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ACROCEPHALIDAE - Reed Warblers and allies1 (6:59)
NESILLAS Oberholser, 1899 F - Ellisia typica Hartlaub, 1860; type by original designation   
Nesillas typica Malagasy Brush Warbler
moheliensis Benson, 1960 vMohéli (Comoros)
longicaudata (E. Newton, 1877)2 vAnjouan (Comoros)
obscura Delacour, 1931 vW and N Madagascar (limestone hills)
ellisii (Schlegel & F.P.L. Pollen, 1868)3 N and NE Madagascar
typica (Hartlaub, 1860) vC, S and E Madagascar
Nesillas lantzii 4  (A. Grandidier, 1867) Sub-desert Brush Warbler
iS and W Madagascar
Nesillas brevicaudata 5  (A. Milne-Edwards & Oustalet, 1888) Grande Comore Brush Warbler
vGrande Comore (Comoros)
Nesillas mariae   Benson, 1960 Moheli Brush Warbler
iMohéli (Comoros)
Nesillas aldabrana   Benson & Penny, 1968 Aldabra Brush Warbler
CALAMONASTIDES C.H.B. Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1940 M - Chloropeta gracilirostris Ogilvie-Grant, 1906; type by original designation and monotypy6
Calamonastides gracilirostris Papyrus Yellow Warbler
gracilirostris (Ogilvie-Grant, 1906) vE DR Congo to Burundi, W Kenya
bensoni (Amadon, 1954) iN Zambia and SE DR Congo
ARUNDINAX Blyth, 1845 M - Arundinax olivaceus Blyth, 1845; type by monotypy = Muscicapa aedon Pallas, 1776  7
Arundinax aedon Thick-billed Warbler
aedon (Pallas, 1776) iSC Siberia to Baikal, N Mongolia >> SW China in Yunnan, S Asia except NW, N continental SE Asia
rufescens (Stegmann, 1929)8,9 iRussian Far East, Mongolia (except N), NE China >> SE China, continental SE Asia, N Thai-Malay Pen.
IDUNA Keyserling & J.H. Blasius, 1840 F - Sylvia caligata M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823; type by monotypy   10,11
Iduna caligata 12  (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823) Booted Warbler
vSE Finland, Russia, N Kazakhstan >> S Asia (except extreme NE)
Iduna rama 13  (Sykes, 1832) Sykes's Warbler
Lower R. Ural, S and E Kazakhstan, N Xinjiang, NW Mongolia and Tuva Republic, WC Iran and NE Arabian Pen. to S Kazakhstan, Tien Shan Mts., SW Xinjiang and Pakistan >> SW and S Asia
Iduna pallida Olivaceous Warbler/Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
elaeica (Lindermayer, 1843)14 vBalkans, Asia Minor, Levant to Afghanistan and NW Xinjiang >> NE and E Africa
reiseri (Hilgert, 1908) iNW Sahara (S Morocco and Mauritania to S Tunisia) >> SW Sahara
pallida (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833) vEgypt to C Sudan
laeneni (Niethammer, 1955)15 iNiger, Chad, NE Nigeria
alulensis (Ash, D.J. Pearson & Bensch, 2005)16 vCoastal N Somalia [Ash, 2005 #9753]
Iduna opaca 17  (Cabanis, 1851) Isabelline Warbler/Western Olivaceous Warbler
vS Spain, SE Portugal, NW Africa to NW Libya >> W Africa
Iduna natalensis18 Dark-capped Yellow Warbler
batesi (Sharpe, 1905) iSE Nigeria to N DR Congo
massaica (G.A. Fischer & Reichenow, 1884) vEthiopia and S South Sudan to N and E Tanzania
major (E. Hartert, 1904) vGabon and Angola to S DR Congo, N and C Zambia, N and C Zimbabwe
natalensis (A. Smith, 1847) vS Tanzania and E Zambia to E and S Zimbabwe, E South Africa
Iduna similis   (Richmond, 1897) Mountain Yellow Warbler
vSE South Sudan, W Kenya and E DR Congo to N Malawi and NE Zambia
HIPPOLAIS Conrad, 1827 F - Hippolais italica Conrad, 1827; type by monotypy = Sylvia polyglotta Vieillot, 1817  19
