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RALLIDAE - Rails and Coots1 (42:146)
HIMANTORNIS Hartlaub, 1855 M - Himantornis haematopus Hartlaub, 1855; type by monotypy  
Himantornis haematopus 3  Hartlaub, 1855 Nkulengu Rail
iSierra Leone to W Uganda, south to coastal and C DR Congo and Cabinda (Angola)
CANIRALLUS Bonaparte, 1856 M - Gallinula oculea Hartlaub, 1855; type by subsequent designation (Sharpe, 1894, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., 23, p. 72).  
Canirallus oculeus Grey-throated Rail
oculeus (Hartlaub, 1855) vSierra Leone to W Ghana
batesi Sharpe, 19005 S Nigeria to N DR Congo and W Uganda
MENTOCREX J.L. Peters, 1932 F - Gallinula kioloides Pucheran, 1845; type by original designation and monotypy  
Mentocrex kioloides Madagascar Wood Rail
berliozi Salomonsen, 1934 iNW Madagascar [Salomonsen, 1934 #3445]
kioloides (Pucheran, 1845) iE Madagascar
beankaensis Goodman, Reherilalao & Block, 20116 vKarst areas of WC Madagascar [Goodman, 2011 #12693]
RALLICULA Schlegel, 1871 F - Rallicula rubra Schlegel, 1871; type by monotypy  7
Rallicula rubra Chestnut Forest Rail
rubra Schlegel, 1871 vMontane NW New Guinea (Vogelkop)
klossi Ogilvie-Grant, 19138 iMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts., Maoke Mts.)
telefolminensis Gilliard, 1961 vMontane C New Guinea (Star Mts. region) [Gilliard, 1961 #1703]
Rallicula leucospila 9  (Salvadori, 1876) White-striped Forest Railα
vMontane NW New Guinea (Vogelkop to Wondiwoi Mts.)
Rallicula forbesi Forbes's Forest Rail
steini Rothschild, 1934 iMontane C New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. to Central Highlands) [Stresemann, 1934 #3759]
parva T.K. Pratt, 1982 vMontane N New Guinea (Adelbert Range) [Pratt, 1982 #3118]
dryas Mayr, 1931 iMontane NE New Guinea (mountains of Huon Pen.)
forbesi Sharpe, 1887 iMontane EC to SE New Guinea (Central Highlands to Owen Stanley Range)
Rallicula mayri Mayr's Forest Rail
mayri E. Hartert, 1930 iMontane N New Guinea (Cyclops Mts.)
carmichaeli Diamond, 1969 iMontane N New Guinea (North Coast Ranges) [Diamond, 1969 #1317]
RALLINA G.R. Gray, 1846 F - Rallus fasciatus Raffles, 1822; type by original designation  
Rallina tricolor 10  G.R. Gray, 1858 Red-necked Crake
iS and SE Moluccas, E Lesser Sundas (Damar, Tanimbar Is.), lowland New Guinea and satellite islands, Bismarck Arch. (New Hanover, New Ireland, St. Matthias Group), NE Australia (Cape York Pen. and NE Queensland)
Rallina canningi   (Blyth, 1863) Andaman Crake
Rallina fasciata   (Raffles, 1822) Red-legged Crake
vC and S continental SE Asia, Thai-Malay Pen., Greater Sundas, Philippines, Moluccas, W and C Lesser Sundas (east to Kisar) >> SE Asia
Rallina eurizonoides Slaty-legged Crake
amauroptera (Jerdon, 1864)11 vHimalayan foothills (east from Uttarakhand), SW India >> Sri Lanka
telmatophila Hume, 187812 vSE China, N continental SE Asia >> mainland SE Asia, Sumatra, Java [Hume, 1878 #2038]
sepiaria (Stejneger, 1887) vYaeyama Is., Miyako Is. (Japan)
formosana Seebohm, 1894 vTaiwan and neighbouring Lanyu I.
alvarezi Kennedy & C.A. Ross, 1987 iBatan Is. (Philippines) [Kennedy, 1987 #2198]
eurizonoides (Lafresnaye, 1845) iPhilippines (except Batan Is.); Babeldaob to Angaur (Palau)
minahasa Wallace, 1863 iSulawesi, Banggai Is., Sula Is.
COTURNICOPS G.R. Gray, 1855 M - Fulica noveboracensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by monotypy  
Coturnicops exquisitus 13  (Swinhoe, 1873) Swinhoe's Rail
vBaikal area to Russian Far East and NE China >> Japan, Korea to S China
Coturnicops noveboracensis14 Yellow Rail
noveboracensis (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)15 vSC and SE Canada to NC and NE USA >> Coastal S and SE USA
†? goldmani (Nelson, 1904) iC Mexico (upper Lerma valley in E México)
Coturnicops notatus 16  (Gould, 1841) Speckled Rail
vS Brazil to N Argentina; Colombia, Venezuela and Guyana
MICROPYGIA Bonaparte, 1856 F - Micropygia schomburgi Cabanis; type by monotypy = Crex schomburgkii Schomburgk, 1848  17
Micropygia schomburgkii Ocellated Crake
schomburgkii (Schomburgk, 1848)18 iSW Costa Rica; E Colombia to the Guianas
chapmani (Naumburg, 1930) iSE Peru, N and E Bolivia, C and S Brazil and E Paraguay
RUFIRALLUS Bonaparte, 1856 M - Rallus cayanensis Linnaeus = Rallus cayanensis Boddaert, 1783; type by subsequent designation (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1868, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 450). = Rallus viridis Statius Muller, 1776  19
Rufirallus castaneiceps Chestnut-headed Crake
coccineipes (Olson, 1973) iSW Colombia (SE Nariño to Caquetá), NE Ecuador and N Peru (south to R. Napo) [Olson, 1973 #2835]
castaneiceps (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1869) αiE Ecuador and E Peru (south of R. Napo), NW Bolivia (Pando) and SW Brazil (NW Rondônia)
Rufirallus viridis20 Russet-crowned Crake
brunnescens (Todd, 1932) iNC Colombia (lower Cauca valley east to middle Magdalena valley)
viridis (Statius Muller, 1776) vE Colombia, S Venezuela, the Guianas and Brazil to E Ecuador, E Peru, N and E Bolivia and E Paraguay
LATERALLUS G.R. Gray, 1855 M - Rallus melanophaius Vieillot, 1819; type by original designation  
Laterallus melanophaius21 Rufous-sided Crake
melanophaius (Vieillot, 1819)22 vCoastal Venezuela east to Surinam, south to C and E Brazil, E Bolivia, Paraguay and N Argentina
oenops (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1880) iSE Colombia, E Ecuador, E Peru and W Brazil (Amazonas east to R. Negro and R. Madeira)
Laterallus levraudi   (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1869) Rusty-flanked Crakeα
iN Venezuela (SW Portuguesa and E Falcón to E Miranda)
Laterallus ruber 23  (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1860) Ruddy Crake
vE and S Mexico to N Nicaragua; NW Costa Rica (Guanacaste)
Laterallus albigularis White-throated Crake
cinereiceps (Lawrence, 1875) iCaribbean slope from SE Honduras to W Panama (W Veraguas)
albigularis (Lawrence, 1861) vSW Costa Rica (Golfo de Nicoya) to W Colombia and W Ecuador (south to El Oro)
cerdaleus Wetmore, 1958 vN Colombia (E Córdoba to W Guajira and south in Magdalena valley to Cundinamarca) [Wetmore, 1958 #4142]
Laterallus exilis 24  (Temminck, 1831) Gray-breasted Crake
vN Guatemala and Belize locally to NW Ecuador, SE Brazil, S Paraguay and NE Argentina
Laterallus jamaicensis25 Black Rail
coturniculus (Ridgway, 1874) iW USA (California, SW Arizona) and NW Mexico (N Baja California)
jamaicensis (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)26 vCoastal E and S USA (Connecticut to Texas); C USA (E Colorado, Kansas, N Oklahoma) >> S USA and Greater Antilles
murivagans (Riley, 1916) iCoastal C Peru (Lima)
tuerosi Fjeldså, 1983 iLake Junín (Andes of C Peru) [Fjeldså, 1983 #1567]
salinasi (R.A. Philippi, Sr., 1857) iCoastal SW Peru; C Chile and adjacent WC Argentina
Laterallus spilonota 27  (Gould, 1841) Galapagos Railδ
Galapagos Is.
Laterallus leucopyrrhus   (Vieillot, 1819) Red-and-white Crake
vSE Brazil, S Paraguay, Uruguay, NE Argentina (south to Buenos Aires)
Laterallus xenopterus   Conover, 1934 Rufous-faced Crake
vN Bolivia (Beni), SC Brazil (Distrito Federal), C and S Paraguay [Conover, 1934 #1037]
RALLUS Linnaeus, 1758 M - Rallus aquaticus Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (Flemming, 1821, Mem. Wernerian Nat. Hist. Soc., 3, p. 176).  
