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PARULIDAE - New World Wood Warblers1 (18:108)
SEIURUS Swainson, 1827 M - Turdus aurocapillus A. Wilson, 1812; type by subsequent designation (Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, 10 (1827), p. 171). = Motacilla aurocapilla Linnaeus, 1766  
Seiurus aurocapilla Ovenbird
aurocapilla (Linnaeus, 1766) iC and SE Canada (NE British Columbia to Nova Scotia), E USA (S to N Georgia) >> south to Venezuela
cinereus A.H. Miller, 1942 vE slope of Rocky Mts. and Great Plains of S Canada (S Alberta) to S USA (Colorado) >> Central America
furvior Batchelder, 1918 vE Canada (Newfoundland) >> Bahamas, Cuba, E Central America
HELMITHEROS Rafinesque, 1819 N - Helmitheros migratorius Rafinesque, 1819; type by original designation = Motacilla vermivora J.F. Gmelin, 1789  
Helmitheros vermivorum   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Worm-eating Warbler
vE USA excluding Florida Pen. >> Central America, West Indies
PARKESIA Sangster, 2008 F - Motacilla noveboracensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by original designation2
Parkesia motacilla 3  (Vieillot, 1809) Louisiana Waterthrush
E USA (except Florida) west to Minnesota and Texas >> West Indies, Central America, N Colombia
Parkesia noveboracensis 4  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Northern Waterthrush
vCanada, N USA (south to Oregon, N Wyoming, n West Virginia) >> south to Colombia to Guyana
VERMIVORA Swainson, 1827 F - Vermivora solitaria Swainson, 1827; type by monotypy = Sylvia solitaria A. Wilson, 1810 = Certhia pinus Linnaeus, 1766  5
Vermivora bachmanii   (Audubon, 1833) Bachman's Warbler
iC and SE USA >> Cuba
Vermivora chrysoptera   (Linnaeus, 1766) Golden-winged Warbler
vE USA (Minnesota to Pennsylvania, south to N Georgia) >> Central America
Vermivora cyanoptera 6  Olson & Reveal, 2009 Blue-winged Warbler
vE USA (Wisconsin to New York, south to West Virginia) >> Central America [Olson, 2009 #12034]
MNIOTILTA Vieillot, 1816 F - Figuier varié Buffon; type by monotypy = Motacilla varia Linnaeus, 1766  
Mniotilta varia   (Linnaeus, 1766) Black-and-white Warbler
vC and S Canada, E USA (south to Gulf states) >> Central America, West Indies, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, N Peru
PROTONOTARIA S.F. Baird, 1858 F - Motacilla protonotarius J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by monotypy and tautonymy = Motacilla citrea Boddaert, 1783  
Protonotaria citrea   (Boddaert, 1783) Prothonotary Warbler
vE USA (south to W Texas to N and C Florida) >> Central America, West Indies, N South America
LIMNOTHLYPIS Stone, 1914 F - Sylvia swainsonii Audubon, 1834; type by original designation   
Limnothlypis swainsonii   (Audubon, 1834) Swainson's Warbler
iSE USA (south from S Missouri to Virginia, excl. Florida Pen.) >> E Mexico, West Indies
OREOTHLYPIS Ridgway, 1884 F - Compsothlypis gutturalis Cabanis, 1860; type by original designation7
Oreothlypis superciliosa Crescent-chested Warbler
sodalis (R.T. Moore, 1941)8 iNW Mexico (SE Sonora, S Chihuahua to N Jalisco)
mexicana (Bonaparte, 1850)9 vE Mexico (Nuevo León to C Veracruz, west through Michoacán to Jalisco)
palliata (van Rossem, 1939) vSW Mexico (S Jalisco to Guerrero)
superciliosa (Hartlaub, 1844) vS Mexico (Chiapas) to El Salvador, W Honduras
parva (W. deW. Miller & Griscom, 1925) vE Honduras, NW Nicaragua
Oreothlypis gutturalis 10  (Cabanis, 1861) Flame-throated Warblerα
vCosta Rica, W Panama
LEIOTHLYPIS Sangster, 2008 F - Sylvia peregrina A. Wilson, 1811; type by original designation11
Leiothlypis peregrina   (A. Wilson, 1811) Tennessee Warbler
vCanada, NE USA (south to New England) >> Central America, NW Colombia
Leiothlypis celata Orange-crowned Warbler
celata (Say, 1822)12 αvAlaska, N and NW Canada (west to Québec) >> S USA, Mexico, Guatemala
lutescens (Ridgway, 1872) iW Canada (N British Columbia) south in W USA to California >> SW USA, W Mexico
orestera (Oberholser, 1905) vW Canada (British Columbia to SE Saskatchewan), W USA (south to Arizona, New Mexico) >> C Mexico
sordida (C.H. Townsend, 1890)13 αvS USA (S California), NW Mexico (N Baja California and offshore islands)
Leiothlypis crissalis   (Salvin & Godman, 1889) Colima Warbler
vS USA (SW Texas) NE Mexico (Coahuila to San Luis Potosí) >> Pacific slope of W Mexico (to Guerrero)
Leiothlypis luciae   (J.G. Cooper, 1861) Lucy's Warbler
SW USA (S Nevada, S Utah to S California, W Texas), N Mexico (N Chihuahua) >> W Mexico (to Guerrero)
Leiothlypis ruficapilla14 Nashville Warbler
ridgwayi (van Rossem, 1929) iSW Canada (S British Columbia), W USA (south to C California) >> W Mexico
ruficapilla (A. Wilson, 1811) iS Canada (Saskatchewan to S Newfoundland), E USA (New England to West Virginia) >> Mexico, Guatemala
Leiothlypis virginiae   (S.F. Baird, 1860) Virginia's Warbler
SW USA (S Idaho to Wyoming south to Arizona to SE Texas) >> W Mexico (N Jalisco to S Oaxaca)
LEUCOPEZA P.L. Sclater, 1876 F - Leucopeza semperi P.L. Sclater, 1876; type by monotypy   15,16
Leucopeza semperi 17  P.L. Sclater, 1876 Semper's Warblerα
iSt. Lucia (Lesser Antilles)
OPORORNIS S.F. Baird, 1858 M - Sylvia agilis A. Wilson, 1812; type by original designation   18
Oporornis agilis   (A. Wilson, 1812) Connecticut Warbler
