N Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma sandwichensis 34  (Ridgway, 1884) Hawaiian Petrel
vHawaiian Is. >> C Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma phaeopygia   (Salvin, 1876) Galapagos Petrel
vGalapagos Is. >> E Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma cervicalis35 White-necked Petrel
cervicalis (Salvin, 1891) vPhilip I. (off Norfolk I.), Kermadec Is. >> subtropical NW, rarely E, Pacific Ocean
occulta Imber & Tennyson, 200136 vMere Lava (Banks Is.) >> SW Pacific Ocean [Imber, 2001 #2063]
Pterodroma externa   (Salvin, 1875) Juan Fernandez Petrel
vIsla Alejandro Selkirk (Juan Fernández Arch., off Chile) >> C Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma mollis 37  (Gould, 1844) Soft-plumaged Petrel
vTristan da Cunha Group, Gough I., Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Ile Amsterdam, Macquarie I., Antipodes Is., Maatsuyker Is. (off S Tasmania) >> temperate to subantarctic southern oceans (mainly Indian and Atlantic Oceans)
Pterodroma cahow   (Nichols & Mowbray, 1916) Bermuda Petrel
iBermuda >> neighbouring seas
Pterodroma hasitata38 Black-capped Petrel
hasitata (Kuhl, 1820) vCuba, Hispaniola and Dominica (?) >> Caribbean Sea and E Atlantic Ocean from NE USA to NE Brazil
†? caribbaea Carte, 186639 vE Jamaica >> neighboring seas?
Pterodroma feae Cape Verde Petrel/Fea's Petrel
feae (Salvadori, 1899) Cape Verde Is. >> neighbouring seas
deserta Mathews, 193440 Bugio (Desertas Is.) >> neighbouring seas
Pterodroma madeira 41  Mathews, 1934 Madeira Petrel/Zino's Petrel
iMadeira >> neighbouring seas
Pterodroma magentae   (Giglioli & Salvadori, 1869) Magenta Petrel
iChatham Is. >> subtropical S Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma incerta   (Schlegel, 1863) Atlantic Petrel
vTristan da Cunha I., Gough I. >> S Atlantic Ocean
Pterodroma lessonii   (Garnot, 1826) White-headed Petrel
iIles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Macquarie I., Auckland Is., Antipodes Is. >> temperate to subantarctic southern oceans
Pterodroma macroptera Great-winged Petrel
macroptera (A. Smith, 1840) vInaccessible I., Nightingale I., Gough I., Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, islands off SW Australia >> temperate and subtropical S Atlantic and Indian Oceans to S Australasian seas
gouldi (F.W. Hutton, 1869)42 iNorth Island (New Zealand) >> Tasman Sea, temperate and subtropical SW Pacific Ocean
Pterodroma rupinarum   Olson, 1975 Great St, Helena Peterl
St. Helena I.
PROCELLARIA Linnaeus, 1758 F - Procellaria aequinoctialis Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 78).  
Procellaria cinerea   J.F. Gmelin, 1789 Grey Petrel
vTristan da Cunha I., Gough I., Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Ile Amsterdam, Macquarie I., Campbell I., Antipodes Is. >> temperate to subantarctic southern oceans
Procellaria aequinoctialis 43,44  Linnaeus, 1758 White-chinned Petrel
vFalkland Is., South Georgia I., Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Auckland Is., Campbell I., Antipodes Is. >> temperate to antarctic southern oceans
Procellaria westlandica   Falla, 1946 Westland Petrel
vNW South Island (New Zealand) >> nearby seas (immatures to SE Pacific Ocean)
Procellaria parkinsoni   G.R. Gray, 1862 Parkinson's Petrel/Black Petrel
iNorth Island (New Zealand) >> tropical C and E Pacific Ocean
Procellaria conspicillata 45  Gould, 1844 Spectacled Petrel
vInaccessible I. >> S Atlantic Ocean
ARDENNA Reichenbach, 1853 F - Puffinus major Faber, 1822; type by original designation and monotypy = Procellaria gravis O'Reilly, 1818  46
Ardenna pacifica Wedge-tailed Shearwater
pacifica (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vNorfolk I., Kermadec Is., Fiji, Tonga >> SE north Pacific Ocean