Rallus longirostris28,29 Clapper Rail
1 obsoletus Ridgway, 1874 vCoastal W USA (San Francisco Bay area in WC California)
1 levipes Bangs, 1899 iCoastal W USA (S California) to NW Mexico (N Baja California)
1 beldingi Ridgway, 188230 iNW Mexico (S Baja California)
1 yumanensis Dickey, 192331 vSW USA (SE California, SW Arizona) and coastal W Mexico (Sonora to Nayarit)
2 crepitans J.F. Gmelin, 1789 iCoastal E USA (Massachusetts to North Carolina) >> south to Florida
2 waynei Brewster, 1899 iCoastal SE USA (North Carolina to NE Florida)
2 scottii Sennett, 188832 δiCoastal SE USA (Florida except NE)
2 saturatus Ridgway, 1880 vCoastal SE USA (SW Alabama to S Texas) and NE Mexico (Tamaulipas)
2 insularum W.S. Brooks, 1920 iSE USA (Florida Keys)
2 coryi Maynard, 1887 iBahamas
2 caribaeus Ridgway, 188033 vCuba (including Isla de la Juventud), Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Lesser Antilles (east to Antigua and Guadeloupe)
2 pallidus Nelson, 190534 vCoastal SE Mexico (Yucatán and Quintana Roo); Belize (Ycacos Lagoon)
2 pelodramus Oberholser, 1937 vTrinidad [Oberholser, 1937 #2807]
3 cypereti Taczanowski, 1878 αiCoastal SW Colombia (Nariño) to NW Peru (Tumbes)
3 phelpsi Wetmore, 1941 iCoastal NE Colombia (Guajira) and NW Venezuela (Zulia to W Miranda) [Wetmore, 1941 #4129]
3 dillonripleyi W.H. Phelps, Jr. & Aveledo, 198735 Coastal NE Venezuela (Sucre) [Phelps & Aveledo, 1987 #3054]
3 margaritae J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1944 iIsla de Margarita (off N Venezuela) [Zimmer, 1944 #4299]
3 longirostris Boddaert, 1783 vCoast of the Guianas
3 crassirostris Lawrence, 1871 vCoastal Brazil (Ilha de Marajó to Santa Catarina)
Rallus elegans36 King Rail
elegans Audubon, 1834 iSE Canada (S Ontario) and E USA (E South Dakota to New York to Texas and Florida); E Mexico (Veracruz)
tenuirostris Ridgway, 1874 vHighlands of C Mexico (S Nayarit and Jalisco to S San Luis Potosí, N Guerrero and Puebla)
ramsdeni Riley, 1913 iCuba, Isla de la Juventud
Rallus wetmorei   J.T. Zimmer & W.H. Phelps, Sr., 1944 Plain-flanked Rail
iCoastal N Venezuela (E Falcón to W Aragua) [Zimmer, 1944 #4299]
Rallus limicola37 Virginia Rail
limicola Vieillot, 181938 iS Canada, W, C and NE USA >> SW Canada and NE USA to C Mexico
friedmanni Dickerman, 1966 iHighlands of S Mexico (México to Puebla; C Chiapas) and C Guatemala [Dickerman, 1966 #1325]
aequatorialis Sharpe, 189439 vAndes of SW Colombia (Nariño) and Ecuador (south to N Loja)
meyerdeschauenseei Fjeldså, 1990 iCoastal Peru (La Libertad to Arequipa) [Fjeldså, 1990 #1568]
Rallus semiplumbeus Bogota Rail
semiplumbeus P.L. Sclater, 1856 vE Andes of C Colombia (Boyacá and Cundinamarca)
†? peruvianus Taczanowski, 188640 vPeru (locality uncertain)
Rallus antarcticus 41  P.P. King, 1828 Austral Rail
vS Argentina (Chubut, Santa Cruz) and S Chile (Magallanes)
Rallus aquaticus42 Western Water Rail
hibernans Salomonsen, 1930 iIceland
aquaticus Linnaeus, 1758 vEurope, N Africa, W Asia
korejewi Sarudny, 190543 iIran to Kashmir, and C Asia to Aral Sea and WC China
Rallus indicus 44  Blyth, 1849 Eastern Water Rail
vN Mongolia and Baikal area to Russian Far East and Japan >> S Japan, E India, N continental SE Asia
Rallus caerulescens   J.F. Gmelin, 1789 African Rail
iCameroon to South Sudan and Ethiopia, south to South Africa
Rallus madagascariensis   J. Verreaux, 1833 Madagascar Rail
vE Madagascar
MUNDIA Bourne, Ashmole & Simmons, 2003 N -
Mundia elpenor   (Olson, 1973) Ascension Island Flightless Crake
Ascension I.
ARAMIDOPSIS Sharpe, 1893 F - Rallus plateni W. Blasius, 1886; type by original designation  45
Aramidopsis plateni   (W. Blasius, 1886) Snoring Rail
Sulawesi (except SW)
LEWINIA G.R. Gray, 1855 F - Rallus lewini Swainson, 1838; type by original designation and virtual tautonymy = Rallus pectoralis Temminck, 1831  
Lewinia striata Slaty-breasted Rail
albiventer (Swainson, 1838)46 iS India and Sri Lanka, NE India, S China, continental SE Asia (except SE) [Swainson, 1838 #3791]
obscurior (Hume, 1874)47 vAndamans and Nicobars
jouyi (Stejneger, 1887) αiSE China, Hainan [Stejneger, 1887 #3710]
taiwana (Yamashina, 1932)48 vTaiwan
gularis (Horsfield, 1821)49 vSE continental SE Asia (?), Thai-Malay Pen., Greater Sundas (except N Borneo)
striata (Linnaeus, 1766)50 vN Borneo, Philippines, Sulawesi
Lewinia mirifica 51  (Parkes & Amadon, 1959) Brown-banded Rail
vMountains of Luzon (Philippines) [Parkes, 1959 #2912]
Lewinia pectoralis Lewin's Rail
exsul (E. Hartert, 1898) iFlores (Lesser Sundas)
mayri (E. Hartert, 1930) iMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Doberai Pen.)
connectens (Junge, 1952)52 Montane WC New Guinea (Wissel Lakes) [Junge, 1952 #2167]
capta (Mayr & Gilliard, 1951) vMontane WC to EC New Guinea (Maoke Mts. to Central Highlands) [Mayr, 1951 #2555]
insulsa (Greenway, 1935)53 vMontane SE New Guinea (Herzog Range) [Greenway, 1935 #1807]
alberti (Rothschild & E. Hartert, 1907) iMontane SE New Guinea (Wharton Range to Owen Stanley Range)
†? clelandi (Mathews, 1911) iSW Australia
pectoralis (Temminck, 1831) vEC to SE Australia
brachipus (Swainson, 1838) iTasmania
Lewinia muelleri   (Rothschild, 1893) Auckland Rail
iAuckland Is.
HABROPTILA G.R. Gray, 1861 F - Habroptila wallacii G.R. Gray, 1861; type by monotypy  54
Habroptila wallacii   G.R. Gray, 1861 Invisible Railα
Halmahera (N Moluccas)
GALLIRALLUS Lafresnaye, 1841 M - Gallirallus brachypterus Lafresnaye, 1841; type by monotypy = Rallus australis Sparrman, 1786  55
Gallirallus lafresnayanus   J. Verreaux & Des Murs, 1860 New Caledonian Rail
vNew Caledonia
Gallirallus australis Weka
greyi (Buller, 1888) iNorth Island (New Zealand)
australis (Sparrman, 1786)56 vN and W South Island (New Zealand)
hectori (F.W. Hutton, 1874) iE South Island, Chatham Is. (New Zealand)
scotti (Ogilvie-Grant, 1905)57 iStewart I. (New Zealand)
DIAPHORAPTERYX H.O. Forbes, 1892 N -
Diaphorapteryx hawkinsi   (H.O. Forbes, 1892) Mehonui Rail
Chatham Is.
EULABEORNIS Gould, 1844 M - Eulabeornis castaneoventris Gould, 1844; type by monotypy  
Eulabeornis castaneoventris Chestnut Rail
sharpei Rothschild, 1906 iAru Is. (off SW New Guinea)
castaneoventris Gould, 1844 vCoastal NW and NC Australia (Kimberley Division, Arnhem Land)
CABALUS F.W. Hutton, 1874 M - Rallus modestus F.W. Hutton, 1872; type by original designation & monotypy  58
Cabalus modestus   (F.W. Hutton, 1872) Chatham Rail
vChatham Is.
