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SCOLOPACIDAE - Sandpipers1 (16:94)
BARTRAMIA Lesson, 1831 F - Bartramia laticauda Lesson, 1831; type by monotypy = Tringa longicauda Bechstein, 1812  
Bartramia longicauda   (Bechstein, 1812) Upland Sandpiper
iC Alaska to NW Canada; SC and SE Canada, NC and NE USA >> E Bolivia and S Brazil to C Argentina
NUMENIUS Brisson, 1760 M - Numenius Brisson; type by tautonymy = Scolopax arquata Linnaeus, 1758  
Numenius tahitiensis   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Bristle-thighed Curlew
vW Alaska (Seward Pen. to Yukon delta) >> Marshall Is. and Hawaiian Is. to Fiji and Pitcairn Is.
Numenius phaeopus2 Whimbrel
1 islandicus C.L. Brehm, 1831 vIceland and British Isles >> W Africa [Brehm, 1831 #475]
1 phaeopus (Linnaeus, 1758) iN Europe to NC Siberia (Evenkiyskiy) >> Africa, Europe, SW and S Asia, W mainland SE Asia to Thai-Malay Pen., (Sumatra?)
1 alboaxillaris P.R. Lowe, 1921 vLower R. Volga to N Kazakhstan, SW Siberia >> Persian Gulf, Red Sea, W Indian Ocean islands and SE Africa
1 rogachevae Tomkovich, 2008 iC Siberia >> ? [Tomkovich, 2008 #10946]3
1 variegatus (Scopoli, 1786) vNE Siberia (west to Yana basin) >> Japan, E China, SE Asia, Australasia
2 rufiventris Vigors, 1829 vAlaska and NW Canada >> coasts of W North America, Central and South America [Vigors, 1829 #4022]
2 hudsonicus Latham, 17904 vNC Canada (NE Manitoba and N Ontario) >> coasts of Caribbean and South America
Numenius minutus   Gould, 1841 Little Curlew
vNC and NE Siberia >> New Guinea, Australia
Numenius borealis 5  (J.R. Forster, 1772) Eskimo Curlew
vNW Canada (N Northwest Territories) >> Uruguay and E Argentina
Numenius tenuirostris   Vieillot, 1817 Slender-billed Curlew
vSW Siberia and N Kazakhstan >> NW Africa, Iraq and Persian Gulf
Numenius americanus 6  Bechstein, 1812 Long-billed Curlew
vSW and SC Canada to W and WC USA >> SW and S USA to Guatemala
Numenius arquata7 Eurasian Curlew
arquata (Linnaeus, 1758) iW, N and C Europe to N Russia >> W and S Europe and W Africa
orientalis C.L. Brehm, 1831 vC Siberia to Russian Far East >> Africa, Madagascar, SW and S Asia, China, mainland SE Asia, Greater Sundas, Philippines
suschkini Neumann, 19298,9 δiLower R. Volga to SW Siberia and N Kazakhstan >> coasts of sub-Saharan Africa and SW Asia
Numenius madagascariensis   (Linnaeus, 1766) Far Eastern Curlew
vEC Siberia to Russian Far East >> Taiwan, SE Asia (except N mainland), New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand
LIMOSA Brisson, 1760 F - Limosa Brisson; type by tautonymy = Scolopax limosa Linnaeus, 1758  
Limosa lapponica10 Bar-tailed Godwit
lapponica (Linnaeus, 1758) vN Fenno-Scandia to NC Russia >> North Sea coasts and W Atlantic coasts south to South Africa
taymyrensis Engelmoer & Roselaar, 1998 vNW and NC Siberia (Yamal Pen. to Anabar basin) >> Africa to W India [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500]
menzbieri Portenko, 193611 iNE Siberia (Lena delta to Chaunskaya Bay) >> SE Asia to NW Australia [Portenko, 1936 #3101]
baueri J.F. Naumann, 1836 iNE Siberia (E Anadyrland) to N and W Alaska >> China, SE Asia, Australia, New Zealand and islands in SW Pacific Ocean
anadyrensis Engelmoer & Roselaar, 199812 vAnadyr lowlands, Chukotka, E Siberia >> Australia and New Zealand (?) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500]
Limosa fedoa Marbled Godwit
fedoa (Linnaeus, 1758) iC Canada and NC USA >> coastal USA and Central America
beringiae Gibson & Kessel, 1989 iC Alaska Pen. >> coastal W USA (C Washington to C California) [Gibson, 1989 #1700]
Limosa haemastica   (Linnaeus, 1758) Hudsonian Godwit
vW Alaska to C Canada (Hudson Bay) >> coastal SC Chile and Argentina to Tierra del Fuego
Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit
islandica C.L. Brehm, 183113 vIceland to Shetland Is. and W and N Norway >> British Isles and SW Netherlands to Iberia [Brehm, 1831 #475]
limosa (Linnaeus, 1758) vW and C Europe to C Asia >> Africa, Mediterranean basin to W India
melanuroides Gould, 184614,15 iE Siberia and Russian Far East, NW and NE China >> E India, Taiwan, SE Asia, New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand
ARENARIA Brisson, 1760 F - Arenaria Brisson; type by tautonymy = Tringa interpres Linnaeus, 1758  
Arenaria interpres Ruddy Turnstone
interpres (Linnaeus, 1758)16 iN Canada (Ellesmere I.), N Greenland; N Europe to NE Siberia and W Alaska >> W and S Europe, Africa, S, E and SE Asia, Australasia, Pacific islands; W USA to W Mexico
morinella (Linnaeus, 1766) vNE Alaska and N Canada (Banks I. to Devon I. and Mansel I.) >> coasts of USA, Central and South America
Arenaria melanocephala   (Vigors, 1829) Black Turnstone
vCoastal W Alaska >> coastal S Alaska to NW Mexico (Sonora)
CALIDRIS Merrem, 1804 F - Tringa calidris J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by tautonymy = Tringa canutus Linnaeus, 1758  17,18
Calidris tenuirostris   (Horsfield, 1821) Great Knot
vNE Siberia >> Persian Gulf, S Asia, extreme SE China, SE Asia, New Guinea, Australia
Calidris canutus19 Red Knot
canutus (Linnaeus, 1758) iNC Siberia >> W and S Africa, S Asia
piersmai Tomkovich, 2001 iNew Siberia Is. >> NW Australia [Tomkovich, 2001 #3854]
rogersi (Mathews, 1913) iMountains of Chukotka and Chukchi Pen. >> Australasia
roselaari Tomkovich, 1990 iNE Siberia (Wrangel I.) and NW Alaska >> coasts of Gulf of Mexico [Tomkovich, 1990 #3852]
rufa (A. Wilson, 1813) vCanadian low Arctic (S Victoria I. to W Baffin I. and Mansel I.) >> coasts of E and S South America
islandica (Linnaeus, 1767)20 vCanadian high Arctic (Queen Elizabeth Is., Prince of Wales I., Somerset I.) and N Greenland >> coasts of W Europe [Linnaeus, 1767 #2397]
Calidris virgata 21  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Surfbird
vMountains of Alaska and NW Canada (Yukon) >> coastal S Alaska to Chile
Calidris pugnax 22,23  (Linnaeus, 1758) Ruff
Europe to E Siberia >> S Europe, Africa, SW and S Asia, extreme SE China, mainland SE Asia, Greater Sundas, Philippines
Calidris falcinellus Broad-billed Sandpiper
falcinellus (Pontoppidan, 1763) iN Europe, NW Siberia >> E and S Africa to W and S India, Sri Lanka
sibirica (Dresser, 1876) vNE Siberia >> NE India, extreme S China, SE Asia, Australia
Calidris acuminata   (Horsfield, 1821) Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
vNC and NE Siberia >> New Guinea to Australia and New Zealand
Calidris himantopus 24  (Bonaparte, 1826) Stilt Sandpiper
iCoastal N Alaska and N Canada (Yukon to James Bay) >> S USA to SC Brazil and N Argentina
Calidris ferruginea 25  (Pontoppidan, 1763) Curlew Sandpiper
vN Siberia (Yamal Pen. to Chukchi Pen.) >> Africa, SW and S Asia, extreme S China, SE Asia, Australasia
Calidris temminckii   (Leisler, 1812) Temminck's Stint
iNW Europe to NE Siberia >> Africa, S Europe, SW and S Asia, mainland SE Asia, Borneo, Philippines
Calidris subminuta   (von Middendorff, 1853) Long-toed Stint
vC and E Siberia >> India, Sri Lanka, SE China, SE Asia, New Guinea, Australia
Calidris pygmaea 26,27  (Linnaeus, 1758) Spoon-billed Sandpiperδ
vChukotka to Kamchatka >> SE and E India, Bangladesh, W mainland SE Asia to Thai-Malay Pen., and Vietnam
Calidris ruficollis   (Pallas, 1776) Red-necked Stint
vN Siberia (Taymyr Pen. to Chukchi Pen.) >> NE India, Bangladesh, SE Asia to Australasia
Calidris alba28 Sanderling
