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MOTACILLIDAE - Pipits and Wagtails1 (7:67)
DENDRONANTHUS Blyth, 1844 M - Motacilla indica J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by original designation and monotypy   
Dendronanthus indicus   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Forest Wagtail
vC and E China to S Japan, Korea and Amurland >> S and SE Asia to Sri Lanka, Greater Sundas and Philippines
ANTHUS Bechstein, 1805 M - Alauda pratensis Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (Selby, 1825, Illustrations of British Ornithology, 1, p. xxix).   2
Anthus sokokensis   van Someren, 1921 Sokoke Pipit
vCoastal Kenya and NE Tanzania
Anthus brachyurus Short-tailed Pipit
leggei Ogilvie-Grant, 19063 iSW Uganda to Rwanda, S Gabon and S DR Congo to NW Zambia, S Tanzania
brachyurus Sundevall, 18504 αvE South Africa
Anthus caffer Bushveld Pipit
australoabyssinicus Benson, 1942 vS Ethiopia
blayneyi van Someren, 1919 iS Kenya, N Tanzania
mzimbaensis Benson, 1955 vE Botswana, Zimbabwe, E Zambia, Malawi
traylori Clancey, 19645 iS Mozambique, lowland NE South Africa (E Limpopo to NE KwaZulu-Natal) [Clancey, 1964 #817]
caffer Sundevall, 18506 αvW Zambia, SE Botswana, plateau of NE South Africa; ? W Angola
Anthus gustavi Pechora Pipit
gustavi Swinhoe, 1863 iExtreme N Russia and N Siberia east to Chukotka, south to N Kamchatka >> Borneo, Philippines, Wallacea
stejnegeri Ridgway, 18837 iCommander Is. >> ? E Asia [Ridgway, 1883 #3276]
menzbieri Shulpin, 19288 iRussian Far East and far-NE China >> Philippines
Anthus trivialis Tree Pipit
trivialis (Linnaeus, 1758)9 vEurope, Turkey and the Caucasus to W and Siberia and N Mongolia >> sub-Saharan and NE Africa, SW Asia
haringtoni Witherby, 1917 iUplands of Afghanistan and C Asia to Tien Shan, Himalayas east to Lahul >> India except NW, NE and S
Anthus hodgsoni Olive-backed Pipit
yunnanensis Uchida & N. Kuroda, Sr., 1916 vNW Siberia east to Koryakland, south to Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Russian Far East, Kuril Is., Hokkaido, N Mongolia and NE China >> S China to Taiwan, S Asia (except NW and SE), mainland SE Asia
hodgsoni Richmond, 190710 iC Japan, N Korea, NC and C China, Himalayas east from Himachal Pradesh >> Ryukyu Is., S China, S Asia (except NW and SE), N continental SE Asia, Philippines
Anthus cervinus 11  (Pallas, 1811) Red-throated Pipit
vN Fenno-Scandia, N Russia, N Siberia to N Kuril and Commander Is. and NW Alaska >> N and tropical Africa, Arabian and Andaman Sea islands, S Japan, SW and S China to Taiwan, mainland SE Asia, N Borneo
Anthus roseatus 12  Blyth, 1847 Rosy Pipit
vMountains of E Afghanistan, S and E Xizang, SW to NC and C China east to Nei Mongol and Hubei, Himalayas east from N Pakistan, N and NE Myanmar >> far-north S Asia, far-N continental SE Asia
Anthus rubescens13 American Pipit/Buff-bellied Pipit
rubescens (Tunstall, 1771) iN and E Canada, W Greenland, NE USA >> Central America
pacificus Todd, 193514,15 vAlaska, W Canada, NW USA (to N Oregon) >> W Mexico
alticola Todd, 1935 iSW Canada (S British Columbia), W USA (to California) >> Mexico
japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 184716 vSiberia from Taymyr Pen. to Chukotka, south to Baikal, Kamchatka, NE Russian Far East, Sakhalin and Kuril Is. >> Japan (except N), S Korea, S and SE China, far-N continental SE Asia
Anthus pratensis 17  (Linnaeus , 1758) Meadow Pipit
vEurope, NW Siberia >> W and S Europe, N Africa, SW Asia
Anthus spinoletta18 Water Pipit
spinoletta (Linnaeus, 1758) iMountains of C and SW Europe >> NW, W and S Europe, N Africa
coutellii Audouin, 182619 αiAsia Minor and Caucasus area to N Iran >> NE Africa and SW Asia
blakistoni Swinhoe, 186320 iEC Siberia east to S Baikal; NE Afghanistan and C Asia to Tien Shan and Altai, NW China in Xinjiang and NC China in Qinghai >> SW, C and E China, Pakistan, NW India
Anthus petrosus Rock Pipit