HYPOTAENIDIA Reichenbach, 1853 F - Rallus pectoralis Reichenbach, 1853 not Rallus pectoralis Temminck, 1831; type by original designation = Rallus philippensis Linnaeus, 1766  59,60
Hypotaenidia okinawae   (Yamashina & Mano, 1981) Okinawa Rail
N Okinawa (Okinawa Is.) [Yamashina, 1981 #4278]
Hypotaenidia torquata Barred Rail
torquata (Linnaeus, 1766)61 vPhilippines
celebensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1830)62 vSulawesi, Muna I.
sulcirostris (Wallace, 1863)63 vBanggai Is., Sula Is.
kuehni Rothschild, 1902 iTukangbesi Is. (off SE Sulawesi)
limaria (J.L. Peters, 1934)64 vSalawati, lowland NW New Guinea (NW coast of Vogelkop)
Hypotaenidia insignis   (P.L. Sclater, 1880) New Britain Rail
vNew Britain (Bismarck Arch.)
Hypotaenidia poeciloptera 65  (Hartlaub, 1866) Bar-winged Rail
vViti Levu, Ovalau (Fiji)
Hypotaenidia woodfordi Woodford's Rail
woodfordi (Ogilvie-Grant, 1889) Guadalcanal (SE Solomons)
tertia (Mayr, 1949) vBougainville (N Solomons) [Mayr, 1949 #2553]
immaculata (Mayr, 1949) vSanta Isabel (C Solomons) [Mayr, 1949 #2553]
Hypotaenidia rovianae   (Diamond, 1991) Roviana Rail
C Solomons [Diamond, 1991 #1323]
Hypotaenidia owstoni   Rothschild, 1895 Guam Rail
Rota (Northern Mariana Is.), Guam66
Hypotaenidia wakensis   Rothschild, 1903 Wake Island Rail
vWake I. (tropical N Pacific)
Hypotaenidia dieffenbachii 67,68  (G.R. Gray, 1843) Dieffenbach's Rail
Chatham Is.
Hypotaenidia sylvestris 69  (P.L. Sclater, 1870) Lord Howe Woodhen/Lord Howe Railα
vLord Howe I.
Hypotaenidia philippensis70 Buff-banded Rail
andrewsi (Mathews, 1911) iCocos Is.
xerophila van Bemmel & Hoogerwerf, 1940 vSangeang (Lesser Sundas) [van Bemmel, 1940 #3909]
wilkinsoni (Mathews, 1911) iFlores, Sumba and Timor (Lesser Sundas)71
philippensis (Linnaeus, 1766)72 vNW Borneo (?), Philippines and Sulawesi
mellori (Mathews, 1912)73,74 iMoluccas, lowland S New Guinea, Australia, Norfolk I.
pelewensis Mayr, 1933 vBabeldaob to Angaur (Palau) [Mayr, 1933 #2539]
lacustris (Mayr, 1938) vLowland N New Guinea (Lake Sentani, N coast region) [Mayr, 1938 #2544]
reducta (Mayr, 1938)75 vLowland to montane EC, NE and SE New Guinea (except south coast), Long I. [Mayr, 1938 #2544]
randi (Mayr & Gilliard, 1951) iAlpine WC New Guinea (Maoke Mts.) [Mayr, 1951 #2555]
tounelieri (Schodde & Naurois, 1982) iCoral Sea and Great Barrier Reef Is. (Australia); Récifs d'Entrecasteaux and Iles Chesterfield (NW of New Caledonia) [Schodde, 1982 #3512]
anachoretae (Mayr, 1949) iPelleluhu Is., Kaniet Is., Hermit Is. (NW Bismarck Arch.) [Mayr, 1949 #2553]
admiralitatis Stresemann, 1929 iAdmiralty Is. (Bismarck Arch.)
praedo (Mayr, 1949) iSabben Group (W Bismarck Arch.) [Mayr, 1949 #2553]
lesouefi (Mathews, 1911) iNew Hanover, New Ireland, Hibernian Is. (Bismarck Arch.)
meyeri E. Hartert, 1930 iNew Britain and satellite islands (Bismarck Arch.)
christophori (Mayr, 1938) iSE Solomons [Mayr, 1938 #2544]
sethsmithi (Mathews, 1911) iVanuatu, Fiji, Tuvalu (Niulakita); Ndeni (?) (Santa Cruz Is.)
swindellsi (Mathews, 1911) iNew Caledonia, Loyalty Is.
goodsoni (Mathews, 1911) iSamoa, American Samoa, Niue
ecaudata (J.F. Miller, 1783)76 vTonga; Wallis and Futuna Is. (?)
assimilis (G.R. Gray, 1843) vNew Zealand (including Stewart I.)
†? macquariensis (F.W. Hutton, 1879)77 vMacquarie I.
Hypotaenidia pacifica 78  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Tahitian Rail
vTahiti (Society Is.)
DRYOLIMNAS Sharpe, 1893 M - Rallus cuvieri Pucheran, 1845; type by original designation  
Dryolimnas cuvieri White-throated Rail
cuvieri (Pucheran, 1845) iMadagascar
aldabranus (Günther, 1879) vAldabra (Aldabra Is.)
†? abbotti (Ridgway, 1894) iAssomption (Aldabra Is.)
Dryolimnas augusti   Mourer‐Chauviré, Bour, Ribes & Moutou, 1999 Réunion Rail
CREX Bechstein, 1803 F - Crex pratensis Bechstein, 1803; type by monotypy and tautonymy = Rallus crex Linnaeus, 1758  79
Crex egregia 80  (W. Peters, 1854) African Crake
vSenegal and Gambia to S Sudan and Kenya, south to N Namibia and N and E South Africa
Crex crex   (Linnaeus, 1758) Corncrake
iEurope to C Siberia and NW China >> E DR Congo and S Tanzania to E South Africa
ROUGETIUS Bonaparte, 1856 M - Rallus abyssinicus Rüppell, 1845; type by virtual tautonymy = Rallus rougetii Guérin-Méneville, 1843  
Rougetius rougetii   (Guérin-Méneville, 1843) Rouget's Rail
iW and C Ethiopia and Eritrea
ATLANTISIA P.R. Lowe, 1923 F - Atlantisia rogersi P.R. Lowe, 1923; type by original designation and monotypy  
Atlantisia rogersi   P.R. Lowe, 1923 Inaccessible Island Rail
iInaccessible I.
Atlantisia podarces   (Wetmore, 1963) St. Helena Rail
St. Helena I.
ARAMIDES Pucheran, 1845 M - Fulica cayennensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by subsequent designation (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1868, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 446). = Fulica cajanea Statius Muller, 1776  
Aramides ypecaha   (Vieillot, 1819) Giant Wood Rail
iE and SE Brazil, E Paraguay, Uruguay and NE Argentina (south to N Buenos Aires)
Aramides wolfi   von Berlepsch & Taczanowski, 1884 Brown Wood Rail
iW Colombia (C Chocó) to SW Ecuador (El Oro)
Aramides mangle   (von Spix, 1825) Little Wood Rail
iE Brazil (NE Pará to NE Bahia and south along coast to São Paulo)
Aramides cajaneus Gray-necked Wood Rail
mexicanus Bangs, 1907 vCaribbean slope of Mexico (S Tamaulipas to NW Chiapas)
vanrossemi Dickey, 1929 iPacific slope of S Mexico (C Oaxaca) to W El Salvador
albiventris Lawrence, 1868 αvSE Mexico (NE Chiapas, Yucatan Pen.), Belize and N Guatemala
pacificus W. deW. Miller & Griscom, 1921 vHonduras (Caribbean slope), Nicaragua
plumbeicollis Zeledon, 1888 vNE Costa Rica
latens Bangs & T.E. Penard, 1918 iIsla del Rey and Isla Viveros (Arch. de las Perlas off S Panama)
morrisoni Wetmore, 1946 iIsla Pedro González and Isla San José (Arch. de las Perlas off S Panama) [Wetmore, 1946 #4131]
cajaneus (Statius Muller, 1776)81,82 δvCosta Rica (except NE) to N Argentina (Tucumán, Santa Fé and Buenos Aires) and Uruguay
avicenniae Stotz, 199283 iCoastal SE Brazil (São Paulo) [Stotz, 1992 #3753]
Aramides axillaris   Lawrence, 1863 Rufous-necked Wood Rail
vCoastal Mexico and Belize; El Salvador to NW Peru (Tumbes) and the Guianas, Trinidad
Aramides calopterus   P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1878 Red-winged Wood Rail
vLocally in E Ecuador, E Peru and W Brazil (SW Amazonas)
Aramides saracura   (von Spix, 1825) Slaty-breasted Wood Rail
iSE Brazil (S Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo to Rio Grande do Sul), E Paraguay and NE Argentina (Misiones)
AMAUROLIMNAS Sharpe, 1893 M - Rallus concolor Gosse, 1847; type by original designation  84
Amaurolimnas concolor Uniform Crake
guatemalensis (Lawrence, 1863)85 δvS Mexico (Veracruz and N Oaxaca) to NW Ecuador (Esmeraldas)
castaneus (Pucheran, 1851)86 vLocally in N Venezuela, the Guianas, E Ecuador, E Peru, W and C Amazonian Brazil and E Bolivia; E Brazil [Pucheran, 1851 #3171]
†? concolor (Gosse, 1847) iJamaica
CYANOLIMNAS Barbour & J.L. Peters, 1927 M - Cyanolimnas cerverai Barbour & J.L. Peters, 1927; type by monotypy  