alba (Pallas, 1764) vEllesmere I., N and E Greenland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land and Taymyr Pen. >> coastal W Europe, Africa, SW, E and SE Asia and Australasia
rubida (J.F. Gmelin, 1789)29 vNE Siberia, Alaska and N Canada >> coastal E Asia, North, Central and South America [Gmelin, 1789 #1715]
Calidris alpina30 Dunlin
arctica (Schiøler, 1922) vNE Greenland >> NW Africa
schinzii (C.L. Brehm & Schilling, 1822) iSE Greenland, Iceland and British Isles to S Scandinavia and Baltic >> SW Europe and NW Africa
alpina (Linnaeus, 1758) vN Europe and NW Siberia (east to R. Yenisey) >> W Europe, Mediterranean basin, Africa and SW Asia (?) to India
centralis (Buturlin, 1932) vNE Siberia (Taymyr Pen. to Kolyma delta) >> E Mediterranean basin, Red Sea, SW and S Asia
sakhalina (Vieillot, 1816) vExtreme NE Siberia >> Japan, Korea, E China, Taiwan, N continental SE Asia
kistchinski Tomkovich, 198631 δiN Sea of Okhotsk and S Koryakland to N Kuril Is. and Kamchatka >> E Asia [Tomkovich, 1986 #3851]
actites Nechaev & Tomkovich, 198832,33 iN Sakhalin >> E Asia [Nechaev, 1988 #2757]
arcticola (Todd, 1953)34 iCoastal NW Alaska (Point Hope) to NW Canada (Cape Bathurst) >> Japan, Korea, E China [Todd, 1953 #3849]
pacifica (Coues, 1861) vCoastal W Alaska (Alaska Pen. to Point Hope) >> coastal W USA and W Mexico [Coues, 1861 #11505]
hudsonia (Todd, 1953) vNC Canada (S Victoria I. to SW Hudson Bay) >> coastal E USA and E Mexico [Todd, 1953 #3849]
Calidris ptilocnemis Rock Sandpiper
tschuktschorum (Portenko, 1937)35 iNE Siberia (E Chukchi Pen.), St. Lawrence I., Nunivak I., coastal W Alaska >> coastal W North America [Portenko, 1937 #3103]
ptilocnemis (Coues, 1873) iSt. Matthew I., Hall I., Pribilof Is. >> Alaska Pen. to Alexander Arch.
couesi (Ridgway, 1880) iAleutian Is., Alaska Pen., Shumagin Is., Kodiak I.
quarta (E. Hartert, 1920)36 vKuril Is., S Kamchatka and Commander Is. >> E Japan
Calidris maritima 37,38  (Brünnich, 1764) Purple Sandpiper
vN Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard and Fenno-Scandia to NC Siberia (Taymyr Pen.) >> coasts of E North America, W and N Europe
Calidris bairdii   (Coues, 1861) Baird's Sandpiper
iNE Siberia (Wrangel I. and Chukchi Pen.), Alaska and N Canada to NW Greenland >> W and S South America
Calidris minuta   (Leisler, 1812) Little Stint
vN Europe and N Siberia >> Africa, S Europe, SW and S Asia, mainland SE Asia, N Borneo
Calidris minutilla   (Vieillot, 1819) Least Sandpiper
vAlaska and N Canada >> S USA to N Chile and C Brazil; West Indies
Calidris fuscicollis   (Vieillot, 1819) White-rumped Sandpiper
vN Alaska and N Canada coast and islands >> SE Brazil to Tierra del Fuego
Calidris subruficollis 39  (Vieillot, 1819) Buff-breasted Sandpiper
vNE Siberia (Chukchi Pen.), N Alaska, N Canada >> SE Bolivia to Uruguay and NE Argentina
Calidris melanotos   (Vieillot, 1819) Pectoral Sandpiper
iN Siberia, W and N Alaska, and N Canada >> SE Australia, New Zealand, S South America
Calidris pusilla 40  (Linnaeus, 1766) Semipalmated Sandpiper
vNE Siberia (N Chukchi Pen.), W and N Alaska, N Canada >> coastal Central and South America, West Indies
Calidris mauri   (Cabanis, 1857) Western Sandpiper
iNE Siberia (N and E Chukchi Pen.), W and N Alaska >> coastal USA to N Peru and Surinam, West Indies
PROSOBONIA Bonaparte, 1850 F - Tringa leucoptera J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by original designation  41
Prosobonia leucoptera   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Tahiti Sandpiper
vTahiti (Society Is.)
Prosobonia ellisi 42  Sharpe, 1906 Moorea Sandpiper
iMoorea (Society Is.)
Prosobonia cancellata 43  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Kiritimati Sandpiper
vKiritimati (Line Is.)?
Prosobonia parvirostris   (Peale, 1848) Tuamotu Sandpiper
vTuamotu Arch.