petrosus (Montagu, 1798)21 vW France, British Isles (except Shetland Is. and St. Kilda I.) >> W Europe
littoralis C.L. Brehm, 1823 vScandinavia, NW Russia, Estonia, Denmark >> W Europe
Anthus furcatus Short-billed Pipit
brevirostris Taczanowski, 187522 αvC Peru, W Bolivia, NW Argentina (Jujuy)
furcatus d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837 vArgentina (Tucumán to Chubut), SE Brazil, Uruguay
Anthus lutescens Yellowish Pipit
parvus Lawrence, 186523 vW Panama (Pacific slope)
peruvianus F. Nicholson, 1878 vW Peru (from La Libertad) to N Chile (Arica)
lutescens Pucheran, 1855 iNE Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, E Bolivia, Brazil, C Argentina, Uruguay
Anthus chacoensis   J.T. Zimmer, 1952 Pampas Pipit
vParaguay (from Concepción) to EC Argentina (SC Buenos Aires)
Anthus spragueii   (Audubon, 1844) Sprague's Pipit
iS Canada (C Alberta to SW Manitoba), N USA (Montana to NW Minnesota) >> S USA, C Mexico
Anthus hellmayri24 Hellmayr's Pipit
1 hellmayri E. Hartert, 1909 iSE Peru (Puno) to NW Argentina (to Córdoba)
1 dabbenei Hellmayr, 192125 iSW Argentina (Neuquén to W Chubut)
2 brasilianus Hellmayr, 192126 vSE Brazil (from Espírito Santo), SE Paraguay, NE Argentina (Corrientes, E Buenos Aires), Uruguay
Anthus bogotensis Paramo Pipit
meridae J.T. Zimmer, 1953 iW Venezuela (Andes from Trujillo to N Táchira)
bogotensis P.L. Sclater, 1855 vSW Venezuela (S Táchira), Colombia to N Peru (Cajamarca)
immaculatus Cory, 1916 vNC Peru to Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba)
shiptoni (C. Chubb, 1923) iNW Argentina (Tucumán)
Anthus nattereri   P.L. Sclater, 1878 Ochre-breasted Pipit
iS Paraguay, NE Argentina (Corrientes), SE Brazil (Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul)
Anthus correndera27 Correndera Pipit
calcaratus Taczanowski, 187528 αvAndes of C Peru (Junín, Cuzco, Puno)
catamarcae Hellmayr, 192129 iAndes of SW Bolivia, N Chile (E Antofagasta) and NW Argentina (Catamarca)
correndera Vieillot, 1818 iS Paraguay, N Argentina, SE Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul), Uruguay
chilensis (Lesson, 1839) vChile (from Atacama), S Argentina to Tierra del Fuego
grayi Bonaparte, 1850 iFalkland Is.
Anthus antarcticus   Cabanis, 1884 South Georgia Pipit
vSouth Georgia I. (S Atlantic Ocean)
Anthus sylvanus 30  (Hodgson, 1845) Upland Pipit
vNE Afghanistan, N Pakistan, Himalayas east to E Nepal, SW and S China east to Zhejiang, ? NE Myanmar [Hodgson, 1845 #1980]
Anthus nilghiriensis   Sharpe, 1885 Nilgiri Pipit
vSW India in Western Ghats
Anthus hoeschi 31  Stresemann, 1938 Mountain Pipit
iLesotho, adjacent Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal >> E Angola, S DR Congo, NW Zambia
Anthus crenatus   Finsch & Hartlaub, 1870 Yellow-tufted Pipit
vS, C and E South Africa, Lesotho
Anthus lineiventris 32,33  Sundevall, 1850 Striped Pipitα
vS Kenya to NE and E South Africa; W Angola
Anthus richardi 34,35  Vieillot, 1818 Richard's Pipit
W Siberia (east to Lena basin) and Russian Far East, Korea, Mongolia, N and C China >> S Europe, SW and S Asia, S China, continental SE Asia
Anthus rufulus36,37 Paddyfield Pipit
rufulus Vieillot, 181838 vFar-S China, SE Afghanistan, S Asia to Sri Lanka, continental SE Asia except S
malayensis Eyton, 183939 vS continental SE Asia, Thai-Malay Pen., Greater Sundas
lugubris (Walden, 1875) vPhilippines [Walden, 1875 #4071]
albidus Stresemann, 1912 vLombok to Flores and Sumba (Lesser Sundas), S Sulawesi
medius Wallace, 186440,41 αvSavu to Sermata (Lesser Sundas)
Anthus australis42 Australian Pipit
exiguus Greenway, 193543 vMid-montane EC and SE New Guinea (short grasslands of E central cordillera)
rogersi Mathews, 1913 iCoastal NW Australia to Cape York Pen.
bilbali Mathews, 1912 iSW Western Australia, SC South Australia
australis Vieillot, 181844 vWC, C, E and SE Australia
bistriatus (Swainson, 1838)45 αvTasmania, Flinders I., King I.
