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CALYPTOPHILIDAE - Chat Tanagers1 (1:2)
CALYPTOPHILUS Cory, 1884 M - Phoenicophilus frugivorus Cory, 1883; type by monotypy   
Calyptophilus tertius 2,3  Wetmore, 1929 Western Chat Tanager
vMountains of SW Haiti, SW Dominican Republic
Calyptophilus frugivorus Eastern Chat Tanager
frugivorus (Cory, 1883) vN Dominican Republic (SamanĂ¡ Pen.)
neibae J. Bond & Dod, 19774 δMountains of C Dominican Republic [Bond, 1977 #435]
abbotti Richmond & Swales, 19245 Ile de la GonĂ¢ve (off Hispaniola)

1 For recognition and circumscription of this family see Barker et al. (2013) [Barker, 2013 #14348].
2 For treatment as a separate species from C. frugivorus, see A.O.U. (1998) [A.O.U., 1998 #9] and Townsend et al. (2007) [Townsend, 2007 #10652]. But see Bond & Dod (1977) [Bond, 1977 #435] and Isler & Isler (1987) [Isler, 1987 #2092].
3 Proposed subspecies selleanus may merit recognition, but further study is desirable; see Keith et al. (2003) [Keith, 2003 #14531].
4 Correct original spelling. Spelling neibei in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] was an ISS.
5 For placement in C. frugivorus see Wetmore & Swales (1931) [Wetmore, 1931 #15729], Townsend et al. (2007) [Townsend, 2007 #10652]; but see Hilty (2011) [Hilty, 2011 #13517].