LIMNODROMUS zu Wied, 1833 M - Scolopax noveboracensis J.F. Gmelin, 1789; type by monotypy = Scolopax grisea J.F. Gmelin, 1789  
Limnodromus semipalmatus 44  (Blyth, 1848) Asian Dowitcher
vS Siberia to Russian Far East, N Mongolia, NE China >> E India to Sri Lanka, mainland SE Asia, Greater Sundas, N Australia
Limnodromus griseus Short-billed Dowitcher
caurinus Pitelka, 1950 vS Alaska, SW Yukon and NW British Columbia >> coastal SW USA to Peru [Pitelka, 1950 #3093]
hendersoni Rowan, 193245 iC Canada (C and N Alberta to W Manitoba; N Ontario) >> coastal SE USA to Panama
griseus (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vNE Canada (C Québec and W Labrador) >> coastal Venezuela to Brazil; West Indies
Limnodromus scolopaceus 46,47  (Say, 1822) Long-billed Dowitcherα
vN Siberia (Taymyr Pen. to Chukchi Pen.); W and N Alaska to N Northwest Territories >> S USA to Guatemala
SCOLOPAX Linnaeus, 1758 F - Scolopax rusticola Linnaeus, 1758; type by Linnaean tautonymy  
Scolopax rusticola 48  Linnaeus, 1758 Eurasian Woodcock
iAtlantic islands, Europe to E Siberia, N Japan, Himalayas (east from N Pakistan), NW China, N Myanmar >> N Africa, S Asia, S China, mainland SE Asia, N Borneo
Scolopax mira   E. Hartert, 1916 Amami Woodcock
vAmami Is., Okinawa Is. (Japan)
Scolopax saturata   Horsfield, 1821 Javan Woodcock
vMountains of N and SC Sumatra, W Java
Scolopax rosenbergii 49  Schlegel, 1871 New Guinea Woodcock
iMontane NW to NE and SE New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop, central cordillera and Huon Pen.)
Scolopax bukidnonensis   Kennedy, T. Fisher, Harrap, Diesmos & Manamtam, 2001 Bukidnon Woodcock
vBabuyan Is., mountains of N and C Luzon and Mindanao (Philippines) [Kennedy, 2001 #2205]50
Scolopax celebensis Sulawesi Woodcock
heinrichi Stresemann, 193251 iMountains of NE Sulawesi
celebensis Riley, 1921 vMountains of C Sulawesi
Scolopax rochussenii   Schlegel, 1866 Moluccan Woodcock
iObi, Bacan (N Moluccas)
Scolopax minor 52  J.F. Gmelin, 1789 American Woodcock
vSC and SE Canada, E USA >> SE USA
COENOCORYPHA G.R. Gray, 1855 F - Gallinago aucklandica G.R. Gray, 1845; type by original designation  53
Coenocorypha pusilla 54  (Buller, 1869) Chatham Snipe
vChatham Is.
Coenocorypha huegeli New Zealand Snipe
†? barrierensis Oliver, 1955 vLittle Barrier I. in Hauraki Gulf (New Zealand) [Oliver, 1955 #2819]
†? iredalei Rothschild, 1921 Islands off Stewart I. (New Zealand)
huegeli (Tristram, 1893) Snares Is.
Coenocorypha aucklandica55 Subantarctic Snipe
aucklandica (G.R. Gray, 1845) vAuckland Is.
perseverance Miskelly & A.J. Baker, 2010 Campbell I. [Miskelly, 2010 #12018]
meinertzhagenae Rothschild, 1927 iAntipodes Is.
GALLINAGO Brisson, 1760 F - Gallinago Brisson; type by tautonymy = Scolopax gallinago Linnaeus, 1758  56,57
Gallinago imperialis   P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1869 Imperial Snipe
vLocally in Andes from N Ecuador (Pichincha) to S Peru (Cuzco)
Gallinago jamesoni 58,59,60  (Jardine & Bonaparte, 1855) Andean Snipe
Andes from W Venezuela (Trujillo) to WC Bolivia (Cochabamba); Santa Marta Mts.
Gallinago stricklandii 61,62  (G.R. Gray, 1845) Fuegian Snipe
SC Chile (Araucanía) and S Argentina (S Santa Cruz) to Cape Horn
Gallinago solitaria Solitary Snipe
solitaria Hodgson, 1831 vMountains of S and SE Siberia, and N Mongolia (?) >> S, C and E Asia (south to E Pakistan, N India, Myanmar)
japonica (Bonaparte, 1856) vNE Mongolia to NE China and Kamchatka >> Amurland to Kamchatka, Korea, Japan, E China
Gallinago hardwickii   (J.E. Gray, 1831) Latham's Snipe
iRussian Far East, S Sakhalin to N Japan >> E Australia, Tasmania
Gallinago nemoricola   Hodgson, 1836 Wood Snipe
iHimalayas (east from Himachal Pradesh), SC China >> India, Bangladesh, N continental SE Asia
Gallinago stenura 63  (Bonaparte, 1831) Pintail Snipeα
vW to NE Siberia, N Mongolia, NE China >> (E Africa, SW Asia?), S Asia, SE China, SE Asia to W Lesser Sundas (east to Flores), NW Australia
Gallinago megala   Swinhoe, 1861 Swinhoe's Snipe
vSC Siberia to N Mongolia, Russian Far East >> E India, S China, SE Asia, New Guinea, N Australia
Gallinago nigripennis African Snipe
aequatorialis Rüppell, 184564 vEthiopia to E DR Congo, Malawi, E Zimbabwe and C Mozambique [Rüppell, 1845 #3433]
angolensis Bocage, 1868 vAngola and N Namibia to Zambia and W Zimbabwe [Bocage, 1868 #12440]
nigripennis Bonaparte, 1839 vSouth Africa, S Mozambique
Gallinago macrodactyla   Bonaparte, 1839 Madagascar Snipe
vN and E Madagascar
Gallinago media   (Latham, 1787) Great Snipe
vN and E Europe to C Siberia >> sub-Saharan Africa and Iran
Gallinago gallinago Common Snipe
faeroeensis (C.L. Brehm, 1831) vIceland, Faroe Is., Orkney Is. and Shetland Is. >> British Isles
gallinago (Linnaeus, 1758) iEurope to E and NE Siberia, C Asia to N Mongolia, NE China >> Africa, Europe, S Japan, SW and S Asia, S China, mainland SE Asia, Greater Sundas, Philippines
Gallinago delicata 65  (Ord, 1825) Wilson's Snipe
vN and W North America >> N USA to NW South America
Gallinago paraguaiae66 South American Snipe
paraguaiae (Vieillot, 1816) iSouth America (east of the Andes) south to C Argentina (La Pampa, Buenos Aires) and Uruguay
magellanica (P.P. King, 1828) vC Chile (Atacama) and C Argentina (Río Negro) to Tierra del Fuego; Falkland Is.