chlororhyncha (Lesson, 1831)47 vTropical and subtropical Indian and Pacific Oceans (exclusive of breeding range of nominate)
Ardenna bulleri   (Salvin, 1888) Buller's Shearwater
Islands off NE North Island (New Zealand) >> temperate N Pacific Ocean
Ardenna tenuirostris 48  (Temminck, 1836) Short-tailed Shearwaterα
vIslands off SW to SE Australia and Tasmania >> temperate to subarctic N Pacific Ocean
Ardenna grisea   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Sooty Shearwater
vIsla Guafo, Islas Diego Ramirez, Islas Wollaston, Isla de los Estados, Falkland Is.; islands off New South Wales, Tasmania and New Zealand; Macquarie I., Auckland Is., Campbell I., Snares Is., Antipodes Is., Chatham Is. >> N Atlantic and N Pacific Oceans
Ardenna gravis   (O'Reilly, 1818) Great Shearwater
vInaccessible I., Nightingale I., Gough I., Falkland Is. >> N Atlantic Ocean
Ardenna carneipes 49  (Gould, 1844) Flesh-footed Shearwater
Ile St. Paul; islands off SW Australia, Lord Howe I., islands off North Island and in Cook Strait (New Zealand) >> N Indian and Pacific Oceans (including Arabian Sea)
Ardenna creatopus 50  (Coues, 1864) Pink-footed Shearwater
Juan Fernández Arch. and Isla Mocha (off C Chile) >> E Pacific Ocean
CALONECTRIS Mathews & Iredale, 1915 F - Procellaria leucomelas Temminck, 1836; type by original designation  51
Calonectris leucomelas 52  (Temminck, 1836) Streaked Shearwaterα
iNW Pacific >> E Indian Ocean, SE Asian and tropical Australasian seas, SW Pacific Ocean
Calonectris diomedea 53  (Scopoli, 1769) Scopoli's Shearwater
vMediterranean islands >> S Atlantic Ocean
Calonectris borealis 54  (Cory, 1881) Cory's Shearwater
vPortugal, Canary Is., Madeira, Azores >> W Atlantic Ocean
Calonectris edwardsii 55  (Oustalet, 1883) Cape Verde Shearwater
iCape Verde Is. >> S Atlantic Ocean
PUFFINUS Brisson, 1760 M - Puffinus Brisson; type by tautonymy = Procellaria puffinus Brünnich, 1764  56
Puffinus nativitatis   Streets, 1877 Christmas Shearwater
iHawaiian Is., Johnston Atoll, Marshall Is., Phoenix Is., Line Is. (Kiritimati), Iles Marquises, Iles Australes, Iles Gambier, Pitcairn Is. (Pitcairn), Isla Sala y Gómez, Motu Nui (off Easter I.) >> C Pacific Ocean
Puffinus subalaris 57  Ridgway, 1897 Galapagos Shearwater
vGalapagos Is. >> Pacific coast from S Mexico to Ecuador
Puffinus gavia   (J.R. Forster, 1844) Fluttering Shearwater
iIslands off North Island and N South Island (New Zealand) >> nearby waters and Tasman Sea
Puffinus huttoni   Mathews, 1912 Hutton's Shearwater
iNE South Island (New Zealand) >> New Zealand and Australian waters (to off NW Australia)
Puffinus opisthomelas   Coues, 1864 Black-vented Shearwater
iIslands off W Baja California (Guadalupe I., Isla San Martín, Islas Benito, Isla Cedros, Isla Natividad) >> Pacific coast from C California to S Mexico
Puffinus bryani   Pyle, A. Welch & R.C. Fleischer, 2011 Bryan's Shearwater
Ogasawara Is. (?); pelagic range unknown58
Puffinus auricularis Townsend's Shearwater
1 myrtae Bourne, 195959 Iles Australes >> C Pacific Ocean (?)
1 newelli Henshaw, 190060 iHawaiian Is. (Kauai, Molokai, Hawaii) >> C Pacific Ocean
2 auricularis C.H. Townsend, 1890 vIsla Socorro (off W Mexico) >> Pacific coast from S Baja California to El Salvador
Puffinus bailloni61 Tropical Shearwater
1 nicolae Jouanin, 197162 Aldabra Is., Seychelles, Maldives, Chagos Arch. >> neighbouring seas
1 bailloni Bonaparte, 185763 iMauritius, Réunion and Ile Europa >> neighbouring seas
1 dichrous Finsch & Hartlaub, 1867 vPalau, Phoenix Is., Line Is. (Kiritimati) >> neighbouring seas
1 gunax Mathews, 193064 Vanuatu >> neighbouring seas
1 polynesiae Murphy, 1927 Tahiti (Society Is.)?