Cyanolimnas cerverai   Barbour & J.L. Peters, 1927 Zapata Rail
iZapata Swamp (WC Cuba)
NEOCREX P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1869 F - Porzana erythrops P.L. Sclater, 1867; type by monotypy  87
Neocrex colombiana88 Colombian Crake
ripleyi Wetmore, 1967 iC and E Panama, NW Colombia (NW Chocó) [Wetmore, 1967 #4150]
colombiana Bangs, 189889 δvN and W Colombia (N Magdalena and Guajira; W Valle to W Nariño) to NW Ecuador (Pichincha)
Neocrex erythrops90 Paint-billed Crake
olivascens C. Chubb, 1917 iSW Costa Rica (Golfo Dulce) locally to W Ecuador, N Argentina (Tucumán, Chaco) and SE Brazil (São Paulo)
erythrops (P.L. Sclater, 1867) iCoastal N and C Peru (Lambayeque to Lima); Galapagos Is. (Santa Cruz and Santa María)
PARDIRALLUS Bonaparte, 1856 M - Rallus variegatus J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by monotypy = Rallus maculatus Boddaert, 1783  91
Pardirallus maculatus Spotted Rail
insolitus (Bangs & Peck, 1908) vC Mexico (Nayarit and C Veracruz) to C Costa Rica
maculatus (Boddaert, 1783)92 vE Panama and Colombia to the Guianas and NE Brazil, south to NW Peru, N Argentina and Uruguay; W Cuba, Dominican Republic, Trinidad
Pardirallus nigricans93 Blackish Rail
caucae (Conover, 1949) iW Colombia (Cauca valley from S Antioquia to Cauca) [Conover, 1949 #1043]
nigricans (Vieillot, 1819)94 iFoothills of E Ecuador and E Peru into lowlands of NW Bolivia and W Brazil; E Brazil, E Paraguay and NE Argentina (Misiones)
Pardirallus sanguinolentus95 Plumbeous Rail
simonsi C. Chubb, 1917 iNW Peru (Lambayeque) to N Chile (Antofagasta)
tschudii C. Chubb, 1919 iAndes of S Ecuador (Loja) to NW Argentina (Catamarca)
zelebori (von Pelzeln, 1865) iSE Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
sanguinolentus (Swainson, 1838) vSE Bolivia (Santa Cruz), Paraguay and SE Brazil (S Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul) to C Argentina (Río Negro)
landbecki (Hellmayr, 1932) iC Chile (Atacama to Aisén) and adjacent SW Argentina (W Chubut, W Santa Cruz)
luridus (Peale, 1848) vS Chile (Magallanes) and S Argentina (S Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego)
GYMNOCREX Salvadori, 1875 F - Rallina rosenbergii Schlegel, 1866; type by original designation  
Gymnocrex rosenbergii   (Schlegel, 1866) Bald-faced Rail
iN and C Sulawesi, Banggai Is. (Peleng)
Gymnocrex talaudensis   F.R. Lambert, 1998 Talaud Rail
vKarakelong (Talaud Is.) [Lambert, 1998 #2312]
Gymnocrex plumbeiventris Bare-eyed Rail
plumbeiventris (G.R. Gray, 1862) vN Moluccas, Misool, all lowland New Guinea including Karkar I. (except range of hoeveni), New Ireland (?)
hoeveni (von Rosenberg, 1866) iLowland SW New Guinea (head of Cenderawasih Bay to R. Fly); Aru Is. [von Rosenberg, 1866 #5590]
HAPALOCREX Ridgway, 1920 F - Rallus flaviventer Boddaert, 1783; type by original designation and monotypy   96
Hapalocrex flaviventer97 Yellow-breasted Crake
gossii (Bonaparte, 1856) iCuba, Jamaica
hendersoni (Bartsch, 1917) iHispaniola, Puerto Rico
woodi (van Rossem, 1934) iC Mexico (SE Guerrero and C Veracruz) to NW Costa Rica (Guanacaste) [van Rossem, 1934 #3924]
bangsi (Darlington, 1931) iNC Colombia (Magdalena to Santander)
flaviventer (Boddaert, 1783) iLocally in Panama, C Colombia, the Guianas, Trinidad and N Brazil; E Bolivia, S and E Brazil to N Argentina and Uruguay
PORZANA Vieillot, 1816 F - La Marouette Buffon; type by monotypy and tautonymy = Rallus porzana Linnaeus, 1766  98
Porzana fasciata 99,100  P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1868 Black-banded Crakeα
vS Colombia (Putumayo to Amazonas), E Ecuador, E Peru and W Brazil (R. Amazon to R. Purus) [Sclater, 1868 #3554]
Porzana spiloptera 101  Durnford, 1877 Dot-winged Crake
NE Argentina (Córdoba to Buenos Aires) and S Uruguay
Porzana albicollis Ash-throated Crake
typhoeca J.L. Peters, 1932102 vN and E Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas, N Brazil (N Roraima) and Trinidad
albicollis (Vieillot, 1819) vSE Peru, N and E Bolivia, S and E Brazil, E Paraguay and NE Argentina (south to Buenos Aires)
Porzana carolina   (Linnaeus, 1758) Sora
vSE Alaska, S Canada, W, C and NE USA >> S USA, West Indies, Central America and NW South America
Porzana porzana   (Linnaeus, 1766) Spotted Crake
iW Europe to C Asia >> Africa, S Asia
Porzana fluminea   Gould, 1843 Australian Crake
vInland and S Australia, Tasmania
ZAPORNIA Leach, 1816 F - Zapornia minuta Leach, 1816; type by monotypy = Rallus parvus Scopoli, 1769  103,104
Zapornia fusca Ruddy-breasted Crake
erythrothorax (Temminck & Schlegel, 1849) iRussian Far East, E and S China, continental SE Asia >> mainland SE Asia
phaeopyga (Stejneger, 1887) vRyukyu Is. (Japan), Taiwan
bakeri (E. Hartert, 1917) iPakistan, N India, SE China, (N?) continental SE Asia
fusca (Linnaeus, 1766) vThai-Malay Pen., Greater Sundas, Philippines, Sulawesi, Lesser Sundas (Sumba and Flores)
zeylonica (E.C.S. Baker, 1927)105 vSW India and Sri Lanka
Zapornia paykullii 106  (Ljungh, 1813) Band-bellied Crake
Russian Far East, N Korea, NE China >> mainland SE Asia, Greater Sundas
Zapornia akool Brown Crake
akool (Sykes, 1832) iNE Pakistan, S Nepal, N India, Bangladesh, S China, W Myanmar, (NE Vietnam?)
coccineipes (H.H. Slater, 1891) iSE China to NE Vietnam
Zapornia flavirostra   (Swainson, 1837) Black Crake
Senegal to Ethiopia south to South Africa
Zapornia parva 107  (Scopoli, 1769) Little Crake
vS, C and E Europe to NW China >> Mediterranean basin, W and NE Africa, Arabian Pen. to NW India
Zapornia pusilla Baillon's Crake
intermedia (Hermann, 1804)108 vS, C and E Europe to Asia Minor; N, E and S Africa, Madagascar
pusilla (Pallas, 1776)109 vE Europe to Russian Far East, Japan, Korea, NE to C China, SW Asia to NW India >> S and mainland SE Asia, Greater Sundas, Philippines, N Sulawesi 110
mayri (Junge, 1952) iMontane WC New Guinea (Wissel Lakes) [Junge, 1952 #2167]
palustris (Gould, 1843) vLowland to montane WC, EC and SE New Guinea, Australia, Tasmania
affinis (G.R. Gray, 1845)111 αvNew Zealand, Chatham Is.
Zapornia palmeri   (Frohawk, 1892) Laysan Rail
Laysan (NW Hawaiian Is.)
Zapornia olivieri   (G. Grandidier & Berlioz, 1929) Sakalava Rail
WC Madagascar
Zapornia bicolor   (Walden, 1872) Black-tailed Crake
E Nepal and NE India, SW China, N continental SE Asia (east from NW Thailand)
Zapornia sandwichensis 112  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Hawaiian Rail
vHawaii (Hawaiian Is.)
Zapornia atra   (North, 1908) Henderson Crake
vHenderson (Pitcairn Is.)
Zapornia tabuensis113 Spotless Crake
tabuensis (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)114 vPhilippines, SE Moluccas (Watubela Is.), lowland New Guinea, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Kermadec Is., Chatham Is.; localised in Melanesia (including Bismarck Arch. and Solomons), widespread in Micronesia and Polynesia
richardsoni (Rand, 1940) iAlpine WC New Guinea (summit plateau of Maoke Mts.) [Rand, 1940 #3182]
edwardi (Gyldenstolpe, 1955) iMontane EC New Guinea (Central Highlands) [Gyldenstolpe, 1955 #1847]
Zapornia monasa   (von Kittlitz, 1858) Kosrae Crake
Kosrae (Caroline Is.)