Anthus novaeseelandiae New Zealand Pipit
novaeseelandiae (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)46 iNorth Island, South island (New Zealand)
chathamensis Lorenz von Liburnau, 1902 vChatham Is.
aucklandicus G.R. Gray, 1862 vAuckland Is.
steindachneri Reischek, 1889 iAntipodes Is.
Anthus nyassae47 Woodland Pipit
schoutedeni Chapin, 193748 iS DR Congo to S PR Congo, Angola, and W Zambia
nyassae Neumann, 190649 iE Zambia, SW Tanzania, Malawi, NW Mozambique
chersophilus Clancey, 198950 vNE Namibia, N Botswana, S Angola, SW Zambia [Clancey, 1989 #942]
frondicolus Clancey, 196451 iZimbabwe to NE Botswana and W Mozambique [Clancey, 1964 #816]
Anthus godlewskii   (Taczanowski, 1876) Blyth's Pipit
iEC Siberia to Baikal, Mongolia, NC China in Nei Mongol >> SW Asia in Persian Gulf, S Asia (except far-NW), NW continental SE Asia
Anthus leucophrys52 Plain-backed Pipit
ansorgei C.M.N. White, 1948 iSenegal, Gambia, S Mauritania, Guinea-Bissau
gouldii Fraser, 1843 iSierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast
zenkeri Neumann, 1906 iS Mali, Ghana and Nigeria to S Sudan, N DR Congo, Uganda and W Kenya
saphiroi Neumann, 1906 iSE Ethiopia, NW Somalia
goodsoni R. Meinertzhagen, 1920 iC and SW Kenya, N Tanzania
omoensis Neumann, 1906 vN, C and W Ethiopia, E South Sudan
bohndorffi Neumann, 1906 iN and C Angola to Tanzania and N Malawi
leucophrys Vieillot, 1818 iSouth Africa, SE Botswana
tephridorsus Clancey, 196753 iS Angola, N Namibia, SW Zambia, N Botswana, NW Zimbabwe [Clancey, 1967 #833]
Anthus berthelotii 54,55  Bolle, 1862 Berthelot's Pipit
Canary Is., Madeira
Anthus campestris 56  (Linnaeus, 1758) Tawny Pipit
vNW Africa, continental Europe and Siberia east to Baikal, Turkey to Iran and N Afghanistan, C Asia to Tien Shan, Mongolia, NW China in Xinjiang >> N tropical Africa, SW Asia, Pakistan, NW India
Anthus cinnamomeus57 African Pipit/Grassveld Pipit
eximius Clancey, 198658 vYemen [Clancey, 1986 #931]
annae R. Meinertzhagen, 1921 iEritrea and Djibouti to NE Tanzania
lynesi Bannerman & G.L. Bates, 1926 iSE Nigeria and E Cameroon to SW Sudan
camaroonensis Shelley, 1900 vW Cameroon (Mont Cameroun and Mt. Manenguba)
stabilis Clancey, 1986 vS Sudan, E South Sudan [Clancey, 1986 #931]
cinnamomeus Rüppell, 1840 vW and SE Ethiopian Highlands
itombwensis Prigogine, 198159,60 vE DR Congo highlands
latistriatus F.J. Jackson, 189961 vSW Uganda, W Kenya, E DR Congo, NW Tanzania (breeding range unknown)
lacuum R. Meinertzhagen, 192062,63 αiSE Uganda, W and S Kenya, N and C Tanzania
spurius Clancey, 1951 SE Tanzania, S Malawi, Mozambique lowlands
bocagii F. Nicholson, 188464 δiW and S Angola, Namibia, Botswana and adjacent N and NW South Africa and W Zimbabwe
grotei Niethammer, 1957 iSaline pans of N Namibia, N Botswana
lichenya Vincent, 1933 iN Angola to W Tanzania, south to Zambia, Malawi, NW Mozambique, Zimbabwe
rufuloides Roberts, 1936 iSouth Africa (except N and NW)
Anthus vaalensis Buffy Pipit
chobiensis (Roberts, 1932)65,66 vSE Angola, S DR Congo, SW Tanzania and Malawi to N Botswana and Zimbabwe
neumanni R. Meinertzhagen, 1920 iAngolan plateau
namibicus Clancey, 199067 vNC Namibia [Clancey, 1990 #948]
exasperatus Winterbottom, 1963 vN Namibia to C and NE Botswana [Winterbottom, 1963 #4250]
