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RAMPHASTIDAE - Toucans and Barbets1 (20:121)
PSILOPOGON S. Müller, 1836 M - Psilopogon pyrolophus S. Müller, 1836; type by monotypy  
Psilopogon pyrolophus   S. Müller, 1836 Fire-tufted Barbetα
vMountains of C and S Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra; introduced W Java (?)
Psilopogon virens Great Barbet
marshallorum (Swinhoe, 1870) iFoothills of W and C Himalayas (NE Pakistan to W Nepal), S Xizang
magnificus (E.C.S. Baker, 1926) vFoothills of E Himalayas (west to E Nepal), NE India, Bangladesh
mayri (Ripley, 1948) iNE India (Mishmi Hills in Arunachal Pradesh) [Ripley, 1948 #3297]
clamator (Mayr, 1941) iN Myanmar, SW China (W Yunnan) and NW Thailand
virens (Boddaert, 1783) iE China, C Myanmar to N Thailand and N Laos
indochinensis (Rand, 1953) vN Vietnam [Rand, 1953 #3190]
Psilopogon lagrandieri Red-vented Barbet
rothschildi (Delacour, 1927) iN Laos, N Vietnam
lagrandieri (J. Verreaux, 1868) iS Laos, C and S Vietnam
Psilopogon zeylanicus Brown-headed Barbet
inornatus (Walden, 1870) vC India
caniceps (Franklin, 1831)3 iHimalayan foothills (Kashmir to West Bengal), N India
zeylanicus (J.F. Gmelin, 1788) vS India, Sri Lanka
Psilopogon lineatus Lineated Barbet
hodgsoni (Bonaparte, 1850)4 iHimalayan foothills (east from Himachal Pradesh), NE India, SW China, mainland SE Asia (except extreme S Thai-Malay Pen.)
lineatus (Vieillot, 1816) vJava, Bali
Psilopogon viridis   (Boddaert, 1783) White-cheeked Barbet
vWC and SW India
Psilopogon faiostrictus Green-eared Barbet
praetermissus (Kloss, 1918) vN Thailand, Laos, N Vietnam and S and SE China (S of Canton)
faiostrictus (Temminck, 1832) αvContinental SE Asia (except Myanmar and N Vietnam)
Psilopogon corvinus   (Temminck, 1831) Brown-throated Barbet
vMountains of Java
Psilopogon chrysopogon Gold-whiskered Barbet
laetus (Robinson & Kloss, 1918) vS Myanmar (S Tenasserim) and Thai-Malay Pen. (except extreme S)
chrysopogon (Temminck, 1824) iSumatra
chrysopsis (Goffin, 1863) iBorneo
Psilopogon rafflesii 5  (Lesson, 1839) Red-crowned Barbet
SE Myanmar (S Tenasserim), Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra and SE satellites, Borneo
Psilopogon mystacophanos Red-throated Barbet
mystacophanos (Temminck, 1824)6 iSW continental SE Asia, Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra, Borneo
ampalus (Oberholser, 1912) vBatu Is. (off W Sumatra)
Psilopogon javensis   (Horsfield, 1821) Black-banded Barbet
vLowland Java and Bali
Psilopogon flavifrons   (Cuvier, 1816) Yellow-fronted Barbetα
Sri Lanka
Psilopogon franklinii Golden-throated Barbet
franklinii (Blyth, 1842) iFoothills of E Himalayas (west to C Nepal), NE India, SW China, N continental SE Asia
ramsayi (Walden, 1875) iMountains of S Myanmar, NW and W Thailand
auricularis (Robinson & Kloss, 1919) vMountains of extreme NE Thailand, S Laos and SC Vietnam
trangensis (Riley, 1934) vMountains of NC Thai-Malay Pen.
minor (Kloss & Chasen, 1926) vMountains of C and S Thai-Malay Pen.
Psilopogon faber7 Chinese Barbet
faber (Swinhoe, 1870) Mountains of Hainan
sini (Stresemann, 1929) Dayao Shan (Guangxi, China)
Psilopogon nuchalis   (Gould, 1863) Taiwan Barbet
Psilopogon oorti Black-browed Barbet
annamensis (Robinson & Kloss, 1919) vMountains of S Laos and SC Vietnam
oorti (S. Müller, 1836) αiMountains of C and S Thai-Malay Pen. and Sumatra
Psilopogon asiaticus Blue-throated Barbet
asiaticus (Latham, 1790)8 vHimalayan foothills (east from NE Pakistan), NE India, Bangladesh, SW Yunnan, Myanmar (except Tenasserim)
davisoni (Hume, 1877) iSE Yunnan, W and N continental SE Asia
chersonesus (Kloss & Chasen, 1927) iMountains of N Thai-Malay Pen.
Psilopogon monticola 9  (Sharpe, 1889) Mountain Barbet
Mountains of Borneo
Psilopogon incognitus Moustached Barbet
incognitus (Hume, 1874) vS Myanmar (Tenasserim) and W Thailand
elbeli (Deignan, 1956) iNE and E Thailand, N Laos and N Vietnam [Deignan, 1956 #1234]
eurous (Deignan, 1939) vSE Thailand, Cambodia, S Laos and S Vietnam
Psilopogon henricii Yellow-crowned Barbet
henricii (Temminck, 1831) iC and S Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra
brachyrhynchus (Neumann, 1908) vBorneo
Psilopogon armillaris Flame-fronted Barbet
armillaris (Temminck, 1821) vMountains of W and C Java
baliensis (Rensch, 1928) vMountains of E Java, Bali
Psilopogon pulcherrimus   (Sharpe, 1888) Golden-naped Barbet
vMountains of W and N Borneo
Psilopogon australis Blue-eared Barbet
cyanotis (Blyth, 1847) vFoothills of E Himalayas (west to E Nepal), NE India, E Bangladesh, Yunnan, Myanmar, N Thailand
orientalis (Robinson, 1915) vEC and E continental SE Asia
stuarti (Robinson & Kloss, 1919) iSW continental SE Asia, N and C Thai-Malay Pen.