vS Canada (E British Columbia to SW Québec), N USA (N Minnesota to N Michigan) >> south to N Bolivia
GEOTHLYPIS Cabanis, 1847 F - Trichas personatus Swainson, 1827; type by monotypy = Turdus trichas Linnaeus, 1766  
Geothlypis poliocephala Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
poliocephala S.F. Baird, 1865 vW Mexico (Pacific slope from N Sinaloa to W Oaxaca)
ralphi Ridgway, 1894 iNW Mexico (Gulf slope from Tamaulipas to San Luis Potosí)
palpebralis Ridgway, 1887 vSE Mexico (Atlantic slope from Veracruz and Yucatan Pen.) to N Costa Rica
caninucha Ridgway, 1872 iSW Mexico (Pacific slope of E Oaxaca) to S Honduras
icterotis Ridgway, 1889 vPacific slope from W Nicaragua to W Costa Rica
ridgwayi (Griscom, 1930) iSW Costa Rica to W Panama (Chiriquí)
Geothlypis aequinoctialis19,20 Masked Yellowthroat
1 chiriquensis Salvin, 187221 vW Panama (Chiriquí)
2 aequinoctialis (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vNE Colombia (Magdalena on E slope of E Andes to Bogotá), Venezuela, the Guianas, N Brazil (Pará); Trinidad
3 auricularis Salvin, 188322 αvPacific slope of W Ecuador, NW Peru
2 peruviana Taczanowski, 1884 vNW Peru (Marañón valley of Cajamarca and La Libertad)
2 velata (Vieillot, 1809)23 vSE Peru (Cuzco, Puno) to C Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goiás) to NE Argentina (Córdoba) and Uruguay
Geothlypis tolmiei24 MacGillivray's Warbler
tolmiei (J.K. Townsend, 1839) iSE Alaska, SW Canada (S Yukon), coastal W USA (to C California) >> Central America
monticola (A.R. Phillips, 1947) iSW Canada (E British Columbia, SW Saskatchewan), W USA (Rocky Mts. to New Mexico) >> Mexico, Guatemala
Geothlypis philadelphia 25  (A. Wilson, 1810) Mourning Warbler
S Canada, NE USA (Wisconsin to New England, south to West Virginia) >> Central America, NW South America
Geothlypis formosa 26  (A. Wilson, 1811) Kentucky Warbler
vE USA (east of S Wisconsin to E Texas) >> E Mexico, E Central America, Colombia, Venezuela
Geothlypis semiflava Olive-crowned Yellowthroat
1 bairdi Ridgway, 188427 iCaribbean slope of E Honduras to NW Panama
2 semiflava P.L. Sclater, 186028 αvPacific slope of SW Colombia (Valle to Nariño), W Ecuador (south to El Oro)
Geothlypis speciosa Black-polled Yellowthroat
speciosa P.L. Sclater, 1859 vC Mexico (México)
limnatis Dickerman, 1970 iC Mexico (S Guanajuato, N Michoacán) [Dickerman, 1970 #1326]
Geothlypis beldingi Belding's Yellowthroat
goldmani Oberholser, 1917 iNW Mexico (C Baja California)
beldingi Ridgway, 188229 αiNW Mexico (S Baja California)
Geothlypis rostrata Bahama Yellowthroat
tanneri Ridgway, 1886 iGrand Bahama, Great Abaco (Bahamas)
exigua Ridgway, 190230 vAndros (Bahamas) [Ridgway, 1902 #14922]
rostrata H. Bryant, 1867 vNew Providence (Bahamas)
coryi Ridgway, 1886 iEleuthera, Cat I. (Bahamas)
Geothlypis flavovelata   Ridgway, 1896 Altamira Yellowthroat
vE Mexico (coast of C and S Tamaulipas)
Geothlypis trichas31,32 Common Yellowthroat
trichas (Linnaeus, 1766) iSE Canada (east of WC Ontario), USA (to E Texas, SE Virginia) >> south to Costa Rica
typhicola T.D. Burleigh, 1934 iSE USA (SE Virginia to SE Alabama, N Georgia) >> Gulf Coast to E Mexico (Veracruz)
ignota Chapman, 1890 vCoastal SE USA (SE Louisiana to Florida)
insperata Van Tyne, 1933 vS Texas (lower Rio Grande valley)
campicola Behle & Aldrich, 1947 iS Canada (S Yukon to W Ontario), WC USA (to Idaho and Nebraska) >> N Mexico
arizela Oberholser, 1899 vCoast of SE Alaska, W Canada, W USA (to C California) >> NW Mexico (Baja California, N Sonora)
occidentalis Brewster, 1883 vSW USA (E Oregon to Kansas, south to E California to NW Texas) >> Mexico, Guatemala
sinuosa G.B. Grinnell, 1901 vN California (San Francisco Bay)
scirpicola G.B. Grinnell, 1901 iSW USA (S California), NW Mexico (N Baja California, N Sonora)
chryseola van Rossem, 1930 vSW USA (S Arizona to W Texas), N Mexico (Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango)
modesta Nelson, 1900 vW Mexico (coast from C Sonora to Colima)
melanops S.F. Baird, 1865 iC Mexico (Jalisco to Oaxaca and Veracruz)
chapalensis Nelson, 190333 vW Mexico (E Jalisco)
Geothlypis nelsoni Hooded Yellowthroat
nelsoni Richmond, 190034 iC Mexico (Sierra Madre Oriental from SE Coahuila to WC Veracruz)
karlenae R.T. Moore, 1946 iSW Mexico (highlands from Distrito Federal to Oaxaca)
CATHAROPEZA P.L. Sclater, 1880 F - Leucopeza bishopi Lawrence, 1878; type by original designation   35
Catharopeza bishopi   (Lawrence, 1878) Whistling Warbler
iSt. Vincent (Lesser Antilles)
SETOPHAGA Swainson, 1827 F - Motacilla ruticilla Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (Swainson, 1827, Zool. Journ., 3, 11 (1827), p. 360).   36
Setophaga plumbea 37  (Lawrence, 1877) Plumbeous Warblerα
vGuadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)
Setophaga angelae   (Kepler & Parkes, 1972) Elfin Woods Warbler
Puerto Rico [Kepler, 1972 #2208]
Setophaga pharetra 38  (Gosse, 1847) Arrowhead Warbler
Setophaga citrina 39  (Boddaert, 1783) Hooded Warbler
vE USA (from Great Lakes to New England, south to Gulf Coast, N Florida) >> Mexico, Central America
Setophaga ruticilla   (Linnaeus, 1758) American Redstart
S Canada (east of NW British Columbia), C and E USA >> Central America, West Indies, N South America
Setophaga kirtlandii   (S.F. Baird, 1852) Kirtland's Warbler
N USA (NC Michigan) >> Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Is.