vaalensis Shelley, 190068 vS Botswana, E, C and S South Africa
Anthus longicaudatus 69  Liversidge, 1996 Long-tailed Pipit
vC South Africa [Liversidge, 1996 #2399]
Anthus pseudosimilis 70  Liversidge & Voelker, 2002 Kimberley Pipit
vNW and C South Africa [Liversidge, 2002 #2400]
Anthus similis71 Long-billed Pipit
primarius Clancey, 199072 vS South Africa (Western and Eastern Cape) [Clancey, 1990 #946]
nicholsoni Sharpe, 1884 iSE Botswana to N South Africa (Northern Cape and North West Province)
petricolus Clancey, 195673 iNE and E South Africa, Lesotho
leucocraspedon Reichenow, 1915 iW and C Namibia
palliditinctus Clancey, 195674 vNamibia, SW Angola
moco Traylor, 196275 iC Angola (Mt. Moco)
dewittei Chapin, 193776 iSE and E DR Congo, SW Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi
hararensis Neumann, 1906 vEthiopian Highlands
chyuluensis van Someren, 193977 vN, W and S Kenya, N Tanzania
nivescens Reichenow, 1905 iE Ethiopia to N Somalia
sokotrae E. Hartert, 191778 iSocotra
jebelmarrae Lynes, 1920 iSC and SW Sudan
asbenaicus Rothschild, 1920 vC Niger, E and C Mali
bannermani G.L. Bates, 193079,80 iSierra Leone to Nigeria and Cameroon
captus E. Hartert, 1905 vLebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel
arabicus E. Hartert, 191781 vSW Arabia, NE Sudan, NE Eritrea
decaptus R. Meinertzhagen, 1920 vNE Arabia, Iran, SE Afghanistan, Pakistan >> NW India
jerdoni Finsch, 1870 iNE Afghanistan, Himalayas east to W Nepal >> Pakistan, N India, NW Bangladesh
yamethini B.P. Hall, 1957 iC Myanmar
similis (Jerdon, 1840) vW India
travancoriensis Ripley, 195382 vSW India
Anthus melindae Malindi Pipit
mallablensis Colston, 198783 vSC Somalia [Colston, 1987 #1030]
melindae Shelley, 1900 iS Somalia, coastal Kenya
Anthus pallidiventris Long-legged Pipit
pallidiventris Sharpe, 1885 vS Benin to S Nigeria; S Cameroon to N Angola
esobe Chapin, 1937 iMiddle basin of R. Congo
Anthus gutturalis Alpine Pipit
wollastoni Ogilvie-Grant, 1913 iAlpine WC New Guinea (Maoke Mts.)
rhododendri Mayr, 1931 iAlpine EC and NE New Guinea (Central Highlands, mountains of Huon Pen.)
gutturalis De Vis, 1894 vAlpine SE New Guinea (Wharton Range and Owen Stanley Range)
MACRONYX Swainson, 1827 M - L'Alouette Sentinelle Levaillant; type by original designation = Alauda capensis Linnaeus, 1766  
Macronyx flavicollis   Rüppell, 1840 Abyssinian Longclaw
Macronyx fuelleborni Fülleborn's Longclaw
fuelleborni Reichenow, 190084 δiS Tanzania
ascensi Salvadori, 1907 iAngola to SW Tanzania
Macronyx capensis Cape Longclaw
capensis (Linnaeus, 1766) vS South Africa (Western Cape, SW Eastern Cape)
colletti Schou, 190885,86 iSE Botswana, C and E Zimbabwe to E and C South Africa (Limpopo and North West Province to Eastern Cape)
Macronyx croceus Yellow-throated Longclaw
hygricus Clancey, 198487 vSenegal to Chad, south to PR Congo [Clancey, 1984 #923]
croceus (Vieillot, 1816) vSouth Sudan, Uganda and Kenya to N DR Congo and C Tanzania
tertius Clancey, 195888 vS Tanzania to E Zimbabwe, Mozambique, NE South Africa
vulturnus Friedmann, 193089 δSE South Africa
Macronyx aurantiigula   Reichenow, 1891 Pangani Longclaw
iSE Somalia, S and SE Kenya, NE Tanzania
Macronyx ameliae Rosy-breasted Longclaw
wintoni Sharpe, 189190 SW Kenya, N Tanzania.