duvaucelii (Lesson, 1830) iS Thai-Malay Pen., Sumatra, Bangka I. (off SE Sumatra), Borneo
gigantorhinus (Oberholser, 1912) vNias I. (off W Sumatra)
tanamassae (Meyer de Schauensee, 1929) iBatu Is. (off W Sumatra)
australis (Horsfield, 1821)10 vJava, Bali
Psilopogon eximius Bornean Barbet
cyaneus (Harrisson & Hartley, 1934) vMountains of NW Borneo (Mt. Kinabalu)
eximius (Sharpe, 1892) vMountains of Borneo (except Mt. Kinabalu)
Psilopogon malabaricus 11  (Blyth, 1847) Malabar Barbet
vSW India
Psilopogon rubricapillus 12  (J.F. Gmelin, 1788) Sri Lanka Small Barbetδ
Sri Lanka
Psilopogon haemacephalus13 Coppersmith Barbet
indicus (Latham, 1790) vS Asia, Yunnan, mainland SE Asia
delicus (Parrot, 1907) vSumatra
roseus (C. Dumont, 1816) vJava, Bali
haemacephalus (Statius Muller, 1776)14 δLuzon and Mindoro (Philippines)
celestinoi (Gilliard, 1949) iSamar and Leyte (Philippines) [Gilliard, 1949 #1704]
mindanensis (Rand, 1948) vMindanao (Philippines) [Rand, 1948 #3186]
intermedius (Shelley, 1891) vGuimaras, Negros and Panay (Philippines)
cebuensis (Dziadosz & Parkes, 1984) vCebu (Philippines) [Dziadosz, 1984 #1457]
homochroa (Dziadosz & Parkes, 1984) iTablas, Romblon and Masbate (Philippines) [Dziadosz, 1984 #1457]
CALORAMPHUS Lesson, 1839 M - Caloramphus sanguinolentus Lesson, 1839; type by monotypy = Bucco hayii J.E. Gray, 1831  16
Caloramphus fuliginosus Brown Barbet
hayii (J.E. Gray, 1831)17 iThai-Malay Pen., Sumatra
fuliginosus (Temminck, 1830) vBorneo (except N)
tertius Chasen & Kloss, 1929 vN Borneo
SEMNORNIS Richmond, 1900 M - Tetragonops ramphastinus Jardine, 1855; type by original designation and monotypy  
Semnornis frantzii   (P.L. Sclater, 1864) Prong-billed Barbet
iMountains of NC Costa Rica (Cordillera de Tilarán) to WC Panama (Veraguas)
Semnornis ramphastinus Toucan Barbet
caucae Gyldenstolpe, 1941 iW Andes of Colombia (Risaralda to Nariño)
ramphastinus (Jardine, 1855) vW slope of Andes of N Ecuador (Carchi to Cotopaxi)
CAPITO Vieillot, 1816 M - Tamatia à tête et gorge rouges Buffon; type by monotypy = Bucco niger Statius Muller, 1776  
Capito aurovirens   (Cuvier, 1829) Scarlet-crowned Barbet
iS Colombia and E Ecuador to EC Peru (Ucayali) and W Amazonian Brazil (east to lower R. Negro and lower R. Purus)
Capito dayi   Cherrie, 1916 Black-girdled Barbet
iE Bolivia (NE Santa Cruz), SE Amazonian Brazil (E Rondônia to SW Pará and C Mato Grosso)
Capito maculicoronatus19 Spot-crowned Barbet
maculicoronatus Lawrence, 1861 vCaribbean slope of C Panama (N Veraguas to Colón and C Panamá)
rubrilateralis Chapman, 191220 vE Panama (Comarca Guna Yala, Darién) to NC and W Colombia (Antioquia, Valle)
Capito squamatus   Salvin, 1876 Orange-fronted Barbet
vSW Colombia (SW Nariño) to SW Ecuador (El Oro)
Capito hypoleucus White-mantled Barbet
hypoleucus Salvin, 1897 vFoothills of C Andes of NC Colombia (N Antioquia, S Bolívar)
carrikeri G.R. Graves, 1986 iFoothills of NC Colombia (R. Porce in E Antioquia) [Graves, 1986 #1774]
extinctus G.R. Graves, 1986 vFoothills of C Colombia (Magdalena valley in Caldas, N Tolima, NW Cundinamarca) [Graves, 1986 #1774]
Capito wallacei   O'Neill, Lane, Kratter, Capparella & Fox-Joo, 2000 Scarlet-banded Barbet
iMountains of N Peru (Cerro de Cinco Puntos in SW Loreto) [O'Neill, 2000 #2800]
Capito fitzpatricki   Seeholzer et al., 2012 Sira Barbet
Mountains of C Peru (Cerros del Sira in S Ucayali) [Seeholzer, 2012 #14206]
Capito quinticolor   Elliot, 1865 Five-colored Barbet
iW Colombia (C Chocó) to NW Ecuador (N Esmeraldas)
Capito brunneipectus 21  Chapman, 1921 Brown-chested Barbet
iC Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, lower R. Madeira to lower R. Tapajós)
Capito niger 22  (Statius Muller, 1776) Black-spotted Barbet
vE Venezuela, the Guianas, N Brazil (north of R. Amazon, west to R. Branco)
Capito auratus23 Gilded Barbet
aurantiicinctus Dalmas, 190024 vC and S Venezuela
punctatus (Lesson, 1830) vLowlands and foothills of SC Colombia and E Ecuador to C Peru (west of R. Ucayali south to Junín)
nitidior Chapman, 192825 vExtreme E Colombia, extreme SW Venezuela, NW Brazil (north of R. Amazon, east to lower R. Japurá and upper R. Negro)
hypochondriacus Chapman, 1928 vNC Brazil (north of R. Amazon, lower R. Japurá to R. Branco and lower R. Negro)
auratus (C. Dumont, 1816) vNE Peru (along R. Amazon and lower R. Ucayali, south of R. Napo)
amazonicus Deville & Des Murs, 184926 vW Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, R. Juruá to R. Purus)
orosae Chapman, 1928 iNE Peru (south of R. Amazon, east of R. Ucayali in E Loreto), W Brazil (W Acre)
insperatus Cherrie, 191627 vSE Peru, NW Bolivia, WC Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, R. Purus to R. Madeira)
EUBUCCO Bonaparte, 1850 M - Capito richardsoni G.R. Gray, 1846; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 91).  
