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LEIOTHRICHIDAE - Laughing-thrushes and other large babblers1,2 (21:125)
ALCIPPE Blyth, 1844 F - Thimalia poioicephala Jerdon, 1841; type by original designation   3
Alcippe brunneicauda 4  (Salvadori, 1879) Brown Nun Babbler
C and S Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo, N Natuna Is. (Indonesia)
Alcippe grotei5 Black-browed Nun Babbler
grotei Delacour, 19366 αC Laos, C Vietnam
eremita Riley, 1936 SE Thailand
Alcippe poioicephala Brown-cheeked Nun Babbler
poioicephala (Jerdon, 1841)7 vWestern Ghats
brucei Hume, 1870 iIndia except SW
fusca Godwin-Austen, 18778 αvS Assam to Nagaland and Mizoram, NW Myanmar
phayrei Blyth, 1845 iSW and W Myanmar
haringtoniae E. Hartert, 1909 iNE and E Myanmar, NW Thailand
alearis (Bangs & Van Tyne, 1930) vSE Yunnan, N and E Thailand, N Laos, N Vietnam
karenni Robinson & Kloss, 1923 iSW continental SE Asia south from SE Myanmar (Karenni)
davisoni Harington, 1915 iSE Myanmar in Mergui Arch., N Thai-Malay Pen.
Alcippe nipalensis Nepal Nun Babbler
nipalensis (Hodgson, 1837)9,10 αvHimalayan foothills east from W Nepal, NE India, NE Myanmar
stanfordi Ticehurst, 1930 iNE India in Mizoram, E Bangladesh, SW and W Myanmar
Alcippe morrisonia Grey-cheeked Nun Babbler
yunnanensis Harington, 1913 vWC China in NW Yunnan and SW Sichuan, NE Myanmar
fratercula Rippon, 1900 iSW Yunnan, S and SE Myanmar including N Tenasserim, W and N Thailand, N Laos
laotiana Delacour, 192611 vNC and C Laos, NC Vietnam
schaefferi La Touche, 1923 iSE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
davidi Styan, 189612 αiWC to C and SC China from W Sichuan to S Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan and N Guangxi
hueti David, 1874 iE to SE China from Zhejiang and Anhui to NE Guangdong
rufescentior (E. Hartert, 1910) vHainan
morrisonia Swinhoe, 1863 vTaiwan
Alcippe peracensis Mountain Nun Babbler
annamensis Robinson & Kloss, 1919 vS Laos on Bolovens plateau, S Vietnam
peracensis Sharpe, 1887 vMountains of S Thai-Malay Pen.
Alcippe pyrrhoptera   (Bonaparte, 1850) Javan Nun Babbler
vMountains of W and C Java
GRAMMATOPTILA Reichenbach, 1850 F - Garrulus striatus Vigors, 1831; type by subsequent monotypy (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 45).
Grammatoptila striata Striated Laughing-thrush
striata (Vigors, 1831) vHimalayan foothills from Himachal Pradesh to E Uttarakhand
vibex (Ripley, 1950) iHimalayan foothills from E Uttarakhand to EC Nepal
sikkimensis Ticehurst, 1924 vHimalayan foothills from E Nepal to E Bhutan
brahmaputra (Hachisuka, 1953)13 SE Xizang, Himalayan foothills (east from E Bhutan), NW Myanmar
cranbrooki Kinnear, 1932 iNE Myanmar, NW Yunnan
CUTIA Hodgson, 1837 F - Cutia nipalensis Hodgson, 1837; type by original designation and monotypy   
Cutia nipalensis14 Cutia
1 nipalensis Hodgson, 1837 vSE Xizang, W Yunnan and SW Sichuan, Himalayan foothills east from Uttarakhand, NE India, W and N Myanmar
1 melanchima Deignan, 1947 vS Yunnan, N continental SE Asia east from E Myanmar
1 cervinicrissa Sharpe, 1888 iMountains of S Thai-Malay Pen.
2 hoae J.C. Eames, 2002 iMountains of SE Laos (this ssp?), C Vietnam [Eames, 2002 #1465]
2 legalleni Robinson & Kloss, 1919 iMountains of SC Vietnam
ARGYA Lesson, 1831 F - Malurus squamiceps Cretzschmar, 1827; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 44).15
Argya malcolmi   (Sykes, 1832) Large Grey Babbler
NE Pakistan, SW Nepal, W, C and S India
Argya subrufa Rufous Babbler
subrufa (Jerdon, 1839) vWestern Ghats from N Karnataka to Nilgiri Hills
hyperythra Sharpe, 188316 δvWestern Ghats (south of subrufa)
Argya earlei Striated Babbler
sonivia Koelz, 1954 vPakistan, far-NW India
earlei (Blyth, 1844) iS Nepal, N and NE India, C and S Myanmar
Argya caudata17 Scrub Babbler
1 salvadorii (Defilippi, 1865) iC Iraq to SW Iran
1 huttoni (Blyth, 1847) iSE Iran, S Afghanistan, W Pakistan
2 eclipes (Hume, 1877) iN Pakistan, NW India
2 caudata (C. Dumont, 1823) vSE Pakistan, SC Nepal, India except NW and NE
Argya altirostris   (E. Hartert, 1909) Iraq Babbler
vC and SE Iraq, SW Iran
Argya squamiceps Arabian Babbler
squamiceps (Cretzschmar, 1827) iSinai, Israel, W Jordan, NW and inland C and S Arabia
yemensis Neumann, 1904 vSW Saudi Arabia, W Yemen
muscatensis (Meyer de Schauensee & Ripley, 1953) vE United Arab Emirates
Argya fulva Fulvous Babbler
maroccana (Lynes, 1925)18 vS Morocco
fulva (Desfontaines, 1789) vN Algeria, Tunisia, NW Libya
buchanani (E. Hartert, 1921) iS Mauritania to C Chad
acaciae (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823) iN Chad, Sudan to S Egypt and N Eritrea
Argya rubiginosa Rufous Chatterer
sharpii Ogilvie-Grant & R.J. Reid, 190119 iSE Ethiopia
rubiginosa (Rüppell, 1845) vN Uganda, N, C and S Kenya, C and S Ethiopia, S South Sudan
heuglini Sharpe, 1883 iS Somalia, SE Kenya, NE Tanzania
emini Reichenow, 190720 iN Tanzania
Argya aylmeri Scaly Chatterer
aylmeri Shelley, 1885 iSomalia, E Ethiopia
boranensis Benson, 1947 vSE Ethiopia, N Kenya
keniana F.J. Jackson, 191021 vC and SE Kenya, NE Tanzania
mentalis Reichenow, 1887 vNC Tanzania
ACANTHOPTILA Blyth, 1855 F - Pomatorhinus (Timalia) nipalensis Hodgson, 1836; type by original designation and monotypy 22