2 persicus Hume, 187265 αvIslands off Yemen ('Abd al Kuri I., Samha I., Darsa I., Socotra) and Oman (Kuria Muria Is.) >> NW Indian Ocean
2 temptator Louette & Herremans, 1985 Comoros [Louette, 1985 #2426] >> neighbouring seas (?)
3 bannermani Mathews & Iredale, 191566 Ogasawara Is., Iwo Is. (Japan) >> neighbouring seas
Puffinus puffinus   (Brünnich, 1764) Manx Shearwater
iIceland, Faroe Is.; islands off British Isles and W France; Azores, Madeira; Middle Lawn I. (off Newfoundland) >> SW Atlantic Ocean
Puffinus yelkouan67 Yelkouan Shearwater
yelkouan (Acerbi, 1827) C and E Mediterranean Sea
mauretanicus P.R. Lowe, 192168 vBalearic Is. >> E Atlantic Ocean
Puffinus assimilis69 Little Shearwater
elegans Giglioli & Salvadori, 186970,71 iTristan da Cunha Group, Gough I., Antipodes Is., Chatham Is., Ile St. Paul (?) >> subantarctic Southern Ocean
tunneyi Mathews, 1912 iIslands off SW Australia >> S Australian seas
assimilis Gould, 1838 vLord Howe I., Norfolk I. >> Tasman Sea
haurakiensis C.A. Fleming & Serventy, 1943 vIslands off NE North Island (New Zealand) >> neighbouring seas south to Cook Strait
kermadecensis Murphy, 1927 vKermadec Is. >> neighbouring seas
Puffinus lherminieri Audubon's Shearwater
1 lherminieri Lesson, 1839 iBahamas, Isla Mona (off W Puerto Rico), Virgin Is., Lesser Antilles and islets off N Venezuela (Islas Los Roques, Isla Orchila, Islas Los Hermanos) >> coast of S and E USA
1 loyemilleri Wetmore, 1959 iIslands off NW Panama (Arch. de Bocas del Toro) >> neighbouring seas
2 baroli Bonaparte, 185772 Azores, Madeira, Canary Is. >> neighbouring seas
2 boydi Mathews, 1912 Cape Verde Is. >> neighbouring seas
Puffinus heinrothi 73  Reichenow, 1919 Heinroth's Shearwater
iNew Britain >> neighbouring seas
PSEUDOBULWERIA Mathews, 1936 F - Thalassidroma macgillivrayi G.R. Gray, 1860; type by original designation  74
Pseudobulweria macgillivrayi   (G.R. Gray, 1860) Fiji Petrel
iGau (Fiji) >> surrounding seas?
Pseudobulweria aterrima   (Bonaparte, 1857) Mascarene Petrel
vRéunion >> neighbouring seas
Pseudobulweria becki 75,76  (Murphy, 1928) Beck's Petrel
iSeas around Bismarck Arch. and Solomons (breeding grounds unknown)
Pseudobulweria rostrata77 Tahiti Petrel
rostrata (Peale, 1848) vTaveuni (Fiji), American Samoa, Society Is., Iles Marquises, Iles Gambier >> WC Pacific Ocean
trouessarti (Brasil, 1917)78 iVanuatu, New Caledonia >> tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean
BULWERIA Bonaparte, 1843 F - Procellaria bulwerii Jardine & Selby, 1828; type by monotypy and virtual tautonymy  79
Bulweria bulwerii 80  (Jardine & Selby, 1828) Bulwer's Petrel
iTropical and temperate waters of the three oceans, SE Asian seas
Bulweria fallax   Jouanin, 1955 Jouanin's Petrel
iSocotra >> NW Indian Ocean
Bulweria bifax   Olson, 1975 Small St. Helena Petrel
St. Helena I.