Setophaga tigrina   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Cape May Warbler
vS Canada (east of SW Northwest Territories), NE USA (E Minnesota to New England) >> West Indies
Setophaga cerulea   (A. Wilson, 1810) Cerulean Warbler
vSE Canada (SE Ontario), E USA (south to N Alabama, Virginia) >> Colombia to S Peru
Setophaga americana 40,41  (Linnaeus, 1758) Northern Parula
vSE Canada, E USA (Minnesota, New England to Gulf Coast) >> Central America, West Indies
Setophaga pitiayumi42 Tropical Parula
1 graysoni (Ridgway, 1887) iIsla Socorro (off W Mexico)
2 insularis (Lawrence, 1871)43 αvIslas Marías (off W Mexico)
2 pulchra (Brewster, 1889) vNW Mexico (S Sonora, Chihuahua to Oaxaca)
2 nigrilora (Coues, 1878) iS USA (S Texas), NE Mexico (Coahuila to E San Luis Potosí)
2 inornata (S.F. Baird, 1864)44 vS Mexico (S Veracruz, Chiapas) to Panama, NW Colombia
2 cirrha (Wetmore, 1957) vIsla de Coiba (off SW Panama)
2 alarum (Chapman, 1924) iE Ecuador, N Peru (Loreto)
2 pacifica (von Berlepsch & Taczanowski, 1884)45,46 αvPacific slope of Andes from SW Colombia (Nariño) to W Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba)
2 pitiayumi (Vieillot, 1817)47 iS Venezuela, the Guianas; C and E Brazil (Rondônia to Pernambuco) to E Bolivia, N and NE Argentina
Setophaga magnolia 48  (A. Wilson, 1811) Magnolia Warbler
S Canada (east of C Northwest Territories), E USA (to West Virginia) >> S Mexico to Panama, Caribbean
Setophaga castanea   (A. Wilson, 1810) Bay-breasted Warbler
vS Canada (south of SW Northwest Territories), NE USA (from NE Minnesota to Maine) >> Panama, Colombia, NW Venezuela
Setophaga fusca   (Statius Muller, 1776) Blackburnian Warbler
vS Canada (east of C Saskatchewan), E USA (to N Georgia) >> Central America, Colombia, Venezuela to Peru
Setophaga petechia49,50 Yellow Warbler
1 rubiginosa (Pallas, 1811) vS Alaska, SW Canada (British Columbia, incl. Vancouver I) >> Mexico, Central America
1 banksi (Browning, 1994) iC Alaska >> Central America, Colombia [Browning, 1994 #548]
1 parkesi (Browning, 1994) iN Alaska, NW Canada (to N Manitoba) >> Central America, Colombia [Browning, 1994 #548]
1 amnicola (Batchelder, 1918) iC Canada (NW British Columbia to Newfoundland) >> Mexico, Central America, Colombia
1 aestiva (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)51,52 vEast of Rocky Mts. in S Canada, C USA (south to Oklahoma and North Carolina) >> to Colombia
1 morcomi (Coale, 1887) iSW Canada, W USA (south to NE California and N Texas) >> Central America, Colombia
1 brewsteri (G.B. Grinnell, 1903)53 iCoastal W USA (from Washington to California), NW Mexico (NW Baja California) >> Central America
1 sonorana (Brewster, 1888)54 vSW USA (S Arizona, SW New Mexico), W Mexico (NE Baja California, south to Nayarit)
1 dugesi (Coale, 1887) iC Mexico (San Luis Potosí to Guerrero and Puebla)
2 rufivertex (Ridgway, 1885) iIsla de Cozumel, off Yucatan Pen.
2 flavida (Cory, 1887) vIsla de San Andrés, off E Nicaragua
2 armouri (Greenway, 1933) iIsla de Providencia, off E Nicaragua
2 flaviceps (Chapman, 1892)55 iBahamas [Chapman, 1892 #11449]
2 gundlachi (S.F. Baird, 1865) iSE USA (Florida Keys), Cuba, Isla de la Juventud
2 chlora (Browning, 1994) vCayos Siete Hermanos (off Hispaniola) [Browning, 1994 #548]
2 solaris (Wetmore, 1929)56 vIle de la Gonâve, off W Hispaniola
2 albicollis (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vHispaniola, incl. Ile de la Tortue and Ile-à-Vache
2 eoa (Gosse, 1847) vCayman Is., Jamaica
2 bartholemica (Sundevall, 1869)57,58 αvPuerto Rico, Virgin Is., N Lesser Antilles (Anguilla to Montserrat)
2 melanoptera (Lawrence, 1879) vGuadeloupe to Dominica (Lesser Antilles)
2 ruficapilla (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) iMartinique (Lesser Antilles)
2 babad (J. Bond, 1927) iSt. Lucia (Lesser Antilles)
2 petechia (Linnaeus, 1766) iBarbados (Lesser Antilles)
2 alsiosa (J.L. Peters, 1926) vThe Grenadines (Lesser Antilles)
2 rufopileata (Ridgway, 1884)59 αvAruba, Curaçao, Bonaire, islands off N Venezuela (Isla Blanquilla, Isla de Margarita, Islas Los Testigos)
2 obscura (Cory, 1909) vIslas Las Aves, Islas Los Roques, Isla Orchila (off N Venezuela)
2 aurifrons (W.H. Phelps & W.H. Phelps, Jr., 1950) iCoastal NE Venezuela (Anzoátegui, Sucre) and nearby offshore islands
3 oraria (Parkes & Dickerman, 1967) vE Mexico (Caribbean coast of S Tamaulipas)
3 bryanti (Ridgway, 1873) iCaribbean coast of SE Mexico (Campeche) to S Nicaragua
3 erithachorides (S.F. Baird, 1858)60,61 δiCaribbean coast of Costa Rica to N Colombia
3 chrysendeta (Wetmore, 1946) vNE Colombia (Guajira Pen.), NW Venezuela (Zulia)
3 paraguanae (W.H. Phelps, Sr. & Gilliard, 1941) iNW Venezuela (Falcón)
3 cienagae (J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1944) iNW Venezuela (Caribbean coast of Carabobo, Aragua; islands off Falcón)
3 castaneiceps (Ridgway, 1885)62 αiNW Mexico (both coasts of S Baja California)
3 rhizophorae (van Rossem, 1935) iNW Mexico (Pacific coast of Sonora, Sinaloa)
3 phillipsi (Browning, 1994) iPacific coast of W Mexico (Sinaloa) to Honduras [Browning, 1994 #548]
3 xanthotera (Todd, 1924) vPacific coast of Nicaragua and Costa Rica
3 aithocorys (Olson, 1980) iNW Panama (Pacific coast from Chiriquí to Coclé), Isla de Coiba [Olson, 1980 #2839]
3 iguanae (Olson, 1980) iIsla Iguana, off W Panama [Olson, 1980 #2839]
3 aequatorialis (Sundevall, 1869)63 αvSW Panama (Pacific coast of Panamá), Arch. De las Perlas
3 jubaris (Olson, 1980) vSE Panama (Pacific coast of Darién), coastal SW Colombia (south to Valle) [Olson, 1980 #2839]
3 peruviana (Sundevall, 1869)64 αvPacific coast from SW Colombia (Nariño) to NW Peru (Piura)
3 aureola (Gould, 1839) vIsla de Coco (off Costa Rica); Galapagos Is.