Acanthoptila nipalensis   (Hodgson, 1836) Spiny Babbler
CHATARRHAEA Blyth, 1855 F - Chatarrhaea gularis Blyth, 1855; type by original designation23
Chatarrhaea longirostris   (F. Moore, 1854) Slender-billed Babbler
vSC Nepal, NC and NE India, SW Myanmar
Chatarrhaea gularis   Blyth, 1855 White-throated Babbler
vC and S Myanmar
KUPEORNIS Serle, 1949 M - Kupeornis gilberti Serle, 1949; type by original designation and monotypy   
Kupeornis gilberti   Serle, 1949 White-throated Mountain Babbler
iSW Cameroon (Mont Koupé)
Kupeornis rufocinctus 24  (Rothschild, 1908) Red-collared Babbler
vE DR Congo, Rwanda
Kupeornis chapini Chapin's Babbler
chapini Schouteden, 1949 iE DR Congo (R. Ituri)
nyombensis (Prigogine, 1960)25 vE DR Congo (Mt. Nyombe)
kalindei (Prigogine, 1964) iE DR Congo [Prigogine, 1964 #3135]
PHYLLANTHUS Lesson, 1844 M - Phyllanthus capucinus Lesson, 1844; type by monotypy = Crateropus atripennis Swainson, 1837  
Phyllanthus atripennis Capuchin Babbler
atripennis (Swainson, 1837) vSenegal to Liberia
rubiginosus (Blyth, 1865) vIvory Coast to W Togo; SE Nigeria, S Cameroon
bohndorffi (Sharpe, 1884) iNE DR Congo to W Uganda
TURDOIDES Cretzschmar, 1826 F - Turdoides leucocephala Cretzschmar, 1826; type by monotypy   26
Turdoides striata27 Jungle Babbler
sindiana (Ticehurst, 1920) vPakistan, NW India
striata (C. Dumont, 1823)28 vHimalayan foothills from S Nepal to Bhutan, N, NE and E India, Bangladesh
somervillei (Sykes, 1832) iW coastal India from SE Gujarat to Goa
malabarica (Jerdon, 1845) vSW India
orientalis (Jerdon, 1845) vC and SE India
Turdoides rufescens   (Blyth, 1847) Orange-billed Babbler
iSri Lanka
Turdoides affinis Yellow-billed Babbler
affinis (Jerdon, 1845) vS India
taprobanus Ripley, 1958 δiSri Lanka
Turdoides sharpei29 Black-lored Babbler
vepres R. Meinertzhagen, 193730 αiEC Kenya (Mt. Kenya)
sharpei (Reichenow, 1891)31 iNE DR Congo to S Uganda, W Tanzania and SW Kenya
Turdoides melanops Black-faced Babbler
melanops (Hartlaub, 1867)32 iSW Angola, N Namibia
querula Clancey, 1979 vSE Angola, NW Botswana, NE Namibia (Caprivi)
Turdoides tenebrosa   (Hartlaub, 1883) Dusky Babbler
vNE DR Congo, S South Sudan, NW Uganda, SW Ethiopia
Turdoides reinwardtii33 Blackcap Babbler
reinwardtii (Swainson, 1831) iSenegal to Ivory Coast
stictilaema (Alexander, 1901) vGhana to N Cameroon, Central African Republic and N DR Congo
Turdoides leucocephala 34,35  Cretzschmar, 1826 White-headed Babblerα
vSE Sudan, NW Ethiopia, N Eritrea
Turdoides plebejus36 Brown Babbler
platycirca (Swainson, 1837) vSenegal and Guinea to W Nigeria
plebejus (Cretzschmar, 1828) iNE Nigeria to SW and SC Sudan
cinerea (von Heuglin, 1856)37 vSE Nigeria to South Sudan, SW Ethiopia, W Kenya.
Turdoides jardineii Arrow-marked Babbler
hyposticta (Cabanis & Reichenow, 1877) vS Gabon, W and S DR Congo to W Angola
tanganjicae (Reichenow, 1886) iSE DR Congo, N Zambia, NE Angola
emini (Neumann, 1904)38 iE DR Congo to SW Kenya, NW and N Tanzania
kirkii (Sharpe, 1876) iSE Kenya to C Mozambique, Malawi, E Zambia
tamalakanei Meyer de Schauensee, 1932 iS Angola, SW Zambia, NE Namibia, N Botswana
jardineii (A. Smith, 1836)39 iNW and C Zambia to Zimbabwe, S Mozambique, E Botswana, NE South Africa
Turdoides squamulata Scaly Babbler
jubaensis van Someren, 1931 vS Somalia (R. Jubba), NE Kenya/S Ethiopia border (R. Doua)
carolinae Ash, 1981 iS Somalia (R. Shebeelei), SE Ethiopia [Ash, 1981 #104]
squamulata (Shelley, 1884) vCoastal Kenya
Turdoides leucopygia40 White-rumped Babbler
leucopygia (Rüppell, 1837)41 αvC and E Eritrea to N Ethiopia
limbata (Rüppell, 1845) vW Eritrea and NW Ethiopia
smithii (Sharpe, 1895) iNW Somalia to E and SE Ethiopia
lacuum (Neumann, 1903) iC Ethiopia
omoensis (Neumann, 1903) vS and SW Ethiopia, E South Sudan
Turdoides hartlaubii42 Hartlaub's Babbler
hartlaubii (Bocage, 1868)43,44 δiAngola to SE and E DR Congo, W, NW and N Zambia, SW Tanzania
griseosquamata Clancey, 1974 vN Botswana to SW Zambia [Clancey, 1974 #869]
Turdoides hindei   (Sharpe, 1900) Hinde's Babbler
iC Kenya
Turdoides hypoleuca Northern Pied Babbler
hypoleuca (Cabanis, 1878) vC and S Kenya to N Tanzania (Mt. Kilimanjaro)
rufuensis (Neumann, 1906) vN and NE Tanzania
Turdoides bicolor   (Jardine, 1831) Southern Pied Babbler
iN and C Namibia to W and S Zimbabwe, N South Africa
Turdoides gymnogenys Bare-cheeked Babbler
gymnogenys (Hartlaub, 1865) iSW Angola
kaokensis (Roberts, 1937) vN Namibia
GARRULAX Lesson, 1831 M - Garrulax belangeri Lesson, 1831; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 44).   45,46,47
Garrulax canorus48 Melodious Laughing-thrush/Hwamei
1 canorus (Linnaeus, 1758)49 vEC and S China, NE and EC continental SE Asia50
1 owstoni (Rothschild, 1903) iHainan
2 taewanus Swinhoe, 1859 vTaiwan
Garrulax merulinus51 Spot-breasted Laughing-thrush
1 merulinus Blyth, 1851 vW Yunnan, NE India, W and N Myanmar
1 laoensis Meyer de Schauensee, 193852 vNW Thailand
1 obscurus Delacour & Jabouille, 1930 vSE Yunnan, NE Laos, NW and NC Vietnam
2 annamensis (Robinson & Kloss, 1919) vLangbian mountains (SC Vietnam)
Garrulax cinereifrons   Blyth, 1851 Ashy-headed Laughing-thrush
iSW Sri Lanka
Garrulax rufifrons Rufous-fronted Laughing-thrush
rufifrons Lesson, 1831 iMountains of W Java