PELECANOIDES Lacépède, 1799 M - Procellaria urinatrix J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by monotypy  81
Pelecanoides garnotii 82  (Lesson & Garnot, 1828) Peruvian Diving Petrel
iCoasts of Peru and Chile
Pelecanoides magellani   (Mathews, 1912) Magellanic Diving Petrel
iCoasts of S Chile to Cape Horn
Pelecanoides georgicus   Murphy & Harper, 1916 South Georgia Diving Petrel
vSouth Georgia I., Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Heard I. and islands off S South Island (New Zealand) >> neighbouring seas
Pelecanoides urinatrix Common Diving Petrel
dacunhae Nicoll, 190683 iTristan da Cunha Group, Gough I. >> neighbouring seas
berard (Gaimard, 1823) iFalkland Is. >> neighbouring seas
urinatrix (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)84 δiIslands off Victoria and Tasmania (including Bass Strait) and North and N South Islands (New Zealand) >> neighbouring temperate seas
chathamensis Murphy & Harper, 1916 vIslands off S South Island (New Zealand) and Stewart I., Solander I., Snares Is. and Chatham Is. >> neighbouring temperate seas
exsul Salvin, 1896 iSouth Georgia I., Prince Edward Is., Iles Crozet, Iles Kerguelen, Heard I., Macquarie I., Auckland Is., Antipodes Is. >> neighbouring subantarctic seas
coppingeri Mathews, 1912 iCoasts of S Chile >> neighbouring seas

1 Classification based on Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162], with modifications derived from Imber (1985) [Imber, 1985 #2062] and Bretagnolle et al. (1998) [Bretagnolle, 1998 #479].
2 For treatment as a separate species from M. giganteus, see Bourne & Warham (1966) [Bourne, 1966 #13972], Hunter (1987) [Hunter, 1987 #13975], Rheindt & Austin (2005) [Rheindt, 2005 #3259], and Techow et al. (2010) [Techow, 2010 #12153], but see also Penhallurick & Wink (2004) [Penhallurick, 2004 #3001].
3 Considered to form a superspecies with M. halli by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
4 For proposed recognition of solanderi from the Falklands see Salomon & Voisin (2010) [Salomon, 2010 #12638].
5 Forms a superspecies with F. glacialoides; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566].
6 Includes minor; see Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162]. Subspecies recognition based on colour because size variation is clinal; see van Franeker (1982, 1995) [van Franeker, 1982 #3917], [van Franeker, 1995 #3918].
7 Previous treatment retained but status disputed; for one species see Brooke (2004) [Brooke, 2004 #13677] and Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602], for two see Onley & Scofield (2007) [Onley, 2007 #10561].
8 For replacement of confusa by major Schlegel, 1863, see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
9 For transfer from P. vittata see Roux et al. (1986) [Roux, 1986 #3400].
10 For treatment of this and belcheri as separate species from P. salvini see Bretagnolle et al. (1990) [Bretagnolle, 1990 #13951], but see also Penhallurick & Wink (2004) [Penhallurick, 2004 #3001].
11 Includes alter and banksi; see Harper (1980) [Harper, 1980 #1892].
12 For recognition of eatoni see Harper (1980) [Harper, 1980 #1892]; amended range statements draw on Tennyson & Bartle (2005) [Tennyson, 2005 #3823].
13 Includes subantarctica; see Tennyson & Bartle (2005) [Tennyson, 2005 #3823].
14 For possible treatment as conspecific with P. turtur see Penhallurick & Wink (2004) [Penhallurick, 2004 #3001].
15 Replaces the name eatoni, which is a subspecies of P. turtur.
16 For recognition see Tennyson & Bartle (2005) [Tennyson, 2005 #3823].
17 Retained because type species of Lugensa, i.e. Procellaria lugens Kuhl, 1820, nec Mathews, 1936, is considered indeterminable; see Bourne & Elliott (1965) [Bourne, 1965 #13952], Olson (2000) [Olson, 2000 #2862], but see also Bourne (2001) [Bourne, 2001 #457] and Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
18 Species sequence derived from Nunn & Stanley (1998) [Nunn, 1998 #2790] and Penhallurick & Wink (2004) [Penhallurick, 2004 #3001].
19 Forms a superspecies with P. brevipes, P. cookii, P. defilippiana and P. longirostris by Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162].
20 For clarification of authorship see Palma & Tennyson (2005) [Palma, 2005 #10004].
21 For treatment as a separate species from P. leucoptera see Imber (1985) [Imber, 1985 #2062] and Brooke (2004) [Brooke, 2004 #13677]. Includes magnificens Bretagnolle & Shirihai, 2010 [Bretagnolle, 2010 #12606]; see Tennyson et al. (2012) [Tennyson, 2012 #13966].