Hippolais languida 20  (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833) Upcher's Warbler
vC Turkey and Levant to SC Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and NW Pakistan >> E Africa
Hippolais olivetorum   (Strickland, 1837) Olive-tree Warbler
iSE Europe, Asia Minor, Levant >> SE and S Africa
Hippolais polyglotta 21  (Vieillot, 1817) Melodious Warbler
vSW Europe, NW Africa >> W Africa
Hippolais icterina 22  (Vieillot, 1817) Icterine Warbler
vC, N and E Europe to SW Siberia, Caucasus area and N Iran >> SC and S Africa
ACROCEPHALUS J.A. & J.F. Naumann, 1811 M - Turdus arundinaceus Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 21).   23
Acrocephalus bistrigiceps 24  Swinhoe, 1860 Black-browed Reed Warbler
iSE Siberia from Baikal to Sakhalin, N and C Japan, NE and E China >> S China, NE India, Bangladesh, mainland SE Asia, Sumatra
Acrocephalus sorghophilus   (Swinhoe, 1863) Streaked Reed Warbler
vRussian Far East and NE China >> Philippines
Acrocephalus paludicola   (Vieillot, 1817) Aquatic Warbler
iC and E Europe >> W Africa
Acrocephalus melanopogon Moustached Warbler
melanopogon (Temminck, 1823) iS Europe to SW Ukraine, NW Africa, W Asia Minor
mimicus (von Madarász, 1903)25 vS Russia, C Turkey, and Levant to E Kazakhstan and Afghanistan >> Iraq and Arabia to NW India
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus   (Linnaeus, 1758) Sedge Warbler
vEurope to NW Iran, N and E Kazakhstan, W Siberia >> sub-Saharan Africa
Acrocephalus orinus 26  Oberholser, 1905 Large-billed Reed Warbler/Hume's Reed Warbler
vNE Afghanistan, SE Tajikistan >> C continental SE Asia
Acrocephalus dumetorum   Blyth, 1849 Blyth's Reed Warbler
iFinland and N Baltic states, N Ukraine to W and C Siberia, N and SE Kazakhstan, N Tien Shan Mts., NW Mongolia >> SW and S Asia, SW to E Myanmar
Acrocephalus palustris 27  (Bechstein, 1798) Marsh Warbler
vNW, C and E Europe to SW Siberia, NW Kazakhstan and Caucasus area >> SC and SE Africa
Acrocephalus scirpaceus28,29 Common Reed Warbler
1 scirpaceus (Hermann, 1804) vEurope and NW Africa to W Russia, Ukraine and W Turkey >> W and NC Africa
1 fuscus (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833) vEgypt, C Asia Minor and SE Russia to Iran and E Kazakhstan >> SW Asia, E and S Africa
1 avicenniae Ash, D.J. Pearson, Nikolaus & Colston, 198930 iCoastal mangroves of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Eritrea and NW Somalia [Ash, 1989 #107]
2 guiersi Colston & Morel, 1984 N Senegal
2 cinnamomeus Reichenow, 190831 vS Senegal to C Ethiopia and S Somalia, south to N and E Zambia and Mozambique
2 suahelicus Grote, 1926 vCoastal Tanzania and offshore islands to coastal E South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal)
2 hallae C.M.N. White, 1960 SW Angola, Namibia and adjacent NW South Africa, W Botswana, SW Zambia
2 baeticatus (Vieillot, 1817) vE Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa (except NW and E coast)
Acrocephalus agricola32 Paddyfield Warbler
septimus M.I. Gavrilenko, 195433 vNE Bulgaria to Ukraine, east to lower R. Volga and E Turkey >> SW Asia
agricola (Jerdon, 1845)34 iNE Iran, Kazakhstan, W Mongolia, NC China >> SW and S Asia
Acrocephalus concinens Blunt-winged Warbler
haringtoni Witherby, 1920 iAfghanistan and N Pakistan to Kashmir
stevensi E.C.S. Baker, 1922 iSE Nepal, NE India, Bangladesh >> S and E Myanmar