Setophaga pensylvanica   (Linnaeus, 1766) Chestnut-sided Warbler
vS Canada (Saskatchewan to Nova Scotia), E USA (Minnesota to New England to N Georgia) >> Central America
Setophaga striata   (J.R. Forster, 1772) Blackpoll Warbler
vAlaska, Canada, NE USA (south to New York) >> NW South America (south to W Amazonia)
Setophaga caerulescens Black-throated Blue Warbler
caerulescens (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) iS Canada (east of S Ontario), NE USA (Minnesota to New England) >> Bahamas, Greater Antilles
cairnsi (Coues, 1897)65 iE USA (Appalachian Mts. of SW Pennsylvania to N Georgia) >> Caribbean
Setophaga palmarum Palm Warbler
palmarum (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) iC and SC Canada (Northwest Territories to Ontario) >> Florida, Caribbean, E coast of Central America
hypochrysea (Ridgway, 1876) vSE Canada (east of E Ontario), NE USA (N Minnesota to Maine) >> S USA (Gulf Coast)
Setophaga pityophila 66  (Gundlach, 1855) Olive-capped Warblerα
vN Bahamas, W and E Cuba
Setophaga pinus Pine Warbler
pinus (Linnaeus, 1766)67 iSE Canada (from SE Manitoba to New Brunswick), E USA (east from Minnesota to E Texas) >> south to S Florida
florida (Maynard, 1906) vS Florida
achrustera (Bangs, 1900) vNW Bahamas
chrysoleuca (Griscom, 1923) vHispaniola
Setophaga coronata68,69 Yellow-rumped Warbler/Myrtle Warbler
1 hooveri (McGregor, 1899)70 Alaska, NW Canada (Yukon to N British Columbia) >> W USA and Central America
1 coronata (Linnaeus, 1766) vS Canada (east from NC Alberta), NE USA (Minnesota to New England) >> to Central America, Caribbean
2 auduboni (J.K. Townsend, 1837) iSW Canada, W USA (mountains of Montana to W Texas), NW Mexico (N Baja California) >> SW USA, Mexico
3 nigrifrons (Brewster, 1889) iNC Mexico (Chihuahua, Durango)
4 goldmani (Nelson, 1897) iW Guatemala
Setophaga dominica 71,72  (Linnaeus, 1766) Yellow-throated Warbler
vE USA (E Iowa to Virginia, south to Gulf Coast, Florida) >> SE USA, Middle America, Bahamas, Greater Antilles
Setophaga flavescens 73  (Todd, 1909) Bahama Warbler
Grand Bahama, Great Abaco (Bahamas)
Setophaga vitellina Vitelline Warbler
crawfordi (Nicoll, 1904) iLittle Cayman, Cayman Brac (Cayman Is.)
vitellina (Cory, 1886) vGrand Cayman (Cayman Is.)
nelsoni (Bangs, 1919) iSwan Is., off N Honduras
Setophaga discolor74 Prairie Warbler
discolor (Vieillot, 1809)75 iSE Canada (SE Ontario), E USA (east from SE Iowa to E Texas) >> Florida and West Indies
paludicola (A.H. Howell, 1930) iCoastal S Florida
Setophaga adelaidae   (S.F. Baird, 1865) Adelaide's Warbler
Puerto Rico and Vieques I.
Setophaga subita 76  (Riley, 1904) Barbuda Warbler
vBarbuda (Lesser Antilles)
Setophaga delicata 77  (Ridgway, 1883) St. Lucia Warbler
vSt. Lucia (Lesser Antilles)
Setophaga graciae Grace's Warbler
graciae (S.F. Baird, 1865) iSW USA, NW Mexico >> W and C Mexico
yaegeri (A.R. Phillips & Webster, 1961) iW Mexico (E slope of Sierra Madre Occidental, from S Sinaloa to W Jalisco) >> to Michoacán
remota (Griscom, 1935) vHighlands from S Mexico (Michoacán) to W Nicaragua
decora (Ridgway, 1873) vBelize, E Honduras, Nicaragua
Setophaga nigrescens 78  (J.K. Townsend, 1837) Black-throated Gray Warbler
W USA (to California, New Mexico), NW Mexico (N Baja California) >> W Mexico (Sonora to Oaxaca)
Setophaga townsendi   (J.K. Townsend, 1837) Townsend's Warbler
S Alaska, SW Canada, W USA (Washington, Oregon, Idaho) >> Mexico to Nicaragua
Setophaga occidentalis   (J.K. Townsend, 1837) Hermit Warbler
vCoastal W USA (S Washington to W California and Sierra Nevada) >> Mexico to Nicaragua
Setophaga chrysoparia 79  (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1860) Golden-cheeked Warbler
vS USA (C Texas) >> S Mexico (Chiapas) to NW Nicaragua
Setophaga virens 80,81  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Black-throated Green Warbler
S Canada, E USA (south to Georgia; C Arkansas) >> S Mexico, Central America, West Indies
MYIOTHLYPIS Cabanis, 1850 F - Trichas nigrocristatus Lafresnaye, 1840; type by monotypy82
Myiothlypis luteoviridis83 Citrine Warbler
1 luteoviridis (Bonaparte, 1845) vE Andes from SW Venezuela (Mérida, Táchira) to N Peru (Cajamarca)
1 quindiana (Meyer de Schauensee, 1946) vC Andes of Colombia (Caldas, Tolima)
2 richardsoni (Chapman, 1912) iPacific slope of W Andes of Colombia (Cauca)
1 striaticeps Cabanis, 1873 iAndes of N and C Peru (Amazonas to Cuzco)
3 euophrys (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1876)84 αiAndes of S Peru (Puno) to C Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba)
Myiothlypis basilica 85  (Todd, 1913) Santa Marta Warbler
vN Colombia (Santa Marta Mts.)
Myiothlypis leucophrys   (von Pelzeln, 1868) White-striped Warbler
SC Brazil (S Mato Grosso to Minas Gerais south to N São Paulo)
Myiothlypis flaveola 86  S.F. Baird, 1865 Flavescent Warbler
vN Colombia (Norte de Santander), Venezuela, C Brazil to E Bolivia (Santa Cruz) and Paraguay
Myiothlypis leucoblephara White-browed Warbler/White-rimmed Warbler
leucoblephara (Vieillot, 1817) vSE Brazil (from Paraná, C São Paulo, SW Rio de Janeiro) to NE Argentina (Buenos Aires)
lemurum (Olson, 1975) iUruguay [Olson, 1975 #2836]
Myiothlypis signata Pale-legged Warbler
signata (von Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1906) vAndes of C Peru (Junín, Cuzco)
flavovirens (Todd, 1929) iAndes of S Peru (Cuzco, Puno), Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba), NW Argentina (Jujuy)
Myiothlypis nigrocristata   (Lafresnaye, 1840) Black-crested Warbler
vN Venezuela (coastal mountains of Aragua); SW Venezuela (Trujillo, Táchira) to N Peru (La Libertad)
Myiothlypis fulvicauda87 Buff-rumped Warbler
leucopygia (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1873) vHonduras to W Panama
veraguensis (Sharpe, 1885) vPacific slope of SW Costa Rica, C Panama
semicervina (P.L. Sclater, 1860)88 αvE Panama south in W Andes to NW Peru (Tumbes, Piura)
motacilla (A.H. Miller, 1952) iN Colombia (upper Magdalena valley)
fulvicauda (von Spix, 1825) iColombia (Meta) to E Ecuador, NE Peru (Junín), W Brazil (Amazonas east to R. Madeira)
significans (J.T. Zimmer, 1949) iSE Peru (Cuzco)
Myiothlypis rivularis89 Riverbank Warbler
mesoleuca (P.L. Sclater, 1865)90 αvE Venezuela (R. Orinoco), the Guianas, N Brazil (to R. Tapajós, R. Xingu)
rivularis (zu Wied-Neuwied, 1821) vSE Brazil (south of Bahia), E Paraguay, NE Argentina (Misiones)
boliviana (Sharpe, 1885) vE Bolivia (E foothills in La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, Tarija)
Myiothlypis bivittata91 Two-banded Warbler
1 roraimae (Sharpe, 1885)92 iS Venezuela (Bolívar), W Guyana, N Brazil (Roraima)
2 bivittata (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) vE Andes from S Peru (Cuzco, Puno) to C Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba, W Santa Cruz)
2 argentinae (J.T. Zimmer, 1949) iSE Bolivia (Chuquisaca, Tarija) to N Argentina (Jujuy, Salta)
Myiothlypis chrysogaster Golden-bellied Warbler
chlorophrys (von Berlepsch, 1907)93 iAndes of SW Colombia (Cauca, Nariño) to W Ecuador (to Chimborazo)
chrysogaster (von Tschudi, 1844) iE slope of Andes in C and S Peru (to Puno)
Myiothlypis conspicillata   (Salvin & Godman, 1880) White-lored Warbler
vN Colombia (Santa Marta Mts.)