altanus Clancey, 196691 SW Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia to C Angola, south to N Botswana, C Zimbabwe [Clancey, 1966 #827]
ameliae de Tarragon, 1849 S Mozambique and adjacent E South Africa
Macronyx grimwoodi 92  Benson, 1955 Grimwood's Longclaw
iC and NE Angola to S DR Congo and NW Zambia
Macronyx sharpei 93  F.J. Jackson, 1904 Sharpe's Longclaw
iW and C Kenya
HEMIMACRONYX Roberts, 1922 M - Anthus chloris Sundevall; type by original designation and monotypy = Anthus chloris M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1842
Hemimacronyx chloris 94  (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1842) Yellow-breasted Pipit
E South Africa, Lesotho
TMETOTHYLACUS Cabanis, 1879 M - Macronix tenellus Cabanis, 1878; type by monotypy   
Tmetothylacus tenellus   (Cabanis, 1878) Golden Pipit
vSE South Sudan, NE Uganda, Somalia, N and E Kenya, NE and C Tanzania
MOTACILLA Linnaeus, 1758 F - Motacilla alba Linnaeus, 1758; type by Linnaean tautonymy   95
Motacilla flaviventris   Hartlaub, 1860 Madagascar Wagtail
Motacilla clara Mountain Wagtail
chapini Amadon, 1954 iGuinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone to W Uganda
clara Sharpe, 1908 vEthiopia
torrentium Ticehurst, 1940 iE Uganda and Kenya to Angola, Zimbabwe and E South Africa
Motacilla capensis Cape Wagtail
simplicissima Neumann, 1929 vAngola, and N Botswana to Zambia and W Zimbabwe
capensis Linnaeus, 1766 vSouth Africa, Namibia, E Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique
wellsi Ogilvie-Grant, 1911 iE DR Congo, SW Uganda to Kenya
Motacilla flava96 Yellow Wagtail
flavissima (Blyth, 1834) vBritish Isles and coastal W Europe >> Senegal and Gambia to Ivory Coast
flava Linnaeus, 1758 vW and C Europe to C Russia and N Ukraine >> sub-Saharan Africa
iberiae E. Hartert, 1921 iSW France, Iberia, NW Africa >> W Africa
cinereocapilla Savi, 1831 iSE France, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, W Croatia >> Mali to Lake Chad
pygmaea (A.E. Brehm, 1854) vEgypt
beema (Sykes, 1832) iExtreme SE Russia, SW and SC Siberia to Upper Yenisey and N Altai, N Kazakhstan >> E Africa, S Asia
leucocephala (Przevalski, 1887) vW and NW Mongolia, NW China in N Xinjiang >> Pakistan, NW India, W Nepal
lutea (S.G. Gmelin, 1774) vLower R. Volga to NW Kazakhstan (W and C Kirghiz steppe) and adjacent parts of SW Siberia >> S Asia
feldegg Michahelles, 183097 iSE Europe and Turkey east to N and E Iran, N Afghanistan, C Asia north to S Kazakhstan, far-NW China in NW Xinjiang >> Sudan to Nigeria and DR Congo, SW and S Asia
thunbergi Billberg, 182898 iN Europe and N Siberia (east to Kolyma basin) >> tropical Africa, S Asia, (W?) mainland SE Asia
Motacilla aguimp African Wagtail
vidua Sundevall, 1850 iSE Senegal to Ethiopia and S Somalia, south to Angola, N and E Botswana, NE and SE South Africa
aguimp Temminck, 182099 αiW and C South Africa (R. Orange and lower R. Vaal systems) [Temminck, 1820 #3818]
Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail
cinerea Tunstall, 1771100,101 vEurope, Canary Is. and NW Africa through Central Asia to Kamchatka, NE China, Amur, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Himalayas >> N and E Africa, S China, SW, S and SE Asia
schmitzi von Tschusi, 1900 iMadeira
patriciae Vaurie, 1957 iAzores
Motacilla citreola102 Citrine Wagtail
1 citreola Pallas, 1776103 vFinland and N Russia to C Siberia, Mongolia and NW Heilongjiang >> S Asia
1 werae (Buturlin, 1907)104 N Ukraine, Poland and Baltic States east through S Russia and N Kazakhstan to Altai Mts. and NW Xinjiang >> SW and S Asia
2 calcarata Hodgson, 1836105 vE Iran and mountains of C Asia to Tien Shan Mts., Himalayas and C China >> SW and S Asia, N continental SE Asia
Motacilla tschutschensis106 Green-headed Wagtail
macronyx (Stresemann, 1920) SE Russian Far East, E Mongolia, NC and NE China >> SE China, mainland SE Asia, Sumatra
taivana (Swinhoe, 1863) vRussian Far East (except SE), Sakhalin to Hokkaido >> SE China to Taiwan, mainland SE Asia (except NW), Greater Sundas, Philippines, Wallacea, N Australia
tschutschensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789107 vZaysan Basin, S Altai to Baikal area, S Siberia to Kamchatka, N Kuril Is., St Lawrence I. and Commander Is., W and N Alaska >> SE China, S and SE Asia, New Guinea, N Australia
Motacilla maderaspatensis 108  J.F. Gmelin, 1789 White-browed Wagtailδ
vS Asia (except Sri Lanka) >> Sri Lanka
Motacilla samveasnae 109,110  Duckworth et al., 2001 Mekong Wagtail
iMekong basin in S Laos, extreme E Thailand and Cambodia [Duckworth, 2001 #1432]
Motacilla grandis   Sharpe, 1885 Japanese Wagtail
vJapan, S Korea >> (occasional) E China
Motacilla alba111 White Wagtail
1 yarrellii Gould, 1837112 δiBritish Isles >> south to NW Africa
1 alba Linnaeus, 1758113 vIceland, continental Europe, Siberia (east to Taymyr Pen.), south to Turkey, Caucasus, N Iran, N Kazakhstan >> N and tropical Africa, Europe, SW and S Asia
1 personata Gould, 1861 vIran, Afghanistan, C Asia east to Tien Shan and Altai, NW China in Xinjiang, far-NW Himalayas >> S Asia except NE and S