Gallinago andina67 Puna Snipe
andina Taczanowski, 1875 vAndes of Peru to N Chile (Tarapacá) and NW Argentina (Catamarca)
innotata (Hellmayr, 1932)68 vAndes of N Chile (Antofagasta)
Gallinago nobilis   P.L. Sclater, 1856 Noble Snipe
vAndes from W Venezuela (S Táchira) to NW Peru (Piura, N Cajamarca)
Gallinago undulata Giant Snipe
undulata (Boddaert, 1783) vW Colombia (S Antioquia); E Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas and N Brazil (N Roraima)
gigantea (Temminck, 1826) vE Bolivia (NE Santa Cruz); E Paraguay to SE Brazil
LYMNOCRYPTES Boie, 1826 M - Scolopax minima Brünnich, 1764; type by monotypy  
Lymnocryptes minimus 69  (Brünnich, 1764) Jack Snipe
vN Europe to NE Siberia (Kolyma basin) >> N tropical Africa, Europe to SW and S Asia, China, N continental SE Asia
XENUS Kaup, 1829 M - Scolopax cinerea Güldenstädt, 1775; type by monotypy  70
Xenus cinereus   (Güldenstädt, 1775) Terek Sandpiperα
vE Europe to NE Siberia >> S and E Africa, SW and S Asia, Taiwan, SE Asia, New Guinea, Australia
ACTITIS Illiger, 1811 M - Tringa hypoleucos Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1841, A List of the Genera of Birds, ed. 2, p. 88).  
Actitis hypoleucos 71  (Linnaeus, 1758) Common Sandpiper
iN Europe to E Siberia, N Japan, Korea, C Asia to W Himalayas, W and N China >> Africa, S Europe to S Asia, SE Asia, New Guinea, Australia
Actitis macularius 72  (Linnaeus, 1766) Spotted Sandpiper
vAlaska to Labrador south to C California and North Carolina >> S USA to SC South America; West Indies
TRINGA Linnaeus, 1758 F - Tringa ochropus Linnaeus, 1758; type by Linnaean tautonymy  73
Tringa ochropus 74  Linnaeus, 1758 Green Sandpiperδ
iN Europe to E Siberia, NW China >> Africa, Europe, SW and S Asia, S Japan to E and S China, mainland SE Asia, Greater Sundas, Philippines
Tringa solitaria Solitary Sandpiper
cinnamomea (Brewster, 1890) vC Alaska to N British Columbia and NE Manitoba >> South America
solitaria A. Wilson, 1813 vC Canada (E British Columbia to Labrador) >> West Indies, Central and South America
Tringa brevipes 75  (Vieillot, 1816) Grey-tailed Tattler
NC and NE Siberia >> (Taiwan, Hainan?), Thai-Malay Pen., Greater Sundas, Philippines, Wallacea, New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand
Tringa incana 76  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Wandering Tattler
vNE Siberia; Alaska to Yukon and NW British Columbia >> coastal W USA to Peru; Pacific islands to E Australia and New Zealand
Tringa semipalmata77 Willet
inornata (Brewster, 1887) vSC Canada (C Alberta to SW Manitoba) to WC USA (NE California, Nebraska) >> coasts of E and W USA to N Chile
semipalmata (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) vCoastal SE Canada (Nova Scotia) to NE Mexico (Tamaulipas); West Indies >> coasts of SE USA to S Brazil
Tringa flavipes   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Lesser Yellowlegs
iAlaska to C Canada (James Bay) >> S USA, West Indies, Central and South America
Tringa erythropus   (Pallas, 1764) Spotted Redshank
iN Europe to NE Siberia >> Africa, S Europe, SW and S Asia, S China, mainland SE Asia, N Borneo
Tringa nebularia   (Gunnerus, 1767) Common Greenshank
vN Europe to E Siberia >> Madagascar, Africa, Europe, S Japan, SW and S Asia, S China, SE Asia, New Guinea and Australia
Tringa melanoleuca   (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Greater Yellowlegs
vS Alaska, C Canada (C British Columbia to Nova Scotia) >> S USA, West Indies, Central and South America
Tringa totanus78 Common Redshank
robusta (Schiøler, 1919) vIceland and Faroe Is. >> British Isles and W Europe
totanus (Linnaeus, 1758)79 iEurope to W Siberia >> Africa, Europe, SW (and S?) Asia
ussuriensis Buturlin, 1934 vS Siberia to Russian Far East, Mongolia, NE China >> SE Asia [Buturlin, 1934 #612]
