Trochalopteron subunicolor Scaly Laughing-thrush
subunicolor Blyth, 1843 iHimalayan foothills east from WC Nepal
griseatum (Rothschild, 1921) vW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
fooksi (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) iSE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
Trochalopteron austeni Brown-capped Laughing-thrush
austeni Godwin-Austen, 1870 iNE India (Nagaland to Mizoram)
victoriae (Rippon, 1906) iW Myanmar in Chin hills
Trochalopteron squamatum (Gould, 1835) Blue-winged Laughing-thrush
vW and SE Yunnan, Himalayan foothills east from WC Nepal, NE India, W, N and E Myanmar, NW Vietnam
Trochalopteron lineatum96 Streaked Laughing-thrush 1 bilkevitchi Sarudny, 1910 iC Asia in S Tajikistan, E Afghanistan, NW Pakistan
1 schachdarense (Stepanyan, 1998) vC Asia in Far-SE Tajikistan [Stepanyan, 1998 #3725]
1 gilgit (E. Hartert, 1909) iNE Afghanistan, Himalayan foothills in N Pakistan
1 lineatum (Vigors, 1831) vHimalayan foothills from NE Pakistan to Uttarakhand
1 setafer (Hodgson, 1836) iHimalayan foothills from W Nepal to Sikkim
2 imbricatum (Blyth, 1843) vHimalayan foothills east from Bhutan
Trochalopteron variegatum Variegated Laughing-thrush
nuristani (Paludan, 1959) iNE Afghanistan [Paludan, 1959 #2896]
simile Hume, 1871 vHimalayan foothills from N Pakistan to W Himachal Pradesh
variegatum (Vigors, 1831) vHimalayan foothills from E Himachal Pradesh to EC Nepal
Trochalopteron affine99 Black-faced Laughing-thrush affine (Blyth, 1843) vS Xizang, Himalayan foothills in WC and C Nepal
bethelae (Rand & R.L. Fleming Sr., 1956) iHimalayan foothills east from E Nepal
oustaleti (E. Hartert, 1909) iSE Xizang, W Yunnan, N Myanmar
muliense (Rand, 1953) vWC China in NC Yunnan and SW Sichuan
blythii J. Verreaux, 1871100 αiWC and NC China in NW and SC Sichuan, and SE Gansu saturatum (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) vSE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
Trochalopteron milnei Red-tailed Laughing-thrush
sharpei Rippon, 1901 iW and S Yunnan, N and EC continental SE Asia except NE and C Vietnam
vitryi (Delacour, 1932) iS Laos and C Vietnam
sinianum Stresemann, 1930 vS China in Guizhou, Guangxi and N Guangdong
milnei David, 1874 iSE China in NE Fujian
Trochalopteron formosum Red-winged Laughing-thrush
formosum J. Verreaux, 1869 vWC China in NE Yunnan and SW Sichuan
greenwayi (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) iNW Vietnam on Fansipan Mts.
Trochalopteron erythrocephalum105,106 Chestnut-crowned Laughing-thrush 1 erythrocephalum (Vigors, 1832) vHimalayan foothills from W Himachal Pradesh to Uttarakhand
1 kali (Vaurie, 1953) iHimalayan foothills in W and C Nepal
1 nigrimentum E.W. Oates, 1889107 iHimalayan foothills east from E Nepal 2 chrysopterum (Gould, 1835) vNE India in Meghalaya
2 godwini Harington, 1914 iNE India in SE Assam, Nagaland and W Manipur
2 erythrolaemum Hume, 1881 vFar-NE India in E Manipur and Mizoram, W and S Myanmar
2 woodi E.C.S. Baker, 1914 iW Yunnan, N and NE Myanmar
2 ailaoshanense (Yang Lan, 2002)108 vAilao Shan (C Yunnan) [Yang Lan, 2002 #4283] 3 schistaceum (Deignan, 1938) vE Myanmar, NW Thailand except Mount Phu Kha
3 melanostigma (Blyth, 1855) iSE Myanmar in N Tenasserim, W Thailand
3 connectens Delacour, 1929 iSE Yunnan, C and NE Laos, NW Vietnam
3 subconnectens (Deignan, 1938) iNW Thailand on Mount Phu Kha
3 ramsayi Ogilvie-Grant, 1904 iSE Myanmar in Karenni
4 ngoclinhense (J.C. Eames, Trai & Cu, 1999) vC Vietnam on Mount Ngoc Linh [Eames, 1999 #1461]
5 peninsulae Sharpe, 1887 iMountains of Thai-Malay Pen.