Eubucco richardsoni Lemon-throated Barbet
richardsoni (G.R. Gray, 1846) iSC Colombia, E Ecuador, NC Peru (north of R. Marañón, east to lower R. Napo)
nigriceps Chapman, 1928 iNE Peru (north of R. Amazon, west to lower R. Napo)
aurantiicollis P.L. Sclater, 185828 vE Peru (south of R. Marañón), W Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to R. Juruá), NW Bolivia
purusianus Gyldenstolpe, 195129 vW Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, R. Juruá to R. Madeira) [Gyldenstolpe, 1951 #1846]
Eubucco tucinkae 30  (von Seilern, 1913) Scarlet-hooded Barbet
iSE Peru (Ucayali) to NW Bolivia (W La Paz) and W Brazil (Acre)
Eubucco bourcierii Red-headed Barbet
salvini (Shelley, 1891) iMountains of NC Costa Rica (Cordillera de Tilarán) to WC Panama (Veraguas)
anomalus Griscom, 1929 vMountains of E Panama (E Darién)
bourcierii (Lafresnaye, 1845) iE slope of Andes of Venezuela, E slope of C Andes and E Andes of Colombia
occidentalis Chapman, 1914 vW Andes of Colombia
aequatorialis (Salvadori & Festa, 1900) vW slope of Andes and lowlands of W Ecuador (south to NW and NE Guayas)
orientalis Chapman, 1914 vE slope of Andes of Ecuador to N Peru (NW Amazonas)
Eubucco versicolor Versicolored Barbet
steerii (P.L. Sclater & Salvin, 1878) iE slope of Andes of N and C Peru (S Amazonas to Huánuco)
glaucogularis (von Tschudi, 1844) vE slope of Andes of C Peru (Pasco to Ayacucho)
versicolor (Statius Muller, 1776) iE slope of Andes of S Peru (Cuzco) to C Bolivia (Cochabamba)
RAMPHASTOS Linnaeus, 1758 M - Ramphastos erythrorhynchus J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by subsequent designation (Vigors, 1826, Zool. Journ., 2, p. 471). = Ramphastos tucanus Linnaeus, 1758  
Ramphastos toco Toco Toucan
toco Statius Muller, 1776 iLocally in the Guianas and N Brazil (N Roraima; along lower R. Amazon; N Maranhão, N Piauí)
albogularis Cabanis, 1862 vSE Peru (Pampas de Heath) to E and S Brazil (W Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul), E Paraguay and N Argentina
Ramphastos ambiguus Black-mandibled Toucan
swainsonii Gould, 183332 iE Honduras to W and NC Colombia and SW Ecuador (El Oro)
abbreviatus Cabanis, 186233 vSierra de Perijá; W Coastal Range and Andes of Venezuela to C Colombia (W slope of E Andes south to Cundinamarca)
ambiguus Swainson, 1823 vE slope of Andes of NC Colombia (Boyacá) to C Peru (Junín)
Ramphastos tucanus34 White-throated Toucan
tucanus Linnaeus, 175835 iE Venezuela, the Guianas, NE Amazonian Brazil (R. Branco and R. Xingu to N Maranhão)
cuvieri Wagler, 182736 iE Ecuador to S Venezuela, E Peru and W Amazonian Brazil (east to R. Negro and R. Madeira)
inca Gould, 1846 iN and C Bolivia
Ramphastos sulfuratus Keel-billed Toucan
sulfuratus Lesson, 1830 vS Mexico (S Veracruz, N Oaxaca to Yucatan Pen.), N Guatemala, Belize
brevicarinatus Gould, 1854 vNE Guatemala and N Honduras to N Colombia and NW Venezuela (SW Zulia)
Ramphastos brevis 37  Meyer de Schauensee, 1945 Choco Toucan
vNW Colombia (Chocó) to SW Ecuador (El Oro)
Ramphastos vitellinus Channel-billed Toucan
citreolaemus Gould, 184438 vNC Colombia (S Córdoba) to NW Venezuela (NW Zulia)
culminatus Gould, 183339 vE Ecuador to SW Venezuela, N Bolivia and W Amazonian Brazil (east to R. Negro and R. Madeira)
vitellinus M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823 vTrinidad, E Venezuela, the Guianas, N Brazil (north of R. Amazon, west to R. Branco)
ariel Vigors, 1826 iNE Amazonian and coastal E Brazil (south of R. Amazon, E Amazonas to N Maranhão; Pernambuco to Santa Catarina)
Ramphastos dicolorus 40  Linnaeus, 1766 Red-breasted Toucan
SE Brazil (S Minas Gerais and W Espírito Santo to Rio Grande do Sul) to E Paraguay and NE Argentina (Corrientes)
AULACORHYNCHUS Gould, 1835 M - Pteroglossus sulcatus Swainson, 1820; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 50).  41,42
Aulacorhynchus prasinus43 Emerald Toucanet
wagleri (J.H. Sturm & J.W. Sturm, 1841) iSW Mexico (Sierra Madre del Sur from Guerrero to SC Oaxaca)
prasinus (Gould, 1833)44 αvSE Mexico (SE San Luis Potosí to N Oaxaca and N Chiapas) [Gould, 1833 #13833]
warneri Winker, 2000 iE Mexico (Sierra de los Tuxtlas in S Veracruz) [Winker, 2000 #4246]
volcanius Dickey & van Rossem, 1930 vSE El Salvador (Volcan San Miguel)
virescens Ridgway, 191245 iS Mexico (S Chiapas), Guatemala, Belize, N El Salvador, Honduras, NC Nicaragua
caeruleogularis Gould, 185346,47 vMountains of Costa Rica to C Panama (Coclé)
cognatus Nelson, 191248 vMountains of E Panama (Darién) and extreme NW Colombia (Cerro Tacarcuna)
griseigularis Chapman, 1915 vNorth end of W Andes and W slope of C Andes of Colombia
phaeolaemus Gould, 1874 vW Andes of Colombia
lautus Bangs, 1898 vSanta Marta Mts. (N Colombia)
albivitta (Boissonneau, 1840) iSierra de Perijá; Andes of Venezuela, E slope of C Andes of Colombia and E Andes to N Ecuador (W Napo)
cyanolaemus Gould, 1866 vE slope of Andes from C Ecuador (Morona-Santiago) to N Peru (San Martín)
atrogularis (J.H. Sturm & J.W. Sturm, 1841) vE slope of Andes of C Peru (Pasco) to C Bolivia (W Santa Cruz)
dimidiatus Ridgway, 1886 vLowlands and foothills of SE Peru (C Ucayali) to N Bolivia (Pando) and SW Brazil (Acre)
Aulacorhynchus haematopygus49 Crimson-rumped Toucanet
haematopygus (Gould, 1835) vSierra de Perijá; Andes of Colombia
sexnotatus Gould, 1868 vW slope of Andes of S Colombia (Nariño) to SW Ecuador (Loja)
Aulacorhynchus huallagae   Carriker, 1933 Yellow-browed Toucanet
iE slope of Andes of N Peru (E La Libertad, W San Martín)
Aulacorhynchus coeruleicinctis   d'Orbigny, 1840 Blue-banded Toucanet
vE slope of Andes of C Peru (S Huánuco) to C Bolivia (W Santa Cruz)
Aulacorhynchus sulcatus50 Groove-billed Toucanet
calorhynchus Gould, 187451 vSanta Marta Mts.; Sierra de Perijá; Andes of Venezuela
sulcatus (Swainson, 1820) vMountains of N Venezuela (Falcón to Miranda)
erythrognathus Gould, 1874 vMountains of NE Venezuela (NE Anzoátegui, Sucre, N Monagas)
Aulacorhynchus derbianus 52  Gould, 1835 Chestnut-tipped Toucanet
vE slope of Andes from SW Colombia (Nariño) to C Bolivia (Cochabamba)
Aulacorhynchus whitelianus53 Tepui Toucanet
duidae Chapman, 1929 Tepuis of S Venezuela (Amazonas, W Bolívar) and adjacent N Brazil (N Amazonas)
whitelianus Salvin & Godman, 188254 δvTepuis of SE Venezuela (SE Bolívar) and SW Guyana (Merume Mts.)
osgoodi Blake, 1941 Mountains of S Guyana (Serra Acari) and C Surinam (Wilhelmina Mts.)
