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EMBERIZIDAE - Old World Buntings1 (5:41)
FRINGILLARIA Swainson, 1837 F - Emberiza capensis Linnaeus, 1766; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 47).
Fringillaria cabanisi Cabanis's Bunting
cabanisi (Reichenow, 1875) iSierra Leone to South Sudan, NE DR Congo, NW Uganda
orientalis Shelley, 1882 vTanzania, E Zambia, Malawi, E Zimbabwe, N Mozambique
cognominata Grote, 1931 vS DR Congo, Angola, W Zambia, N and C Zimbabwe
Fringillaria affinis Brown-rumped Bunting
nigeriae (Bannerman & G.L. Bates, 1926) iSenegal to Nigeria, N Cameroon
vulpecula (Grote, 1921) iC Cameroon, S Chad, N Central African Republic
affinis (von Heuglin, 1867) vSouth Sudan, N Uganda and adjacent NE DR Congo
omoensis (Neumann, 1905)2 vSW Ethiopia
Fringillaria flaviventris Golden-breasted Bunting
flavigaster (Cretzschmar, 1828) iMauritania to S Sudan, Eritrea
kalaharica (Roberts, 1932)3 vS South Sudan, Uganda, W and C Kenya, E and S DR Congo to E Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, N South Africa
princeps (Clancey & Winterbottom, 1960)4 SW Angola to C Namibia
flaviventris (Stephens, 1815) vS Mozambique (Maputo), E South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal to Eastern Cape)
Fringillaria poliopleura   Salvadori, 1888 Somali Bunting
Somalia, E and S Ethiopia, N and E Kenya, NE Tanzania
Fringillaria capensis Cape Bunting
vincenti P.R. Lowe, 1932 iN Mozambique, S Malawi, E Zambia
nebularum Rudebeck, 1958 iSW Angola
bradfieldi Roberts, 1928 iC and NW Namibia
smithersii Plowes, 1951 iE Zimbabwe, W Mozambique
plowesi Vincent, 1950 iNE Botswana, Zimbabwe plateau
limpopoensis Roberts, 1924 vSE Botswana, NE South Africa (Limpopo and Gauteng)
reidi Shelley, 1902 iE South Africa (S Mpumalanga to E Free State, E Eastern Cape)
basutoensis Vincent, 1950 vLesotho highlands
cinnamomea (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1842) vC and SE South Africa (S and E Northern Cape to W Free State, W Eastern Cape)
vinacea (Clancey, 1963) vN South Africa (N Northern Cape)
capensis (Linnaeus, 1766) vS Namibia, W South Africa (W Northern Cape, Western Cape)
Fringillaria socotrana   Ogilvie-Grant & H.O. Forbes, 1899 Socotra Bunting
Fringillaria impetuani Lark-like Bunting
impetuani (A. Smith, 1836)5 iS Angola, Namibia, Botswana and adjacent W and NW South Africa >> W Zambia (vagrant S DR Congo)
sloggetti (J.D. Macdonald, 1957)6 iW and C South Africa (Western and Northern Cape to Gauteng)
Fringillaria tahapisi Cinnamon-breasted Bunting
arabica Lorenz von Liburnau & Hellmayr, 1902 vSW Arabia to S Oman
goslingi Alexander, 19067 iSenegal and S Mauritania to W Sudan and N DR Congo
septemstriata (Rüppell, 1837)8 αvSE Sudan, N Ethiopia, N Eritrea
tahapisi (A. Smith, 1836)9 iS South Sudan, S and C Ethiopia, Socotra and East Africa to Gabon, Angola, NE Namibia and E South Africa
nivenorum (Winterbottom, 1965)10 iNW Namibia
Fringillaria striolata Striated Bunting
1 sahari (J.J.R. Levaillant, 1850)11 NW Africa and C Sahara east to N and NE Chad
2 sanghae (Traylor, 1960)12 iN Senegal, Mauritania, C Mali
2 saturatior Sharpe, 1901 vC and S Sudan, SW Ethiopia, NW Kenya, N Somalia
2 jebelmarrae Lynes, 1920 iSW Sudan
2 striolata (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823) vNE Sudan, Eritrea, NE and C Ethiopia; Arabia, Sinai, SE Israel, SW Jordan, S Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, NW India
MELOPHUS Swainson, 1837 M - Emberiza erythropterus Jardine & Selby, 1833; type by monotypy = Emberiza lathami J.E. Gray, 1831  
Melophus lathami   (J.E. Gray, 1831) Crested Bunting
SE Xizang, SW and S China, Himalayan foothills east from N Pakistan, C to NE India, N continental SE Asia east to NW Vietnam >> W and N Thailand
GRANATIVORA G.R. Gray, 1855 F - Emberiza melanocephala Scopoli, 1769; type by monotypy
Granativora bruniceps   (von Brandt, 1841) Red-headed Bunting
Lower R. Volga to NE Iran and Afghanistan, W Turkmenistan to E Kazakhstan, SW Mongolia and NW China in Xinjiang >> India except NE
Granativora melanocephala   (Scopoli, 1769) Black-headed Bunting
vSE Europe and Caucasus to Iran >> W India
EMBERIZA Linnaeus, 1758 F - Emberiza citrinella Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 47).   