slamatensis Siebers, 1929 vMountains of C and E Java
Garrulax monileger Lesser Necklaced Laughing-thrush
monileger (Hodgson, 1836) vSW Yunnan, Himalayan foothills east from Nepal, NE India, SE Bangladesh, Myanmar except E, SC and SE
badius Ripley, 1948 vFar-NE India in Mishmi hills
stuarti Meyer de Schauensee, 1955 iSC, E and SE (N Tenasserim) Myanmar, NW Thailand
fuscatus E.C.S. Baker, 1918 vSW continental SE Asia, south of stuarti
mouhoti Sharpe, 1883 iSE continental SE Asia
pasquieri Delacour & Jabouille, 1924 iC Vietnam
schauenseei Delacour & Greenway, 1939 iSE Yunnan, NE Myanmar, NE Thailand, N Laos
tonkinensis Delacour, 1927 vS China in Guangxi, N Vietnam
melli Stresemann, 1923 iEC and SE China from Anhui to Guangdong
schmackeri Hartlaub, 1898 iHainan
Garrulax leucolophus White-crested Laughing-thrush
leucolophus (Hardwicke, 1816)53 αvSE Xizang, Himalayan foothills east from E Himachal Pradesh
patkaicus Reichenow, 1913 vW and SW Yunnan, NE India, E Bangladesh, Myanmar except S and SE
belangeri Lesson, 183154 iSW and WC continental SE Asia [Lesson, 1831 #13789]
diardi (Lesson, 1831) iSE Yunnan, continental SE Asia except W
Garrulax bicolor 55  Hartlaub, 1844 Black-and-white Laughing-thrush/Sumatran Laughing-thrush
Mountains of Sumatra
Garrulax palliatus Sunda Laughing-thrush
palliatus (Bonaparte, 1850) vMountains of Sumatra
schistochlamys Sharpe, 1888 iMountains of Borneo
Garrulax milleti Black-hooded Laughing-thrush
sweeti J.C. Eames, 2002 iC Vietnam [Eames, 2002 #1465]
milleti Robinson & Kloss, 1919 iSE Laos, SC Vietnam
Garrulax maesi56 Grey Laughing-thrush
1 maesi (Oustalet, 1890)57 iSE Xizang, S China (NE Yunnan, SW Sichuan, Guangxi), N Vietnam
2 varennei (Delacour, 1926) iNE and C Laos
2 castanotis (Ogilvie-Grant, 1899) vHainan
Garrulax lunulatus58 Barred Laughing-thrush
lunulatus (J. Verreaux, 1871)59 αvWC and NC to NE China in W Sichuan, S Gansu, S Shaanxi and W Hubei
liangshanensis Li Gui-yuan, Zhang Qing-mao & Zhang Rui-yun, 1979 vWC China in SW Sichuan [Li Gui-yuan, 1979 #2377]
Garrulax bieti   (Oustalet, 1897) White-speckled Laughing-thrush
W and WC China in NW Yunnan and SW Sichuan
Garrulax maximus 60  (J. Verreaux, 1871) Giant Laughing-thrushα
vSE and E Xizang, and NC and WC China from E Qinghai and S Gansu to W Sichuan
Garrulax ocellatus Spotted Laughing-thrush
griseicauda Koelz, 1950 iHimalayan foothills from Uttarakhand to W Nepal
ocellatus (Vigors, 1831) vSE Xizang, Himalayan foothills east from C Nepal
maculipectus Hachisuka, 1953 iW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
artemisiae (David, 1871) iWC and NE China in Sichuan, W and N Guizhou, W Hubei
Garrulax strepitans   Blyth, 1855 White-necked Laughing-thrush
S Yunnan, E and SE (N Tenasserim) Myanmar, W and N Thailand, NW Laos
Garrulax ferrarius 61  Riley, 1930 Cardamom Laughing-thrush
vSE Thailand ?, SW Cambodia
Garrulax sukatschewi   (Berezovski & Bianchi, 1891) Snowy-cheeked Laughing-thrush
NC China in S Gansu and N Sichuan
Garrulax cineraceus Moustached Laughing-thrush
cineraceus (Godwin-Austen, 1874) vFar-NE India from Nagaland to Mizoram, W Myanmar62
strenuus Deignan, 1957 vWC to SW and S China in S Sichuan, Yunnan and Guangxi
cinereiceps (Styan, 1887) iWC and NC to E China
Garrulax rufogularis Rufous-chinned Laughing-thrush
occidentalis (E. Hartert, 1909)63 vHimalayan foothills from NE Pakistan to C Nepal
rufogularis (Gould, 1835) vHimalayan foothills east from C Nepal
assamensis (E. Hartert, 1909) vSW China, far- NE India in Manipur, W Myanmar
rufitinctus (Koelz, 1952) vNE India in Meghalaya
rufiberbis (Koelz, 1954) vFar-NE India in Patkai range (Arunachal Pradesh) and Nagaland
intensior Delacour & Jabouille, 1930 vNW Vietnam
Garrulax konkakinhensis   J.C. & C. Eames, 2001 Chestnut-eared Laughing-thrush
vMountains of C Vietnam [Eames, 2001 #1464]
Garrulax sannio White-browed Laughing-thrush
albosuperciliaris Godwin-Austen, 1874 vNE India (Nagaland and Manipur)
comis Deignan, 1952 vSE Xizang, Yunnan, N continental SE Asia from N and C Myanmar to NW Vietnam
sannio Swinhoe, 1867 iSE China, NE Vietnam64
oblectans Deignan, 1952 iWC and C China from W Sichuan and Gansu to Hubei and Guizhou
Garrulax perspicillatus   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Masked Laughing-thrush
vC and E China, N and C Vietnam65
Garrulax davidi Plain Laughing-thrush
davidi (Swinhoe, 1868)66 iNC and NE China (NE Qinghai and E Gansu to Shanxi, Hebei and Heilongjiang)
concolor (Stresemann, 1923)67 iC China (NW Sichuan, NW Gansu)
Garrulax nuchalis   Godwin-Austen, 1876 Chestnut-backed Laughing-thrush
vFar-NE India from SE Arunachal Pradesh to SW Nagaland, N Myanmar
Garrulax chinensis68 Black-throated Laughing-thrush
lochmius Deignan, 1941 vSW Yunnan, C, S and E Myanmar, N Thailand, NW Laos
propinquus (Salvadori, 1913)69 αvSE Myanmar in N Tenasserim, W Thailand
germaini (Oustalet, 1890) iS Vietnam, SE Cambodia
chinensis (Scopoli, 1786) vS China, NE continental SE Asia (except NW Laos)
monachus Swinhoe, 1870 iHainan
Garrulax vassali   (Ogilvie-Grant, 1906) White-cheeked Laughing-thrush
EC and far-SE continental SE Asia
Garrulax mitratus70 Chestnut-capped Laughing-thrush
1 major (Robinson & Kloss, 1919) vMountains of S Thai-Malay Pen.