ANDIGENA Gould, 1851 F - Pteroglossus hypoglaucus Gould, 1833; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1855, Cat. of the Genera and Subgenera of Birds, p. 85).  
Andigena hypoglauca55 Gray-breasted Mountain Toucan
hypoglauca (Gould, 1833) vC Andes of Colombia, E slope of Andes from SW Colombia (Nariño) to N Ecuador (W Napo)
lateralis Chapman, 1923 vE slope of Andes from C Ecuador (Morona-Santiago) to SE Peru (Cuzco, SW Madre de Dios)
Andigena laminirostris   Gould, 1851 Plate-billed Mountain Toucan
vW slope of Andes from SW Colombia (Nariño) to C Ecuador (Chimborazo)
Andigena cucullata   (Gould, 1846) Hooded Mountain Toucan
vE slope of Andes from SE Peru (Puno) to C Bolivia (Cochabamba)
Andigena nigrirostris Black-billed Mountain Toucan
nigrirostris (Waterhouse, 1839) vAndes of Venezuela, E Andes of Colombia (south to Cundinamarca)
occidentalis Chapman, 1915 vW Andes of Colombia
spilorhynchus Gould, 1858 C Andes of Colombia, E slope of Andes from SW Colombia (Putumayo) to N Peru (NW Amazonas)
SELENIDERA Gould, 1837 F - Pteroglossus gouldii Natterer, 1837; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 50).  56
Selenidera spectabilis   Cassin, 1858 Yellow-eared Toucanetα
vE Honduras (mainly on Caribbean slope) to NW and NC Colombia; NW Ecuador (N Esmeraldas)
Selenidera piperivora 57  (Linnaeus, 1758) Guianan Toucanet
vSE Venezuela (SE Bolívar), the Guianas, N Brazil (north of R. Amazon, west to R. Branco) [Linnaeus, 1758 #4355]
Selenidera reinwardtii Golden-collared Toucanet
reinwardtii (Wagler, 1827) iSC and SE Colombia, E Ecuador, NE Peru (north of R. Marañón and R. Amazon)
langsdorffii (Wagler, 1827)58 iE Peru (south of R. Marañón), W Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to R. Purus), NW Bolivia
Selenidera gouldii 59,60  (Natterer, 1837) Gould's Toucanet
iE Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, west to R. Madeira), E Bolivia (E Beni, NE Santa Cruz); NE Brazil (N Ceará)
Selenidera maculirostris 61  (M.H.C. Lichtenstein, 1823) Spot-billed Toucanet
vSE Brazil (SE Bahia and E Minas Gerais to N Rio Grande do Sul), E Paraguay, NE Argentina (Misiones)
Selenidera nattereri 62  (Gould, 1835) Tawny-tufted Toucanetα
iSE Colombia, C and S Venezuela, NW Brazil (north of R. Amazon, east to R. Branco and R. Negro) [Gould, 1835 #13834]
PTEROGLOSSUS Illiger, 1811 M - Ramphastos aracari Linnaeus, 1758; type by subsequent designation (G.R. Gray, 1840, A List of the Genera of Birds, p. 50).  63,64
Pteroglossus bailloni 65  (Vieillot, 1819) Saffron Toucanet
SE Brazil (SE Bahia to NW Rio Grande do Sul), E Paraguay and NE Argentina (N Misiones)
Pteroglossus viridis 66  (Linnaeus, 1766) Green Aracari
vC and E Venezuela, the Guianas, N Brazil (north of R. Amazon, west to R. Negro)
Pteroglossus inscriptus Lettered Aracari
humboldti Wagler, 182767 iSC and SE Colombia, E Ecuador, E Peru, N Bolivia, W Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to R. Madeira)
inscriptus Swainson, 1822 vE Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, west to R. Madeira); NE Brazil (E Pernambuco, E Alagoas)
Pteroglossus torquatus68 Collared Aracari
1 erythrozonus Ridgway, 1912 vSE Mexico (Yucatan Pen.), N Guatemala, Belize
1 torquatus (J.F. Gmelin, 1788) vS Mexico (S Veracruz, N and SE Oaxaca) to E Panama (Darién)
1 nuchalis Cabanis, 186269 vN and NC Colombia (Córdoba, N Tolima) to NW and N Venezuela (W Mérida, Carabobo)
2 frantzii Cabanis, 1861 Pacific slope of C Costa Rica to W Panama (Chiriquí)
3 sanguineus Gould, 1854 vNW Colombia (Chocó) to NW Ecuador (N Esmeraldas)
4 erythropygius Gould, 1843 vW Ecuador (W Esmeraldas to El Oro); NW Peru (Tumbes)
Pteroglossus aracari Black-necked Aracari
atricollis (Statius Muller, 1776)70 vC and E Venezuela, the Guianas, N Brazil (north of R. Amazon, west to R. Branco)
aracari (Linnaeus, 1758) iC and E Brazil (south of R. Amazon, E Amazonas and NE Mato Grosso to Maranhão and Tocantins; E Pernambuco to Rio de Janeiro)
wiedii J.H. Sturm & J.W. Sturm, 184771,72 iSE Brazil (S Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo to Paraná and Santa Catarina)
Pteroglossus castanotis Chestnut-eared Aracari
castanotis Gould, 1834 vS Colombia, E Ecuador, E Peru, W Amazonian Brazil (east to lower R. Negro and R. Madeira)
australis Cassin, 1867 vE Bolivia, SC and SE Brazil (Rondônia to Goiás, SW Minas Gerais, NW Rio Grande do Sul), E Paraguay, NE Argentina (Misiones)
Pteroglossus pluricinctus 73  Gould, 1835 Many-banded Aracariα
vSW and S Venezuela to E Ecuador, NE Peru, NW and N Brazil (NW Amazonas; N Roraima) [Gould, 1835 #13834]
Pteroglossus azara74 Ivory-billed Aracari
flavirostris Fraser, 184175 vE Ecuador, NE Peru (north of R. Marañón), S and E Colombia, C and S Venezuela, NW Brazil (north of R. Amazon, east to R. Branco)
azara (Vieillot, 1819) iN Brazil (between lower R. Negro and R. Amazon)
mariae Gould, 1854 iE Peru (south of R. Marañón), NW Bolivia, W Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to R. Madeira)
Pteroglossus beauharnaesii   Wagler, 1832 Curl-crested Aracari
iE Peru (south of R. Marañón), NW and C Bolivia, W Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east to R. Madeira and N Mato Grosso)
Pteroglossus bitorquatus Red-necked Aracari
