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CACATUIDAE - Cockatoos (7:21)
NYMPHICUS Wagler, 1832 M - Psittacus novaehollandiae J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 51). = Psittacus hollandicus Kerr, 1792  
Nymphicus hollandicus   (R. Kerr, 1792) Cockatiel
vInterior of Australia
CALYPTORHYNCHUS Desmarest, 1826 M - Psittacus banksii Latham, 1790; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 53).  
Calyptorhynchus banksii1,2 Red-tailed Black Cockatoo
macrorhynchus Gould, 1843 vNW Australia to E Gulf of Carpentaria
banksii (Latham, 1790) iE Australia (Cape York Pen. to NE New South Wales) [Latham, 1790 #2335]
graptogyne Schodde, D. Saunders & Homberger, 19893 iSE South Australia, SW Victoria [Schodde, 1989 #3517]
samueli Mathews, 1917 iWC to EC Australia (arid zone river systems)
naso Gould, 1837 iSW Australia (forest belt)
Calyptorhynchus lathami4 Glossy Black Cockatoo
erebus Schodde & Mason, 1993 iCoastal EC Queensland [Schodde, 1993 #3522]
lathami (Temminck, 1807) iCoastal and subcoastal SE Australia (SE Queensland to E Victoria)
halmaturinus Mathews, 1912 vKangaroo I. (off South Australia)
ZANDA Mathews, 1913 F - Calyptorhynchus baudini tenuirostris Mathews, 1913; type by original designation & monotypy = Calyptorhynchus baudinii Lear, 1832  5
Zanda funerea Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
funerea (Shaw, 1794) vE Australia (EC Queensland to E Victoria)
whiteae (Mathews, 1912)6 iSW Victoria to SC South Australia (Eyre Pen.), Kangaroo I.
xanthanota (Gould, 1838)7 vTasmania, Flinders I., King I. [Gould, 1838 #1742]
Zanda baudinii   (Lear, 1832) Long-billed Black Cockatoo
SW Western Australia (wheat belt and mallee)
Zanda latirostris 8  (Carnaby, 1948) Short-billed Black Cockatoo
vForested extreme SW Western Australia [Carnaby, 1948 #665]
PROBOSCIGER Kuhl, 1820 M - Psittacus aterrimus J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by subsequent designation (Salvadori, 1891, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 20, p. 102).  
Probosciger aterrimus9 Palm Cockatoo
alecto (Temminck, 1835)10 Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati, Misool (Western Papuan Is.)
stenolophus (van Oort, 1911) vLowland N, NE and SE New Guinea (R. Mamberamo to Goodenough Bay), Yapen I.
goliath (Kuhl, 1820) iLowland NW (Vogelkop), SW, S and SE New Guinea (except Trans-Fly region)
aterrimus (J.F. Gmelin, 1788)11 vAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
macgillivrayi (Mathews, 1912)12 iLowland SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region), NE Australia (Cape York Pen.)
CALLOCEPHALON Lesson, 1837 N - Callocephalon australe Lesson, 1837; type by monotypy = Psittacus fimbriatus J. Grant, 1803  
Callocephalon fimbriatum 13  (J. Grant, 1803) Gang-gang Cockatoo
vSE Australia
EOLOPHUS Bonaparte, 1854 M - Cacatua rosea Vieillot, 1822; type by monotypy = Cacutua roseicapilla Vieillot, 1817  
Eolophus roseicapilla14 Galah
kuhli (Mathews, 1912) iN Australia
roseicapilla (Vieillot, 1817) iW and WC Australia15
albiceps Schodde, 1989 iEC and E Australia to Tasmania [Schodde, 1989 #3517]
CACATUA Vieillot, 1817 F - Cacatua cristata Vieillot, 1817; type by subsequent designation (Salvadori, 1891, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 20, pp. 115, 124). = Psittacus albus Statius Muller, 1776  16,17
Cacatua leadbeateri18 Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
mollis (Mathews, 1912)19 vNC to SC Western Australia, C Australia and W South Australia (Eyre Pen.)