concinens (Swinhoe, 1870) iC and EC China (north to Hebei) >> C and E continental SE Asia
Acrocephalus tangorum 35  La Touche, 1912 Manchurian Reed Warbler
iSE Baikal and Russian Far East to Lake Khanka, E Mongolia, NE China >> continental SE Asia except NW
Acrocephalus griseldis 36  (Hartlaub, 1891) Basra Reed Warblerα
iSW Iraq, Kuwait >> E and SE Africa
Acrocephalus gracilirostris Lesser Swamp Warbler
neglectus (Alexander, 1908) vNE Nigeria and W Chad (Lake Chad)
tsanae (Bannerman, 1937) iNW Ethiopia
jacksoni (Neumann, 1901) iSouth Sudan, NE DR Congo, Uganda, W Kenya
parvus (G.A. Fischer & Reichenow, 1884) vC and SW Ethiopia, C and S Kenya, N Tanzania
leptorhynchus (Reichenow, 1879) vSE Ethiopia, S Somalia to E and S Tanzania, E Zambia, Malawi, C Zimbabwe and N Mozambique
zuluensis (Neumann, 1908)37 vSE Zimbabwe, S Mozambique, E South Africa (E KwaZulu-Natal)
winterbottomi (C.M.N. White, 1947) iN and NW Zambia to E Angola
cunenensis (E. Hartert, 1903) vSW Angola, N Namibia, N Botswana, SW Zambia, W Zimbabwe, NE South Africa (W Limpopo)
gracilirostris (Hartlaub, 1864) vSouth Africa (except NE and E borders), S Namibia
Acrocephalus rufescens Greater Swamp Warbler
senegalensis Colston & Morel, 198538 vSenegal and Gambia [Colston, 1985 #1028]
rufescens (Sharpe & Bouvier, 1876) iGhana to NW DR Congo, south to N Angola (Cabinda); Bioko
chadensis (Alexander, 1907) vNE Nigeria and W Chad (Lake Chad)
ansorgei (E. Hartert, 1906) iSouth Sudan and E DR Congo to W Kenya, Zambia, NW Angola and N Botswana
Acrocephalus brevipennis   (Keulemans, 1866) Cape Verde Warbler
vCape Verde Is.
Acrocephalus newtoni   (Hartlaub, 1863) Madagascar Swamp Warbler
Acrocephalus sechellensis 39  (Oustalet, 1877) Seychelles Warbler
vCousin, Aride, Cousine, Denis, Frégate (Seychelles)
Acrocephalus rodericanus   (A. Newton, 1865) Rodrigues Warbler
Acrocephalus arundinaceus Great Reed Warbler
arundinaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) vEurope, Asia Minor, the Levant, NW Africa >> W, C, E and S Africa
zarudnyi E. Hartert, 1907 iSE Russia and S Siberia east to W Mongolia, NW China in Xinjiang >> E and S Africa
Acrocephalus orientalis   (Temminck & Schlegel, 1847) Oriental Reed Warbler
vS Baikal east to Russian Far East, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, N and E China >> NE India, mainland SE Asia, Greater Sundas, Philippines, Sulawesi, Moluccas, Lesser Sundas east to Timor, N and NE Australia
Acrocephalus stentoreus Clamorous Reed Warbler
stentoreus (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833) vEgypt
levantinus Roselaar, 199440 δvIsrael [Roselaar, 1994 #3383]
brunnescens (Jerdon, 1839) i(a) coasts of C and S Red Sea, NW Somalia, Arabian Pen. and SW Iran; (b) S Kazakhstan to N Iran and NW India >> Persian Gulf, coastal S Iran, Pakistan and India
amyae E.C.S. Baker, 1922 iNE India, N Myanmar, SW China >> continental SE Asia except south
meridionalis (Legge, 1875) vS India, Sri Lanka
siebersi Salomonsen, 1928 iJava; ? S Borneo
harterti Salomonsen, 1928 iPhilippines
celebensis Heinroth, 1903 vSulawesi
lentecaptus E. Hartert, 1924 vLesser Sundas (east to Sumbawa)
Acrocephalus luscinius   (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830) Guam Warbler
Acrocephalus familiaris41 Millerbird/Hawaiian Warbler
†? familiaris (Rothschild, 1892) vLaysan (Hawaiian Is.)
kingi (Wetmore, 1924) iNiihau (Hawaiian Is.)