sturmii Natterer, 1842 iE Bolivia (E Beni, NE Santa Cruz), C Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, R. Madeira to R. Tapajós)
reichenowi E. Snethlage, 1907 iE Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, R. Tapajós to R. Tocantins)
bitorquatus Vigors, 1826 vNE Amazonian Brazil (south of R. Amazon, east of R. Tocantins, Ilha de Marajó)
TRACHYPHONUS Ranzani, 1821 M - Trachyphonus vaillantii Ranzani, 1821; type by monotypy  
Trachyphonus vaillantii Crested Barbet
suahelicus Reichenow, 1887 vAngola, SE DR Congo and Tanzania to N Botswana and C Zimbabwe
vaillantii Ranzani, 182176 iE Botswana, S Zimbabwe, S Mozambique and N, C and E South Africa
Trachyphonus erythrocephalus Red-and-yellow Barbet
shelleyi Hartlaub, 1886 iE Ethiopia, N Somalia
versicolor Hartlaub, 188277,78 αiSE South Sudan, S Ethiopia, NE Uganda, N Kenya [Hartlaub, 1882 #6454]
erythrocephalus Cabanis, 1878 vS Kenya, N Tanzania
Trachyphonus margaritatus79 Yellow-breasted Barbet
margaritatus (Cretzschmar, 1828)80 αvC Mali to Sudan, N Ethiopia and Eritrea
somalicus von Zedlitz, 1910 vE Ethiopia to N Somalia
Trachyphonus darnaudii D'Arnaud's Barbet
darnaudii (Prévost & Des Murs, 1847)81 iS South Sudan and SW Ethiopia to WC Kenya
boehmi G.A. Fischer & Reichenow, 1884 iE Ethiopia to S Somalia, E Kenya, NE Tanzania
usambiro Neumann, 190882 iSW Kenya to NW Tanzania
emini Reichenow, 1891 iC and E Tanzania
BUCCANODON G.R. Gray, 1855 M - Barbatula formosa Verreaux, 1855; type by monotypy = Barbatula duchaillui Cassin, 1855  84
Buccanodon duchaillui 85  (Cassin, 1855) Yellow-spotted Barbetα
iSierra Leone to SW Ghana; S Nigeria to Gabon, Uganda and W Kenya
CRYPTOLYBIA Clancey, 1979 F - Barbatula olivacea Shelley, 1880; type by original designation and monotypy  86
Cryptolybia olivacea Green Barbet
olivacea (Shelley, 1880)87 vSE Kenya, NE Tanzania
howelli (Jensen & Stuart, 1982) iEC Tanzania (E Udzungwa Mts., Mahenge) [Jensen, 1982 #2114]
woodwardi (Shelley, 1895)88 iSE Tanzania (Rondo), E South Africa (E KwaZulu-Natal)
rungweensis (Benson, 1948) vSW Tanzania, N Malawi [Benson, 1948 #259]
belcheri (W.L. Sclater, 1927) iS Malawi, NW Mozambique
GYMNOBUCCO Bonaparte, 1850 M - Bucco calvus Lafresnaye, 1841; type by monotypy  
Gymnobucco bonapartei Grey-throated Barbet
bonapartei Hartlaub, 1854 iSW Cameroon and Gabon to C DR Congo
cinereiceps Sharpe, 189189 iS South Sudan, NE and E DR Congo to Uganda and W Kenya
Gymnobucco sladeni   Ogilvie-Grant, 1907 Sladen's Barbet
iN, C and E DR Congo, Central African Republic
Gymnobucco peli   Hartlaub, 1857 Bristle-nosed Barbet
iSierra Leone to SW Ghana; S Nigeria to W DR Congo
Gymnobucco calvus Naked-faced Barbet
calvus (Lafresnaye, 1841)90 vGuinea to Cameroon and Gabon
congicus Chapin, 1932 vW DR Congo, NW Angola
vernayi Boulton, 1931 iWC Angola
STACTOLAEMA C.H.T. & G.F.L. Marshall, 1870 F - Buccanodon anchietae Bocage, 1869; type by original designation and monotypy  
Stactolaema leucotis91,92 White-eared Barbet
kilimensis (Shelley, 1889)93 vC and SE Kenya, NE Tanzania, N Mozambique
leucogrammica (Reichenow, 1915) vEC Tanzania
leucotis (Sundevall, 1850)94 vMozambique to S Malawi, E Zimbabwe and E South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal)
Stactolaema whytii Whyte's Barbet
buttoni (C.M.N. White, 1945) iNW Zambia
stresemanni (Grote, 1934) iSW Tanzania, NE Zambia
terminata (Clancey, 1956) vSC Tanzania (Iringa) [Clancey, 1956 #789]
angoniensis (Benson, 1964) vW Malawi, E Zambia [Benson, 1964 #263]
whytii (Shelley, 1893)95 iS Tanzania, S Malawi
sowerbyi Sharpe, 189896 iE and NE Zimbabwe, NW Mozambique (Tete)
Stactolaema anchietae97 Anchieta's Barbet
katangae (Vincent, 1934) iNE Angola, SE DR Congo, N Zambia
anchietae (Bocage, 1869) iSC Angola to W Zambia
rex (Neumann, 1908) iWC Angola
POGONIULUS Lafresnaye, 1842 M - Le Barbion mâle Levaillant; type by original designation = Bucco pusillus C. Dumont, 1816  
Pogoniulus scolopaceus Speckled Tinkerbird
scolopaceus (Bonaparte, 1850) vGuinea to SE Nigeria
stellatus (Jardine & Fraser, 1852) vBioko
flavisquamatus (J. & E. Verreaux, 1855)98 vCameroon to W Kenya to N Angola
Pogoniulus simplex 99,100  (G.A. Fischer & Reichenow, 1884) Eastern Green Tinkerbird
iCoastal Kenya, NE Tanzania, E Mozambique to SE Malawi
Pogoniulus leucomystax Moustached Green Tinkerbird
meridionalis (Ripley & Heinrich, 1969)101 vS Tanzania to W Malawi [Ripley, 1969 #3323]
leucomystax (Sharpe, 1892)102 W Kenya to NE Tanzania
Pogoniulus coryphaea Western Green Tinkerbird
coryphaea (Reichenow, 1892) SE Nigeria, SW Cameroon
hildamariae (W.L. Sclater, 1938)103 αiE DR Congo, Rwanda, SW Uganda
angolensis (Boulton, 1931) vW Angola
Pogoniulus atroflavus 104  (Sparrman, 1798) Red-rumped Tinkerbird
vS Senegal to S Nigeria, Gabon, W, C and NE DR Congo and W Uganda
Pogoniulus subsulphureus Yellow-throated Tinkerbird
chrysopygus (Shelley, 1889) vGuinea to Ghana
flavimentum (J. & E. Verreaux, 1851) iS Nigeria to Gabon, W, C and NE DR Congo and Uganda
subsulphureus (Fraser, 1843) vBioko
Pogoniulus bilineatus Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
leucolaimus (J. & E. Verreaux, 1851)105 vGambia to S Nigeria, S South Sudan and C Uganda south to N Angola and SE DR Congo