1 baicalensis Swinhoe, 1871 vSC Siberia east to Baikal and W Russian Far East, Mongolia, NC China in Nei Mongol >> SE Xizang, S China, NE India, continental SE Asia except SW and S
2 subpersonata Meade-Waldo, 1901 vMorocco
3 ocularis Swinhoe, 1860 vN Siberia from Yenisey valley to far-NE and south to N Kamchatka; W Alaska >> Ryukyu Is., SE Xizang, S China to Taiwan, mainland SE Asia, W and N Philippines,
3 lugens Gloger, 1829 iE Siberia from S Koryakland and Kamchatka (except N) to Russian Far East (east of baicalensis), Kuril Is., Japan >> S Japan, Korea, S and E China
4 leucopsis Gould, 1838 iSW Russian Far East, SW Japan and Ryukyu Is., Korea, NC, NE and E China >> SE Xizang, S China to Taiwan, mainland SE Asia
4 alboides Hodgson, 1836 iSW China, Himalayas east from N Pakistan (east of personata), NW continental SE Asia
AMAUROCICHLA Sharpe, 1892 F - Amaurocichla bocagei Sharpe, 1892; type by monotypy   114
Amaurocichla bocagii   Sharpe, 1892 Bocage's Longbill
iSão Tomé

1 Sequence of genera based on Voelker & Edwards (1998) [Voelker, 1998 #15264]. See also Outlaw & Voelker (2006) [Outlaw, 2006 #12401] and Pavlova et al. (2003) [Pavlova, 2003 #2962].
2 Sequence of species derived from the four major clades in Fig. 1 in Voelker (1999) [Voelker, 1999 #15742] with unscreened species interpolated.
3 Includes eludens Clancey, 1985 [Clancey, 1985 #926], see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987].
4 Vaurie et al. (1960) [Vaurie, 1960 #3963] dated this 1851, but see Gyldenstolpe (1926) [Gyldenstolpe, 1926 #1841].
5 For recognition see Voelker in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
6 Vaurie et al. (1960) [Vaurie, 1960 #3963] dated this 1851, but see Gyldenstolpe (1926) [Gyldenstolpe, 1926 #1841].
7 This name, which has priority over commandorensis, appeared in Hartert (1903) [Hartert, 1903 #1904], but not in Sharpe (1885) [Sharpe, 1885 #3586], Vaurie (1959) [Vaurie, 1959 #3961] nor Vaurie et al. (1960) [Vaurie, 1960 #3963]. This population not considered distinct by Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282].
8 For a suggestion that this may be a separate species see Leonovich et al. (1997) [Leonovich, 1997 #2372] and Drovetski & Fadeev (2010) [Drovetski, 2010 #12514].
9 Includes differens Clancey, 1987 [Clancey, 1987 #936], see Roselaar (1995) [Roselaar, 1995 #3385]. Also includes sibiricus see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282].
10 Includes berezowskii; see Hall (1961) [Hall, 1961 #1884] and Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087].
11 Includes rufigularis see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]. But see Stepanyan (2003) [Stepanyan, 2003 #4769].
12 Although Deignan (1960) [Deignan, 1960 #9497] correctly noted that the name pelopus had priority Opinion 803 (I.C.Z.N., 1967) [I.C.Z.N., 1967 #6623] suppressed that name.
13 For treatment as a separate species from A. spinoletta; see A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9] and references therein.
14 Includes geophilus Oberholser, 1946 [Oberholser, 1946 #14564]; see Hendricks & Verbeek (2012) [Hendricks, 2012 #14565] and Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
15 Treated as synonym of rubescens by Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282].
16 May constitute a separate species; see Zink et al. (1995) [Zink, 1995 #8550] and Hendricks & Verbeek (2012) [Hendricks, 2012 #14565].
17 Treated as monotypic following Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]; thus includes theresae.
18 Forms a superspecies with A. rubescens and A. petrosus, see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], although A. spinoletta and A. rubescens are partially sympatric, see A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9].
19 For recommended date see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296] and Sherborn (1925) [Sherborn, 1925 #15559].
20 For recognition see Hall (1961) [Hall, 1961 #1884].
21 Includes kleinschmidti; see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]. But see Knox (1988) [Knox, 1988 #2241] and Sangster et al. (2002) [Sangster, 2002 #3474].
22 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
23 May merit treatment as a separate species; see Phillips (1991) [Phillips, 1991 #3072].
24 Subspecies groups based on Voelker (1999) [Voelker, 1999 #4033]. See also Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
25 Perhaps not diagnosable from nominate, see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
26 May merit treatment as a separate species, see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
27 Forms a superspecies with A. antarcticus; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Voelker (1999) [Voelker, 1999 #4033].
28 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
29 May merit treatment as separate species, see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
30 Hall (1961) [Hall, 1961 #1884] noted that Hodgson's name appeared before the same name appeared from Blyth. Baker (1930) [Baker, 1930 #163] also had evidence that this paper by Blyth appeared late.