22 Formerly treated as a subspecies of P. cooki, but now generally treated as a separate species, i.e. Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162].
23 Includes masafuerae; see Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162].
24 Includes orientalis; see Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162].
25 For treatment as a separate species from P. cookii see Marchant & Higgins (1990) [Marchant, 1990 #2485] and Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
26 Includes phillipii; see Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162].
27 For treatment as a separate species from P. arminjoniana see Imber (1985) [Imber, 1985 #2062], Brooke & Rowe (1996) [Brooke, 1996 #514], and Brown et al. (2011) [Brown, 2011 #13328]; but see also Bourne (1987) [Bourne, 1987 #455].
28 Includes paschae; see Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162].
29 For treatment as a separate species from P. heraldica see Brooke & Rowe (1996) [Brooke, 1996 #514].
30 Considered to form a superspecies with P. neglecta and P. arminjoniana by Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162]; their circumscription included P. heraldica and, by inference, P. atrata which they did not list.
31 For recognition and possible close relationship to P. inexpectata see Bretagnolle & Attié (1991) [Bretagnolle, 1991 #13956].
32 Jouanin's more detailed paper in the Bulletin of the museum [Jouanin, 1964 #15841] was preceded by a brief note [Jouanin, 1964 #15840] of which a copy was received and dated by the NHM, London. See Brammer et al. (2015?)
33 The older name melanops Gmelin, 1788, suggested by Medway (1993) [Medway, 1993 #12411], has apparently been overlooked by Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
34 For treatment as a separate species from P. phaeopygia see Tomkins & Milne (1991) [Tomkins, 1991 #13985], Browne et al. (1997) [Browne, 1997 #13973], and Welch et al. (2011) [Welch, 2011 #13281].
35 For treatment as a separate species from P. externa see Imber (1985) [Imber, 1985 #2062].
36 For treatment as a subspecies of P. cervicalis see Shirihai & Bretagnolle (2010) [Shirihai, 2010 #12364].
37 Includes dubius and fusca Imber, 1985 [Imber, 1985 #2062]; see Bourne (1987) [Bourne, 1987 #455] and Sangster et al. (2002) [Sangster, 2002 #3474].
38 Considered to form a superspecies with P. cahow by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], expanded to also include P. externa, P. baraui, and P. phaeopygia by Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162].
39 Treated as a separate species by some, e.g., Gaston (2001) [Gaston, 2001 #1688] and Brooke (2004) [Brooke, 2004 #13677].
40 For recognition as a valid taxon see Jesus et al. (2009) [Jesus, 2009 #11910].
41 For treatment as a separate species from P. feae see Zino et al. (2008) [Zino, 2008 #10659].
42 For continued treatment as a subspecies of P. macroptera see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
43 Considered to form a superspecies with P. westlandica and P. parkinsoni; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
44 Includes steadi; see Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162].
45 For treatment as a separate species from P. aequinoctialis see Ryan (1998) [Ryan, 1998 #3434].
46 For treatment as separate from Puffinus and Calonectris see Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602]. The three genera represent distinct lineages; see Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112], Penhallurick & Wink (2004) [Penhallurick, 2004 #3001], and Pyle et al. (2011) [Pyle, 2011 #13233].
47 For recognition see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
48 Livr. 99 must date from 1836 not 1835 (Dickinson, 2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1369].
49 Forms a superspecies with A. creatopus; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
50 Treated as conspecific with A. carneipes by Penhallurick & Wink (2004) [Penhallurick, 2004 #3001].
51 For continued separation from Puffinus and Ardenna see Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112], Penhallurick & Wink (2004) [Penhallurick, 2004 #3001], and Olson (2008) [Olson, 2008 #13980].
52 The source (the Planches Coloriées, Livraison 99) must date from 1836 not 1835 (Dickinson 2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1369].
53 Includes flavirostris; see Bourne (1955) [Bourne, 1955 #452].
54 For treatment as a separate species from C. diomedea; see Gómez-Díaz et al. (2009) [Gómez-Díaz, 2009 #14237] and Sangster et al. (2012) [Sangster, 2012 #14068].
55 For treatment as a separate species from C. diomedea see Bannerman & Bannerman (1968) [Bannerman, 1968 #13971].
56 Composition and species sequence derived from Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112] and Pyle et al. (2011) [Pyle, 2011 #13233].