poensis (Alexander, 1908) vBioko
mfumbiri (Ogilvie-Grant, 1907) iSW Uganda, E DR Congo, and SW Tanzania to N Zambia
jacksoni (Sharpe, 1897)106 iC and W Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, NW Tanzania
fischeri (Reichenow, 1880)107 iCoastal Kenya, NE Tanzania, Zanzibar
bilineatus (Sundevall, 1850)108 vE Tanzania to Malawi, Mozambique and E South Africa
Pogoniulus pusillus109 Red-fronted Tinkerbird
uropygialis (von Heuglin, 1862) vC Ethiopia to Eritrea and N Somalia
affinis (Reichenow, 1879)110 vS Ethiopia and S Somalia to N Tanzania
pusillus (C. Dumont, 1816)111 vS Mozambique, SE South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal to Eastern Cape)
Pogoniulus chrysoconus Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird
chrysoconus (Temminck, 1832)112 iSenegal to C and S Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, NW Tanzania and W Kenya
xanthostictus (Blundell & Lovat, 1899)113 vSW and C Ethiopia
extoni (E.L. Layard, 1871)114 iAngola to S Tanzania, Mozambique, N and E Botswana and NE South Africa
TRICHOLAEMA J. & E. Verreaux, 1855 F - Tricholaema flavipunctata J. & E. Verreaux, 1855; type by monotypy  
Tricholaema hirsuta Hairy-breasted Barbet
hirsuta (Swainson, 1821) vSierra Leone to Togo
flavipunctata J. & E. Verreaux, 1855115 vBenin, S Nigeria, Cameroon, N and C Gabon
angolensis Neumann, 1908 vS Gabon to W and S DR Congo, N Angola
ansorgii Shelley, 1895 iE Cameroon to E DR Congo, Uganda, W Kenya
Tricholaema diademata Red-fronted Barbet
diademata (von Heuglin, 1861) vSouth Sudan, Ethiopia, NW Somalia, to N Uganda, W and C Kenya
massaica (Reichenow, 1887) vS Kenya to C and SW Tanzania
Tricholaema frontata   (Cabanis, 1880) Miombo Pied Barbet
vAngola to Malawi
Tricholaema leucomelas116 Acacia Pied Barbet
centralis (Roberts, 1932)117 vW and S Angola, Botswana, SW Zambia and W Zimbabwe to NW and N South Africa
affinis (Shelley, 1880)118 vE Zimbabwe, E and SE South Africa
leucomelas (Boddaert, 1783)119,120 δiW and S South Africa
Tricholaema lacrymosa Spot-flanked Barbet
lacrymosa Cabanis, 1878121 vN and C Uganda to C and SE Kenya, NE Tanzania
radcliffei Ogilvie-Grant, 1904 iE DR Congo and S Uganda to Rwanda, W Tanzania and SW Kenya
ruahae Neumann, 1908 C and S Tanzania, NE Zambia
Tricholaema melanocephala Black-throated Barbet
melanocephala (Cretzschmar, 1829) αvEritrea to C Ethiopia, NW Somalia
blandi Lort Phillips, 1897 iN Somalia
stigmatothorax Cabanis, 1878 iS Ethiopia, S Somalia to NE Tanzania
flavibuccalis Reichenow, 1893 vN Tanzania
LYBIUS Hermann, 1783 M - Lybius guifsobalito Hermann, 1783; type by original designation and monotypy  
Lybius undatus Banded Barbet
thiogaster Neumann, 1903 iEritrea and NE Ethiopia
undatus (Rüppell, 1837)122 vNW to C Ethiopia
leucogenys (Blundell & Lovat, 1899) iW and SW Ethiopia
salvadorii Neumann, 1903123,124 δiSE Ethiopia
Lybius vieilloti Vieillot's Barbet
buchanani E. Hartert, 1924 iMali east to Chad
rubescens (Temminck, 1823) iSenegal to N Cameroon and N DR Congo
vieilloti (Leach, 1815) iC and S Sudan to NE DR Congo and N Eritrea
Lybius leucocephalus125 White-headed Barbet
adamauae Reichenow, 1921 iN Nigeria to S Chad, W Central African Republic
leucocephalus (Defilippi, 1853) vSouth Sudan, NE DR Congo, Uganda, S Kenya
senex (Reichenow, 1887) iC and SE Kenya
albicauda (Shelley, 1881)126,127 iSW Kenya, N Tanzania
lynesi C.H.B. Grant & Mackworth-Praed, 1938 iC and SC Tanzania
leucogaster (Bocage, 1877) iSW Angola
Lybius chaplini   Stephenson Clarke, 1920 Chaplin's Barbet
iS Zambia
Lybius rubrifacies   (Reichenow, 1892) Red-faced Barbet
iS Uganda, E Rwanda and NW Tanzania
Lybius guifsobalito 128  Hermann, 1783 Black-billed Barbet
iEthiopia, SE Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, NE DR Congo, W Kenya
Lybius torquatus Black-collared Barbet
zombae (Shelley, 1893)129 iS Malawi, C and N Mozambique, S Tanzania
pumilio Grote, 1927 iE DR Congo to Burundi, W Tanzania
irroratus (Cabanis, 1878) vE Kenya, NE Tanzania
congicus (Reichenow, 1898) vN Angola, SE DR Congo, SW Tanzania
vivacens Clancey, 1977 iSC and W Mozambique to NE Zimbabwe [Clancey, 1977 #881]
bocagei (de Sousa, 1886) iSW Angola to N Botswana, SW Zambia, W Zimbabwe [de Sousa, 1886 #1150]
torquatus (C. Dumont, 1816) vSE Botswana to E and S South Africa
lucidiventris Clancey, 1956130 vN Botswana, Zambia, N Malawi, W Zimbabwe, S Mozambique to SE South Africa [Clancey, 1956 #790]
POGONORNIS Billberg, 1828 M - Bucco dubius J.F. Gmelin, 1788; type by monotypy  131
Pogonornis melanopterus 132  (W. Peters, 1854) Brown-breasted Barbet
vS Somalia to Malawi, N Mozambique
Pogonornis minor Black-backed Barbet
minor (Cuvier, 1816)133 αvS Gabon to SW DR Congo, NW Angola
macclounii (Shelley, 1899) iS and SE DR Congo, NE Angola, N Zambia, W Tanzania, NW Malawi
Pogonornis bidentatus Double-toothed Barbet
bidentatus (Shaw, 1799)134 αvGuinea to Cameroon and N Angola
aequatorialis (Shelley, 1889)135 vN and E DR Congo to Uganda and W Kenya, C Ethiopia
Pogonornis dubius 136  (J.F. Gmelin, 1788) Bearded Barbet
vSenegal to N Cameroon and N Central African Republic
Pogonornis rolleti   (Defilippi, 1853) Black-breasted Barbet
S Chad, N Central African Republic, SW Sudan, South Sudan.