leadbeateri (Vigors, 1831) iEC Australia (Murray-Darling basin to E Lake Eyre basin)
Cacatua tenuirostris 20,21  (Kuhl, 1820) Long-billed Corella
vSE Australia
Cacatua pastinator22 Western Corella
pastinator (Gould, 1841) iExtreme SW Western Australia
derbyi (Mathews, 1916)23 iSW to WC Western Australia
Cacatua sanguinea Little Corella
transfreta Mees, 1982 vLowland SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region) [Mees, 1982 #2626]
sanguinea Gould, 184324 vNW and NC Australia (Kimberley Division to Arnhem Land)
westralensis (Mathews, 1917)25 vWC and C Western Australia
gymnopis P.L. Sclater, 187126 vC and inland E Australia (north to NW and C Queensland) [Sclater, 1871 #3556]
normantoni (Mathews, 1917)27 iNE Australia (SW Cape York Pen.)
Cacatua goffiniana 28  Roselaar & Michels, 2004 Tanimbar Corella
vKai Is. (SE Moluccas), Tanimbar Is. (Lesser Sundas) [Roselaar, 2004 #3387]29
Cacatua ducorpsii 30,31  Pucheran, 1853 Solomon Islands Corellaδ
iBougainville to Guadalcanal and Malaita (Solomons) [Jacquinot, 1853 #2104]
Cacatua haematuropygia   (Statius Muller, 1776) Philippine Cockatoo
vPhilippines (including Palawan)
Cacatua galerita32 Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
triton Temminck, 184933 iLowland to montane New Guinea and satellite islands (except Aru Is.)
eleonora Finsch, 1863 αiAru Is. (off SW New Guinea) [Finsch, 1863 #1551]
fitzroyi (Mathews, 1912) iNW and NC Australia (Kimberley Division to Arnhem Land)
galerita (Latham, 1790)34 vCoastal and subcoastal E Australia (Cape York Pen. to S South Australia and Tasmania)35
Cacatua ophthalmica 36  P.L. Sclater, 1864 Blue-eyed Cockatoo
vNew Britain (Bismarck Arch.)
Cacatua sulphurea Yellow-crested Cockatoo
sulphurea (J.F. Gmelin, 1788)37 vSulawesi and SE satellites, Flores Sea islands
abbotti (Oberholser, 1917) iMasalembu Besar I. (Java Sea)
parvula (Bonaparte, 1850)38 vLesser Sundas east to Alor and Timor (except Sumba)
citrinocristata (Fraser, 1844) vSumba (Lesser Sundas)
Cacatua moluccensis   (J.F. Gmelin, 1788) Salmon-crested Cockatoo
vS Moluccas
Cacatua alba 39  (Statius Muller, 1776) White Cockatoo
vN Moluccas

1 Called Calyptorhynchus magnificus in Peters (1937) [Peters, 1937 #3008]. Name magnificus Shaw now suppressed; see Opinion 1833 (I.C.Z.N., 1996) [I.C.Z.N., 1996 #9667].
2 Subspecies recognition follows Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523].
3 The name magnificus, which might have been thought applicable, was based on a specimen of another species (Schodde & Mason, 1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523].
4 For restoration of this name and recognition of halmaturinus see Schodde et al. (1993) [Schodde, 1993 #3522]. See also Opinion 1833 (I.C.Z.N., 1996) [I.C.Z.N., 1996 #9667] for suppression of magnificus Shaw, 1790.
5 For recognition see White et al. (2011) [White, 2011 #12803].
6 For recognition see Saunders (1979) [Saunders, 1979 #14129], Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523] and Rowley (1997) [Rowley, 1997 #14117]; but see Higgins (1999) [Higgins, 1999 #1962] and Forshaw (2006) [Forshaw, 2006 #9577].
7 Spelling here correct from source cited; spelled xanthonotus in the later Proceedings of the Zoological Society, London.