Myiothlypis cinereicollis Gray-throated Warbler
pallidula (Wetmore, 1941) vNE Colombia (Magdalena), W Venezuela (Zulia, Mérida, Táchira)
zuliensis (Aveledo & L.A. Pérez, 1994) vSierra de Perijá (Colombian-Venezuelan border) [Aveledo, 1994 #119]
cinereicollis (P.L. Sclater, 1864)94 αvE Andes of Colombia (Norte de Santander to Bogotá), W Venezuela (Mérida, Táchira)
Myiothlypis fraseri Gray-and-gold Warbler
ochraceicrista (Chapman, 1921) iW Ecuador (Manabí to El Oro, incl. Isla Puná)
fraseri (P.L. Sclater, 1884) iC Ecuador (Chimborazo) to NW Peru (Tumbes, Piura)
Myiothlypis coronata95,96 Russet-crowned Warbler
1 regulus (Todd, 1929) iColombia (C and W Andes from Antioquia to Cauca, W slope of E Andes to Huila), W Venezuela (Lara)
1 elata (Todd, 1929) vW Andes in SW Colombia (Nariño) to N Ecuador
2 orientalis (Chapman, 1924) vE Ecuador (E slope of E Andes, from Pichincha to Chimborazo)
2 castaneiceps (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1877)97 αiW slope of W Andes in SW Ecuador (Azuay, El Oro, Loja) to NW Peru (Tumbes, Piura)
2 chapmani (Todd, 1929) iNW Peru (E slope of W Andes in Cajamarca)
1 inaequalis (J.T. Zimmer, 1949) vN Peru (C Andes in Amazonas, San Martín)
1 coronata (von Tschudi, 1844) vE Andes of C and S Peru (Junín to Puno) to W Bolivia (La Paz)
1 notia (Todd, 1929) vE Andes in C Bolivia (Cochabamba)
BASILEUTERUS Cabanis, 1849 M - Basileuterus vermivorus Cabanis, 1849; type by monotypy = Setophaga auricapilla Swainson, 1838  98,99
Basileuterus lachrymosus 100,101,102  Bonaparte, 1850 Fan-tailed Warbler
vN Mexico to NW Nicaragua
Basileuterus rufifrons103 Rufous-capped Warbler
1 caudatus Nelson, 1899 vNW Mexico (Sonora, W Chihuahua to N Durango)
1 dugesi Ridgway, 1892104 αiC Mexico (S Sinaloa, W Durango to S Puebla, W Oaxaca)
1 jouyi Ridgway, 1892105 αiNE Mexico (Nuevo León, W Tamaulipas to E Hidalgo, C Veracruz)
1 rufifrons (Swainson, 1838)106 αiHighlands of S Mexico, N Guatemala
1 salvini Cherrie, 1891107,108 αiS Mexico (S Veracruz, Tabasco, N Chiapas), N Guatemala
2 delattrii Bonaparte, 1854 iS Guatemala to C Costa Rica
2 mesochrysus P.L. Sclater, 1860109 αvS Costa Rica to N Colombia (south to Huila), W Venezuela (Sierra de Perijá, Zulia)
2 actuosus Wetmore, 1957 vIsla de Coiba, off SW Panama
Basileuterus melanogenys110 Black-cheeked Warbler
melanogenys S.F. Baird, 1865 iC and S Costa Rica
eximius Nelson, 1912 δvW Panama (Chiriquí)
bensoni Griscom, 1927 iW Panama (Veraguas)
Basileuterus ignotus 111  Nelson, 1912 Pirre Warbler
vE Panama (Cerro Pirre, Cerro Tacarcuna)
Basileuterus belli Golden-browed Warbler
bateli R.T. Moore, 1946 iW Mexico (SE Sinaloa, W Durango to Michoacán, México)
belli (Giraud, 1841) iE Mexico (SE Sinaloa, E San Luis Potosí to N Oaxaca, C Veracruz)
clarus Ridgway, 1902 vSW Mexico (S Morelos, S Michoacán to W Oaxaca)
scitulus Nelson, 1900 vS Mexico (E Veracruz, E Oaxaca, Chiapas) to W Honduras and NW El Salvador
subobscurus Wetmore, 1940 vC Honduras
Basileuterus culicivorus112,113 Golden-crowned Warbler
flavescens Ridgway, 1902 iWC Mexico (Nayarit, Jalisco)
brasierii (Giraud, 1841) δiEC Mexico (Gulf slope from Tamaulipas to N Veracruz)
culicivorus (Deppe, 1830) vE and S Mexico (NE Puebla, C Veracruz) to N Costa Rica
godmani von Berlepsch, 1888 iC Costa Rica to W Panama (to Veraguas)
occultus J.T. Zimmer, 1949 vColombia (C and W Andes from Antioquia to Cauca, E Andes from Magdalena to Santander)
austerus J.T. Zimmer, 1949 vC Colombia (E slope of E Andes from Boyacá to W Meta)
indignus Todd, 1916 vSierra de Perijá (Colombian-Venezuelan border)
cabanisi von Berlepsch, 1879 iNE Colombia (Norte de Santander), NW Venezuela (from Zulia to Distrito Federal and south to Táchira)
olivascens Chapman, 1893 iNE Venezuela (Anzoátegui, Sucre, Monagas); Trinidad
segrex J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1949114 iSE Venezuela (Amazonas, Bolívar), W Guyana, N Brazil (Roraima)
auricapilla (Swainson, 1838) δiC and E Brazil (Maranhão to Ceará, south to Espírito Santo)
hypoleucus Bonaparte, 1850115,116 vS Brazil (S Mato Grosso to W Minas Gerais, E São Paulo), NE Paraguay
azarae J.T. Zimmer, 1949 iSE Brazil, Paraguay, NE Argentina, Uruguay
viridescens Todd, 1913 iE Bolivia (Santa Cruz)
Basileuterus trifasciatus Three-banded Warbler
nitidior Chapman, 1924117 vSW Ecuador (El Oro, Loja), NW Peru (Tumbes)
trifasciatus Taczanowski, 1880118 αvNW Peru (Piura to La Libertad)
Basileuterus tristriatus119 Three-striped Warbler
melanotis Lawrence, 1868120,121 αvCosta Rica, W Panama [Lawrence, 1868 #15241]
tacarcunae Chapman, 1924 iE Panama (Cerro Tacarcuna)
daedalus Bangs, 1908 vW Colombia (W Andes and W slope of C Andes from Antioquia) to Ecuador (to Chimborazo)
auricularis Sharpe, 1885 vE Colombia (E Andes and E slope of C Andes), SW Venezuela (Zulia, Táchira)
meridanus Sharpe, 1885 vW Venezuela (Lara to Táchira)
bessereri Hellmayr, 1922 iN Venezuela (mountains from Yaracuy to Miranda)
pariae W.H. Phelps & W.H. Phelps, Jr., 1949 iNE Venezuela (Paria Pen.)