31 For reasons to extract this from synonymy in a broad A. novaeseelandiae and treat it at specific rank, see Clancey (1984) [Clancey, 1984 #922] and Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987]. Includes lwenarum and editus, see Clancey (1990) [Clancey, 1990 #946].
32 Includes stygius see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187]. Also implicitly includes sylvivagus Clancey, 1984 [Clancey, 1984 #922], see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987].
33 Vaurie et al. (1960) [Vaurie, 1960 #3963] dated this 1851, but see Gyldenstolpe (1926) [Gyldenstolpe, 1926 #1841].
34 For treatment as a separate species from A. novaeseelandiae; see Stresemann & Stresemann (1968) [Stresemann, 1968 15687] and Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087] and Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533]. But see Hall (1961) [Hall, 1961 #1884].
35 For treatment as monotypic see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282] thus includes dauricus, centralasiae, sinensis and .
36 For treatment as a separate species from A. richardi; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], Robson (2000) [Robson, 2000 #3368] and Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]. But see Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087] and Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533].
37 Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282] recognised only the nominate form and malayensis but made no mention of a Philippine population. But see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
38 Includes waitei see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282].
39 Includes idjenensis Hoogerwerf, 1962 [Hoogerwerf, 1962 #2001], see Mees (1996) [Mees, 1996 #2638].
40 Doubtfully distinct from malayensis see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282].
41 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
42 For treatment as a separate species from A. novaeseelandiae see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524]; see also Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348]. For subspecies treatment see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
43 For treatment as a separate species from A. novaeseelandiae see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] and Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348]; but see Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602] for an alternative view. Subspecies treatment follows Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
44 Includes subaustralis see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524].
45 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
46 Includes reischeki see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203] and Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
47 For treatment as a separate species from A. similis see Clancey (1990) [Clancey, 1990 #946]; for an alternative view see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987] and Dowsett & Dowsett-Lemaire (1993) [Dowsett, 1993 #1417].
48 For recognition see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987].
49 Includes winterbottomi Clancey, 1985 [Clancey, 1985 #927] see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987] and Dowsett et al. (2008) [Dowsett, 2008 #12725]. However, Clancey (1990) [Clancey, 1990 #946] recognised this as a subspecies of a separate A. latistriatus, while Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203] treated it as a subspecies of A. cinnamomeus.
50 For recognition see Voelker in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
51 For recognition see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987].
52 The races saphiroi and goodsoni were attached here by Hall (1961) [Hall, 1961 #1884] and Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987], but were moved to A. vaalensis by Clancey (1990) [Clancey, 1990 #946], followed by Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
53 For recognition see Voelker in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
54 Includes madeirensis; see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282] and Mlíkovský et al. (2013) [Mlíkovský, 2013 #14938].
55 For assignment of date precedence to the Journal für Ornithologie description over that in The Ibis see Mlíkovský et al. (2013) [Mlíkovský, 2013 #14938].
56 Treated as monotypic by Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282] thus includes kastschenkoi and griseus, although the latter is recognised by Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203]. Also includes boehmii Portenko, 1960 [Portenko, 1960 #3108], see Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087].
57 For treatment as a separate species from A. novaeseelandiae see Prigogine (1981, 1985) [Prigogine, 1981 #3145], but see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987] and Dowsett et al. (2008) [Dowsett, 2008 #12725]. Subspecies treatment follows Pearson (op cit.).
58 For recognition see Clancey (1990) [Clancey, 1990 #946].
59 For recognition see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987].
60 Probably not published until 1982; but proof not obtained.
61 Recognised and treated within a broad A. novaeseelandiae by Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987]; but considered a separate species by Clancey (1990) [Clancey, 1990 #946].
62 For recognition of this subspecies, and of annae, spurius, grotei and lichenya, see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987].
63 Correct date of publication November 9, 1920.
64 Correct original spelling. Spelling bocagei in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
65 For recognition see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987].
66 Includes marungensis, see Clancey (1990) [Clancey, 1990 #946].
67 For recognition of this and the next subspecies, see Voelker in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
68 Includes clanceyi Winterbottom, 1963 [Winterbottom, 1963 #4250]; see Voelker in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
69 This is accepted tentatively and probably only briefly as we understand a paper placing this name in synonymy has been accepted for publication.
70 This is accepted tentatively and probably only briefly as we understand a paper placing this name in synonymy has been accepted for publication. See also Voelker & Liversidge in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
71 Finch et al. (2013) [Finch, 2013 #15418] report a genetic divergence between subspecies from Kenya and Israel and specimens from southern Africa which suggests that the species may be paraphyletic.
72 For recognition see Voelker in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
73 For recognition see Voelker in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
74 For recognition see Voelker in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
75 Treated as a synonym of subspecies dewittei by Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
76 Includes hallae see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987]; but see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
77 Treated as a synonym of subspecies hararensis by Vaurie et al. (1960) [Vaurie, 1960 #3963] and Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203]. But see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987] and Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533].