1 mitratus (S. Müller, 1836)71 αvMountains of Sumatra
2 damnatus (Harrisson & Hartley, 1934) vMountains of NC Borneo
2 griswoldi (J.L. Peters, 1940) iBatu Tibang range, C Borneo
2 treacheri (Sharpe, 1879)72 iMt. Kinabalu (NW Borneo)
Garrulax pectoralis73 Greater Necklaced Laughing-thrush
pectoralis (Gould, 1836)74 vHimalayan foothills east from WC Nepal, NE India, E Bangladesh, Myanmar except SE75
subfusus Kinnear, 1924 vSE Myanmar in N Tenasserim, W and N Thailand, NW Laos
robini Delacour, 1927 iNE and C Laos, N and C Vietnam
picticollis Swinhoe, 1872 vNC, EC and SE China from Shaanxi and Anhui to Guangdong
semitorquatus Ogilvie-Grant, 1900 vHainan
Garrulax lanceolatus Chinese Babax
bonvaloti (Oustalet, 1892)76 iE Xizang, NW Yunnan and SW Sichuan
lanceolatus (J. Verreaux, 1871)77 αvSW to NC and SC China from Yunnan to S Shaanxi and Guizhou; NE and E Myanmar
woodi (Finn, 1902)78 iNE India in Mizoram, NW Myanmar
latouchei (Stresemann, 1929) iSE China
Garrulax waddelli Giant Babax
jomo (Vaurie, 1955) iSC Xizang in Gyangze region
waddelli (Dresser, 1905)79 iSE Xizang
Garrulax koslowi Tibetan Babax
koslowi (Bianchi, 1905)80 αiNE Xizang and NW China in S Qinghai
yuquensis (Li De-Hao & Wang Zu-xiang, 1979) vSE Xizang [Li De-hao, 1979 #2376]
Garrulax albogularis81 White-throated Laughing-thrush
1 whistleri E.C.S. Baker, 1921 iHimalayan foothills from NE Pakistan to Uttarakhand
1 albogularis (Gould, 1836) vHimalayan foothills east from W Nepal
1 eous Riley, 1930 vSE Xizang, W to C China from E Qinghai, N Sichuan and Yunnan to S Shaanxi; NW Vietnam
2 ruficeps Gould, 1863 iTaiwan
Garrulax caerulatus82 Grey-sided Laughing-thrush
caerulatus (Hodgson, 1836) vHimalayan foothills east from C Nepal 83
subcaerulatus Hume, 1878 vNE India in Meghalaya
livingstoni Ripley, 1952 iFar-NE India in SE Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland, NW Myanmar
kaurensis (Rippon, 1901) vNC Myanmar
latifrons (Rothschild, 1926) iW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
Garrulax poecilorhynchus84 Rusty Laughing-thrush
1 berthemyi (Oustalet, 1876)85 iWC to E and SE China (NW Yunnan, NW Fujian, N Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hunan, SC Sichuan)
2 poecilorhynchus Gould, 1863 vTaiwan
Garrulax ruficollis   (Jardine & Selby, 1838) Rufous-necked Laughing-thrush
vSW Yunnan, Himalayan foothills in C Nepal and east from West Bengal, NE India, Bangladesh, W, N and NE Myanmar
Garrulax galbanus86 Yellow-throated Laughing-thrush
1 galbanus Godwin-Austen, 1874 vFar-NE India from Nagaland to Mizoram, SE Bangladesh, W Myanmar
2 courtoisi Menegaux, 1923 iEC China in NE Jiangxi
2 simaoensis Cheng Tso-hsin & Tang Rui-chang, 198287,88 vSW China in Simao region (S Yunnan) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1982 #736]
Garrulax delesserti 89  (Jerdon, 1839) Wynaad Laughing-thrush
Western Ghats from Goa to S Kerala
Garrulax gularis 90  (McClelland, 1840) Rufous-vented Laughing-thrush
vHimalayan foothills east from SE Bhutan, N continental SE Asia
Garrulax lugubris 91,92  (S. Müller, 1836) Black Laughing-thrushα
vMountains of S Thai-Malay Pen. and Sumatra
Garrulax calvus 93  (Sharpe, 1878) Bare-headed Laughing-thrush
vMountains of Borneo
TROCHALOPTERON Blyth, 1843 N - Trochalopteron subunicolor Blyth, 1843; type by subsequent designation (E.C.S. Baker, 1930, Fauna British India, Birds, ed. 2, 7, p. 30).94,95
Trochalopteron subunicolor Scaly Laughing-thrush
subunicolor Blyth, 1843 iHimalayan foothills east from WC Nepal
griseatum (Rothschild, 1921) vW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
fooksi (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) iSE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
Trochalopteron austeni Brown-capped Laughing-thrush
austeni Godwin-Austen, 1870 iNE India (Nagaland to Mizoram)
victoriae (Rippon, 1906) iW Myanmar in Chin hills
Trochalopteron squamatum   (Gould, 1835) Blue-winged Laughing-thrush
vW and SE Yunnan, Himalayan foothills east from WC Nepal, NE India, W, N and E Myanmar, NW Vietnam
Trochalopteron lineatum96 Streaked Laughing-thrush
1 bilkevitchi Sarudny, 1910 iC Asia in S Tajikistan, E Afghanistan, NW Pakistan