baezae Chapman, 1924 iE slope of Andes of Ecuador (south to Chimborazo)
tristriatus (von Tschudi, 1844) vAndes of SE Ecuador (Loja, Zamora-Chinchipe) to C Peru (Cuzco)
inconspicuus J.T. Zimmer, 1949 vAndes of S Peru (Puno) to NW Bolivia (La Paz)
punctipectus Chapman, 1924 iC Bolivia (Andes of E La Paz, Cochabamba)
canens J.T. Zimmer, 1949 iC Bolivia (Andes of W Santa Cruz)
Basileuterus griseiceps 122  P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1868 Gray-headed Warblerα
iNE Venezuela (Coastal Range from Anzoátegui to Monagas)
CARDELLINA Bonaparte, 1850 F - Cardinella amicta Du Bus; type by subsequent designation (S.F. Baird, 1865, Rev. Amer. Birds, 1 (1864), p. 263). = Muscicapa rubrifrons Giraud, 1841  123,124
Cardellina canadensis   (Linnaeus, 1766) Canada Warbler
vS Canada, NE USA (east of Minnesota, south to N Georgia) >> N South America (W of Andes to C Peru)
Cardellina pusilla125 Wilson's Warbler
1 pileolata (Pallas, 1811) vAlaska, W Canada (British Columbia, Queen Charlotte Is.), W USA (to N New Mexico) >> Central America
1 chryseola (Ridgway, 1902) vSW Canada (SW British Columbia) to W USA (C California) >> Mexico (incl. Baja California) to Panama
2 pusilla (A. Wilson, 1811)126 vS and E Canada (east of Northwest Territories), NE USA (New England) >> S USA, E Mexico to Costa Rica,
Cardellina rubrifrons   (Giraud, 1841) Red-faced Warbler
iSW USA (Arizona, SW New Mexico), NW Mexico (to Durango) >> W and S Mexico to N El Salvador
Cardellina rubra127,128,129 Red Warbler
1 melanauris (R.T. Moore, 1937) iNW Mexico (Sierra Madre Occidental from SW Chihuahua to N Nayarit)
2 rubra (Swainson, 1827) vW and SW Mexico (Jalisco to N Oaxaca)
2 rowleyi (Orr & Webster, 1968) iS Mexico (Guerrero, S Oaxaca) [Orr, 1968 #2876]
Cardellina versicolor 130  Salvin, 1863 Pink-headed Warblerα
S Mexico (highlands of E Chiapas) to Guatemala
MYIOBORUS S.F. Baird, 1865 M - Setophaga verticalis d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837; type by original designation   
Myioborus pictus Painted Redstart
pictus (Swainson, 1829) vSW USA (Arizona, SW New Mexico) to SC Mexico (Oaxaca, Veracruz)
guatemalae (Sharpe, 1885) iS Mexico (Chiapas) to N Nicaragua
Myioborus miniatus Slaty-throated Whitestart
miniatus (Swainson, 1827) vW Mexico (S Sonora, SW Chihuahua to Oaxaca)
molochinus Wetmore, 1942 vE Mexico (SE Veracruz)
intermedius (Hartlaub, 1852) vS Mexico (E Oaxaca, N and E Chiapas), E Guatemala
hellmayri van Rossem, 1936 iS Guatemala to SW El Salvador
connectens Dickey & van Rossem, 1928 iEl Salvador, Honduras, NC Nicaragua
comptus Wetmore, 1944 vW and C Costa Rica
aurantiacus (S.F. Baird, 1865) vE Costa Rica, W Panama
ballux Wetmore & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1944 iSE Panama, Colombia (excl. Santa Marta Mts.), W Venezuela, NW Ecuador
sanctaemartae J.T. Zimmer, 1949 iN Colombia (Santa Marta Mts.)
pallidiventris (Chapman, 1899) vN Venezuela (Falcón to Monagas)
subsimilis J.T. Zimmer, 1949 vW Andes of SW Ecuador (El Oro) to NW Peru (Piura)
verticalis (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) vE Andes (S Ecuador (Loja) to Bolivia (to Cochabamba)); S Venezuela, N Guyana, N Brazil (Roraima)
Myioborus brunniceps   (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) Brown-capped Whitestart
C Bolivia (La Paz), N Argentina (E slope of Andes to La Rioja)
Myioborus flavivertex   (Salvin, 1887) Yellow-crowned Whitestart
iN Colombia (Santa Marta Mts.)
Myioborus albifrons 131  (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1871) White-fronted Whitestartδ
iAndes of W Venezuela (Trujillo to Táchira)
Myioborus ornatus132,133 Golden-fronted Whitestart
1 ornatus (Boissonneau, 1840) vSW Venezuela (SW Táchira), E Andes of Colombia (south to Bogotá)
2 chrysops (Salvin, 1878) iC and S Colombia (W and C Andes, southern part of E Andes)
Myioborus melanocephalus134,135 Spectacled Whitestart
1 ruficoronatus (Kaup, 1852) vAndes of SW Colombia (Nariño), W Ecuador (south to Loja)
1 griseonuchus Chapman, 1927 iNW Peru (W Andes in Piura, Cajamarca)
2 malaris J.T. Zimmer, 1949 vN Peru (C Andes in Amazonas)
2 melanocephalus (von Tschudi, 1844) vC Peru (E Andes to Ayacucho)
2 bolivianus Chapman, 1919 vAndes in S Peru (Cuzco) to N Bolivia (La Paz, Cochabamba)
Myioborus torquatus   (S.F. Baird, 1865) Collared Whitestart
vCosta Rica, W Panama
Myioborus pariae   W.H. Phelps & W.H. Phelps, Jr., 1949 Paria Whitestart
iNE Venezuela (Paria Pen.)
Myioborus albifacies   W.H. Phelps & W.H. Phelps, Jr., 1946 White-faced Whitestart
iS Venezuela (NW Amazonas)
Myioborus cardonai   J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1945 Saffron-fronted Whitestart/Guaiquinima Whitestart
iSE Venezuela (C Bolívar)
Myioborus castaneocapilla136,137,138 Tepui Whitestart
castaneocapilla (Cabanis, 1849)139 αSE Venezuela (Bolívar), W Guyana, N Brazil
duidae Chapman, 1929 S Venezuela (Amazonas, Bolívar)
maguirei W.H. Phelps & W.H. Phelps, Jr., 1961 SE Venezuela (S Amazonas)

1 Composition and sequence of genera derived from Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] except where indicated. Six genera are thus placed in synonymy, three in Setophaga (Parula, Dendroica and Wilsonia); Ergaticus in Cardellina; Euthlypis in Basileuterus; and Phaeothlypis in a restored genus Myiothylpis.
2 Species in this genus were formerly placed in Seiurus, but see Sangster (2008) [Sangster, 2008 #11079], Chesser et al. (2010) [Chesser, 2010 #12460] and Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
3 Dated 1808 by Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448], but see Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542]. True date unknown see Dickinson (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #12761].