Emberiza fucata Chestnut-eared Bunting
arcuata Sharpe, 1888 vSW to NC China, N Pakistan, Himalayas east to W Nepal >> N Myanmar
fucata Pallas, 1776 vBaikal Mts. and N Mongolia to Sakhalin, Russian Far East, Japan, Korea, NE China >> SE China, NE India, N continental SE Asia
kuatunensis La Touche, 1925 vS and SE China, north to Zhejiang
Emberiza calandra13 Corn Bunting
calandra Linnaeus, 1758 iCanary Is., N Africa, Europe, Asia Minor, Caucasus area, N Iran
buturlini H.E. Johansen, 190714 iSE Turkey to Iran, N Afghanistan, C Asia to S Kazakhstan, NW China in WC Xinjiang >> SW Asia
Emberiza jankowskii   Taczanowski, 1888 Jankowski's Bunting
iS Russian Far East (formerly?), far-NE China >> Korea
Emberiza cioides Meadow Bunting
tarbagataica Sushkin, 1925 vC Asia in SW Altai and S and E Tien Shan, NW China in N Xinjiang
cioides von Brandt, 1843 iSC Siberia to Baikal, Mongolia, NC China in E Qinghai
weigoldi Jacobi, A., 1923 iRussian Far East, N Korea, NE China >> C Korea, C China
castaneiceps F. Moore, 1856 iS Korea, EC and E China >> S China, Taiwan
ciopsis Bonaparte, 185015,16 αiS Kuril Is., Japan >> C and S Japan
Emberiza godlewskii17 Godlewski's Bunting
decolorata Sushkin, 1925 vC Asia in S and E Tien Shan, NW China in W Xinjiang
godlewskii Taczanowski, 1874 iSE Siberia from Baikal to Altai, Mongolia, NC China from N Qinghai to Gansu
khamensis Sushkin, 1925 vS and E Xizang, WC to NC China from SW Sichuan to SE Qinghai
yunnanensis Sharpe, 1902 vSE Xizang, SW and WC China from Yunnan and S Sichuan to Guizhou and Guangxi, NE India in Arunachal Pradesh
omissa Rothschild, 1921 vWC to C and EC China from N Sichuan and Shaanxi to Hebei
Emberiza cia Rock Bunting
cia Linnaeus, 176618 iC and S Europe to Balkans and N Asia Minor, N Africa
hordei C.L. Brehm, 183119 iGreece, SW and SC Asia Minor, Levant [Brehm, 1831 #475]
prageri Laubmann, 191520 iCrimea, Caucasus area, E Turkey, SW and N Iran
par E. Hartert, 1904 iNE Iran, Afghanistan, C Asia to SW Altai, NW China in N Xinjiang, W Pakistan, Himalayas east to Ladakh,
stracheyi F. Moore, 1856 iSW Xizang, outer Himalayas east to W Nepal
flemingorum J. Martens, 1972 iW and C Nepal [Martens, 1972 #2502]
Emberiza buchanani Grey-necked Bunting
cerrutii Defilippi, 1863 iE Turkey and Caucasus to Iran and SW Turkmenistan >> India
buchanani Blyth, 184521 αiAfghanistan, C Asia to Pamir and Alai ranges, NW Pakistan >> SE Pakistan, W and C India
neobscura Paynter, 197022 vC Asia in Kazakhstan and Tien Shan, W Mongolia, NW China in N Xinjiang >> W and C India
Emberiza caesia 23  Cretzschmar, 1827 Cretzschmar's Buntingα
vGreece, W and S Turkey, Cyprus, Levant >> NE Africa (Chad to Eritrea and Djibouti)
Emberiza cineracea Cinereous Bunting
cineracea C.L. Brehm, 1855 vLesbos, Chios (E Greece), W, SW and SC Asia Minor >> NE Africa
semenowi Sarudny, 1904 iSE Turkey, SW Iran >> NE Africa, SW Arabia
Emberiza hortulana   Linnaeus, 1758 Ortolan Bunting
iEurope to SC Siberia and Mongolia south to NW Africa, Levant and Iran >> N Afrotropics (Senegal to Ethiopia and Yemen), SW Asia
Emberiza cirlus 24  Linnaeus, 1766 Cirl Bunting
iNW Africa, W and S Europe to W and N Asia Minor25
Emberiza stewarti   (Blyth, 1854) White-capped Bunting
