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PARAMYTHIIDAE - Painted Berrypickers1 (2:2) OREOCHARIS Salvadori, 1876 F - Oreocharis stictoptera Salvadori, 1876; type by monotypy = Parus arfaki A.B. Meyer, 1875 2 Oreocharis arfaki 3 (A.B. Meyer, 1875) Tit Berrypecker iMontane New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop and Huon Pen.; central cordillera; Foya Mts.; North Coast Ranges)
PARAMYTHIA De Vis, 1892 F - Paramythia montium De Vis, 1892; type by monotypy  
Paramythia montium Crested Berrypecker
olivacea van Oort, 19104 vMontane to alpine WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. and Maoke Mts.) brevicauda Mayr & Gilliard, 1954 iMontane to alpine NE New Guinea (mountains of Huon Pen.)
montium De Vis, 1892 iMontane to alpine EC and SE New Guinea (west to Victor Emanuel Range)