TRACHYLAEMUS Reichenow, 1892 M - Trachylaemus purpuratus J. & E. Verreaux, 1851; type by subsequent designation (Reichenow, 1903, Die Vögel Afrikas, 3, p. 159)137
Trachylaemus purpuratus Yellow-billed Barbet
goffinii (Goffin, 1863)138 iGuinea to Ghana
togoensis Reichenow, 1891 vTogo to SW Nigeria
purpuratus (J. & E. Verreaux, 1851) vSE Nigeria to N and C DR Congo and NW Angola
elgonensis (Sharpe, 1891) vNE DR Congo, S South Sudan, Uganda and W Kenya

1 Subfamilies and tribes based on Moyle (2004) [Moyle, 2004 #2737].
2 Moyle (2004) [Moyle, 2004 #2737] found Psilopogon nested within Megalaima as sister to M. virens; the name Psilopogon has precedence and must be used.
3 Includes kangrae; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
4 Includes rana Ripley, 1950 [Ripley, 1950 #3300], see Ali & Ripley (1983) [Ali, 1983 #47]; and kutru Mukherjee, 1952 [Mukherjee, 1952 #2740], see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
5 Includes billitonis, see Voous (1961) [Voous, 1961 #4059]; as well as borneensis and malayensis, see Mees (1986) [Mees, 1986 #2631].
6 Includes humii; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #3628].
7 For separation of this and P. nuchalis from P. oorti see Collar (2006) [Collar, 2006 #9514].
8 Includes erythristic rubescens; see Ripley (1982) [Ripley, 1982 #3332].
9 Treated as a form of P. asiaticus by Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014], but Smythies (1957) [Smythies, 1957 #3666] treated it as a distinct species.
10 Includes hebereri; see Mees (1996) [Mees, 1996 #2638].
11 For separation from P. rubricapillus see Rasmussen & Anderton (2005) [Rasmussen, 2005 #4749].
12 Correct original spelling. Invariable; noun phrase in apposition. Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014] mistakenly treated it as variable.
13 Recognition of Philippine subspecies follows Dickinson et al. (1991) [Dickinson, 1991 #1361].
14 Correct original spelling. Invariable; noun phrase in apposition. Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014] mistakenly treated the name as variable.
15 Basal position in family suggested by Moyle (2004) [Moyle, 2004 #2737] requires corroboration.
16 Correct original spelling. Spelling Calorhamphus in Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014] and Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
17 Includes detersus Deignan, 1960 [Deignan, 1960 #1242]; see Wells (1999) [Wells, 1999 #4118]. But see Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
18 Composition and sequence of genera and species derived from Armenta et al. (2005) [Armenta, 2005 #9752].
19 Forms a superspecies with C. squamatus; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
20 Includes pirrensis and melas; see Wetmore (1968) [Wetmore, 1968 #4151].
21 For treatment as a separate species from C. niger see Haffer (1997) [Haffer, 1997 #1872].
22 Haffer (1997) [Haffer, 1997 #1872] treated C. niger, C. brunneipectus and C. auratus as forming a superspecies; but see also Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
23 For treatment as a separate species from C. niger see Haffer (1997) [Haffer, 1997 #1872]; but see also Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
24 Includes intermedius; see Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
25 Includes transilens; see Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
26 Includes novaoolindae and arimae; see Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
27 The prior name bolivianus is not given precedence by Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185] apparently being thought aberrant. Needs review.
28 Includes coccineus; see Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
29 For recognition see Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
30 Treated as a subspecies of E. bourcierii by Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014] but see Traylor (1951) [Traylor, 1951 #14267].
31 Composition and sequence of genera derived from Weckstein (2004) [Weckstein, 2004 #4098].
32 Frequently treated as a separate species, but see Short & Horne (2001, 2002) [Short, 2001 #3627] [Short, 2002 #12185].
33 For recognition see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870] but see also Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
34 Considered to form a superspecies with R. ambiguus by Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870].
35 Includes R. aurantiirostris, treated as a species by Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014]; see Pinto (1938) [Pinto, 1938 #12451] and Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870]. Also includes oblitus; see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870], Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185].
36 This and inca each formerly treated as separate species, but see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870] and Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
37 Formerly considered a subspecies of R. ambiguus, but see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185] and Patané et al. (2009) [Patané, 2009 #11991].
38 Formerly treated as a separate species, but see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870].
39 Proposed subspecies pintoi and theresae represent intergrades between this and ariel (Short & Horne 2002) [Short, 2002 #12185].
40 Forms a superspecies with R. sulfuratus, R. brevis and R. vitellinus; see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870].
41 The generic name Aulacoramphus Gray, 1840 was proposed as a nomen novum for this; thus Art. 51.3.3 of the Code (I.C.Z.N. 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059] applies, and, for names used here introduced in combination with that name, parentheses round author and date are not applicable.
42 Species sequence derived from Bonaccorso et al. (2011) [Bonaccorso, 2011 #12773].
43 Several subspecies may merit species rank; see Ridgely & Greenfield (2001) [Ridgely, 2001 #3274], Navarro-Sigüenza et al. (2002) [Navarro-Sigüenza, 2002 #2753], and Puebla-Olivares et al. (2008) [Puebla-Olivares, 2008 #12075], but see also Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
44 For corrected and earlier source of publication, see cross reference in range statement.
45 Includes stenorhabdus; see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870].
46 Includes maxillaris; see Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
47 First published in The Zoologist, April, 1853; see Richmond (1992) [Richmond, 1992 #8978].
48 Diagnosability questioned by Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185].
49 Forms a superspecies with A. huallagae and A. coeruleicinctis; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185].
50 Forms a superspecies with A. derbianus and A. whitelianus; see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870].
51 For treatment as a subspecies of A. sulcatus see Schwartz (1972) [Schwartz, 1972 #14235] and Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
52 Includes nigrirostris Traylor, 1951 [Traylor, 1951 #3859]; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185].
53 For treatment as a separate species from A. sulcatus see Bonaccorso et al. (2011) [Bonaccorso, 2011 #12773].
54 Spelling whitleyanus in Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185] is an ISS.
55 Forms a superspecies with A. cucullata and A. laminirostris; see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870].
56 The species in Selenidera are generally considered to form a superspecies (Haffer 1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870]; but see also Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
57 For views on this name and its use in place of culik see Pacheco & Whitney (2006) [Pacheco, 2006 #9423], Walters (2007) [Walters, 2007 #9434] and Piacentini et al. (2010) [Piacentini, 2010 #12365].
58 For treatment as a subspecies of S. reinwardtii see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185].
59 For treatment as a separate species from S. maculirostris see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870].
60 Includes hellmayri and baturitensis Pinto & Camargo, 1961 [Pinto, 1961 #3088]; see Novaes & Lima (1991) [Novaes, 1991 #2787] and Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
61 Probably forms a superspecies with S. reinwardtii and S. gouldii; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185].