Acrocephalus taiti   Ogilvie-Grant, 1913 Henderson Island Warbler
iHenderson (Pitcairn)
Acrocephalus vaughani 42  (Sharpe, 1900) Pitcairn Island Warblerδ
Acrocephalus kerearako Cook Islands Warbler
kaoko Holyoak, 1974 iMitiaro (Cook Is.)
kerearako Holyoak, 1974 iMangaia (Cook Is.)
Acrocephalus rimitarae 43  (Murphy & Mathews, 1929) Rimatara Warbler
iRimatara (Iles Australes)
Acrocephalus musae Forster's Warbler/Garrett's Warbler
†? garretti Holyoak & Thibault, 197844 Huahine (Society Is.) [Forster, 1844 #1589]
†? musae J.R. Forster, 1844 Raiatea (Society Is.) [Forster, 1844 #1589]
Acrocephalus caffer 45  (Sparrman, 1786) Tahiti Warbler
vTahiti (Society Is.)
Acrocephalus longirostris 46  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Moorea Warbler
vMoorea (Society Is.)
Acrocephalus percernis47 Northern Marquesan Warbler
aquilonis (Murphy & Mathews, 1928) Eiao (Iles Marquises)
postremus (Murphy & Mathews, 1928) vHatutu (Iles Marquises)
percernis (Wetmore, 1919) vNuku Hiva (Iles Marquises)
idae (Murphy & Mathews, 1928) Ua Huka (Iles Marquises)
Acrocephalus atyphus48 Tuamotu Warbler
atyphus (Wetmore, 1919) vNW Tuamotu Arch.
eremus (Wetmore, 1919) vMakatea (Tuamotu Arch.)
niauensis (Murphy & Mathews, 1929) vNiau (Tuamotu Arch.)
palmarum (Murphy & Mathews, 1929) Anaa (Tuamotu Arch.)
flavidus (Murphy & Mathews, 1929)49 vNapuka, Iles du Désappointement (Tuamotu Arch.)
ravus (Wetmore, 1919)50 vSE Tuamotu Arch.
Acrocephalus astrolabii 51  Holyoak & Thibault, 1978 Gambier Islands Warbler
Yap (Caroline Is.)
Acrocephalus hiwae 52  (Yamashina, 1942) Hiwai's Warbler
Saipan, Alamagan (Northern Mariana Is.)
Acrocephalus australis53 Australian Reed Warbler
sumbae E. Hartert, 192454 Buru (S Moluccas), Sumba and Timor (Lesser Sundas), New Guinea, Bismarck Arch. (New Britain), Solomons
gouldi A.J.C. Dubois, 190155 iW Western Australia >> NW Australia
australis (Gould, 1838) vEC to SC and SE Australia, E Tasmania, Flinders I. >> N Australia
Acrocephalus syrinx 56,57  (von Kittlitz, 1833) Caroline Islands Warblerα
Woleai, Lamotrek (Chuuk); Pohnpei, Nukuoro; Kosrae (Caroline Is.)
Acrocephalus nijoi 58  (Yamashina, 1940) Aguijan Warbler
Aguijan (Northern Mariana Is.)
Acrocephalus rehsei 59  (Finsch, 1883) Nauru Warbler
Acrocephalus yamashinae 60  (Taka-Tsukasa, 1931) Pagan Warbler
Pagan (Northern Mariana Is.)
Acrocephalus mendanae61 Southern Marquesan Warbler
dido (Murphy & Mathews, 1928) Ua Pou (Iles Marquises)
mendanae Tristram, 1883 Hiva Oa, Tahuata (Iles Marquises)
consobrina (Murphy & Mathews, 1928)62 δMotane (Iles Marquises)
fatuhivae (Murphy & Mathews, 1928) Fatu Hiva (Iles Marquises)
Acrocephalus aequinoctialis Kiritimati Warbler/Bokikokiko
pistor Tristram, 1883 iTeraina (N. Line Is., Kiribati); previously also Tabuaeran
aequinoctialis (Latham, 1790) vKiritimati (Kiribati)

1 For recognition at family rank, and for sequence of genera, see Fregin et al. (2009) [Fregin, 2009 #11614].
2 For treatment as a race of N. typica; see Louette et al. (1988) [Louette, 1988 #2429] and Safford & Hawkins (2013) [Safford, 2013 #14829].