8 For recognition as a separate species from C. funerea see Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523]; who placed the name tenuirostris in the synonymy of C. baudinii.
9 Subspecies classification follows Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523] and Murphy et al. (2007) [Murphy, 2007 #9984].
10 For recognition see Murphy et al. (2007) [Murphy, 2007 #9984].
11 Includes intermedius after losing precedence. Peters (1937) [Peters, 1937 #3008] reported a restricted type locality in Australia, but this was corrected to the Aru Islands by Mees (1957) [Mees, 1957 #2606].
12 For recognition see Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523].
13 Includes superior; see Condon (1975) [Condon, 1975 #1033].
14 Subspecies recognition follows Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523] who considered the name howei applied to intergrades and put it aside.
15 Introduced to New Zealand (North Island).
16 Taxon recognition follows Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523], except where indicated. Sequence based on White et al. (2011) [White, 2011 #12803] and Joseph et al. (2012) [Joseph, 2012 #13790]. See also Brown & Toft (1999) [Brown, 1999 #14128].
17 The name Kakatoe employed by Peters (1937) [Peters, 1937 #3008] has been suppressed for priority; see Opinion 1949 (I.C.Z.N., 2000) [I.C.Z.N., 2000 #9670].
18 Revision based on Schodde (1993) [Schodde, 1993 #3521] and Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523] and monophyly in White et al. (2011) [White, 2011 #12803]. See also Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602].
19 Includes mungi and superflua; see Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523]. Included in nominate form by Rowley (1997) [Rowley, 1997 #14117].
20 Sequence of corellas based on Brown & Toft (1999) [Brown, 1999 #14128]. Species C. tenuirostris, C. pastinator, C. sanguinea, C. goffiniana and C. ducorpsii form a superspecies (Mayr & Diamond, 2001) [Mayr, 2001 #10562].
21 Implicitly includes mcallani Wells & Wellington, 1992 [Wells, 1992 #4117]; see Rowley (1997) [Rowley, 1997 #14117].
22 For separation from C. tenuirostris see Schodde et al. (1979) [Schodde, 1979 #11038].
23 For recognition, and placement of butleri Ford, 1987 [Ford, 1987 #1584] in synonymy see Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523].
24 Includes subdistincta; see Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523].
25 For recognition see Ford (1985) [Ford, 1985 #11037] and Collar (1997) [Collar, 1997 #1011]; for inclusion in gymnopis see Schodde (1979) [Schodde, 1979 #11038].
26 For recognition see Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523], who also placed ashbyi in synonymy.
27 For recognition see Schodde et al. (1979) [Schodde, 1979 #11038].
28 Name provided to replace C. goffini, found to be a junior synonym of C. ducorpsii.
29 Introduced to Singapore.
30 For decision on authorship and spelling see Opinion 1168 (I.C.Z.N., 1981) [I.C.Z.N., 1981 #6629].
31 The name goffini, previously used for the Tanimbar Corella, is attached to a specimen of C. ducorpsii and is thus a synonym; see Roselaar & Prins (2000) [Roselaar, 2000 #3386]; so too is Cacatua tanimberensis Roselaar & Prins, 2000 [Roselaar, 2000 #3386]; see Roselaar & Michels (2004) [Roselaar, 2004 #3387].
32 Sequence of black-billed cockatoos based on Brown & Toft (1999) [Brown, 1999 #14128].
33 Includes macrolophus, trobriandi, aruensis and kwalamkwalam; see Mayr (1941) [Mayr, 1941 #2550].
34 Includes rosinae; see Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523].
35 Introduced to New Zealand (North Island) and Palau.
36 For treatment as a separate species from C. galerita see Forshaw & Cooper (1978) [Forshaw, 1978 #1587].
37 Includes djampeana; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
38 Includes occidentalis; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194]; but see Mees (2006) [Mees, 2006 #7094].
39 Forms a superspecies with C. galerita, C. ophthalmica, C. sulphurea and C. moluccensis; see Mayr & Diamond (2001) [Mayr, 2001 #10562].