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PTEROCLIDAE - Sandgrouse1 (2:16)
SYRRHAPTES Illiger, 1811 M - Tetrao paradoxus Lin Gmel.; type by monotypy = Tetrao paradoxa Pallas, 1773  
Syrrhaptes tibetanus 2  Gould, 1850 Tibetan Sandgrouse
vE Tajikistan to Tibetan Plateau, Ladakh and Nepal, NW and WC China (Qinghai, W Gansu, W Sichuan)
Syrrhaptes paradoxus   (Pallas, 1773) Pallas's Sandgrouse
vS Ural Mts. and Transcaspia to Mongolia and N China (Nei Mongol)
PTEROCLES Temminck, 1815 M - Tetrao alchata Linnaeus, 1766; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 62).  
Pterocles alchata Pin-tailed Sandgrouse
alchata (Linnaeus, 1766) iIberia, SE France
caudacutus (S.G. Gmelin, 1774) vN Africa, SW to C Asia and Pakistan
Pterocles namaqua 3  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Namaqua Sandgrouse
iSW Angola, Namibia, Botswana, W and C South Africa
Pterocles exustus Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse
exustus Temminck, 1825 vSenegal, Gambia and Mauritania to Sudan4
†? floweri Nicoll, 1921 iNile valley (Egypt)
ellioti Bogdanov, 18815 iEritrea, N Ethiopia, Somalia
olivascens (E. Hartert, 1909)6 iSE South Sudan, SW Ethiopia, Kenya, N Tanzania
erlangeri (Neumann, 1909) iSW Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Oman
hindustan R. Meinertzhagen, 1923 iSE Iran, Pakistan, India
Pterocles senegallus 7  (Linnaeus, 1771) Spotted Sandgrouse
vN Africa, SW Asia, Pakistan and NW India
Pterocles orientalis Black-bellied Sandgrouse
orientalis (Linnaeus, 1758)8 vE Canary Is., N Africa, Iberia, Cyprus and Israel to Turkey and Transcaucasia
arenarius (Pallas, 1775)9 vLower R. Volga to Iran, SW Pakistan, E Kazakhstan, NW China >> E Pakistan and extreme NW India [Pallas, 1775 #2895]
Pterocles gutturalis Yellow-throated Sandgrouse
saturatior E. Hartert, 190010 vEthiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and N Zambia
gutturalis A. Smith, 1836 vS Zambia to NE Namibia, N Botswana and N South Africa
Pterocles coronatus Crowned Sandgrouse
coronatus M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823 vW and C Sahara to W Egypt and C Sudan
vastitas R. Meinertzhagen, 1928 iNE Egypt, Sinai, Israel, Jordan
saturatus Kinnear, 1927 vHills of N Oman
atratus E. Hartert, 1902 vS Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Iran and S Afghanistan to SW Pakistan
ladas Koelz, 1954 iPakistan (except SW) [Koelz, 1954 #2250]
Pterocles decoratus Black-faced Sandgrouse
ellenbecki von Erlanger, 1905 iS Somalia, N Kenya, S Ethiopia, NE Uganda
decoratus Cabanis, 1868 vSE Kenya, E Tanzania
loveridgei (Friedmann, 1928)11 iSW Kenya, C Tanzania
Pterocles personatus   Gould, 1843 Madagascar Sandgrouse
vN, W and S Madagascar
Pterocles lichtensteinii Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse
targius Geyr von Schweppenburg, 1916 vW, C and S Sahara east to Chad
lichtensteinii Temminck, 182512 iSE Egypt and Sudan to E Kenya and Socotra, Arabia (except SE Yemen), Israel, Jordan
sukensis Neumann, 1909 vSE South Sudan, S Ethiopia to NW and C Kenya
arabicus Neumann, 1909 vS Arabia to S Iran, S Afghanistan and Pakistan
ingramsi Bates, G.L. & Kinnear, 1937 iHadramawt (E Yemen) [Bates, 1937 #232]
Pterocles indicus 13  (J.F. Gmelin, 1789) Painted Sandgrouse
vE Pakistan and N, E and SE India
Pterocles quadricinctus 14  Temminck, 1815 Four-banded Sandgrouse
vSenegal to Ethiopia, W Eritrea, N Uganda and NW Kenya
Pterocles bicinctus Double-banded Sandgrouse
ansorgei (Benson, 1947) iSW Angola [Benson, 1947 #256]
usheri (Benson, 1947)15 S and E Zambia, S Malawi, W and C Mozambique, N Zimbabwe [Benson, 1947 #257]
multicolor E. Hartert, 1908 iE Botswana, N and NE South Africa
bicinctus Temminck, 181516 vN Botswana and Namibia to adjacent NW South Africa
Pterocles burchelli Burchell's Sandgrouse
burchelli W.L. Sclater, 1922 SE Botswana, N South Africa (N Limpopo, N Northern Cape)
makarikari (Roberts, 1932)17 SE Angola, SW Zambia, Namibia, N Botswana, NW Zimbabwe

1 Spelling corrected to agree with Bock (1994) [Bock, 1994 #398] following Chesser et al. (2012) [Chesser, 2012 #14108].
2 Includes pamirensis Koelz, 1939 [Koelz, 1939 #2244]; see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967] and Stepanyan (1990) [Stepanyan, 1990 #3721].
3 Includes ngami; see Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1962) [Mackworth-Praed, 1962 #4712]. Also includes furva Clancey, 1959 [Clancey, 1959 #798]; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
4 Introduced to Hawaiian Is. (Hawaii).
5 Includes somalicus; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
6 Includes emini; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
7 Includes remotus; see Ripley (1961) [Ripley, 1961 #3310].
8 Includes aragonica Latham, 1790 [Latham, 1790 #2335]; see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967].
9 Includes enigmaticus, koslovae, and bangsi Koelz, 1939 [Koelz, 1939 #2244]; see Vaurie (1965) [Vaurie, 1965 #3967].
10 Includes tanganjicae; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
11 Includes katharinae; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
12 Includes abessinicus, nigricans and hyperythrus; see Mackworth-Praed & Grant (1957) [Mackworth-Praed, 1957 #2465] and White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
13 Forms a superspecies with P. quadricinctus; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
14 Includes lowei; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
15 For recognition see Dowsett et al. (2008) [Dowsett, 2008 #12725].
16 Includes chobiensis and elizabethae Macdonald, 1954 [Macdonald, 1954 #2463]; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
17 Includes delabati Winterbottom, 1964 [Winterbottom, 1964 #4251]; see Clancey (1980) [Clancey, 1980 #909].