terrignotae R. & A. Meinertzhagen, 1926 iKorea, extreme NE and E China >> SE Asia
craggi Hale, 1971 iNW China (Xinjiang) >> SE Asia [Hale, 1971 #1878]
eurhina (Oberholser, 1900)80 δvPamir Mts., C and S Xizang, N India >> S and SE Asia
Tringa glareola   Linnaeus, 1758 Wood Sandpiper
iN Europe to E Siberia and NE China >> Africa, SW and S Asia, SE China, SE Asia, New Guinea, Australia
Tringa stagnatilis   (Bechstein, 1803) Marsh Sandpiper
vE Europe to Russian Far East, NE China >> Africa, S Europe, S Japan, SW and S Asia, SE China, SE Asia, New Guinea, Australia
Tringa guttifer 81  (von Nordmann, 1835) Nordmann's Greenshank
iRussian Far East (coasts of Sea of Okhotsk) >> NE India, mainland SE Asia, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines
STEGANOPUS Vieillot, 1818 M - Chorlito tarso comprimido Azara; type by subsequent monotypy (Vieillot, 1819, Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, 32, p. 136). = Steganopus tricolor Vieillot, 1819  83
Steganopus tricolor   Vieillot, 1819 Wilson's Phalarope
S Canada, W and N USA >> Peru and Uruguay to Tierra del Fuego
PHALAROPUS Brisson, 1760 M - Phalaropus Brisson; type by tautonymy = Tringa fulicaria Linnaeus, 1758  
Phalaropus lobatus 84  (Linnaeus, 1758) Red-necked Phalarope
vN Holarctic >> seas off S Arabian Pen., S Philippines, Moluccas, W Melanesia and Australasia; also off WC South America
Phalaropus fulicarius   (Linnaeus, 1758) Grey Phalarope/Red Phalarope
vN Holarctic >> at sea off W South America, W and SW Africa

1 Classification and linear sequenced derived from Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072] except as noted.
2 Subspecies recognition based on Engelmoer & Roselaar (1998) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500].
3 Winter range not known, Tomkovich (2008) [Tomkovich, 2008 #10946] suggested migrants would use the Central Asian flyway.
4 May merit treatment as a separate species (Sangster et al. 2011) [Sangster, 2011 #13267].
5 May form a superspecies with N. minutus; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566].
6 Includes parvus; see Hellmayr & Conover (1948) [Hellmayr, 1948 #6475] and Patten et al. (2003) [Patten, 2003 #13841], but see also van Gils & Wiersma (1996) [van Gils, 1996 #3919]. Also includes occidentalis; see Bishop (1938) [Bishop, 1938 #12768].
7 May form a superspecies with N. americanus; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566].
8 For recognition see Engelmoer & Roselaar (1998) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500].
9 Correct original spelling. Spelling sushkini in Peters (1937) [Peters, 1937 #3007] an ISS.
10 Subspecies recognition derived from Tomkovich (2010) [Tomkovich, 2010 #12362] but more information is needed on breeding ranges.
11 For recognition see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
12 For recognition see Tomkovich (2010) [Tomkovich, 2010 #12362]; however, breeding area not certainly established and type specimen perhaps not representative of the population.
13 For recognition see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967] and Engelmoer & Roselaar (1998) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500].
14 For treatment as a separate species see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
15 For correction of citation see McAllan (2004) [McAllan, 2004 #2585].
16 Birds from Siberia east to W Alaska have been recognised as oahuensis; see Stepanyan (2003) [Stepanyan, 2003 #4769].
17 The monophyly of Calidris as broadly defined here is uncertain (Gibson & Baker 2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072]; species sequence and inclusion of Aphriza, Philomachus and Limicola follows Banks (2012) [Banks, 2012 #14043]. Includes Erolia; see Voous (1973) [Voous, 1973 #4061].
