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ONYCHORHYNCHIDAE - Royal Flycatchers and allies1 (3:5)
ONYCHORHYNCHUS J.G. Fischer, 1810 M - Todus regius J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by monotypy = Muscicapa coronata Statius Muller, 1776  2
Onychorhynchus coronatus3 Royal Flycatcher
1 mexicanus (P.L. Sclater, 1857) vS Mexico (S Veracruz, N and SE Oaxaca) to Panama
1 fraterculus Bangs, 1902 iN Colombia (south to N Antioquia, N Santander and NW Arauca) and NW Venezuela (W Zulia, W Trujillo, W Mérida, NW Barinas)
2 occidentalis (P.L. Sclater, 1860) vNW Ecuador (W Esmeraldas) to extreme NW Peru (Tumbes)
3 coronatus (Statius Muller, 1776) vS and E Venezuela (except S Amazonas), the Guianas and E Amazonian Brazil (west to R. Negro and R. Tapajós)
3 castelnaui Deville, 1849 iSE Colombia, S Venezuela (S Amazonas), E Ecuador, E Peru, W Amazonian Brazil (east to R. Negro and R. Madeira) and N Bolivia
4 swainsoni (von Pelzeln, 1858) iSE Brazil (E Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro to N Paraná)
TERENOTRICCUS Ridgway, 1905 M - Myiobius fulvigularis Salvin & Godman, 1889; type by original designation  4
Terenotriccus erythrurus Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher
fulvigularis (Salvin & Godman, 1889) vSE Mexico (S Campeche to NE Chiapas), N Guatemala and Belize to Panama, N and W Colombia, SW Ecuador (NW Azuay) and W Venezuela (W Trujillo, NW Barinas, Carabobo)
venezuelensis J.T. Zimmer, 1939 vE Colombia (E Guainía), S and SE Venezuela (Amazonas, W and S Bolívar) and NW Brazil (R. Uaupés)
erythrurus (Cabanis, 1847) vE Venezuela (E Bolívar), the Guianas and N Brazil (north of R. Amazon, west to R. Negro)
signatus J.T. Zimmer, 19395 vSE Colombia, E Ecuador, NE Peru (north of R. Marañón) and W Amazonian Brazil (north of R. Amazon, east to R. Japurá)
brunneifrons Hellmayr, 1927 iE Peru (south of R. Marañón), W Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to R. Juruá), NW and C Bolivia
purusianus (Parkes & Panza, 1993)6 vW Amazonian Brazil (middle R. Purus) [Parkes, 1993 #2946]
amazonus J.T. Zimmer, 19397 vC Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, lower R. Tefé to lower R. Purus and from R. Madeira to R. Tapajós)
hellmayri (E. Snethlage, 1907) iE Amazonian Brazil (west to R. Tocantins)
MYIOBIUS G.R. Gray, 1839 M - Muscicapa barbata J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by subsequent designation (Opinion 414, Int. Comm., 1956, Op. Decl. Zool. Nomencl., 13, p. 245).8,9
Myiobius villosus Tawny-breasted Flycatcher
villosus P.L. Sclater, 1860 vE Panama (Cerro Tacarcuna); W Andes of Colombia to NW Ecuador (Pichincha)
schaeferi Aveledo & A.R. Pons, 1952 iSierra de Perijá; locally in Andes of Venezuela (W Mérida, SE Táchira) and on E slope of E Andes of Colombia (W Arauca, NW Casanare)
clarus J.T. Zimmer, 1939 vE slope of Andes of S Colombia (W Caquetá) to C Peru (Junín)
peruvianus Todd, 1922 vE slope of Andes of SE Peru (Puno) and NW Bolivia (La Paz)
Myiobius barbatus10 Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher/Whiskered Flycatcher
1 sulphureipygius (P.L. Sclater, 1857)11 vSE Mexico (S Veracruz, N Oaxaca) to NW Honduras
1 aureatus Bangs, 1908 vNE Honduras (mainly on Caribbean slope) to Panama, W Colombia and SW Ecuador (W Loja)
2 semiflavus Todd, 1919 vNC Colombia (N Antioquia to NW Santander)
2 barbatus (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vE Ecuador, NE Peru (north of R. Marañón), SE Colombia, S and E Venezuela (south of R. Orinoco), the Guianas and N Brazil (north of R. Amazon)
2 amazonicus Todd, 1925 vE Peru (south of R. Marañón) and W Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to R. Madeira)
2 insignis J.T. Zimmer, 1939 vE Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, west to R. Tapajós)
2 mastacalis (zu Wied-Neuwied, 1821)12 vE Brazil (S Goiás; Paraíba to NE Santa Catarina)
Myiobius atricaudus13 Black-tailed Flycatcher
1 atricaudus Lawrence, 1863 iSW Costa Rica to N and W Colombia
1 modestus Todd, 1912 vC and E Venezuela (along R. Orinoco in N Bolívar)
1 portovelae Chapman, 1924 iW Ecuador and NW Peru (Tumbes)
1 adjacens J.T. Zimmer, 1939 iS Colombia (Putumayo), E Ecuador, E Peru and W Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to R. Madeira)
1 connectens J.T. Zimmer, 1939 iE Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, west to R. Tapajós)
1 snethlagei Hellmayr, 1927 iNE Brazil (E Maranhão to Ceará and Pernambuco, south to SE Goiás and W Bahia)
2 ridgwayi von Berlepsch, 1888 iSE Brazil (Espírito Santo and E Minas Gerais to São Paulo and NE Paraná)

1 For formal introduction of this family-group name see Tello et al. (2009) [Tello, 2009 #12002].
2 For reasons to treat the mexicanus group as conspecific with coronatus see Ridgely & Tudor (1994) [Ridgely, 1994 #3272].
3 Probably comprises multiple species, see Fitzpatrick (2004) [Fitzpatrick, 2004 #12197].
4 Moved here from the Tyrannidae on the authority of Ohlson et al. (2013) [Ohlson, 2013 #14349].
5 Doubtfully diagnosable from brunneifrons, see Fitzpatrick (2004) [Fitzpatrick, 2004 #12197].
6 Doubtfully diagnosable from brunneifrons, see Fitzpatrick (2004) [Fitzpatrick, 2004 #12197].
7 Doubtfully diagnosable from brunneifrons; see Fitzpatrick (2004) [Fitzpatrick, 2004 #12197].
8 For transfer from the Tyrannidae to the Onychorhynchidae; see Ohlson et al. (2013) [Ohlson, 2013 #14349].
9 See Lanyon (1988) [Lanyon, 1988 #2326]. The authorship is not Darwin, contra I.C.Z.N. (1956) [I.C.Z.N., 1956 #6618], but the citation in Traylor (1979) [Traylor, 1979 #3871] is otherwise correct. See Steinheimer et al. (2006) [Steinheimer, 2006 #4439]. The authorship was not the issue on which an Opinion was sought. A correction has been requested from the Commission.
10 For reasons to treat the sulphureipygius group as conspecific with barbatus see Ridgely & Tudor (1994) [Ridgely, 1994 #3272].
11 Frequently treated as a separate species including subspecies aureatus, but see Zimmer (1939) [Zimmer, 1939 #9560] and Ridgely & Tudor (1994) [Ridgely, 1994 #3272] for rationale for continued treatment as conspecific.
12 May merit treatment as a separate species; see Fitzpatrick (2004) [Fitzpatrick, 2004 #12197].
13 Subspecies groups follow A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9].