iAfghanistan, C Asia to Pamir and Alai ranges and W Tien Shan, W Pakistan, Himalayan east to C Himachal Pradesh >> NW and C India
Emberiza citrinella Yellowhammer/Eurasian Yellow Bunting
caliginosa Clancey, 1940 vN and W British Isles
citrinella Linnaeus, 1758 iW Europe to W Russia, W Balkans and Greece >> N Africa26
erythrogenys C.L. Brehm, 1855 iE Russia and Siberia to Baikal >> SW Asia, west C Asia, Mongolia, Nepal
Emberiza leucocephalos27 Pine Bunting
leucocephalos S.G. Gmelin, 177128 δiSiberia and C Asia south to Tien Shan, Russian Far East, Mongolia, NW to NE China >> SE Europe, SW and C Asia, Japan, N China, Himalayan foothills
fronto Stresemann, 1930 iNC China from N Qinghai to SW Gansu
Emberiza koslowi   Bianchi, 1904 Tibetan Bunting
iNC China in SC Qinghai >> E Xizang, SE Qinghai
SCHOENICLUS T. Forster, 1817 M - Emberiza arundinacea S.G. Gmelin, 1774; type by monotypy and tautonymy = Fringilla schoeniclus Linnaeus, 1758
Schoeniclus siemsseni   (G.H. Martens, 1906) Slaty Bunting
WC to NC China from Sichuan to Ningxia >> C, S and SE China from Guizhou to Anhui, N Guangdong and NW Fujian
Schoeniclus elegans Yellow-throated Bunting
elegans (Temminck, 1836)29,30 αiRussian Far East, Korea, Tsushima I. (Korea Strait), NE China >> S Japan, S and E China
elegantulus (Swinhoe, 1870) vC China >> NE Myanmar
Schoeniclus yessoensis Japanese Reed Bunting/Ochre-rumped Bunting
yessoensis (Swinhoe, 1874) vC and S Japan >> S Japan, Korea
continentalis (Witherby, 1913) vS Russian Far East, NE China >> S Korea, E China
Schoeniclus pallasi Pallas's Reed Bunting
pallasi (Cabanis, 1851) iSW Baikal to Altai and Sayan ranges, NW Mongolia
minor (von Middendorff, 1853)31 vN and E Baikal to Russian Far East [von Middendorff, 1853 #2681]
polaris (von Middendorff, 1853)32 αvNE Russia to extreme NE Siberia >> Russian Far East and Korea to E China
lydiae (Portenko, 1928)33 αiSC Siberia in Tuva Republic, N and C Mongolia
Schoeniclus schoeniclus34 Eurasian Reed Bunting
1 schoeniclus (Linnaeus, 1758) iW, N and NC Europe to N Russia >> S Europe, N Africa, SW Asia
1 passerinus (Pallas, 1771) vNW Siberia >> Iran, NW Mongolia and NW China in N Xinjiang
1 parvirostris (Buturlin, 1910) vSiberia from mid-Yenisey valley to Yakutia, south to SW Baikal >> Mongolia, NW China east to Qinghai
1 pyrrhulinus Swinhoe, 1876 vBaikal east to Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Russian Far East, Kuril Is., Hokkaido, NE Mongolia, NE China >> C Japan, Korea, E China
1 pallidior (E. Hartert, 1904) vSW and SC Siberia east to Altai foothills >> SW and C Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, NW India
1 ukrainae (Sarudny, 1917) iMoldova and Ukraine to C Russia >> Black Sea basin
2 incognitus (Sarudny, 1917) vS Ural Mts. and C Asia (north of pyrrhuloides), east to NE Kazakhstan >> Caspian and NW China in Xinjiang
2 pyrrhuloides (Pallas, 1811) iN Caspian east through C Asia to SE Kazakhstan and C Tien Shan
2 harterti (Sushkin, 1906)35 iC Asia in E Kazakhstan, W and S Mongolia, NW China in NW Xinjiang
2 centralasiae (E. Hartert, 1904)36 iNW China in Tarim basin (SW Xinjiang)
2 zaidamensis (Portenko, 1929) vNW China in Tsaidam basin (SE Xinjiang, N Qinghai)
3 witherbyi (von Jordans, 1923)37 iIberia, S France, Sardinia, Balearic Is.