18 Calidris paramelanonotus S.A. Parker, 1982 [Parker, 1982 #2902], refers to a hybrid, likely C. melanotus X C. ferruginea; see Christidis et al. (1996) [Christidis, 1996 #9445].
19 Subspecies classification follows Engelmoer & Roselaar (1998) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500] except as noted.
20 For recognition see Roselaar (1993) [Roselaar, 1993 #3382].
21 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Aphriza and sometimes placed in the Charadriidae. Membership in Scolopacidae and close relationship to Calidris first identified by Jehl (1968) [Jehl, 1968 #2111]. For inclusion in Calidris see Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072].
22 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Philomachus but see Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072] and Banks (2012) [Banks, 2012 #14043].
23 Includes occidentalis Verheyen, 1941 [Verheyen, 1941 #3975]; see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967].
24 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Micropalama but see Jehl (1968) [Jehl, 1968 #13838] and Dittmann & Zink (1991) [Dittmann, 1991 #13757]; see also van Gils & Wiersma (1996) [van Gils, 1996 #3919]. Sister species is C. ferruginea, as predicted by Jehl (1973) [Jehl, 1973 #14273]; see Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072].
25 For precedence of this name over testacea, used by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007], see Stresemann (1941) [Stresemann, 1941 #8167].
26 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Eurynorhynchus, but see Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072] and Banks (2012) [Banks, 2012 #14043].
27 Original spelling pygmea was an incorrect Latin spelling; and spelling pygmaeus in Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007] a justified emendation contra Dickinson & Remsen (2013) [Dickinson, 2013 #15620].
28 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Crocethia but see Jehl (1968) [Jehl, 1968 #13838].
29 For recognition see Engelmoer & Roselaar (1998) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500].
30 For recognition of kistchinski, actites, sakhalina and arcticola see Browning (1991) [Browning, 1991 #541]. For recognition of centralis and hudsonia see Engelmoer & Roselaar (1998) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500].
31 Correct original spelling. Spelling kistchinskii in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
32 A new name for litoralis Nechaev & Tomkovich, 1987 [Nechaev, 1987 #2756], preoccupied by littoralis C.L. Brehm, 1831.
33 For recognition see Browning (1991) [Browning, 1991 #541].
34 For recognition see Browning (1977, 1991) [Browning, 1977 #14093] [Browning, 1991 #541].
35 For recognition see A.O.U. (1957) [A.O.U., 1957 #7].
36 Includes kurilensis; see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967] and Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
37 Includes groenlandica Løvenskiold, 1950 [Løvenskiold, 1950 #2453]; see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967] and Engelmoer & Roselaar (1998) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500]. Also includes littoralis C.L. Brehm, 1831 [Brehm, 1831 #475], and belcheri Engelmoer & Roselaar, 1998 [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500]; see Tomkovich & Serra (1999) [Tomkovich, 1999 #3853] and Payne & Pierce (2002) [Payne, 2002 #13109], but see also Engelmoer & Roselaar (1998) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500].
38 Considered to form a superspecies with C. ptilocnemis by Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566].
39 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Tryngites but see Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072] and Banks (2012) [Banks, 2012 #14043].
40 Formerly placed, along with C. mauri, in genus Ereunetes but see Jehl (1968) [Jehl, 1968 #13838].
41 For placement in Calidrinae see Cibois et al. (2012) [Cibois, 2012 #14070], who also subsumed Aechmorhynchus here, as had Zusi & Jehl (1970) [Zusi, 1970 #4341].
42 For recognition see Walters (1991) [Walters, 1991 #4074].
43 Walters (1993) [Walters, 1993 #4075] suggested that while the name cancellata might apply to Christmas Island birds it should not be applied to Tuamotu birds. Cibois et al. (2012) [Cibois, 2012 #14070] agreed.
44 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Pseudoscolopax; see Sutton (1949) [Sutton, 1949 #13845] and Pitelka (1950) [Pitelka, 1950 #3093]. For continued placement in Limnodromus, see Rand (1950) [Rand, 1950 #7451]. Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072] found that it is almost certainly sister to the other two Limnodromus, but with strong genetic divergence.
45 For continued recognition see Pitelka (1950) [Pitelka, 1950 #3093].
46 For treatment as a separate species from L. griseus and for inclusion of fasciatus Brodkorb, 1933 [Brodkorb, 1933 #487], see Pitelka (1950) [Pitelka, 1950 #3093].
47 For date correction see Woodman (2010) [Woodman, 2010 #13512].
48 Includes ultimus Koelz, 1954 [Koelz, 1954 #2250]; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
49 For treatment as a separate species from S. saturata, see Kennedy et al. (2001) [Kennedy, 2001 #2205].
50 For presence on Babuyan Is. see Allen (2006) [Allen, 2006 #9745].
51 Considered diagnosable by Kennedy et al. (2001) [Kennedy, 2001 #2205], but see also White & Bruce (1986) [White, 1986 #4194].
