Motacilla clara Mountain Wagtail
chapini Amadon, 1954 iGuinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone to W Uganda
clara Sharpe, 1908 vEthiopia
torrentium Ticehurst, 1940 iE Uganda and Kenya to Angola, Zimbabwe and E South Africa
Motacilla capensis Cape Wagtail
simplicissima Neumann, 1929 vAngola, and N Botswana to Zambia and W Zimbabwe
capensis Linnaeus, 1766 vSouth Africa, Namibia, E Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique
wellsi Ogilvie-Grant, 1911 iE DR Congo, SW Uganda to Kenya
Motacilla flava96 Yellow Wagtail flavissima (Blyth, 1834) vBritish Isles and coastal W Europe >> Senegal and Gambia to Ivory Coast
flava Linnaeus, 1758 vW and C Europe to C Russia and N Ukraine >> sub-Saharan Africa
iberiae E. Hartert, 1921 iSW France, Iberia, NW Africa >> W Africa
cinereocapilla Savi, 1831 iSE France, Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, W Croatia >> Mali to Lake Chad
pygmaea (A.E. Brehm, 1854) vEgypt
beema (Sykes, 1832) iExtreme SE Russia, SW and SC Siberia to Upper Yenisey and N Altai, N Kazakhstan >> E Africa, S Asia
leucocephala (Przevalski, 1887) vW and NW Mongolia, NW China in N Xinjiang >> Pakistan, NW India, W Nepal
lutea (S.G. Gmelin, 1774) vLower R. Volga to NW Kazakhstan (W and C Kirghiz steppe) and adjacent parts of SW Siberia >> S Asia
feldegg Michahelles, 183097 iSE Europe and Turkey east to N and E Iran, N Afghanistan, C Asia north to S Kazakhstan, far-NW China in NW Xinjiang >> Sudan to Nigeria and DR Congo, SW and S Asia thunbergi Billberg, 182898 iN Europe and N Siberia (east to Kolyma basin) >> tropical Africa, S Asia, (W?) mainland SE Asia Motacilla aguimp African Wagtail
vidua Sundevall, 1850 iSE Senegal to Ethiopia and S Somalia, south to Angola, N and E Botswana, NE and SE South Africa
aguimp Temminck, 182099 αiW and C South Africa (R. Orange and lower R. Vaal systems) [Temminck, 1820 #3818] Motacilla cinerea Grey Wagtail
cinerea Tunstall, 1771100,101 vEurope, Canary Is. and NW Africa through Central Asia to Kamchatka, NE China, Amur, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Himalayas >> N and E Africa, S China, SW, S and SE Asia schmitzi von Tschusi, 1900 iMadeira
patriciae Vaurie, 1957 iAzores
Motacilla tschutschensis106 Green-headed Wagtail macronyx (Stresemann, 1920) SE Russian Far East, E Mongolia, NC and NE China >> SE China, mainland SE Asia, Sumatra
taivana (Swinhoe, 1863) vRussian Far East (except SE), Sakhalin to Hokkaido >> SE China to Taiwan, mainland SE Asia (except NW), Greater Sundas, Philippines, Wallacea, N Australia
tschutschensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789107 vZaysan Basin, S Altai to Baikal area, S Siberia to Kamchatka, N Kuril Is., St Lawrence I. and Commander Is., W and N Alaska >> SE China, S and SE Asia, New Guinea, N Australia Motacilla alba111 White Wagtail 1 yarrellii Gould, 1837112 δiBritish Isles >> south to NW Africa 1 alba Linnaeus, 1758113 vIceland, continental Europe, Siberia (east to Taymyr Pen.), south to Turkey, Caucasus, N Iran, N Kazakhstan >> N and tropical Africa, Europe, SW and S Asia 1 personata Gould, 1861 vIran, Afghanistan, C Asia east to Tien Shan and Altai, NW China in Xinjiang, far-NW Himalayas >> S Asia except NE and S
1 baicalensis Swinhoe, 1871 vSC Siberia east to Baikal and W Russian Far East, Mongolia, NC China in Nei Mongol >> SE Xizang, S China, NE India, continental SE Asia except SW and S
2 subpersonata Meade-Waldo, 1901 vMorocco
3 ocularis Swinhoe, 1860 vN Siberia from Yenisey valley to far-NE and south to N Kamchatka; W Alaska >> Ryukyu Is., SE Xizang, S China to Taiwan, mainland SE Asia, W and N Philippines,
3 lugens Gloger, 1829 iE Siberia from S Koryakland and Kamchatka (except N) to Russian Far East (east of baicalensis), Kuril Is., Japan >> S Japan, Korea, S and E China
4 leucopsis Gould, 1838 iSW Russian Far East, SW Japan and Ryukyu Is., Korea, NC, NE and E China >> SE Xizang, S China to Taiwan, mainland SE Asia
4 alboides Hodgson, 1836 iSW China, Himalayas east from N Pakistan (east of personata), NW continental SE Asia