3 stresemanni (F. Steinbacher, 1930)38 iE Austria, Hungary, N Serbia, NW Romania
3 intermedius (Degland, 1849) vItaly to coastal Croatia and NW Albania
3 tschusii (Reiser & Almásy, 1898)39 iN Bulgaria, S and E Romania, shores of N Black Sea and Sea of Azov
3 reiseri (E. Hartert, 1904) iSE Albania, Macedonia, Greece, W and C Turkey
3 caspius (Ménétries, 1832) vE Turkey, E Transcaucasia, NW and N Iran
3 korejewi (Sarudny, 1907) iSE Turkey, Syria, SW and E Iran, S Turkmenistan
Schoeniclus spodocephala Black-faced Bunting
spodocephala (Pallas, 1776) Siberia from mid-Yenisey valley to Yakutia, south to Altai, Baikal, Sakhalin and Russian Far East, N Korea, N Mongolia, NE China >> S and E China
personatus (Temminck, 1836)40 αvS Sakhalin, S Kuril Is., N and C Japan >> S Japan
sordidus (Blyth, 1845) vWC, NC and C China from N Yunnan, W Sichuan and NE Qinghai to Hubei >> Himalayan foothills east from Nepal, NE India, N continental SE Asia
Schoeniclus sulphuratus 41  (Temminck & Schlegel, 1848) Japanese Yellow Bunting
vHonshu (C Japan), S Korea >> S Japan, E China, N Philippines
Schoeniclus rusticus 42  (Pallas, 1776) Rustic Bunting
vN Europe and Siberia east to Sakhalin, south to Altai and N Baikal >> Japan, Korea, E China to Taiwan
Schoeniclus rutilus   (Pallas, 1776) Chestnut Bunting
vSiberia from mid-Yenisey valley to Yakutia, south to Baikal and E Russian Far East, N Mongolia, extreme NE China >> far-NE India (Manipur, Mizoram), S China, W and N continental SE Asia
Schoeniclus pusillus   (Pallas, 1776) Little Bunting
vNE Europe to NE Siberia >> S China, Himalayas east from Nepal, NE India, NE Bangladesh, N continental SE Asia
Schoeniclus aureolus Yellow-breasted Bunting
aureolus (Pallas, 1773) vNE Europe and Siberia east to Kolyma basin, south to Baikal, W and C Mongolia >> S China, mainland SE Asia
ornatus (Shulpin, 1928) vSiberia (east of aureolus) to Anadyrland and Kamchatka, south to Sakhalin, E Russian Far East, Hokkaido, N Korea, far-NE China >> S China, NE India, mainland SE Asia
Schoeniclus chrysophrys   (Pallas, 1776) Yellow-browed Bunting
C Siberia (mid Yenisey valley) east to Yakutia and south to Baikal >> SC and SE China
Schoeniclus variabilis Grey Bunting
variabilis (Temminck, 1836)43 αvSakhalin, S Kuril Is., N and C Japan >> C Japan to Ryukyu Is.
musicus (von Kittlitz, 1858)44 vS Kamchatka >> C and S Japan [Kittlitz, 1858 #2231]
Schoeniclus tristrami   (Swinhoe, 1870) Tristram's Bunting
Russian Far East, Korea, NE China >> S and SE China, N continental SE Asia

1 Treatment follows Alström et al. (2008) [Alström, 2008 #10764], with Miliaria and Latoucheornis subsumed. Species sequence based on their treatment with unscreened species interpolated but with distinctive E. koslowi placed at the end of Emberiza. But see Koblik (2007) [Koblik, 2007 #15220] for a treatment accepting more small genera.
