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THINOCORIDAE - Seedsnipes (2:4)
ATTAGIS I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Lesson, 1831 M - Attagis gayi I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Lesson, 1831; type by monotypy 1 Attagis gayi Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe
latreillii Lesson, 18312 iAndes of N Ecuador (Pichincha, W Napo to Chimborazo, NW Morona-Santiago) simonsi C. Chubb, 1918 iAndes of C Peru (Lima, Huánuco) to N Chile (Tarapacá) and NW Argentina (Jujuy)
gayi I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Lesson, 18313 αiAndes of N Chile (Antofagasta) and NW Argentina (Salta) to Tierra del Fuego Attagis malouinus 4 (Boddaert, 1783) White-bellied Seedsnipe vS Chile (Magallanes) and S Argentina (W Río Negro) to Cape Horn
THINOCORUS Eschscholtz, 1829 M - Thinocorus rumicivorus Eschscholtz, 1829; type by monotypy
Thinocorus orbignyianus Gray-breasted Seedsnipe
ingae von Tschudi, 1843 iAndes of N Peru (Cajamarca) to N Chile (Tarapacá) and NW Argentina (Catamarca)
orbignyianus I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire & Lesson, 18315 αvAndes of N Chile (Antofagasta) and NW Argentina (La Rioja) to Tierra del Fuego Thinocorus rumicivorus Least Seedsnipe
cuneicauda (Peale, 1848)6 iSW Ecuador (Santa Elena Pen. in W Guayas); NW Peru (Lambayeque) to NW Chile (Tarapacá) bolivianus P.R. Lowe, 1921 vAndes of S Peru (Puno) to N Chile (Atacama) and NW Argentina (Jujuy)
rumicivorus Eschscholtz, 18297 vPatagonia >> C Chile, NE Argentina and Uruguay