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BERNIERIDAE - Jerys, Tetrakas and allies1,2 (8:11)
OXYLABES Sharpe, 1870 M - Rossignol de Madagascar Brisson; type by original designation and monotypy = Motacilla madagascariensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789  3
Oxylabes madagascariensis 4  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) White-throated Oxylabes
vN, E and SE Madagascar
BERNIERIA Pucheran, 1855 F - Ramphocoenus viridis Lesson, 1830; type by monotypy = Muscicapa madagascariensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789  5
Bernieria madagascariensis Bernieria
madagascariensis (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vNE, E and SE Madagascar
incelebris Bangs & J.L. Peters, 1926 δvN, NW and W Madagascar
HARTERTULA Stresemann, 1925 F - Neomixis flavoviridis E. Hartert, 1924; type by original designation and monotypy   6
Hartertula flavoviridis   (E. Hartert, 1924) Wedge-tailed Jery
vN, E and SE Madagascar
THAMNORNIS A. Milne-Edwards & A. Grandidier, 1882 M - Ellisia chloropetoides A. Grandidier, 1867; type by monotypy   7
Thamnornis chloropetoides   (A. Grandidier, 1867) Kiritika Warbler
iSW and S Madagascar
XANTHOMIXIS Sharpe, 1881 F - Bernieria zosterops Sharpe, 1875; type by monotypy   8,9
Xanthomixis zosterops Short-billed Tetraka
fulvescens (Delacour, 1931) iN Madagascar (Montagne d'Ambre)
andapae (Salomonsen, 1934)10 iN and NE Madagascar
zosterops (Sharpe, 1875) iE and SE Madagascar
ankafanae (Salomonsen, 1934)11 iMountains of SE Madagascar
Xanthomixis apperti   (Colston, 1972) Appert's Tetraka
iSW Madagascar [Colston, 1972 #1026]
Xanthomixis tenebrosa   (Stresemann, 1925) Dusky Tetrakaδ
vNE Madagascar
Xanthomixis cinereiceps   (Sharpe, 1881) Grey-crowned Tetraka
iN, E and SE Madagascar
CROSSLEYIA Hartlaub, 1877 F - Oxylabes xanthophrys Sharpe, 1875; type by monotypy   12
Crossleyia xanthophrys   (Sharpe, 1875) Madagascar Yellowbrow
iNE and EC Madagascar [Sharpe, 1875 #3583].
CRYPTOSYLVICOLA Goodman, Langrand & Whitney, 1996 M - Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi Goodman, Langrand & Witney, 1996; type by original designation and monotypy   
Cryptosylvicola randrianasoloi   Goodman, Langrand & Whitney, 1996 Cryptic Warbler
iE Madagascar [Goodman, 1996 #1728]
RANDIA Delacour & Berlioz, 1931 F - Randia pseudozosterops Delacour & Berlioz, 1931; type by monotypy   13
Randia pseudozosterops   Delacour & Berlioz, 1931 Marvantsetra Warbler/Rand's Warbler
iN, E and SE Madagascar

1 For erection and spelling of this new family name see Cibois et al. (2010) [Cibois, 2010 #12442].
2 Sequence of genera based on Table 1 in Fregin et al (2012) [Fregin, 2012 #14321].
3 This genus was placed near the babblers by Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1253], but Cibois et al. (1999) [Cibois, 1999 #763] found evidence that it is a warbler.
4 Includes Hypositta perdita D.S. Peters, 1996 [Peters, 1996 #3019] see Fjeldså et al. (2013) [Fjeldså, 2013 #14446].
5 For the move from the bulbuls (genus Phyllastrephus) to the warblers and for use of this generic name see Cibois et al. (2001) [Cibois, 2001 #765].
6 Previously treated within the genus Neomixis, but deserves this monotypic genus see Cibois et al. (1999) [Cibois, 1999 #763].
7 Treated as a warbler by Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4449].
8 For the transfer from the bulbuls (genus Phyllastrephus) to this genus see Cibois et al. (2001) [Cibois, 2001 #765].
9 Sharpe (1883) [Sharpe, 1883 #7831] formally proposed the family but the genus name was introduced in the work here cited.
10 For recognition see Safford & Hawkins (2013) [Safford, 2013 #14829]. But see Fishpool & Tobias (2005) [Fishpool, 2005 #12205].
11 For recognition see Safford & Hawkins (2013) [Safford, 2013 #14829]. But see Fishpool & Tobias (2005) [Fishpool, 2005 #12205].
12 Previously treated within the genus Phyllastrephus by Rand & Deignan (1960) [Rand, 1960 #3196], but see Cibois et al. (2001) [Cibois, 2001 #765].
13 Not examined by Cibois et al. (2001) [Cibois, 2001 #765], but seems best kept in the same family as Cryptosylvicola pending availability of further evidence. See Cibois et al. (2010) [Cibois, 2010 #12442].