4 For treatment as monotypic see Molina et al. (2000) [Molina, 2000 #2698].
5 The name Vermivora Linnaeus, 1776 was one of those suppressed by Opinion 412 (I.C.Z.N., 1956) [I.C.Z.N., 1956 #6619].
6 Species name formerly pinus but see Olson & Reveal (2009) [Olson, 2009 #12034].
7 For restoration of this genus see Sangster (2008) [Sangster, 2008 #11078], Chesser et al. (2010) [Chesser, 2010 #12460] and Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
8 Perhaps not diagnosable from mexicana; see Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498].
9 Dated '1851?' by Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448], but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
10 Issue cover dated February 1861.
11 For recognition of this genus see Sangster (2008) [Sangster, 2008 #11078]; see also Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539]. But see Chesser et al. (2010) [Chesser, 2010 #12460].
12 For date correction see Woodman (2010) [Woodman, 2010 #13512] and Chesser et al. (2013) [Chesser, 2013 #14902].
13 Published September 9, 1890 see Anon. (1947) [Anon., 1947 #14610].
14 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with L. virginiae and L. crissalis, but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
15 For continued recognition of this genus see Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822], but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
16 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
17 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
18 For recognition see A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822], but scope of genus reduced see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
19 May comprise more than one species; see Ridgely & Tudor (1989) [Ridgely, 1989 #3271], Escalante-Pliego (1992) [Escalante-Pliego, 1990 #1510], Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) [Ridgely, 2001 #3274] and Escalante-Pliego et al. (2009) [Escalante-Pliego, 2009 #11904], but see Wetmore et al. (1984) [Wetmore, 1984 #4154] and Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498].
20 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9], although later authors disagree.
21 For treatment as subspecies of G. aequinoctialis see Wetmore et al. (1984) [Wetmore, 1984 #4154] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9], but see Escalante et al. (2009) [Escalante, 2009 #11904] who suggest species rank for this and a position close to G. semiflava.
22 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
23 Dated 1808 by Lowery & Monroe (1968: 45) [Lowery, 1968 #2448], but see Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542]. True date unknown see Dickinson (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #12761].
24 Species G. tolmiei, G. philadelphia and G. formosa often placed in Oporornis, but see Escalante et al. (2009) [Escalante, 2009 #11904], Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822].
25 Forms a superspecies with G. tolmiei; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
26 Includes umbraticus Oberholser, 1974 [Oberholser, 1974 #2809]; see Browning (1978) [Browning, 1978 #536].
27 May deserve treatment as a separate species; see Escalante et al. (2009) [Escalante, 2009 #11904] and Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498].
28 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
29 For recommended date see Anon. (1947) [Anon., 1947 #14610].
30 For recognition see Schwartz (1970) [Schwartz, 1970 #13866].
31 Species not monophyletic; see Escalante et al. (2009) [Escalante, 2009 #11904].
32 Considered by A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8] and Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with G. beldingi, G. flavovelata, G. rostrata and G. nelsoni. See also Escalante et al. (2009) [Escalante, 2009 #11904].
33 In the past, sometimes treated as a separate species (Hellmayr 1935 [Hellmayr, 1935 #10407]) or as a separate subspecies group (Sibley & Monroe 1990 [Sibley, 1990 #3636]), but there is no basis for either; see Escalante et al. (2009) [Escalante, 2009 #11904].
34 Includes Geothlypis cucullata Salvin & Godman, 1889 preoccupied by Sylvia cucullata a junior synonym of Geothlypis aequinoctialis (Gmelin, 1789).
35 For continued recognition of this genus see Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822], but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] for inclusion in Setophaga.
36 For expanded composition of this genus, with the inclusion of Wilsonia, Parula and Dendroica, see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822].
37 Date used for consistency with other taxa named in same paper all dated December 1877 by Deignan (1961) [Deignan, 1961 #1244].
38 Forms a superspecies with S. plumbea and S. angelae, see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
39 Formerly placed in Wilsonia, but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822].
40 S. americana and S. pitiayumi formerly placed in Parula, but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822].
41 Forms a superspecies with S. pitiayumi; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9]; they may be conspecific, see Lovette & Bermingham (2001) [Lovette, 2001 #2440].
42 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9].
43 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
44 Includes speciosa and nana; see Regelski & Moldenhauer (2012) [Regelski, 2012 #15242].
45 Includes melanogenys; see Regelski & Moldenhauer (2012) [Regelski, 2012 #15242].
46 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
47 Includes elegans and roraimae; see Regelski & Moldenhauer (2012) [Regelski, 2012 #15242].
48 The prior name Muscicapa lutea Linnaeus, 1766 was one of those suppressed by Opinion 412 (I.C.Z.N., 1956) [I.C.Z.N., 1956 #6619].
49 Subspecies classification follows Browning (1994) [Browning, 1994 #548] in the continued absence of a comprehensive genetic study; see e.g. Klein & Brown (1994) [Klein, 1994 #8960], Milot et al. (2000) [Milot, 2000 #15197], Gibbs et al. (2000) [Gibbs, 2000 #15194] and Chaves et al. (2012) [Chaves, 2012 #14739].
50 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9].
51 Includes ineditus; see Browning (1994) [Browning, 1994 #548].
52 Treated as a separate species by Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) [Ridgely, 2001 #3274] and Hilty (2003) [Hilty, 2003 #12443].
53 For recognition see Browning (1994) [Browning, 1994 #548].
54 Includes hypochlora Oberholser, 1974 [Oberholser, 1974 #2809]; see Browning (1974) [Browning, 1974 #534].
55 For recognition see Browning (1994) [Browning, 1994 #548].
56 For recognition see Browning (1994) [Browning, 1994 #548].
57 Includes cruciana; see Browning (1994) [Browning, 1994 #548].
58 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287] and table 66 therein.
59 For recommended date see Anon. (1947) [Anon., 1947 #14610].
60 Treated as a separate species by Hilty (2003) [Hilty, 2003 #12443].
61 Original spelling erihtachorides; emendation justified by internal information. See Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448] and David et al. (2009) [David, 2009 #12111].
62 For recommended date see Anon. (1947) [Anon., 1947 #14610].
63 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287] and table 66 therein.
64 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287] and table 66 therein.
65 May not be diagnosable; see Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498].
66 For recommended date see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
67 For correction of author see Olson & Reveal (2009) [Olson, 2009 #12034].
68 May comprise two or more species; see Milá et al. (2007, 2011) [Milá, 2007 #9974], [Milá, 2011 #13242], Brelsford & Irwin (2009) [Brelsford, 2009 #12049] and Brelsford et al. (2011) [Brelsford, 2011 #12836].
69 Subspecies groups follow Milá et al. (2007, 2011) [Milá, 2007 #9974]; [Milá, 2011 #13242] and take account of Brelsford et al. (2011) [Brelsford, 2011 #12836]. But see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
70 For recognition see Godfrey (1986) [Godfrey, 1986 #1718], Gibson & Kessel (1997) [Gibson, 1997 #13862], Hunt & Flaspohler (1998) [Hunt, 1998 #15604] and Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498].
71 Considered by Mengel (1964) [Mengel, 1964 #15196] and Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with S. graciae and S. adelaidae, but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
72 Includes albilora and stoddardi, see McKay (2008) [McKay, 2008 #11738]; and axantha Oberholser, 1974 [Oberholser, 1974 #2809], see Browning (1978) [Browning, 1978 #536]. The author of albilora was S.F. Baird; see Banks & Browning (1979) [Banks, 1979 #190].
73 For treatment, tentative here, as a separate species from S. dominica, see McKay et al. (2010) [McKay, 2010 #12541] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822].
