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AEGOTHELIDAE - Owlet-nightjars (1:11)
AEGOTHELES Vigors & Horsfield, 1827 M - Caprimulgus novaehollandiae Latham, 1790; type by monotypy = Caprimulgus cristatus Shaw, 1790  1
Aegotheles savesi 2  E.L. & E.L.C. Layard, 1881 New Caledonian Owlet-nightjar
iNew Caledonia3
Aegotheles insignis 4  Salvadori, 1876 Feline Owlet-nightjarα
vMontane NW, C, NE and SE New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop, central cordillera and Huon Pen.)
Aegotheles tatei 5  Rand, 1941 Spangled Owlet-nightjar
Lowland E New Guinea (west at least to West Papua border) [Rand, 1941 #3184]
Aegotheles crinifrons   (Bonaparte, 1850) Moluccan Owlet-nightjar
Halmahera, Bacan (N Moluccas)
Aegotheles cristatus6 Australian Owlet-nightjar
major Mayr & Rand, 19357 vLowland SC New Guinea (Trans-Fly region)
cristatus (Shaw, 1790)8 vAustralia, lowland (?) SE New Guinea (Port Moresby region)
tasmanicus Mathews, 1918 vTasmania
Aegotheles affinis9 Allied Owlet-nightjar
affinis Salvadori, 187610 αvLowland NW New Guinea (Vogelkop)
terborghi Diamond, 1967 Montane SC New Guinea (Karimui basin) [Diamond, 1967 #1316]
Aegotheles bennettii Barred Owlet-nightjar
wiedenfeldi Laubmann, 1914 iLowland N, NE and SE New Guinea (R. Mamberamo to Dyke Ackland Bay)
bennettii Salvadori & D'Albertis, 1875 iAru Is., lowland SC to SE New Guinea
plumifer E.P. Ramsay, 188311 δvFergusson I. and Goodenough I. (D'Entrecasteaux Arch.)
Aegotheles salvadorii 12  E. Hartert, 1892 Mountain Owlet-nightjar
Montane C, NE and SE New Guinea (Kobowre Mts. to Owen Stanley Range, Huon Pen.)
Aegotheles wallacii Wallace's Owlet-nightjar
wallacii G.R. Gray, 1859 iLowland and lower montane W New Guinea (east to upper R. Sepik in north and Gulf of Papua in south), Aru Is.
gigas Rothschild, 1931 iMontane WC New Guinea (Kobowre Mts.)
manni Diamond, 1969 iMontane N New Guinea (North Coast Ranges) [Diamond, 1969 #1317]
Aegotheles archboldi 13  Rand, 1941 Archbold's Owlet-nightjar
iMontane C New Guinea (east to Victor Emanuel Range) [Rand, 1941 #3184]
Aegotheles albertisi Arfak Owlet-nightjar
albertisi P.L. Sclater, 1874 iMontane NW New Guinea (mountains of Vogelkop)
wondiwoi Mayr & Rand, 1936 iMontane NW New Guinea (Wondiwoi Mts.)

1 Circumscription follows Dumbacher et al. (2003) [Dumbacher, 2003 #1436], and includes Euaegotheles, but depths of primary clades suggest generic groups as forecast by Schodde in Schodde & Mason (1997) [Schodde, 1997 #3523].
2 Not closely related to other extant species of Aegotheles (Olson et al., 1987) [Olson, 1987 #14170] but found sister to extinct A. novaezelandiae by Dumbacher et al. (2003) [Dumbacher, 2003 #1436].
3 Reported found by Tobias & Eckstrom (2002) [Tobias, 2002 #13510], but none heard in extensive surveys across suitable habitat (Dutson, 2011) [Dutson, 2011 #13513].
4 Includes pulcher; see Rand (1942) [Rand, 1942 #3185].
5 For treatment as a separate species from A. insignis see Pratt (2000) [Pratt, 2000 #3125] and Dumbacher et al. (2003) [Dumbacher, 2003 #1436].
6 Subspecies classification follows Schodde & Mason (1980, 1997) [Schodde, 1980 #3509] [Schodde, 1997 #3523] and Higgins (1999) [Higgins, 1999 #1962].
7 For recognition see Higgins (1999) [Higgins, 1999 #1962].
8 Includes leucogaster; see Schodde & Mason (1980) [Schodde, 1980 #3509].
9 For treatment as a separate species from A. bennettii see Dumbacher et al. (2003) [Dumbacher, 2003 #1436].
10 See Poggi (2010) [Poggi, 2010 #12656] for the date.
11 Original spelling plumifera but variable and incorrect. Gender agreement to plumiferus in Peters (1940) [Peters, 1940 #3010] incorrect, masculine usage should be plumifer (David et al., 2011) [David, 2011 #13197].
12 For treatment as a separate species from A. albertisi see Dumbacher et al. (2003) [Dumbacher, 2003 #1436].
13 Perhaps a subspecies of A. albertisi; see Dumbacher et al. (2003) [Dumbacher, 2003 #1436].