Zapornia astrictocarpa   (Olson, 1973) St. Helena Crake
St. Helena I.
AMAURORNIS Reichenbach, 1853 F - Gallinula olivacea Meyen, 1834; type by original designation  115
Amaurornis isabellina   (Schlegel, 1865) Isabelline Bush-hen
Amaurornis olivacea 116  (Meyen, 1834) Plain Bush-hen
Amaurornis magnirostris 117  F.R. Lambert, 1998 Talaud Bush-hen
vKarakelong (Talaud Is.) [Lambert, 1998 #2312]
Amaurornis moluccana Rufous-tailed Bush-hen
moluccana (Wallace, 1865) vSangir Is., Sula Is., Moluccas, Misool, Biak I., lowland NW, N, NE and SE New Guinea, Long I.
ruficrissa (Gould, 1869) Lowland SC New Guinea, N to EC Australia
nigrifrons (E. Hartert, 1926) Bismarck Arch. (except St. Matthias Group and Admiralty Is.), Solomons (south-east to Guadalcanal)
ultima Mayr, 1949 vDai, Uki, San Cristobal, Santa Ana, Santa Catalina (SE Solomons) [Mayr, 1949 #2553]
Amaurornis phoenicurus118 White-breasted Waterhen
phoenicurus (Pennant, 1769)119 S Asia, C and S China, continental SE Asia, Philippines, Sangir Is.
insularis Sharpe, 1894120 vCoco Is. (off Myanmar), Andamans and Nicobars
javanica (Horsfield, 1821) vThai-Malay Pen., Greater Sundas, and (subsp.?) Christmas I., Cocos Is.
leucomelana (S. Müller, 1842)121 vSulawesi and satellites, S Moluccas, Lesser Sundas (east to Damar)
Amaurornis cinerea 122  (Vieillot, 1819) White-browed Crake
vSE Asia (except N continental), lowland New Guinea, N Australia, Micronesia, Melanesia and WC Polynesia
Amaurornis marginalis   (Hartlaub, 1857) Striped Crake
vN Ivory Coast to Cameroon and coastal PR Congo, E DR Congo and S Kenya to N Botswana and Zimbabwe
MEGACREX D'Albertis & Salvadori, 1879 F - Megacrex inepta D'Albertis & Salvadori, 1879; type by original designation and monotypy  123
Megacrex inepta New Guinea Flightless Rail
pallida Rand, 1938 vLowland N New Guinea (R. Mamberamo to Astrolabe Bay) [Rand, 1938 #3181]
inepta D'Albertis & Salvadori, 1879 vLowland S New Guinea (head of Cenderawasih Bay to Gulf of Papua)
GALLICREX Blyth, 1852 F - Gallinula cristata Latham, 1790; type by monotypy = Fulica cinerea J.F. Gmelin, 1789  124
Gallicrex cinerea   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Watercock
vJapan, Korea, S Asia, E and S China, mainland SE Asia, Sumatra, Philippines >> Thai-Malay Pen., Greater Sundas, Sulawesi, W Lesser Sundas (east to Flores)
PORPHYRIO Brisson, 1760 M - Porphyrio Brisson; type by tautonymy = Fulica porphyrio Linnaeus, 1758  125
Porphyrio porphyrio126,127 Purple Swamphen
porphyrio (Linnaeus, 1758) iSW Europe, NW Africa
madagascariensis (Latham, 1801)128 αvEgypt; Senegal to Ethiopia, thence south to South Africa; Madagascar
1 caspius E. Hartert, 1917 vTurkey, Syria, Caspian Sea, NW Iran
1 seistanicus Sarudny & Härms, 1911 vIraq to NW Pakistan
1 poliocephalus (Latham, 1801) αvS Asia (except NW Pakistan) to Sri Lanka, islands in Andaman Sea, Yunnan, N continental SE Asia
1 viridis Begbie, 1834 vS continental SE Asia, Thai-Malay Pen., NE Sumatra
1 pulverulentus Temminck, 1826 vPhilippines, Talaud Is. (Karakelong)
2 indicus Horsfield, 1821129 vS Sumatra, Java, Bali, Flores, Borneo, SW Sulawesi
2 melanopterus Bonaparte, 1856130 vSulawesi (except SW), S Moluccas, C and E Lesser Sundas (Sumba to Tanimbar Is.)
2 melanotus Temminck, 1820131 vKai Is., lowland New Guinea, Aru Is., D'Entrecasteaux Arch., Louisiade Arch., N and E Australia, Tasmania, Lord Howe I., Norfolk I., New Zealand and satellite islands, Kermadec Is.
bellus Gould, 1841 vSW Australia
2 pelewensis Hartlaub & Finsch, 1872 vBabeldaob, Koror, Peleliu, Angaur (Palau)
2 samoensis Peale, 1848132 vBismarck Arch., Solomons, Vanuatu (except Torres Is. and Banks Is.), New Caledonia, Loyalty Is.; localised in Fiji, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga; Niue
Porphyrio albus 133  (Shaw, 1790) White Swamphen
vLord Howe I.
Porphyrio mantelli 134  (Owen, 1848) North Island Takahe
North Island (New Zealand)
Porphyrio hochstetteri   (A.B. Meyer, 1883) South Island Takahe
iSW South Island (New Zealand)
Porphyrio alleni   T.R.H. Thomson, 1842 Allen's Gallinule
iSenegal and Gambia to Ethiopia and Eritrea south to N and E Botswana and NE South Africa
Porphyrio martinicus 135,136,137,138  (Linnaeus, 1766) Purple Gallinuleδ
vSE USA to SW Ecuador (El Oro), N Argentina (Catamarca, N Buenos Aires) and Uruguay; West Indies
Porphyrio flavirostris 139  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Azure Gallinule
vNE Ecuador to the Guianas south to N Bolivia, E Paraguay and N Argentina (N Corrientes)
PAREUDIASTES Hartlaub & Finsch, 1871 M - Pareudiastes pacificus Hartlaub & Finsch, 1871; type by monotypy  140
Pareudiastes silvestris   (Mayr, 1933) Makira Moorhen/San Cristobal Moorhen
vSan Cristobal (SE Solomons) [Mayr, 1933 #2538]
Pareudiastes pacificus   Hartlaub & Finsch, 1871 Samoan Woodhen
GALLINULA Brisson, 1760 F - Gallinula Brisson; type by tautonymy = Fulica chloropus Linnaeus, 1758  141
Gallinula nesiotis Tristan Moorhen
†? nesiotis P.L. Sclater, 1861 iTristan da Cunha I.
comeri (J.A. Allen, 1892) iGough I.142
Gallinula chloropus Common Moorhen
chloropus (Linnaeus, 1758)143 iAzores, Canary Is., N Africa, Europe to Russian Far East, Japan, China, SW and S Asia, and continental SE Asia
meridionalis (C.L. Brehm, 1831)144 vSenegal to Ethiopia, E and S Africa; St. Helena I. [Brehm, 1831 #475]
pyrrhorrhoa A. Newton, 1861 vComoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Réunion
orientalis Horsfield, 1821145 vSeychelles, Andamans, Thai-Malay Pen., Greater Sundas, Philippines, Sulawesi, W Lesser Sundas (east to Flores); Palau (Babeldaob, Angaur)
guami E. Hartert, 1917 iTinian, Saipan (Northern Mariana Is.), Guam
Gallinula galeata146 Common Gallinule
cachinnans Bangs, 1915 SE Canada, SW and E USA to W Panama; Bermuda; Galapagos Is.
cerceris Bangs, 1910 Bahamas; Greater and Lesser Antilles; Tobago
barbadensis J. Bond, 1954 vBarbados (Lesser Antilles) [Bond, 1954 #430]
sandvicensis Streets, 1877 vKauai and Oahu (Hawaiian Is.)
pauxilla Bangs, 1915 vE Panama, N and W Colombia to SW Peru (Arequipa)
garmani J.A. Allen, 1876147 Andes of S Peru (Junín) to N Chile (Tarapacá) and NW Argentina (Salta)
galeata (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1818) vN Venezuela, the Guianas and Trinidad; E and S Brazil to C Argentina (Mendoza, Buenos Aires) and Uruguay
Gallinula tenebrosa Dusky Moorhen
frontata Wallace, 1863 vSulawesi, S Moluccas, C Lesser Sundas (Sumba to Timor), lowland New Guinea (except range of neumanni); New Caledonia (subsp?)
neumanni E. Hartert, 1930 iLowland N New Guinea (Mamberamo-Sepik basin, Lake Sentani); New Britain (subsp.?)