1 schachdarense (Stepanyan, 1998) vC Asia in Far-SE Tajikistan [Stepanyan, 1998 #3725]
1 gilgit (E. Hartert, 1909) iNE Afghanistan, Himalayan foothills in N Pakistan
1 lineatum (Vigors, 1831) vHimalayan foothills from NE Pakistan to Uttarakhand
1 setafer (Hodgson, 1836) iHimalayan foothills from W Nepal to Sikkim
2 imbricatum (Blyth, 1843) vHimalayan foothills east from Bhutan
Trochalopteron fairbanki97 Kerala Laughing-thrush
fairbanki Blanford, 1869 iWestern Ghats in Palni hills
meridionale Blanford, 1880 vWestern Ghats in S Kerala
Trochalopteron cachinnans98 Black-chinned Laughing-thrush
jerdoni (Blyth, 1851) Western Ghats in SW Karnataka
cachinnans (Jerdon, 1839) δWestern Ghats in Nilgiri Hills
Trochalopteron virgatum   Godwin-Austen, 1874 Striped Laughing-thrush
vNE India, W Myanmar
Trochalopteron variegatum Variegated Laughing-thrush
nuristani (Paludan, 1959) iNE Afghanistan [Paludan, 1959 #2896]
simile Hume, 1871 vHimalayan foothills from N Pakistan to W Himachal Pradesh
variegatum (Vigors, 1831) vHimalayan foothills from E Himachal Pradesh to EC Nepal
Trochalopteron affine99 Black-faced Laughing-thrush
affine (Blyth, 1843) vS Xizang, Himalayan foothills in WC and C Nepal
bethelae (Rand & R.L. Fleming Sr., 1956) iHimalayan foothills east from E Nepal
oustaleti (E. Hartert, 1909) iSE Xizang, W Yunnan, N Myanmar
muliense (Rand, 1953) vWC China in NC Yunnan and SW Sichuan
blythii J. Verreaux, 1871100 αiWC and NC China in NW and SC Sichuan, and SE Gansu
saturatum (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) vSE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
Trochalopteron morrisonianum 101  Ogilvie-Grant, 1906 White-whiskered Laughing-thrush
Trochalopteron elliotii 102,103  J. Verreaux, 1871 Elliot's Laughing-thrushα
E Tibetan Plateau (E Xizang, Qinghai), WC and NC China (N Yunnan, E Qinghai and Gansu, Hubei and Guizhou)
Trochalopteron henrici 104  Oustalet, 1892 Brown-cheeked Laughing-thrush
EC and S Xizang
Trochalopteron milnei Red-tailed Laughing-thrush
sharpei Rippon, 1901 iW and S Yunnan, N and EC continental SE Asia except NE and C Vietnam
vitryi (Delacour, 1932) iS Laos and C Vietnam
sinianum Stresemann, 1930 vS China in Guizhou, Guangxi and N Guangdong
milnei David, 1874 iSE China in NE Fujian
Trochalopteron formosum Red-winged Laughing-thrush
formosum J. Verreaux, 1869 vWC China in NE Yunnan and SW Sichuan
greenwayi (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) iNW Vietnam on Fansipan Mts.
Trochalopteron erythrocephalum105,106 Chestnut-crowned Laughing-thrush
1 erythrocephalum (Vigors, 1832) vHimalayan foothills from W Himachal Pradesh to Uttarakhand
1 kali (Vaurie, 1953) iHimalayan foothills in W and C Nepal
1 nigrimentum E.W. Oates, 1889107 iHimalayan foothills east from E Nepal
2 chrysopterum (Gould, 1835) vNE India in Meghalaya
2 godwini Harington, 1914 iNE India in SE Assam, Nagaland and W Manipur
2 erythrolaemum Hume, 1881 vFar-NE India in E Manipur and Mizoram, W and S Myanmar
2 woodi E.C.S. Baker, 1914 iW Yunnan, N and NE Myanmar
2 ailaoshanense (Yang Lan, 2002)108 vAilao Shan (C Yunnan) [Yang Lan, 2002 #4283]
3 schistaceum (Deignan, 1938) vE Myanmar, NW Thailand except Mount Phu Kha
3 melanostigma (Blyth, 1855) iSE Myanmar in N Tenasserim, W Thailand
3 connectens Delacour, 1929 iSE Yunnan, C and NE Laos, NW Vietnam
3 subconnectens (Deignan, 1938) iNW Thailand on Mount Phu Kha
3 ramsayi Ogilvie-Grant, 1904 iSE Myanmar in Karenni
4 ngoclinhense (J.C. Eames, Trai & Cu, 1999) vC Vietnam on Mount Ngoc Linh [Eames, 1999 #1461]
5 peninsulae Sharpe, 1887 iMountains of Thai-Malay Pen.
Trochalopteron yersini   Robinson & Kloss, 1919 Collared Laughing-thrush
Mountains of SC and S Vietnam
HETEROPHASIA Blyth, 1842 F - Heterophasia cuculopsis Blyth, 1842; type by monotypy = Sibia picaoides Hodgson, 1839  109
Heterophasia auricularis   (Swinhoe, 1864) White-eared Sibia
Heterophasia picaoides Long-tailed Sibia
picaoides (Hodgson, 1839) δiHimalayan foothills east from C Nepal, W and N Myanmar
cana (Riley, 1929) vE and SE Myanmar including N Tenasserim, W and N Thailand, N and C Laos, N Vietnam
wrayi (Ogilvie-Grant, 1910) iMountains of S Thai-Malay Pen.