78 For support for continuing recognition of this taxon see Kirwan & Grieve (2010) [Kirwan, 2010 #13426].
79 Includes josensis see Pearson (1992) [Pearson, 1992 #2987]; but see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
80 Treated by Clancey (1990) [Clancey, 1990 #946] as a subspecies of species A. latistriatus, and Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] considered these two to comprise a superspecies.
81 Perhaps not distinct from subspecies nivescens; see Kirwan & Grieve (2010) [Kirwan, 2010 #13426].
82 Treated as a synonym of the nominate subspecies by Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]; but accepted by Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
83 Includes pallidus Colston, 1982 [Colston, 1982 #1027]; preoccupied by A. bogotensis pallidus Carriker, 1933.
84 Correct original spelling. Spelling fuellebornii in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
85 Includes stabilior see White (1961) [White, 1961 #4187] and latimerae Clancey, 1963 [Clancey, 1963 #813], see White (1963) [White, 1963 #4190]. But see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203] for recognition of stabilior.
86 This author's name was not Schouteden as given by Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533].
87 For implicit recognition see Chittenden in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
88 For recognition of this and subspecies vulturnus see Chittendon in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
89 Correct original spelling. Spelling vulturinus in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
90 For recognition see Zimmerman et al. (1996) [Zimmerman, 1996 #4328].
91 For recognition see Chittenden in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
92 Implicitly includes cuandocubangensis da Rosa Pinto, 1968 [da Rosa Pinto, 1968 #1111], see Taylor (1992) [Taylor, 1992 #3806].
93 For treatment in the genus Macronyx see Taylor (1992) [Taylor, 1992 #3806] and Zimmerman et al. (1996) [Zimmerman, 1996 #4328]. But see Cooper (1985) [Cooper, 1985 #14892] and Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
94 For treatment in the genus Hemimacronyx see Cooper (1985) [Cooper, 1985 #14892] and Voelker & Edwards (1998) [Voelker, 1998 #15264].
95 For phylogenetic information see the results of Ödeen & Alström as published in Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282] and the extensive discussion included there. Species sequence here based on their fig. 55 but adjusted based on Ödeen & Björklund (2003) [Ödeen, 2003 #2890].
96 Subspecies included based on one of the two clades depicted in fig. 56 in Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282] and their commentary. See also Pavlova et al. (2003) [Pavlova, 2003 #2962] and Banks et al. (2004) [Banks, 2004 #203].
97 Includes melanogrisea; see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]. But see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
98 Includes plexa; see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]. But see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
99 For authorship and date of this name see Sherborn (1923) [Sherborn, 1923 #15558].
100 For validation of this name see Opinion 882, I.C.Z.N. (1969) [I.C.Z.N., 1969 #2053].
101 Includes canariensis, melanope and robusta; see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]; but see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
102 Subspecies groups follow Voelker (2002) [Voelker, 2002 #4035] and Pavlova et al. (2003) [Pavlova, 2003 #2962], who treated them as species. Although this was supported by mtDNA data the nuclear data is less supportive, see Alström & Ödeen in Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282].
103 Includes quassitrix Portenko, 1960 [Portenko, 1960 #3108], see Cramp et al. (1988) [Cramp, 1988 #1087]. But see Stepanyan (2003) [Stepanyan, 2003 #4769].
104 Includes sindzianicus Portenko, 1960 [Portenko, 1960 #3108], see Stepanyan (1990, 2003) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721], [Stepanyan, 2003 #4769]; a subtle but distinct form, although see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282].
105 Although mtDNA suggests these two subspecies groups are species, see Voelker (2002) [Voelker, 2002 #4035] and Pavlova et al. (2003) [Pavlova, 2003 #2962], the nuclear DNA is less supportive, see Alström & Ödeen in Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282].
106 Subspecies included based on one of the two clades depicted in fig. 56 in Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282] and their commentary. See also Pavlova et al. (2003) [Pavlova, 2003 #2962] and Banks et al. (2004) [Banks, 2004 #203].
107 Includes zaissanensis, angarensis and simillima; see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]. But see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
108 Correct original spelling. Spelling madaraspatensis in Vaurie et al. (1960) [Vaurie, 1960 #3963] was an ISS.
109 For recognition see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282] and Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
110 We include all authors' names when five or fewer are involved.
111 For treatment as two species see A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9]; but M. lugens was replaced within M. alba by Banks et al. (2005) [Banks, 2005 #5802]. Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203] outlined four subspecies groups based on Vaurie (1959) [Vaurie, 1959 #3961] which we follow.
112 Correct original spelling. Spelling yarrelli in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
113 Includes forwoodi and tentatively dukhunensis; see Alström & Mild (2003) [Alström, 2003 #13282]; but see Tyler (2004) [Tyler, 2004 #12203].
114 For transfer from the Sylviidae to the Motacillidae see Johansson et al. (2008) [Johansson, 2008 #10998].