3 For recognition see Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739]; but see Clement (2006) [Clement, 2006 #15586].
4 For treatment as separate from N. typica see Schulenberg et al. (1993) [Schulenberg, 1993 #3546].
5 For treatment as a separate species from N. typica; see Louette et al. (1988) [Louette, 1988 #2429].
6 For recognition of this genus see Fregin et al. (2009) [Fregin, 2009 #11614].
7 For recognition of distinct genus see Fregin et al. (2009) [Fregin, 2009 #11614], who used the name Phragmaticola as had Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533], a spelling corrected by Dickinson & Gregory (2006) [Dickinson, 2006 #9471]. However, Pittie & Dickinson (2013) [Pittie, 2013 #14889] have shown Arundinax to have priority and to be available as it has been used since 1899.
8 The new name stegmanni Watson, 1985 [Watson, 1985 #9304] should be used if this species is placed in Acrocephalus; otherwise it should not.
9 A poorly defined race, see Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739]; not accepted by Svensson (1992) [Svensson, 1992 #15374].
10 Helbig & Siebold (1999) [Helbig, 1999 #1935] used this name as a subgenus separate from Hippolais; Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] raised this to a full genus. Subsequent molecular studies, e.g. by Fregin et al. (2009) [Fregin, 2009 #11614] corroborate this treatment.
11 Includes Chloropeta; see Fregin et al. (2009) [Fregin, 2009 #11614].
12 Includes annectens, see Svensson (2001) [Svensson, 2001 #15062] and Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739].
13 For separation from I. caligata see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
14 Includes tamariceti; see Svensson (2001) [Svensson, 2001 #15062].
15 Doubtfully separable from reiseri; see Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739].
16 For recognition see Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739].
17 For recommended separation from I. pallida see Helbig & Seibold (1999) [Helbig, 1999 #1935] and Svensson (2001) [Svensson, 2001 #15062].
18 For transfer of this and the next species from Chloropeta to Iduna see Fregin et al. (2009) [Fregin, 2009 #11614].
19 Sometimes cited as Conrad von Baldenstein but see Conti (1947) [Conti, 1947 #6022].
20 For treatment as monotypic see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721]; thus magnirostris is included.
21 Considered by Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4449] to form a superspecies with H. icterina.
22 Includes alaris. We treat this as monotypic following Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
23 Sequence of species based on Fregin et al. (2009) [Fregin, 2009 #11614]; Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849] and Saitoh et al. (2012) [Saitoh, 2012 #14478]. Species limits based on Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739] except where indicated.
24 Two recently proposed subspecies await evaluation: sachalinensis Malykh & Red'kin, 2011 [Malykh, 2011 #15238] and voronovi Malykh & Red'kin, 2011 [Malykh, 2011 #15238].
25 Includes albiventris see Stepanyan (2003) [Stepanyan, 2003 #4769]. But see Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4449] and Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739].
26 Originally named Phyllopneuste macrorhyncha Hume, 1869 [Hume, 1869 #6584], before fuller publication in 1871 in the combination Acrocephalus macrorhynchus, but this name is preoccupied in a broad genus Acrocephalus see Oberholser (1905) [Oberholser, 1905 #2806].
27 Treated as monotypic by Cramp et al. (1992) [Cramp, 1992 #1088]; thus includes laricus and turcomana.
28 A. baeticatus is here subsumed following Dowsett et al. (2008) [Dowsett, 2008 #12725]; but see Dyrcz (2006) [Dyrcz, 2006 #15587] and Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739].
29 Subspecies groups are based on species split in Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739].
30 Treated as a race of A. baeticatus by Pearson (1997) [Pearson, 1997 #2990]; but placed with A. scirpaceus by Helbig & Seibold (1999) [Helbig, 1999 #1935].