tenebrosa Gould, 1846 vSW and SE to C and NE Australia, Tasmania
Gallinula angulata   Sundevall, 1850 Lesser Moorhenα
vSenegal to C Ethiopia, south to Botswana and NE South Africa
Gallinula melanops148 Spot-flanked Gallinule
bogotensis (Chapman, 1914) vE Andes of C Colombia (Santander to Cundinamarca)
melanops (Vieillot, 1819) iSE Bolivia, W Paraguay, E Brazil (Ceará to Rio Grande do Sul) and Uruguay to NE Argentina (Buenos Aires)
crassirostris (J.E. Gray, 1829) vC Chile (Atacama to Aisén) and adjacent SW Argentina (W Río Negro to W Santa Cruz)
TRIBONYX Du Bus, 1840 M - Tribonix mortierii Du Bus, 1840; type by monotypy  149
Tribonyx ventralis 150  (Gould, 1837) Black-tailed Native-hen
vInland Australia
Tribonyx mortierii   Du Bus, 1840 Tasmanian Native-hen
FULICA Linnaeus, 1758 F - Fulica atra Linnaeus, 1758; type by Linnaean tautonymy  
Fulica cristata   J.F. Gmelin, 1789 Red-knobbed Coot
vS Spain and N Morocco; Ethiopia, E and S Africa; Madagascar
Fulica atra151 Common Coot
atra Linnaeus, 1758152 vN Africa, Europe to E Siberia, Japan, Korea, China, SW and S Asia >> mainland SE Asia
lugubris S. Müller, 1847153 vMountains of Java and Bali; montane NW New Guinea (Vogelkop) [Müller, 1847 #2746]
australis Gould, 1845 vAustralia, Tasmania, New Zealand
novaeguineae Rand, 1940154 Alpine WC New Guinea (lakes of the summit plateau of Maoke Mts.) [Rand, 1940 #3182]
Fulica alai 155  Peale, 1848 Hawaiian Coot
iHawaiian Is.
Fulica americana American Coot
americana J.F. Gmelin, 1789156 vC and S Canada and USA to NW Costa Rica; Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica and Hispaniola
columbiana Chapman, 1914157 δvE Andes of C Colombia (Santander to Cundinamarca)
Fulica caribaea 158  Ridgway, 1884 Caribbean Coot
vJamaica to Barbados; Netherlands Antilles; N Venezuela (N Zulia to NW Monagas)
Fulica leucoptera   Vieillot, 1817 White-winged Coot
vChile, E and SE Bolivia, Paraguay and SE Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul) to Tierra del Fuego
Fulica ardesiaca159 Slate-colored Coot
atrura Fjeldså, 1983 iAndes from SW Colombia (Nariño) to S Ecuador (Azuay); coastal SW Ecuador (Guayas) and Peru [Fjeldså, 1983 #1565]
ardesiaca von Tschudi, 1843160 vAndes from C Peru (Ancash) to N Chile (Antofagasta) and NW Argentina (N Catamarca)
Fulica armillata   Vieillot, 1817 Red-gartered Coot
vC Chile (Coquimbo), Argentina and SE Brazil (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro) to Tierra del Fuego
Fulica rufifrons   R.A. Philippi, Sr. & Landbeck, 1861 Red-fronted Coot
iCoastal SW Peru; C Chile; coastal SE Brazil, Uruguay and E and C Argentina (Chaco to Chubut, west to San Juan and Mendoza)
Fulica gigantea   Eydoux & Souleyet, 1841 Giant Coot
vAndes from C Peru (Ancash) to N Chile (Tarapacá) and NW Argentina (Jujuy)
Fulica cornuta   Bonaparte, 1853 Horned Coot
vAndes of N Chile (south to Atacama), SW Bolivia (Potosí) and NW Argentina (south to W Tucumán)
Fulica newtonii   A. Milne‐Edwards, 1867 Mascarene Coot
Mauritius, Réunion
APHANAPTERYX von Frauenfeld, 1868 N - Aphanapteryx imperialis Frauenfeld, 1868; type by monotypy = Apterornis bonasia Sélys-Longchamps, 1848
Aphanapteryx bonasia   (Sélys‐Longchamps, 1848) Mauritius Red Rail
Aphanapteryx leguati   (A. Milne‐Edwards, 1873)
Gallirallus calayanensis 161  D. Allen, Oliveros, Española, Broad & Gonzalez, 2004 Calayan Rail
vCalayan (Babuyan Is.) [Allen, 2004 #50]

1 Traditional classification modified using Trewick (1997) [Trewick, 1997 #3876], Slikas et al. (2002) [Slikas, 2002 #3655] and Kirchman (2012) [Kirchman, 2012 #14044].
2 For recognition see Olson (1973) [Olson, 1973 #7318] and Livezey (1998, 2003) [Livezey, 1998 #2407] [Livezey, 2003 #2409].
3 Includes petiti and whitesidei; see Keith (1986) [Keith, 1986 #14045].
4 Arrangement of genera Lewinia through Hypotaenidia follows Kirchman (2012) (Fig. 2) [Kirchman, 2012 #14044]; but we draw our first generic line under the torquatus group in the Kirchman tree (herein the genus Hypotaenidia), restoring primary lineages below as genera.
5 For recognition see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
6 Described as a separate species, but here treated as subspecies of M. kioloides; see Appendix 2.2.
7 Separation from Rallina based on Olson (1973) [Olson, 1973 #7318] and Bostwick & Brady (2003) [Bostwick, 2003 #447]; for retention there see Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807].
8 Includes subrubra Rand, 1940 [Rand, 1940 #3182]; see Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807], but see Mayr (1944) [Mayr, 1944 #2552].
9 Forms a superspecies with R. forbesi and R. mayri; see Mayr (1941) [Mayr, 1941 #2550].
10 Includes laeta Mayr, 1949 [Mayr, 1949 #2553], and maxima Mayr, 1949 [Mayr, 1949 #2553]; see Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807], but see Mees (1965) [Mees, 1965 #2608].
11 Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007] used the name nigrolineata, but because that name first appeared in 1844 as a nomen nudum in an available work, Art. 11.6.1 of the Code does not justify its acceptance.
12 For recognition see Deignan (1963) [Deignan, 1963 #1245].
13 Treated as a subspecies of C. noveboracensis by Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329].
14 Presumably forms a superspecies with C. exquisitus; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566].
15 A.O.U. (1957) [A.O.U., 1957 #7] implicitly included emersoni Bailey, 1935 [Bailey, 1935 #126], and richii Bailey, 1935 [Bailey, 1935 #126].
16 Includes duncani; see Meyer de Schauensee (1962) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1962 #13707] and Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329].
17 Included in Coturnicops by Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329].
18 Although this name when proposed was attributed to Cabanis, the description is not in quotation marks, and Schomburgk is the author of the work.
19 For the precedence of this name over Anurolimnas see Penhallurick (2003) [Penhallurick, 2003 #2999]. Slikas et al. (2002) [Slikas, 2002 #3655] placed Anurolimnas fasciatus close to broadly defined Porzana, to which we restore it because no separate generic name is available.
20 Sick (1993) [Sick, 1993 #10563] recommended treating this in monotypic Rufirallus.
21 Considered to form a superspecies with L. levraudi by Storer (1981) [Storer, 1981 #13843] and Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
22 Includes lateralis; see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
23 Includes tamaulipensis and ruberrimus; see Brodkorb (1943) [Brodkorb, 1943 #12754], Dickerman (1968) [Dickerman, 1968 #13708] and Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329].
24 Includes vagans; see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
25 Forms a superspecies with L. spilonota; see Fjeldså (1983) [Fjeldså, 1983 #1567].
26 Includes stoddardi and pygmaeus. The name stoddardi was the name used by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007], but Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946] determined that the valid name was pygmaeus. Moreno (1953) [Moreno, 1953 #13840] treated this as a synonym of nominate subspecies, and this has been followed subsequently, e.g., A.O.U. (1957) [A.O.U., 1957 #7].
27 Correct original spelling. Invariable; noun phrase in apposition.
28 Subspecies groups follow Eddleman & Conway (1998) [Eddleman, 1998 #12974]. The Pacific coast taxa were was treated as subspecies of R. elegans by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007], Olson (1997) [Olson, 1997 #2860] and others.
29 Forms a superspecies with R. elegans and R. wetmorei; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
30 Includes magdalenae van Rossem, 1947 [van Rossem, 1947 #3937]; see Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329].
31 Includes rhizophorae and nayaritensis; see Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329], but see also Banks & Tomlinson (1974) [Banks, 1974 #13837].
32 Correct original spelling. Spelling scotti in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
33 Includes leucophaeus, manglecola C.H. Danforth, 1934 [Danforth, 1934 #1114] and limnetis Oberholser, 1937 [Oberholser, 1937 #2807]; see Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329].
34 Includes grossi Paynter, 1950 [Paynter, 1950 #4421], and belizensis Oberholser, 1937 [Oberholser, 1937 #2807]; see Eddleman (1998) [Eddleman, 1998 #12974].
35 For recognition see Restall et al. (2006) [Restall, 2006 #12477]; overlooked by Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807].