simillima Salvadori, 1879 vMountains of Sumatra
Heterophasia pulchella 110  (Godwin-Austen, 1874) Beautiful Sibia
vSE Xizang and W Yunnan, far-NE India in Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland, NE Myanmar
Heterophasia capistrata111 Rufous Sibia
capistrata (Vigors, 1831) vHimalayan foothills from NE Pakistan to W Nepal
nigriceps (Hodgson, 1839) iHimalayan foothills in W and C Nepal
bayleyi (Kinnear, 1939) iHimalayan foothills east from E Nepal
Heterophasia melanoleuca Black-headed Sibia/Dark-backed Sibia
castanoptera (Salvadori, 1889) vSE Myanmar
melanoleuca (Blyth, 1859) vS Myanmar (N Tenasserim), ? adjacent W Thailand
radcliffei (E.C.S. Baker, 1922)112 EC and E Myanmar, NW Thailand, NW Laos
Heterophasia desgodinsi113 Black-hooded Sibia
desgodinsi (Oustalet, 1877) WC to SC China from Yunnan and SW Sichuan to W Guangxi, NE Myanmar
tonkinensis (Yen Kwok Yung, 1934) vNW and C Vietnam
engelbachi (Delacour, 1930) Bolovens plateau (SE Laos)
kingi J.C. Eames, 2002 C Vietnam [Eames, 2002 #1465]
robinsoni (Rothschild, 1921) Langbian mountains (SC Vietnam)
Heterophasia gracilis 114  (Horsfield, 1840) Grey Sibia
vSW Yunnan, NE India, W and N Myanmar
LEIOTHRIX Swainson, 1832 F - Parus furcatus Temminck, 1824; type by original designation = Sylvia lutea Scopoli, 1786  
Leiothrix argentauris Silver-eared Mesia
argentauris (Hodgson, 1837)115 iHimalayan foothills (east from W Uttarakhand), NE India (Meghalaya, S Assam), W and N Myanmar, W Yunnan
galbana (Mayr & Greenway, 1938) vSW Yunnan, E and SE Myanmar including N Tenasserim, W and N Thailand
ricketti (La Touche, 1923) iSE Yunnan, NE continental SE Asia south to C Laos
cunhaci (Robinson & Kloss, 1919) iS Laos, C and S Vietnam, ? SE Cambodia
tahanensis (Yen Kwok Yung, 1934) vMountains of Thai-Malay Pen.
rookmakeri (Junge, 1948) iMountains of N Sumatra
laurinae Salvadori, 1879 iMountains of Sumatra except N
Leiothrix lutea116 Red-billed Leiothrix
kumaiensis Whistler, 1943 vHimalayan foothills from NE Pakistan to Uttarakhand
calipyga (Hodgson, 1837)117 vSE Xizang, Himalayan foothills east from W Nepal, NE India, W Myanmar
yunnanensis Rothschild, 1921 vW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
kwangtungensis Stresemann, 1923 vSW and S China in SE Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong, NE Vietnam
lutea (Scopoli, 1786) vC and E China118
LEIOPTILA Blyth, 1847 F - Leioptila annectans Blyth, 1847; type by monotypy
Leioptila annectens119 Rufous-backed Sibia
annectens Blyth, 1847120 δiSW Yunnan, Himalayan foothills east from E Nepal, NE India, W, N and NE Myanmar
mixta (Deignan, 1948) vSE Yunnan, N and EC continental SE Asia (east from extreme E Myanmar and NC Thailand)
saturata Walden, 1875 vE and SE Myanmar (west of mixta), W and NW Thailand
davisoni Hume, 1877 S Myanmar, W Thailand
roundi (J.C. Eames, 2002) iC Vietnam [Eames, 2002 #1465]
eximia Riley, 1940 vLangbian mountains (SC Vietnam)
MINLA Hodgson, 1837 F - Minla ignotincta Hodgson, 1837; type by original designation   
Minla ignotincta Red-tailed Minla
ignotincta Hodgson, 1837 vN and W Yunnan, Himalayan foothills east from WC Nepal, NE India, W, N and E Myanmar
mariae La Touche, 1921 iSE Yunnan, C and S Laos, NW and NC Vietnam
sini Stresemann, 1929 iSC China on Dayao Shan (C Guangxi)
jerdoni J. Verreaux, 1871121 αiWC to C and SC China from NE Yunnan and SW Sichuan to Hunan and N Guangxi
LIOCICHLA Swinhoe, 1877 F - Liocichla steerii Swinhoe, 1877; type by monotypy   
Liocichla phoenicea Red-faced Liocichla
phoenicea (Gould, 1837) vHimalayan foothills east from Sikkim, N Myanmar
bakeri (E. Hartert, 1908) iNW Yunnan, S Assam, W, N and NE Myanmar
Liocichla ripponi122 Scarlet-faced Liocichla
ripponi (E.W. Oates, 1900) SW Yunnan, N, C and E Myanmar, NW Thailand
wellsi (La Touche, 1921) SE Yunnan, NE continental SE Asia
Liocichla bugunorum   Athreya, 2006 Bugun Liocichla
Himalayan foothills in W Arunachal Pradesh [Athreya, 2006 #9506]
Liocichla omeiensis   Riley, 1926 Emeishan Liocichla
vWC China in NE Yunnan and SC Sichuan
Liocichla steerii 123  Swinhoe, 1877 Steere's Liocichla
iMountains of Taiwan
SIBIA Hodgson, 1836 F - Cinclosoma nipalensis Hodgson, 1836; type by monotypy124,125
Sibia nipalensis 126,127  (Hodgson, 1836) Hoary-throated Barwing
vHimalayan foothills from W Nepal to W Arunachal Pradesh
Sibia waldeni Streak-throated Barwing
daflaensis (Godwin-Austen, 1875) vSE Xizang, E Arunachal Pradesh
waldeni (Godwin-Austen, 1874) iNE India from Meghalaya to Nagaland and N Manipur
poliotis (Rippon, 1905) vNW Myanmar
saturatior (Rothschild, 1921) vW Yunnan, NE Myanmar
Sibia souliei Streaked Barwing
souliei (Oustalet, 1897)128 δiWC China in NW Yunnan and SW Sichuan
griseinucha (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) iSE Yunnan, NW Vietnam
Sibia morrisoniana   (Ogilvie-Grant, 1906) Taiwan Barwing
SIVA Hodgson, 1837 F - Mesia (Siva) cyanouroptera Hodgson, 1837; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1841, A List of the Genera of Birds, ed. 2, p. 45).129
Siva cyanouroptera Blue-winged Minla
cyanouroptera Hodgson, 1837130 αvHimalayan foothills east from E Uttarakhand, NW Myanmar
aglae Deignan, 1942 iNE India from Meghalaya to Mizoram, W Myanmar
wingatei Ogilvie-Grant, 1900131 iWC (from S Sichuan) to S China including Hainan, N and EC continental SE Asia east from NE Myanmar
sordida Hume, 1877 vSouth of wingatei, E and SE Myanmar including N Tenasserim, NW Thailand
orientalis Robinson & Kloss, 1919 vLangbian mountains (SC Vietnam)
wirthi Collar, 2011 Himalayan foothills from W Himachal Pradesh to W Nepal [Collar, 2011 #12811]
rufodorsalis Engelbach, 1946 vMountains of SE Thailand and SW Cambodia
sordidior Sharpe, 1888 vMountains of Thai-Malay Pen.