57 Formerly treated as a subspecies of P. lherminieri but see Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112] and Pyle et al. (2011) [Pyle, 2011 #13233].
58 Type specimen from Midway Is. probably a wandering individual (Pyle, 2011) [Pyle, 2011 #13233].
59 Carboneras (1992) [Carboneras, 1992 #655] treated this as a subspecies of P. assimilis but see Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112] for continued placement with newelli.
60 Treated as a separate species, including myrtae, by Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112].
61 For inclusion of bannermani, dichrous, gunax, persicus, nicolae, and temptator, all formerly considered subspecies of P. lherminieri, see Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112].
62 Treated as a separate species by Shirihai et al. (1995) [Shirihai, 1995 #3612]. Includes colstoni Shirihai & Christie, 1996 [Shirihai, 1996 #3613]; see Bretagnolle et al. (2000) [Bretagnolle, 2000 #480] and Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112], who placed nicolae in the synonymy of dichrous.
63 Includes P. atrodorsalis Shirihai et al., 1995 [Shirihai, 1995 #3612]; see Bretagnolle et al. (2000) [Bretagnolle, 2000 #480].
64 Treated as a separate species by Shirihai et al. (1995) [Shirihai, 1995 #3612].
65 May merit treatment as a separate species, including temptator; see Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162], Shirihai et al. (1995) [Shirihai, 1995 #3612], and Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112].
66 May merit treatment as a separate species; see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967], Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162], and Shirihai et al. (1995) [Shirihai, 1995 #3612].
67 For treatment as a separate species from P. puffinus, see Sangster et al. (2002) [Sangster, 2002 #3474] and references therein, and Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112].
68 Often treated as a separate species; see Sangster et al. (2002) [Sangster, 2002 #3474] and references therein, but see Yésou (2011) [Yésou, 2011 #13962].
69 Considered to form a superspecies with P. lherminieri by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]. Degree of genetic differentiation among subspecies suggests more than one species may be involved; see Pyle et al. (2011) [Pyle, 2011 #13233].
70 The names Procellaria munda Kuhl, 1820, and Nectris munda Kuhl, 1820, have been suppressed as regards Priority but not as regards Homonymy; see Opinion 497 (I.C.Z.N., 1957) [I.C.Z.N., 1957 #2051].
71 For treatment as a separate species see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
72 This and boydi formerly treated as subspecies of P. assimilis, but see Austin et al. (2004) [Austin, 2004 #112].
73 For continued recognition as a separate species from P. lherminieri or P. assimilis see Coates (1985) [Coates, 1985 #1002].
74 For recognition see Imber (1985) [Imber, 1985 #2062], Bretagnolle et al. (1998) [Bretagnolle, 1998 #479], and Kennedy & Page (2002) [Kennedy, 2002 #2206]. Species sequence from Gangloff et al. (2011) [Gangloff, 2011 #13389].
75 For treatment as a separate species see Imber (1985) [Imber, 1985 #2062], Shirihai (2008) [Shirihai, 2008 #10392] and Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
76 For recent rediscovery see Shirihai (2008) [Shirihai, 2008 #10392].
77 Gangloff et al. (2011) [Gangloff, 2011 #13389] questioned subspecies circumscription.
78 For recognition see Bretagnolle et al. (1998) [Bretagnolle, 1998 #479].
79 Separation from Pterodroma questioned by Olson (1975) [Olson, 1975 #13979], but for continued recognition see Kennedy et al. (2002) [Kennedy, 2002 #2206] and Penhallurick & Wink (2004) [Penhallurick, 2004 #3001].
80 Considered to form a superspecies with B. fallax by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]. For continued treatment as separate species, see Zonfrillo (1988) [Zonfrillo, 1988 #13987].
81 Traditionally placed in their own family, but see Nunn & Stanley (1998) [Nunn, 1998 #2790], Cracraft et al. (2004) [Cracraft, 2004 #1078], and Ericson et al. (2006) [Ericson, 2006 #9834]; but see also Penhallurick & Wink (2004) [Penhallurick, 2004 #3001].
82 For need to accept joint authors see Dickinson et al. (2015) [Dickinson, 2015 #15882].
83 Includes elizabethae; see Jouanin & Mougin (1979) [Jouanin, 1979 #2162].
84 Correct original spelling. Invariable.