Athene cunicularia76 Burrowing Owl hypugaea (Bonaparte, 1825) vSW Canada (SC British Columbia to S Saskatchewan) to C Mexico >> south to Honduras
rostrata (C.H. Townsend, 1890) vIsla Clarión (off W Mexico)
floridana (Ridgway, 1874) vSE USA (Florida), Bahamas
troglodytes (Wetmore & Swales, 1931) iHispaniola, Ile de la Gonâve, Isla Beata
guantanamensis (Garrido, 2001)77 vSE Cuba [Garrido, 2001 #1680] †? amaura (Lawrence, 1878) vAntigua, Nevis (N Lesser Antilles)
†? guadeloupensis (Ridgway, 1874) vGuadeloupe
arubensis (Cory, 1915) vAruba
brachyptera (Richmond, 1896) vIsla de Margarita (off N Venezuela)
minor (Cory, 1918)78 vC and SE Venezuela, S Guyana, N Brazil (N Roraima) carrikeri (Stone, 1922)79 iE Colombia (Arauca and Meta) to WC Venezuela (Carabobo and Apure) tolimae (Stone, 1899) iWC Colombia (upper Magdalena valley in Tolima and Huila)
pichinchae (von Boetticher, 1929) iAndes of W Ecuador (S Carchi to C Loja)
punensis (Chapman, 1914) vCoastal SW Ecuador (C Manabí) to NW Peru (N Piura)
nanodes (von Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1892)80 iCoastal NW Peru (C Piura) to N Chile (Arica) juninensis (von Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1902) vAndes of Peru to NW Argentina
grallaria (Temminck, 1822) vE Brazil (Maranhão and Rio Grande do Norte to SE Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná), Paraguay and NE Argentina (Misiones)
boliviana (L. Kelso, 1939)81 vSE Bolivia (Santa Cruz) [Kelso, 1939 #2188] cunicularia (G.I. Molina, 1782) vC Chile (Tarapacá to Los Ríos)
partridgei Olrog, 197682 Argentina (Salta, Formosa and Corrientes to Santa Cruz) [Olrog, 1976 #2831] Athene brama83 Spotted Owlet indica (Franklin, 1831)84 vS Iran to N and C India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh ultra Ripley, 1948 iNE India (Arunachal Pradesh, E Assam) [Ripley, 1948 #3297]
brama (Temminck, 1821) iS India
pulchra Hume, 1873 vC and S Myanmar
mayri Deignan, 1941 iS continental SE Asia (except extreme SW) [Deignan, 1941 #1172]
Athene noctua85 Little Owl vidalii A.E. Brehm, 185786 iW and C Europe east to Baltic States and Belarus noctua (Scopoli, 1769)87 iCorsica, Sardinia and Italy to Slovakia, NW Romania and Croatia88 indigena C.L. Brehm, 185589 iAlbania to S Russia, south to Greece, Turkey, N Levant and Transcaucasia lilith E. Hartert, 191390 iCyprus, Sinai, N Arabian Pen., Jordan and C Syria to SE Turkey and Iraq bactriana Blyth, 1847 vLower R. Ural, Transcaspia and Iran to E Kazakhstan, W Pakistan
orientalis Severtsov, 1873 vPamir and Tien Shan Mts. to Qinghai (W China)
ludlowi E.C.S. Baker, 1926 iS and E Tibetan Plateau (Ladakh, Nepal, W Sichuan)
impasta Bangs & J.L. Peters, 1928 vNE Qinghai, SW Gansu
plumipes Swinhoe, 187091 iS Altai Mts. and Mongolia to S Transbaikalia and NC and NE China glaux (Savigny, 1809) iCoastal N Africa, Nile valley, SW Israel
saharae (O. Kleinschmidt, 1909)92 iSahara east to Red Sea (except Nile valley) and C Arabian Pen. spilogastra (von Heuglin, 1863)93,94 αNE Sudan, Eritrea, NE Ethiopia somaliensis Reichenow, 1905 vE Ethiopia, Somalia