CHRYSOMINLA Wolters, 1980 F - Siva strigula Hodgson, 1837; type by original designation132
Chrysominla strigula Chestnut-tailed Minla
simlaensis (R. Meinertzhagen, 1926) vHimalayan foothills from Himachal Pradesh to W Nepal
strigula (Hodgson, 1837) iHimalayan foothills from C Nepal to Bhutan
yunnanensis (Rothschild, 1921)133 vSE Xizang, Yunnan and SW Sichuan, Himalayan foothills east of Bhutan east through uplands of NE India and N Myanmar to N Laos and N Vietnam
traii (J.C. Eames, 2002) iMountains of C Vietnam [Eames, 2002 #1465]
castanicauda (Hume, 1877) iMountains of NW Thailand and SE Myanmar including N Tenasserim
malayana (E. Hartert, 1902) vMountains of S Thai-Malay Pen.
ACTINODURA Gould, 1836 F - Actinodura egertoni Gould, 1836; type by original designation and monotypy   
Actinodura egertoni Rusty-fronted Barwing
egertoni Gould, 1836 iHimalayan foothills east from WC Nepal
lewisi Ripley, 1948 iFar-NE India in Mishmi hills
khasiana Godwin-Austen, 1876 vNE India in Meghalaya, Nagaland and Manipur, NW Myanmar
ripponi Ogilvie-Grant & La Touche, 1907 iW Yunnan, NE India in Mizoram, SW and W to NE Myanmar
Actinodura ramsayi Spectacled Barwing
yunnanensis Bangs & J.C. Phillips, 1914 vSE Yunnan to S Guizhou and Guangxi, N Vietnam, (ssp?) N and C Laos
radcliffei Harington, 1910 iNE Myanmar
ramsayi Walden, 1875 iSE Myanmar in Karenni, NW Thailand
Actinodura sodangorum   J.C. Eames, Trai, Cu & Eve, 1999 Black-crowned Barwing
iC Vietnam on Mount Ngoc Linh [Eames, 1999 #1462]
LANIELLUS Swainson, 1832 M - Lanius leucogrammicus Reinwardt; type by original designation and monotypy = Laniellus leucogrammicus Swainson, 1832 = Lanius albonotatus Lesson, 1832  134,135
Laniellus langbianis   (Gyldenstolpe, 1939) Grey-crowned Crocias
vLangbian mountains (SC Vietnam)
Laniellus albonotatus 136  (Lesson, 1832) Spotted Crociasα
vMountains of W and C Java

1 Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713] used this name and not Turdoidinae which dates from the same source; see Bock (1994) [Bock, 1994 #398]. Gelang et al. (2009) [Gelang, 2009 #11542] acted as First Revisers and selected Leiothrichinae Swainson, 1831 over Turdoidinae Richmond, 1917 (1831) (a name replacing Crateropodinae Swainson, 1831).
2 Included genera and their sequence based on Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713]; but Chatarrhea is adopted for part of Turdoides and Argya is used for a group of unscreened turdoidid species recognised by Wolters (1980) [Wolters, 1980 #4263]. Other names straightforwardly brought out of synonymy.
3 Sequence of species based on Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713].
4 Includes eriphaea; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
5 Included in A. peracensis in Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1250], and in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] awaiting detailed evidence for treatment as separate species. For recognition see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226] and works cited therein.
6 Date 1926 in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] miscopied.
7 For use of 1841 see Dickinson et al. (2004) [Dickinson, 2004 #1390].
8 Cover of this issue carries publication date of 19 April 1877.
9 Includes commoda; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
10 For date correction see Dickinson (2009) [Dickinson, 2009 #11609].
11 For recognition see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
12 Date 1871 in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] miscopied.
13 For recognition see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
14 Subspecies groups derived from treatment by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226] as two species.
15 Recognition of this genus follows Wolters (1980) [Wolters, 1980 #4263]. Position in sequence of genera tentative no species screened by Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713].
16 Misspelled hyperytha in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533].
17 Subspecies groups derive from two species treatment of Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
18 Includes billypayni; see Vaurie (1959) [Vaurie, 1959 #3961].
19 The original name here restored replaces bowdleri Deignan, 1964, as recognition of Argya removes the homonymy which required the new name. Art. 57.6 (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059] refers.
20 The original name here restored replaces schnitzeri Deignan, 1964, as placement in Argya removes the homonymy which required the new name. Art. 59.4 (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059] refers.
21 Includes loveridgei; see Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631].
22 For recognition see Wolters (1980) [Wolters, 1980 #4263].
23 For recognition of this genus see Wolters (1980) [Wolters, 1980 #4263]. Sequential position tentative. Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713] found Turdoides gularis was paraphyletic with respect to four other species of Turdoides.
24 Considered to form a superspecies with K. chapini by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
25 Shows intermediate characters between chapini and kalindei, see Prigogine (1964) [Prigogine, 1964 #3135].
26 For date correction see Steinheimer (2005) [Steinheimer, 2005 #3709].
27 Considered to form a superspecies with T. rufescens by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
28 Includes orissae Jerdon, 1845 [Jerdon, 1845 #2116]; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
29 For reasons to split this from T. melanops see Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887] and Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631].
30 This issue of the Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club carried a misprinted year date. See Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
31 Includes clamosus; see White (1962) [White, 1962 #4188].
32 Includes angolensis da Rosa Pinto, 1967 [da Rosa Pinto, 1967 #1110]; see Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631].
33 Considered to form a superspecies with T. melanops and T. tenebrosa by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
34 For treatment as a separate species from T. plebejus; see Hall & Moreau (1970) [Hall, 1970 #1887] and Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631].
35 For date correction see Steinheimer (2005) [Steinheimer, 2005 #3709].
36 Considered to form a superspecies with T. leucocephala and T. jardineii by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
37 Includes gularis Reichenow, 1910, see Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631].
38 Implicitly includes kikuyuensis; see Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631].
39 Includes convergens see Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631]; also includes natalensis see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226], but they recognise the former.
40 Considered to form a superspecies with T. hartlaubii by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
41 For date correction see Steinheimer (2005) [Steinheimer, 2005 #3709].
42 For treatment as a separate species from T. leucopygia see Clancey (1984) [Clancey, 1984 #925].
43 Correct original spelling. Spelling hartlaubi in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
44 Includes atra see Fry (2000) [Fry, 2000 #1631].
45 Species composition and sequence based Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713] with species screened by Luo et al. (2009) [Luo Xu, 2009 #11074] interposed and genus Trochalopteron recognised. Overall level of taxon sampling poor requiring inclusion here of genus Babax to avoid paraphyly.
46 Includes, of laughing-thrush genera employed by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226], Leucodiopteron, Stactocichla, Ianthocincla, Dryonastes, Rhinocichla and Melanocichla. Some of these will no doubt be restored after comprehensive screening is effected.
47 As far as possible species not known to have been screened kept with their traditional allies.
48 For treatment as two species see Li et al. (2006) [Li Shou-Hsien, 2006 #9945] and Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
49 Includes mengliensis Cheng & Yang, 1980 [Cheng Pao-lai, 1980 #735], see Cheng (1987) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1987 #739].