52 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Philohela.
53 Circumscription and sequence derived from Higgins & Davies (1996) [Higgins, 1996 #1961], Worthy et al. (2002) [Worthy, 2002 #4271] and Baker et al. (2010) [Baker, 2010 #11948].
54 For treatment as a separate species from C. aucklandica, see Higgins & Davies (1996) [Higgins, 1996 #1961].
55 Subspecies classification based on Higgins & Davies (1996) [Higgins, 1996 #1961] as modified by Baker et al. (2010) [Baker, 2010 #11948].
56 For suppression of Capella see Direction 39 (I.C.Z.N., 1956) [I.C.Z.N., 1956 #9589]. That name was used by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007].
57 The phylogenetic results of Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072] showed Gallinago to be paraphyletic with respect to Coenocorypha and suggested that the genus Chubbia may also deserve recognition after wider taxon-sampling.
58 Treated as subspecies of G. stricklandii by Meyer de Schauensee (1970) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1970 #2678] and Blake (1977) [Blake, 1977 #326].
59 Includes chapmani R.T. Moore, 1937 [Moore, 1937 #2710]; see Hellmayr & Conover (1948) [Hellmayr, 1948 #6475].
60 For correction of authorship, see Bruce & David (2007) [Bruce, 2007 #9512].
61 Date and spelling -ii as given by Peters (1934) [Peters, 1934 #3007] correctly reflect first valid usage; see Bruce in Dickinson et al. (2011) [Dickinson, 2011 #13287].
62 Forms a superspecies with G. jamesoni; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
63 Date change to 1831 based on the apparent printing date given on p. 467 of the volume.
64 For recognition see Clancey (1974) [Clancey, 1974 #868].
65 For treatment as a separate species from G. gallinago see Banks et al. (2002) [Banks, 2002 #201].
66 Treated as conspecific with G. gallinago (then including delicata) by Meyer de Schauensee (1970) [Meyer de Schauensee, 1970 #2678] and Blake (1977) [Blake, 1977 #326].
67 For treatment as a separate species from G. paraguaiae see Fjeldså & Krabbe (1990) [Fjeldså, 1990 #1570].
68 Not recognised by van Gils & Piersma (1996) [van Gils, 1996 #3919], but see Hellmayr & Conover (1948) [Hellmayr, 1948 #6474] and Blake (1977) [Blake, 1977 #326].
69 Includes nipponensis Momiyama, 1939 [Momiyama, 1939 #7189]; see Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
70 Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072] found that this genus may be more closely related to the phalaropes than to Tringa.
71 Forms a superspecies with A. macularius; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566].
72 Includes rava Burleigh, 1960 [Burleigh, 1960 #578]; see van Gils & Wiersma (1996) [van Gils, 1996 #3919].
73 Composition and species sequence derived from Gibson et al. (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072].
74 Original spelling considered incorrect, and emended name officially listed in Direction 17 (I.C.Z.N., 1955) [I.C.Z.N., 1955 #9581].
75 This and T. incana formerly placed in genus Heteroscelus but see Pereira & Baker (2005) [Pereira, 2005 #10012] and Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072].
76 Forms a superspecies with T. brevipes; see Mayr & Short (1970) [Mayr, 1970 #2566].
77 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Catoptrophorus but see Pereira & Baker (2005) [Pereira, 2005 #10012].
78 For alternative treatment of western subspecies see Engelmoer & Roselaar (1998) [Engelmoer, 1998 #1500], who recognised britannica. Eastern subspecies remain poorly understood, but Tavares & Baker (2008) [Tavares, 2008 #10844] noted western and eastern populations were reciprocally monophyletic.
79 Includes britannica Mathews, 1935 [Mathews, 1935 #2530] proposed as a new name; see Prater et al. (1977) [Prater, 1977 #13764]. The name bewickii, which it replaced, was a Ruff (Vaurie, 1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967].
80 Includes meinertzhageni Thiede, 1963 [Thiede, 1963 #3826]; see Hale (1971) [Hale, 1971 #1878].
81 Previously placed in the monotypic genus Pseudototanus but see Voous (1973) [Voous, 1973 #4061]. Relationships to other Tringa uncertain; not sampled by Gibson & Baker (2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072].
82 Formerly, and in one case recently (Livezey 2010) [Livezey, 2010 #12464], assigned a separate family, Phalaropodidae, but they are sister to the Tringinae within the Scolopacidae (Gibson & Baker 2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072], as predicted by Jehl (1968) [Jehl, 1968 #13838].
83 Large genetic distance between this and the other two Phalaropus species (Gibson & Baker 2012) [Gibson, 2012 #14072], as well as ecological and morphological differences, warrants resurrection of Steganopus, following Christidis & Boles (2008) [Christidis, 2008 #11602].
84 Formerly placed in monotypic genus Lobipes but see Voous (1973) [Voous, 1973 #4061].