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ANHINGIDAE - Darters (1:4)
ANHINGA Brisson, 1760 F - Anhinga Brisson; type by tautonymy = Plotus anhinga Linnaeus, 1766 1 Anhinga anhinga Anhinga
leucogaster (Vieillot, 1816) iSE USA (North Carolina to Texas) and Mexico (Tamaulipas and S Sinaloa) to Panama; Cuba
anhinga (Linnaeus, 1766) iTrinidad and Tobago; Colombia south to Ecuador (west of the Andes), NE Argentina and Uruguay (east of the Andes)
Anhinga rufa African Darter
chantrei (Oustalet, 1882)2 Iran (lower Tigris-Euphrates valley) rufa (Daudin, 1802)3 vSub-Saharan Africa vulsini Bangs, 1918 Madagascar
Anhinga melanogaster Pennant, 1769 Oriental Darter
Pakistan (Indus valley), India, Sri Lanka, mainland SE Asia, Greater Sundas, Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumbawa and Timor (?)4 Anhinga novaehollandiae5 Australasian Darter papua Rand, 19386 New Guinea novaehollandiae (Gould, 1847) Australia