36 Sometimes, e.g., in Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329] considered conspecific with R. longirostris.
37 Forms a superspecies with R. semiplumbeus and R. antarcticus; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
38 Includes zetarius; see A.O.U. (1957) [A.O.U., 1957 #7] and Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329].
39 Treated as a separate species, including meyerdeschauenseei, by Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) [Ridgely, 2001 #3274].
40 For treatment as subspecies of R. semiplumbeus, see Meyer de Schauensee (1966) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1966 #2676]. May merit treatment as a separate species (Taylor 1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807]. Known only from type specimen, but may not be extinct; see Fjeldså (1990) [Fjeldså, 1990 #1568].
41 For treatment as a separate species from R. limicola see Meyer de Schauensee (1966) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1966 #2676] and Fjeldså & Krabbe (1990) [Fjeldså, 1990 #1570].
42 Forms a superspecies with R. caerulescens and R. madagascariensis; see Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807], thus now including R. indicus.
43 Includes deserticola Sudilovskaya, 1935 [Sudilovskaya, 1935 #3778], tsaidamensis Buturlin, 1935 [Buturlin, 1935 #615], and arjanicus Koelz, 1954 [Koelz, 1954 #2250]; see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
44 For treatment as a separate species from R. aquaticus see de Kroon (1991, 2008) [de Kroon, 1991 #1143] [de Kroon, 2008 #13352] and Tavares et al. (2010) [Tavares, 2010 #12470].
45 For implied position in generic sequence, see Kirchman (2012) [Kirchman, 2012 #14044].
46 Some authors, e.g. Cheng, (1987) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1987 #739] have used the name gularis for Chinese birds.
47 Includes nicobariensis Abdulali, 1967 [Abdulali, 1967 #18]; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
48 Perhaps not diagnosable from jouyi; see Collar (2004) [Collar, 2004 #1017].
49 Implicitly includes reliqua; see van Marle & Voous (1988) [van Marle, 1988 #3920].
50 Includes paraterma; see Dickinson et al. (1991) [Dickinson, 1991 #1361]. Also includes deignani Ripley, 1970 [Ripley, 1970 #3324]; see Ripley & Olson (1973) [Ripley, 1973 #3326].
51 For treatment as a separate species from L. pectoralis see Olson (1973) [Olson, 1973 #7318].
52 For recognition see Rand & Gilliard (1967) [Rand, 1967 #3199].
53 For recognition see Rand & Gilliard (1967) [Rand, 1967 #3199] and Coates (1985) [Coates, 1985 #1002].
54 For implied position in generic sequence, see Kirchman (2012) [Kirchman, 2012 #14044].
55 Position of this genus sensu stricto derives from position of type species in figs. 2 and 3 in Kirchman (2012) [Kirchman, 2012 #14044].
56 Includes troglodytes; see Oliver (1955) [Oliver, 1955 #2819] and Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
57 For recognition, although doubtfully distinct, see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
58 For recognition see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348]. For position in generic sequence see Kirchman (2012) [Kirchman, 2012 #14044].
59 See footnote to subfamily Rallinae; this genus absorbs the bulk of genus Gallirallus sensu Kirchman (2012) [Kirchman, 2012 #14044] and includes Habropteryx, Nesoclopeus and Tricholimnas.
60 For proposed recognition of Gallirallus hypoleucus Finsch & Hartlaub, 1867, see Medway (2010) [Medway, 2010 #13564]; but as albinism may be at play here better treated as a nomen dubium.
61 Includes maxwelli Lowe, 1944 [Lowe, 1944 #2444], quisumbingi Gilliard, 1949 [Gilliard, 1949 #1704], and sanfordi Gilliard, 1949 [Gilliard, 1949 #1704]; see Parkes (1971) [Parkes, 1971 #2925].
62 Includes remigialis Stresemann, 1936 [Stresemann, 1936 #3760]; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
63 Includes simillimus Neumann, 1939 [Neumann, 1939 #2762]; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
64 The name limarius Peters, 1934 [Peters, 1934 #3007] was proposed to replace saturatus, which was preoccupied in Rallus. The name saturatus is now permanently invalid due to continuing use of limarius; see Art. 59.3 (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059].
65 For treatment as a separate species from H. woodfordi see Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807]; treated as conspecific by Pratt et al. (1987) [Pratt, 1987 #3119].
66 Extinct in the wild.
67 For placement next to modestus see Trewick (1997) [Trewick, 1997 #3876], but not placed in Cabalus by Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
68 Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007] had this in a monotypic genus Nesolimnas.
69 Sister species to H. philippensis; see Trewick (1997) [Trewick, 1997 #3876]. Includes conditicius; see Olson (1992) [Olson, 1992 #12418].
70 Stictolimnas sharpei Büttikofer, 1893 [Büttikofer, 1893 #12416], listed as Gallirallus sharpii [sic] by Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533], has been found to be an aberrant specimen of this species; see van Grouw (2010) [van Grouw, 2010 #13817].
71 For placement of Timor and Sumba birds here see Mees (2006) [Mees, 2006 #7094].
72 Includes chandleri; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
73 Includes norfolkensis; see Schodde & Naurois (1982) [Schodde, 1982 #3512]. Name maintained over prior australis von Pelzeln, 1873 because australis von Pelzeln is a junior primary homonym of australis Sparrman, 1786 in Rallus, irrespective of subsequent secondary homonymy.
74 For alternative treatment of Moluccan birds see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
75 Includes wahgiensis Mayr & Gilliard, 1951 [Mayr, 1951 #2555]; see Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807].
76 Name used for a different species by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007]; when treated as a subspecies of H. philippensis, the name H. p. forsteri, used by Peters, becomes a synonym.
77 Although split by Holdaway et al. (2001) [Holdaway, 2001 #1982], see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
78 Treated as Rallus ecaudata J.F. Miller by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007], but this name now attributed to the Tongan form of H. philippensis; see Lysaght (1953) [Lysaght, 1953 #4407].
79 Includes Crecopsis; see Keith & Taylor (1986) [Keith, 1986 #2181].
80 For inclusion here see Keith & Taylor (1986) [Keith, 1986 #2181].
81 Includes gutturalis; see Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807].
82 Original spelling cajanea; variable, see David & Gosselin (2011) [David, 2011 #13197].
83 For qualified recognition see Bornschein & Reinert (1996) [Bornschein, 1996 #441].
84 Formerly placed in Laterallus but see Stresemann & Stresemann (1966) [Stresemann, 1966 #13844], Olson (1973) [Olson, 1973 #7318] and Storer (1981) [Storer, 1981 #13843].
85 Original spelling gautemalensis. Here emended based on internal evidence.
86 For recognition see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
87 Included in Porzana by Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329] but see Slikas et al. (2002) [Slikas, 2002 #3655].
88 For treatment as a separate species from N. erythrops see Ridgely & Gwynne (1989) [Ridgely, 1989 #3270].
89 Correct original spelling. Spellings columbianus in Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007] and columbiana in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] each an ISS.
90 Forms a superspecies with N. colombiana; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636] and Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807].
91 Includes Ortygonax and Pardirallus, as employed by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007]; see Olson (1973) [Olson, 1973 #7318].
92 Includes inoptatus; see Watson (1962) [Watson, 1962 #13709].
93 Formerly placed, with P. sanguinolentus, in genus Ortygonax; see Livezey (1998, 2003) [Livezey, 1998 #2407], [Livezey, 2003 #2409] for recent return to this treatment.
94 Includes humilis; see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
95 Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007] used the name rytirhynchos, for change see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
96 Position controversial, but in Slikas et al. (2002) [Slikas, 2002 #3655] basal to core Porzana, which is sister to group here treated as Zapornia.
97 For removal from Porzana and treatment in its own genus see Slikas et al. (2002) [Slikas, 2002 #3655]; for alternative view see Penhallurick (2003) [Penhallurick, 2003 #2999].
98 See data in Slikas et al. (2002) [Slikas, 2002 #3655] for circumscription of this genus. Species fasciata, found to basal, is also included due to lack of a relevant name for a monotypic genus.
99 See Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329] for use of the name fasciata over hauxwelli as used in Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007].
100 The name hauxwelli dates from July 1868; fasciata dates from April.
101 Described in and sometimes treated in Laterallus as by Meyer de Schauensee (1970) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1970 #2678] and Blake (1977) [Blake, 1977 #326], but see Storer (1981) [Storer, 1981 #13843].
102 Stresemann (1953) [Stresemann, 1953 #8174] suggested that the name olivacea Vieillot, 1819, was applicable to this population, but evidence for this is insufficient; see Peters (1932) [Peters, 1932 #11409] and Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
103 The oldest available name for the group; classification derived from Slikas et al. (2002) [Slikas, 2002 #3655]; includes species from Porzana and Amaurornis as well as subsuming the genera Limnocorax, Pennula, Nesophylax, Porzanula and Aphanolimnas.