50 Introduced to Japan (Honshu, Kyushu) and Hawaiian Is.
51 Subspecies groups derived from treatment as two species in Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
52 For recognition see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
53 For date correction see Raphael (1970) [Raphael, 1970 #3206].
54 Given as 1832 in Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1250] citing Bélanger's Voyage and dating that correctly, contra Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542], however, this name first appeared in Lesson's Traité.
55 For treatment at species rank see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
56 Subspecies groups derived from treatment as two species by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
57 Includes grahami; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
58 Considered to form a superspecies with G. bieti by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
59 For date correction see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
60 For correct date of publication see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
61 For treatment as a separate species from G. strepitans see Robson (2000) [Robson, 2000 #3368], Round & Robson (2001) [Round, 2001 #3396] and Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
62 Introduced to Japan (Shikoku).
63 Includes grosvenori; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
64 Introduced to Japan (C Honshu).
65 Introduced to Japan (C Honshu).
66 Includes chinganica; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
67 Includes experrecta; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
68 Considered to form a superspecies with G. nuchalis by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
69 Preprint located bears date 15 Luglio 1913.
70 Subspecies groups derive from treatment as two species in Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
71 For date correction see Richmond (1926) [Richmond, 1926 #3268].
72 For treatment as a separate species see Collar (2011) [Collar, 2011 #12811].
73 G. p. pingi Cheng, 1963 [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1963 #723] is considered to represent an intergradient population between pectoralis and robini; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
74 Includes melanotis; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
75 Introduced to Hawaiian Is. (Kauai).
76 For recognition see Traylor (1967) [Traylor, 1967 #3863].
77 For date correction see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
78 For treatment at species rank see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
79 Includes lumsdeni see Vaurie (1955) [Vaurie, 1955 #3954] and Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
80 For correct date see Ivanov (1972) [Ivanov, 1972 #14166].
81 Subspecies groups derived from treatment as two species by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
82 Considered to form a superspecies with G. poecilorhynchus by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
83 Introduced to Hawaiian Is. (Oahu).
84 For reasons to separate from G. caerulatus see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3968]. Subspecies groups derive from treatment as two species by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
85 Includes ricinus; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
86 Subspecies groups derived from treatment as two species by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
87 For reasons to treat this as two species see Wilkinson & He (2010) [Wilkinson, 2010 #13511].
88 At this period Cheng spelled his name Zheng Zuoxin.
89 Considered to form a superspecies with G. gularis by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
90 For treatment as a separate species from G. delesserti; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
91 Considered to form a superspecies with G. calvus by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
92 For date correction see Richmond (1926) [Richmond, 1926 #3268].
93 For treatment as a separate species from G. lugubris; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
94 Species composition and sequence based on Luo et al. (2009) [Luo Xu, 2009 #11074] with species screened by Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713] interposed. Thus, of genera employed by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226], includes Strophocincla.
95 Species not known to have been screened kept with their traditional allies.
96 Subspecies groups derived from treatment as two species in Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749] and Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
97 For treatment as a separate species from T. cachinnans, see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
98 Treatment here follows Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749]. But see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
99 Considered to form a superspecies with T. morrisonianum by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
100 For date correction see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
101 Cheng (1987) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1987 #739] followed Vaurie (1954) [Vaurie, 1954 #3950] in separating this from T. affine.
102 Includes prjevalskii [sic]; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
103 For date correction see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
104 Includes gucenensis Li, Wang & Jiang, 1978 [Li De-hao, 1978 #2375] thought to be an interspecific hybrid; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
105 Subspecies groups derived from treatment as five species by Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226]; however, see Collar (2011) [Collar, 2011 #12811] for reasons to avoid premature subdivision. Focussed molecular results awaited (only the nominate subspecies was sampled by Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713]).
106 Considered to form a superspecies with T. yersini by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
107 Includes imprudens; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
108 For recognition; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
109 Species sequence follows Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713].
110 Subspecies nigroaurita is recognised by Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
111 Considered to form a superspecies with H. gracilis by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
112 For recognition see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
113 For treatment as a separate species from H. melanoleuca; see Robson (2000) [Robson, 2000 #3368] and Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
114 For correction of authorship see Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #1384].
115 Includes aureigularis and vernayi; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
116 The name astleyi, given to aviary birds of unknown origin, probably relates to hybrids.
117 Includes luteola; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
118 Introduced to Spain, France, Italy, Japan, Réunion and Hawaiian Is.
119 Harrison (1986) [Harrison, 1986 #1900] proposed placing this in Minla; for molecular evidence placing this close to Minla see Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713].
120 Original spelling annectans; here considered a misspelling of an original Latin word, not a mistransliteration and thus requiring correction. See also Appendix 8.
121 For date correction see Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
122 For treatment as a separate species from L. phoenicea, see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226] and Collar (2011) [Collar, 2011 #12811].
123 Considered to form a superspecies with L. omeiensis by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636]. Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226] suggested that L. bugunorum may belong to this group.
124 The name Ixops Blyth, 1843, suggested by Dong et al. (2010) [Dong Feng, 2010 #12499], is a junior subjective synonym. The fact that the vernacular name sibia is used for a different group of birds does not invalidate usage here. For usage since 1899 see Baker (1930) [Baker, 1930 #4479].
125 For recognition of this genus, due to non-monophyly, see Dong Feng et al. (2010) [Dong Feng, 2010 #12499] and Moyle et al. (2012) [Moyle, 2012 #14713].
126 Includes vinctura see Ripley (1980) [Ripley, 1980 #3331] and Abdulali (1984) [Abdulali, 1984 #25].
127 Considered to form a superspecies with S. waldeni by Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
128 Correct original spelling. Spelling soulei in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
129 For separation from Minla see Dong Feng (2010) [Dong Feng, 2010 #12499].
130 For date correction see Dickinson (2009) [Dickinson, 2009 #11609].
131 Includes croizati see Cheng (1987) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1987 #739].
132 For separation from Minla see Dong Feng et al. (2010) [Dong Feng, 2010 #12499].
133 Includes cinereigenae; see Collar & Robson (2007) [Collar, 2007 #12226].
134 For replacement of generic name Crocias see Gregory & Dickinson (2012) [Gregory, 2012 #13835], with consequent change of authorship.
135 Apparently no species yet subjected to molecular screening.
136 Given as 1832 in Deignan (1964) [Deignan, 1964 #1250]. Browning & Monroe (1991) [Browning, 1991 #542] incorrectly supported 1831, see Dickinson (2008) [Dickinson, 2008 #11083].