74 Forms a superspecies with S. vitellina; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9] and Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
75 Dated 1808 or 1809 by Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448], but see Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542]. True date unknown see Dickinson (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #12761].
76 For treatment as a separate species from S. adelaidae see Lovette et al. (1998) [Lovette, 1998 #15206], Lovette & Bermingham (1999) [Lovette, 1999 #15207] and Banks et al. (2000) [Banks, 2000 #10].
77 For treatment as a separate species from S. adelaidae see Lovette et al. (1998) [Lovette, 1998 #15206], Lovette & Bermingham (1999) [Lovette, 1999 #15207] and Banks et al. (2000) [Banks, 2000 #10].
78 Includes halseii; see Guzy & Lowther (2012) [Guzy, 2012 #15240].
79 Dated 1861 by Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448], but see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
80 Subspecies waynei sometimes recognised, e.g. by Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498], but see Monroe (1968) [Monroe, 1968 #2706] and Morse & Poole (2005) [Morse, 2005 #15198].
81 Forms a superspecies with S. chrysoparia, S. townsendi and S. occidentalis; see Mengel (1964) [Mengel, 1964 #15196], Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
82 For restoration of this genus, which antedates and subsumes Phaeothlypis and numerous species previously attached to Basileuterus, see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
83 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
84 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
85 For placement in Myiothlypis see Gutiérrez-Pinto et al. (2012) [Gutiérrez-Pinto, 2012 #14741].
86 Includes pallidirostris Oren, 1985 [Oren, 1985 #2868]; see Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498].
87 The species M. fulvicauda and M. rivularis were formerly placed in Phaeothlypis, but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822].
88 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
89 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9] to form a superspecies with M. fulvicauda; but see Lovette (2004) [Lovette, 2004 #2445].
90 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
91 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
92 Treated as a separate species by Hilty (2003) [Hilty, 2003 #12443] and Ridgely & Tudor (2009) [Ridgely, 2009 #12008].
93 Treated as a separate species by Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) [Ridgely, 2001 #3274] and Ridgely & Tudor (2009) [Ridgely, 2009 #12008].
94 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
95 May comprise two or more species; see Hellmayr (1935) [Hellmayr, 1935 #10407], Zimmer (1949) [Zimmer, 1949 #9684] and Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) [Ridgely, 2001 #3274].
96 Subspecies groups follow Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448] and Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]. Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498] places orientalis in group 1.
97 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
98 For new composition of this genus and the inclusion of Euthlypis, see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
99 For retention of date 1849 see Evenhuis (1997) [Evenhuis, 1997 #12439] and Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
100 Formerly placed in Euthlypis, but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822].
101 For treatment as monotypic see Binford (1989) [Binford, 1989 #303] and Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498]; thus includes tephra and schistacea.
102 Dated '1851?' by Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448], but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
103 Subspecies groups follow A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8]. The groups are sometimes treated as separate species, e.g. by Hellmayr (1935) [Hellmayr, 1935 #10407], Howell & Webb (1995) [Howell, 1995 #13863] and Ridgely & Tudor (2009) [Ridgely, 2009 #12008], but see Monroe (1968) [Monroe, 1968 #2706], Meyer de Schauensee (1970) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1970 #2678] and A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8].
104 For recommended date see Anon. (1947) [Anon., 1947 #14610].
105 For recommended date see Anon. (1947) [Anon., 1947 #14610].
106 For confirmation of date, see Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542].
107 Binford (1989) [Binford, 1989 #303] recognised subspecies flavigaster Nelson, 1897 [Nelson, 1897 #2758], but see Hellmayr (1935) [Hellmayr, 1935 #10407].
108 For recommended date see Anon. (1947) [Anon., 1947 #14610].
109 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
110 Forms a superspecies with B. ignotus; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9].
111 For treatment as a separate species from B. melanogenys, see Ridgely (1976) [Ridgely, 1976 #15200], A.O.U. (1983, 1998) [A.O.U., 1983 #8], [A.O.U., 1998 #9] and Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498], but see Wetmore et al. (1984) [Wetmore, 1984 #4154].
112 Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9] recognised 3 subspecies groups (culicivorus, cabanisi, auricapilla), but see Vilaça & Santos (2010) [Vilaça, 2010 #12576].
113 Considered by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] to form a superspecies with B. trifasciatus, but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] and Gutiérrez-Pinto et al. (2012) [Gutiérrez-Pinto, 2012 #14741].
114 Includes roraimae Zimmer & Phelps Sr., 1949 preoccupied by Basileuterus roraimae Sharpe, 1885.
115 Traditionally considered a separate species, but see Vilaça & Santos (2010) [Vilaça, 2010 #12576].
116 Dated '1851?' by Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448], but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
117 Perhaps not diagnosably different from nominate; see Gutiérrez-Pinto et al. (2012) [Gutiérrez-Pinto, 2012 #14741].
118 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
119 Species not monophyletic with respect to B. trifasciatus; see Gutiérrez-Pinto et al. (2012) [Gutiérrez-Pinto, 2012 #14741]; who suggest melanotis and tacarcunae be split as two separate species.
120 The name chitrensis Griscom, 1927, is a junior synonym (Wetmore et al. 1984) [Wetmore, 1984 #4154]; overlooked by Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448], Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] and Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498]; see LeCroy (2013) [LeCroy, 2013 #15329].
121 Cover date December 1868; not received at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington until February 6, 1869 and may have only been distributed in 1869.
122 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
123 For new composition of this genus and inclusion of Ergaticus and two Wilsonia species, see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822].
124 Dated '1851?' by Lowery & Monroe (1968) [Lowery, 1968 #2448], but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
125 Subspecies groups based on Irwin et al. (2011) [Irwin, 2011 #12862].
126 Historical assignment of date precedence to pusilla of Wilson over pileolata of Pallas seems satisfactory; Wilson's volume had an Introduction dated February 1811 and in so far as known his volumes were reported as published within about four months of his dated introductions.
127 C. rubra and C. versicolor formerly placed in Ergaticus, but see Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539] and Chesser et al. (2011) [Chesser, 2011 #12822].
128 Forms a superspecies with C. versicolor; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
129 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]. See also Barrera-Guzmán et al. (2012) [Barrera-Guzmán, 2012 #13642].
130 For correct date see Duncan (1937) [Duncan, 1937 #1442].
131 Misspelled albimfrons in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533].
132 Forms a superspecies with M. melanocephalus; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498].
133 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
134 Subspecies groups follow Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
135 May be conspecific with M. ornatus; see Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) [Ridgely, 2001 #3274] and Pérez-Emán (2005) [Pérez-Emán, 2005 #10015].
136 For treatment as a separate species from M. brunniceps, see Ridgely & Tudor (1989) [Ridgely, 1989 #3271], Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636], Pérez-Emán (2005) [Pérez-Emán, 2005 #10015] and Lovette et al. (2010) [Lovette, 2010 #12539].
137 Forms a superspecies with M. cardonai and M. albifacies; M. pariae is presumably also part of same group; see Curson (2010) [Curson, 2010 #13498].
138 Species paraphyletic with respect to M. cardonai; see Pérez-Emán (2005) [Pérez-Emán, 2005 #10015].
139 For retention of date 1849 see Evenhuis (1997) [Evenhuis, 1997 #12439] and Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].