62 For correct source of this name see cross-reference with range statement.
63 Composition and species sequence derived from Eberhard & Bermingham (2005) [Eberhard, 2005 #1471], Pereira & Wajntal (2008) [Pereira, 2008 #11749], Patel et al. (2011) [Patel, 2011 #12553], whose data refuted many previous superspecies designations in this genus.
64 Pteroglossus olallae, treated as a species by Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014], is generally regarded as a hybrid; see Zimmer & Mayr (1943) [Zimmer, 1943 #4455] and Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
65 Formerly placed in the monotypic genus Baillonius or in Andigena, but see Kimura et al. (2004) [Kimura, 2004 #2217] and Eberhard & Bermingham (2005) [Eberhard, 2005 #1471].
66 For treatment as a separate species from P. inscriptus see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870], who also treated them as forming a superspecies.
67 Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014] treated this as a subspecies of P. viridis, but see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870] and Pereira & Wajntal (2008) [Pereira, 2008 #11749]. Includes didymus; see Friedmann (1958) [Friedmann, 1958 #14264].
68 The subspecies frantzii, erythropygius, and sanguineus have each been treated as separate species, e.g. in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533], but see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870] and Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
69 Includes pectoralis; see Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627].
70 Includes roraimae; see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870].
71 Treated as synonym of nominate aracari by Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014]. For recognition see Short & Horne (2001) [Short, 2001 #3627], who used the used the name vergens; however, wiedii has priority.
72 For accreditation of name to both authors see Zimmer (1926) [Zimmer, 1926 #4296].
73 For correct source of publication, see cross-reference with range statement.
74 The correct species name is azara, not flavirostris as in Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014] and elsewhere; see Sibley & Monroe (1990) [Sibley, 1990 #3636].
75 For treatment of this and mariae as subspecies of P. azara see Haffer (1974) [Haffer, 1974 #1870] and Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #12185].
76 Includes nobilis; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
77 Includes gallarum and jacksoni; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
78 Source of publication earlier than that cited by Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014]; for correct citation refer to cross reference in range statement.
79 Forms a superspecies with T. erythrocephalus; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
80 Includes kingi and berberensis; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
81 Includes zedlitzi; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
82 Previously treated at specific level following Wickler (1973) [Wickler, 1973 #4212], but see Dowsett & Dowsett-Lemaire (1993) [Dowsett, 1993 #1417].
83 Here we follow Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
84 For evidence of the rare tract in which this name appeared, cross-referenced from our name string; see Sclater (1929) [Sclater, 1929 #11558].
85 Includes bannermani Serle, 1949 [Serle, 1949 #3572], see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191]; and gabriellae, see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #3628].
86 This monotypic genus used due to the paraphyly of Stactolaema shown by Moyle (2004) [Moyle, 2004 #2737].
87 Implicitly includes ulugurensis Ripley & Heinrich, 1969 [Ripley, 1969 #3323]; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #3628].
88 Includes hylophona Clancey, 1979 [Clancey, 1979 #896]; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #3628].
89 Includes intermedius; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
90 Includes major; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
91 Barbatula Bocagei Sousa, 1886 erroneously attached to this species by Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014] rather than to Lybius torquatus, see Grant & Mackworth-Praed (1956) [Grant, 1956 #13824].
92 Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014] employed the name Smilorhis; but see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
93 Includes kenyae; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
94 Includes rufopectoralis Irwin, 1957 [Irwin, 1957 #2076]; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
95 Includes euroum Clancey, 1956 [Clancey, 1956 #789]; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
96 Includes irwini Benson, 1956 [Benson, 1956 #260]; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
97 Forms a superspecies with S. whytii; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
98 Includes aloysii and flavior; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
99 Includes hylodytes Clancey, 1984 [Clancey, 1984 #921]; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #3628].
100 Forms a superspecies with P. leucomystax and P. coryphaeus; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
101 For recognition see Dowsett-Lemaire & Dowsett (2006) [Dowsett-Lemaire, 2006 #13615]. Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #3628] ignored this name.
102 Includes chyulu; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #3628].
103 For reasons to set aside the earlier usage of this name by Mathews (1934) [Mathews, 1934 #13696] see Opinion 138 (I.C.Z.N., 1928) [I.C.Z.N., 1928 #11587].
104 Implictly includes vividus Clancey, 1984 [Clancey, 1984 #920]; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
105 Includes sharpei and nyansae; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
106 Includes alius; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
107 Includes conciliator and pallidus Ripley & Bond, 1971 [Ripley, 1971 #3325]; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
108 Includes riparium Clancey, 1952 [Clancey, 1952 #782]; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191]. Also includes oreonesus Clancey, 1971 [Clancey, 1971 #851] and deceptor Clancey, 1972 [Clancey, 1972 #861]; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437]. And includes makawai Benson & Irwin, 1965 [Benson, 1965 #265]; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #3628].
109 Forms a superspecies with P. chrysoconus; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
110 Includes eupterus; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
111 Includes niethammeri Clancey, 1952 [Clancey, 1952 #782]; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
112 Includes zedlitzi, centralis and schubotzi; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
113 Includes schoana; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
114 Includes rhodesiae, mayri and dryas Clancey & Lawson, 1961 [Clancey, 1961 #807]; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
115 Implicitly includes hybrida; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #2628].
116 Forms a superspecies with T. diademata and T. frontata; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
117 Includes nkatiensis; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
118 Includes zuluensis; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
119 Includes namaqua; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
120 Correct original spelling. Invariable. Peters (1948) [Peters, 1948 #3014], using leucomelan, wrongly applied gender agreement. See Dowsett (1989) [Dowsett, 1989 #1415] and Art. 31.2.3. of the Code (I.C.Z.N., 1999) [I.C.Z.N., 1999 #2059].
121 Includes narokensis; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
122 Includes squamatus; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
123 For recognition see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
124 Correct original spelling. Spelling salvadori in Dickinson (2003) [Dickinson, 2003 #9533] an ISS.
125 Forms a superspecies with L. chaplini; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
126 Includes pareensis Ripley & Heinrich, 1966 [Ripley, 1966 #3320]; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
127 The name usukumae is attached to intergrades between albicauda and lynesi; see Short & Horne (2002) [Short, 2002 #3628].
128 Includes ugandae; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
129 Includes albigularis and nampunju Williams, 1966 [Williams, 1966 #4219], considered to be colour morphs; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
130 For recognition see Chittenden in Hockey et al. (2005) [Hockey, 2005 #12724].
131 This generic name is used for these species in view of the paraphyly of Lybius shown by Moyle (2004) [Moyle, 2004 #2737].
132 Includes didymus; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
133 Includes intercedens; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
134 Includes friedmanni; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
135 Includes aethiops; see White (1965) [White, 1965 #4191].
136 Forms a superspecies with P. rolleti; see Short & Horne (1988) [Short, 1988 #4437].
137 We use this genus following Zimmermann et al. (1996) [Zimmerman, 1996 #4328].
138 For corrected authorship see van den Hoek Ostende et al. (1997) [van den Hoek Ostende, 1997 #3915].