104 The 'Catalogue' of Leach (1816) was apparently designed to be easily cut up, but that has not led to its outright rejection; i.e. it is not a rejected work (I.C.Z.N., 1987, 2001) [I.C.Z.N., 1987 #4674], [I.C.Z.N., 2001 #4675].
105 See Whistler (1944) [Whistler, 1944 #4161] for possible inclusion in nominate subspecies.
106 Includes Amaurornis boineti Bourret, 1944 [Bourret, 1944 #460]; see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
107 Includes illustris, see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967].
108 Includes obscura; see Benson (1964) [Benson, 1964 #14039] and Dean in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
109 Includes bareji Dunajewski, 1937 [Dunajewski, 1937 #1438]; see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721]. Also includes mira Riley, 1938 [Riley, 1938 #3285]; see Mees (2006) [Mees, 2006 #7094].
110 Has bred Borneo; see Mees (2006) [Mees, 2006 #7094].
111 Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007] erroneously cited J.E. Gray, 1846, as author.
112 Pennula millsi is a synonym; see Greenway (1958) [Greenway, 1958 #14286] and A.O.U. (1983) [A.O.U., 1983 #8].
113 Lysaght (1956) [Lysaght, 1956 #2459] suggested the name nigra J.F. Miller, 1784, applied to this species. Bruce & Holyoak (1983) [Bruce, 1983 #5955] applied to suppress that, but the I.C.Z.N. did not act on this; presumably, they considered tabuensis to be in prevailing usage.
114 Includes filipina see Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329]; also includes immaculata, oliveri, caledonica, vitiensis and tenebrosa by inference of Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
115 Circumscription and sequence follows Slikas et al. (2002) [Slikas, 2002 #3655], and Aenigmatolimnas and Poliolimnas are subsumed here.
116 Treatment follows Lambert (1998) [Lambert, 1998 #2312]; however, apparent sympatry with moluccana in the Talaud Is. needs corroboration as this rejects the hypothesis that olivacea and moluccana form a superspecies (Sibley & Monroe, 1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
117 Lambert (1998) [Lambert, 1998 #2312] found sympatry with A. moluccana; thus they are not allospecies.
118 Subspecies classification controversial; some authors, e.g. White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194], follow Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329], but others retain chinensis, e.g. Cheng (1987) [Cheng Tso-hsin, 1987 #739], and javanica, e.g. Mees (1986) [Mees, 1986 #2631] and Dickinson et al. (1991) [Dickinson, 1991 #1361].
119 Includes chinensis and maldivus Phillips & Sims, 1958 [Phillips, 1958 #3059]; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
120 Includes leucocephalus [sic] Abdulali, 1964 [Abdulali, 1964 #14]; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332], who did not mention midnicobarica Abdulali, 1979 [Abdulali, 1979 #22], which was not recognised by Ripley & Beehler (1989) [Ripley, 1989 #3339]. But see also Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
121 Includes variabilis Stresemann, 1936 [Stresemann, 1936 #3760]; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
122 Previously treated in Poliolimnas, e.g. in Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007], or Porzana, e.g. in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533]. For treatment as monotypic, thus including collingwoodi, brevipes, meeki, minima, moluccana, leucophrys and tannensis, see Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807]; but see also Mees (2006) [Mees, 2006 #7094]. Note, however, that moluccana is preoccupied in Amaurornis.
123 Position is sequence of genera follows Kirchman (2012) (Fig. 2) [Kirchman, 2012 #14044], whose view contradicts that of Trewick (1997) [Trewick, 1997 #3876].
124 Relationships unclear; see Olson (1973) [Olson, 1973 #7318] and Livezey (1998) [Livezey, 1998 #2407].
125 Includes Porphyrula; see Olson (1973) [Olson, 1973 #7318]. Also includes Notornis;see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
126 Treated as a broad species following Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807]. Previously, e.g. by Peters (1934) [Peers, 1934 #3007] treated as four species. Paraphylesis of terminal taxa (Trewick, 1997) [Trewick, 1997 #3876] may be an artefact (Christidis & Boles, 2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602].
127 Some populations are reasonably well understood (see Roselaar in Cramp et al., 1980) [Cramp, 1980 #1084], and two subspecies groups are indicated; the affinities of other subspecies requires further study. More than one species may be involved as sympatry may not be due to dispersal, see Mayr (1938, 1949) [Mayr, 1938 #2544] [Mayr, 1949 #2553].
128 Includes aegyptiacus; see Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807].
129 Includes palliatus; see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194]. Also includes plessenorum Neumann, 1941 [Neumann, 1941 #2764]; see Mees (2006) [Mees, 2006 #7094].
130 Flores birds match indicus; see Mees (2006) [Mees, 2006 #7094]. For the accidental use of the name steini by Schönwetter, 1934 [Schönwetter, 1934 #14272], see White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194], who used the name samoensis and treated melanopterus as a synonym.
131 Includes stanleyi and chathamensis; see Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348].
132 Includes ellioti; see Mayr & Diamond (2001) [Mayr, 2001 #10562].
133 Scientific names in White's Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales were not his but Shaw's; see Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523].
134 For recognition see Trewick (1997) [Trewick, 1997 #3876] and Gill et al. (2010) [Gill, 2010 #12348]; but see also Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602].
135 Usually treated in the genus Porphyrula, which Trewick (1997) [Trewick, 1997 #3876] suggested be subsumed here, but the type species alleni was not sampled, so inclusion here is provisional.
136 Considered to form a superspecies with P. alleni by Olson (1973) [Olson, 1973 #7319] and Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
137 Original spelling martinica; variable, see David & Gosselin (2011) [David, 2011 #13197].
138 Includes georgica Pereyra, 1944 [Pereyra, 1944 #3005]; see Mayr (1957) [Mayr, 1957 #2558].
139 For use of flavirostris over parvus, as in Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007], see Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946].
140 For recognition see Livezey (2003) [Livezey, 2003 #2409] and Mayr & Diamond (2001) [Mayr, 2001 #10562].
141 Includes Porphyriornis.
142 This subspecies introduced to Tristan da Cunha I. thus replacing the extinct nominate subspecies; see Watkins & Furness (1986) [Watkins, 1986 #13831].
143 Tentatively includes indica, correiana, lucida Dunajewski, 1938 [Dunajewski, 1938 #1439], and vestigialis Clancey, 1939 [Clancey, 1939 #776]; see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
144 This name has precedence over brachyptera Brehm, 1855, used by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007].
145 Taylor (1996) [Taylor, 1996 #3807] implicitly included seychellarum here and the intermediate Philippine population called lozanoi by Dickinson et al. (1991) [Dickinson, 1991 #1361].
146 For treatment as a separate species from G. chloropus see Constantine (2006) [Constantine, 2006 #13752] and Groenenberg et al. (2008) [Groenenberg, 2008 #10389].
147 Includes hypomelaena Todd, 1954 [Todd, 1954 #3850]; see Fjeldså & Krabbe (1990) [Fjeldså, 1990 #1570].
148 Placement in Gallinula follows Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329]; formerly placed in monotypic genus Porphyriops, e.g. by Hellmayr & Conover (1942) [Hellmayr, 1942 #1946] and Blake (1977) [Blake, 1977 #326], and more recently, Livezey (2003) [Livezey, 2003 #2409].
149 For recognition see Livezey (1998, 2003) [Livezey, 1998 #2407], [Livezey, 2003 #2409] and Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602].
150 Includes territorii and whitei; see Condon (1975) [Condon, 1975 #1033].
151 Forms a superspecies with F. cristata, F. alai, F. americana, F. leucoptera and F. ardesiaca; see Fjeldså (1983) [Fjeldså, 1983 #1565].
152 Includes lankensis Deraniyagala, 1959 [Deraniyagala, 1959 #14132]; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
153 Roselaar in Cramp (1980) [Cramp, 1980 #1084] implicitly included anggiensis Thompson & Temple, 1964 [Thompson, 1964 #3832] here. However, lowland New Guinea visitors thought to be australis; see Beehler et al. (1986) [Beehler, 1986 #4574].
154 For recognition see Mayr (1941) [Mayr, 1941 #2550].
155 For treatment as a separate species from F. americana see Pratt (1987) [Pratt, 1987 #3119].
156 Includes grenadensis; see Ripley (1977) [Ripley, 1977 #3329].
157 Correct original spelling. Spelling colombiana in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
158 Whether a separate species, subspecies, or color morph of F. americana is controversial, see Roberson & Baptista (1988) [Roberson, 1988 #13842] and McNair & Cramer-Burke 2006 [McNair, 2006 #9972].
159 For treatment as a separate species from F. americana see Fjeldså (1983) [Fjeldså, 1983 #1565].
160 Includes peruviana Morrison, 1939 [Morrison, 1939 #2732]; see Gill (1964) [Gill, 1964 #14046] and Fjeldså (1983) [Fjeldså, 1983 #1565].
161 For position in relation to Gallirallus see Kirchman (2012) [Kirchman, 2012 #14044]. No separate genus-group name yet proposed.