2 For recognition see White (1963) [White, 1963 #4190] under the name E. forbesi omoensis.
3 Treated as a synonym of the nominate by Ryan (2011) [Ryan, 2011 #13523].
4 For recognition see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
5 Implicitly includes eremica Clancey, 1989 [Clancey, 1989 #944], see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
6 For recognition see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
7 For suggested treatment at species rank see Olsson et al. (2013) [Olsson, 2013 #14629].
8 For date correction see Steinheimer (2005) [Steinheimer, 2005 #3709].
9 Includes insularis see Kirwan (2007) [Kirwan, 2007 #10614].
10 For recognition see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
11 For treatment as a separate species see Kirwan & Shirihai (2007) [Kirwan, 2007 #9928] and Olsson et al. (2013) [Olsson, 2013 #14629].
12 Not mentioned by Ryan (2011) [Ryan, 2011 #13523].
13 For reasons to retain this in Emberiza rather retain monotypic Miliaria [Brehm, 1828 #474] see Lee et al. (2001) [Lee, 2001 #2359].
14 For recognition see Cramp et al. (1994) [Cramp, 1994 #1090].
15 Includes shiretokoensis Mishima, 1959 [Mishima, 1959 #2692] see Orn. Soc. Japan (2000) [Ornithological Society of Japan, 2000 #2875].
16 Dated 1851? by Paynter (1970) [Paynter, 1970 #2982] but see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
17 For treatment as a separate species from E. cia see Mauersberger (1972) [Mauersberger, 1972 #2534]; corroborated by Alström et al. (2008) [Alström, 2008 #10764].
18 Includes africana; see Cramp et al. (1994) [Cramp, 1994 #1090].
19 For recognition see Roselaar (1995) [Roselaar, 1995 #3385]. Not recognised by Copete (2011) [Copete, 2011 #13521].
20 For recognition see Cramp et al. (1994) [Cramp, 1994 #1090]. Not recognised by Copete (2011) [Copete, 2011 #13521].
21 Dated 1844 by Paynter (1970) [Paynter, 1970 #2982], but see Dickinson & Pittie (2006) [Dickinson, 2006 #9467].
22 This name was a nomen novum needed because Emberiza buchanani obscura Sarudny & Korejev, 1903 is a junior primary homonym of Emberiza obscura d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837.
23 For date correction see Steinheimer (2005) [Steinheimer, 2005 #3709].
24 Includes nigrostriata; see Cramp et al. (1994) [Cramp, 1994 #1090].
25 Introduced to New Zealand.
26 Introduced to New Zealand.
27 Considered to be either a separate species from E. citrinella with secondary interaction, see Irwin et al. (2009) [Irwin, 2009 #13417]; or as a second subspecies group of E. citrinella that has not yet achieved species rank, see Tietze et al. (2012) [Tietze, 2012 #14758].
28 The spelling leucocephala in Paynter (1970) [Paynter, 1970 #2982] was an ISS.
29 Includes ticehursti; see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
30 Livr. 98 must be dated from 1836 see Dickinson (2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1369].
31 For transfer to this species see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721]; treated as subspecies schoeniclus by Paynter (1970) [Paynter, 1970 #2982] and by Copete (2011) [Copete, 2011 #13521].
32 For correct date see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
33 The issue title page is dated October 1928.
34 Revision based on Cramp et al. (1994) [Cramp, 1994 #1090].
35 For recognition see Cramp et al. (1994) [Cramp, 1994 #1090].
36 For recognition see Cramp et al. (1994) [Cramp, 1994 #1090].
37 Includes lusitanica; see Vaurie (1959) [Vaurie, 1959 #3961] which was found genetically distinct by Kvist et al. (2011) [Kvist, 2011 #12867].
38 For recognition see Cramp et al. (1994) [Cramp, 1994 #1090].
39 For recognition see Cramp et al. (1994) [Cramp, 1994 #1090].
40 Livr. 98 must be dated from 1836 see Dickinson (2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1369].
41 Dual original spellings; see David et al. (2009) [David, 2009 #11541].
42 For treatment as monotypic see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721]. However a subspecies latifascia was recognised by Vaurie (1959) [Vaurie, 1959 #3961] and by Copete (2011) [Copete, 2011 #13521].
43 Livr. 98 must be dated from 1836 see Dickinson (2001) [Dickinson, 2001 #1369].
44 For recognition see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721]; not accepted by Orn. Soc. Japan (2000) [Ornithological Society of Japan, 2000 #2875].