31 Implicitly includes fraterculus; see Pearson (1997) [Pearson, 1997 #2990].
32 Considered by Dyrcz (2006) [Dyrcz, 2006 #15587] to form a superspecies with A. concinens and A. tangorum.
33 Recognition based on molecular evidence of Leisler et al. (1997) [Leisler, 1997 #2366]; see Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739].
34 Includes capistratus, recognised by Dyrcz (2006) [Dyrcz, 2006 #15587]; see Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739].
35 Historically attached to A. agricola, e.g. by Vaurie (1959) [Vaurie, 1959 #3961], but placed in A. bistrigiceps by Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4449]. Molecular studies show it deserves treatment at species rank; see Helbig & Seibold (1999) [Helbig, 1999 #1935] and Fregin et al. (2009) [Fregin, 2009 #11614].
36 Date 1981 in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was a typographical error.
37 For recognition see Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724]; but see Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739] who include it in leptorhynchus.
38 For recognition see Pearson (1997) [Pearson, 1997 #2990].
39 Formerly included with A. rodericanus in the genus Bebrornis, but see Helbig & Seibold (1999) [Helbig, 1999 #1935].
40 For recognition, see Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739]; included in nominate subspecies by Dyrcz (2006) [Dyrcz, 2006 #15587].
41 May comprise more than one species see Fleischer et al. (2007) [Fleischer, 2007 #10601] and Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849].
42 Correct original spelling. Spelling vaughanii in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
43 This species and the next separated from A. vaughani by Graves (1992) [Graves, 1992 #1786].
44 For a suggestion that this be seen as a synonym of nominate musae see Mees (1991) [Mees, 1991 #2635]; but see findings of Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849].
45 Treated as a polytypic species by Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4449]; but see Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849] and Saitoh et al. (2012) [Saitoh, 2012 #14478].
46 For treatment as a species separate from A. caffer see Cibois et al. (2008) [Cibois, 2008 #10660] and Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849].
47 For treatment as a species separate from A. mendanae see Cibois et al. (2007) [Cibois, 2007 #9791] and Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849]. Dyrcz (2006) [Dyrcz, 2006 #15587] treated these two within a single species, separate from A. caffer.
48 For treatment as a species separate from A. caffer see Watson (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4449].
49 Considered a synonym of atyphus by Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #13336].
50 Considered a synonym of atyphus by Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #13336].
51 For treatment as a species separate from A. luscinius, and for substantiation of its origins, see Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12834].
52 For recognition and treatment as a separate species from A. luscinia see Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849] and Saitoh et al. (2012) [Saitoh, 2012 #14478]. Spelling hivae in Watson et al. (1986) [Watson, 1986 #4449] was an ISS.
53 For treatment as a separate species from A. stentoreus see Leisler et al. (1997) [Leisler, 1997 #2366], Fregin et al. (2009) [Fregin, 2009 #11614] and Saitoh et al. (2012) [Saitoh, 2012 #14478].
54 For transfer from A. stentoreus to A. australis see Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849]. Further sampling required as this name is being applied to multiple populations which may not all belong to this species.
55 Includes carterae, recognised by Dyrcz (2006) [Dyrcz, 2006 #15587]; see Schodde & Mason (1999) [Schodde, 1999 #3524] and Kennerley & Pearson (2010) [Kennerley, 2010 #12739].
56 For treatment as a separate species from A. luscinius see Pratt et al. (1987) [Pratt, 1987 #3119]; for corroboration see Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849].
57 Wrapper of issue dated March 1833.
58 For treatment as a species separate from A. luscinius see Saitoh et al. (2012) [Saitoh, 2012 #14478].
59 For treatment as a separate species from A. luscinius see Pratt et al. (1987) [Pratt, 1987 #3119]; for corroboration see Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849].
60 For treatment as a species separate from A. luscinius see Cibois et al. (2011) [Cibois, 2011 #12849].
61 For treatment as a separate species from A. caffer see Pratt et al. (1987) [Pratt, 1987 #3119], Sibley & Monroe, 1990 [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Cibois et al. (2007) [Cibois, 2007 #9791].
62 Correct original spelling. Spelling consobrinus in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.